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# Switch RNAseq Data
# PI: Mary Ann Moran (University of Georgia)
# Version: 29 November 2017
# Note: Transcript counts are reported in TPM (transcripts per million). This is the number of transcript
#       reads mapped to an individual gene for every million transcripts mapped to the entire genome.
Locus_Tag        Description                                                                                                                    Day7_R1      Day7_R2      Day9_R1      Day9_R2      Day12_R1     Day12_R2     Day15_R1     Day15_R2     Day18_R1     Day18_R2     Day23_R1     Day23_R2     Day30_R1     Day30_R2     Day37_R1     Day37_R2     
Locus_Tag        Description                                                                                                                    R1           R2           R1           R2           R1           R2           R1           R2           R1           R2           R1           R2           R1           R2           R1           R2           
SPO_SprnpB1      RNAse_P                                                                                                                        111773.963   88864.288    153307.961   154513.866   165528.294   188361.443   35433.739    101962.799   164760.382   103171.415   151537.212   181077.149   142410.747   164056.752   120089.504   148884.523   
SPO_SptmRNA1     transfer-messenger_RNA                                                                                                         110105.360   124566.572   190065.677   205291.273   182634.013   221881.812   83974.229    158775.753   207983.304   165702.293   296910.101   304232.273   235220.838   322793.721   209729.212   312411.787   
SPO_tRNA-Ala-1   Ala_tRNA                                                                                                                       0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO_tRNA-Ala-2   Ala_tRNA                                                                                                                       0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO_tRNA-Ala-3   Ala_tRNA                                                                                                                       551.475      883.035      1446.884     1463.636     2681.960     2617.406     485.281      1504.709     1165.725     628.663      971.452      901.141      693.399      1384.621     942.568      870.386      
SPO_tRNA-Ala-4   Ala_tRNA                                                                                                                       0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO_tRNA-Arg-2   Arg_tRNA                                                                                                                       70.874       53.001       98.489       53.111       201.048      107.217      0.000        29.313       84.780       50.653       106.537      78.811       83.803       95.347       107.345      104.317      
SPO_tRNA-Arg-3   Arg_tRNA                                                                                                                       501.789      747.899      1247.530     1242.805     3404.410     2011.591     2136.983     2618.585     2119.500     2228.728     1324.106     861.292      928.821      1175.945     1258.327     920.445      
SPO_tRNA-Arg-4   Arg_tRNA                                                                                                                       260.817      718.454      246.223      276.179      589.740      1021.112     36.845       244.271      375.454      50.653       1156.690     709.299      649.476      826.340      411.491      147.271      
SPO_tRNA-Arg-5   Arg_tRNA                                                                                                                       14.175       41.223       65.659       31.867       40.210       71.478       0.000        9.771        84.780       0.000        45.659       56.294       20.951       95.347       17.891       67.499       
SPO_tRNA-Asn-1   Asn_tRNA                                                                                                                       8.732        48.368       539.283      207.205      584.826      424.578      37.827       401.256      497.376      195.014      229.173      161.825      193.586      287.142      177.557      359.096      
SPO_tRNA-Asn-2   Asn_tRNA                                                                                                                       224.113      247.886      2409.921     1984.806     7265.600     1918.466     2458.758     6058.962     3730.321     897.063      1494.836     1774.298     1376.610     1226.882     2204.159     2078.979     
SPO_tRNA-Asp-1   Asp_tRNA                                                                                                                       442.254      1224.905     5679.544     8827.102     15071.885    6325.790     221.067      3302.543     8732.341     1836.168     1856.792     3844.850     1452.592     6566.223     5194.325     7081.294     
SPO_tRNA-Asp-2   Asp_tRNA                                                                                                                       243.807      459.339      3365.047     3632.815     7029.972     2705.947     184.223      2090.959     3282.198     1886.821     1192.203     1142.759     845.017      2269.256     2129.017     2387.022     
SPO_tRNA-Cys-2   Cys_tRNA                                                                                                                       64.898       104.171      529.490      287.375      711.275      504.692      2376.970     1514.876     630.122      1014.598     622.907      363.170      472.338      165.354      229.600      357.564      
SPO_tRNA-Gln-1   Gln_tRNA                                                                                                                       31.595       77.564       0.000        0.000        0.000        20.691       0.000        0.000        0.000        12.830       10.280       45.627       14.151       0.000        6.042        18.651       
SPO_tRNA-Gln-2   Gln_tRNA                                                                                                                       1697.510     3198.018     4490.330     4229.478     7149.631     5452.068     298.635      2059.076     3374.468     628.663      4810.998     1967.682     2292.463     2047.951     2265.789     957.425      
SPO_tRNA-Glu-2   Glu_tRNA                                                                                                                       0.000        42.322       0.000        87.244       309.614      110.076      37.827       541.695      261.122      234.016      93.753       80.913       121.887      182.727      251.029      107.099      
SPO_tRNA-Glu-3   Glu_tRNA                                                                                                                       26.195       36.276       101.116      21.811       192.648      52.417       75.654       210.659      211.385      52.004       52.085       69.354       50.189       52.208       91.840       88.199       
SPO_tRNA-Gly-2   Gly_tRNA                                                                                                                       37.837       126.966      202.231      152.677      309.614      377.403      0.000        371.162      323.294      143.010      229.173      294.753      157.737      254.513      244.907      251.998      
SPO_tRNA-Gly-3   Gly_tRNA                                                                                                                       454.048      737.612      2645.857     3173.508     4190.105     2898.665     2458.758     1635.117     3145.904     1339.094     901.068      1138.556     573.587      3439.184     1622.506     2526.275     
SPO_tRNA-Gly-4   Gly_tRNA                                                                                                                       291.056      519.956      1769.523     1319.569     3275.024     1373.328     340.443      1093.422     1032.055     247.017      505.223      497.035      415.851      900.583      887.786      894.591      
SPO_tRNA-Gly-5   Gly_tRNA                                                                                                                       93.138       145.104      235.936      130.866      220.170      309.261      113.481      230.722      136.778      13.001       380.220      132.928      193.586      326.298      128.576      100.799      
SPO_tRNA-Gly-6   Gly_tRNA                                                                                                                       119.333      405.082      151.673      643.426      295.853      492.721      75.654       300.942      198.950      169.012      359.386      410.343      401.511      1252.985     391.851      434.696      
SPO_tRNA-His-1   His_tRNA                                                                                                                       42.524       70.668       147.734      212.445      422.200      245.067      73.689       459.229      290.674      63.316       111.610      90.070       55.869       177.981      190.836      153.408      
SPO_tRNA-Ile-1   Ile_tRNA                                                                                                                       0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO_tRNA-Ile-2   Ile_tRNA                                                                                                                       0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO_tRNA-Ile-3   Ile_tRNA                                                                                                                       0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO_tRNA-Leu-2   Leu_tRNA                                                                                                                       220.801      265.816      566.596      2049.487     1144.740     1093.529     97.829       475.626      814.668      201.738      246.954      194.310      216.331      731.358      448.643      282.411      
SPO_tRNA-Leu-3   Leu_tRNA                                                                                                                       536.949      609.812      2353.552     2707.579     2680.946     4166.255     326.095      2187.882     1897.318     638.838      1683.778     1165.859     784.974      843.875      659.770      624.563      
SPO_tRNA-Leu-4   Leu_tRNA                                                                                                                       95.346       297.088      479.427      1015.342     533.817      673.289      0.000        172.955      267.983      112.077      143.682      134.522      179.246      354.427      269.186      217.239      
SPO_tRNA-Leu-5   Leu_tRNA                                                                                                                       115.419      182.423      392.259      338.447      344.015      257.567      32.610       432.388      364.457      369.854      570.240      602.859      556.281      765.113      775.889      651.718      
SPO_tRNA-Leu-6   Leu_tRNA                                                                                                                       2870.418     9214.944     7104.241     25515.169    8119.944     21445.822    97.829       1660.369     9047.099     212.946      5841.589     5709.720     2935.927     11814.248    5098.701     6348.816     
SPO_tRNA-Lys-2   Lys_tRNA                                                                                                                       921.998      1062.028     5920.583     5187.299     17863.893    5343.440     137782.536   43864.252    15191.240    22093.003    4872.677     4722.438     5066.060     5718.807     6960.502     6739.275     
SPO_tRNA-Met-2   Met_tRNA                                                                                                                       17.234       35.799       99.785       64.572       81.477       87.937       74.659       39.598       49.083       38.490       46.260       5.703        28.302       25.760       12.084       24.868       
SPO_tRNA-Met-3   Met_tRNA                                                                                                                       0.000        17.667       49.245       95.600       93.822       25.528       73.689       127.021      48.446       25.326       15.220       11.259       34.918       6.356        59.636       36.818       
SPO_tRNA-Met-4   Met_tRNA                                                                                                                       952.548      1018.791     410.372      297.423      1212.989     878.157      368.445      1221.355     1162.697     658.488      2227.136     979.508      1389.739     667.428      715.636      245.452      
SPO_tRNA-Met-5   Met_tRNA                                                                                                                       17.010       47.112       131.319      127.467      268.064      25.528       515.823      527.625      121.114      101.306      101.464      78.811       90.787       50.852       172.945      85.908       
SPO_tRNA-Pro-2   Pro_tRNA                                                                                                                       55.972       81.389       32.409       20.972       0.000        10.080       36.372       9.646        11.956       25.002       30.049       72.243       20.682       6.275        17.662       12.115       
SPO_tRNA-Pro-3   Pro_tRNA                                                                                                                       17.010       41.223       16.415       138.089      227.854      107.217      36.845       234.500      36.334       88.643       60.878       45.035       20.951       101.703      41.745       36.818       
SPO_tRNA-Pro-4   Pro_tRNA                                                                                                                       51.029       147.224      262.638      382.402      891.312      229.750      442.134      762.125      375.454      379.897      187.708      174.510      293.312      298.754      435.345      245.452      
SPO_tRNA-Pro-5   Pro_tRNA                                                                                                                       827.810      824.455      1181.870     1678.318     1916.656     2251.552     147.378      830.521      1138.474     671.151      1379.911     793.739      1340.854     934.400      1389.527     337.497      
SPO_tRNA-Pseudo-2  Xaa_tRNA                                                                                                                       28.586       80.973       1008.146     1606.618     1947.372     1174.705     236.419      743.398      754.946      278.591      241.823      154.807      262.467      833.226      355.333      382.496      
SPO_tRNA-Ser-2   Ser_tRNA                                                                                                                       1023.548     3844.251     6151.197     8551.750     3612.159     11387.614    220.658      1772.213     1398.870     574.207      1940.162     1049.938     1039.627     5780.918     1331.679     2325.727     
SPO_tRNA-Ser-3   Ser_tRNA                                                                                                                       160.081      322.454      2120.618     1908.467     2184.496     2135.997     157.613      911.185      694.254      227.516      407.998      235.995      286.794      560.145      423.484      351.747      
SPO_tRNA-Ser-4   Ser_tRNA                                                                                                                       58.211       40.307       561.753      490.749      619.227      663.950      157.613      259.144      238.326      54.170       99.829       67.427       83.648       87.013       142.862      52.499       
SPO_tRNA-Ser-5   Ser_tRNA                                                                                                                       1176.353     1571.961     6249.504     5343.707     3612.159     4110.374     283.703      1805.651     1471.404     1083.410     2213.607     1083.651     1398.119     3921.018     1979.661     1816.482     
SPO_tRNA-Thr-2   Thr_tRNA                                                                                                                       338.927      590.679      99.785       226.003      774.034      527.619      0.000        197.988      269.957      102.639      914.912      456.274      466.983      502.328      344.400      180.294      
SPO_tRNA-Thr-3   Thr_tRNA                                                                                                                       310.205      519.081      997.851      1097.727     2335.682     1784.595     6084.680     2524.348     2233.284     2694.269     1608.806     809.887      1125.005     1577.824     1244.673     988.510      
SPO_tRNA-Trp-2   Trp_tRNA                                                                                                                       60.318       41.765       116.416      64.572       278.381      315.537      111.988      287.083      282.228      128.299      154.199      142.586      113.208      161.002      132.926      105.690      
SPO_tRNA-Val-2   Val_tRNA                                                                                                                       221.165      369.920      149.678      269.051      651.818      486.238      261.305      524.668      220.874      115.469      478.016      153.993      290.096      386.406      199.389      49.736       
SPO_tRNA-Val-3   Val_tRNA                                                                                                                       1907.185     2320.949     166.309      333.623      1792.500     2348.424     373.293      782.053      834.414      615.833      3176.492     1380.229     1783.027     2138.112     604.210      366.806      
SPO_tRNA-Val-4   Val_tRNA                                                                                                                       1869.846     1813.801     2145.380     1829.545     5472.557     2586.370     1605.161     2029.377     2429.617     679.982      1685.905     969.583      1160.383     1848.308     1734.084     1007.161     
SPO0001          glucose_inhibited_division_protein_A                                                                                           32.054       46.657       37.255       37.696       34.844       25.282       54.734       52.012       33.985       57.480       28.261       20.442       34.869       28.590       47.003       31.905       
SPO0002          glucose-inhibited_division_protein_B                                                                                           18.191       29.637       33.044       21.383       15.177       16.702       18.543       19.669       21.334       22.305       9.574        8.499        16.694       11.197       22.510       18.529       
SPO0003          chromosome_partitioning_protein_ParA                                                                                           76.852       98.502       91.522       56.161       61.845       47.607       92.088       97.684       80.335       108.341      61.448       61.150       84.588       55.605       95.165       58.398       
SPO0004          chromosome_partitioning_protein_parB                                                                                           164.457      166.469      113.869      115.134      59.273       89.428       92.651       85.572       134.426      140.550      87.981       99.091       101.129      84.330       119.971      104.290      
SPO0006          oxygen-independent_coproporphyrinogen_III_oxidase,_putative                                                                    13.230       14.134       15.321       9.206        24.126       11.573       22.107       23.450       20.186       17.729       5.750        6.005        9.311        11.865       22.662       15.136       
SPO0007          non-canonical_purine_NTP_pyrophosphatase,_rdgB/HAM1_family                                                                     35.669       37.788       53.697       40.094       51.434       29.549       32.450       57.779       42.667       33.458       14.042       19.123       20.209       19.994       43.519       31.654       
SPO0008          ribonuclease_PH                                                                                                                51.273       47.832       58.664       44.865       59.513       30.411       27.931       55.025       70.829       28.799       23.625       15.851       27.227       35.108       52.960       22.595       
SPO0009          heat-inducible_transcription_repressor_HrcA                                                                                    135.045      96.924       115.445      98.581       65.110       112.904      117.542      175.691      125.573      184.547      113.292      106.528      174.183      118.444      175.983      145.041      
SPO0010          co-chaperone_GrpE                                                                                                              172.766      193.181      270.362      204.114      293.425      154.869      257.912      274.925      251.015      297.213      137.872      179.256      225.256      259.119      299.585      229.931      
SPO0011          DNA_mismatch_repair_protein_MutS                                                                                               22.568       22.922       38.432       32.953       27.655       22.264       12.940       27.452       27.648       43.361       18.114       13.674       20.847       13.208       20.246       25.681       
SPO0012          NADP-dependent_malic_enzyme                                                                                                    110.745      88.959       94.810       85.313       77.415       59.501       84.368       86.823       95.617       112.525      58.084       64.452       62.295       47.576       77.858       64.803       
SPO0013          ribokinase                                                                                                                     53.695       67.236       81.357       75.211       42.705       57.840       26.088       27.673       41.805       51.555       35.472       40.357       27.196       42.194       47.503       51.594       
SPO0014          methionine-S-sulfoxide_reductase                                                                                               271.542      260.390      45.962       49.571       14.073       53.013       4.299        30.778       33.912       39.889       39.656       65.019       70.069       44.495       100.885      199.021      
SPO0015          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           57.192       41.757       50.820       39.251       37.480       27.534       25.758       27.323       20.563       30.352       53.706       47.225       63.468       47.612       41.691       39.221       
SPO0016          sterol_carrier_family_protein                                                                                                  192.473      182.030      149.499      137.785      212.698      91.589       508.428      361.346      173.814      454.333      182.017      150.701      202.375      208.761      255.111      291.287      
SPO0017          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           62.369       115.162      123.242      127.973      124.033      147.089      77.198       232.019      137.455      201.205      123.126      136.624      162.175      189.786      271.771      309.640      
SPO0018          argininosuccinate_synthase                                                                                                     96.070       110.868      126.703      145.985      183.363      77.216       136.418      175.365      161.130      134.300      55.078       68.181       84.583       86.162       142.962      108.208      
SPO0019          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.646       38.883       50.375       59.269       14.334       36.559       6.853        13.630       30.410       27.085       15.097       9.423        9.092        5.911        5.546        13.696       
SPO0020          threonine_dehydratase                                                                                                          49.579       34.083       34.077       28.066       29.090       58.777       13.907       45.485       35.048       62.933       15.000       14.165       26.799       21.993       24.010       36.286       
SPO0021          Hpt_domain_protein                                                                                                             37.937       130.480      511.339      288.950      22.052       1727.076     16.165       10.717       66.423       69.449       14.468       6.175        1.532        2.789        1.308        12.115       
SPO0022          response_regulator                                                                                                             9.647        19.700       113.613      63.105       15.075       366.920      8.500        12.398       18.861       29.216       6.145        3.572        4.834        4.033        4.472        3.893        
SPO0023          hydrolase,_NUDIX_family                                                                                                        8.732        15.115       11.235       7.270        9.174        17.472       0.000        13.375       8.290        8.667        10.417       5.779        7.170        9.789        4.082        7.350        
SPO0024          chaperonin,_33_kDa                                                                                                             108.923      128.431      108.560      56.869       244.293      95.267       205.960      219.244      159.244      195.413      145.790      162.658      210.037      246.726      308.011      170.060      
SPO0026          polyA_polymerase_family_protein                                                                                                27.476       34.639       21.943       17.750       52.409       13.309       22.164       44.410       17.000       20.314       28.823       34.617       39.677       36.114       41.057       31.172       
SPO0027          ABC_transporter,_transmembrane_ATP-binding_protein                                                                             79.660       81.996       77.103       43.658       65.768       91.858       69.535       62.286       71.620       104.623      86.383       73.188       120.083      87.173       147.814      92.389       
SPO0028          ABC_transporter,_transmembrane_ATP-binding_protein                                                                             58.092       64.920       57.326       47.823       60.626       77.337       51.160       71.946       72.364       116.156      36.716       53.057       57.006       64.992       102.630      91.917       
SPO0029          23S_rRNA_(Uracil-5-)-methyltransferase_rumA                                                                                    31.583       32.622       24.248       19.614       44.549       27.968       9.071        27.063       26.091       25.721       17.799       23.215       23.212       25.040       44.415       28.705       
SPO0030          voltage-gated_sodium_channel                                                                                                   33.280       21.677       76.751       50.723       67.336       56.887       40.320       51.518       42.171       49.131       38.862       42.562       61.833       65.133       75.347       53.720       
SPO0031          ErfK/YbiS/YcfS/YnhG_family_protein                                                                                             232.253      239.907      159.218      131.564      117.005      120.376      274.906      167.676      128.320      209.753      144.596      134.406      120.887      82.523       100.561      141.016      
SPO0033          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         35.900       39.039       16.741       9.028        4.556        17.791       3.131        4.152        3.088        5.381        8.623        3.349        8.309        2.161        1.521        5.215        
SPO0034          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           67.447       65.951       51.015       36.428       34.114       51.432       11.846       43.455       45.428       33.249       10.602       11.462       8.981        12.602       14.060       20.386       
SPO0035          core-2/I-branching_enzyme_family_protein                                                                                       123.920      98.423       79.138       65.843       47.694       110.648      35.526       64.154       60.615       59.307       24.924       30.241       23.728       21.889       29.025       41.136       
SPO0036          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           132.473      128.922      102.850      89.008       49.579       128.345      158.540      95.151       101.487      110.890      45.957       44.621       44.812       35.989       45.920       47.250       
SPO0037          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.309       19.922       26.559       21.092       20.207       22.529       5.419        8.623        14.251       18.626       14.551       9.522        15.408       12.154       14.035       21.210       
SPO0038          3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate_cytidylyltransferase                                                                              51.154       44.890       76.027       48.173       40.092       33.992       24.886       39.598       35.059       51.319       23.986       29.332       29.650       22.694       35.677       37.894       
SPO0039          3'(2'),5'-bisphosphate_nucleotidase                                                                                            56.289       51.904       76.314       61.729       68.154       43.516       17.843       73.816       76.249       66.231       33.413       38.712       46.672       32.014       59.494       42.198       
SPO0040          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              275.864      301.193      111.116      115.846      38.434       216.965      27.712       52.362       140.058      105.960      139.275      106.380      82.729       49.005       82.420       88.268       
SPO0041          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           176.284      172.186      106.415      92.753       29.259       167.519      0.000        15.512       65.697       36.858       53.025       52.879       56.361       50.458       63.120       48.711       
SPO0042          alkylated_DNA_repair_protein,_putative                                                                                         13.965       11.451       17.023       9.639        26.930       17.208       28.657       12.666       21.980       11.491       20.387       21.892       31.685       31.311       33.242       19.091       
SPO0043          chaperone_protein_DnaK                                                                                                         447.208      522.975      410.071      349.679      1031.505     344.990      2908.288     1878.327     1062.390     2089.943     1585.236     1578.014     2721.051     2047.944     2220.307     1438.502     
SPO0044          chaperone_protein_DnaJ                                                                                                         177.231      199.947      213.422      181.043      519.634      212.558      364.867      467.342      318.203      383.885      515.381      507.410      599.369      660.733      690.206      566.746      
SPO0045          phosphomethylpyrimidine_kinase                                                                                                 26.980       28.305       42.605       35.739       27.702       18.159       7.084        35.692       41.914       35.302       36.576       51.950       71.833       35.441       36.117       30.674       
SPO0046a         thiamine_biosynthesis_protein_ThiS                                                                                             1.137        0.000        13.166       8.520        8.063        10.238       0.000        15.674       0.000        10.157       6.104        9.030        11.203       0.000        11.958       4.922        
SPO0047          thiazole_biosynthesis_protein_ThiG                                                                                             4.584        2.975        3.317        4.294        6.772        3.095        7.446        2.962        3.672        8.957        5.639        6.257        8.468        2.569        9.039        3.720        
SPO0048          thiamine-phosphate_pyrophosphorylase                                                                                           10.290       12.978       14.895       8.262        6.950        13.237       0.000        15.199       10.990       29.548       13.810       27.000       21.727       3.296        17.780       21.477       
SPO0050          ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                                         12.618       10.921       9.741        17.335       10.937       9.090        10.933       13.771       21.563       30.060       11.666       17.121       13.987       6.601        11.945       19.574       
SPO0051          TENA/THI-4_family_protein                                                                                                      15.981       12.007       19.688       15.288       18.487       28.780       44.190       36.329       17.431       45.564       34.683       25.657       36.854       25.159       33.617       27.967       
SPO0052          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           7.470        3.448        14.418       4.147        5.886        12.457       3.596        2.861        11.820       12.358       6.931        5.494        8.179        8.064        9.894        11.977       
SPO0053          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              3.666        4.687        4.899        3.170        2.000        7.111        3.665        4.860        2.410        2.520        2.523        1.680        2.084        2.529        3.560        0.610        
SPO0054          DNA_repair_protein_RadC                                                                                                        47.102       157.223      547.333      289.678      13.822       1835.768     8.444        45.903       83.266       88.511       27.903       15.481       16.004       2.913        18.450       18.984       
SPO0055          OmpA_domain_protein                                                                                                            28.797       29.471       60.188       40.001       13.282       15.179       3.651        6.778        17.403       15.059       7.541        5.579        6.575        5.039        4.432        16.419       
SPO0056          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           192.053      212.068      29.364       23.133       13.552       16.678       11.463       12.919       19.782       8.864        29.199       24.519       23.899       17.304       11.132       10.500       
SPO0057          preprotein_translocase,_SecA_subunit                                                                                           100.949      111.391      97.262       103.488      174.298      71.703       418.784      247.723      171.473      183.975      162.296      157.957      252.655      210.591      229.175      148.583      
SPO0058          PPIC-type_PPIASE_domain_protein                                                                                                266.802      233.297      94.643       87.916       133.991      69.320       140.481      162.647      184.714      193.130      221.266      206.260      416.942      366.494      330.535      223.693      
SPO0059          glutamate_N-acetyltransferase/amino-acid_acetyltransferase                                                                     183.337      169.303      82.611       84.865       103.710      59.098       71.853       106.952      112.001      89.222       152.233      160.069      300.501      276.314      236.728      157.112      
SPO0060          mutator_mutT_protein                                                                                                           73.315       68.705       54.260       45.440       33.880       47.652       42.985       79.795       73.005       91.105       81.876       105.081      156.161      156.969      146.109      122.897      
SPO0061          translation_initiation_factor_IF-2                                                                                             342.035      385.569      732.129      621.680      999.292      390.617      1577.637     1094.143     603.106      666.005      287.402      326.869      421.389      384.719      638.847      543.417      
SPO0062          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           118.813      170.135      378.573      296.346      516.023      257.654      497.965      610.607      309.358      268.497      127.696      156.353      238.995      187.582      342.366      330.214      
SPO0063          transcription_termination_factor_NusA                                                                                          165.972      222.953      320.853      303.379      556.084      143.881      606.561      656.862      370.044      292.581      96.997       106.028      149.427      135.405      241.907      188.649      
SPO0065          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                      270.000      239.736      203.713      167.777      91.989       204.964      34.640       105.642      142.335      182.156      103.502      103.205      122.780      92.630       128.397      159.229      
SPO0066          proline_iminopeptidase                                                                                                         418.163      342.001      287.987      251.069      118.663      251.303      80.801       131.741      204.617      206.739      188.725      153.632      178.112      108.938      165.661      205.346      
SPO0067          3-demethylubiquinone-9_3-methyltransferase                                                                                     56.040       39.616       191.970      138.518      107.505      135.798      179.221      152.696      122.840      313.228      189.018      216.148      260.196      180.911      200.591      189.252      
SPO0068          transcriptional_regulator,_putative                                                                                            110.641      127.339      173.143      117.645      81.291       155.277      71.250       79.014       108.588      162.511      144.482      128.653      127.682      113.981      139.437      139.160      
SPO0069          hydrolase,_carbon-nitrogen_family                                                                                              43.500       41.621       61.060       44.452       59.206       51.752       47.969       59.970       65.326       74.190       29.251       37.169       38.317       33.103       52.131       60.489       
SPO0070          glutaredoxin                                                                                                                   27.921       43.939       39.192       44.383       32.001       56.379       87.970       75.819       101.210      37.793       34.824       25.201       31.264       22.765       28.478       12.820       
SPO0071          competence_protein_F,_putative                                                                                                 46.304       101.183      313.375      194.902      21.323       797.086      3.908        29.016       70.650       64.467       50.578       40.600       50.367       22.248       53.763       40.351       
SPO0072          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.185       24.009       39.546       16.732       37.258       59.608       17.070       38.025       25.811       16.427       13.632       16.692       24.590       19.437       38.681       22.743       
SPO0073          ferrochelatase                                                                                                                 28.798       36.988       50.914       31.300       75.351       60.177       148.565      89.404       57.288       95.248       36.192       38.850       82.854       58.162       103.586      92.786       
SPO0074          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18375.915    21485.614    12328.640    17685.723    10746.244    8807.790     7177.838     10956.421    11522.206    11333.175    7274.806     5670.515     7672.320     5854.647     12348.209    5729.329     
SPO0075          ErfK/YbiS/YcfS/YnhG_family_protein/Tat_domain_protein                                                                          163.369      141.703      135.712      175.642      29.771       130.413      27.279       42.199       176.353      148.448      116.440      93.083       89.623       39.219       66.231       54.519       
SPO0076          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          205.178      241.664      264.547      213.989      276.012      179.803      65.977       205.585      215.072      153.063      211.216      205.810      239.690      247.569      271.426      249.067      
SPO0077          PTS_IIA-like_nitrogen-regulatory_protein_PtsN                                                                                  822.140      835.252      333.769      286.801      355.184      299.526      491.260      509.712      563.182      485.424      219.839      291.788      258.394      298.754      420.436      357.951      
SPO0078          ribosomal_subunit_interface_protein,_putative                                                                                  3763.499     3848.265     772.786      644.417      495.787      780.650      1785.153     903.898      932.580      1738.090     928.197      1100.263     1110.942     685.750      921.674      1091.540     
SPO0079          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           49.664       65.978       63.532       56.259       83.274       42.641       82.559       96.532       81.416       94.153       69.240       67.083       136.568      164.444      150.030      85.624       
SPO0080          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           100.888      101.076      155.085      76.941       144.571      106.120      81.224       120.007      129.684      165.502      153.379      163.102      238.628      250.229      230.069      162.330      
SPO0081          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           59.076       62.106       58.400       48.589       69.825       35.680       70.223       111.736      58.479       120.677      67.685       78.681       87.848       72.690       72.745       79.529       
SPO0082          arabinose_5-phosphate_isomerase                                                                                                155.245      135.190      98.132       119.385      149.038      88.311       217.329      226.641      158.326      193.802      132.234      143.141      209.863      175.816      210.585      121.303      
SPO0084          betaine_aldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                                 69.006       67.143       66.157       80.552       18.836       17.869       21.493       41.452       37.252       23.504       26.096       29.554       79.253       81.237       123.971      88.837       
SPO0085          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           286.509      429.158      56.426       51.120       18.429       84.242       33.774       64.935       16.653       72.550       93.009       77.404       120.031      128.189      80.633       89.999       
SPO0086          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          51.108       55.422       17.053       16.878       13.924       14.040       2.252        11.345       4.441        4.643        21.082       22.017       18.778       13.984       14.213       14.625       
SPO0087          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.621       21.962       9.603        6.214        5.391        7.840        5.388        6.430        1.771        8.334        8.903        7.410        3.064        3.254        3.053        7.179        
SPO0088          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           20.685       19.808       11.892       7.695        8.670        12.946       5.720        8.595        3.134        11.795       9.188        9.613        12.287       7.565        13.887       7.621        
SPO0089          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.889       35.618       28.003       18.945       17.668       40.778       2.857        9.850        18.783       6.874        20.850       13.969       17.870       15.773       15.723       11.896       
SPO0090          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.789       8.866        9.415        6.092        4.324        9.517        7.925        4.203        6.078        4.539        5.456        2.825        4.005        5.469        2.993        3.080        
SPO0091          rhodanese-like_domain_protein                                                                                                  17.164       12.554       29.394       26.267       43.430       24.815       31.418       41.659       27.884       21.596       12.545       7.680        12.506       19.513       28.478       24.070       
SPO0092          heat_shock_protein,_Hsp70_family                                                                                               8.939        9.284        10.352       6.699        23.244       4.830        16.265       25.263       10.693       4.791        2.559        1.775        1.762        5.612        3.761        2.709        
SPO0093          pyrazinamidase/nicotinamidase                                                                                                  91.698       62.465       40.842       33.384       5.266        33.429       4.825        10.236       19.032       13.266       19.266       15.481       8.231        4.162        10.933       14.464       
SPO0094          sensory_box_sensor_histidine_kinase/response_regulator                                                                         16.551       24.615       77.118       37.061       10.418       274.784      1.273        11.138       13.388       28.871       21.731       15.752       17.128       10.979       12.155       10.175       
SPO0095          nicotinate_phosphoribosyltransferase                                                                                           177.108      165.690      95.196       91.489       36.556       101.434      71.931       50.494       68.848       99.616       47.774       49.455       28.471       34.674       35.270       60.603       
SPO0096          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.903       36.296       16.631       13.453       6.790        14.656       9.332        3.300        9.203        16.037       5.140        4.278        5.307        3.220        7.049        6.217        
SPO0097          aldehyde_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          80.297       62.588       35.764       23.143       13.889       23.604       5.874        6.231        31.537       30.282       10.784       13.162       9.278        6.756        5.387        7.500        
SPO0098          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                        58.403       48.016       30.094       15.374       6.466        24.632       3.555        3.300        25.710       10.386       11.259       12.765       9.097        5.213        12.372       11.842       
SPO0099          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           48.062       35.696       40.421       14.085       4.443        15.474       3.490        10.179       19.500       31.183       10.090       9.597        6.614        4.214        9.602        6.974        
SPO0100          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           72.995       55.662       28.088       26.831       2.184        18.720       0.000        7.961        23.685       14.445       11.574       8.256        9.674        3.108        4.373        9.500        
SPO0101          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                      746.604      445.511      245.129      255.013      47.606       131.572      13.373       56.743       166.420      191.074      106.800      95.741       60.473       18.128       31.850       77.954       
SPO0102          3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate_hydroxymethyltransferase                                                                               77.980       72.595       27.182       15.635       24.044       54.953       20.337       20.674       10.028       20.969       35.470       50.234       78.380       46.781       35.661       32.177       
SPO0103          pantoate--beta-alanine_ligase                                                                                                  69.190       79.553       25.131       19.133       30.177       75.407       19.909       23.759       17.452       26.230       42.947       50.190       81.132       53.811       54.782       44.763       
SPO0104          glycerol_kinase                                                                                                                202.024      147.464      93.340       63.726       53.141       72.713       13.455       59.128       65.710       127.499      71.458       67.545       72.136       44.103       53.511       75.548       
SPO0106          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           76.459       72.623       54.310       30.885       77.269       72.176       59.105       95.024       70.429       82.525       37.639       28.784       46.212       55.445       90.285       87.362       
SPO0107          ATP-dependent_DNA_helicase_RecQ                                                                                                95.911       75.686       36.609       18.470       19.506       11.773       13.927       17.729       22.433       35.422       15.533       14.896       14.519       9.131        12.624       16.237       
SPO0108          transposase,_truncation                                                                                                        13.744       18.474       4.681        9.088        21.023       13.104       136.598      47.370       13.816       39.725       17.362       14.449       31.866       14.502       13.606       26.250       
SPO0109          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.941       8.464        8.988        31.990       17.430       10.483       15.131       29.425       6.632        7.801        8.334        10.788       11.950       10.442       13.470       37.800       
SPO0110          ABC_transporter,_ATP_binding/permease_protein                                                                                  10.338       8.989        13.456       15.013       20.838       8.948        19.788       26.239       3.081        3.580        7.600        6.683        12.634       22.280       10.283       27.580       
SPO0111          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.477       31.596       20.233       22.335       34.013       24.432       213.712      62.342       11.416       11.018       48.922       20.000       71.901       58.070       48.860       65.847       
SPO0112          poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)_polymerase_family_protein                                                                             20.891       22.931       23.368       32.912       51.069       28.432       152.727      81.004       17.242       25.450       84.967       30.877       105.559      112.581      67.170       127.951      
SPO0113          enoyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)_reductase                                                                                         7.735        4.166        11.611       23.614       16.930       11.866       0.000        14.810       2.448        1.280        5.639        12.515       13.408       22.481       11.450       37.204       
SPO0114          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.410        0.000        12.767       16.524       15.637       21.840       57.314       34.198       4.710        0.000        5.919        8.757        13.579       19.776       9.277        47.727       
SPO0115          maoC_family_protein/phosphate_acetyl/butaryl_transferase                                                                       12.075       7.167        9.988        16.452       12.975       7.060        20.381       28.646       4.020        7.705        6.174        8.096        8.112        11.252       10.556       45.484       
SPO0116          acetate_kinase                                                                                                                 16.806       11.125       5.347        11.764       14.407       9.978        7.201        21.005       7.101        4.950        2.974        12.468       10.919       7.454        9.712        45.171       
SPO0117          transposase                                                                                                                    5.866        4.352        12.939       6.803        2.971        8.803        1.815        2.407        4.177        6.862        6.248        5.824        8.257        4.071        3.819        3.628        
SPO0118          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.442       24.155       10.201       8.582        5.831        11.105       4.580        5.465        11.290       10.231       8.513        8.746        6.510        4.740        4.077        5.339        
SPO0119          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         29.628       20.817       10.091       6.530        6.180        10.986       0.000        12.014       7.446        21.409       14.815       16.439       8.587        7.816        9.166        15.090       
SPO0120          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.053        1.421        1.321        0.000        0.539        0.822        0.000        1.572        0.974        0.000        1.633        0.906        0.562        2.557        1.439        1.481        
SPO0121          transposase                                                                                                                    15.143       13.057       6.618        3.212        16.886       7.204        18.567       16.741       29.296       20.420       3.579        7.943        9.854        10.250       18.632       11.132       
SPO0122          YGGT_family_protein                                                                                                            114.891      108.192      146.351      111.925      139.417      81.384       119.454      182.149      124.344      195.014      124.730      127.757      184.906      207.800      183.680      102.788      
SPO0123          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           95.843       67.252       64.960       51.045       19.322       30.019       6.249        18.229       32.866       29.352       29.255       22.278       27.637       24.436       20.566       18.039       
SPO0124          murein_endopeptidase                                                                                                           357.612      309.522      323.535      339.635      86.297       211.100      61.324       107.846      251.447      283.979      216.428      192.320      174.964      84.080       106.572      194.589      
SPO0126          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           60.487       54.737       69.352       53.854       201.737      49.074       179.017      204.343      166.304      88.278       41.261       33.892       51.635       62.440       117.162      72.592       
SPO0127          peptidyl-tRNA_hydrolase_domain_protein                                                                                         57.060       63.070       51.528       31.383       24.749       41.481       0.000        41.497       44.728       49.104       33.724       25.987       39.976       18.780       26.429       32.859       
SPO0128          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     241.774      167.409      73.856       69.517       25.356       43.333       7.535        16.985       49.539       47.912       27.495       22.450       28.565       11.700       17.685       23.217       
SPO0129          peptidase,_T4_family                                                                                                           141.401      101.970      56.595       48.017       21.052       27.773       0.000        17.218       27.838       34.928       19.046       13.370       11.236       9.253        12.337       21.157       
SPO0130          cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    766.413      760.164      1691.410     1562.197     774.662      742.257      331.332      1074.531     1152.678     1079.456     1256.500     1570.371     1377.709     883.625      1092.694     1717.538     
SPO0131          isopentyl-diphosphate_delta-isomerase                                                                                          126.124      105.805      400.249      407.443      128.050      370.560      120.836      130.965      265.958      402.667      619.955      402.155      438.157      344.426      255.111      221.373      
SPO0132          sensor_histidine_kinase/response_regulator                                                                                     1.674        3.273        18.814       8.485        3.026        76.959       1.280        2.375        4.206        5.718        1.762        0.587        2.668        1.104        1.864        1.492        
SPO0133          PAN_domain_protein                                                                                                             125.768      123.562      67.112       51.120       11.321       66.754       8.369        10.126       37.826       34.875       32.193       34.284       36.979       21.116       38.013       28.660       
SPO0134          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           70.829       85.223       35.857       21.753       15.554       50.187       15.091       13.340       34.724       22.475       23.549       16.908       33.370       20.828       32.567       14.242       
SPO0135          penicillin-binding_protein_1C                                                                                                  27.327       42.518       17.374       15.660       6.333        21.036       4.178        5.910        12.361       14.360       9.397        10.640       23.759       7.689        15.555       9.510        
SPO0136          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           127.471      140.274      84.139       59.652       40.918       131.620      16.664       52.293       98.599       144.136      49.331       51.557       81.332       55.341       98.223       79.559       
SPO0137          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           104.954      124.863      70.524       52.750       35.710       112.668      7.195        37.073       64.199       95.387       40.621       40.205       67.217       54.619       100.991      72.586       
SPO0138          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           128.025      143.878      70.943       54.340       42.559       122.937      16.249       53.432       82.255       118.393      46.536       55.114       114.570      88.583       139.391      99.045       
SPO0139          ATPase,_MoxR_family                                                                                                            223.505      214.317      119.477      100.917      63.668       157.251      31.052       88.336       123.416      162.026      92.509       105.238      158.914      99.838       158.093      130.700      
SPO0140          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           103.302      84.581       56.757       56.505       53.474       93.020       97.998       58.473       88.587       84.203       111.321      107.804      193.177      168.221      169.722      137.097      
SPO0141          DNA_binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  34.650       37.588       35.667       24.523       7.281        22.187       0.000        14.596       13.158       18.917       15.846       9.938        13.277       8.632        9.719        25.833       
SPO0142          beta-ketothiolase                                                                                                              585.090      539.656      325.415      313.778      225.677      350.900      130.605      167.404      332.326      556.113      866.194      786.733      1169.455     662.611      1062.854     392.739      
SPO0143          iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_protein                                                                                            19.522       23.041       21.836       24.105       9.964        20.376       0.000        10.704       18.007       22.791       11.910       13.215       12.023       12.933       11.200       12.965       
SPO0144          2-polyprenylphenol_6-hydroxylase                                                                                               23.873       25.538       71.185       70.168       66.235       52.005       31.584       53.212       48.858       46.614       39.652       32.644       47.893       55.131       69.767       50.127       
SPO0145          ubiquinone/menaquinone_biosynthesis_methyltransferase_UbiE                                                                     37.939       35.288       168.854      134.728      157.952      83.113       132.468      200.042      177.807      455.285      97.279       88.266       133.911      117.442      135.199      118.890      
SPO0146          formamidopyrimidine-DNA_glycosylase                                                                                            79.706       53.944       40.196       37.572       21.881       27.783       13.366       22.154       34.052       41.346       22.085       19.912       12.668       10.377       16.767       21.705       
SPO0147          enoyl-CoA_hydratase                                                                                                            193.756      173.998      385.389      356.120      365.349      145.264      190.601      318.827      292.787      398.090      168.569      206.650      248.027      259.900      300.200      431.595      
SPO0148          ribosomal_protein_S20                                                                                                          210.765      244.967      852.315      1081.151     2665.129     525.677      4815.340     3571.522     1682.932     1647.530     528.332      455.050      887.989      1012.650     1636.229     769.389      
SPO0149          chromosomal_replication_initiator_protein_DnaA                                                                                 185.331      196.689      182.750      157.874      112.834      112.842      165.695      127.536      320.159      290.993      80.687       101.264      103.411      70.070       159.935      118.797      
SPO0150          DNA_polymerase_III,_beta_subunit                                                                                               314.137      271.420      508.523      347.394      290.841      160.985      162.697      273.706      322.559      325.023      154.364      153.420      153.226      104.819      166.234      196.450      
SPO0151          DNA_replication_and_repair_protein_RecF                                                                                        74.752       67.315       86.335       67.042       43.237       27.569       10.335       43.168       51.810       39.962       18.500       21.318       31.344       23.625       38.894       43.032       
SPO0153          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         56.346       39.532       56.175       16.778       8.821        24.193       0.000        19.291       14.347       20.001       18.029       15.560       9.192        1.673        6.280        15.346       
SPO0154          NAD(P)H_dehydrogenase,_quinone_family                                                                                          25.486       27.621       6.416        8.304        9.604        15.965       0.000        7.638        12.624       16.499       5.949        7.334        10.009       3.313        12.432       7.995        
SPO0155          DNA_gyrase,_B_subunit                                                                                                          227.783      207.104      134.507      107.023      89.529       95.230       101.029      115.268      133.998      119.108      63.408       65.154       75.261       54.315       106.291      78.456       
SPO0156          transcriptional_regulator_RtcR                                                                                                 31.721       32.658       4.833        4.170        1.973        3.257        0.000        1.918        3.566        3.107        4.979        4.144        2.742        0.624        1.756        2.108        
SPO0157          TROVE_domain_protein                                                                                                           66.787       82.323       32.351       12.658       15.051       23.634       15.198       10.300       14.988       13.930       97.427       121.008      35.529       21.559       22.960       21.656       
SPO0160          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           21.365       18.974       14.343       7.541        3.294        9.201        0.000        3.735        5.291        2.766        14.684       15.986       5.339        5.207        4.559        4.356        
SPO0161          DNA-binding_response_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                    187.261      273.404      165.222      171.067      62.395       174.724      88.078       68.843       83.810       117.900      91.914       69.410       60.627       55.983       54.774       85.698       
SPO0162          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           506.204      400.268      23.406       21.878       5.309        17.796       35.025       23.221       70.999       190.600      31.347       17.838       38.726       12.085       23.621       50.555       
SPO0163          sensory_box_histidine_kinase/response_regulator                                                                                76.920       78.054       32.763       27.164       9.405        26.591       1.149        15.541       20.397       38.308       15.663       10.358       12.632       10.903       15.251       23.156       
SPO0164          oxidoreductase,_FMN-binding/pyridine_nucleotide-disulfide_oxidoreductase                                                       11.042       7.110        9.590        6.206        3.915        6.960        0.000        2.283        8.019        6.412        5.137        3.947        5.440        5.694        7.200        7.887        
SPO0165          pyrroline-5-carboxylate_reductase,_putative                                                                                    14.074       6.220        15.604       7.854        7.079        7.011        3.892        1.032        10.234       2.675        5.894        1.784        4.426        2.686        5.039        4.537        
SPO0166          N-methylproline_demethylase,_putative                                                                                          16.882       5.993        12.992       10.809       5.809        9.236        2.777        6.260        8.673        5.250        10.134       8.062        11.318       4.791        9.215        8.095        
SPO0167          trimethylamine_methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                17.564       11.293       14.528       9.401        4.613        6.025        3.623        3.363        8.933        9.340        8.232        5.536        7.211        3.438        2.932        9.353        
SPO0168          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         22.996       17.824       13.911       7.716        15.416       10.508       8.921        9.464        13.197       7.666        7.371        11.586       14.374       9.235        10.830       10.401       
SPO0169          transglycosylase,_Slt_family                                                                                                   4.705        10.424       41.768       47.007       5.931        123.700      0.000        4.324        13.399       0.000        3.929        2.491        3.090        4.923        3.299        5.431        
SPO0170          flagellar_biosynthesis_protein_FlhA                                                                                            7.433        4.567        35.160       16.868       12.127       80.134       2.721        6.134        6.709        7.015        7.869        4.782        6.190        8.686        9.470        7.025        
SPO0171          flagellar_biosynthetic_protein_FliR                                                                                            3.964        4.117        9.836        12.730       1.339        41.301       0.000        0.976        1.210        1.265        2.027        1.687        4.185        1.270        1.787        2.451        
SPO0172          flagellar_biosynthetic_protein_FlhB                                                                                            5.226        4.593        8.147        3.013        3.801        43.802       5.225        1.386        5.152        9.876        2.158        1.996        4.952        2.704        2.960        0.870        
SPO0174          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.949        7.642        40.238       13.785       7.731        209.816      21.251       7.045        20.957       25.564       1.463        1.623        2.014        0.000        4.300        0.000        
SPO0175          flagellar_L-ring_protein_FlgH                                                                                                  3.845        6.759        51.380       19.949       6.992        215.741      0.000        7.136        8.846        10.570       1.059        1.175        0.729        1.326        1.867        3.841        
SPO0176          flagellar_basal-body_P-ring_formation_protein_FlgA                                                                             3.164        5.476        39.689       23.708       19.943       172.824      0.000        7.269        18.021       7.066        11.323       7.329        12.989       14.187       6.655        7.989        
SPO0177          flagellar_basal-body_rod_protein_FlgG                                                                                          13.939       20.269       121.067      50.140       22.407       375.053      3.623        17.296       28.585       39.850       23.947       15.501       35.712       28.754       21.113       19.310       
SPO0178          flagellar_basal-body_rod_protein_FlgF                                                                                          14.485       23.092       74.120       35.342       10.352       377.961      4.378        8.127        31.662       25.581       4.220        4.682        10.788       3.021        4.960        5.833        
SPO0179          flagellar_biosynthetic_protein_FliQ                                                                                            7.276        15.115       140.438      30.293       9.556        467.386      21.015       16.719       34.540       46.948       1.447        1.605        1.992        0.000        0.000        3.500        
SPO0180          flagellar_hook-basal_body_complex_protein_FliE,_putative                                                                       3.790        9.447        136.050      56.800       16.126       521.441      0.000        15.674       22.667       37.242       0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.189        0.000        
SPO0181          flagellar_basal-body_rod_protein_FlgC                                                                                          9.702        12.316       199.734      82.801       15.290       729.957      0.000        7.431        13.816       38.521       3.858        2.141        1.328        1.209        1.134        4.667        
SPO0182          flagellar_basal-body_rod_protein;_FlgB                                                                                         5.800        25.192       149.597      59.269       22.436       648.567      6.853        34.528       31.537       51.815       2.831        2.094        2.598        0.000        2.218        4.565        
SPO0183          H+-transporting_two-sector_ATPase,_flagellum-specific                                                                          5.232        10.530       36.924       28.795       8.117        93.055       2.125        4.508        1.397        4.382        4.389        3.572        3.222        3.666        2.408        3.185        
SPO0184          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           90.487       137.981      27.531       17.816       199.597      19.981       146.065      38.735       34.472       11.585       18.307       11.731       15.972       16.800       16.064       8.421        
SPO0185          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           273.215      438.190      81.022       107.482      468.059      54.181       877.478      106.101      277.981      85.944       36.309       25.702       24.991       28.237       14.718       18.173       
SPO0186          bordetella_uptake_gene_family_protein                                                                                          599.128      925.039      117.968      78.855       704.966      82.658       421.917      51.700       981.361      556.039      106.574      73.355       60.668       38.152       54.162       27.623       
SPO0187          DNA-binding_response_regulator                                                                                                 59.594       62.922       41.941       41.944       52.925       49.808       17.116       22.695       59.077       80.888       31.227       33.343       29.198       15.503       18.008       27.794       
SPO0188          sensor_histidine_kinase                                                                                                        38.829       42.952       42.954       29.570       27.984       35.248       16.411       12.512       32.367       26.791       18.360       17.865       18.275       7.078        10.293       18.107       
SPO0189          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           56.120       49.645       30.888       29.582       22.195       32.280       11.093       13.238       31.906       24.782       12.601       9.745        11.039       8.612        16.160       21.708       
SPO0190          oxidoreductase,_GMC_family                                                                                                     235.772      172.823      142.792      126.927      49.648       91.022       42.265       70.052       123.302      226.366      170.464      177.582      226.311      142.490      198.103      174.216      
SPO0191          chemotaxis_protein_MotB                                                                                                        22.978       38.716       42.871       32.525       8.449        49.199       13.273       16.719       49.083       86.673       24.215       21.800       15.723       14.884       11.816       20.447       
SPO0192          flagellar_hook_protein_FlgE,_putative                                                                                          7.935        10.170       95.798       51.871       38.313       291.578      32.912       23.857       28.129       47.509       13.293       11.733       18.299       15.520       11.365       12.790       
SPO0193          flagellar_hook-associated_protein_FlgK,_putative                                                                               2.561        3.442        26.169       8.467        4.630        107.439      3.916        2.596        9.654        8.748        2.426        0.897        2.969        1.013        1.901        0.978        
SPO0194          flagellar_hook-associated_protein_FlgL_family_protein                                                                          9.340        10.377       47.791       20.346       11.809       119.308      11.292       11.978       17.631       20.375       9.329        4.744        12.306       9.253        7.768        11.283       
SPO0195          flagellar_P-ring_protein_FlgI                                                                                                  4.771        6.195        17.267       13.408       7.049        83.781       12.919       6.167        7.644        3.552        3.558        4.737        4.408        4.012        4.182        8.176        
SPO0196          flagellar_biosynthetic_protein_FliP                                                                                            3.830        12.239       49.466       14.349       11.142       146.428      3.829        2.031        17.620       11.843       2.636        2.340        1.451        2.642        7.436        1.275        
SPO0197          flagellar_motor_switch_protein_FliN                                                                                            13.351       44.374       208.725      95.048       15.781       990.635      17.352       13.805       77.002       47.710       2.389        0.000        0.000        1.497        4.213        5.780        
SPO0199          flagellar_M-ring_protein_FliF                                                                                                  10.628       30.570       150.695      78.115       20.937       649.815      21.251       14.559       47.153       31.042       4.633        2.976        2.014        1.222        4.013        2.360        
SPO0200          flagellar_basal_body-associated_protein_FliL                                                                                   7.363        7.198        95.297       74.651       4.095        457.090      0.000        7.464        16.653       21.281       1.550        1.720        3.201        3.885        2.733        0.937        
SPO0201          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.087       19.573       139.428      100.033      11.137       562.824      20.410       9.021        24.600       23.383       12.178       2.079        2.579        4.695        2.202        6.798        
SPO0202          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.539        15.423       159.068      89.025       12.286       472.021      9.650        11.516       22.204       39.799       1.993        2.949        0.915        0.000        3.905        4.018        
SPO0203          chemotaxis_protein_MotA                                                                                                        41.040       64.853       258.037      99.999       52.971       1057.864     78.534       42.521       91.429       113.589      25.682       21.498       34.733       18.629       25.423       27.249       
SPO0205          MmgE/PrpD_family_protein                                                                                                       74.820       66.375       13.739       13.632       4.113        6.552        0.000        4.361        4.055        10.599       4.529        6.282        5.455        1.773        3.660        3.424        
SPO0206          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         33.810       21.884       24.116       30.293       13.320       18.531       0.000        6.755        9.420        6.566        18.852       13.622       13.881       8.240        7.215        16.439       
SPO0207          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         29.377       30.981       9.944        6.435        4.060        8.953        7.049        5.296        10.426       15.746       8.896        7.897        9.797        6.283        6.465        7.239        
SPO0209          Na/Pi-cotransporter_family_protein                                                                                             55.734       33.500       23.904       18.853       5.490        17.658       1.677        5.336        14.882       16.712       7.850        7.685        6.674        4.339        3.528        7.819        
SPO0210          3-isopropylmalate_dehydrogenase                                                                                                119.952      119.026      183.680      156.005      176.226      79.625       103.071      183.134      172.794      174.467      111.763      116.928      140.662      111.582      222.301      149.345      
SPO0211          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         21.243       27.897       1.414        3.660        2.309        5.717        0.000        4.208        5.216        6.544        1.311        3.394        5.413        0.547        3.082        1.586        
SPO0212          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           20.721       27.527       4.185        6.319        3.417        13.885       0.000        4.152        1.029        6.457        17.247       23.922       35.018       17.828       17.233       19.296       
SPO0213          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.630       40.222       28.324       22.147       11.082       23.492       0.000        7.025        11.320       6.373        18.237       12.142       19.582       17.823       11.576       18.529       
SPO0214          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           150.782      255.373      98.865       53.150       91.282       136.247      99.006       113.170      150.380      64.535       178.630      116.320      105.477      49.475       56.364       64.819       
SPO0215          3-isopropylmalate_dehydratase,_small_subunit                                                                                   267.164      242.893      150.919      127.502      261.862      71.715       508.125      412.984      230.439      229.618      84.217       99.919       119.497      107.143      277.195      264.848      
SPO0216          3-isopropylmalate_dehydratase,_large_subunit                                                                                   203.988      181.509      130.536      135.737      227.138      61.881       337.453      314.017      203.255      259.046      54.255       50.632       86.176       107.023      207.687      189.133      
SPO0217          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           75.459       75.575       117.032      45.440       140.154      53.388       332.738      408.686      115.133      168.530      81.985       42.811       96.262       69.489       158.736      67.083       
SPO0218          mechanosensitive_ion_channel_family_protein                                                                                    88.772       81.621       50.558       50.892       6.880        47.467       12.609       7.802        29.704       20.946       19.098       20.870       22.306       15.590       14.967       24.500       
SPO0219          iojap-related_protein                                                                                                          695.807      1284.776     427.898      377.007      384.329      542.599      930.900      1059.958     723.721      1142.659     892.157      752.912      1142.694     952.128      1070.270     810.871      
SPO0220          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           139.931      226.725      110.730      80.393       133.416      91.562       109.116      139.861      147.459      137.510      68.445       88.915       122.944      201.845      180.540      144.374      
SPO0221          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.704       45.063       20.935       13.547       29.914       21.162       23.495       21.807       42.478       24.225       8.896        6.282        17.813       25.334       43.733       27.391       
SPO0222          alanine_dehydrogenase                                                                                                          5.099        6.519        5.678        2.939        12.518       6.005        30.588       14.195       40.219       8.761        6.318        3.116        5.315        10.114       220.317      40.330       
SPO0223          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         123.029      111.374      36.034       23.318       6.790        15.518       0.000        9.899        14.316       10.692       17.133       15.209       17.689       5.367        8.056        7.253        
SPO0224          polyphosphate_kinase,_putative                                                                                                 157.934      191.292      80.119       80.451       15.791       62.729       31.006       25.490       43.826       70.333       51.231       36.951       51.129       21.397       24.591       29.951       
SPO0225          transcriptional_regulator,_putative                                                                                            39.806       105.805      12.392       6.415        2.024        20.042       0.000        1.475        3.657        3.824        12.255       2.550        0.000        0.000        7.203        5.559        
SPO0226          cytochrome_P450_family_protein                                                                                                 47.685       155.919      20.452       27.793       4.592        19.084       0.000        3.652        3.773        5.522        17.067       7.715        7.396        7.128        8.173        4.587        
SPO0227          PaxA,_putative                                                                                                                 637.005      424.281      55.436       67.562       25.650       25.289       45.625       73.146       240.644      149.682      85.951       103.929      149.765      130.233      127.220      159.571      
SPO0228          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.516        4.888        6.288        8.817        12.409       9.453        4.705        7.486        6.186        4.851        9.070        7.548        9.364        14.205       8.377        14.104       
SPO0229          ribosomal_protein_S21                                                                                                          2508.221     2742.930     10000.033    9903.179     10044.737    5033.583     23544.556    10167.851    5261.763     7838.787     4898.276     4207.116     5767.506     4625.758     6854.233     6015.051     
SPO0230          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           65.037       65.543       67.112       59.112       60.127       57.984       83.688       72.128       72.901       115.052      57.616       69.047       115.003      70.024       101.593      66.902       
SPO0231          alcohol_dehydrogenase,_zinc-containing                                                                                         80.775       82.740       85.036       69.202       66.804       57.707       28.920       55.986       60.841       57.649       61.721       72.464       105.245      71.845       73.491       68.394       
SPO0232          quinone_oxidoreductase,_putative                                                                                               403.429      335.119      145.592      135.068      59.440       124.230      46.272       116.573      161.609      245.507      99.152       114.441      93.734       63.863       124.045      117.040      
SPO0233          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         127.593      119.217      65.274       72.960       44.819       48.910       19.979       37.088       63.486       29.756       41.264       37.648       34.082       34.468       42.039       34.383       
SPO0234          Lysine_dehydrogenase                                                                                                           83.046       78.861       105.329      87.422       152.376      86.531       151.617      129.481      98.833       70.657       53.429       62.428       68.191       82.905       154.314      71.045       
SPO0235          alpha-aminoadipic_semialdehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                   103.949      58.781       99.477       42.194       37.541       33.021       5.629        73.146       18.504       21.926       9.043        9.747        3.201        2.913        6.074        15.312       
SPO0236          glycerophosphoryl_diester_phosphodiesterase,_putative                                                                          123.372      63.464       17.555       8.738        7.718        13.020       3.031        11.253       7.971        7.292        6.260        9.725        14.937       25.100       17.662       12.115       
SPO0237          SN-glycerol-3-phosphate_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                   108.421      68.470       9.603        10.098       2.450        2.987        2.694        1.429        1.771        1.852        7.419        6.175        16.852       12.085       13.519       6.282        
SPO0238          SN-glycerol-3-phosphate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                      62.479       49.671       13.399       6.744        1.216        4.630        0.000        7.089        5.492        6.891        3.221        4.595        13.934       8.647        14.604       5.565        
SPO0239          SN-glycerol-3-phosphate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                      147.668      100.273      12.392       9.801        1.686        10.706       6.181        4.917        14.222       12.746       12.766       15.582       24.602       18.128       32.014       11.838       
SPO0240          SN-glycerol-3-phosphate_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_SN-glycerol-3-phosphate-binding_protein                                   1698.039     1156.413     69.458       69.194       15.671       33.827       22.565       29.920       47.876       52.878       102.814      101.862      145.808      65.118       147.422      57.738       
SPO0241          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         127.632      125.714      0.000        3.529        3.897        7.209        0.000        0.812        11.066       7.363        7.164        7.482        12.182       5.808        5.449        5.097        
SPO0247          1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate_synthase                                                                                        60.977       65.451       85.969       59.878       59.479       82.055       48.610       97.267       88.610       130.110      174.833      161.141      309.911      263.529      275.615      184.729      
SPO0248          farnesyl_diphosphate_synthase                                                                                                  78.575       68.227       117.032      77.626       80.629       129.678      45.970       91.432       58.286       139.940      355.823      276.431      520.312      340.461      329.518      239.529      
SPO0249          exodeoxyribonuclease_VII,_small_subunit                                                                                        188.985      157.448      169.696      124.959      64.503       121.943      39.403       107.977      21.588       76.742       90.425       96.325       54.770       54.383       65.904       148.749      
SPO0250          histone_deacetylase_family_protein                                                                                             108.437      72.140       47.877       38.948       13.403       58.288       15.352       19.542       38.353       17.940       32.976       22.517       9.893        12.183       20.376       46.534       
SPO0251          DNA-binding_response_regulator_PetR                                                                                            274.817      217.968      81.370       72.547       24.362       142.853      4.059        60.274       65.374       66.958       163.184      73.794       80.007       21.707       34.161       122.349      
SPO0252          transcriptional_regulator_PetP                                                                                                 450.281      280.072      190.831      134.715      32.378       265.940      5.563        60.483       58.515       99.419       388.339      201.432      158.158      85.413       53.123       133.410      
SPO0253          branched-chain_amino_acid_aminotransferase                                                                                     369.631      247.193      484.220      339.851      147.520      329.427      88.657       505.053      205.081      331.794      446.700      335.129      263.268      159.750      88.226       433.121      
SPO0254          organic_hydroperoxide_resistance_protein                                                                                       1583.865     1460.772     132.743      177.402      243.874      195.667      90.681       290.292      332.152      291.630      50.836       164.280      54.019       67.048       618.557      378.644      
SPO0255          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         265.463      136.556      92.980       58.288       52.195       97.604       45.653       34.591       42.877       60.522       52.085       38.862       37.085       39.381       87.617       68.430       
SPO0256          copper-binding_protein,_plastocyanin/azurin_family                                                                             9.346        9.707        30.922       10.005       12.624       9.618        0.000        11.504       2.852        11.927       9.557        15.907       9.867        8.981        16.851       15.894       
SPO0257          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.400       17.374       21.792       12.535       9.885        18.075       5.435        14.413       14.292       7.472        11.225       4.982        11.332       3.751        14.075       9.052        
SPO0258          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         174.098      219.307      124.068      82.795       24.799       115.366      0.000        23.078       51.492       41.874       106.247      102.382      151.754      69.564       91.558       66.671       
SPO0259          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.051       35.565       18.587       4.009        15.177       17.344       13.907       7.376        13.714       11.949       13.404       13.811       17.134       9.597        16.882       11.581       
SPO0260          alkaline_phosphatase,_putative                                                                                                 23.837       23.454       13.721       14.102       2.966        17.322       3.623        8.648        8.337        8.717        9.978        10.241       9.615        8.751        8.504        9.655        
SPO0261          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.539       23.617       24.869       19.880       17.917       8.190        0.000        11.320       20.508       14.671       6.330        6.522        5.601        6.231        13.819       16.953       
SPO0262          cob(I)alamin_adenosyltransferase                                                                                               108.598      96.463       76.218       68.502       63.098       29.633       33.265       95.777       78.106       68.598       58.236       50.098       54.044       40.992       46.920       72.813       
SPO0263          membrane_protein                                                                                                               9.856        9.147        23.069       11.000       3.966        10.196       5.451        7.950        8.959        1.873        5.254        4.164        9.815        7.523        10.146       8.170        
SPO0264          CaiB/BaiF_family_protein                                                                                                       94.938       84.617       57.063       31.387       12.037       51.471       4.269        28.871       35.086       70.434       44.384       38.812       55.028       28.358       39.044       23.109       
SPO0265          auxin_efflux_carrier_family_protein                                                                                            13.251       13.521       37.690       28.745       18.135       12.979       0.000        20.031       17.877       5.192        6.656        8.309        10.308       7.297        19.072       19.121       
SPO0266          HD_domain_protein                                                                                                              12.749       16.794       45.012       31.458       31.608       19.040       4.041        24.650       21.255       22.224       10.573       11.732       9.958        13.247       13.083       14.808       
SPO0267          chorismate_synthase                                                                                                            34.593       54.513       49.499       45.440       50.756       31.508       69.763       105.521      71.345       88.804       44.827       43.030       48.485       37.890       56.877       52.069       
SPO0268          riboflavin_synthase,_beta_subunit                                                                                              170.179      203.590      325.014      326.053      151.648      318.782      57.899       82.913       187.785      140.622      175.388      165.128      118.522      120.531      97.463       179.355      
SPO0270          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       284.604      233.054      107.923      123.560      72.023       146.535      37.268       91.419       102.599      184.126      102.630      101.781      114.788      63.492       128.184      103.964      
SPO0271          ubiquinol-cytochrome_c_reductase,_iron-sulfur_subunit                                                                          247.865      262.694      727.726      682.324      754.258      384.719      480.424      730.897      711.487      641.355      406.652      390.964      464.890      410.054      762.059      465.757      
SPO0272          ubiquinol--cytochrome_c_reductase,_cytochrome_B                                                                                303.897      309.482      830.238      735.259      737.842      380.083      1294.421     1142.717     1016.273     1203.026     561.503      686.149      620.062      404.920      1024.369     618.235      
SPO0273          ubiquinol--cytochrome_c_reductase,_cytochrome_c1                                                                               418.837      399.731      1238.989     1069.653     1141.723     505.451      1166.444     1228.584     929.331      1123.424     827.551      1037.083     716.360      670.787      1153.600     1014.685     
SPO0274          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.444        3.461        0.000        0.000        5.252        2.001        7.219        9.572        7.119        7.443        1.988        1.103        1.368        1.245        7.011        4.809        
SPO0275          cytochrome_b,_putative                                                                                                         120.757      98.891       103.088      55.108       22.873       58.551       20.121       20.009       46.298       25.933       49.869       41.502       37.184       12.149       17.098       37.699       
SPO0276          transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                         37.044       42.139       38.301       24.785       10.425       27.797       0.000        12.159       22.608       31.517       14.994       15.762       19.554       4.944        6.494        14.318       
SPO0277          MiaB-like_tRNA_modifying_enzyme                                                                                                16.711       24.951       29.230       22.176       80.654       30.096       76.921       99.594       47.596       62.205       33.332       31.801       62.179       55.034       83.125       42.577       
SPO0278          diaminopimelate_epimerase                                                                                                      25.697       35.961       57.950       46.622       138.118      74.534       77.342       145.437      119.028      157.074      78.418       68.215       127.271      154.658      177.535      105.975      
SPO0280          transposase,_truncation                                                                                                        31.752       38.475       15.321       14.871       18.764       14.296       0.000        18.239       5.652        11.819       4.735        5.254        9.777        2.966        13.915       14.318       
SPO0281          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           774.451      1517.277     48.304       46.887       71.213       187.800      48.187       329.055      93.060       391.270      154.264      323.025      462.386      564.267      784.832      2173.880     
SPO0282          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           71.165       132.879      231.492      167.777      130.423      228.965      31.176       82.676       116.146      103.579      127.350      98.442       104.396      188.249      122.790      131.537      
SPO0283          putative_protein_TIGR00023                                                                                                     67.029       61.800       85.093       85.955       47.450       58.743       46.585       58.063       50.534       75.252       73.766       54.805       71.522       31.344       45.241       55.862       
SPO0284          dihydroorotase,_multifunctional_complex_type                                                                                   29.682       37.347       50.086       50.842       52.925       33.295       28.657       54.366       42.028       48.488       25.496       31.322       31.337       30.044       51.379       48.828       
SPO0285          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.075       18.894       29.624       31.950       29.564       20.475       0.000        48.981       26.715       17.775       24.415       23.705       22.406       15.295       38.267       23.379       
SPO0286          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.982       24.323       53.270       28.204       41.519       22.594       16.305       15.854       21.439       22.415       20.205       19.929       26.784       13.127       27.270       29.870       
SPO0287          aspartate_carbamoyltransferase                                                                                                 24.801       23.815       41.996       30.683       27.654       22.753       30.408       41.932       48.978       30.308       23.447       16.261       17.291       14.689       30.515       18.738       
SPO0288          uracil-DNA_glycosylase                                                                                                         299.699      267.553      255.049      203.695      78.425       197.819      14.493       97.047       122.677      119.549      92.795       104.628      98.894       65.635       86.796       139.395      
SPO0290          transmembrane_amino_acid_efflux_protein                                                                                        175.905      144.546      216.793      149.554      46.759       134.223      4.591        52.348       81.488       135.689      48.039       46.292       50.467       45.143       53.499       107.802      
SPO0291          molybdenum_cofactor_biosynthesis_protein_B                                                                                     173.825      144.432      119.373      81.791       33.446       93.186       21.015       47.370       81.169       115.564      36.170       36.924       34.853       15.409       53.573       69.124       
SPO0292          efflux_transporter,_RND_family,_MFP_subunit                                                                                    121.824      130.581      110.324      90.505       67.739       158.062      50.696       87.387       98.065       151.454      106.318      117.675      247.249      144.648      227.233      183.478      
SPO0293          transporter,_AcrB/AcrD/AcrF_family                                                                                             56.773       60.167       42.392       41.630       30.819       66.620       13.355       35.415       54.874       59.095       29.306       35.707       60.751       46.799       77.411       67.976       
SPO0294          hydrolase,_NUDIX_family                                                                                                        116.737      128.314      48.497       45.113       32.174       51.851       13.607       34.280       71.565       35.074       66.511       76.921       91.557       80.988       102.411      120.107      
SPO0295          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           235.681      210.610      128.563      123.289      48.061       108.399      13.907       59.930       99.429       130.248      126.382      128.020      227.353      211.134      198.086      188.767      
SPO0296          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           336.815      284.380      201.971      137.724      49.652       221.557      14.624       72.392       75.311       157.485      153.704      123.633      178.322      118.577      132.553      111.223      
SPO0297          Sua5/YciO/YrdC_family_protein                                                                                                  26.250       19.133       33.332       36.237       28.849       12.855       20.949       27.777       33.447       17.485       12.362       6.859        12.479       11.358       13.563       14.454       
SPO0298          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          389.358      395.336      301.682      225.515      189.603      212.396      136.764      245.035      274.127      566.927      386.273      409.762      832.688      572.605      1046.630     467.495      
SPO0299          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          272.083      264.621      178.666      148.428      130.607      146.813      119.226      147.309      174.580      389.282      270.125      281.936      431.937      323.961      517.093      303.263      
SPO0300          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           442.849      445.442      309.708      180.555      164.034      233.447      137.781      269.054      308.801      533.812      539.820      522.449      688.495      532.666      568.678      403.655      
SPO0301          glycerophosphoryl_diester_phosphodiesterase_family_protein                                                                     89.237       87.391       53.522       36.411       20.731       41.404       16.942       20.831       30.377       34.937       37.113       35.063       48.753       46.500       42.629       39.246       
SPO0302          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           77.691       62.192       43.887       31.240       11.646       27.983       4.925        15.674       14.572       22.007       12.886       9.030        8.402        5.098        15.147       14.765       
SPO0303          cytochrome_c_oxidase,_subunit_IV_domain_protein                                                                                229.868      243.901      402.164      495.706      441.747      372.280      1440.007     1054.436     755.955      1639.888     799.029      495.852      859.566      341.130      386.145      418.803      
SPO0304          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          112.518      92.165       230.182      242.049      260.948      71.594       239.879      347.429      280.532      209.283      109.251      84.578       136.402      148.028      236.693      142.901      
SPO0305          AzlC_family_protein                                                                                                            34.242       22.863       46.026       42.385       31.800       29.732       3.973        27.397       26.123       28.678       15.319       16.998       15.063       24.678       17.365       17.867       
SPO0306          formate_dehydrogenase_accessory_protein_FdhD                                                                                   80.959       68.611       70.459       71.649       23.482       50.091       29.048       45.364       65.779       86.525       62.217       53.751       78.917       36.193       45.972       62.892       
SPO0307          molybdopterin-guanine_dinucleotide_biosynthesis_protein_A                                                                      42.762       35.818       47.922       18.090       13.858       15.526       8.964        9.508        22.099       29.267       9.874        13.011       17.840       12.371       18.861       23.140       
SPO0308          molybdopterin-guanine_dinucleotide_biosynthesis_protein_B                                                                      139.725      105.712      82.712       55.197       27.437       40.197       11.603       40.002       57.214       43.868       47.931       36.343       56.083       43.039       67.612       74.401       
SPO0310          molybdopterin_biosynthesis_protein_MoeA                                                                                        43.415       37.878       27.149       20.171       9.852        19.078       0.000        10.175       26.709       31.028       13.052       11.380       19.251       13.628       14.613       27.816       
SPO0311          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           131.193      86.178       91.809       82.198       36.455       60.632       14.115       43.419       99.290       56.273       41.979       34.504       34.779       28.734       42.950       47.955       
SPO0312          transcription_elongation_factor_GreA                                                                                           306.915      246.103      164.745      180.011      122.390      130.203      187.923      205.772      233.145      193.764      63.437       99.103       99.964       39.741       84.383       84.807       
SPO0313          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      48.509       41.986       20.063       12.983       6.826        15.600       7.505        13.932       12.336       7.739        12.401       5.734        5.690        2.590        7.289        10.000       
SPO0314          redox-sensitive_transcriptional_activator_SoxR                                                                                 29.877       29.029       19.531       10.833       4.556        12.150       0.000        8.304        10.293       19.372       9.486        6.698        17.806       3.241        8.109        10.430       
SPO0315          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           112.000      122.995      66.089       80.188       42.159       84.792       74.171       46.715       115.811      152.952      113.617      97.741       137.071      108.766      90.039       100.367      
SPO0316          electrotransfer_ubiquinone_oxidoreductase_family_protein                                                                       388.783      336.778      256.018      267.165      328.007      201.586      614.344      399.059      437.360      803.661      731.137      831.854      1261.591     877.671      1127.051     525.953      
SPO0317          TPR_domain_protein                                                                                                             269.977      246.392      222.035      185.180      93.183       176.296      43.337       119.851      142.965      159.054      147.048      130.298      160.177      115.887      142.795      150.023      
SPO0318          4-diphosphocytidyl-2C-methyl-D-erythritol_kinase                                                                               66.505       90.473       61.914       52.769       22.811       80.786       3.390        27.865       42.339       54.753       44.337       35.215       43.687       45.027       53.765       67.177       
SPO0319          decaprenyl_diphosphate_synthase                                                                                                63.778       64.649       123.095      108.398      131.078      81.310       111.088      148.054      122.659      92.025       58.046       55.271       70.727       47.176       73.306       63.094       
SPO0320          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           31.770       12.773       11.868       23.040       7.268        18.457       0.000        42.386       4.378        9.156        25.676       14.245       20.197       16.085       4.312        15.528       
SPO0321          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.807       35.876       50.820       39.251       12.047       26.514       0.000        8.782        10.886       16.441       24.320       16.866       27.201       19.679       13.103       22.062       
SPO0322          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5614.962     12495.075    5469.291     4655.044     1366.505     7894.111     5376.344     2907.247     4403.851     11887.411    8369.751     6041.689     4477.833     1994.045     2848.740     3196.635     
SPO0323          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           21.981       29.390       19.018       21.773       12.542       23.205       0.000        11.320       11.873       16.928       18.537       13.546       17.427       14.729       14.350       19.687       
SPO0324          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         8.547        11.036       10.700       11.252       7.645        8.320        3.002        2.388        6.908        6.191        6.614        5.504        5.121        1.554        5.345        6.000        
SPO0325          acetoacetyl-CoA_reductase                                                                                                      1441.335     467.936      1081.375     1067.833     172.008      280.104      157.613      314.526      1257.688     2195.259     361.881      551.458      230.032      174.026      239.167      265.122      
SPO0326          acetyl-CoA_acetyltransferase                                                                                                   1033.771     705.496      738.109      739.121      388.447      618.683      273.303      440.637      806.964      939.324      671.042      784.515      653.263      376.787      664.724      516.402      
SPO0327          EAL_domain_protein                                                                                                             1.043        4.876        19.631       15.635       1.233        49.787       0.000        3.595        7.799        6.990        0.933        2.071        0.642        0.585        0.549        0.000        
SPO0328          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           193.177      149.200      44.850       41.335       16.646       43.963       6.101        25.887       86.239       88.071       40.324       48.939       26.598       18.420       39.995       40.137       
SPO0329          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           172.226      151.150      51.528       60.804       25.987       66.935       6.803        46.909       89.456       144.974      62.764       59.250       65.767       50.471       61.667       61.186       
SPO0330          cytochrome_c_peroxidase                                                                                                        8.340        6.063        6.036        13.280       3.943        11.640       2.710        0.000        2.672        3.725        7.462        9.108        11.299       13.557       8.772        7.672        
SPO0331          thiol:disulfide_interchange_protein,_putative                                                                                  81.325       79.212       33.795       48.113       32.194       45.550       30.343       45.597       59.845       76.476       52.224       82.674       137.071      141.338      168.619      277.096      
SPO0332          argininosuccinate_lyase                                                                                                        129.655      114.587      151.055      134.847      125.198      109.816      104.167      109.414      102.053      99.683       124.869      94.868       131.628      100.074      158.687      109.875      
SPO0334          diaminopimelate_decarboxylase                                                                                                  59.974       71.446       79.059       53.103       145.451      50.114       92.097       110.798      103.374      67.166       32.476       31.231       54.498       48.053       90.895       48.260       
SPO0335          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           151.763      168.713      113.241      90.239       66.623       193.334      46.618       113.030      133.903      220.878      140.299      142.452      249.093      128.681      321.763      246.969      
SPO0336          MJ0042_family_finger-like_domain_protein                                                                                       213.859      316.386      114.767      107.492      52.404       111.786      30.506       68.314       132.589      115.331      108.277      85.449       68.743       29.238       70.773       52.499       
SPO0337          cell_division_ATP-binding_protein_FtsE                                                                                         140.737      107.609      117.899      95.367       101.223      57.163       38.917       71.211       89.548       46.814       51.978       43.406       56.798       42.969       72.439       53.796       
SPO0339          acyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                                 87.736       71.532       81.489       56.098       37.516       35.053       31.133       58.826       51.170       56.177       22.506       28.541       25.817       16.785       37.794       49.259       
SPO0340          2-oxoglutarate_dehydrogenase,_E3_component,_dihydrolipoamide_dehydrogenase                                                     459.422      316.695      147.734      172.907      101.269      90.766       128.956      185.103      121.787      147.738      39.458       48.788       43.454       54.030       98.731       124.090      
SPO0342          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           321.307      198.703      85.210       85.774       61.845       67.730       159.384      118.348      80.335       98.602       27.798       37.339       44.308       38.496       85.992       95.561       
SPO0343          2-oxoglutarate_dehydrogenase,_E2_component,_dihydrolipoamide_succinyltransferase                                               268.589      186.077      88.963       119.483      73.326       66.566       79.120       147.873      79.263       152.152      32.683       33.387       34.635       47.125       91.779       85.652       
SPO0344          2-oxoglutarate_dehydrogenase,_E1_component                                                                                     250.057      170.025      76.564       91.064       115.079      56.807       99.848       153.272      83.317       129.019      33.445       45.326       51.135       55.819       83.293       103.293      
SPO0344a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           126.014      120.233      63.197       55.767       77.403       44.078       60.179       111.713      73.476       96.029       50.309       65.019       63.551       50.428       91.840       105.238      
SPO0345          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           312.130      256.047      103.602      89.390       110.912      37.952       36.173       95.929       115.511      101.237      34.866       60.795       83.256       77.563       97.026       119.630      
SPO0346          succinyl-CoA_synthase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                           1069.187     834.410      167.666      224.416      260.352      112.768      678.700      358.264      277.025      388.038      128.884      169.551      220.704      180.352      272.813      305.890      
SPO0346a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           550.252      663.629      139.607      153.258      205.595      87.620       1376.546     414.018      377.079      611.582      114.802      159.021      223.792      173.768      256.319      282.379      
SPO0347          succinyl-CoA_synthase,_beta_subunit                                                                                            758.433      577.949      159.187      167.566      275.992      93.743       576.458      235.624      386.813      284.088      137.756      191.436      279.931      236.710      262.180      250.728      
SPO0348          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           145.917      134.984      66.464       47.384       16.557       60.266       5.057        14.082       34.078       46.059       44.565       25.884       21.088       18.758       19.645       34.953       
SPO0349          malate_dehydrogenase,_NAD-dependent                                                                                            242.623      242.785      401.566      410.661      433.782      185.507      242.330      438.874      339.032      523.084      218.105      250.594      301.357      213.623      451.068      368.153      
SPO0350          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           69.865       84.909       30.214       18.466       13.020       29.237       11.303       14.987       22.293       31.078       19.195       14.967       21.424       13.650       20.124       11.295       
SPO0351          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           73.464       107.549      360.548      235.937      683.069      2055.103     363.722      667.956      439.389      668.797      85.139       61.129       13.788       7.844        26.492       24.231       
SPO0352          citrate_lyase,_beta_subunit                                                                                                    164.677      63.642       177.396      108.099      62.768       60.693       26.545       83.595       143.977      204.137      120.161      164.766      123.900      97.317       77.876       101.683      
SPO0353          NnrU_family_protein                                                                                                            166.487      78.039       105.329      102.239      55.155       47.717       20.558       136.296      125.020      328.556      90.582       131.137      72.088       72.708       67.383       95.869       
SPO0354          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           166.929      122.254      142.504      104.244      50.590       61.667       69.535       114.328      123.430      243.767      95.744       129.613      79.079       64.780       76.533       101.911      
SPO0355          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           126.380      59.665       93.626       66.167       52.809       28.737       33.182       53.530       59.991       148.256      29.698       41.403       33.543       34.347       34.462       55.723       
SPO0356          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           60.925       40.187       48.485       51.931       22.525       43.161       33.774       41.797       59.211       54.170       26.869       28.668       20.628       23.954       17.615       30.625       
SPO0357          von_Willebrand_factor_type_A_domain_protein                                                                                    44.981       54.277       28.726       23.546       6.255        27.995       0.000        6.840        19.782       14.774       16.572       10.508       17.110       8.157        16.002       23.625       
SPO0358          succinate_dehydrogenase,_cytochrome_b556_subunit                                                                               270.591      199.565      404.857      332.278      506.616      222.158      376.793      309.563      395.861      302.170      288.908      287.845      448.115      419.344      588.350      366.676      
SPO0359          succinate_dehydrogenase,_hydrophobic_membrane_anchor_protein                                                                   134.288      99.538       154.140      135.211      153.828      77.773       246.030      214.085      257.786      311.811      112.215      99.849       158.844      114.072      275.022      140.852      
SPO0360          succinate_dehydrogenase,_flavoprotein_subunit                                                                                  237.906      205.977      250.265      249.049      278.189      147.832      332.009      310.456      287.067      353.685      174.627      209.157      244.860      222.328      392.981      316.831      
SPO0361          succinate_dehydrogenase,_iron-sulfur_protein                                                                                   399.219      346.653      738.521      562.119      672.091      601.582      419.895      741.703      732.141      769.263      865.232      754.790      730.134      534.802      916.036      784.452      
SPO0362          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         216.167      221.575      317.012      233.961      126.075      156.559      270.945      174.747      226.984      301.968      93.992       105.100      83.515       73.292       140.932      189.699      
SPO0363          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           115.808      95.799       53.406       107.519      53.298       182.722      186.471      208.399      96.323       18.311       497.007      83.436       249.935      252.766      353.562      840.731      
SPO0364          decarboxylase,_pyridoxal-dependent                                                                                             19.811       19.230       23.585       14.568       76.156       24.675       60.158       77.214       32.431       23.984       25.181       13.235       34.663       28.645       40.117       36.469       
SPO0365          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           95.998       68.415       48.784       38.265       25.952       31.266       16.591       30.798       23.996       43.336       22.844       20.786       21.384       14.884       18.261       37.026       
SPO0366          purine_nucleoside_phosphorylase                                                                                                950.866      537.351      342.765      309.606      241.977      127.711      336.597      286.915      512.392      601.843      161.110      238.158      244.565      204.628      243.869      306.321      
SPO0367          DNA-binding_protein,_H-NS_family                                                                                               934.152      499.515      276.864      288.217      168.731      142.275      126.090      200.628      485.534      424.077      176.096      220.170      194.610      144.504      211.378      173.998      
SPO0368          methylmalonyl-CoA_mutase                                                                                                       514.811      116.880      258.735      192.402      48.296       100.348      38.338       93.762       265.585      483.630      122.587      204.581      98.235       74.470       55.159       82.060       
SPO0369          acyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                                 53.158       32.983       36.775       30.006       7.181        15.417       3.589        9.993        21.825       32.687       13.095       12.612       8.843        7.120        4.357        18.230       
SPO0370          crotonyl-CoA_reductase                                                                                                         6365.838     1216.617     1136.960     858.046      210.187      323.014      154.667      399.029      2156.410     3961.786     764.845      1515.086     814.983      459.333      371.938      555.660      
SPO0371          autoinducer-binding_transcriptional_regulator_LuxR                                                                             653.355      1429.285     1692.311     1482.969     483.636      2756.284     470.860      557.183      377.194      1094.742     113.868      74.359       53.249       21.162       142.819      200.333      
SPO0372          autoinducer_synthesis_protein                                                                                                  20.937       34.223       73.531       74.590       197.160      262.085      352.398      247.236      165.694      211.572      25.797       17.039       2.537        3.078        9.386        7.429        
SPO0373          helicase,_ATP-dependent,_putative                                                                                              62.280       50.058       59.800       53.941       56.596       34.663       24.405       36.135       46.796       36.347       37.243       32.937       38.162       21.753       33.247       37.258       
SPO0374          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           91.161       88.409       112.881      103.911      75.294       104.340      57.097       89.904       85.633       57.646       52.576       46.890       48.701       33.245       70.468       64.188       
SPO0375          membrane_protein                                                                                                               119.278      115.276      134.661      123.377      100.156      133.116      53.868       103.965      98.373       79.199       64.694       71.329       73.740       48.015       73.143       70.276       
SPO0376          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        62.143       68.534       35.328       29.635       27.778       25.639       17.621       20.250       27.031       12.113       23.050       21.538       16.700       22.294       26.620       17.119       
SPO0377          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        73.564       76.406       45.141       35.952       39.222       28.441       38.970       37.204       51.241       38.396       32.911       30.565       33.486       21.066       37.846       20.336       
SPO0378          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     79.197       86.414       42.214       33.209       39.538       30.894       59.453       26.113       120.924      52.361       18.675       26.115       27.116       12.821       27.065       15.781       
SPO0379          sugar_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_sugar-binding_protein                                                                       798.213      667.883      285.530      265.247      124.861      185.118      99.695       99.710       321.160      212.440      161.589      168.858      177.626      108.602      158.138      131.407      
SPO0380          ribosomal-protein-alanine_acetyltransferase,_putative                                                                          11.685       19.859       9.226        5.970        12.555       11.478       6.903        3.661        6.807        11.862       9.505        6.328        19.625       10.718       17.876       10.347       
SPO0381          protease,_putative                                                                                                             35.268       41.643       21.496       15.301       26.328       26.743       0.000        14.075       19.032       9.950        35.210       22.115       55.786       79.077       74.190       50.624       
SPO0382          nifU_domain_protein                                                                                                            615.576      612.683      265.856      249.311      239.155      297.824      116.313      211.893      277.613      272.880      465.143      398.691      908.691      928.292      892.206      680.528      
SPO0383          acyl_carrier_protein_phosphodiesterase,_putative                                                                               17.121       22.969       16.522       12.028       3.373        14.132       23.178       8.605        15.238       9.559        38.298       24.789       39.540       28.791       24.010       16.985       
SPO0384          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.753       34.703       47.290       20.865       14.919       30.086       9.650        15.354       19.032       16.583       29.231       18.429       21.034       13.318       21.086       12.053       
SPO0385          2-hydroxychromene-2-carboxylate_isomerase,_putative                                                                            171.014      163.426      121.903      87.189       36.672       82.484       14.401       47.102       59.963       72.594       37.676       49.874       46.404       29.814       44.288       67.157       
SPO0386          universal_stress_family_protein                                                                                                393.206      218.005      232.263      164.282      70.567       114.242      30.310       106.101      159.415      172.929      88.478       102.808      86.176       64.841       58.872       104.999      
SPO0387          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           70.914       61.485       45.226       30.036       10.204       49.604       2.671        11.335       12.294       13.772       24.645       26.530       18.228       11.061       11.242       44.936       
SPO0388          aminotransferase,_class_IV                                                                                                     326.551      199.076      108.632      95.946       29.367       115.975      19.770       69.031       55.240       83.804       211.878      128.880      97.430       37.519       23.467       130.060      
SPO0389          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         3.329        2.964        5.507        5.346        1.124        3.426        0.000        1.639        2.032        2.124        2.553        0.944        7.029        2.133        2.001        2.059        
SPO0390          glutamate/leucine/phenylalanine/valine_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                            8.131        7.363        6.036        7.031        0.000        3.755        0.000        2.156        3.563        0.931        7.462        4.554        5.136        3.740        3.509        4.062        
SPO0391          biphenyl-2,3-diol_1,2-dioxygenase_III                                                                                          141.009      65.717       26.169       23.708       34.188       12.209       17.621       29.596       17.377       18.169       11.323       15.256       10.020       8.107        26.620       15.652       
SPO0392          tryptophanyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                   157.799      131.027      87.255       85.502       109.922      52.340       134.297      112.037      118.642      100.969      35.057       38.473       41.895       49.234       72.005       55.451       
SPO0394          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.860       16.794       26.750       8.655        10.921       31.201       15.011       3.981        29.606       0.000        8.267        9.174        8.536        10.359       9.719        7.500        
SPO0395          cyclic_nucleotide-binding_protein                                                                                              58.511       40.514       58.637       49.187       25.712       33.098       4.875        16.805       41.662       26.806       9.397        13.406       12.935       13.456       19.725       30.850       
SPO0396          integral_membrane_protein_MviN                                                                                                 39.857       27.107       64.881       30.825       26.488       31.164       5.530        15.644       34.540       17.740       15.229       16.336       23.061       20.354       29.838       24.561       
SPO0397          protein-P-II_uridylyltransferase                                                                                               58.500       40.784       74.705       54.948       32.772       52.100       27.079       35.353       70.526       43.313       23.088       25.460       29.414       26.054       31.186       41.456       
SPO0398          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           188.517      160.041      270.460      252.417      125.816      145.454      43.535       129.561      187.629      158.771      133.209      120.098      130.653      79.697       111.962      145.817      
SPO0399          tetrapyrrole_methylase_family_protein                                                                                          67.403       57.808       93.133       72.704       48.886       92.879       33.182       42.237       39.267       29.651       28.784       21.293       20.126       19.463       23.631       35.921       
SPO0400          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.284       44.239       167.841      77.580       12.586       485.817      7.688        20.389       32.855       39.637       9.528        11.747       10.201       5.306        8.711        17.927       
SPO0401          glutathione_synthetase                                                                                                         160.081      100.442      103.290      88.827       97.656       106.102      143.377      127.010      113.314      163.560      78.967       79.701       149.179      119.467      158.004      128.031      
SPO0402          competence_protein_ComM                                                                                                        20.645       47.384       191.431      116.845      34.470       386.368      13.134       23.884       48.109       60.619       28.678       18.348       12.092       9.711        10.933       11.250       
SPO0403          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.502       14.544       21.717       28.107       56.745       36.476       9.749        37.919       56.617       82.652       49.221       43.197       46.197       16.259       8.942        17.319       
SPO0404          phosphoglycerate_mutase_family_protein                                                                                         15.159       13.383       19.749       22.720       11.646       10.238       0.000        7.837        22.667       10.157       6.782        6.773        1.867        5.948        3.986        4.922        
SPO0405          cobinamide_kinase/cobinamide_phosphate_guanyltransferase                                                                       70.673       59.070       89.590       100.281      46.462       39.162       10.870       56.210       62.529       59.774       43.404       42.350       41.206       30.004       27.270       51.594       
SPO0406          RNA_polymerase_sigma-32_factor                                                                                                 635.689      533.684      163.043      222.219      177.309      468.971      165.169      247.349      295.956      630.010      528.430      988.151      1026.368     861.003      996.506      948.227      
SPO0408          phosphopantothenoylcysteine_decarboxylase/phosphopantothenate--cysteine_ligase                                                 150.282      112.033      136.557      115.768      49.701       85.277       21.385       60.491       79.668       65.331       66.415       68.613       74.761       49.191       76.918       87.851       
SPO0409          deoxyuridine_5'-triphosphate_nucleotidohydrolase                                                                               262.625      216.215      248.325      240.138      91.130       167.492      75.153       107.954      133.814      217.399      87.096       88.032       105.648      99.402       137.861      130.380      
SPO0411          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.170       25.519       49.245       30.687       13.403       16.451       0.000        19.542       16.149       18.291       9.583        7.506        16.295       10.594       25.180       22.500       
SPO0412          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           48.822       22.429       76.108       131.922      9.988        27.054       6.101        8.090        50.139       27.260       68.046       41.948       76.324       54.734       29.626       22.355       
SPO0413          Cys/Met_metabolism_PLP-dependent_enzyme_family_protein                                                                         47.667       31.130       47.045       36.532       7.683        20.811       0.000        12.446       31.626       29.034       15.832       23.663       16.012       7.287        8.736        14.851       
SPO0414          peptidyl-dipeptidase,_putative                                                                                                 150.733      80.418       67.812       48.758       40.759       47.847       28.187       49.708       44.938       55.704       36.677       41.559       59.571       52.033       65.926       61.732       
SPO0415          D-isomer_specific_2-hydroxyacid_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                   59.620       44.370       47.568       33.420       32.737       19.022       42.708       43.685       62.172       56.617       24.362       25.635       27.176       25.262       28.638       26.927       
SPO0416          rod_shape-determining_protein_MreD                                                                                             65.660       58.625       57.806       61.146       39.485       33.539       29.942       45.657       49.213       42.021       46.382       39.648       57.226       56.392       56.946       51.530       
SPO0417          penicillin-binding_protein_2                                                                                                   92.190       90.970       87.774       63.952       72.732       72.802       51.078       94.044       82.992       70.221       147.694      124.642      184.225      156.855      140.783      104.270      
SPO0418          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           52.734       67.083       66.274       55.140       33.822       43.436       31.877       35.223       33.182       38.345       29.993       26.787       31.217       22.914       45.576       30.969       
SPO0419          rod_shape-determining_protein_MreC                                                                                             139.211      168.161      151.728      117.471      101.767      137.784      42.571       70.155       106.952      86.742       92.530       77.586       101.438      97.050       135.840      87.612       
SPO0420          rod_shape-determining_protein_MreB                                                                                             148.665      162.443      227.607      226.415      262.954      154.766      747.302      339.424      330.512      281.126      173.616      160.264      225.603      234.879      324.607      201.851      
SPO0421          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           24.255       22.007       40.356       31.338       44.155       31.631       39.856       41.317       55.979       83.435       32.428       29.340       33.652       31.255       40.466       36.207       
SPO0422          2-isopropylmalate_synthase                                                                                                     185.660      153.746      117.389      118.629      99.134       52.767       173.254      212.497      201.703      362.860      46.220       62.041       50.285       37.051       67.770       103.696      
SPO0423          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  19.228       15.663       8.732        11.301       5.347        14.938       0.000        1.299        8.053        6.736        4.048        5.240        4.644        2.536        2.379        2.448        
SPO0424          membrane_protein                                                                                                               10.869       11.097       18.133       16.565       4.355        10.948       0.000        5.714        20.462       13.988       9.230        6.218        3.630        2.891        6.588        6.380        
SPO0425          MORN_repeat_protein                                                                                                            354.222      259.850      223.207      172.864      82.710       122.957      98.592       116.321      181.886      206.078      171.492      153.402      163.610      87.823       127.664      160.849      
SPO0426          glutamine-dependent_NAD(+)_synthetase                                                                                          114.551      71.742       83.194       76.556       67.307       49.616       39.403       79.960       65.889       63.591       30.666       33.504       39.616       28.669       40.208       55.353       
SPO0427          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.868       42.791       121.200      110.798      30.631       54.452       17.273       41.225       56.778       56.397       29.134       19.793       22.099       17.134       31.452       35.959       
SPO0428          amino_acid_deaminase,_putative                                                                                                 33.508       46.403       30.434       33.234       69.890       26.623       17.078       67.367       39.998       39.619       22.339       24.788       27.109       38.670       81.198       34.842       
SPO0429          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          220.874      294.986      104.649      102.019      100.430      296.326      82.365       156.943      203.563      262.115      130.212      194.824      230.707      169.465      407.355      294.675      
SPO0430          glutamyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                       63.402       66.192       96.056       54.158       114.154      73.064       87.523       113.221      119.993      74.836       46.147       45.988       76.068       60.398       116.787      62.217       
SPO0431          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.090       9.597        17.833       23.080       11.831       8.320        10.007       10.615       29.606       8.598        13.779       4.587        10.432       2.590        6.479        9.167        
SPO0432          rrf2_family_protein                                                                                                            12.291       13.277       119.562      267.112      6.973        38.073       6.390        8.472        10.502       32.942       153.087      123.009      179.246      111.338      51.712       46.824       
SPO0433          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              21.100       32.647       21.116       16.593       34.689       30.180       14.670       42.496       35.612       48.870       51.121       45.001       79.998       75.734       84.753       56.760       
SPO0434          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           47.564       85.717       25.534       22.425       61.804       62.401       53.220       66.225       94.200       160.401      104.282      78.811       163.727      144.786      206.739      98.181       
SPO0435          acyl-CoA_thioesterase,_putative                                                                                                68.971       60.173       39.935       33.595       16.304       48.442       8.964        41.599       35.358       77.020       32.707       48.619       98.543       44.073       60.936       34.336       
SPO0436          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           51.112       48.663       30.828       30.589       12.586       37.715       4.613        15.903       19.713       39.637       24.137       22.554       37.598       30.242       47.787       37.646       
SPO0437          cold_shock_family_protein                                                                                                      6730.678     6621.708     3853.792     3516.230     2542.171     2497.520     2141.678     4075.254     2770.312     5324.640     3075.306     2749.499     3961.866     3776.423     4540.226     4143.599     
SPO0438          ErfK/YbiS/YcfS/YnhG_family_protein/Tat_domain_protein                                                                          210.819      360.309      75.153       72.212       26.963       123.251      56.229       70.491       119.303      82.573       157.662      110.122      66.854       62.614       68.673       89.391       
SPO0439          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.745        9.858        15.265       13.829       6.232        37.034       0.000        5.452        4.505        4.710        3.774        4.188        5.196        1.182        2.218        9.130        
SPO0440          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    113.624      105.805      106.949      65.014       39.694       88.706       7.274        27.008       43.042       50.004       46.075       31.120       28.955       25.100       31.791       37.557       
SPO0441          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.947       13.376       11.185       2.413        4.567        10.437       8.369        4.439        11.004       8.629        5.762        10.229       4.759        10.107       8.127        11.150       
SPO0442          thioredoxin                                                                                                                    19.094       18.224       20.916       25.137       67.095       31.599       107.311      94.267       66.140       108.341      126.518      135.264      359.763      335.555      184.548      151.913      
SPO0443          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           47.499       48.284       111.180      71.946       78.837       114.662      65.672       118.426      116.573      139.940      195.318      148.500      410.772      398.809      218.970      279.997      
SPO0444          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           216.243      276.754      207.690      142.079      12.113       614.609      79.916       7.064        43.783       41.200       55.019       26.455       35.344       22.979       8.623        19.965       
SPO0445          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.477       26.906       205.143      112.767      18.912       659.330      4.951        18.382       39.061       69.769       18.407       14.373       22.523       12.813       14.425       15.667       
SPO0446          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           79.631       98.481       90.992       77.685       119.875      60.408       157.899      146.557      116.784      116.206      64.279       57.165       64.086       54.778       110.841      88.611       
SPO0447          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.942       34.101       52.664       29.924       43.002       60.328       138.392      100.161      42.648       119.902      40.096       42.289       35.521       24.373       34.067       37.454       
SPO0448          MOSC_domain_protein                                                                                                            20.853       33.179       17.983       9.975        6.293        17.579       0.000        12.233       11.373       19.818       10.322       14.096       20.766       16.912       14.933       18.247       
SPO0449          nicotinate_(nicotinamide)_nucleotide_adenylyltransferase                                                                       192.671      162.504      102.856      65.280       45.223       63.368       8.880        49.451       51.080       48.830       43.404       30.525       49.650       26.809       60.364       56.197       
SPO0451          D-alanyl-D-alanine_carboxypeptidase/D-alanyl-D-alanine-endopeptidase                                                           173.402      166.387      70.502       56.067       16.646       85.600       7.626        15.168       35.724       40.628       67.731       51.270       63.965       30.919       51.845       46.360       
SPO0452          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           266.109      282.867      659.057      747.807      915.326      443.673      736.276      2099.428     588.414      273.948      172.066      132.102      147.238      97.889       118.080      150.749      
SPO0453          DMSP_lyase                                                                                                                     257.547      217.775      1075.462     1169.474     1668.021     794.016      472.838      2377.506     593.088      164.650      13.707       5.703        7.076        9.660        68.477       15.543       
SPO0454          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         29.553       18.055       58.955       39.081       24.069       46.066       9.683        17.118       16.975       9.984        15.999       9.369        22.023       12.807       10.971       14.514       
SPO0455          lysyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                          35.585       29.789       67.656       26.866       26.366       14.587       3.451        69.561       10.778       3.559        4.515        2.373        1.963        0.893        3.910        8.910        
SPO0456          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           209.018      205.979      70.219       98.898       43.845       106.633      9.271        49.174       82.286       63.730       65.106       49.579       43.933       38.388       39.017       43.235       
SPO0457          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           372.574      296.618      85.530       61.497       77.597       136.954      35.552       54.682       77.131       68.426       190.913      434.547      249.327      202.403      328.000      196.577      
SPO0458          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.282        2.276        3.700        4.105        9.064        11.838       5.933        9.754        3.900        8.156        2.451        1.088        1.799        1.024        1.536        0.790        
SPO0459          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           102.829      83.334       148.982      110.576      402.659      627.975      667.607      587.390      340.015      562.302      36.473       36.259       24.990       17.369       39.188       23.954       
SPO0460          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.191        19.623       36.957       45.918       3.018        184.839      6.636        5.280        11.998       5.702        4.569        2.535        5.660        4.007        3.760        2.763        
SPO0461          ParA_family_protein                                                                                                            41.430       62.196       70.555       37.830       57.610       109.725      31.673       59.996       31.235       48.209       143.919      133.426      299.315      187.348      193.347      70.837       
SPO0462          antibiotic_biosynthesis_monooxygenase_domain_protein                                                                           347.651      386.272      70.219       90.879       44.595       100.709      78.806       55.730       100.742      90.284       116.950      108.365      109.539      58.915       102.044      69.999       
SPO0463          universal_stress_family_protein                                                                                                121.273      114.202      71.780       94.918       21.660       47.564       42.030       27.865       32.237       26.483       62.695       73.849       67.715       56.800       49.888       42.000       
SPO0464          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           30.318       29.915       37.304       61.060       23.293       32.761       24.627       20.899       35.619       28.778       20.346       19.566       25.206       29.741       15.944       22.148       
SPO0465          pyridoxamine_5'-phosphate_oxidase_family_protein                                                                               3.638        11.336       18.433       6.816        2.150        3.276        0.000        3.135        5.829        0.000        7.324        2.709        3.361        3.059        3.827        4.922        
SPO0466          transporter,_formate/nitrate_family                                                                                            93.554       96.293       65.068       44.212       16.603       67.798       0.000        20.334       15.603       22.588       60.330       40.724       54.674       27.716       23.640       41.351       
SPO0467          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         4.625        3.202        3.570        5.776        0.000        4.442        0.000        0.000        3.952        1.377        2.759        3.061        2.279        0.000        1.297        1.335        
SPO0468          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnG                                                                                      22.167       13.013       5.580        9.028        4.556        13.885       0.000        6.643        6.176        2.152        10.348       3.827        5.935        5.402        5.068        9.387        
SPO0469          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnH                                                                                      19.328       7.085        4.389        5.680        2.688        4.778        0.000        2.612        11.333       5.078        2.713        2.258        1.867        1.699        0.797        0.820        
SPO0470          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnI                                                                                      14.232       14.574       11.606       6.009        6.634        7.942        5.210        6.218        1.713        5.372        5.381        5.971        4.444        3.596        6.747        2.169        
SPO0471          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnJ                                                                                      19.369       20.661       6.062        5.884        6.187        8.956        3.402        9.923        4.473        8.184        4.216        9.875        8.382        3.521        6.057        4.532        
SPO0472          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnK                                                                                      13.075       12.399       4.937        5.325        9.407        9.726        0.000        2.939        3.643        6.348        4.578        6.208        9.102        3.824        7.175        3.076        
SPO0473          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnL                                                                                      7.373        13.317       3.712        4.804        3.789        6.350        4.166        2.210        6.847        5.727        3.442        4.456        4.738        0.719        4.046        2.775        
SPO0474          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnN                                                                                      12.394       26.576       18.519       23.968       17.012       12.960       0.000        5.512        6.832        5.358        8.585        7.145        15.758       8.964        14.297       12.115       
SPO0476          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnM                                                                                      12.638       10.740       4.435        5.740        3.621        14.829       4.977        2.640        4.090        5.132        5.140        7.224        15.094       7.728        12.084       6.632        
SPO0477          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           159.075      269.337      17.928       15.952       1.830        9.759        0.000        6.670        6.614        1.729        11.082       11.528       5.721        4.339        0.000        4.189        
SPO0478          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.520       12.748       0.000        6.570        20.724       4.736        193.693      21.151       18.727       15.664       9.413        8.704        19.436       21.622       44.260       3.795        
SPO0479          ISSpo8,_transposase                                                                                                            40.789       54.925       7.121        3.072        6.299        5.537        34.630       13.422       13.135       5.493        6.969        5.291        5.049        10.111       8.623        6.211        
SPO0481          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 102.238      100.448      63.997       65.571       74.029       26.540       41.897       85.711       94.438       55.542       27.196       35.664       34.034       25.815       70.721       60.806       
SPO0482          NADH-ubiquinone_oxidoreductase_family_protein                                                                                  592.709      431.438      327.235      328.225      297.256      277.353      110.176      253.220      229.372      211.423      276.859      223.043      290.622      261.355      285.328      240.070      
SPO0483          microcystin_dependent_protein,_putative                                                                                        2339.958     2156.877     188.122      197.821      43.202       152.375      65.977       51.323       161.936      281.183      290.706      458.998      124.222      63.742       195.071      135.522      
SPO0484          ribosomal_protein_L2                                                                                                           601.343      906.901      1677.736     1740.989     4464.211     853.650      7092.572     5388.292     2523.517     2171.849     608.742      730.174      823.252      959.084      2017.199     1396.111     
SPO0485          ribosomal_protein_S19                                                                                                          295.802      660.460      517.485      696.413      1219.010     279.178      4101.357     2761.359     1290.745     1077.522     185.411      224.583      303.939      242.950      795.281      392.034      
SPO0486          ribosomal_protein_L22                                                                                                          549.196      938.090      1083.381     1304.768     2447.695     464.890      6297.003     3869.252     1475.352     1596.739     374.102      495.383      523.512      401.399      1333.866     747.493      
SPO0487          ribosomal_protein_S3                                                                                                           550.220      625.183      1172.510     1213.530     2516.434     405.954      3203.227     2296.549     833.369      737.180      300.319      386.118      353.153      331.852      859.778      636.696      
SPO0488          ribosomal_protein_L16                                                                                                          599.640      581.431      1134.782     1510.455     2351.607     510.780      2008.699     1760.986     633.065      481.603      303.195      343.815      357.184      388.224      719.525      711.617      
SPO0489          ISSpo2,_transposase                                                                                                            5.510        6.733        10.322       3.643        2.299        12.842       4.212        2.234        4.846        2.896        4.930        3.540        3.992        3.997        4.091        5.612        
SPO0490          calcium-binding_domain_protein                                                                                                 33.214       60.369       129.051      76.142       32.025       118.844      36.918       40.668       59.745       77.108       21.507       18.224       16.687       7.349        25.741       22.230       
SPO0491          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           39.914       64.569       67.492       63.527       70.974       52.163       110.176      97.392       63.379       75.733       45.511       40.681       49.597       53.063       107.741      69.575       
SPO0491a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           236.333      510.912      208.916      150.965      68.234       200.355      273.543      128.501      131.024      247.125      102.233      80.005       71.106       63.372       91.081       134.069      
SPO0492          cyclic_nucleotide-binding_domain_protein                                                                                       39.760       42.646       42.131       33.106       17.815       24.805       13.510       17.913       22.204       16.251       27.903       27.865       30.728       29.134       26.787       36.000       
SPO0493          ribosomal_protein_L29                                                                                                          395.793      817.585      849.013      929.448      3943.144     706.837      10359.453    8287.300     3881.041     3560.478     560.307      516.650      920.673      884.961      2184.678     696.811      
SPO0494          ribosomal_protein_S17                                                                                                          259.461      515.104      842.630      904.011      2568.797     444.856      11609.420    3784.872     1918.334     1770.519     258.711      262.358      400.945      440.073      1218.491     472.495      
SPO0495          ribosomal_protein_L14                                                                                                          357.260      695.043      804.642      842.497      2553.326     455.427      4209.034     2220.063     1126.231     863.176      203.857      273.577      384.938      518.868      1111.615     475.077      
SPO0496          ribosomal_protein_L24                                                                                                          345.453      880.486      593.113      579.687      1446.200     239.185      2056.616     1928.365     1315.874     697.379      280.652      251.098      290.622      302.539      841.123      342.521      
SPO0497          ribosomal_protein_L5                                                                                                           393.943      831.326      763.350      801.791      2583.813     287.449      6538.385     3066.047     1106.394     1055.451     294.728      353.449      334.400      364.016      1019.621     472.495      
SPO0498          ribosomal_protein_S14                                                                                                          376.068      764.730      667.430      712.638      2953.081     281.547      4016.783     2617.101     760.222      707.971      353.249      349.057      353.168      369.912      980.536      456.901      
SPO0499          ribosomal_protein_S8                                                                                                           385.650      647.620      680.586      840.984      2398.844     316.519      1949.548     1803.722     631.285      400.028      266.434      311.202      333.673      355.163      891.319      444.630      
SPO0500          ribosomal_protein_L6                                                                                                           709.142      1124.659     1530.539     1455.610     4747.215     467.904      7821.864     5028.449     1127.526     1175.224     497.308      591.008      606.601      482.073      1440.729     989.482      
SPO0501          ribosomal_protein_L18                                                                                                          697.068      845.932      1214.378     1328.825     3210.326     519.766      3719.130     2330.824     859.437      570.839      391.731      397.035      406.693      360.573      987.858      779.551      
SPO0502          ribosomal_protein_S5                                                                                                           465.307      674.607      858.152      939.884      1995.288     284.846      2309.441     2080.194     731.339      523.458      312.509      311.027      301.888      267.049      804.002      596.007      
SPO0503          ribosomal_protein_L30                                                                                                          179.563      299.862      489.269      1380.780     923.847      183.883      884.665      999.095      611.692      298.811      121.811      88.556       153.226      210.515      414.761      429.310      
SPO0504          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           487.555      679.810      372.467      349.029      131.291      162.063      255.835      253.208      241.780      376.838      127.696      95.627       55.419       22.068       56.198       169.672      
SPO0504a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           353.714      314.896      447.647      325.651      167.230      306.676      348.061      240.335      243.939      392.736      558.827      598.015      993.322      918.847      676.044      839.992      
SPO0505          ribosomal_protein_L15                                                                                                          547.353      711.464      1355.185     1319.777     3551.902     959.033      6005.345     5111.539     1904.760     1728.625     839.330      946.987      1249.014     1022.540     2200.454     1604.076     
SPO0506          preprotein_translocase,_SecY_subunit                                                                                           234.764      237.854      431.501      376.900      426.806      284.262      690.032      489.444      349.120      390.027      428.699      432.190      590.921      488.372      540.947      433.380      
SPO0507          adenylate_kinase                                                                                                               275.342      256.175      496.479      337.918      405.389      343.295      275.267      376.766      328.373      393.690      463.996      489.084      512.492      333.192      460.637      473.974      
SPO0508          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           45.248       52.500       86.151       96.989       70.827       101.677      47.681       52.686       42.667       80.118       80.972       81.754       67.280       83.631       73.746       116.469      
SPO0509          ribosomal_protein_S13                                                                                                          432.410      608.317      991.126      1119.604     1880.804     612.249      7495.647     3860.442     2369.671     2477.633     431.194      408.590      708.169      740.858      1452.878     593.847      
SPO0510          ribosomal_protein_S11                                                                                                          364.940      456.938      797.257      1092.650     1493.820     436.473      3600.844     1770.927     1422.783     877.562      294.480      284.528      526.708      527.097      1047.918     478.553      
SPO0511          DNA-directed_RNA_polymerase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                     395.251      448.531      710.501      766.291      1263.085     308.997      1541.620     1083.272     647.472      463.494      201.097      218.440      260.914      317.127      738.161      363.924      
SPO0512          ribosomal_protein_L17                                                                                                          306.129      331.451      644.010      969.813      944.813      271.446      2634.384     1730.416     759.387      738.266      254.844      268.333      317.522      238.897      470.133      292.497      
SPO0513          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.665       63.819       96.746       44.430       14.015       66.977       14.010       13.004       32.237       26.483       47.262       26.757       35.849       24.170       30.613       37.333       
SPO0514          periplasmic_serine_protease,_DO/DeqQ_family                                                                                    37.648       33.187       33.888       30.227       48.985       31.051       22.614       39.253       46.629       39.568       36.233       43.974       74.036       64.550       60.228       46.222       
SPO0515          ATPase,_AAA_family                                                                                                             17.277       21.396       25.971       13.072       23.955       20.943       8.636        32.064       25.550       31.909       22.891       26.390       50.745       34.641       34.597       31.644       
SPO0516          ribosomal_large_subunit_pseudouridine_synthase_C                                                                               61.441       73.179       97.133       85.641       151.188      70.997       130.814      153.940      118.252      141.436      53.286       50.383       58.371       74.757       116.895      72.622       
SPO0518          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.904       42.551       38.945       20.620       46.977       22.024       55.628       65.331       24.817       49.163       19.149       19.427       9.791        21.936       25.082       30.441       
SPO0519          glutamate/glutamine/aspartate/asparagine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                9147.595     6236.532     1894.808     1694.661     479.811      1210.766     467.861      758.294      2123.665     3065.479     1175.336     1226.617     839.155      380.395      644.491      878.676      
SPO0520          glutamate/glutamine/aspartate/asparagine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                     441.757      298.360      164.732      117.583      39.945       86.637       67.228       37.439       246.036      211.034      48.752       58.206       28.883       17.784       35.546       44.413       
SPO0521          glutamate/glutamine/aspartate/asparagine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                     395.124      235.545      133.047      118.538      24.797       71.969       23.804       18.364       173.569      148.752      34.862       37.362       25.841       15.680       37.128       30.635       
SPO0522          glutamate/glutamine/aspartate/asparagine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                  923.523      587.934      265.925      202.146      92.217       173.893      154.616      99.170       351.047      467.143      141.104      146.135      81.104       44.044       110.580      73.060       
SPO0523          phosphoglycerate_mutase_family_protein                                                                                         94.292       64.395       47.367       72.596       13.231       52.727       27.979       8.904        38.628       32.695       21.574       18.809       9.546        10.619       9.963        40.074       
SPO0524          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.520       26.505       43.929       43.932       16.304       31.674       8.964        5.943        17.679       30.808       12.342       16.435       22.937       13.145       20.312       23.140       
SPO0525          sterol_desaturase-like_protein                                                                                                 31.696       27.482       47.877       45.440       22.804       45.170       3.582        24.699       23.550       32.010       33.540       29.554       26.480       29.663       33.048       35.199       
SPO0526          acetylglutamate_kinase                                                                                                         44.875       47.926       146.800      107.345      133.650      64.380       138.392      129.325      107.230      113.248      87.111       80.550       138.650      85.838       137.600      103.170      
SPO0527          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     39.378       42.678       67.741       57.735       35.076       22.097       7.417        36.388       39.010       39.513       35.234       34.564       40.067       24.952       23.410       40.147       
SPO0528          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.648       13.327       51.645       31.075       6.658        3.100        16.270       5.393        4.011        2.097        2.800        1.554        1.927        3.158        3.621        3.726        
SPO0529          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           164.017      136.283      290.086      234.648      117.022      94.523       69.763       129.504      107.017      103.901      60.837       65.137       45.546       42.793       65.242       78.749       
SPO0530          GTP-binding_protein                                                                                                            28.837       35.524       91.253       55.281       96.705       42.876       122.023      79.743       58.734       77.886       30.003       36.621       37.997       34.585       73.359       58.790       
SPO0531          MOSC_domain_protein                                                                                                            52.865       48.738       149.610      122.409      154.456      79.695       30.879       97.243       79.935       62.351       44.644       46.000       51.945       44.616       103.710      84.856       
SPO0532          inner_membrane_protein_YidC,_putative                                                                                          87.102       113.176      152.199      148.183      212.679      99.842       240.689      294.847      208.261      215.615      85.953       87.783       100.072      92.960       209.116      134.223      
SPO0533          diguanylate_cyclase,_putative                                                                                                  17.730       18.562       78.843       37.734       23.471       235.775      7.374        16.621       12.119       20.908       9.138        6.760        9.085        12.085       12.532       11.667       
SPO0534          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           31.432       39.587       57.322       50.076       102.971      42.789       176.912      112.597      115.251      95.075       35.432       45.214       51.823       53.828       98.921       70.178       
SPO0535          K+-dependent_Na+/Ca+_exchanger_related-protein                                                                                 15.071       20.056       5.454        0.882        7.237        4.241        27.544       25.971       18.108       19.985       10.535       7.482        19.143       42.239       63.406       14.781       
SPO0536          putative_protein_TIGR00278                                                                                                     22.257       39.121       24.783       32.075       34.402       27.750       89.005       64.909       76.801       53.533       145.531      101.991      244.618      245.683      196.285      87.087       
SPO0537          ribonuclease_P_protein_component                                                                                               76.376       102.911      233.068      247.501      475.766      158.924      167.673      320.151      218.263      133.697      56.333       51.236       80.089       137.693      158.494      135.158      
SPO0538          ribosomal_protein_L34                                                                                                          671.212      743.412      2424.710     2147.721     4630.163     2077.963     5442.463     4473.183     2480.536     2109.332     1134.706     908.203      1408.362     2267.440     2549.028     1832.125     
SPO0539          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           49.699       45.060       23.848       19.548       18.823       27.198       3.569        6.625        14.077       14.718       19.655       23.445       19.616       35.092       36.389       85.584       
SPO0540          mercuric_reductase,_putative                                                                                                   86.639       84.862       41.060       22.527       19.679       36.925       24.043       21.253       35.564       24.790       25.656       30.612       32.279       25.233       57.724       110.783      
SPO0541          sensor_histidine_kinase                                                                                                        109.067      89.510       66.716       60.915       27.238       47.471       22.565       27.200       42.482       39.482       30.788       40.118       40.826       27.958       63.086       98.052       
SPO0543          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.470       5.800        15.155       20.922       8.250        19.169       9.071        18.042       11.182       10.133       10.305       7.276        5.588        5.086        9.177        10.953       
SPO0544          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         8.434        8.014        18.183       15.464       18.240       9.695        15.159       22.883       14.182       13.626       7.225        5.879        5.746        2.213        13.967       11.264       
SPO0545          UvrABC_system_protein_B                                                                                                        79.722       72.065       44.319       31.286       32.898       46.366       32.298       48.992       48.413       59.055       43.582       48.557       61.218       45.468       45.167       49.057       
SPO0546          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.594       18.409       10.803       22.720       4.410        9.240        0.000        14.468       11.956       8.334        9.182        7.410        4.596        8.367        13.737       11.106       
SPO0547          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.922       32.450       69.029       38.508       2.915        230.991      0.000        17.002       12.294       11.018       8.828        9.796        10.127       4.609        12.107       6.229        
SPO0548          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           132.146      145.938      145.281      97.147       55.359       129.536      0.000        49.004       100.047      33.623       100.278      96.325       94.774       50.632       59.819       94.137       
SPO0549          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           44.611       33.289       42.633       35.703       23.549       21.840       16.887       16.420       24.055       9.673        11.626       6.880        16.004       12.625       18.222       13.125       
SPO0550          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.236       19.638       16.587       19.321       18.961       17.541       14.893       17.772       17.134       20.474       9.228        13.083       10.585       3.854        4.821        12.401       
SPO0551          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.247       12.363       22.233       17.984       9.985        7.261        7.486        18.528       6.562        18.867       4.810        3.050        2.838        5.166        4.846        7.480        
SPO0552          phosphoglycerate_mutase_family_protein                                                                                         19.879       14.024       15.202       25.296       17.733       9.457        0.000        19.391       6.409        13.403       4.698        9.682        1.848        2.523        14.991       19.484       
SPO0553          glycosyltransferase,_group_1                                                                                                   12.567       10.947       21.124       14.429       13.895       9.491        13.171       16.766       15.586       11.770       6.529        4.427        5.492        7.271        5.116        12.284       
SPO0554          glycosyl_transferase,_group_1_family_protein                                                                                   23.903       23.366       36.636       28.976       29.914       15.193       18.274       19.990       18.772       22.767       5.661        10.470       13.422       12.611       20.705       20.543       
SPO0555          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           68.982       73.704       106.372      78.282       97.925       71.360       30.430       58.351       66.943       83.669       46.735       41.129       44.368       50.883       68.956       55.358       
SPO0556          UDP-glucose/GDP-mannose_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                           65.087       73.842       114.026      87.544       102.179      74.238       73.745       108.137      86.271       86.474       51.368       48.052       56.323       49.394       80.044       62.494       
SPO0557          mechanosensitive_ion_channel_family_protein                                                                                    115.262      98.665       83.229       59.880       20.472       57.884       12.764       26.155       69.038       72.981       29.717       35.280       28.371       20.819       26.669       33.432       
SPO0558          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                 68.394       54.461       45.102       34.169       11.228       26.345       4.938        5.893        22.726       22.064       13.259       11.318       11.232       4.686        10.391       10.692       
SPO0559          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                 56.382       40.660       41.885       39.062       7.544        18.392       8.295        8.066        34.540       27.560       5.711        8.027        6.813        6.679        12.084       14.276       
SPO0560          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_oligopeptide-binding_protein                                                         169.251      118.219      67.358       58.972       14.289       54.225       10.376       19.654       65.290       66.227       45.309       39.858       37.928       18.156       36.467       34.561       
SPO0561          ABC_transporter                                                                                                                92.250       75.575       67.125       58.224       20.991       35.759       3.206        17.002       47.419       45.173       24.277       24.979       16.709       13.550       20.236       22.157       
SPO0562          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           119.030      65.527       63.319       61.462       62.639       47.721       27.332       59.435       48.516       31.939       48.171       30.902       34.191       20.747       41.585       44.609       
SPO0563          glutathione_S-transferase,_putative                                                                                            132.646      109.204      62.492       46.962       39.504       43.890       27.149       38.398       71.394       40.433       77.255       73.972       124.357      72.597       103.997      49.736       
SPO0564          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         44.911       29.778       9.981        5.439        2.145        5.229        1.179        1.876        2.326        6.484        6.657        6.125        3.352        2.441        2.672        2.160        
SPO0565          trimethylamine_methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                18.657       15.801       3.324        3.226        2.375        3.619        1.865        0.989        7.971        1.282        2.825        3.420        1.768        3.218        1.811        1.553        
SPO0566          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         44.994       27.747       12.212       18.439       4.155        14.560       0.000        2.423        15.017       10.991       11.323       8.376        12.123       7.882        5.176        9.130        
SPO0567          oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding_protein                                                                                            26.825       20.200       11.649       12.564       4.756        14.795       2.179        8.668        14.325       5.991        6.901        5.327        6.195        2.256        3.527        4.355        
SPO0568          pyruvate_ferredoxin/flavodoxin_oxidoreductase_family_protein                                                                   1.600        1.196        4.817        0.480        0.605        2.075        3.327        0.000        2.187        2.859        6.070        5.210        7.409        3.300        5.654        2.355        
SPO0569          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         15.797       11.933       2.772        3.587        2.263        6.897        0.000        6.600        2.045        6.415        5.997        4.753        1.179        1.073        2.014        2.072        
SPO0570          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.245       26.811       34.117       33.291       8.401        21.728       7.293        6.769        11.188       17.964       12.887       10.029       12.902       6.081        9.837        7.693        
SPO0571          PKD_domain_protein                                                                                                             11.208       11.734       27.257       19.318       6.571        9.447        5.244        3.863        4.214        7.009        5.375        5.341        9.940        5.428        8.582        4.270        
SPO0572          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    9.048        12.177       21.398       13.847       3.314        9.180        4.969        6.588        7.077        11.954       8.894        6.579        9.417        7.429        12.063       7.447        
SPO0573          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           807.070      609.216      196.185      164.415      53.834       195.064      50.532       47.860       144.752      210.893      263.406      256.988      254.502      226.665      278.090      179.139      
SPO0574          ABC_transporter,_transmembrane_ATP-binding_protein,_putative                                                                   113.024      109.994      62.871       43.062       17.834       45.713       12.829       16.039       47.593       32.124       20.314       21.841       27.964       20.868       26.846       27.776       
SPO0575          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         103.004      51.823       14.226       9.914        2.681        11.913       4.913        5.863        9.689        13.507       41.600       48.788       57.266       25.850       27.830       37.227       
SPO0577          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           166.849      131.838      26.556       20.901       6.154        21.878       3.222        5.981        23.831       27.685       78.305       96.735       125.503      64.203       56.846       51.516       
SPO0578          acetyl-CoA_carboxylase_carboxyltransferase                                                                                     190.078      125.070      26.576       17.198       7.978        25.285       10.527       6.514        19.032       45.829       29.956       39.674       45.560       26.637       24.706       45.292       
SPO0579          acetyl-CoA_carboxylase,_biotin_carboxylase,_putative                                                                           157.435      89.316       19.789       12.393       7.297        17.472       0.000        3.040        14.130       32.995       24.070       43.346       35.849       22.989       26.903       34.363       
SPO0580          oxidoreductase,_2-nitropropane_dioxygenase_family                                                                              175.524      108.137      15.687       17.402       10.064       17.774       10.060       10.672       18.189       23.339       17.662       36.890       30.987       26.902       37.045       37.699       
SPO0581          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           187.305      106.322      12.816       13.476       4.578        13.453       7.191        4.768        18.912       16.066       21.289       35.710       25.217       13.027       16.878       23.954       
SPO0582          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         1333.378     1255.920     431.164      411.436      441.412      447.928      695.133      596.673      744.449      2265.874     1548.003     1752.982     2926.134     1540.382     3341.225     1417.077     
SPO0583          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         9.685        9.802        11.503       7.444        2.935        7.156        0.000        5.136        3.183        6.656        7.999        2.466        6.118        8.909        6.791        3.225        
SPO0584          aspartate_aminotransferase                                                                                                     3.196        4.296        0.000        0.000        3.111        2.032        0.000        0.648        2.410        3.359        4.038        4.480        11.116       12.647       8.306        8.546        
SPO0585          dehydrogenase/transketolase_family_protein                                                                                     24.582       17.975       9.110        10.316       11.622       13.281       7.668        13.556       11.342       19.326       8.622        7.420        7.993        9.260        9.929        13.834       
SPO0586          acyl-carrier_domain_protein                                                                                                    17.927       14.458       15.876       17.386       7.977        10.256       0.000        14.538       5.406        8.479        7.549        7.957        10.911       5.202        7.542        10.043       
SPO0587          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.507       40.899       20.818       23.736       17.808       27.134       11.126       26.554       22.674       26.767       20.834       18.358       35.006       20.346       27.732       30.759       
SPO0588          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         11.047       16.961       9.733        5.399        1.135        6.920        0.000        3.311        6.156        2.145        6.876        6.199        11.831       5.384        7.072        5.718        
SPO0589          oxidoreductase,_NAD-binding/iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_protein                                                                4.005        3.605        2.706        1.751        1.736        3.006        3.470        2.761        1.996        1.789        2.628        1.723        1.973        0.898        1.826        2.456        
SPO0590          transcriptional_regulator,_LacI_family                                                                                         12.766       19.888       12.319       10.363       12.071       19.541       11.061       18.332       13.634       16.156       40.739       39.290       107.443      97.317       90.855       51.578       
SPO0591          Dihydroxypropanesulfonate_(DHPS)_TRAP_transporter                                                                              16.233       14.282       7.741        7.156        2.709        2.408        0.000        1.316        26.109       12.796       311.689      259.773      810.136      452.621      875.412      190.156      
SPO0592          Dihydroxypropanesulfonate_(DHPS)_TRAP_transporter                                                                              3.234        4.199        4.681        0.000        0.956        2.912        0.000        1.393        3.454        3.611        52.808       47.360       148.376      45.319       107.997      20.125       
SPO0593          Dihydroxypropanesulfonate_(DHPS)_TRAP_transporter                                                                              5.762        4.446        7.626        8.019        2.724        4.151        6.419        1.135        4.220        2.941        66.874       65.706       145.992      60.166       96.619       17.460       
SPO0594          dihydroxypropanesulfonate-3-dehydrogenase                                                                                      4.516        4.865        2.906        2.507        3.163        3.012        0.000        0.577        3.573        1.494        86.808       86.360       187.075      66.760       84.099       19.189       
SPO0595          R_or_S-dihydroxypropanesulfonate-2-dehydrogenase                                                                               2.876        1.792        6.661        1.078        3.399        2.072        0.000        1.982        0.000        2.569        74.628       71.958       156.575      69.645       76.231       11.828       
SPO0596          S_or_R-dihydroxypropanesulfonate-2-dehydrogenase                                                                               1.534        2.732        0.000        1.642        1.036        1.579        5.697        2.266        4.682        3.916        61.576       53.965       117.698      48.650       44.260       16.129       
SPO0597          UspA_stress_protein                                                                                                            4.887        6.768        3.144        0.000        0.000        2.934        0.000        3.743        2.320        4.851        41.785       43.130       89.623       36.526       43.407       17.630       
SPO0598          Membrane-bound_sulfolactate_dehydrogenase                                                                                      2.746        2.444        2.271        1.470        0.927        0.706        0.000        2.028        1.676        0.876        30.535       26.483       58.460       32.542       22.279       14.434       
SPO0599          agmatinase                                                                                                                     47.993       38.056       34.363       16.436       60.996       17.194       60.362       35.572       18.740       38.035       4.617        3.587        8.263        5.207        16.826       15.638       
SPO0600          carboxynorspermidine_decarboxylase                                                                                             47.699       49.347       28.160       24.530       52.619       16.844       41.328       45.128       23.974       25.066       5.021        7.429        4.147        4.194        24.003       16.600       
SPO0601          saccharopine_dehydrogenase                                                                                                     297.917      251.667      96.181       89.977       124.204      75.439       147.835      161.174      121.104      122.589      27.141       37.645       28.021       26.314       71.406       72.692       
SPO0602          arginine_decarboxylase                                                                                                         101.606      106.788      76.487       54.033       84.833       64.629       140.206      91.436       82.300       94.409       39.202       34.974       34.710       26.163       50.482       38.838       
SPO0603          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           21.689       26.161       8.102        18.351       4.962        11.340       0.000        12.057       23.912       18.751       15.024       18.061       6.894        12.550       10.303       7.572        
SPO0604          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.389       7.255        3.371        4.362        2.752        2.097        0.000        2.006        7.461        2.600        4.167        2.312        1.434        3.916        3.674        1.260        
SPO0605          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         14.068       18.138       0.000        0.000        3.440        5.242        18.914       1.672        14.507       10.834       13.889       7.706        5.975        1.088        5.102        4.200        
SPO0606          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.914       29.047       35.984       18.920       10.406       25.416       3.365        12.941       21.572       24.290       18.767       12.083       13.077       7.548        7.081        15.414       
SPO0607          proline_racemase,_putative                                                                                                     43.957       32.358       43.243       19.189       8.071        41.888       5.546        6.619        18.232       13.344       17.947       10.593       15.244       13.875       16.608       12.932       
SPO0608          sugar_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_sugar-binding_protein                                                                       521.763      255.832      19.215       18.882       8.717        29.440       15.974       13.980       122.349      1178.208     693.512      620.171      370.603      182.716      174.268      95.776       
SPO0609          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     99.485       45.687       17.852       6.161        5.345        12.216       2.671        7.084        46.541       216.682      188.330      180.813      103.294      68.209       47.995       25.360       
SPO0610          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     61.477       31.402       7.002        3.776        1.429        5.445        0.000        4.168        23.250       129.649      96.667       91.255       51.639       24.857       21.200       9.162        
SPO0611          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        51.467       23.699       4.404        2.850        0.000        6.849        0.000        5.243        17.330       113.248      91.194       73.502       45.592       22.170       16.533       7.683        
SPO0612          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        51.347       30.230       6.359        2.058        3.245        4.451        14.274       3.785        26.980       139.821      89.429       103.594      51.406       33.245       23.104       6.538        
SPO0613          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.682       23.001       4.580        5.927        7.479        11.395       0.000        8.178        13.516       144.847      43.876       62.820       25.328       17.734       14.974       5.136        
SPO0614          transcriptional_regulator,_putative                                                                                            748.748      919.593      556.393      545.276      245.538      976.318      635.263      660.464      733.250      2242.906     1088.415     917.657      747.087      288.936      368.061      538.621      
SPO0615          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           196.675      183.224      107.284      109.923      29.200       153.984      2.508        30.600       99.772       100.869      76.331       82.783       62.760       35.486       41.007       63.918       
SPO0616          oxidoreductase,_zinc-binding_dehydrogenase_family                                                                              30.870       39.391       29.364       29.742       15.637       37.724       11.463       20.519       43.332       35.457       28.410       29.335       24.986       26.203       36.179       20.523       
SPO0618          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         15.264       11.293       13.317       13.319       2.471        12.050       0.000        2.162        4.466        5.604        4.864        3.322        3.606        1.406        5.278        6.789        
SPO0619          sterol_desaturase_family_protein                                                                                               4.205        3.418        4.234        1.370        1.297        2.634        2.376        1.890        1.562        1.633        3.926        2.178        2.702        3.689        4.230        3.166        
SPO0620          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.548        2.907        6.077        1.311        2.481        5.040        0.000        4.823        1.495        1.563        2.504        2.084        0.862        0.784        5.151        2.272        
SPO0621          ankrin_repeat_protein                                                                                                          22.127       36.830       27.923       25.510       12.406       83.019       9.217        21.510       41.206       39.915       72.340       47.036       49.965       28.941       46.248       53.728       
SPO0622          ISSpo1,_transposase                                                                                                            9.509        11.594       11.969       6.971        1.955        8.190        13.433       4.275        7.948        10.157       9.988        10.262       8.657        2.781        6.088        7.159        
SPO0623          cytochrome_c_oxidase_domain_protein                                                                                            13.593       24.084       23.149       28.462       10.396       21.600       36.372       22.047       22.204       35.717       10.016       9.527        11.818       8.068        8.410        16.442       
SPO0624          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.891       21.800       26.332       28.837       14.058       15.120       31.826       30.142       19.429       42.190       14.398       15.977       16.373       13.334       9.567        17.416       
SPO0625          IS91_family_transposase                                                                                                        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO0626          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase                                                                                     0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO0627          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              3.285        6.823        8.645        3.357        5.647        7.529        0.000        3.088        11.482       12.005       10.153       8.302        5.149        8.035        4.397        4.525        
SPO0628          transposase,_degenerate                                                                                                        5.532        3.536        7.391        4.783        0.000        2.299        0.000        1.467        0.000        0.000        3.807        2.535        0.000        0.954        1.790        3.684        
SPO0628a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           477.009      816.058      491.534      483.313      322.297      612.856      90.747       298.915      395.640      321.740      140.077      137.190      64.275       102.174      127.556      219.543      
SPO0629          ISSpo3,_transposase                                                                                                            195.508      176.596      68.091       67.930       24.324       70.154       47.761       34.620       56.520       66.756       60.941       40.378       30.176       16.480       21.646       25.985       
SPO0630          IS3_family_transposase_orfA                                                                                                    18.694       38.831       24.441       15.816       7.127        30.408       23.511       14.548       12.881       18.855       29.136       21.553       28.224       29.745       19.028       24.799       
SPO0631          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           158.492      265.816      50.848       43.873       50.416       76.065       21.740       59.093       78.608       46.699       159.398      84.699       130.829      91.889       88.849       62.456       
SPO0632          D-isomer_specific_2-hydroxyacid_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                   561.260      451.146      682.068      507.040      132.677      419.097      72.079       213.320      269.159      462.761      342.601      330.822      285.810      147.232      182.933      303.473      
SPO0633          gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase                                                                                                   328.109      350.911      191.956      145.224      56.183       200.844      38.017       38.227       162.460      144.818      76.339       85.918       66.955       47.551       78.713       54.874       
SPO0634          oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding_protein                                                                                            95.767       147.249      49.833       33.420       14.057       40.017       28.472       17.798       42.785       41.938       30.523       26.722       19.659       11.578       20.738       14.564       
SPO0635          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         23.093       25.705       127.151      161.297      325.475      76.742       312.583      445.706      172.741      142.465      46.939       41.875       91.448       69.167       219.243      143.918      
SPO0636          EF_hand_domain_protein                                                                                                         10.628       16.983       14.202       9.190        6.764        10.307       26.564       15.498       5.239        29.216       79.005       101.465      304.114      363.878      203.802      434.448      
SPO0637          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.234       15.911       11.087       0.000        0.000        31.036       0.000        26.398       40.903       0.000        23.986       7.605        33.019       17.174       28.196       29.013       
SPO0638          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           28.751       12.534       6.166        9.310        7.552        9.588        0.000        9.787        12.131       22.197       12.704       8.458        11.367       6.367        6.720        6.146        
SPO0639          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         22.212       19.623       4.435        6.696        2.414        7.357        0.000        0.880        3.272        13.685       8.224        6.591        8.176        8.587        6.445        2.211        
SPO0640          4-carboxymuconolactone_decarboxylase_domain/_alkylhydroperoxidase_AhpD_family_core_domain_protein                              11.800       17.702       18.978       29.474       9.298        15.347       0.000        9.037        25.205       32.209       5.865        6.508        8.074        10.289       17.927       19.865       
SPO0641          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           45.478       30.090       48.763       40.391       13.538       21.840       0.000        13.932       21.588       33.104       18.085       11.372       9.128        8.309        15.590       32.083       
SPO0642          oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding_protein                                                                                            69.903       42.882       91.127       62.799       20.293       29.816       5.313        29.587       40.167       52.953       18.654       14.611       25.175       12.832       23.218       40.259       
SPO0643          oxidoreductase,_aldo/keto_reductase_family                                                                                     87.224       71.699       82.372       73.403       36.386       43.681       15.155       49.032       56.792       71.880       40.483       38.900       50.557       24.577       30.908       60.576       
SPO0644          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           284.864      174.734      167.331      135.352      39.037       114.314      26.828       35.572       92.597       66.849       79.420       60.459       71.190       54.383       43.423       67.021       
SPO0645          multidrug_resistance_efflux_pump,_putative                                                                                     304.655      252.773      176.911      129.040      31.312       101.145      32.135       37.131       86.769       72.578       61.630       59.268       56.123       39.599       54.985       64.605       
SPO0646          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           241.469      358.282      315.206      250.423      33.127       130.072      0.000        7.431        4.605        16.853       70.411       42.811       46.471       73.719       57.825       53.666       
SPO0647          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           473.327      588.138      287.829      183.558      90.261       246.516      37.453       67.041       46.167       38.617       220.458      253.210      92.285       106.612      69.714       154.380      
SPO0648          bmp_family_protein                                                                                                             1272.862     1138.918     722.254      629.282      235.125      441.214      230.459      211.446      609.530      606.345      505.530      558.925      378.074      213.419      287.268      319.409      
SPO0649          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        83.940       111.634      52.320       37.421       26.419       41.111       27.814       19.669       35.556       18.057       27.234       25.025       26.945       15.995       20.509       25.735       
SPO0650          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        49.116       64.239       47.983       31.808       23.890       32.761       204.897      19.505       18.134       31.599       13.745       18.061       13.443       11.783       12.330       9.625        
SPO0651          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     52.304       64.351       55.063       48.049       20.096       32.955       168.536      24.334       17.236       21.239       10.572       9.728        10.293       10.984       12.427       9.356        
SPO0652          xanthine_dehydrogenase_accessory_factor                                                                                        24.857       31.920       37.945       26.248       9.081        28.488       23.495       15.577       5.792        10.094       6.875        3.590        4.453        10.640       4.754        3.424        
SPO0653          xanthine_dehydrogenase,_B_subunit                                                                                              43.227       50.254       60.808       38.647       13.300       32.254       17.061       13.573       21.231       12.984       9.565        7.634        9.932        8.410        8.876        6.089        
SPO0654          xanthine_dehydrogenase,_A_subunit                                                                                              47.510       63.280       49.351       24.839       10.447       34.395       22.565       26.112       60.014       25.381       11.581       7.836        18.275       3.539        3.320        5.125        
SPO0655          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.881        5.356        6.635        8.587        4.063        7.223        3.723        8.886        11.015       5.118        5.126        5.120        4.940        4.496        6.026        9.921        
SPO0656          DNA_polymerase_III,_alpha_subunit                                                                                              48.857       40.239       72.053       57.651       24.490       31.684       11.154       33.804       50.020       49.287       27.534       26.414       29.295       18.693       27.338       41.531       
SPO0657          Metallochaperone,_putative                                                                                                     7.081        10.144       15.552       10.064       5.195        7.915        15.867       10.099       3.129        16.360       4.370        6.303        7.819        7.117        8.218        5.814        
SPO0658          N-acetyltaurine_amidohydrolase                                                                                                 7.715        10.224       19.256       20.435       1.887        11.978       5.187        4.585        6.820        1.783        6.427        5.283        4.260        3.579        7.555        3.167        
SPO0659          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         49.292       47.783       10.873       9.674        4.439        14.795       0.000        1.618        3.008        9.436        9.661        4.661        2.891        2.631        2.469        5.081        
SPO0660          N-acetyltaurine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_binding_protein                                                                   36.937       36.634       57.891       52.030       3.283        19.756       3.609        5.265        12.458       13.026       11.679       11.305       13.683       9.652        20.448       5.110        
SPO0661          N-acetyltaurine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                              11.194       6.976        11.667       9.228        1.059        6.855        0.000        4.630        6.695        3.000        5.609        4.890        9.927        5.522        3.768        3.392        
SPO0662          N-acetyltaurine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                              2.960        5.124        4.285        4.621        2.332        3.109        3.206        0.850        0.000        0.000        2.207        0.980        3.038        2.212        3.632        0.534        
SPO0663          N-acetyltaurine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                           3.950        2.591        8.426        3.895        1.474        3.370        0.000        0.000        0.000        5.572        1.488        2.064        1.536        1.398        0.875        2.700        
SPO0664          N-acetyltaurine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                           3.945        4.553        12.690       9.033        1.554        5.526        2.848        0.755        1.873        0.979        1.569        3.046        1.080        1.966        2.305        1.898        
SPO0665          SlyX_protein,_putative                                                                                                         134.159      108.639      131.661      93.719       96.754       102.377      44.329       137.148      87.429       137.119      83.417       58.698       84.022       38.238       117.192      76.288       
SPO0666          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   255.083      302.866      135.704      109.259      59.913       135.951      10.626       38.510       117.591      171.641      214.582      225.659      305.457      179.647      235.619      133.903      
SPO0667          histidyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                       123.478      132.524      177.037      153.669      238.726      132.366      116.538      168.710      187.144      146.424      138.893      146.238      160.416      125.905      230.373      138.408      
SPO0669          ATP_phosphoribosyltransferase,_putative                                                                                        65.804       46.659       76.936       56.898       101.709      61.533       41.116       94.862       58.117       97.507       62.842       73.500       55.332       48.945       86.516       61.630       
SPO0670          DNA_polymerase_III,_alpha_subunit,_putative                                                                                    13.218       15.239       2.296        1.486        1.250        4.047        1.718        1.822        0.847        3.542        1.419        1.181        2.116        1.037        2.224        2.718        
SPO0671          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.291       18.191       4.610        3.579        2.635        4.014        0.000        2.195        0.000        4.267        2.849        2.213        2.746        3.927        3.014        2.068        
SPO0672          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           42.287       34.820       19.853       22.839       9.906        30.874       4.951        11.817       16.275       15.315       25.224       13.617       21.585       10.250       7.213        12.369       
SPO0673          taurine--pyruvate_aminotransferase                                                                                             529.378      334.806      392.321      455.570      138.716      218.405      97.618       152.628      185.848      102.050      44.804       55.620       52.425       31.577       34.893       80.612       
SPO0674          taurine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_taurine-binding_protein                                                                   267.668      1164.665     639.496      531.482      90.611       535.871      109.766      113.450      212.791      160.577      113.936      115.675      547.874      165.091      265.589      318.747      
SPO0675          taurine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                   36.925       162.430      119.477      101.731      17.971       66.010       10.586       11.229       60.316       19.404       6.316        16.174       61.532       17.654       37.696       45.839       
SPO0676          taurine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                      39.644       150.108      127.847      72.390       20.760       76.366       19.566       13.836       43.949       17.932       18.409       25.908       52.538       29.254       58.588       75.491       
SPO0677          AMP-binding_protein                                                                                                            61.487       33.744       39.644       34.709       26.975       25.870       12.214       41.643       57.354       63.565       28.829       34.122       42.331       27.091       21.746       35.742       
SPO0678          agmatinase,_putative                                                                                                           145.984      101.398      113.583      88.885       42.597       75.175       23.716       44.811       87.703       67.246       86.944       83.340       76.418       47.564       41.745       45.916       
SPO0679          maleylacetoacetate_isomerase                                                                                                   33.478       36.900       29.670       10.240       5.653        14.150       8.880        10.597       21.892       24.415       15.283       8.818        15.989       12.255       11.498       8.134        
SPO0680          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      19.699       20.042       11.639       30.126       9.503        10.136       10.449       11.084       10.305       30.527       25.179       23.150       26.738       16.225       20.296       19.143       
SPO0681          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.369       2.362        6.583        17.040       2.688        2.048        0.000        0.000        4.857        5.078        2.035        4.515        5.601        2.549        0.000        7.383        
SPO0682          monooxygenase_family_protein                                                                                                   8.808        7.318        10.984       18.277       3.523        5.857        1.761        2.802        5.210        7.868        12.124       11.032       14.353       5.165        15.107       6.746        
SPO0683          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          36.382       28.699       34.665       31.923       13.608       19.905       32.919       21.428       26.561       38.056       20.191       23.776       17.584       14.456       17.922       18.940       
SPO0684          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      9.783        10.161       10.621       25.202       4.336        5.506        0.000        8.430        5.225        8.194        3.283        8.499        4.519        6.855        5.145        10.588       
SPO0685          fumarylacetoacetase                                                                                                            13.785       14.861       11.114       10.461       6.600        10.370       4.536        7.217        14.909       6.235        6.870        6.237        4.298        10.564       10.278       13.975       
SPO0686          homogentisate_1,2-dioxygenase                                                                                                  5.808        2.681        12.144       16.322       6.484        8.717        4.194        3.892        11.718       12.972       8.373        5.767        6.757        6.511        8.824        5.937        
SPO0687          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         48.994       49.376       92.689       45.440       41.282       103.961      25.218       38.454       45.593       49.837       66.842       38.530       57.359       50.032       43.879       32.550       
SPO0688          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    43.483       48.805       38.578       30.877       60.099       52.417       104.822      88.832       85.393       105.730      149.666      141.702      259.583      220.153      186.262      114.234      
SPO0689          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           122.536      126.427      78.311       58.784       28.775       48.228       17.578       25.172       57.781       43.497       29.044       29.005       40.647       30.932       36.986       27.518       
SPO0690          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           52.070       47.148       100.497      67.534       170.430      82.954       312.333      195.566      116.929      164.002      59.730       53.023       87.156       70.349       101.108      85.251       
SPO0691          GTP-binding_protein_Era                                                                                                        58.260       63.774       107.778      114.128      198.294      84.459       213.641      226.623      161.110      171.690      61.862       62.883       78.606       76.425       140.353      101.511      
SPO0692          multicopper_oxidase                                                                                                            8.997        17.049       107.842      75.109       23.133       139.570      2.051        13.600       33.716       37.367       102.532      71.146       110.036      75.027       69.727       77.212       
SPO0693          isobutyryl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                   604.561      173.126      249.502      183.692      73.805       108.970      51.979       162.743      305.348      707.674      231.334      375.819      157.635      135.379      122.399      149.959      
SPO0694          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.845       27.482       22.530       13.122       26.675       11.913       25.285       32.186       14.961       20.857       13.230       13.908       20.129       14.832       35.197       34.532       
SPO0695          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           97.519       119.985      91.213       84.321       115.263      74.303       282.728      214.589      128.190      180.941      138.267      128.102      182.942      116.055      156.223      152.627      
SPO0697          molybdate_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                 55.739       43.366       11.736       13.670       1.917        9.126        5.268        4.890        4.330        14.486       14.871       18.514       11.983       13.634       8.101        7.897        
SPO0698          molybdate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    50.618       45.345       9.159        5.927        5.235        4.558        4.112        2.181        12.164       9.892        13.587       10.051       15.587       11.350       8.652        8.217        
SPO0699          molybdate_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_molybdate-binding_protein                                                               67.894       58.318       6.635        9.660        4.063        6.707        0.000        7.899        7.343        12.796       17.430       24.460       19.759       24.408       11.450       11.781       
SPO0700          molybdenum-binding_transcriptional_regulator,_ModE_family                                                                      217.773      232.123      246.770      179.162      61.431       166.611      20.264       66.279       170.973      155.547      76.267       78.436       32.008       47.779       120.267      52.874       
SPO0701          glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate_dehydrogenase,_type_I                                                                               326.478      329.782      579.462      482.913      130.645      230.189      210.767      204.452      442.132      307.866      110.738      64.828       55.193       20.573       174.613      42.954       
SPO0702          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                              15.529       15.668       14.129       4.156        8.915        14.782       0.000        3.823        11.373       8.918        4.764        6.608        9.290        4.974        9.800        8.163        
SPO0703          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                              14.729       16.439       12.729       4.118        8.315        19.003       2.857        9.850        16.905       15.711       9.441        7.421        5.415        4.436        9.249        8.565        
SPO0704          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                 15.759       18.995       18.024       7.290        7.819        10.511       12.643       2.682        21.611       28.678       6.963        3.091        8.627        3.490        6.958        5.896        
SPO0705          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                 24.182       20.365       18.921       9.795        4.635        20.794       11.325       6.758        22.337       31.140       8.577        6.922        7.513        7.816        12.832       5.187        
SPO0706          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_oligopeptide-binding_protein                                                         186.036      152.708      58.326       49.790       21.026       80.092       18.106       21.053       89.275       106.267      56.381       52.560       48.573       28.833       55.456       42.448       
SPO0707          transcriptional_regulator,_DeoR_family                                                                                         25.255       28.568       27.509       16.864       6.502        23.417       0.000        13.789       27.774       42.443       21.926       14.399       19.711       4.485        16.832       15.154       
SPO0708          invasion_protein_IbeA                                                                                                          7.819        6.298        20.327       24.514       14.334       11.208       10.369       15.949       12.271       34.213       8.281        9.823        9.827        6.798        9.399        13.125       
SPO0709          phosphoenolpyruvate_carboxykinase_(ATP)                                                                                        112.292      117.908      101.369      112.745      239.259      97.297       172.426      282.369      141.406      223.606      152.485      221.619      324.125      330.898      344.400      421.871      
SPO0710          DNA-binding_response_regulator_ChvI                                                                                            1236.368     1175.612     489.734      382.159      224.198      753.216      715.319      413.688      496.845      845.893      388.411      358.130      294.147      140.838      266.885      279.997      
SPO0711          sensor_histidine_kinase_ChvG                                                                                                   358.066      387.306      236.943      169.620      112.455      279.358      64.818       108.864      179.195      197.641      143.485      138.646      122.228      84.299       126.166      135.631      
SPO0713          ATPase,_putative                                                                                                               45.349       50.561       93.461       75.839       44.213       65.060       39.958       35.322       87.566       51.500       62.355       61.051       83.312       63.766       82.462       79.858       
SPO0714          PTS_system_IIA_component,_Man_family                                                                                           156.723      181.380      217.139      180.361      113.790      170.356      36.372       123.463      160.212      140.010      129.211      111.144      102.032      71.535       95.372       102.980      
SPO0715          phosphocarrier_protein_HPr                                                                                                     228.921      225.876      312.436      238.941      150.748      223.803      318.767      245.149      227.033      237.376      188.735      188.320      199.386      108.155      189.183      212.357      
SPO0716          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           110.749      135.779      155.672      150.644      131.775      109.721      102.582      154.722      174.925      135.518      80.334       89.141       97.218       76.321       139.057      130.270      
SPO0717          3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                             98.269       91.937       264.951      239.847      169.052      120.235      58.495       167.190      162.374      218.916      196.884      176.761      202.653      135.677      174.633      165.617      
SPO0718          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.339        1.080        4.514        2.921        2.457        29.953       0.000        7.165        2.220        2.322        1.395        1.548        0.640        1.748        3.280        0.562        
SPO0719          electron_transfer_flavoprotein,_alpha_subunit                                                                                  808.882      867.279      1239.402     1053.495     1340.434     538.166      1049.731     1133.807     893.345      1249.603     1395.251     1657.624     1770.418     1824.736     2098.350     1315.545     
SPO0720          electron_transfer_flavoprotein,_beta_subunit                                                                                   968.167      1128.827     1379.305     1179.268     1737.823     631.813      3812.726     1843.070     1592.541     2502.160     1244.250     1596.809     2022.920     1579.698     2766.132     1411.236     
SPO0721          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      39.690       47.469       31.337       49.571       19.902       68.229       7.816        8.290        33.398       26.861       45.198       52.541       57.774       24.270       45.540       46.859       
SPO0722          ATP:cob(I)alamin_adenosyltransferase,_putative                                                                                 70.466       64.438       157.439      103.316      200.072      105.524      243.885      278.503      297.771      283.967      150.772      158.935      227.360      179.464      352.859      226.300      
SPO0723          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           41.894       48.093       102.137      99.141       127.703      55.594       128.956      182.389      178.980      206.833      86.808       65.676       141.224      148.317      197.131      114.544      
SPO0724          oxidoreductase,_short-chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     62.445       52.215       107.244      102.115      104.456      79.579       58.460       101.226      76.867       80.369       38.827       48.863       48.233       49.835       53.434       53.836       
SPO0725          Bacterial_SH3_domain_family_protein                                                                                            194.497      177.655      319.480      425.109      227.441      436.602      138.938      266.236      159.113      252.624      159.834      205.431      216.624      149.231      155.243      264.986      
SPO0726          DNA_topoisomerase_IV,_A_subunit                                                                                                325.019      260.937      122.300      129.346      68.627       77.084       56.837       66.064       96.995       86.451       44.625       46.931       48.594       35.467       73.010       72.304       
SPO0728          translation_elongation_factor_Tu                                                                                               10.049       9.664        17.241       6.276        21.996       5.362        33.861       41.049       28.621       6.650        7.993        8.499        11.919       6.259        17.225       6.042        
SPO0729          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           80.259       77.846       90.411       70.207       52.414       54.554       60.880       69.961       72.045       92.067       50.297       66.972       56.159       42.713       90.001       73.680       
SPO0731          glycerol-3-phosphate_regulon_repressor                                                                                         226.220      173.499      40.984       30.765       5.354        27.024       22.078       4.879        15.724       34.146       38.000       30.921       49.519       33.011       44.074       11.031       
SPO0732          aerobic_glycerol-3-phosphate_dehydrogenase                                                                                     196.588      189.877      37.056       35.448       7.236        31.069       5.425        9.590        12.482       124.292      61.247       59.397       68.545       36.498       51.217       18.069       
SPO0733          esterase,_putative                                                                                                             35.598       27.440       60.929       43.622       23.287       21.773       5.820        10.803       30.608       21.001       20.834       18.672       17.649       11.044       14.600       21.807       
SPO0734          PaaX_domain_protein                                                                                                            78.235       64.779       17.423       22.549       5.820        13.794       3.555        5.657        11.686       8.553        10.769       10.320       4.043        4.293        4.604        7.105        
SPO0735          phenylacetic_acid_degradation_protein_PaaZ                                                                                     18.488       19.315       7.512        7.292        6.134        7.983        1.405        4.472        10.624       10.142       4.837        5.582        6.392        6.545        7.278        4.446        
SPO0736          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   7.923        7.725        8.426        3.029        5.351        6.698        4.203        0.000        4.836        4.334        5.498        3.853        5.577        6.526        3.061        3.150        
SPO0737          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter_family_protein,_DctQ_subunit                                                                    3.032        5.398        5.016        0.000        4.095        0.780        0.000        2.986        5.551        3.869        2.325        0.000        0.000        1.942        0.911        0.937        
SPO0738          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit                                                                                   25.543       23.185       13.671       6.434        5.581        3.092        0.000        3.699        11.004       6.711        4.609        2.131        2.115        1.925        1.355        2.323        
SPO0739          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase/3-hydroxyacyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                  3.419        4.217        3.712        2.002        2.021        1.155        0.000        1.105        2.739        1.909        0.956        1.273        1.053        1.198        0.000        1.850        
SPO0740          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_PaaB                                                                                             20.630       27.798       19.371       11.490       6.590        12.050       3.623        1.922        9.528        6.226        7.982        9.965        6.868        5.626        8.210        0.000        
SPO0741          phenylacetic_acid_degradation_protein_PaaD                                                                                     50.730       70.253       17.802       15.360       15.747       39.682       13.319       21.193       24.081       27.467       30.261       18.315       10.098       8.043        3.234        15.528       
SPO0742          phenylacetate-CoA_ligase                                                                                                       80.441       76.268       30.922       35.643       11.441       23.744       15.183       18.406       32.084       28.328       10.154       16.570       12.745       5.613        9.830        15.533       
SPO0743          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         82.686       99.240       76.603       75.733       86.004       73.463       66.866       83.595       94.200       106.699      74.313       72.243       80.570       58.503       75.760       82.726       
SPO0744          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.445       13.981       13.235       10.468       6.304        16.237       0.000        5.252        14.648       14.181       7.045        9.078        6.256        6.833        10.685       7.971        
SPO0745          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.931       29.698       25.690       24.013       11.187       23.616       7.688        13.593       35.804       34.792       15.174       20.949       17.002       11.496       21.778       18.780       
SPO0746          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.903       32.815       21.251       19.730       6.790        27.875       10.369       14.299       27.268       36.351       13.135       12.991       17.689       7.871        16.112       11.743       
SPO0747          peroxidase_family_protein                                                                                                      6.826        7.758        10.440       6.273        7.307        7.422        3.348        7.546        8.253        9.779        6.453        8.183        10.786       3.754        6.502        7.526        
SPO0748          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           38.308       44.456       24.783       18.443       17.707       21.969       16.688       19.915       12.800       101.331      68.936       69.269       65.899       46.066       36.016       35.669       
SPO0749          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.695        3.199        2.229        1.443        0.910        0.000        5.004        1.327        1.645        3.439        1.378        1.529        0.000        1.726        3.240        3.333        
SPO0750          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           38.692       23.392       45.141       29.211       8.191        31.721       3.753        15.923       22.204       21.926       21.185       24.081       19.205       8.416        7.896        14.375       
SPO0751          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    69.965       72.862       59.416       29.361       25.581       39.649       14.549       21.863       30.289       30.002       28.046       23.711       16.546       20.080       23.156       28.269       
SPO0752          phenylacetic_acid_degradation_protein,_putative                                                                                13.282       11.396       20.063       11.901       4.778        66.041       22.516       18.908       7.401        27.085       20.669       10.320       19.205       8.416        11.541       5.000        
SPO0753          phenylacetic_acid_degradation_oxidoreductase_PaaK                                                                              14.675       13.972       9.441        9.164        6.264        8.810        18.543       8.430        6.966        4.552        9.483        6.071        13.556       5.941        7.718        4.853        
SPO0754          phenylacetic_acid_degradation_protein_PaaJ                                                                                     11.890       13.831       5.507        3.564        3.373        4.282        0.000        3.278        10.159       2.124        8.511        8.499        12.887       17.061       8.003        7.206        
SPO0755          phenylacetic_acid_degradation_protein_PaaI                                                                                     11.792       11.949       13.322       8.621        8.838        8.287        0.000        2.974        11.058       7.708        14.411       10.280       18.421       10.318       12.705       4.358        
SPO0756          phenylacetic_acid_degradation_protein_PaaH                                                                                     6.193        14.472       8.964        2.900        3.660        1.394        0.000        5.336        3.307        10.373       5.541        3.074        9.534        3.471        6.513        1.676        
SPO0757          phenylacetic_acid_degradation_protein_PaaG                                                                                     47.627       59.544       35.748       28.916       18.243       30.180       14.328       26.598       45.216       48.261       33.934       36.341       36.936       13.843       40.354       22.909       
SPO0758          beta-ketoadipyl_CoA_thiolase                                                                                                   11.642       16.627       11.586       10.224       7.740        8.518        2.364        10.658       6.217        7.313        11.068       7.586        11.651       3.671        9.949        9.844        
SPO0759          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.881       11.301       55.125       30.576       165.577      37.966       185.600      332.817      52.294       24.301       75.450       25.657       77.059       76.238       91.554       100.092      
SPO0760          4-carboxymuconolactone_decarboxylase_domain/alkylhydroperoxidase_AhpD_family_core_domain_protein                               51.657       54.229       28.945       12.487       7.878        20.007       0.000        7.658        54.578       27.292       19.880       18.750       10.946       7.472        14.021       13.225       
SPO0761          cyclase_family_protein                                                                                                         121.452      133.923      27.881       55.129       14.545       52.032       13.907       13.830       66.286       48.992       66.064       43.559       55.355       21.593       31.514       43.428       
SPO0762          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         64.342       39.887       33.159       23.982       3.982        37.007       4.378        5.805        11.513       12.038       16.277       6.020        14.107       14.351       7.795        6.562        
SPO0763          glutamine_amidotransferase,_class_I                                                                                            9.518        14.031       7.111        6.902        2.177        3.870        7.980        1.058        1.312        6.857        4.945        5.487        2.269        1.377        2.583        1.329        
SPO0764          cytochrome_P450_family_protein                                                                                                 15.630       9.379        5.028        1.301        1.642        4.379        2.257        2.394        2.968        1.551        5.283        3.104        3.422        1.947        2.557        1.879        
SPO0765          glutamine_synthetase_family_protein                                                                                            46.135       35.585       21.606       17.159       6.014        16.800       11.022       6.430        18.840       22.729       9.409        8.757        9.610        1.902        8.920        6.975        
SPO0766          iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_protein                                                                                            33.583       13.080       16.204       15.729       1.654        16.380       0.000        0.000        20.923       15.626       13.772       6.946        12.065       7.844        4.415        13.630       
SPO0767          methyltransferase,_FkbM_family                                                                                                 205.638      157.065      142.881      101.943      40.384       67.800       16.447       42.524       72.985       72.070       86.619       65.333       52.215       36.886       30.613       57.521       
SPO0768          transcriptional_regulator,_IclR_family                                                                                         31.710       26.466       55.738       54.103       60.236       53.029       51.515       66.356       45.964       45.528       34.453       31.484       44.637       37.454       50.625       28.803       
SPO0769          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           70.030       65.964       34.095       30.731       5.468        21.588       2.733        4.349        19.766       27.242       13.924       11.693       9.325        4.715        5.309        1.366        
SPO0770          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.676        5.628        8.964        8.701        0.000        5.576        0.000        2.668        3.307        1.729        0.693        3.843        2.860        2.603        2.443        0.000        
SPO0771          membrane_protein                                                                                                               3.375        4.487        0.782        3.541        0.957        3.404        1.755        0.931        4.037        0.603        2.657        0.536        0.333        2.119        1.136        0.584        
SPO0772          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase/3-hydroxyacyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                  316.076      297.969      76.054       56.246       27.846       47.123       20.323       30.540       103.768      237.481      111.930      119.233      202.872      103.078      136.620      70.175       
SPO0773          acetyl-CoA_acyltransferase/thiolase_family_protein                                                                             612.633      452.291      86.203       60.664       33.874       71.386       33.861       35.918       146.287      380.717      216.798      235.022      239.300      142.703      159.330      75.325       
SPO0774          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          300.979      232.451      45.749       30.982       13.465       41.034       9.552        17.732       144.440      153.483      131.856      138.649      133.529      66.331       79.239       31.818       
SPO0775          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          250.308      197.906      37.076       26.900       21.558       38.789       17.653       26.082       80.409       183.746      121.879      107.113      119.019      65.260       83.268       34.020       
SPO0776          putative_protein_TIGR00369                                                                                                     177.008      158.654      35.857       19.336       25.618       22.305       20.121       24.901       44.094       154.443      96.967       84.028       82.631       59.011       44.509       24.574       
SPO0777          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   121.559      137.517      21.479       12.830       29.005       34.431       25.960       25.570       47.543       169.522      80.680       84.992       99.815       69.098       74.432       35.823       
SPO0778          long-chain-fatty-acid--CoA_ligase,_putative                                                                                    98.877       97.821       19.537       14.292       17.339       29.326       13.346       12.640       39.484       65.529       58.806       62.048       61.074       41.774       51.228       22.545       
SPO0779          ribulose-phosphate_3-epimerase                                                                                                 48.615       59.404       51.514       79.767       123.936      58.368       144.536      137.986      67.873       76.643       60.842       66.880       60.271       73.381       126.330      68.777       
SPO0780          phosphonate_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                               2.399        2.768        6.173        0.999        3.150        1.920        10.392       3.675        4.555        4.762        1.431        2.646        3.283        2.390        4.485        1.731        
SPO0781          phosphonate_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_phosphonate-binding_protein                                                           7.955        11.178       4.064        0.877        5.531        1.264        0.000        6.451        3.998        2.090        4.606        2.788        3.458        2.623        3.445        3.039        
SPO0782          phosphonate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                  0.497        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.174        0.000        0.000        0.856        1.061        0.000        0.889        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.538        
SPO0783          phosphonate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                  1.436        1.657        1.848        2.392        1.509        2.012        2.074        0.550        0.000        1.426        1.428        1.584        2.752        0.716        0.336        0.691        
SPO0784          chloramphenicol_acetyltransferase,_putative                                                                                    0.713        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.843        1.285        4.636        1.229        3.048        0.000        1.915        1.417        3.515        3.999        6.003        2.316        
SPO0785          2-dehydro-3-deoxygalactonokinase,_putative                                                                                     23.315       19.692       13.352       19.200       10.902       17.995       6.660        8.830        15.324       16.022       9.170        7.123        8.205        12.064       5.390        9.428        
SPO0786          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    59.189       43.991       44.018       42.727       29.524       35.206       7.057        31.816       27.838       43.660       28.180       35.583       46.818       32.873       21.703       45.839       
SPO0787          phosphoglycolate_phosphatase                                                                                                   46.062       31.894       27.057       15.008       25.249       30.056       13.014       29.910       31.371       17.891       11.349       8.616        21.378       17.213       16.149       16.617       
SPO0788          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          25.206       23.216       81.234       98.007       25.295       186.714      40.176       47.534       92.445       118.963      24.681       25.025       55.063       13.862       14.506       28.823       
SPO0789          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.522       38.475       7.660        0.000        15.637       11.913       0.000        4.560        5.652        17.729       35.512       36.778       42.367       32.630       30.613       25.772       
SPO0790          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.455        2.056        5.732        0.000        11.701       3.566        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        7.972        4.915        14.632       11.099       8.330        4.286        
SPO0791          M23/M37_peptidase/aminotransferase,_class_III                                                                                  60.327       37.268       41.387       31.870       16.897       15.833       18.579       26.360       22.902       27.777       13.303       15.896       18.664       35.098       24.358       26.920       
SPO0792          6-phosphogluconate_dehydrogenase_domain_protein                                                                                178.147      111.538      165.620      166.403      130.489      55.580       61.958       230.030      115.769      155.787      120.783      246.624      331.914      490.010      273.936      303.592      
SPO0793          Cu(I)-responsive_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                     76.148       39.838       16.330       23.248       60.003       30.475       73.308       225.512      81.932       118.419      159.485      424.500      704.479      618.449      308.506      294.241      
SPO0794          copper-translocating_P-type_ATPase                                                                                             123.470      87.258       56.989       46.428       130.044      62.514       86.801       482.488      125.395      651.223      394.568      959.755      1706.951     1921.534     895.661      919.882      
SPO0795          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     6.958        9.033        10.071       6.517        4.112        3.132        0.000        2.997        3.715        1.295        6.225        1.727        2.857        1.950        1.220        1.255        
SPO0796          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.591       13.293       4.117        1.776        3.362        3.842        6.161        1.634        3.038        2.117        1.272        3.765        2.919        3.720        2.493        2.052        
SPO0797          bile_acid_transporter_family_protein                                                                                           20.616       25.696       5.618        9.088        3.440        4.805        0.000        5.016        1.036        2.167        7.379        3.853        4.182        1.631        5.612        3.150        
SPO0798          monooxygenase_domain_protein                                                                                                   20.434       18.290       6.733        1.867        2.749        3.889        2.159        1.718        4.258        5.194        4.162        2.639        4.911        2.607        2.446        1.438        
SPO0799          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         22.491       37.100       5.745        3.718        0.782        5.361        0.000        1.140        2.826        4.432        5.919        1.314        8.148        2.966        4.870        4.295        
SPO0800          choline_sulfatase,_putative                                                                                                    14.341       12.857       12.237       7.353        2.141        12.234       0.000        5.203        7.739        10.789       7.024        7.494        6.322        2.031        6.986        6.208        
SPO0801          4-coumarate:CoA_ligase                                                                                                         36.586       29.947       27.563       24.461       7.716        37.231       5.303        9.375        23.823       40.704       24.826       22.146       26.133       14.028       21.172       11.776       
SPO0802          ribosomal_protein_S1                                                                                                           646.009      826.450      1214.867     1222.963     1978.395     453.483      3438.669     2408.074     893.583      938.373      355.633      395.656      468.353      477.460      1205.331     696.606      
SPO0803          NUDIX_domain_protein                                                                                                           92.011       69.236       108.726      130.163      26.633       107.370      6.101        43.685       72.200       81.780       63.846       72.709       63.603       33.682       28.638       83.322       
SPO0804          integration_host_factor,_beta_subunit                                                                                          742.349      762.182      618.526      449.563      278.140      638.485      120.725      240.113      327.395      539.400      639.979      554.891      474.811      336.712      402.207      477.522      
SPO0805          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           268.240      258.748      285.637      249.533      188.042      227.659      216.384      221.031      252.903      380.112      270.356      306.116      483.053      519.865      513.681      364.382      
SPO0806          N-(5'phosphoribosyl)anthranilate_isomerase                                                                                     72.427       60.880       48.763       53.013       80.429       48.534       83.184       82.434       86.350       87.275       56.064       54.851       112.029      128.404      141.020      96.978       
SPO0807          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.799       40.990       292.778      157.114      20.408       759.604      0.000        29.754       26.344       27.544       19.863       22.040       33.419       60.835       31.132       50.720       
SPO0808          tryptophan_synthase,_beta_subunit                                                                                              224.939      186.758      228.887      205.134      190.201      151.518      127.303      225.465      239.870      242.986      134.594      142.750      163.304      109.812      206.419      194.223      
SPO0809          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           203.739      232.167      91.004       82.882       39.906       105.883      7.565        46.144       116.883      104.007      101.045      119.057      149.133      120.078      143.270      91.979       
SPO0810          6-aminohexanoate-dimer_hydrolase,_putative                                                                                     383.187      314.408      165.478      126.104      46.224       129.011      31.767       74.523       151.012      173.010      146.363      160.914      256.132      179.169      278.051      173.370      
SPO0811          peptidyl-tRNA_hydrolase                                                                                                        160.142      130.280      118.109      94.682       66.212       94.307       7.914        59.811       62.432       74.796       65.379       60.455       58.499       51.880       65.966       64.581       
SPO0812          ribosomal_protein_L25                                                                                                          711.120      933.188      1090.941     892.989      1813.143     659.645      2476.118     2597.501     1476.210     1717.754     659.239      779.670      932.599      759.786      1457.460     1129.880     
SPO0813          L-lactate_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                              60.543       71.865       48.990       26.771       18.223       30.136       87.970       23.329       40.966       83.145       129.876      133.660      202.868      80.942       153.462      83.429       
SPO0814          MaoC_domain_protein                                                                                                            48.509       28.790       20.063       33.384       23.402       22.286       25.733       18.766       35.950       53.065       28.346       31.453       24.387       16.648       21.867       23.571       
SPO0815          tryptophan_synthase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                             100.984      86.207       136.166      146.167      197.514      113.105      82.702       204.061      113.470      121.111      61.888       70.321       69.517       102.976      118.728      88.630       
SPO0816          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.492        3.732        0.000        6.732        7.432        6.471        17.513       18.577       5.757        26.082       0.804        2.676        5.532        12.085       21.732       33.055       
SPO0817          GTP-binding_protein_YchF                                                                                                       62.597       81.166       79.646       73.948       196.042      64.983       290.180      245.288      146.487      129.119      45.307       49.086       66.788       76.434       106.098      82.848       
SPO0819          amidohydrolase_domain_protein                                                                                                  33.381       30.775       10.859       7.729        8.423        14.523       12.187       9.049        45.668       24.293       12.082       10.799       8.316        4.205        10.652       4.871        
SPO0820          CAIB/BAIF_family_protein                                                                                                       23.796       26.553       19.358       14.000       24.639       14.521       17.891       22.367       24.365       16.690       14.429       14.839       18.409       11.465       21.512       11.919       
SPO0821          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         56.706       72.969       49.396       45.126       60.499       52.417       91.307       57.075       30.014       44.831       38.615       27.901       39.558       27.004       47.503       40.189       
SPO0822          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 49.408       58.470       10.403       11.220       5.663        10.785       15.567       5.160        8.955        12.038       10.181       7.135        6.639        4.700        10.078       6.481        
SPO0823          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 30.012       32.935       3.279        5.304        2.677        6.119        3.680        0.000        7.257        5.059        5.067        3.373        2.092        3.809        3.574        3.677        
SPO0824          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    50.603       45.542       8.920        6.217        3.082        9.391        0.000        1.225        12.657       9.528        9.967        4.236        5.839        3.720        8.227        5.387        
SPO0825          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                               238.987      200.378      48.316       23.762       14.991       41.777       4.338        8.628        43.492       32.800       35.540       26.511       25.078       12.723       19.660       16.978       
SPO0826          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           123.661      82.232       28.379       21.189       13.368       24.443       0.000        10.395       19.328       18.525       14.168       13.475       9.287        5.072        12.689       13.057       
SPO0827          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           163.812      122.470      28.088       29.361       8.821        32.929       4.850        18.005       17.536       10.001       18.697       19.265       14.707       8.367        8.635        10.500       
SPO0828          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.819        13.598       7.289        5.660        4.166        6.348        6.544        5.207        5.378        3.374        4.506        4.000        2.481        1.694        5.826        2.180        
SPO0829          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.618       20.072       11.868       12.617       12.805       14.765       1.903        7.064        5.004        5.232        8.384        5.233        8.656        7.878        7.392        3.486        
SPO0830          xanthine_dehydrogenase_family_protein,_small/large_subunits                                                                    14.632       19.988       16.116       9.237        12.971       10.455       4.134        12.608       33.974       24.510       9.250        6.632        9.991        6.776        7.193        5.852        
SPO0831          xanthine_dehydrogenase_family_protein,_medium_subunit                                                                          18.786       37.925       21.449       13.880       15.637       20.490       17.194       10.943       110.779      44.912       14.678       12.610       15.643       8.306        10.576       9.164        
SPO0832          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         19.404       11.668       29.566       26.786       16.899       17.013       3.318        12.319       20.724       19.387       11.879       19.772       15.723       13.739       20.409       12.710       
SPO0833          formate_dehydrogenase,_beta_subunit                                                                                            8.983        9.597        158.272      124.058      168.671      170.795      45.032       165.863      136.515      143.308      25.951       13.251       84.091       56.973       107.444      74.166       
SPO0834          formate_dehydrogenase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                           4.248        4.902        127.078      106.992      123.288      131.468      15.335       110.074      78.303       82.573       30.829       24.992       47.476       54.324       77.278       149.666      
SPO0835          cyclase,_putative                                                                                                              106.941      61.262       116.500      69.192       95.125       72.471       42.985       68.396       103.620      75.100       29.100       30.101       38.022       40.787       50.442       49.517       
SPO0836          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           201.697      145.847      115.800      100.446      83.489       95.025       204.620      95.328       89.077       212.880      44.166       54.922       50.315       34.347       62.659       58.947       
SPO0837          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.985       14.433       40.232       36.159       17.794       18.422       17.559       19.291       23.088       22.415       10.016       10.348       10.460       7.357        12.180       11.280       
SPO0838          bacterial_sugar_transferase                                                                                                    359.237      566.515      1089.779     1098.066     277.650      459.681      320.190      280.405      312.084      470.899      488.552      507.979      664.057      768.214      806.914      694.481      
SPO0839          exopolysaccharide_biosynthesis_domain_protein                                                                                  25.503       24.787       60.962       55.229       25.442       33.709       24.326       15.321       14.993       30.308       18.841       19.048       34.581       26.754       37.405       19.751       
SPO0840          chain_length_determinant_protein,_putative                                                                                     132.918      141.947      36.507       31.925       26.587       37.441       24.362       32.890       38.585       42.626       44.827       42.974       68.844       42.029       53.412       45.368       
SPO0841          polysaccharide_biosynthesis_protein                                                                                            16.581       20.399       7.457        10.857       12.178       9.277        6.277        14.426       13.755       8.629        9.219        6.393        9.517        6.136        10.159       9.060        
SPO0842          glycosyl_transferase,_group_1_family_protein                                                                                   22.501       27.893       5.253        8.839        22.305       7.516        9.433        15.010       16.279       11.347       16.885       15.854       18.327       13.426       25.956       13.354       
SPO0843          glycosyl_transferase,_group_2_family_protein                                                                                   19.939       20.978       35.984       20.375       13.467       18.187       3.365        8.925        7.744        25.447       7.414        5.656        7.655        10.451       13.618       10.649       
SPO0844          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.586       16.457       20.442       22.585       13.842       17.214       11.191       13.355       12.508       23.079       10.633       11.969       16.334       9.268        22.643       15.657       
SPO0845          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           23.331       24.472       14.713       15.579       15.290       11.648       6.004        13.534       13.816       20.636       15.708       14.219       24.469       10.877       23.324       15.500       
SPO0846          phosphopantetheinyl_transferase_PptA,_putative                                                                                 6.526        29.146       7.557        6.113        3.857        9.402        16.963       1.125        5.576        1.458        3.503        5.831        5.627        4.390        6.178        2.119        
SPO0847          non-ribosomal_peptide_synthetase                                                                                               26.041       45.818       14.007       11.730       7.513        13.326       4.315        4.251        7.903        5.509        5.263        5.934        5.375        5.105        6.785        4.518        
SPO0848          glycosyl_transferase,_group_2_family_protein                                                                                   24.544       41.510       10.061       4.069        4.621        10.953       11.292       7.486        10.207       4.851        3.498        1.294        4.816        5.357        2.285        4.231        
SPO0849          non-ribosomal_peptide_synthase                                                                                                 65.729       65.444       28.730       25.341       8.034        29.685       11.042       7.379        13.793       13.663       10.400       9.650        12.977       9.297        8.293        9.343        
SPO0850          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.729       35.511       14.382       13.139       5.872        17.630       3.798        3.022        12.484       5.221        16.211       13.056       17.637       8.190        10.450       7.907        
SPO0851          glycosyl_transferase,_WecB/TagA/CpsF_family                                                                                    27.650       19.347       21.908       25.083       13.761       14.153       0.000        9.028        18.652       13.001       6.771        13.293       22.227       14.357       9.796        14.490       
SPO0852          oxidoreductase,_Gfo/Idh/MocA_family                                                                                            19.987       17.948       13.260       8.971        7.628        5.999        0.000        4.664        7.116        11.160       5.216        4.341        7.180        5.135        7.664        7.886        
SPO0853          glycosyl_transferase,_group_2_family_protein                                                                                   24.708       15.539       9.188        5.096        4.287        8.165        2.946        3.125        0.968        8.100        4.462        3.601        3.909        2.541        2.384        4.416        
SPO0854          glycosyl_transferase,_group_1_family_protein                                                                                   17.431       21.052       9.389        8.354        4.312        9.126        5.268        6.986        7.793        6.337        13.783       4.427        8.488        9.089        9.380        5.703        
SPO0855          xylulokinase                                                                                                                   8.152        13.171       5.245        3.394        2.855        2.175        0.000        0.000        45.146       6.069        17.019       13.489       41.651       22.678       32.709       13.070       
SPO0856          xylose_isomerase                                                                                                               9.054        23.334       11.649       5.026        5.152        3.321        10.895       3.467        59.450       13.480       17.102       9.322        23.542       9.022        16.576       5.443        
SPO0857          aldose_1-epimerase                                                                                                             10.763       22.357       13.547       4.383        13.274       5.899        18.245       3.226        10.995       2.090        25.121       14.402       37.463       13.115       16.734       8.609        
SPO0859          FG-GAP_repeat_domain_protein                                                                                                   25.589       24.053       13.244       9.106        6.759        12.873       0.000        5.912        19.543       15.964       10.233       8.232        18.664       13.142       12.029       9.592        
SPO0860          xylose_repressor,_putative                                                                                                     43.329       45.193       29.640       16.440       4.754        16.133       2.376        5.041        45.301       13.066       17.667       15.610       40.983       21.316       28.460       19.786       
SPO0861          xylose_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_xylose-binding_protein                                                                     110.635      245.287      158.917      43.845       52.306       28.737       163.143      19.799       1022.566     157.760      302.686      128.010      383.650      109.243      367.449      58.486       
SPO0862          xylose_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                       14.991       37.438       21.456       8.835        19.112       7.280        61.294       5.225        243.219      48.152       46.720       19.064       47.716       13.218       41.101       3.281        
SPO0863          xylose_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                    22.739       29.522       34.561       9.585        32.923       12.285       51.717       11.756       31.572       13.966       55.442       27.091       69.318       18.482       39.462       9.844        
SPO0864          glucokinase,_putative                                                                                                          18.013       24.617       24.703       15.097       33.617       10.244       6.161        10.620       14.176       9.528        34.356       19.767       55.467       14.880       32.408       11.800       
SPO0865          oxidoreductase,_Gfo/Idh/MocA_family                                                                                            16.317       22.902       21.704       14.045       36.486       9.530        22.925       9.879        13.188       4.925        33.145       20.141       41.281       16.315       26.439       10.977       
SPO0866          gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase,_putative                                                                                         55.306       44.889       59.380       43.915       36.364       55.627       20.627       33.242       45.899       61.078       17.697       21.334       27.368       29.564       53.162       39.110       
SPO0867          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           82.020       80.243       94.176       67.157       30.987       81.613       26.423       23.419       48.686       46.364       20.585       21.886       25.833       24.952       35.453       33.005       
SPO0868          outer_membrane_protein,_OMP85_family                                                                                           96.131       103.114      114.968      95.718       40.927       101.171      22.029       45.066       61.551       61.652       52.648       46.159       48.614       35.290       50.173       44.288       
SPO0869          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.238       29.565       33.994       23.331       7.570        10.253       13.873       22.074       27.362       10.331       5.412        5.299        10.080       1.596        3.742        5.006        
SPO0870          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         55.462       67.944       74.108       40.851       16.248       56.344       21.563       21.239       31.390       64.581       34.356       34.827       38.535       32.417       30.912       27.703       
SPO0871          transthyretin_family_protein                                                                                                   136.895      172.926      92.832       62.383       43.731       26.653       88.156       95.638       102.742      52.334       32.001       24.489       37.976       12.444       22.052       30.699       
SPO0872          polysaccharide_deacetylase_family_protein                                                                                      26.263       38.830       35.780       30.100       24.103       19.197       74.289       34.077       44.880       26.913       14.376       15.952       28.542       16.973       15.274       16.051       
SPO0873          Ureidoglycolate_hydrolase                                                                                                      15.271       30.790       26.007       25.244       13.803       12.134       52.538       21.673       17.270       12.038       4.823        10.703       6.639        4.028        19.842       16.528       
SPO0874          xanthine/uracil_permease_family_protein                                                                                        30.035       39.556       63.645       41.186       25.618       26.209       58.350       28.814       27.118       16.597       15.515       14.449       14.874       17.703       16.609       10.723       
SPO0875          glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate_dehydrogenase,_type_I                                                                               113.708      83.664       101.786      75.872       63.648       50.494       98.327       103.535      71.298       59.637       54.952       43.302       54.815       38.916       41.660       72.247       
SPO0876          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           70.647       106.080      84.263       41.639       68.803       46.699       185.696      129.496      193.298      52.004       46.876       49.388       131.664      86.617       80.151       69.872       
SPO0876a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           157.550      138.007      186.844      161.212      40.384       142.438      41.116       82.868       143.266      141.314      153.990      118.102      143.397      62.422       74.537       65.738       
SPO0877          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           90.387       105.687      97.100       71.355       18.141       57.843       18.470       22.531       49.786       46.976       31.536       26.527       24.506       14.021       31.092       33.838       
SPO0878          glycine_cleavage_system_H_protein                                                                                              697.068      492.826      431.936      412.394      135.872      285.211      63.575       193.884      214.206      286.785      201.337      202.767      140.083      78.147       75.890       172.057      
SPO0879          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          1011.793     1099.608     397.738      352.241      170.334      259.854      170.268      197.089      428.094      694.331      357.688      442.601      503.285      261.594      399.612      260.965      
SPO0880          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           218.292      272.990      160.196      146.167      73.904       105.631      17.979       37.189       161.931      215.034      112.388      122.512      167.660      132.753      139.099      100.009      
SPO0881          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           133.243      147.224      38.301       60.193       51.379       122.533      122.815      42.340       72.669       88.643       277.335      311.491      384.099      165.268      157.042      280.224      
SPO0882          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           220.190      366.703      205.162      142.246      85.256       148.135      263.145      159.194      240.579      644.393      502.732      564.127      631.258      275.226      825.229      362.931      
SPO0883          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           95.671       89.570       175.548      145.155      84.411       116.482      56.916       118.426      133.843      179.064      150.709      125.088      188.374      150.309      154.484      236.977      
SPO0884          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           55.486       47.013       100.045      58.357       42.570       46.895       31.628       64.583       67.578       154.359      59.662       55.089       71.938       44.743       69.622       95.342       
SPO0885          hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                                              53.345       29.647       58.253       46.462       21.017       26.124       6.082        42.738       38.982       53.300       21.772       24.623       25.360       14.689       17.718       36.969       
SPO0886          chaperonin,_10_kDa                                                                                                             921.423      490.045      439.054      241.070      454.462      78.626       1523.036     1050.657     1161.635     773.212      64.421       174.905      541.512      923.939      2705.251     2849.893     
SPO0887          chaperonin,_60_kDa                                                                                                             1000.573     559.477      444.464      278.131      355.041      89.042       2189.258     1043.100     1037.908     818.510      57.952       160.629      385.084      828.594      2338.331     3021.893     
SPO0888          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 143.196      115.300      297.081      372.256      619.668      298.206      187.923      533.722      326.802      558.373      207.839      204.690      315.979      508.272      488.636      388.698      
SPO0889          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           45.997       48.584       42.131       35.053       47.302       39.313       10.132       33.139       18.874       24.377       18.602       22.705       33.929       29.134       35.533       41.625       
SPO0890          lipase,_putative                                                                                                               14.723       20.585       26.230       16.974       38.819       15.807       14.719       41.960       19.353       27.823       11.653       16.304       19.529       14.601       37.522       30.029       
SPO0891          alkylphosphonate_utilization_protein_PhnM,_putative                                                                            15.239       19.784       19.853       19.984       32.420       18.524       27.232       20.352       21.158       8.508        8.863        10.969       16.892       14.948       30.854       10.720       
SPO0892          phosphoribosylaminoimidazole_carboxylase,_ATPase_subunit                                                                       38.318       47.843       127.457      113.026      147.435      65.705       111.256      108.884      97.525       130.191      76.231       91.063       72.803       64.894       99.043       66.176       
SPO0893          phosphoribosylaminoimidazole_carboxylase,_catalytic_subunit                                                                    45.365       42.919       96.226       79.099       104.054      60.668       29.188       78.951       61.404       82.259       63.499       47.270       68.600       75.532       73.699       46.666       
SPO0894          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           228.812      203.962      243.652      233.221      122.270      239.982      91.150       126.903      112.359      172.301      169.433      100.967      133.895      133.664      112.495      113.854      
SPO0895          heat_shock_protein,_Hsp20_family                                                                                               604.951      650.938      415.164      342.290      413.069      429.476      987.093      992.156      673.908      2154.166     1641.434     1650.525     2568.322     1711.280     1807.750     1423.234     
SPO0896          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           214.359      167.491      204.964      169.478      176.656      116.876      76.676       125.392      96.619       144.943      272.742      281.164      561.961      524.723      378.530      515.062      
SPO0897          phenazine_biosynthesis_protein,_PhzF_family                                                                                    143.535      138.727      139.957      108.308      144.910      73.151       77.727       136.558      123.492      172.529      154.738      185.062      324.116      239.695      268.915      258.902      
SPO0898          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           71.492       64.477       70.710       63.870       86.605       33.448       72.744       103.471      76.085       78.415       62.830       68.202       95.264       89.561       88.843       77.648       
SPO0899          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           122.020      121.695      79.942       71.305       27.786       71.233       29.098       32.152       47.028       55.837       49.080       53.349       59.289       29.283       42.780       44.423       
SPO0900          sulfate_adenylyltransferase                                                                                                    71.357       82.349       57.014       49.353       85.853       67.940       93.072       81.097       73.754       67.975       48.744       52.818       44.418       33.834       76.937       49.547       
SPO0901          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    43.401       36.918       23.862       15.441       8.524        28.528       3.348        9.321        18.707       19.559       9.679        10.229       6.979        6.064        9.211        13.659       
SPO0902          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           39.690       66.742       43.773       46.030       67.016       37.441       12.282       58.625       48.446       101.306      32.130       33.776       50.049       64.624       49.697       61.363       
SPO0903          thioredoxin-disulfide_reductase                                                                                                148.085      137.629      102.300      94.944       184.098      90.013       172.216      193.898      145.995      128.763      104.835      132.485      184.973      157.415      149.643      123.785      
SPO0904          leucine-responsive_regulatory_protein,_putative                                                                                105.201      79.217       192.891      154.385      73.570       63.153       34.181       84.602       138.576      252.578      98.836       104.448      68.027       60.935       35.039       55.030       
SPO0905          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           134.377      161.574      101.697      83.567       16.476       24.100       10.870       8.648        23.821       26.151       17.461       14.947       8.241        9.376        8.210        12.069       
SPO0906          putative_protein_TIGR00726                                                                                                     169.010      128.267      105.748      94.500       37.691       104.417      15.071       51.955       55.732       63.451       68.997       75.985       64.986       51.350       50.616       75.298       
SPO0907          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.447       19.586       15.428       10.752       15.989       10.705       2.664        17.661       11.384       17.396       13.571       10.989       24.236       29.413       17.678       19.521       
SPO0908          prolipoprotein_diacylglyceryl_transferase                                                                                      71.037       69.683       41.417       27.726       40.815       29.318       64.114       53.557       63.226       73.819       46.347       52.407       69.268       90.700       70.047       49.118       
SPO0909          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           311.466      210.135      1027.597     774.691      1281.666     1048.342     518.969      1000.081     780.941      891.831      2856.729     2230.735     2898.540     3847.932     1840.533     1803.549     
SPO0910          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2557.263     3172.331     395.934      358.043      55.954       257.349      68.362       84.602       162.921      131.184      96.483       83.559       60.469       61.918       99.586       127.137      
SPO0911          pyrroline-5-carboxylate_reductase                                                                                              337.908      402.342      90.931       91.206       30.937       52.794       10.205       32.476       48.083       29.229       21.078       17.151       25.791       28.170       22.024       29.460       
SPO0912          chaperonin_csaA                                                                                                                545.081      595.154      312.224      250.730      99.826       157.953      101.322      150.023      233.145      191.531      79.057       110.945      112.029      64.094       107.967      178.592      
SPO0914          thymidine_kinase                                                                                                               65.414       61.071       97.881       77.110       67.761       81.405       62.090       69.662       91.060       65.661       32.224       54.730       56.128       36.255       69.576       77.954       
SPO0915          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           276.973      268.170      206.127      120.195      36.066       119.066      30.506       32.359       100.277      124.068      100.809      62.145       56.858       24.560       45.262       57.580       
SPO0916          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           56.791       63.199       39.636       30.399       6.593        31.048       6.590        5.243        27.078       26.047       13.611       12.586       9.993        10.232       17.600       12.622       
SPO0917          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      16.881       22.975       10.112       13.087       2.752        18.870       7.565        6.019        9.948        26.002       13.542       6.935        11.472       3.916        7.347        10.080       
SPO0918          3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein]_synthase_III                                                                                  88.869       47.562       51.681       36.352       40.823       32.149       55.480       60.188       89.528       102.274      62.155       54.712       76.956       86.143       53.063       63.839       
SPO0919          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         108.451      179.070      50.987       50.360       106.272      102.664      60.234       92.647       47.520       70.387       136.847      142.646      350.500      452.037      214.488      247.784      
SPO0920          efflux_transporter,_RND_family,_MFP_subunit                                                                                    81.723       97.135       35.426       59.768       64.051       69.653       8.520        51.211       28.005       25.377       77.423       91.552       176.555      356.674      115.375      166.958      
SPO0921          transporter,_AcrB/AcrD/AcrF_family                                                                                             62.102       68.092       27.531       40.761       50.240       50.860       8.427        56.116       13.235       33.790       39.708       68.238       114.292      228.086      100.630      127.870      
SPO0922          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           66.879       54.458       55.762       46.108       24.030       24.089       34.768       31.348       29.715       23.899       16.277       11.686       13.180       11.996       21.384       22.003       
SPO0923          carbamoyl-phosphate_synthase,_large_subunit                                                                                    75.358       88.373       122.414      116.637      221.832      71.595       219.984      235.362      156.815      130.067      54.197       63.100       75.724       75.467       117.051      88.575       
SPO0924          para-aminobenzoate_synthase_component_I                                                                                        22.434       21.072       55.347       41.663       80.701       36.537       7.606        51.098       32.503       19.170       15.360       12.783       16.339       16.184       27.905       23.224       
SPO0926          aspartyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                       54.358       66.526       84.547       73.102       151.123      55.467       103.658      132.793      95.932       72.897       37.549       36.792       52.897       50.898       86.471       54.713       
SPO0927          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.978       47.732       51.740       47.831       120.707      71.269       16.591       35.198       54.537       22.809       27.413       50.697       66.038       54.383       53.708       38.684       
SPO0928          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           88.729       129.466      37.332       43.714       12.338       46.998       7.980        13.756       36.726       31.542       21.427       22.557       23.446       11.703       14.209       23.924       
SPO0929          type_II_DNA_modification_methyltransferase,_putative                                                                           671.162      724.801      316.989      273.936      63.069       443.049      58.542       94.343       242.767      201.205      159.975      141.047      118.644      97.113       131.929      184.498      
SPO0930          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.711       34.549       397.240      171.373      14.744       1452.702     0.000        0.000        26.645       37.145       0.000        8.256        0.000        4.661        8.747        9.000        
SPO0931          response_regulator                                                                                                             27.705       71.464       366.667      250.964      17.992       1391.575     3.957        24.134       72.838       87.035       6.538        3.023        5.250        0.683        2.562        7.249        
SPO0932          methylmalonyl-CoA_epimerase                                                                                                    74.904       64.461       182.776      280.657      325.044      152.241      333.768      435.185      329.146      573.570      191.489      233.729      267.551      188.341      429.937      262.883      
SPO0933          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           80.760       83.050       296.309      254.662      309.992      230.405      145.489      363.776      348.437      332.166      284.750      344.545      395.917      390.841      538.256      434.419      
SPO0934          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.065       21.593       14.591       9.442        14.148       9.644        4.094        8.685        6.729        12.663       15.220       14.386       16.295       24.720       22.529       13.636       
SPO0935          nitroreductase_family_protein                                                                                                  36.003       42.511       15.360       18.460       33.147       20.475       49.254       40.491       37.238       40.628       27.806       27.091       48.546       31.440       52.617       27.890       
SPO0936          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           130.021      232.920      20.720       35.756       14.099       66.595       0.000        32.890       30.576       47.954       81.116       68.690       70.523       37.444       82.807       92.950       
SPO0937          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           64.064       73.932       50.375       35.561       24.305       59.824       0.000        10.904       60.820       21.197       28.307       25.128       42.863       37.241       48.249       71.901       
SPO0938          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           509.349      917.090      298.234      165.421      59.913       278.282      53.128       157.797      213.061      299.459      264.814      204.554      157.092      58.660       82.553       182.273      
SPO0939          peptidase,_M48_family                                                                                                          143.694      110.505      113.295      74.460       30.354       83.691       19.867       63.223       58.776       76.476       41.580       43.103       41.422       30.848       46.949       54.926       
SPO0940          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           70.378       70.619       44.894       46.930       25.378       56.928       0.000        14.389       17.836       18.649       35.221       24.871       20.569       25.408       32.621       56.803       
SPO0941          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           23.670       27.316       50.761       88.690       10.362       9.473        11.394       15.108       22.472       43.075       45.496       33.075       45.351       37.347       29.507       26.566       
SPO0942          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.273       5.335        24.783       22.453       2.024        9.250        0.000        8.851        10.972       22.943       9.191        6.799        10.544       17.275       18.008       7.412        
SPO0943          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           331.077      294.743      179.059      177.215      189.208      478.306      177.314      272.729      240.917      406.279      249.031      205.894      313.681      232.488      440.066      381.934      
SPO0944          RNA_modification_enzyme,_MiaB-family                                                                                           22.641       35.355       87.699       59.676       108.520      55.960       87.262       129.698      92.724       108.108      48.061       53.330       65.775       61.619       89.015       64.216       
SPO0945          AsmA_family_protein                                                                                                            224.159      147.869      216.863      218.956      153.873      250.505      95.301       238.343      141.694      246.917      169.175      234.315      300.967      213.485      165.407      234.905      
SPO0946          phosphomannomutase/phosphoglucomutase                                                                                          129.602      112.300      120.134      90.332       108.109      45.260       81.655       128.414      117.977      107.036      45.757       53.385       54.710       36.692       75.611       69.894       
SPO0947          3-deoxy-8-phosphooctulonate_synthase                                                                                           127.928      150.059      112.553      116.142      99.976       78.531       85.350       129.467      154.869      139.631      87.435       74.591       82.829       61.844       99.466       92.680       
SPO0948          capsular_polysaccharide_export_inner-membrane_protein,_BexC/CtrB/KpsE_family                                                   237.783      201.276      101.030      115.454      86.443       106.305      72.373       122.833      104.677      98.668       63.113       70.769       70.875       49.111       49.200       93.615       
SPO0949          capsular_polysaccharide_export_ATP-binding_protein                                                                             318.688      382.021      120.884      141.496      117.575      123.302      115.716      154.492      120.671      97.370       114.828      117.662      116.472      99.129       129.170      106.993      
SPO0950          uracil-DNA_glycosylase,_putative                                                                                               27.287       29.067       8.102        17.040       6.616        12.600       0.000        12.057       11.956       18.751       8.764        8.336        8.618        10.197       8.831        15.901       
SPO0951          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.443        17.307       28.945       26.015       45.300       27.009       36.095       42.117       27.289       60.787       19.383       25.368       36.944       31.758       46.154       27.652       
SPO0952          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.962        6.668        9.736        4.582        3.975        9.360        5.960        4.215        5.225        2.731        7.112        6.678        5.272        6.855        8.039        8.272        
SPO0953          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           503.119      482.438      186.129      177.402      292.766      361.714      223.465      375.318      415.190      430.767      218.507      231.080      371.383      298.921      821.422      594.395      
SPO0954          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           580.858      632.398      82.326       98.714       72.164       133.302      92.394       132.599      89.328       119.549      193.073      308.903      374.975      426.626      726.627      1529.726     
SPO0955          amidohydrolase_domain_protein                                                                                                  98.710       89.828       94.145       77.773       30.258       104.876      22.480       42.924       83.750       113.835      65.828       82.662       77.550       39.559       81.749       91.104       
SPO0956          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           177.500      141.989      300.027      260.245      260.618      214.434      128.956      197.588      265.330      144.455      234.119      172.946      184.678      252.140      222.642      201.248      
SPO0957          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              11.343       11.494       33.641       27.989       35.971       26.906       10.787       21.932       11.820       21.009       9.407        8.790        25.217       13.027       22.116       13.774       
SPO0958          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.648       8.110        24.662       16.624       22.235       16.940       9.226        15.903       17.438       4.756        6.669        7.401        7.869        9.948        14.560       10.372       
SPO0959          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.340       25.937       18.697       18.552       14.249       12.019       2.798        9.646        16.555       9.616        8.861        7.267        16.440       8.688        14.039       13.513       
SPO0960          transcriptional_regulator,_MerR_family                                                                                         81.183       111.177      34.819       15.772       7.108        38.988       7.816        6.218        12.845       29.548       87.167       25.076       53.329       21.573       30.360       45.557       
SPO0961          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           378.373      318.304      114.003      121.885      58.685       131.043      22.251       20.653       73.144       45.886       602.040      231.179      468.149      182.343      343.950      209.380      
SPO0962          acetylornithine_aminotransferase                                                                                               87.466       52.574       58.187       50.902       47.511       43.904       29.023       51.953       65.193       109.726      16.651       20.324       20.629       10.432       27.012       32.225       
SPO0963          ornithine_carbamoyltransferase                                                                                                 120.958      68.214       65.659       72.585       48.587       35.313       24.563       54.554       91.845       117.135      16.065       15.950       18.623       10.594       32.800       38.863       
SPO0964          N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate_reductase                                                                                    45.328       48.566       58.017       29.499       21.430       51.558       6.201        8.222        17.327       21.313       31.592       29.845       73.462       47.073       38.643       37.180       
SPO0966          2-dehydropantoate_2-reductase                                                                                                  29.238       32.879       25.457       31.300       9.354        29.297       8.571        5.304        10.331       13.747       14.162       12.659       12.997       9.858        12.948       10.944       
SPO0967          phosphate_transporter_family_protein                                                                                           32.537       40.245       38.535       48.765       98.240       47.676       38.442       83.085       60.656       42.279       44.463       37.884       60.842       61.347       103.911      55.381       
SPO0968          hydrolase,_NUDIX_family                                                                                                        233.132      342.077      144.134      121.970      105.241      787.119      136.874      242.535      171.791      389.172      239.865      173.004      326.652      282.291      381.659      255.935      
SPO0969          conserved_hypothetical_protein                                                                                                 28.488       21.452       12.371       14.677       7.576        16.674       13.884       14.728       12.171       12.725       14.657       12.021       16.667       10.380       12.735       9.250        
SPO0970          aquaporin_Z                                                                                                                    1156.036     656.947      992.187      1166.089     282.956      575.794      147.378      399.519      301.440      388.339      147.123      235.182      195.541      129.954      148.428      384.542      
SPO0971          oxidoreductase,_GMC_family                                                                                                     142.667      93.124       79.687       74.031       39.620       68.221       14.167       31.935       40.749       35.302       26.579       39.774       24.504       15.887       15.765       42.177       
SPO0972          ATP-dependent_helicase_HrpB                                                                                                    12.752       9.447        16.522       13.365       13.491       9.154        6.954        14.752       8.762        14.738       9.894        9.207        11.203       7.398        11.630       10.423       
SPO0973          LAO/AO_transport_system_ATPase                                                                                                 35.598       33.020       117.968      83.050       80.976       62.901       40.737       84.109       70.780       107.008      72.518       54.683       81.074       71.786       72.059       73.661       
SPO0974          ribosomal_protein_L28                                                                                                          464.924      569.597      1246.205     1211.087     3114.243     744.874      4529.291     3664.099     2113.848     2045.934     475.617      460.837      673.588      829.485      1651.508     780.861      
SPO0975          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           62.931       48.000       441.242      357.377      198.738      139.897      210.860      167.755      210.041      186.669      340.487      270.425      466.282      390.235      441.618      205.386      
SPO0976          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           106.172      78.902       781.685      620.723      173.089      198.625      279.540      187.694      301.085      206.461      327.578      360.763      363.001      402.229      405.290      306.082      
SPO0977          ornithine_cyclodeaminase/mu-crystallin_family_protein                                                                          37.017       39.106       36.743       22.191       9.000        28.189       0.000        3.645        16.266       23.621       14.384       17.221       12.506       15.177       8.009        18.314       
SPO0978          CobB                                                                                                                           109.773      80.787       50.848       41.131       20.760       58.743       12.229       19.457       37.518       56.038       35.359       33.008       35.540       15.471       23.752       27.155       
SPO0979          low_molecular_weight_phosphotyrosine_protein_phosphatase                                                                       16.170       17.782       24.783       8.910        15.739       11.991       6.181        27.865       12.191       38.238       5.957        11.332       5.858        8.531        18.008       13.382       
SPO0980          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         7.299        10.424       22.453       14.529       9.167        13.556       2.965        3.145        10.719       9.170        8.980        2.718        9.552        9.206        11.036       15.305       
SPO0981          histidinol_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                             8.738        106.119      83.679       35.890       6.356        72.028       6.552        5.213        31.589       21.018       11.427       15.350       139.506      40.316       108.879      180.050      
SPO0982          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           25.375       26.530       21.406       17.630       6.753        19.672       2.184        8.688        12.923       11.259       16.540       12.346       9.521        6.029        8.484        12.731       
SPO0983          GTP-binding_protein_LepA                                                                                                       52.235       64.094       68.930       62.356       153.629      59.286       315.752      215.198      122.476      142.164      48.476       48.966       67.629       58.015       109.881      82.299       
SPO0984          zinc_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                         9.610        16.541       25.438       12.346       40.243       12.857       24.980       20.820       15.250       15.945       6.388        5.452        14.204       8.619        19.061       9.509        
SPO0985          zinc_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                      13.075       17.122       21.395       10.650       57.112       8.702        11.082       20.572       10.929       21.584       7.121        10.159       11.903       5.736        21.525       7.998        
SPO0986          zinc_uptake_regulation_protein                                                                                                 10.983       18.062       13.249       17.147       35.700       10.714       23.791       37.854       19.551       6.133        4.914        7.270        3.382        5.130        23.104       10.896       
SPO0987          zinc_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_zinc-binding_protein                                                                         7.231        10.796       10.467       6.774        10.150       3.663        11.748       7.010        3.862        2.019        3.235        0.897        0.557        2.027        9.032        1.467        
SPO0988          YeeE/YedE_family_protein                                                                                                       57.881       81.157       124.479      109.210      67.435       206.616      5.373        47.735       75.949       77.562       63.256       59.108       109.992      83.892       81.317       71.143       
SPO0989          transcriptional_regulator_SoxR                                                                                                 77.312       99.192       253.447      208.739      256.668      595.835      132.986      258.622      352.146      251.385      143.437      128.684      263.268      151.678      185.354      239.939      
SPO0990          regulatory_protein_SoxS                                                                                                        87.899       81.016       273.012      196.299      158.247      530.461      30.262       112.352      151.700      145.610      164.588      105.186      348.454      195.779      100.412      265.857      
SPO0991          sulfur_oxidation_V_protein                                                                                                     8.316        5.552        18.916       21.143       11.935       67.393       3.860        17.401       21.570       27.859       12.755       8.846        34.386       13.984       6.872        19.928       
SPO0992          thioredoxin_SoxW                                                                                                               78.479       75.179       83.822       82.791       28.818       148.195      49.512       48.581       89.515       124.223      51.812       44.632       54.431       22.209       30.453       60.196       
SPO0993          monoheme_cytochrome_c_SoxX                                                                                                     277.498      218.745      766.741      811.141      120.726      610.448      35.243       214.958      776.185      1136.571     153.667      140.897      89.066       63.841       34.226       117.390      
SPO0994          sulfur_oxidation_Y_protein                                                                                                     374.893      240.964      827.365      960.160      178.240      694.147      54.822       205.353      968.622      821.978      122.664      160.192      118.199      65.023       49.913       148.368      
SPO0995          sulfur_oxidation_Z_protein                                                                                                     574.102      475.637      950.857      985.499      159.383      819.919      607.315      469.359      2241.615     3414.231     224.586      259.811      162.801      56.878       77.235       215.296      
SPO0996          diheme_cytochrome_c_SoxA                                                                                                       341.966      226.992      579.122      646.432      91.170       487.590      90.224       116.088      1282.984     1170.312     106.746      123.044      112.108      42.084       50.301       94.054       
SPO0997          sulfur_oxidation_B_protein                                                                                                     44.274       23.192       179.820      167.814      26.999       187.666      40.029       39.807       254.390      321.583      24.113       27.521       41.413       13.812       10.798       26.944       
SPO0998          sulfur_oxidation_molybdopterin_C_protein                                                                                       16.870       12.743       116.429      127.699      32.629       129.201      53.153       33.477       208.211      189.533      8.843        15.227       26.026       13.373       8.603        15.860       
SPO0999          diheme_cytochrome_c_SoxD                                                                                                       16.356       13.503       129.916      126.498      41.143       136.707      38.154       31.077       185.441      210.750      19.888       15.823       50.623       19.747       14.557       15.432       
SPO1000          diheme_cytochrome_c_SoxE                                                                                                       65.673       106.958      205.302      152.493      54.663       249.870      56.099       59.508       246.317      252.030      115.315      86.937       94.180       64.983       55.779       77.414       
SPO1001          sulfur_oxidation_F_protein                                                                                                     71.898       74.855       202.632      162.285      40.135       145.083      117.084      45.977       230.184      355.977      50.225       55.731       61.883       37.680       40.453       34.875       
SPO1002          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         47.711       57.021       21.444       14.693       21.115       23.148       16.988       9.761        21.407       11.677       20.273       13.843       13.417       10.258       16.956       13.675       
SPO1003          ATP-dependent_Clp_protease,_proteolytic_subunit_ClpP                                                                           1391.206     942.996      494.678      463.892      251.593      414.643      348.159      522.780      425.306      619.322      388.045      402.550      435.185      290.584      300.803      452.906      
SPO1004          ATP-dependent_Clp_protease,_ATP-binding_subunit_ClpX                                                                           1115.946     977.103      729.813      651.876      245.783      550.876      237.540      345.275      574.575      483.683      377.369      330.745      345.325      216.501      252.814      400.837      
SPO1005          endoribonuclease_L-PSP_family_protein                                                                                          244.675      188.275      91.162       65.369       42.247       61.307       49.772       58.663       83.623       32.312       27.413       40.558       36.688       30.531       44.756       64.473       
SPO1006          NADH_dehydrogenase_subunit,_putative                                                                                           676.076      497.486      530.790      489.461      406.317      336.377      148.925      458.127      372.053      419.715      265.551      278.734      316.151      183.703      306.133      311.276      
SPO1007          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           308.404      246.245      273.436      234.722      182.260      176.170      50.102       131.205      183.222      111.928      92.270       126.306      98.526       113.448      150.026      172.101      
SPO1008          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           256.814      279.437      201.806      185.577      99.735       212.531      47.681       128.554      125.389      128.370      111.610      100.777      81.339       90.486       131.200      133.675      
SPO1009          leucyl/phenylalanyl-tRNA--protein_transferase                                                                                  21.829       30.230       46.144       35.053       43.411       26.833       0.000        26.273       22.204       13.930       39.064       42.658       45.238       50.499       44.462       65.249       
SPO1010          acetyl-CoA_carboxylase,_biotin_carboxylase                                                                                     113.117      106.041      124.799      111.727      152.853      84.346       143.220      137.960      165.469      136.814      129.052      132.902      181.641      168.600      155.794      150.834      
SPO1011          acetyl-CoA_carboxylase,_biotin_carboxyl_carrier_protein                                                                        122.457      189.859      184.968      94.758       181.447      93.488       438.240      370.061      240.727      388.442      192.142      197.348      245.917      194.983      260.400      155.578      
SPO1012          transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                         228.103      178.323      127.815      88.837       28.024       103.067      10.626       29.587       40.167       49.301       67.301       50.327       51.357       28.414       19.778       56.629       
SPO1013          thiolase_family_protein                                                                                                        18.851       11.747       31.653       20.483       6.239        15.616       2.450        8.446        13.691       15.999       22.264       28.822       82.193       45.225       28.948       18.361       
SPO1014          AMP-binding_enzyme                                                                                                             15.944       11.141       29.375       17.379       7.196        12.008       11.303       7.993        12.385       25.251       24.123       30.797       44.276       30.550       27.747       15.687       
SPO1015          3-hydroxybutyrate_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                      13.626       9.624        22.091       13.275       3.865        11.288       0.000        0.939        8.150        17.042       17.069       20.564       24.839       14.054       7.453        8.258        
SPO1016          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           68.970       51.929       29.725       25.089       10.553       23.314       14.504       10.001       12.396       17.946       8.388        12.853       7.698        2.502        5.165        9.662        
SPO1017          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 198.579      77.683       36.928       73.862       63.047       36.546       173.311      130.888      496.633      1130.458     141.625      82.317       134.256      60.450       78.668       42.669       
SPO1018          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 97.405       36.131       18.464       40.190       18.503       3.655        75.353       22.980       281.136      713.496      42.021       26.480       14.283       3.250        17.075       3.765        
SPO1019          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    88.590       34.387       20.012       30.672       7.310        6.552        54.376       18.182       303.866      693.924      38.087       22.034       23.302       6.526        17.603       4.725        
SPO1020          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    74.446       37.569       14.612       33.883       3.480        8.711        46.464       8.698        477.071      1026.734     27.473       25.056       14.505       5.187        15.484       3.642        
SPO1021          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                               161.213      117.225      57.112       95.726       23.317       26.791       79.857       30.094       1250.348     2353.166     104.748      87.013       63.334       21.028       37.076       10.150       
SPO1022          transcriptional_regulator,_putative                                                                                            84.891       79.424       16.580       12.622       5.176        11.527       8.756        4.064        47.493       161.007      12.358       11.706       30.704       14.351       12.047       5.833        
SPO1023          response_regulator                                                                                                             133.978      100.767      103.657      82.224       6.826        62.401       15.011       9.952        54.277       69.648       36.170       36.695       38.410       12.948       25.511       22.500       
SPO1024          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           98.700       160.129      62.572       83.681       11.921       92.119       9.363        12.415       61.556       99.760       37.388       34.334       58.566       35.537       42.434       34.307       
SPO1025          sensor_histidine_kinase                                                                                                        40.869       32.873       29.757       23.535       7.713        21.596       3.181        3.655        24.046       26.599       11.970       9.719        18.688       10.060       12.698       10.947       
SPO1026          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.690       23.763       121.617      66.754       11.526       452.570      14.624       12.927       23.234       37.696       6.376        5.958        10.163       5.887        10.652       7.307        
SPO1027          putative_protein_TIGR01244                                                                                                     68.185       63.420       126.689      78.169       115.474      114.548      19.839       128.023      104.345      84.097       75.578       74.769       117.826      83.286       104.899      95.821       
SPO1028          YeeE/YedE_family_protein                                                                                                       18.318       13.741       35.355       38.131       38.491       50.401       6.613        21.045       41.303       40.912       37.334       38.395       71.448       79.863       32.112       35.244       
SPO1029          YeeE/YedE_family_protein                                                                                                       25.109       26.611       35.604       44.160       24.226       44.296       66.597       67.111       89.755       98.422       55.019       73.261       131.279      94.213       63.598       67.658       
SPO1030          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          43.658       30.726       42.822       36.650       31.018       58.003       55.810       62.491       65.230       132.140      59.770       65.848       146.923      88.796       59.219       63.516       
SPO1031          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           66.848       87.249       20.552       66.497       6.992        301.505      15.377       8.156        20.219       31.710       97.394       76.355       71.407       26.528       18.667       8.963        
SPO1032          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.955       10.353       17.314       14.939       35.344       39.492       12.954       44.660       29.808       4.452        14.270       17.813       12.277       29.054       20.968       21.575       
SPO1033          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           121.838      156.423      215.556      202.893      240.011      153.899      527.819      440.332      180.733      249.436      145.353      154.567      147.982      170.737      183.324      179.475      
SPO1034          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           335.315      286.718      150.573      144.283      54.971       130.142      35.747       79.286       107.893      115.042      86.361       75.471       54.205       48.216       53.126       76.855       
SPO1036          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              57.473       43.447       20.353       19.756       10.802       15.510       63.959       17.567       21.024       16.487       8.178        6.282        8.659        4.729        9.983        11.793       
SPO1037          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           55.908       50.614       54.114       55.028       31.561       36.668       156.167      69.599       97.679       127.475      54.952       58.325       45.634       26.568       45.288       48.767       
SPO1038          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.119        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        4.945        17.843       0.000        5.865        6.133        7.371        2.726        3.382        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO1039          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.847        0.986        1.832        2.963        0.374        0.855        0.000        0.545        2.027        1.413        1.698        1.885        1.169        1.064        0.333        1.027        
SPO1040          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.567        2.223        0.000        1.336        2.530        2.569        0.000        1.229        4.571        1.593        1.277        2.125        3.515        1.600        1.501        2.316        
SPO1041          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.946       21.432       12.577       6.104        2.567        4.890        0.000        9.358        13.919       14.553       7.774        4.313        12.039       2.435        4.569        3.526        
SPO1042          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.950        10.213       3.796        2.456        0.775        1.771        0.000        0.000        7.001        7.320        3.519        1.302        3.230        2.205        0.689        1.419        
SPO1043          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.866        3.876        0.000        3.495        0.000        1.680        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.669        5.557        0.000        2.092        0.000        0.000        
SPO1044          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.058        0.879        1.225        0.793        0.500        0.000        0.000        0.729        2.711        1.890        1.893        1.260        2.084        0.474        0.000        1.374        
SPO1044a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           494.062      1191.418     343.425      396.356      62.154       497.742      103.309      164.380      287.350      731.984      388.448      265.904      164.183      113.793      118.337      226.321      
SPO1045          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           149.526      312.266      155.099      151.299      38.749       112.322      114.313      79.920       194.715      307.164      184.587      150.838      98.487       33.168       52.985       103.845      
SPO1046          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           178.603      354.141      168.874      162.231      54.019       172.738      109.417      122.284      251.771      509.023      146.892      145.084      86.660       35.731       66.413       161.403      
SPO1047          RNA-dependent_DNA_polymerase,_putative                                                                                         172.645      337.037      282.621      409.804      96.153       500.160      117.475      126.950      305.068      348.239      228.882      278.204      127.476      606.996      150.690      487.658      
SPO1048          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           75.965       73.137       54.363       34.380       13.115       29.975       19.413       21.328       37.376       49.564       21.384       19.915       22.077       15.310       17.955       33.255       
SPO1049          DNA_methylase,_C-5_cytosine-specific_family                                                                                    373.769      382.130      88.103       98.676       35.047       144.744      98.878       85.388       129.178      203.902      102.634      86.382       65.355       33.680       59.503       67.560       
SPO1050          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              40.804       54.280       13.966       16.569       6.652        17.738       7.837        6.928        11.163       11.672       8.993        10.378       11.389       5.408        4.651        10.007       
SPO1051          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.215        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.798        1.484        0.000        1.923        0.000        0.855        0.530        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO1052          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.303        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.134        0.000        
SPO1053          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.951       13.741       9.575        12.393       8.796        8.190        37.612       19.949       10.598       20.314       7.398        9.851        9.166        7.416        19.133       20.582       
SPO1054          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.875        0.894        0.000        0.000        4.071        3.877        11.191       7.420        7.358        5.770        4.623        5.985        3.182        0.000        0.000        13.979       
SPO1055          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.527        5.248        2.926        0.000        7.167        3.640        6.567        0.000        0.000        2.257        3.617        3.010        3.734        0.000        3.189        8.750        
SPO1056          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.498        1.099        6.128        6.940        7.506        4.289        3.439        7.296        14.695       3.546        11.364       3.152        5.214        1.187        6.679        26.918       
SPO1057          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         30.026       35.966       12.690       4.927        5.181        19.341       2.848        3.777        13.109       12.727       10.982       7.834        16.737       5.406        7.377        9.013        
SPO1058          acyltransferase,_HtrB_family                                                                                                   19.254       23.374       23.165       19.675       24.235       9.907        19.498       32.749       22.433       35.741       8.949        15.392       14.783       10.092       19.988       16.778       
SPO1059          serine/threonine_protein_kinase                                                                                                84.357       53.967       4.195        3.103        1.957        4.847        6.726        4.994        4.422        4.161        8.706        7.605        3.570        3.713        4.137        5.153        
SPO1060          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.522       30.692       3.680        1.786        1.878        0.572        0.000        3.285        2.715        2.129        2.559        1.577        0.391        1.069        1.003        0.000        
SPO1061          LysM_domain_protein                                                                                                            126.244      45.428       3.453        3.725        2.350        3.580        15.503       5.482        5.945        7.104        5.692        2.763        2.938        4.012        4.182        0.861        
SPO1062          LysM_domain_protein                                                                                                            166.518      97.998       4.630        2.996        3.780        5.400        15.588       2.756        9.394        9.822        7.155        5.557        4.432        3.137        4.626        4.760        
SPO1063          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           71.455       36.428       3.031        4.904        3.094        2.828        6.803        1.804        3.355        3.507        2.342        2.599        3.869        4.108        2.753        5.099        
SPO1064          serine/threonine_protein_phosphatase,_putative                                                                                 65.671       46.581       7.949        7.716        6.491        4.945        14.869       11.829       12.708       14.309       2.866        5.907        6.200        6.670        10.590       5.943        
SPO1065          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.840       24.422       7.359        3.572        4.882        7.725        10.324       6.023        6.109        11.355       4.549        4.417        10.958       7.124        10.026       10.316       
SPO1066          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           67.210       66.345       57.891       39.543       41.361       20.007       39.704       93.805       52.206       43.419       15.407       16.544       19.840       11.209       25.122       28.855       
SPO1067          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           169.960      116.948      126.087      131.344      151.919      70.782       48.319       133.630      97.569       83.035       42.770       49.568       48.410       55.971       71.506       86.222       
SPO1068          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           48.267       35.268       2.809        4.544        2.293        4.368        0.000        1.672        3.109        2.167        0.868        3.371        2.987        2.175        3.061        3.150        
SPO1069          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           60.810       55.710       15.047       12.853       12.286       14.789       5.404        9.315        12.878       9.751        9.487        8.256        5.121        6.293        9.184        7.875        
SPO1070          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           181.450      147.050      68.568       60.641       23.950       63.033       10.261       18.140       78.699       74.056       51.331       54.085       66.772       48.384       53.144       35.031       
SPO1071          glutamine_amidotransferase,_class-I                                                                                            19.086       24.159       29.354       25.699       31.723       26.853       38.757       49.335       28.028       25.309       14.409       17.173       13.958       20.059       32.621       18.719       
SPO1072          putative_protein_TIGR01033                                                                                                     151.148      175.727      241.485      215.007      302.761      167.799      422.863      405.741      289.378      294.635      141.857      131.565      185.804      145.906      248.889      181.827      
SPO1073          bordetella_uptake_gene_family_protein                                                                                          19.234       28.401       8.051        11.288       1.643        8.764        0.000        1.597        8.910        11.386       6.635        9.203        4.567        0.520        2.437        2.508        
SPO1074          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.071        7.399        0.000        1.907        1.203        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.174        2.273        2.732        3.031        2.507        1.141        3.211        0.000        
SPO1075          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.295        14.180       10.091       7.619        2.060        14.124       0.000        2.503        4.343        6.487        9.357        7.498        11.091       7.816        5.499        5.973        
SPO1076          trkA-C_domain_protein                                                                                                          118.565      102.557      70.576       45.670       15.134       57.872       1.600        16.125       28.403       25.848       29.964       31.293       39.731       28.434       28.490       21.320       
SPO1077          nitroreductase_family_protein                                                                                                  54.415       33.516       18.318       28.449       7.479        19.941       4.112        11.994       14.867       31.089       22.646       14.449       13.249       9.221        4.659        18.489       
SPO1078          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         5.197        3.085        5.732        3.709        5.266        4.457        0.000        3.412        2.115        2.211        2.214        0.491        2.439        0.000        1.562        2.679        
SPO1079          L-lysine_exporter,_putative                                                                                                    47.315       20.848       790.744      495.584      325.374      266.604      27.951       100.067      272.577      682.068      86.594       37.723       37.085       13.663       3.770        6.207        
SPO1080          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           28.113       27.973       77.971       53.997       60.314       38.292       6.141        21.170       69.641       93.919       20.716       11.259       16.295       6.356        18.388       18.409       
SPO1081          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.191       18.894       24.946       23.318       7.921        12.932       6.222        11.549       32.722       25.660       6.853        10.456       5.896        3.220        4.028        12.434       
SPO1082          HTH-type_transcriptional_regulator_BetI                                                                                        401.339      338.513      236.990      186.019      38.523       139.233      34.478       66.615       69.620       84.641       75.279       71.491       79.354       45.886       36.672       86.952       
SPO1083          choline_sulfatase                                                                                                              223.800      182.765      66.303       62.457       9.594        45.943       9.419        26.477       45.205       30.430       20.751       18.996       21.424       11.700       18.600       45.493       
SPO1084          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           105.172      100.343      81.431       87.061       31.800       63.870       23.841       23.182       52.245       21.850       44.863       43.710       48.201       35.646       45.020       48.970       
SPO1085          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           64.890       66.551       39.302       48.831       14.120       39.117       3.529        30.880       31.318       61.851       34.011       33.965       33.441       20.698       22.846       41.138       
SPO1086          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         70.125       60.303       72.038       28.253       25.846       29.875       4.900        23.389       25.771       21.893       24.963       16.470       20.432       17.752       15.862       40.803       
SPO1087          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           55.846       61.216       308.613      340.798      62.783       94.023       101.660      142.947      212.162      76.380       49.806       90.304       355.355      244.724      726.684      329.565      
SPO1088          choline_dehydrogenase                                                                                                          33.350       33.954       193.866      191.143      41.755       62.673       51.395       95.407       118.825      45.927       41.281       50.256       213.342      156.942      491.643      256.506      
SPO1089          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.658       9.566        138.661      383.074      17.418       21.564       371.088      95.235       62.959       86.398       87.358       89.618       235.970      192.062      257.694      157.498      
SPO1090          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  81.684       66.961       36.242       37.524       15.906       44.808       10.169       11.326       18.718       25.163       12.601       8.390        12.721       8.771        7.900        6.097        
SPO1091          YCII-related_domain_protein                                                                                                    0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.421        6.853        1.521        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO1092          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         27.408       28.719       5.618        4.544        2.867        10.047       0.000        10.031       4.145        4.334        7.379        4.335        8.962        4.351        6.633        5.775        
SPO1093          drug_resistance_transporter,_Bcr/CflA_family                                                                                   12.883       12.062       9.456        9.519        3.861        12.418       9.433        13.759       6.202        17.021       8.443        16.575       18.774       17.088       12.597       14.532       
SPO1094          propionyl-CoA_carboxylase,_beta_subunit                                                                                        210.588      82.392       369.270      994.862      666.108      212.752      402.376      309.301      163.354      136.382      36.766       37.963       560.583      327.578      192.084      57.749       
SPO1094a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           87.317       22.877       170.803      586.540      215.707      112.626      1109.253     196.561      147.869      179.202      25.339       26.554       160.837      87.307       74.465       43.418       
SPO1095          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           89.624       22.120       357.090      739.780      184.594      128.646      288.316      94.809       73.924       47.564       15.086       19.382       86.344       62.673       48.533       30.731       
SPO1096          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          13471.058    13103.034    13351.001    11571.974    8680.649     6450.215     4812.441     4452.825     5167.185     5821.521     10116.041    10178.293    6197.931     6275.804     4928.745     5970.941     
SPO1097          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           182.216      121.936      364.668      831.661      202.362      149.763      71.522       71.653       141.063      60.088       47.051       67.994       78.326       74.034       57.882       84.705       
SPO1098          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.024        9.970        22.233       16.545       14.523       10.373       12.476       7.279        11.483       17.152       18.553       16.012       19.864       19.371       16.559       17.454       
SPO1099          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           240.121      287.185      1274.478     1451.798     597.726      1287.495     47.284       188.089      885.951      138.135      1549.525     1293.157     1299.534     1117.572     899.266      1248.175     
SPO1100          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          2464.205     1809.289     2892.610     2608.374     1476.184     1320.207     338.750      1923.932     2115.704     2871.844     5342.587     4144.831     5050.994     4064.118     2755.199     1958.152     
SPO1101          propionyl-CoA_carboxylase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                       241.372      111.420      822.214      1163.817     301.834      240.726      284.675      135.151      169.809      70.636       12.046       23.763       44.746       35.217       59.788       64.988       
SPO1102          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          104.730      49.801       910.819      1040.122     268.451      306.776      27.332       72.481       168.907      54.484       13.548       20.880       25.903       37.722       54.856       56.445       
SPO1103          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           126.024      140.242      76.010       39.350       31.919       52.012       82.869       65.928       70.504       160.836      81.886       81.926       94.243       75.688       107.304      56.829       
SPO1104          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           34.525       55.376       413.724      389.717      107.440      174.724      76.676       67.027       72.814       50.754       3.519        6.075        11.304       10.779       25.281       29.797       
SPO1105          methylmalonyl-CoA_mutase                                                                                                       113.713      127.699      1051.207     839.064      201.120      354.499      364.132      181.103      229.309      88.017       14.142       23.843       30.338       30.835       90.890       105.073      
SPO1106          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.923       12.848       25.279       24.537       7.740        11.794       4.728        6.270        9.326        21.126       8.464        10.837       12.547       5.710        3.827        7.875        
SPO1107          phosphinothricin_N-acetyltransferase,_putative                                                                                 39.932       35.023       35.966       24.936       8.391        31.163       0.000        9.175        7.582        11.891       10.322       8.810        10.930       8.953        7.467        13.445       
SPO1108          DnaJ-like_protein_DjlA,_putative                                                                                               55.700       51.498       180.830      117.017      54.038       88.715       20.922       58.812       70.150       56.088       81.239       70.325       72.174       39.704       50.796       73.174       
SPO1109          endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase_family_protein                                                                            27.421       16.147       85.013       67.148       26.541       67.660       5.612        33.488       41.510       48.223       46.366       51.021       55.316       24.690       43.149       52.811       
SPO1110          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         26.438       30.734       28.088       15.449       9.747        14.852       15.761       19.227       20.724       28.169       26.911       33.714       33.459       45.138       39.797       43.575       
SPO1111          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.140       17.039       4.596        3.966        2.502        9.530        0.000        1.824        0.000        4.728        16.572       6.305        53.448       38.563       126.350      16.609       
SPO1112          TRAP_transporter,_periplasmic_protein                                                                                          49.986       30.230       9.770        6.322        1.994        7.217        2.741        2.908        17.120       11.305       43.781       32.667       209.900      113.968      388.656      45.652       
SPO1113          TRAP_transporter,_transmembrane_protein,_putative                                                                              29.599       19.641       9.521        10.782       3.887        17.028       0.000        2.834        7.025        23.872       39.726       31.020       234.944      162.227      241.274      73.855       
SPO1114          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   13.431       7.063        6.891        4.459        1.608        4.286        0.000        1.172        5.810        3.797        22.513       20.593       151.605      70.520       133.397      28.703       
SPO1115          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.083       9.055        1.942        8.795        2.378        8.454        0.000        0.000        1.433        5.991        13.201       9.988        68.560       51.125       69.832       18.871       
SPO1116          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           255.185      412.892      163.662      132.704      153.224      415.207      1130.090     331.380      532.002      1023.746     919.611      713.418      1015.355     644.706      664.085      553.579      
SPO1117          phosphatase,_Ppx/GppA_family                                                                                                   116.083      99.394       252.461      162.840      84.665       197.329      38.637       77.577       107.652      156.820      166.185      143.362      193.893      141.248      129.541      136.049      
SPO1118          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           74.058       58.445       54.303       27.870       67.274       30.285       8.406        43.469       35.922       31.780       10.996       16.054       23.103       17.403       33.335       24.500       
SPO1119          membrane_protein                                                                                                               129.336      94.096       72.395       70.656       26.165       42.081       37.294       48.038       46.410       57.680       35.946       36.630       35.849       20.221       33.632       28.838       
SPO1120          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.365       7.226        5.036        9.776        4.797        7.309        3.768        3.997        3.715        6.475        9.857        8.635        6.427        3.900        5.488        1.255        
SPO1121          prolyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                         135.335      111.082      114.409      99.889       138.644      77.665       95.790       166.469      147.391      133.091      78.296       68.507       103.916      81.575       137.892      107.262      
SPO1122          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           132.298      117.422      66.157       49.571       29.853       58.482       23.447       20.726       28.260       21.489       11.837       11.941       16.295       4.045        6.325        13.016       
SPO1123          lipoprotein_releasing_system_transmembrane_protein_LolE                                                                        30.115       27.390       53.725       42.085       21.549       16.417       4.231        31.418       38.249       38.537       21.556       24.566       25.664       17.884       16.094       26.074       
SPO1124          lipoprotein_releasing_system_ATP-binding_protein                                                                               35.425       35.136       79.459       31.090       22.633       18.967       20.739       30.798       27.268       31.362       30.840       24.715       31.447       17.174       23.497       36.611       
SPO1125          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.638        14.014       22.321       34.305       0.000        12.150       0.000        3.322        2.059        8.610        17.247       10.526       18.993       24.851       10.137       19.818       
SPO1126          cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    4.478        9.302        16.204       4.194        1.323        5.040        0.000        3.858        9.565        2.500        7.011        6.669        11.031       8.785        3.532        14.538       
SPO1127          cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    172.478      170.184      93.626       113.094      22.934       102.893      14.010       29.723       52.961       86.673       104.170      105.957      152.691      131.728      120.186      102.666      
SPO1128          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           62.643       53.414       58.604       34.848       14.226       30.051       0.000        19.799       33.891       32.991       25.455       32.048       22.911       17.174       23.018       31.381       
SPO1129          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           100.547      70.766       57.452       63.202       14.073       50.630       0.000        19.379       38.151       50.231       40.247       31.524       30.146       11.124       16.698       30.068       
SPO1130          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    31.262       21.273       40.571       34.332       12.741       15.531       0.000        7.431        13.816       16.853       21.220       22.476       9.294        7.251        10.204       12.833       
SPO1131          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                 1811.523     1929.863     384.951      366.763      51.193       273.786      53.476       92.552       237.771      318.252      205.007      202.540      268.336      134.501      178.122      196.404      
SPO1132          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                   412.468      415.015      173.341      104.381      19.658       91.356       10.808       23.645       114.574      119.794      55.061       62.749       75.795       40.554       60.789       63.899       
SPO1133          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                      138.008      166.331      79.725       68.259       17.025       43.109       5.506        15.697       38.462       51.095       26.914       32.809       43.833       24.223       31.861       30.949       
SPO1134          NnrU_family_protein                                                                                                            43.593       65.362       39.854       29.474       6.198        21.250       12.779       6.778        22.404       14.641       17.596       18.224       30.682       19.842       21.374       14.899       
SPO1135          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           130.021      115.634      110.509      119.186      109.032      141.068      25.838       112.374      96.825       223.786      108.154      81.323       134.190      86.478       153.903      125.654      
SPO1136          Diaminobutyric_acid_transaminase                                                                                               9.394        7.607        4.610        2.386        4.517        6.022        8.277        6.036        8.843        9.246        4.844        7.904        10.590       4.641        5.694        5.170        
SPO1137          Aspartate-semialdehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                           4.446        3.386        2.574        2.776        4.204        9.341        1.926        4.086        3.799        7.282        3.978        3.531        4.381        4.652        3.429        3.849        
SPO1138          AsnC/Lrp-like_DNA-binding_protein,_transcriptional_regulator                                                                   3.661        9.506        0.000        1.715        4.327        9.890        5.948        0.000        9.775        8.177        1.638        3.635        1.127        2.052        1.925        0.000        
SPO1139          N_-acetyl-L-2,4-diaminobutyric_acid_deacetylase                                                                                22.050       13.283       7.660        7.436        10.425       19.855       22.925       13.679       19.782       24.623       3.946        7.443        5.975        1.978        10.204       10.023       
SPO1140          Ectoine_hydrolase                                                                                                              20.079       14.158       9.600        8.973        12.193       12.607       14.365       13.333       25.971       29.622       6.593        5.487        8.622        5.369        4.263        6.380        
SPO1141          ornithine_cyclodeaminase/mu-crystallin_family_protein                                                                          21.152       23.288       20.821       19.814       20.001       28.570       41.236       31.348       46.087       68.973       13.627       15.541       21.885       11.382       16.019       14.651       
SPO1143          Ectoine_utilization_protein_EutA                                                                                               1.432        1.785        4.976        1.073        3.386        8.255        7.446        2.962        11.015       25.592       2.051        2.275        1.411        1.285        0.603        3.100        
SPO1144          universal_stress_protein_family_protein                                                                                        4.015        1.042        8.717        5.641        4.745        10.845       6.522        3.459        8.575        8.966        4.490        2.989        9.889        0.000        3.167        6.517        
SPO1145          Ectoine/5-hydroxyectoine_TRAP_transporter,_periplasmic_binding_protein                                                         6.460        6.710        10.828       8.918        7.636        19.289       11.048       10.547       21.063       35.692       20.384       15.867       32.248       31.258       19.670       14.351       
SPO1146          Ectoine/5-hydroxyectoine_TRAP_transporter,_small_integral_membrane_protein                                                     1.161        2.412        4.482        8.701        12.809       11.153       0.000        12.006       23.149       62.238       3.463        6.148        7.627        3.471        12.213       8.378        
SPO1147          Ectoine/5-hydroxyectoine_TRAP_transporter,_large_integral_membrane_protein                                                     5.366        5.350        13.671       9.651        24.862       36.336       55.792       61.402       98.118       221.476      18.053       14.918       19.564       5.775        18.964       17.190       
SPO1148          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         21.171       18.894       38.136       28.792       17.794       39.539       22.419       23.781       45.557       46.932       18.522       17.438       14.293       15.119       17.154       25.118       
SPO1150          RNA_methyltransferase,_TrmH_family,_group_3                                                                                    31.427       37.640       59.017       53.042       50.866       22.945       25.758       57.573       44.754       63.234       21.786       26.424       26.503       20.314       32.162       28.803       
SPO1151          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           111.668      173.598      246.115      202.454      306.548      624.075      93.631       240.853      437.051      328.241      1040.408     934.157      1794.236     2036.941     1851.954     1144.593     
SPO1152          twin-arginine_translocation_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein,_putative                                                   472.009      306.278      108.101      116.589      55.450       175.873      49.772       80.845       145.204      128.299      202.172      197.719      365.568      451.880      377.631      554.353      
SPO1153          CoA-binding_domain_protein                                                                                                     158.884      150.193      90.663       93.180       75.117       88.744       23.941       73.013       64.926       88.456       81.589       75.901       73.740       85.705       79.440       83.733       
SPO1154          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          138.878      78.826       110.992      104.072      60.110       54.953       71.180       98.426       101.949      75.140       46.204       45.055       44.330       36.840       57.606       50.806       
SPO1155          phosphoribosyl-ATP_pyrophosphohydrolase                                                                                        20.097       18.714       64.200       64.914       54.060       48.673       81.058       114.645      94.738       80.482       37.203       42.658       42.678       40.399       65.600       46.500       
SPO1156          imidazoleglycerol_phosphate_synthase,_cyclase_subunit                                                                          24.159       19.715       74.937       85.132       84.984       51.278       11.214       53.527       71.264       60.380       47.865       38.263       55.262       52.878       62.921       52.292       
SPO1157          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.078       20.276       190.105      116.370      51.393       88.694       11.533       55.050       81.506       73.328       163.559      128.629      153.015      99.481       71.867       84.511       
SPO1158          phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole_carboxamide_ribotide_isomerase                                                        20.920       17.004       84.263       85.199       106.788      53.509       51.224       100.314      60.877       71.776       68.904       52.376       79.167       65.260       109.698      74.156       
SPO1159          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           755.203      648.113      491.534      382.106      145.946      272.013      50.149       106.394      350.895      738.688      461.661      534.163      469.842      320.118      353.677      276.815      
SPO1160          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           7.358        11.039       16.569       21.443       17.394       25.031       0.000        7.045        8.732        16.434       11.704       4.870        3.021        11.915       7.739        15.042       
SPO1161          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         44.267       68.391       94.516       44.576       13.734       75.736       3.596        9.536        22.458       39.547       86.643       69.771       115.862      73.200       87.882       85.037       
SPO1162          imidazole_glycerol_phosphate_synthase,_glutamine_amidotransferase_subunit                                                      43.933       44.917       75.519       64.301       129.006      31.524       62.450       79.257       55.720       68.991       39.309       38.848       45.657       47.713       76.533       60.919       
SPO1163          imidazoleglycerol-phosphate_dehydratase                                                                                        50.375       53.484       41.051       51.731       95.266       34.945       43.647       83.595       66.954       43.336       41.401       35.566       42.284       43.506       70.646       35.538       
SPO1164          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           181.527      143.195      164.091      132.014      88.720       89.661       39.818       105.594      78.533       119.745      80.869       74.525       66.038       29.195       27.391       92.841       
SPO1165          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           58.891       65.871       91.804       86.990       20.748       61.697       0.000        20.492       41.125       42.999       74.986       88.828       77.418       69.830       73.258       79.056       
SPO1166          aminotransferase,_class_III_family                                                                                             91.683       35.268       164.781      141.166      81.417       34.945       44.132       115.361      123.653      71.505       19.387       35.640       62.537       62.359       218.715      231.698      
SPO1168          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           53.946       46.040       14.528       15.669       3.954        40.668       5.435        7.206        10.719       11.208       14.219       14.117       16.482       10.314       7.038        10.862       
SPO1171          pyruvate_carboxylase                                                                                                           76.768       58.876       100.085      90.959       124.086      41.201       123.888      144.119      74.118       78.914       44.352       38.362       48.216       40.039       70.050       82.532       
SPO1172          FMN-dependent_alpha-hydroxy_acid_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                  27.692       35.705       46.444       42.220       59.593       33.707       39.713       62.532       59.561       39.242       30.075       25.788       36.696       31.260       49.817       41.338       
SPO1173          diguanylate_cyclase,_putative                                                                                                  3.894        2.528        9.159        4.559        2.013        29.364       0.000        1.677        2.599        2.174        1.089        1.933        2.398        1.637        0.768        0.527        
SPO1174          DNA_helicase_II,_putative                                                                                                      239.173      192.631      107.177      84.730       47.852       135.477      50.957       53.740       83.753       106.304      94.804       87.996       161.950      110.197      141.750      108.749      
SPO1175          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.254       24.753       26.424       8.550        9.589        15.981       9.885        3.495        4.333        6.795        8.167        10.572       9.993        10.801       9.067        7.683        
SPO1176          Ser/Thr_protein_phosphatase_family_protein                                                                                     88.558       69.131       66.953       62.347       36.002       51.808       76.974       41.797       33.737       55.430       47.946       47.602       58.359       51.854       56.955       53.720       
SPO1177          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           831.871      524.940      466.862      394.220      1517.851     1724.806     5303.454     1321.704     617.519      342.592      3475.258     1893.949     5878.787     5372.898     5733.792     2786.020     
SPO1178          MraZ,_putative                                                                                                                 524.163      568.397      75.685       117.545      56.649       79.253       113.255      109.625      176.837      134.291      286.935      327.907      122.360      95.740       61.410       41.497       
SPO1179          S-adenosyl-methyltransferase_MraW                                                                                              210.598      226.040      34.367       32.947       19.747       26.921       14.285       24.245       54.471       40.260       79.858       68.533       26.535       28.588       16.185       12.371       
SPO1181          penicillin-binding_protein                                                                                                     181.238      209.324      29.032       32.075       17.634       31.494       22.251       28.661       38.139       33.868       71.343       57.552       33.439       20.017       15.950       10.059       
SPO1182          UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanyl-D-glutamate-2,_6-diaminopimelate_ligase                                                             68.631       65.917       29.911       21.568       32.448       25.252       11.509       39.678       27.744       29.667       23.243       20.515       14.543       18.532       16.766       15.335       
SPO1183          UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-tripeptide--D-alanyl-D-alanine_ligase                                                                     53.946       42.022       20.884       22.328       26.691       14.686       16.305       31.889       17.419       31.522       13.470       10.899       10.044       8.087        13.525       12.559       
SPO1184          phospho-N-acetylmuramoyl-pentapeptide-transferase                                                                              54.371       60.040       32.769       34.080       78.837       30.577       47.284       74.539       60.445       39.725       19.894       21.272       29.874       31.723       34.015       32.375       
SPO1185          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           79.329       109.669      88.698       89.171       29.746       83.256       78.214       65.996       89.986       133.186      58.742       44.541       27.628       19.014       20.716       68.684       
SPO1186          TPR_domain_protein                                                                                                             58.561       73.150       78.856       72.169       22.076       73.931       48.042       48.950       90.598       86.035       26.460       29.361       24.922       14.396       25.375       48.008       
SPO1187          UDP-N-acetylmuramoylalanine--D-glutamate_ligase                                                                                47.000       32.760       70.521       47.390       28.791       39.088       14.205       37.672       34.021       58.588       21.236       22.324       25.002       19.606       20.037       29.742       
SPO1188          putative_protein_TIGR00275                                                                                                     16.847       7.818        22.830       14.102       19.489       15.170       6.988        25.943       24.501       16.011       8.980        5.694        10.154       7.635        12.818       9.698        
SPO1189          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.207        7.198        21.496       16.692       18.137       9.360        0.000        10.236       12.688       13.266       7.972        9.338        19.510       7.769        13.016       9.643        
SPO1190          transcriptional_regulator_family_protein                                                                                       43.658       59.200       35.110       34.080       25.801       24.025       7.881        14.629       15.543       5.417        40.149       26.489       68.711       39.428       43.369       53.812       
SPO1191          glutathione_S-transferase                                                                                                      76.331       60.756       6.196        2.673        32.884       29.549       27.814       43.027       21.334       44.611       15.957       14.874       28.996       23.193       24.010       28.566       
SPO1193          4-oxalocrotonate_tautomerase_family_protein                                                                                    8.560        4.446        6.196        4.009        2.530        0.000        13.907       11.064       9.143        14.339       3.830        6.374        2.636        4.799        9.004        13.897       
SPO1194          cell_division_protein_FtsW                                                                                                     170.546      141.269      86.711       73.936       43.731       69.170       18.318       38.255       105.376      47.219       95.216       74.517       70.310       59.650       38.915       33.940       
SPO1195          UDP-N-acetylglucosamine--N-acetylmuramyl-(pentapeptide)_pyrophosphoryl-undecaprenol_N-acetylglucosamine_transferase,_putative  121.606      104.356      36.937       23.903       25.919       19.028       20.727       37.789       34.067       28.495       27.826       24.543       25.536       17.432       15.097       15.103       
SPO1196          UDP-N-acetylmuramate--alanine_ligase                                                                                           207.182      146.599      39.866       36.938       46.978       23.109       85.416       74.426       47.465       57.316       48.445       40.083       28.911       23.508       25.017       23.709       
SPO1197          amino_acid_permease                                                                                                            74.574       59.407       122.621      83.419       36.798       89.970       2.352        32.440       54.903       63.873       104.623      98.122       134.658      112.013      107.375      87.760       
SPO1198          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           146.427      85.838       218.460      151.466      59.459       111.629      0.000        58.826       111.296      156.493      83.593       107.027      150.478      72.511       66.140       93.332       
SPO1199          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.682       37.788       56.715       47.187       14.885       45.361       0.000        40.994       41.847       118.758      25.041       31.954       29.300       36.081       45.626       37.860       
SPO1200          UDP-N-acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine_reductase                                                                                  34.492       24.047       57.452       30.982       40.768       33.186       36.845       40.712       46.427       49.598       27.480       18.295       27.934       20.129       28.327       29.147       
SPO1201          D-alanine--D-alanine_ligase                                                                                                    805.874      1010.137     760.019      427.668      408.659      958.411      682.988      724.490      943.755      606.497      2582.542     2007.234     2392.291     1119.651     1440.127     697.934      
SPO1203          cell_division_protein_FtsA                                                                                                     306.590      236.745      20.829       25.119       7.344        16.491       6.375        12.398       37.024       24.833       51.792       33.118       24.168       16.132       8.943        8.494        
SPO1204          cell_division_protein_FtsZ                                                                                                     1877.770     1510.385     195.888      183.100      58.711       140.472      83.750       122.154      224.255      253.662      293.338      226.327      178.585      119.201      106.469      92.988       
SPO1205          UDP-3-0-acyl_N-acetylglucosamine_deacetylase                                                                                   702.197      948.887      207.904      168.394      287.241      762.703      899.320      467.148      792.388      1131.207     3491.900     2575.737     3748.352     2845.513     3064.333     1616.675     
SPO1206          competence_lipoprotein_ComL,_putative                                                                                          311.553      325.186      265.547      219.838      187.149      158.266      566.074      402.669      349.170      457.779      293.436      272.185      302.320      271.149      315.835      305.015      
SPO1207          DNA_repair_protein_RecN                                                                                                        72.234       80.118       66.766       51.151       51.383       32.940       44.786       74.459       42.467       110.117      26.327       33.424       37.220       34.769       46.004       46.188       
SPO1208          voltage-gated_chloride_channel_family_protein                                                                                  34.942       53.592       22.480       17.832       13.915       15.112       14.649       10.359       13.911       9.510        18.602       11.688       18.511       17.691       17.124       15.452       
SPO1209          MlrC_domain_protein                                                                                                            51.780       32.300       61.187       49.776       17.486       29.634       5.886        22.893       49.660       47.202       46.466       36.571       28.263       11.170       17.149       34.963       
SPO1210          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_oligopeptide-binding_protein                                                         239.121      200.395      125.363      120.146      37.576       118.210      23.152       27.393       166.260      142.618      92.448       83.264       62.112       40.250       50.734       49.237       
SPO1211          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                 42.078       26.560       25.575       22.647       6.595        18.003       0.000        7.211        44.692       48.805       10.400       8.309        5.154        2.085        5.868        3.522        
SPO1212          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                 40.020       39.803       12.639       19.993       2.867        20.093       0.000        1.672        31.086       19.501       10.417       9.632        8.962        7.614        9.694        4.200        
SPO1213          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                              34.812       26.098       17.428       10.297       7.734        14.377       5.103        2.706        23.482       18.122       9.368        11.694       11.283       3.521        8.259        6.515        
SPO1214          hippurate_hydrolase                                                                                                            76.879       43.907       25.994       21.026       12.823       22.907       7.293        10.960       31.965       38.435       24.436       22.286       17.510       8.388        10.231       8.098        
SPO1215          peptidase,_M20/M25/M40_family                                                                                                  38.704       27.336       16.808       8.701        7.319        16.032       17.606       5.336        21.496       18.153       12.121       9.223        11.441       6.075        8.956        5.864        
SPO1216          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.045        3.795        3.526        4.563        3.598        6.580        3.957        5.247        3.902        6.800        4.903        4.836        3.750        4.778        6.404        3.954        
SPO1217          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  15.592       8.997        80.250       29.211       71.670       79.562       56.290       65.682       48.109       34.824       37.203       32.682       55.481       34.961       38.267       30.000       
SPO1218          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              10.041       10.572       12.743       11.338       1.951        7.927        5.363        5.215        12.340       5.530        7.631        4.643        4.744        2.776        2.315        5.061        
SPO1219          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              55.689       81.420       3.371        6.543        2.293        7.688        5.044        4.681        2.487        7.801        18.751       10.018       9.082        7.396        8.572        7.140        
SPO1220          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           41.315       61.485       78.550       62.383       13.119       61.079       160.284      65.884       55.323       239.636      17.656       24.489       10.633       12.444       19.458       29.364       
SPO1221          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.672       60.231       72.773       76.834       29.189       55.594       111.762      63.836       119.634      232.441      28.410       24.957       15.480       7.663        21.800       35.079       
SPO1222          site-specific_recombinase,_resolvase_family                                                                                    11.342       28.149       16.204       15.453       6.616        48.014       13.400       10.661       13.215       19.080       41.383       29.248       22.496       11.229       12.704       19.129       
SPO1223          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.588        2.748        3.064        0.991        1.876        2.383        0.000        0.912        0.000        4.728        6.155        2.102        1.955        1.780        0.557        1.718        
SPO1224          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.940        0.391        0.000        2.113        0.444        0.000        2.444        0.648        0.000        1.680        2.355        1.867        1.390        0.422        0.000        2.035        
SPO1225          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.032        0.787        2.194        2.840        1.792        10.238       0.000        3.919        4.857        6.771        4.069        1.505        3.734        5.098        3.986        4.922        
SPO1226          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          28.911       72.876       63.009       51.728       18.045       73.712       80.214       36.386       65.225       177.747      48.830       42.572       20.005       10.561       28.017       31.289       
SPO1226a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.140       118.126      63.728       34.366       11.564       61.667       63.575       37.934       122.777      254.009      26.261       24.283       15.063       10.968       43.733       30.441       
SPO1227          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.446       15.636       29.056       18.803       11.863       11.297       0.000        4.324        5.360        8.406        13.470       8.719        4.636        1.406        13.195       6.789        
SPO1228          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.638        4.723        2.633        8.520        4.300        4.914        0.000        1.567        5.829        10.157       2.441        0.000        2.241        0.000        0.957        3.937        
SPO1229          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.898       24.133       46.026       41.239       13.009       25.328       79.469       27.397       13.061       71.013       21.884       12.142       10.544       6.855        9.004        22.500       
SPO1230          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.454       20.271       17.555       15.620       4.031        11.091       4.925        5.878        17.000       19.891       4.239        3.010        2.101        3.824        4.385        8.203        
SPO1231          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.930        2.029        4.241        2.745        3.463        2.638        0.000        4.208        4.173        5.453        1.311        2.424        2.406        1.642        3.082        0.529        
SPO1232          DNA-binding_protein,_H-NS_family                                                                                               9.491        10.515       3.664        2.371        7.479        18.232       0.000        8.723        13.516       19.784       5.661        6.282        7.793        1.419        9.317        4.109        
SPO1233          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.881       25.080       50.468       40.158       13.584       35.348       33.564       22.252       41.926       53.065       15.020       14.359       9.543        5.646        11.680       24.596       
SPO1234          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           92.567       196.112      178.659      152.712      72.940       135.190      317.221      224.595      237.080      477.249      86.945       76.816       48.215       27.880       54.736       104.168      
SPO1235          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           58.284       103.126      109.204      95.742       27.901       83.052       134.419      60.390       108.125      192.405      26.130       33.343       19.483       13.368       41.466       55.572       
SPO1236          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.362       36.784       27.963       16.286       5.328        14.786       20.922       6.103        22.696       37.392       3.457        5.754        0.793        0.722        6.773        8.014        
SPO1237          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.023       20.107       13.528       16.258       11.441       16.531       30.366       14.955       27.806       26.837       10.453       9.279        7.400        5.987        14.043       13.004       
SPO1239          protein-L-isoaspartate_O-methyltransferase                                                                                     170.342      145.578      287.348      203.536      210.848      144.932      47.938       188.378      156.146      145.287      116.411      105.202      106.556      119.542      149.540      132.095      
SPO1240          type_I_secretion_outer_membrane_protein,_TolC_family                                                                           410.223      329.520      319.557      290.544      133.379      169.078      112.199      154.615      246.976      265.114      177.387      178.160      201.272      132.040      177.064      165.841      
SPO1241          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           359.817      367.358      320.417      244.404      175.904      243.002      250.956      241.046      302.812      513.305      212.806      179.556      179.826      106.654      194.677      215.095      
SPO1242          cobyric_acid_synthase_CobQ                                                                                                     26.855       27.114       49.515       42.161       89.018       22.156       31.198       68.772       39.739       35.518       13.155       14.300       30.306       24.220       42.291       33.123       
SPO1243          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           212.195      292.167      953.254      980.888      1496.178     1365.334     2815.896     1769.504     1628.976     2405.896     3272.764     1723.348     3473.769     2169.246     3141.713     2091.474     
SPO1244          translation_elongation_factor_P                                                                                                101.948      71.938       128.422      131.216      155.451      84.092       197.227      245.420      184.521      168.595      71.721       86.538       66.139       66.307       128.510      106.122      
SPO1245          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              71.356       55.097       54.363       43.094       27.188       70.171       0.000        27.505       38.105       32.502       34.023       30.296       25.441       19.999       29.626       39.629       
SPO1246          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         72.168       50.796       94.969       53.634       74.020       134.802      38.757       118.198      99.373       145.195      52.832       55.071       94.765       64.190       79.670       94.886       
SPO1247          glycosyl_transferase,_group_2_family_protein                                                                                   31.231       34.778       61.519       33.778       26.638       35.950       4.184        26.632       13.755       41.706       52.431       53.703       74.554       64.971       58.247       67.599       
SPO1248          paraquat-inducible_protein_A,_putative                                                                                         30.644       23.602       29.904       25.802       11.802       26.043       8.950        12.460       27.948       13.073       24.338       22.562       33.503       14.282       25.350       22.358       
SPO1249          paraquat-inducible_protein,_putative                                                                                           35.930       23.876       38.778       29.502       22.250       21.189       10.586       17.468       26.678       23.043       15.710       18.690       22.294       12.175       21.132       19.981       
SPO1250          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          46.018       21.243       31.883       36.843       15.806       20.542       10.224       10.845       21.844       17.569       9.150        7.810        14.533       8.819        13.238       17.027       
SPO1251          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           55.795       41.820       24.979       39.872       12.918       34.703       0.000        11.895       13.516       11.562       19.043       23.986       36.841       45.140       33.880       34.239       
SPO1252          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           354.947      560.361      133.588      73.147       62.930       105.473      438.240      244.668      288.114      150.620      168.323      133.915      244.824      429.759      507.733      249.693      
SPO1252a         Transcriptional_regulator                                                                                                      8258.086     12529.547    1592.866     1604.739     887.197      1925.409     696.814      1700.497     1974.234     3062.058     6056.009     5980.994     6633.677     4038.657     9679.449     8801.952     
SPO1253          DNA_topoisomerase_IV,_B_subunit                                                                                                249.764      213.511      80.774       56.869       25.590       42.006       24.657       37.310       61.505       50.349       26.961       27.922       40.963       36.283       44.136       39.375       
SPO1254          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           46.539       20.716       36.357       22.143       7.858        14.634       0.000        19.095       12.624       18.148       10.576       18.336       12.738       7.454        14.763       7.995        
SPO1255          alkylhydroperoxidase_AhpD_family_core_domain_protein                                                                           81.860       35.763       37.617       43.817       27.644       25.741       21.109       15.674       29.143       24.667       15.695       16.126       23.206       8.012        10.933       17.578       
SPO1256          polyphosphate_kinase_2                                                                                                         22.210       16.697       46.541       84.011       11.501       16.761       16.494       12.393       23.495       27.400       35.960       38.642       55.233       45.056       30.702       31.133       
SPO1257          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       107.892      113.921      31.132       57.751       8.473        49.060       0.000        9.883        47.471       62.443       36.562       35.588       45.915       37.773       50.520       34.138       
SPO1258          hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                                              62.056       50.552       29.591       29.179       7.479        34.623       3.163        14.259       37.428       47.829       24.823       22.229       37.768       13.096       37.371       20.017       
SPO1259          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           210.361      201.295      73.880       50.393       26.902       101.853      17.928       58.239       106.075      184.847      98.122       100.661      129.125      58.765       103.737      67.926       
SPO1260          MATE_efflux_family_protein                                                                                                     34.261       25.757       49.122       26.897       29.311       27.031       27.565       37.112       27.183       37.166       23.940       23.001       20.497       20.851       22.308       21.894       
SPO1261          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         14.553       14.275       7.022        7.573        17.201       8.008        5.254        15.326       12.089       3.611        7.234        8.027        17.925       9.970        14.456       9.625        
SPO1262          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.518        11.627       2.818        4.559        6.328        8.327        3.163        6.710        6.238        3.261        4.355        4.349        10.191       4.911        8.191        3.687        
SPO1263          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           190.390      146.604      133.047      102.496      99.583       117.249      63.993       103.708      79.468       136.852      90.072       91.255       99.731       53.974       80.561       124.341      
SPO1264          aspartate_aminotransferase                                                                                                     89.500       75.197       94.796       89.971       82.134       60.280       52.012       88.402       85.487       86.131       54.689       50.209       47.500       44.050       70.793       77.962       
SPO1265          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  150.566      124.408      333.811      312.485      242.134      110.882      138.214      277.792      215.211      397.528      210.343      234.513      235.778      144.324      176.615      186.575      
SPO1266          TPR_repeat_family_protein                                                                                                      83.893       113.807      312.269      211.695      129.512      84.792       244.763      241.934      281.603      497.094      231.318      222.680      208.769      105.567      192.684      205.674      
SPO1267          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         34.927       31.238       668.486      325.348      107.791      2189.287     119.786      178.893      151.285      197.181      74.655       63.574       107.548      73.961       76.533       82.949       
SPO1268          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          33.231       23.803       43.127       24.688       20.316       39.210       14.893       30.608       37.940       90.853       14.354       15.928       28.228       17.985       39.171       49.606       
SPO1269          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           51.974       60.198       51.068       33.047       31.274       34.037       12.282       52.111       32.297       125.225      22.548       20.015       26.383       19.069       53.010       45.000       
SPO1270          lactoylglutathione_lyase,_putative                                                                                             239.302      208.630      180.987      101.759      95.694       107.972      46.618       167.779      126.971      153.356      90.782       107.856      108.557      62.043       181.093      161.935      
SPO1271          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           120.442      118.784      14.435       18.098       23.204       12.347       2.025        13.425       31.951       9.744        51.025       43.315       27.252       18.865       14.749       9.443        
SPO1272          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           416.405      398.230      126.956      104.693      70.179       121.957      138.699      113.689      156.673      145.610      212.854      130.616      109.938      85.708       90.615       71.819       
SPO1273          thymidylate_synthase,_flavin-dependent                                                                                         250.096      289.788      94.866       87.569       30.756       73.766       15.657       39.029       74.112       93.632       43.979       41.145       47.482       38.896       65.890       72.491       
SPO1274          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.525       41.223       99.300       78.946       20.849       66.183       19.105       10.977       35.587       89.737       28.936       27.243       26.555       19.226       27.315       21.742       
SPO1275          cold_shock_family_protein                                                                                                      1615.791     1587.076     1716.239     1623.801     695.619      1876.994     737.071      796.611      1398.870     2131.768     1108.719     1289.757     972.674      784.555      1231.286     1343.369     
SPO1276          ArsC_family_protein                                                                                                            17.325       11.516       8.025        25.966       6.553        11.232       0.000        16.719       38.487       21.668       9.921        15.137       15.364       9.323        10.204       12.000       
SPO1277          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           128.828      91.681       37.987       37.991       108.562      60.151       116.272      203.506      104.469      668.695      112.068      158.699      213.038      236.700      111.663      94.241       
SPO1278          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           147.863      159.233      45.060       51.029       23.915       34.337       15.171       63.031       28.260       53.881       22.282       59.495       53.678       43.623       129.329      203.822      
SPO1279          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.822       28.486       6.482        4.194        7.277        9.072        10.912       13.504       11.956       17.501       7.011        20.006       14.478       16.315       36.500       50.884       
SPO1280          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           90.208       90.069       17.314       23.342       17.083       22.439       19.432       24.907       29.808       31.167       22.743       53.440       55.247       78.222       116.373      212.515      
SPO1281          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3346.442     4135.349     298.602      555.864      175.348      540.710      165.264      389.569      322.932      504.890      409.600      802.393      983.243      1214.907     1862.063     3503.193     
SPO1282          threonyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                       139.352      105.432      69.569       73.629       87.331       51.972       91.941       116.878      88.269       96.303       43.404       54.406       44.258       55.894       99.210       89.444       
SPO1283          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           42.490       30.892       0.000        3.980        0.000        5.739        0.000        0.000        4.538        2.372        8.554        2.109        3.925        2.382        1.117        8.047        
SPO1284          transcriptional_regulator,_ArsR_family                                                                                         70.997       44.060       6.823        6.623        1.393        3.183        0.000        1.015        2.517        3.948        5.799        1.755        3.628        1.982        1.239        1.913        
SPO1285          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           225.657      157.881      104.049      71.747       16.017       80.111       22.972       51.781       70.478       94.744       52.190       42.703       46.444       22.458       24.168       42.722       
SPO1286          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           108.705      94.812       49.792       37.178       8.340        61.947       2.866        16.719       27.318       26.593       18.151       27.146       21.727       13.843       16.698       27.204       
SPO1287          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      108.634      83.026       56.373       26.880       9.691        48.910       0.000        10.597       21.892       27.467       15.589       10.175       8.836        8.043        3.234        19.965       
SPO1288          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           49.895       43.906       26.081       16.878       1.638        21.216       4.503        7.165        22.204       24.764       5.581        8.256        5.975        3.108        4.373        12.000       
SPO1289          hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                                              156.723      127.250      136.837      89.714       25.728       109.762      12.124       32.152       75.722       86.117       57.872       63.599       71.239       46.016       68.030       62.596       
SPO1290          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           279.804      251.657      236.718      174.264      54.085       332.335      0.000        45.245       166.647      129.004      156.389      141.508      109.950      65.596       90.735       94.986       
SPO1291          polyhydroxyalkanoate_depolymerase,_intracellular                                                                               616.950      462.362      243.448      218.625      66.937       345.842      102.597      136.630      257.339      317.357      253.975      242.629      169.523      71.185       92.779       97.694       
SPO1292          poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate)_polymerase                                                                                            76.887       90.438       327.221      301.265      173.154      271.695      308.921      276.699      338.319      497.827      323.577      315.463      324.435      191.700      292.102      200.286      
SPO1293          phasin,_PhaP                                                                                                                   689.784      1420.607     307.446      414.484      1811.891     3004.243     5661.278     2563.767     451.587      2125.825     11778.045    7771.048     22168.380    13669.253    12827.602    3573.512     
SPO1294          polyhydroxyalkanoate_synthesis_repressor_PhaR                                                                                  398.039      401.978      225.460      231.374      52.997       182.043      25.559       62.357       240.286      189.743      194.966      231.179      210.251      103.181      161.340      143.877      
SPO1295          aminotransferase,_DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS_family                                                                                  105.254      67.842       13.717       27.264       40.402       17.676       21.992       20.413       41.930       50.643       24.831       19.825       8.337        12.521       11.391       15.017       
SPO1296          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO1297          IS91_family_transposase                                                                                                        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO1298          oxidoreductase,_aldo/keto_reductase_family_protein                                                                             25.655       19.755       10.245       8.287        6.797        8.763        8.623        6.098        11.338       9.879        13.852       7.466        7.083        4.463        6.048        8.617        
SPO1299          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         16.140       14.840       9.192        3.966        6.255        14.296       10.316       8.208        9.043        15.365       9.943        3.678        5.866        2.966        2.226        4.582        
SPO1300          glutamine_synthetase_family_protein                                                                                            174.344      74.906       192.947      126.065      83.340       64.652       73.227       144.812      157.493      115.771      26.503       31.966       44.018       71.107       317.308      360.992      
SPO1301          glutamine_amidotransferase,_class_I                                                                                            154.221      113.697      313.190      217.145      153.741      109.009      159.008      264.101      228.331      222.914      58.768       63.293       90.416       98.178       536.410      615.359      
SPO1302          glutamine_synthetase_family_protein                                                                                            41.113       21.012       185.152      108.811      65.949       22.330       19.083       131.015      75.276       56.114       2.336        9.395        18.487       41.702       223.422      263.439      
SPO1303          fructosyl-amino_acid_oxidase,_putative                                                                                         25.426       22.329       43.089       31.756       26.388       16.008       5.373        13.537       14.130       14.774       5.919        5.336        7.129        3.244        11.741       14.765       
SPO1304          His/Glu/Gln/Arg/opine_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                 64.379       55.066       68.914       57.771       35.169       25.332       77.342       64.328       57.781       74.912       12.102       15.577       8.662        10.311       21.623       35.715       
SPO1305          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein,_HisMQ_family                                                                                70.791       92.227       64.268       43.437       27.405       17.324       44.880       65.459       80.086       66.106       7.504        18.122       9.722        8.296        21.274       28.830       
SPO1306          His/Glu/Gln/Arg/opine_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_His/Glu/Gln/Arg/opine_family-binding_protein                         2221.191     1862.505     850.432      637.165      331.911      378.568      798.571      561.944      775.999      734.311      450.920      433.460      272.188      163.753      318.605      396.079      
SPO1307          His/Glu/Gln/Arg/opine_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                              197.140      154.079      282.510      226.142      168.007      107.171      773.402      506.430      278.328      348.959      122.642      88.484       91.707       67.663       116.876      152.004      
SPO1308          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           53.845       53.205       45.502       44.713       24.769       26.733       3.783        20.063       39.790       44.203       16.146       12.137       17.925       18.273       31.226       26.460       
SPO1309          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           45.666       46.909       43.584       41.366       7.118        18.075       13.044       19.025       27.870       60.522       12.572       12.954       16.070       15.752       22.168       18.465       
SPO1310          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           191.563      166.574      114.644      102.007      37.444       110.539      12.866       63.123       80.358       168.039      59.348       52.094       99.988       83.239       107.251      81.428       
SPO1310a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           178.535      85.704       60.808       87.132       17.733       54.038       9.749        62.050       76.914       180.941      30.875       29.791       22.175       15.138       14.202       34.098       
SPO1311          renal_dipeptidase_family_protein                                                                                               145.108      96.544       103.502      77.221       29.331       52.644       2.733        30.442       44.922       37.575       40.644       43.012       33.673       22.162       22.119       61.907       
SPO1312          CTP_synthase                                                                                                                   119.988      136.229      65.469       56.322       132.072      47.195       153.867      151.755      104.567      109.925      41.182       31.961       49.153       52.494       110.253      57.298       
SPO1313          preprotein_translocase,_SecG_subunit                                                                                           282.036      343.523      759.063      565.555      1623.410     467.855      1109.802     1212.472     870.922      475.447      867.364      562.424      914.007      807.656      1017.071     508.941      
SPO1314          nitrile_hydratase_subunit_alpha                                                                                                120.560      88.912       90.872       77.515       64.081       49.462       23.178       158.585      88.382       250.140      87.446       74.368       97.531       58.382       47.271       89.558       
SPO1315          nitrile_hydratase_beta_subunit                                                                                                 89.981       70.177       94.044       73.028       56.056       59.671       4.222        64.935       54.123       179.923      56.387       42.572       61.616       53.169       62.183       78.749       
SPO1317          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           24.570       31.408       158.677      109.763      176.475      120.832      24.563       78.167       84.780       33.769       52.423       73.182       83.803       116.535      85.479       96.135       
SPO1318          adenylosuccinate_synthetase                                                                                                    91.717       95.260       221.435      186.408      300.013      126.776      202.331      242.620      191.577      183.676      99.022       104.837      136.310      149.111      255.942      157.865      
SPO1319          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           135.530      146.535      144.726      106.142      53.834       125.041      79.408       101.463      116.276      153.828      107.351      81.619       86.202       67.252       57.254       85.362       
SPO1320          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          160.145      196.033      78.498       73.021       29.795       70.767       20.648       34.314       68.778       66.708       64.443       48.373       51.139       38.234       43.224       45.851       
SPO1321          thiamine_pyrophosphokinase                                                                                                     31.953       30.230       58.618       39.118       31.410       64.382       78.121       42.524       24.328       76.310       49.820       43.974       47.539       41.142       47.917       54.097       
SPO1322          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           52.658       42.760       55.436       43.048       28.857       28.450       27.997       36.298       36.812       22.452       18.847       17.110       18.278       16.100       16.112       23.832       
SPO1323          L-serine_ammonia-lyase                                                                                                         12.578       15.876       37.798       31.619       80.170       25.234       41.386       123.472      72.103       39.828       21.939       29.087       38.438       24.276       61.964       30.673       
SPO1324          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       3.748        2.595        7.233        11.701       25.100       8.436        12.176       25.832       13.342       18.134       13.971       7.441        12.309       7.702        12.482       8.787        
SPO1325          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          2.458        5.106        2.847        0.000        1.162        1.771        0.000        0.000        0.000        8.784        1.760        2.929        2.422        1.102        0.000        1.064        
SPO1326          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         9.159        6.342        14.731       7.626        8.420        6.415        0.000        17.537       6.522        34.093       11.837       8.083        11.281       3.423        6.422        5.507        
SPO1327          ribose_5-phosphate_isomerase                                                                                                   115.534      94.613       115.781      84.289       83.378       82.527       46.923       87.105       100.852      129.017      105.860      84.927       124.514      58.534       83.544       78.749       
SPO1328          glutathione-disulfide_reductase                                                                                                133.615      132.089      68.976       71.779       125.961      90.744       167.376      224.153      159.556      305.608      184.659      215.771      484.202      486.199      319.679      426.500      
SPO1329          HflK_protein                                                                                                                   279.657      241.130      207.907      160.878      339.973      224.449      320.987      486.510      483.740      849.472      1020.619     1081.199     1951.115     1407.854     1281.683     807.231      
SPO1330          HflC_protein                                                                                                                   354.819      264.902      421.315      289.502      603.504      351.249      380.220      548.107      678.337      755.036      1623.402     1557.578     2168.200     1969.003     1514.886     1339.007     
SPO1331          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           30.942       24.721       45.282       42.042       20.496       18.370       2.210        12.891       19.610       17.466       14.907       17.554       10.889       8.767        11.087       20.607       
SPO1332          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.672       16.278       45.372       33.555       7.939        24.193       0.000        3.858        9.565        5.000        8.013        8.891        5.515        2.510        2.355        9.692        
SPO1333          periplasmic_serine_protease,_DO/DeqQ_family                                                                                    594.115      490.537      375.274      351.900      439.772      511.742      343.173      634.977      508.272      773.353      749.593      828.490      1130.544     831.220      868.535      886.213      
SPO1334          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.978       28.496       31.081       20.113       12.689       31.150       0.000        28.779       28.028       29.305       17.077       26.055       30.854       38.781       38.894       64.549       
SPO1335          transcriptional_regulator,_Crp/Fnr_family                                                                                      115.701      109.618      165.110      112.985      44.939       101.529      4.260        27.112       36.407       26.353       56.308       72.243       69.438       49.974       63.433       83.006       
SPO1336          intracellular_septation_protein_A                                                                                              92.120       63.289       80.942       57.751       37.282       71.008       107.146      92.655       68.910       137.694      64.785       68.329       76.820       73.136       96.515       103.964      
SPO1337          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.157       8.061        19.661       15.449       17.774       24.461       12.609       15.047       29.014       23.835       15.625       19.747       32.862       25.016       22.450       25.725       
SPO1337a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           30.589       28.882       42.937       43.414       21.912       36.725       0.000        22.363       41.580       35.194       35.663       37.732       52.518       57.154       42.898       46.146       
SPO1339          signal_recognition_particle-docking_protein_FtsY                                                                               60.264       69.374       78.862       65.713       72.772       68.209       60.620       118.962      99.635       195.014      96.824       83.358       128.689      110.858      113.819      86.422       
SPO1340          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           128.367      66.306       29.810       36.009       19.473       29.052       4.461        22.476       30.793       38.328       37.467       32.032       27.902       31.552       19.494       31.203       
SPO1341          alkane-1_monooxygenase,_putative                                                                                               16.327       13.398       17.506       13.594       7.624        16.335       15.718       4.168        8.611        18.907       8.657        6.404        8.937        7.231        9.328        6.981        
SPO1342          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           65.488       60.460       61.577       46.139       13.231       64.513       7.274        15.433       28.695       37.503       50.082       43.346       37.228       15.060       22.371       30.288       
SPO1343          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       22.205       24.837       25.714       21.760       4.845        33.837       0.000        10.597       20.432       24.415       12.226       11.532       10.940       7.660        9.342        17.746       
SPO1344          exodeoxyribonuclease_VII,_large_subunit                                                                                        80.614       50.801       58.565       50.342       17.843       50.568       5.886        19.251       39.341       28.996       33.228       29.377       30.494       14.555       17.466       32.023       
SPO1345          phosphoribosylamine--glycine_ligase                                                                                            27.893       37.788       48.150       44.791       89.690       35.257       58.542       78.221       68.833       91.316       30.073       35.434       44.385       38.068       64.142       40.875       
SPO1346          transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family/sensory_box_protein                                                                     106.293      136.331      109.459      70.832       45.531       68.091       55.628       28.275       53.334       62.137       52.340       48.162       58.870       31.190       45.020       39.375       
SPO1347          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.626       23.404       63.877       38.697       67.138       44.808       27.455       61.483       42.117       55.568       17.222       19.576       24.863       25.788       42.464       50.298       
SPO1348          iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_protein                                                                                            131.927      158.213      181.126      89.181       163.970      79.605       220.952      288.285      153.977      212.632      73.016       93.174       110.563      97.585       130.178      148.667      
SPO1349          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          204.155      218.520      72.225       74.781       34.402       84.616       16.212       35.826       60.396       81.720       66.966       67.702       69.650       58.734       42.859       58.499       
SPO1350          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.800       12.255       91.095       22.106       4.649        46.042       0.000        0.000        25.205       17.569       42.231       46.861       29.067       66.142       28.959       38.310       
SPO1351          O-succinylhomoserine_sulfhydrylase                                                                                             31.972       35.116       39.365       41.997       59.942       28.128       52.538       62.696       51.025       43.501       14.139       19.703       28.969       23.896       42.132       26.647       
SPO1352          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           254.377      207.574      221.563      175.320      172.945      263.157      110.801      172.201      174.488      228.490      373.961      634.246      568.020      452.994      724.043      424.001      
SPO1352a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           186.935      220.462      186.217      213.893      170.107      625.530      156.742      188.435      271.358      357.346      397.111      338.466      577.351      390.296      647.785      282.801      
SPO1353          Trk_system_potassium_uptake_protein_TrkH                                                                                       47.100       66.795       97.899       66.745       54.957       151.433      19.620       49.949       62.559       62.712       85.367       78.838       130.158      105.607      151.796      108.811      
SPO1354          peptidoglycan_binding_domain_protein                                                                                           114.783      138.377      64.615       55.466       33.109       38.554       13.319       34.144       50.594       29.501       20.785       20.576       22.160       18.638       28.984       34.260       
SPO1355          glycyl-tRNA_synthetase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                          53.111       47.629       62.317       63.995       104.532      48.456       76.019       88.702       75.966       68.976       33.495       32.521       43.803       44.066       58.569       45.578       
SPO1356          methyltransferase,_FkbM_family                                                                                                 107.231      90.823       97.937       81.313       95.811       58.624       62.216       100.094      77.715       124.022      65.106       66.540       62.893       37.209       58.407       71.841       
SPO1356a         Signal_transduction                                                                                                            50.182       66.020       43.584       40.739       38.553       33.137       43.479       70.623       35.731       52.303       22.450       19.099       20.603       20.628       46.624       31.681       
SPO1357          sodium/glutamate_symporter                                                                                                     27.625       25.879       44.954       33.150       20.060       22.762       9.386        14.935       24.684       26.615       25.202       19.002       20.905       23.885       26.207       16.805       
SPO1358          glycyl-tRNA_synthetase,_beta_subunit                                                                                           49.400       40.718       65.920       57.866       73.484       41.898       47.605       72.676       65.133       61.467       25.865       28.111       29.265       29.966       58.311       41.785       
SPO1359          pyruvate,_phosphate_dikinase                                                                                                   77.306       50.561       61.039       31.792       33.429       37.198       16.708       38.991       36.615       57.042       38.803       38.462       41.803       25.942       32.092       35.433       
SPO1360          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           57.803       45.910       350.439      329.969      344.015      248.001      185.600      346.880      258.566      390.331      234.260      184.997      232.852      177.634      298.265      214.904      
SPO1361          multicopper_oxidase_domain_protein                                                                                             12.392       16.831       43.235       44.051       52.954       51.215       30.972       54.209       42.760       66.708       34.401       28.077       36.788       33.841       61.160       50.207       
SPO1362          dihydroneopterin_aldolase,_putative                                                                                            86.794       75.575       97.756       113.154      125.352      99.353       40.176       114.738      107.684      78.600       55.319       55.245       75.565       54.916       84.537       68.970       
SPO1363          dihydropteroate_synthase                                                                                                       44.651       35.497       75.007       47.505       114.672      32.264       21.493       76.945       60.053       40.628       20.716       23.534       33.269       29.045       57.980       39.971       
SPO1364          phosphoglucosamine_mutase                                                                                                      151.538      111.676      118.495      155.793      94.067       88.629       59.105       88.446       124.205      111.727      87.486       89.337       106.027      77.569       92.592       95.272       
SPO1364a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           165.373      121.554      117.850      74.356       48.114       77.893       26.452       50.858       89.128       77.278       80.131       94.977       86.489       44.495       58.872       55.069       
SPO1365          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           57.308       42.974       61.958       19.601       15.739       21.840       6.181        14.752       23.365       11.684       19.574       20.304       22.845       20.794       24.010       15.956       
SPO1366          ketol-acid_reductoisomerase                                                                                                    1684.489     508.576      120.199      127.498      234.740      80.167       147.414      110.640      330.060      450.252      144.382      210.781      168.702      138.677      186.381      88.940       
SPO1367          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         21.685       17.017       19.531       16.250       7.974        14.753       12.526       14.947       8.235        25.830       18.971       10.526       14.245       4.322        13.178       6.258        
SPO1368          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         13.404       11.933       5.544        3.587        4.527        11.208       12.443       1.650        6.135        0.000        11.137       5.703        2.359        2.147        2.014        3.109        
SPO1369          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         70.578       40.869       113.918      81.908       152.814      79.863       206.994      162.526      141.421      136.705      72.092       84.336       170.784      198.860      210.877      171.018      
SPO1370          aminotransferase_family_protein                                                                                                95.466       66.909       194.367      162.129      130.267      69.889       42.871       135.089      130.976      123.942      67.710       74.363       92.730       60.474       100.412      101.219      
SPO1371          2-octaprenyl-6-methoxyphenol_hydroxylase,_putative                                                                             19.014       15.951       189.486      130.839      161.635      76.716       49.897       118.461      131.217      137.196      376.241      359.402      598.538      679.651      436.124      347.842      
SPO1372          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.437        5.530        35.966       13.299       41.953       25.569       103.794      48.934       151.639      103.056      439.863      190.300      699.497      413.842      418.133      144.053      
SPO1373          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.455       17.374       21.792       17.236       3.954        15.816       7.247        4.804        5.955        12.453       12.223       11.902       13.735       6.563        12.902       9.052        
SPO1374          pyrimidine_5'-nucleotidase                                                                                                     91.125       78.400       102.376      77.715       113.332      94.914       53.029       146.486      113.304      185.293      119.260      113.429      168.357      163.149      203.135      156.026      
SPO1375          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         89.944       56.681       76.071       64.373       36.631       44.288       26.269       41.797       70.519       94.798       60.886       53.514       52.280       30.968       36.141       35.000       
SPO1376          glycosyl_transferase,_group_2_family_protein                                                                                   31.345       86.272       377.239      251.666      43.663       675.374      7.274        26.236       112.388      84.006       22.637       15.116       16.546       8.534        21.900       19.627       
SPO1377          carbamoyl-phosphate_synthase,_small_subunit                                                                                    76.327       90.768       131.389      104.699      222.103      102.673      290.040      290.212      181.068      258.846      65.106       71.126       80.846       107.224      149.911      94.580       
SPO1378          GatB/YqeY_domain_protein                                                                                                       389.906      271.880      540.555      495.550      296.416      324.722      231.958      339.112      381.243      468.115      246.502      258.077      223.212      160.071      144.402      303.110      
SPO1379          prephenate_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                             7.442        12.023       9.575        12.393       28.016       13.402       7.164        40.848       34.148       34.472       19.729       18.061       22.406       22.248       24.352       28.039       
SPO1380          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.050       29.314       48.515       44.614       18.764       47.652       74.508       56.237       50.868       72.884       56.820       30.649       57.576       34.607       75.142       70.636       
SPO1381          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.303       48.789       74.663       67.297       57.699       101.185      47.882       69.839       59.024       57.599       89.830       85.046       142.943      164.182      167.598      136.565      
SPO1382          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           77.017       87.353       27.358       21.245       26.248       28.932       36.845       33.384       43.399       14.774       42.277       27.209       30.262       18.010       22.364       37.329       
SPO1383          cytochrome_c_oxidase,_aa3-type,_subunit_I                                                                                      511.194      335.980      1132.665     1160.688     729.786      542.213      555.071      689.204      997.343      818.445      411.159      397.077      392.913      290.831      745.645      587.766      
SPO1384          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         64.679       64.214       68.842       37.421       20.236       41.968       6.181        40.978       30.476       40.362       27.234       37.774       18.745       22.393       21.009       35.000       
SPO1385          twin-arginine_translocation_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein                                                             4.381        4.352        5.515        4.996        3.602        4.460        4.951        1.313        2.441        2.553        4.090        5.295        9.385        6.833        7.613        7.421        
SPO1386          HIT_family_protein                                                                                                             126.546      93.100       45.795       77.050       33.654       21.840       47.969       72.691       58.568       101.275      28.307       23.034       22.081       17.734       18.856       30.815       
SPO1387          cation_efflux_system_protein                                                                                                   30.697       17.949       15.799       8.520        13.976       24.161       8.866        34.483       14.572       17.267       35.401       81.725       62.176       70.868       31.092       40.359       
SPO1388          transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family/hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                       550.417      619.972      260.644      174.673      168.509      587.915      137.844      266.937      148.054      531.054      469.867      409.951      827.874      600.887      761.182      1033.350     
SPO1389          lipoate-protein_ligase_B                                                                                                       36.719       40.587       91.675       61.848       94.763       75.835       65.672       101.011      82.033       111.350      62.092       50.169       77.175       83.085       135.351      99.166       
SPO1390          thioredoxin_domain_protein,_DsbA_family                                                                                        26.913       27.607       50.019       39.838       106.032      136.428      64.772       137.416      133.429      139.508      79.079       86.428       172.698      128.880      273.283      201.368      
SPO1392          4-carboxymuconolactone_decarboxylase_domain/alkylhydroperoxidase_AhpD_family_core_domain_protein                               44.740       36.766       2.847        5.526        2.324        3.542        0.000        3.389        10.502       6.588        3.519        3.905        1.211        0.000        1.034        3.193        
SPO1393          Rrf2_family_protein                                                                                                            16.860       8.295        7.707        4.987        2.098        4.794        0.000        4.588        1.895        9.909        3.176        15.858       7.651        10.943       2.800        2.881        
SPO1394          beta-lactamase,_putative                                                                                                       3.602        2.352        2.384        3.085        2.433        6.117        6.688        1.064        2.638        2.299        4.604        5.927        10.141       6.231        8.660        5.346        
SPO1395          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         4.626        4.065        8.241        9.332        1.682        7.369        2.312        1.839        2.280        0.795        4.139        2.826        7.889        4.787        3.742        4.236        
SPO1396          transporter,_putative                                                                                                          39.036       35.920       48.575       18.604       8.904        38.234       4.450        7.671        28.526       31.355       22.059       26.178       31.210       23.801       27.012       19.270       
SPO1397          hydrophobe/amphiphile_efflux-1_family_protein                                                                                  107.959      96.028       110.787      80.065       24.431       82.625       14.521       29.122       63.246       65.816       43.362       46.868       45.414       26.931       46.713       43.531       
SPO1398          efflux_transporter,_RND_family,_MFP_subunit                                                                                    162.721      123.373      134.740      104.761      39.820       98.829       11.285       37.708       57.869       88.431       83.908       63.795       66.736       27.646       50.413       58.639       
SPO1399          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         23.654       26.674       35.218       10.973       13.313       27.994       8.783        13.199       8.662        31.194       19.350       15.656       30.522       20.709       15.638       16.091       
SPO1400          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.106       8.997        5.016        3.246        2.048        5.720        0.000        6.966        7.401        2.580        3.100        4.587        4.268        1.942        4.252        5.000        
SPO1401          aminotransferase,_class_III                                                                                                    18.522       12.710       16.278       12.393       7.819        12.509       6.448        4.560        9.185        12.558       8.286        7.224        12.629       6.303        13.567       8.949        
SPO1402          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           193.782      217.974      168.526      106.185      34.402       121.387      29.863       89.755       65.444       95.796       108.282      44.107       66.038       34.347       30.613       31.500       
SPO1403          methionyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                      92.863       87.995       111.958      88.178       108.257      80.642       137.222      145.999      108.149      109.099      44.391       50.267       58.286       46.492       97.138       75.996       
SPO1404          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.471       43.345       33.044       28.066       13.912       27.943       2.318        9.835        13.714       18.322       15.000       12.041       13.180       6.798        7.878        21.231       
SPO1405          tyrosinase_domain_protein                                                                                                      10.160       14.898       115.926      66.620       14.481       41.439       5.826        15.449       22.341       32.703       24.064       16.911       45.640       24.456       64.433       41.719       
SPO1406          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.172       41.986       62.905       37.866       18.515       22.750       9.851        13.932       24.826       73.356       99.920       56.189       45.434       27.758       71.750       48.125       
SPO1407          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           100.414      60.460       84.263       65.433       39.562       23.588       37.827       40.126       21.760       58.504       48.179       37.567       41.227       22.841       26.021       23.625       
SPO1408          ribosomal_large_subunit_pseudouridine_synthase_D                                                                               13.829       11.049       25.870       24.713       39.230       21.457       13.826       42.531       22.724       24.709       12.564       16.054       22.013       18.128       31.329       22.566       
SPO1409          RNA_polymerase_sigma-32_factor                                                                                                 838.496      804.443      186.623      169.255      207.794      342.558      276.087      300.437      263.918      494.078      772.971      805.344      1598.177     1225.261     1379.654     1214.006     
SPO1410          renal_dipeptidase_family_protein                                                                                               121.954      89.071       65.562       54.945       30.277       54.490       19.300       37.746       96.747       108.617      126.890      109.839      215.827      129.021      204.609      85.178       
SPO1411          C4-type_zinc_finger_protein,_DksA/TraR_family                                                                                  102.197      88.312       108.879      101.091      50.249       117.791      10.626       33.814       52.392       43.823       43.892       55.197       70.490       32.996       29.237       53.089       
SPO1412          DNA_modification_methyltransferase_domain_protein                                                                              24.255       32.749       7.022        36.352       8.600        39.313       0.000        16.719       15.543       37.919       19.532       28.897       11.950       2.719        10.204       15.750       
SPO1412a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           233.767      257.844      358.404      294.844      107.407      289.954      209.675      163.407      196.925      313.257      223.894      158.870      182.490      86.373       99.736       190.281      
SPO1413          oligoendopeptidase_F                                                                                                           133.881      99.769       95.248       76.483       103.034      65.305       106.115      103.045      132.859      97.614       148.047      133.042      191.373      184.149      180.093      110.977      
SPO1414          hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                                              755.155      626.328      514.794      396.177      256.936      426.708      112.299      311.130      416.747      851.154      488.296      584.269      774.119      563.374      738.068      524.667      
SPO1415          sterol_carrier_family_protein                                                                                                  3829.210     3509.516     1206.892     897.434      564.400      883.173      994.930      903.870      1185.154     1645.428     1624.940     1429.817     2124.813     1096.158     1857.527     1266.550     
SPO1416          TPR_domain_protein                                                                                                             254.867      303.100      269.731      204.839      160.176      408.382      55.039       191.074      161.187      235.599      223.221      196.471      361.337      224.438      502.933      374.163      
SPO1417          helicase,_putative                                                                                                             179.065      207.260      283.366      202.417      241.241      218.496      148.902      412.134      242.140      791.375      228.924      213.039      296.438      221.842      345.238      283.136      
SPO1418          S4_domain_protein                                                                                                              255.402      278.116      433.954      313.534      331.975      313.192      85.111       326.020      289.100      455.032      315.114      313.536      365.662      525.340      422.464      392.171      
SPO1419          iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_protein                                                                                            231.286      267.212      323.510      262.901      374.731      306.546      624.822      562.027      432.984      519.456      342.970      287.684      419.308      343.779      504.300      306.559      
SPO1420          transcriptional_regulator,_CarD_family                                                                                         652.724      835.350      850.109      708.214      965.889      738.182      1063.186     1028.366     1215.849     1973.216     842.142      937.027      1078.658     724.035      1533.383     946.855      
SPO1421          cation_channel_family_protein                                                                                                  10.476       14.703       26.230       16.974       22.756       18.866       7.359        25.371       32.658       37.940       27.866       15.742       24.411       19.045       24.419       18.385       
SPO1422          cobalamin_5'-phosphate_synthase                                                                                                12.318       9.521        13.270       16.101       9.481        10.318       3.723        14.810       13.462       23.033       13.329       7.964        15.525       9.635        11.450       13.022       
SPO1423          nicotinate-nucleotide--dimethylbenzimidazole_phosphoribosyltransferase                                                         18.408       17.544       33.856       34.891       108.017      27.301       22.516       107.479      42.558       49.334       15.889       14.191       29.341       21.850       51.933       30.937       
SPO1424          glutathione-regulated_potassium-efflux_system_protein                                                                          68.580       65.675       41.728       33.535       40.941       30.563       27.192       34.052       42.209       55.555       41.809       34.852       52.972       46.391       52.326       36.481       
SPO1425          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         106.014      142.141      36.272       18.056       11.391       37.317       12.526       13.287       20.587       53.812       46.566       51.671       41.547       21.609       24.328       23.990       
SPO1426          4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate_dioxygenase                                                                                            17.098       10.737       25.325       14.898       7.519        15.396       12.919       9.593        22.932       14.209       23.837       16.975       20.079       9.807        38.058       16.783       
SPO1427          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           34.054       39.097       99.430       69.068       37.612       63.425       35.305       46.479       84.968       113.975      60.592       54.134       54.013       39.156       60.410       42.210       
SPO1429          outer_membrane_protein,_28Kda                                                                                                  685.613      444.981      157.993      173.924      153.472      140.645      146.743      229.165      338.998      305.409      500.643      518.782      625.816      594.932      392.563      289.879      
SPO1430          antibiotic_efflux_protein                                                                                                      100.971      76.508       94.666       59.913       22.085       52.417       4.670        16.100       39.913       39.324       38.260       33.892       51.340       50.758       32.125       45.111       
SPO1431          O-acetylhomoserine_aminocarboxypropyltransferase                                                                               274.304      207.392      166.566      136.319      114.405      76.797       74.774       106.146      153.261      138.324      84.789       86.020       81.703       60.327       112.842      89.005       
SPO1432          rhodanese_domain_protein                                                                                                       406.817      393.906      130.863      161.104      40.396       95.304       14.328       32.298       58.875       103.416      80.889       62.392       42.096       22.248       12.756       56.079       
SPO1433          oxidoreductase,_aldo/keto_reductase_family                                                                                     150.755      91.211       106.539      90.879       57.336       58.367       13.587       59.814       75.035       112.077      52.010       58.127       69.020       35.161       62.018       91.874       
SPO1434          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         19.463       20.215       38.418       29.833       19.344       10.754       0.000        19.057       16.063       14.819       9.103        5.270        4.359        7.934        6.513        12.447       
SPO1435          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           540.291      366.577      71.386       41.666       54.860       9.578        37.701       36.660       50.605       11.878       4.759        6.240        31.562       22.223       155.101      120.348      
SPO1436          3-hydroxyacyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                 331.099      209.810      49.312       33.030       31.788       11.840       42.720       25.748       21.064       16.018       4.278        4.154        13.986       14.740       124.151      86.026       
SPO1437          2,5-dichloro-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-diol_dehydrogenase                                                                         249.929      192.373      66.611       32.329       21.076       12.949       14.951       21.807       18.430       11.562       4.632        5.140        13.461       12.897       82.281       85.908       
SPO1438          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           426.774      674.231      402.379      431.932      148.816      646.379      350.644      343.773      468.036      839.947      1381.127     972.445      698.858      383.126      491.877      507.888      
SPO1439          DNA_binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  65.308       71.035       5.955        6.744        2.431        2.778        0.000        3.545        1.098        2.297        12.883       5.616        5.700        4.035        4.868        4.452        
SPO1440          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.086        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        5.868        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.157        0.000        0.000        2.285        0.000        
SPO1441          fatty_acid_desaturase_family_protein                                                                                           2.911        1.512        4.213        4.544        4.587        3.931        3.152        3.344        3.109        1.083        2.604        1.445        2.390        3.807        2.551        2.100        
SPO1442          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           89.742       80.110       101.116      59.980       42.429       51.107       34.675       48.485       51.810       44.420       26.911       34.195       41.227       20.122       28.572       47.775       
SPO1443          ATP-dependent_RNA_helicase_RhlE                                                                                                74.154       104.939      301.450      224.594      329.772      221.743      1021.973     591.554      454.740      610.712      253.789      202.159      275.529      189.821      455.300      260.491      
SPO1444          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           59.883       35.675       24.860       24.554       8.013        15.872       5.874        17.913       16.412       19.178       13.749       8.974        12.803       5.067        4.754        15.652       
SPO1445          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     23.952       23.302       8.777        5.680        4.300        14.742       0.000        2.090        10.362       5.417        7.053        9.030        2.987        4.079        4.464        9.187        
SPO1446          cyclase,_putative                                                                                                              26.793       19.333       4.899        6.340        2.667        11.682       0.000        3.888        13.254       8.818        7.066        5.040        3.474        1.265        10.086       10.988       
SPO1447          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     15.701       10.521       7.820        6.326        2.794        11.250       0.000        1.746        7.934        4.525        2.719        3.352        3.327        3.785        4.972        3.654        
SPO1448          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.520       30.847       13.972       10.433       5.704        18.386       12.062       7.677        15.067       25.703       10.297       8.846        9.602        9.573        13.276       10.446       
SPO1449          AMP-binding_protein                                                                                                            13.917       14.592       6.139        7.946        4.386        10.503       0.000        1.370        5.096        5.328        5.455        3.158        5.550        2.080        4.461        4.303        
SPO1450          aromatic_1,2-dioxygenase,_beta_subunit                                                                                         22.106       12.436       0.000        5.177        2.177        6.635        0.000        1.587        5.902        4.114        3.297        0.914        2.269        0.000        6.781        1.994        
SPO1451          aromatic_1,2-dioxygenase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                        37.125       18.851       23.884       12.983       4.680        12.480       8.578        3.981        14.098       8.844        6.201        4.587        4.877        0.740        5.206        6.429        
SPO1452          oxidoreductase_NAD-binding_domain/2Fe-2S_iron-sulfur_cluster_binding_domain_protein                                            37.563       25.519       23.254       21.245       7.260        26.379       3.070        5.700        13.121       14.774       24.098       9.851        7.566        5.297        4.970        12.784       
SPO1453          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         39.254       40.771       22.174       10.762       9.053        20.691       6.222        24.749       20.451       32.075       17.133       9.506        30.661       5.367        6.042        16.579       
SPO1454          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit                                                                                   137.739      100.909      61.714       57.600       16.958       57.216       15.983       21.900       65.675       64.089       55.019       41.108       28.275       18.383       19.834       26.619       
SPO1455          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit,_putative                                                                         22.932       27.482       15.321       19.828       4.170        18.267       0.000        3.040        18.840       7.879        10.259       10.508       11.950       6.921        5.566        4.773        
SPO1456          TRAP_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                                 6.993        7.264        7.713        8.734        3.149        8.696        0.000        2.869        11.382       11.900       4.172        3.968        5.742        3.733        6.305        2.523        
SPO1457          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    30.530       31.710       23.570       26.692       10.826       19.244       13.226       29.814       43.477       36.366       18.211       22.229       33.844       21.677       7.493        28.636       
SPO1458          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         49.425       47.531       47.696       15.432       20.554       52.747       5.948        15.773       19.551       8.177        48.318       35.440       27.056       24.626       22.142       22.783       
SPO1459          indolepyruvate_oxidoreductase,_IorA_subunit,_putative                                                                          30.225       31.076       21.213       18.303       6.014        19.244       7.936        8.769        14.782       15.001       15.116       18.389       26.072       10.953       16.484       12.776       
SPO1460          indolepyruvate_oxidoreductase,_IorB_subunit,_putative                                                                          19.845       15.203       13.854       5.273        4.325        12.166       7.317        5.336        9.019        15.717       4.282        6.987        11.441       3.787        7.106        5.788        
SPO1461          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           47.147       32.268       20.513       7.148        3.221        21.595       3.542        6.575        25.614       15.825       9.266        17.317       8.727        6.110        10.319       10.028       
SPO1462          OmpA_family_protein                                                                                                            55.231       79.035       81.217       48.615       15.336       78.941       4.557        15.712       20.225       20.363       41.103       22.282       42.328       31.844       28.400       31.500       
SPO1463          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   11.773       11.549       0.947        3.676        1.546        7.951        10.626       0.564        16.765       14.608       6.437        4.546        6.848        5.133        9.287        5.663        
SPO1464          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit,_putative                                                                         36.600       25.343       17.660       8.163        4.120        25.895       0.000        9.010        39.090       27.247       38.206       31.147       19.320       9.769        11.915       16.976       
SPO1465          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit,_putative                                                                         148.507      127.726      64.060       43.845       14.082       93.109       5.530        27.865       82.714       135.901      131.735      109.844      72.851       34.824       73.848       59.868       
SPO1466          opine_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                                  6.689        10.105       18.777       9.873        7.187        13.141       2.634        3.493        12.989       12.675       15.596       16.904       18.474       23.632       21.318       8.336        
SPO1467          3-hydroxyacyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                 2.448        3.236        6.442        2.501        3.156        4.007        0.000        0.767        3.803        3.976        4.380        6.186        3.837        3.991        2.809        3.853        
SPO1468          aminotransferase_family_protein                                                                                                11.859       10.021       10.475       6.778        14.255       14.480       10.449       19.398       20.610       25.140       8.273        3.991        13.369       13.521       23.679       22.624       
SPO1469          3-ketosteroid_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                          15.277       12.759       9.119        2.361        4.468        7.942        4.094        4.343        6.056        7.739        6.482        8.757        11.251       6.356        7.620        9.204        
SPO1470          isocitrate_lyase_family_protein                                                                                                20.790       10.006       8.808        2.850        2.397        10.958       0.000        0.874        2.166        6.795        4.537        5.538        10.617       5.685        6.933        3.293        
SPO1471          isochorismatase_family_protein                                                                                                 25.432       10.272       4.090        2.647        2.505        8.906        0.000        2.435        6.036        7.889        3.793        4.208        12.182       3.960        3.715        7.646        
SPO1472          hydantoin_utilization_protein_A                                                                                                39.449       32.515       13.472       9.114        3.000        14.857       2.749        5.468        9.488        16.535       13.816       13.231       22.145       14.940       21.136       11.446       
SPO1474          tautomerase,_putative                                                                                                          29.802       18.492       6.723        11.602       5.490        7.667        5.030        8.004        3.307        29.390       11.775       7.685        20.976       12.149       15.469       10.891       
SPO1475          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         48.322       48.438       97.602       73.686       46.489       64.762       7.303        27.112       46.809       92.864       34.187       37.377       47.753       39.055       40.778       34.662       
SPO1476          3-isopropylmalate_dehydratase,_large_subunit                                                                                   30.909       24.077       23.303       11.460       8.753        15.945       0.000        7.768        13.067       14.382       14.980       11.508       21.811       15.882       17.948       17.422       
SPO1477          3-isopropylmalate_dehydratase,_small_subunit                                                                                   21.507       17.125       16.604       5.372        5.084        10.974       9.317        11.119       3.063        6.404        7.056        4.982        13.245       5.626        7.540        9.310        
SPO1478          RNA_polymerase_sigma-70_factor,_ECF_family                                                                                     278.642      260.752      71.883       76.235       149.997      281.959      188.239      197.300      89.869       266.488      839.282      1409.945     1136.641     770.899      1646.010     1119.657     
SPO1479          transcriptional_activator,_putative                                                                                            172.082      184.102      35.942       56.853       94.563       195.011      103.083      82.010       47.145       121.691      347.438      625.881      465.530      402.847      787.096      448.609      
SPO1480          oxidoreductase,_short-chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     110.505      78.397       15.734       12.444       24.980       54.375       15.696       20.812       14.189       33.716       102.657      173.264      117.514      136.747      197.526      136.586      
SPO1481          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           255.427      189.719      13.075       25.384       34.995       89.471       22.827       44.968       31.086       75.091       209.238      387.125      315.226      261.039      451.283      228.644      
SPO1482          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           735.454      553.879      37.702       45.745       98.895       192.313      93.087       111.647      54.939       170.873      480.358      958.397      789.565      597.484      1168.374     647.611      
SPO1483          cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid_synthase,_putative                                                                        578.900      432.250      27.358       43.197       78.632       152.146      63.864       72.956       45.216       187.416      267.189      666.891      441.830      413.170      723.588      409.496      
SPO1484          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           256.005      199.076      12.845       49.873       47.197       119.057      17.299       22.938       30.328       55.492       124.654      281.925      256.847      297.449      391.067      264.098      
SPO1485          sodium:galactoside_symporter_family_protein                                                                                    111.904      108.651      54.596       53.328       44.158       102.848      9.249        42.922       27.362       46.091       106.653      187.939      209.924      199.848      322.974      150.182      
SPO1486          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           234.723      259.231      11.326       27.850       49.938       95.816       127.107      90.336       48.467       200.955      167.316      324.707      297.780      245.601      447.679      239.635      
SPO1487          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           201.891      250.884      32.807       39.108       45.117       133.191      38.757       59.613       17.836       106.565      138.751      211.993      294.581      245.392      410.269      307.251      
SPO1488          transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                         132.076      170.203      81.431       71.023       18.068       94.153       63.575       33.719       53.552       124.273      59.635       67.387       53.473       40.445       74.604       80.073       
SPO1489          indole_acetamide_hydrolase                                                                                                     6.975        13.172       8.261        2.376        5.996        8.850        0.000        4.371        4.741        4.249        8.794        8.184        14.449       9.597        14.340       12.010       
SPO1490          regulatory_protein,_putative                                                                                                   5.130        5.525        4.400        0.712        4.491        4.790        2.469        6.548        1.623        3.394        3.400        9.431        12.636       3.834        5.195        4.935        
SPO1491          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    2.322        1.608        10.458       5.801        6.710        6.970        0.000        10.672       3.307        8.068        6.926        3.587        7.627        7.521        10.313       10.612       
SPO1492          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease/ATP-binding_protein                                                        2.250        1.818        2.896        2.342        7.389        4.954        4.875        3.016        3.205        2.234        2.685        3.476        3.696        3.084        3.419        3.518        
SPO1493          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 5.449        3.329        5.568        3.603        8.335        4.041        12.498       4.419        6.847        7.159        8.604        3.819        7.107        6.468        6.743        10.407       
SPO1494          2-hydroxychromene-2-carboxylate_isomerase,_putative                                                                            19.714       15.981       12.064       21.018       6.062        19.916       6.249        7.733        15.064       24.341       13.480       12.094       9.081        8.625        7.080        16.999       
SPO1495          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           70.287       90.047       286.853      222.751      144.926      305.581      201.208      280.666      267.207      751.010      482.616      533.064      713.933      685.226      577.094      485.899      
SPO1496          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              34.764       36.683       170.774      128.871      83.053       212.133      21.629       66.600       137.458      181.715      197.056      224.166      275.588      296.654      220.361      251.157      
SPO1497          efflux_transporter,_RND_family,_MFP_subunit                                                                                    36.557       34.154       182.300      108.793      77.321       200.029      45.465       103.087      182.331      207.046      185.615      242.780      237.415      216.879      258.300      298.338      
SPO1498          fumarate_hydratase,_class_I,_putative                                                                                          104.508      69.854       279.478      218.871      272.745      160.540      163.892      305.238      221.689      260.925      161.079      164.922      237.805      175.174      299.120      224.325      
SPO1499          hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                                              71.539       43.258       66.673       40.391       6.950        19.855       0.000        21.110       21.980       47.057       27.621       19.946       17.502       9.339        16.492       19.091       
SPO1500          coenzyme_PQQ_synthesis_protein_E                                                                                               29.378       25.057       38.301       26.972       19.776       16.118       5.057        9.388        39.065       27.809       34.468       48.291       29.235       18.758       14.324       10.528       
SPO1501          coenzyme_PQQ_synthesis_protein_D                                                                                               85.019       97.054       102.003      86.096       32.591       44.141       59.727       52.797       81.805       164.222      115.135      156.654      167.925      66.977       91.840       66.315       
SPO1502          coenzyme_PQQ_synthesis_protein_C                                                                                               95.107       93.450       75.172       49.776       26.408       33.168       11.772       26.015       73.523       33.716       58.352       116.309      70.657       36.556       35.567       22.220       
SPO1503          coenzyme_PQQ_biosynthesis_protein_B                                                                                            326.082      319.721      429.884      488.900      106.703      307.839      9.617        34.005       300.322      106.872      359.739      611.253      405.278      322.427      143.208      130.270      
SPO1504          coenzyme_PQQ_biosynthesis_protein_A                                                                                            2875.221     3364.169     1721.372     1939.626     398.075      1183.129     594.425      515.900      2451.353     2089.433     4319.325     5028.141     3564.436     741.163      529.173      296.997      
SPO1505          sensor_histidine_kinase/response_regulator                                                                                     14.513       17.022       28.583       13.687       6.768        12.624       6.416        6.125        14.763       21.609       10.071       14.507       14.593       4.870        9.138        6.197        
SPO1506          GfdT_protein                                                                                                                   41.713       42.742       59.569       56.770       20.340       42.109       12.155       12.894       73.520       43.448       35.147       40.486       44.236       27.681       22.035       27.532       
SPO1507          DNA-binding_response_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                    195.903      251.917      178.249      188.749      51.455       116.482      44.455       36.439       112.919      136.121      230.375      385.298      350.066      159.663      104.661      89.518       
SPO1508          quinoprotein_ethanol_dehydrogenase                                                                                             132.200      169.857      460.944      402.209      164.344      231.812      63.981       91.872       329.327      150.712      440.917      757.244      410.255      253.070      206.615      208.179      
SPO1509          cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    224.221      219.448      37.450       34.332       11.467       19.414       7.005        1.858        23.027       12.038       43.404       50.303       77.009       43.506       27.212       14.000       
SPO1510          efflux_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                       19.920       16.092       14.418       14.513       4.578        10.962       0.000        1.907        14.184       8.651        10.397       13.185       8.179        8.064        9.894        7.785        
SPO1511          efflux_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                    56.894       61.580       60.683       53.854       14.157       28.581       3.892        12.384       38.378       38.789       36.438       38.649       28.030       13.428       28.346       19.444       
SPO1512          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.640       42.894       39.854       42.369       8.135        26.563       0.000        8.472        58.811       13.177       16.716       29.288       21.800       16.535       14.479       5.321        
SPO1513          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.111       40.877       37.097       36.866       5.409        21.840       2.974        7.098        44.967       16.353       37.671       50.434       20.856       11.287       11.071       5.448        
SPO1514          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           46.658       34.615       53.602       36.074       6.127        18.006       2.406        4.467        36.386       18.195       33.796       69.118       43.785       14.115       10.906       7.214        
SPO1515          cytochrome_c550,_putative                                                                                                      186.783      126.858      182.444      149.708      50.681       58.501       12.665       14.554       90.205       40.628       98.822       186.414      138.436      71.378       41.683       23.203       
SPO1516          amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein,_putative                                                    55.530       47.234       62.366       70.850       13.580       36.209       3.111        4.950        46.015       20.314       57.824       96.958       47.170       24.150       19.133       10.880       
SPO1517          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase_operon_G_protein                                                                                 321.584      271.896      285.719      278.906      112.695      158.908      152.178      139.805      219.746      379.193      245.457      474.980      352.311      154.710      105.563      85.991       
SPO1518          carbon-monoxide_dehydrogenase,_small_subunit                                                                                   790.914      682.522      418.698      325.134      65.171       244.993      76.359       95.018       420.916      369.436      311.377      469.358      229.346      82.081       90.319       78.260       
SPO1519          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase,_large_subunit                                                                                   442.494      348.144      317.590      285.786      76.618       157.817      69.606       59.195       319.144      200.871      184.082      320.328      207.907      108.490      116.548      64.958       
SPO1520          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase,_medium_subunit,_putative                                                                        378.933      390.665      197.694      187.701      55.572       107.858      40.009       54.015       178.147      172.512      163.266      298.421      184.761      81.575       98.316       47.250       
SPO1521          regulatory_protein,_putative                                                                                                   10.878       10.969       9.784        11.080       2.746        5.706        4.118        1.456        11.279       4.246        11.339       20.341       18.471       8.998        5.110        5.029        
SPO1522          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           72.018       43.407       151.241      113.250      42.340       71.233       4.850        34.724       47.825       58.337       90.147       66.686       70.779       56.893       57.302       87.230       
SPO1523          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          21.509       20.439       52.996       49.726       12.441       22.665       8.921        7.098        35.192       22.486       37.671       47.708       21.983       19.496       12.034       7.429        
SPO1524          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           78.921       70.924       166.906      169.875      29.109       69.049       10.912       17.362       130.322      101.257      139.227      241.738      138.571      50.200       41.799       26.654       
SPO1525          transporter,_AcrB/AcrD/AcrF_family                                                                                             4.360        3.963        13.807       11.232       6.120        27.239       6.198        9.393        10.187       13.695       16.825       12.852       40.951       32.080       18.632       24.038       
SPO1526          efflux_transporter,_RND_family,_MFP_subunit                                                                                    4.910        3.709        15.509       7.527        6.332        18.089       5.802        10.001       6.675        15.952       9.586        11.523       32.990       27.525       17.842       27.055       
SPO1527          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.880        3.817        8.511        2.754        2.606        5.295        0.000        2.533        0.000        0.000        1.315        1.459        4.526        0.000        2.319        0.795        
SPO1528          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.755        5.471        6.212        7.309        2.767        4.918        1.268        1.009        1.667        3.050        2.793        2.131        3.604        3.280        4.104        2.745        
SPO1529          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.457       42.730       35.554       34.511       3.629        42.575       3.990        9.523        19.675       21.942       28.570       12.803       34.034       22.717       12.271       6.646        
SPO1530          integral_membrane_protein_MviN                                                                                                 21.729       27.914       27.315       12.855       2.028        13.130       1.858        2.464        5.497        4.470        3.326        1.419        2.113        2.244        1.804        9.283        
SPO1531          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           42.383       54.539       97.728       59.025       7.980        106.726      7.312        6.464        12.018       30.157       22.485       19.737       19.403       26.911       16.569       19.890       
SPO1532          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           46.445       36.019       25.100       20.883       5.856        25.651       0.000        2.134        13.228       13.831       13.298       4.919        9.916        6.943        7.816        14.745       
SPO1533          glycosyl_transferase,_group_1_family_protein                                                                                   13.404       17.502       23.283       12.197       3.169        8.276        4.977        7.260        6.544        13.685       4.797        4.943        8.491        6.011        2.014        4.974        
SPO1534          bacterial_sugar_transferase                                                                                                    26.443       33.336       61.244       51.248       9.484        30.544       2.370        3.143        14.024       13.033       17.949       21.727       15.274       16.765       10.358       13.421       
SPO1535          polysaccharide_deacetylase_domain_protein                                                                                      11.758       8.850        16.774       21.070       4.431        5.831        0.000        1.175        7.280        7.612        6.099        5.414        6.297        6.495        5.019        4.426        
SPO1536          glycosyltransferase,_group_1                                                                                                   8.498        10.297       17.427       10.614       4.185        3.826        4.602        0.610        2.269        0.791        2.218        2.461        3.489        0.397        1.117        2.682        
SPO1537          twin-arginine_translocation_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein,_putative                                                   4.956        12.167       15.653       11.817       1.065        6.086        0.000        2.329        1.925        6.038        2.016        4.473        0.555        2.020        3.791        2.926        
SPO1538          chain_length_determinant_protein                                                                                               9.142        13.601       20.744       13.424       5.549        6.897        3.211        2.555        7.917        9.933        4.421        4.170        2.739        3.047        3.898        3.209        
SPO1539          O-antigen_polymerase,_putative                                                                                                 3.599        9.102        16.309       7.622        1.110        3.945        0.000        2.157        0.669        2.097        1.960        3.107        3.855        2.807        2.633        1.694        
SPO1540          glycosyl_transferase,_group_2                                                                                                  3.447        5.569        12.196       5.740        1.811        4.483        0.000        2.640        3.272        5.987        3.769        3.802        2.359        1.717        2.417        0.414        
SPO1541          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         4.082        4.490        2.781        1.800        2.838        4.325        0.000        1.655        6.156        3.218        8.595        5.722        8.874        5.384        8.588        6.757        
SPO1542          renal_dipeptidase_family_protein                                                                                               21.912       42.082       17.954       15.491       0.977        158.591      2.687        0.712        18.546       19.391       27.004       26.681       31.572       9.733        20.873       10.291       
SPO1543          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                      61.454       123.128      33.137       25.528       1.933        127.116      8.855        3.287        82.081       109.558      77.054       62.503       48.000       16.498       36.690       12.682       
SPO1544          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           8.889        6.441        4.788        3.873        1.955        17.497       0.000        2.137        17.663       11.080       5.549        6.568        7.129        4.171        5.218        2.685        
SPO1545          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           6.223        12.430       5.544        7.175        2.263        22.846       0.000        1.650        21.474       6.415        8.138        7.605        9.434        5.367        9.063        5.699        
SPO1546          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                        5.380        14.902       13.352       1.920        2.423        17.534       3.330        1.766        17.513       20.600       13.296       7.123        17.672       8.617        15.091       3.327        
SPO1547          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                        4.870        13.687       13.270       7.514        2.709        20.121       7.446        5.924        4.895        7.678        10.766       7.395        5.646        7.708        9.642        4.961        
SPO1548          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                 79.756       165.675      153.090      122.810      3.616        171.575      5.680        6.025        134.426      25.377       12.904       7.810        11.304       3.430        5.056        4.257        
SPO1549          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                   14.767       24.006       35.936       28.868       1.012        26.594       0.000        4.426        43.886       19.119       6.511        0.850        3.163        0.960        1.801        0.463        
SPO1550          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                      4.645        13.553       14.087       9.116        3.137        19.517       2.874        0.762        18.897       3.952        4.749        3.513        5.448        1.488        1.628        1.915        
SPO1551          Trimethylamine_(TMA)_monooxygenase                                                                                             12.612       14.779       1251.773     969.380      12.614       114.444      8.406        22.849       19.342       12.279       6.945        2.890        6.373        3.626        7.823        10.150       
SPO1552          ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein,_putative                                                               15.405       17.362       119.562      71.844       14.721       30.990       4.260        21.464       14.703       17.569       6.745        7.159        14.130       5.512        9.998        16.672       
SPO1553          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         116.910      92.967       91.667       88.978       17.273       77.310       7.914        28.331       41.621       17.679       54.482       34.459       32.249       24.575       24.337       27.019       
SPO1554          ammonium_transporter_family_protein                                                                                            2.676        4.765        516.498      434.025      8.736        92.946       3.312        11.419       12.522       1.138        3.649        3.037        5.023        4.000        1.608        1.931        
SPO1555          formate_dehydrogenase,_beta_subunit                                                                                            11.174       14.035       66.207       38.948       6.450        153.039      1.689        3.583        9.992        9.286        0.698        1.806        2.241        2.039        2.187        3.375        
SPO1556          formate_dehydrogenase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                           2.043        5.223        15.469       7.949        0.372        3.821        0.000        0.271        2.686        1.053        0.562        0.156        0.194        0.705        0.000        0.340        
SPO1557          formate--tetrahydrofolate_ligase                                                                                               7.694        13.273       37.752       13.681       2.466        18.083       3.390        2.247        16.713       3.495        2.334        2.330        1.285        0.585        1.097        0.847        
SPO1558          chorismate_mutase_family_protein                                                                                               0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO1559          folD_bifunctional_protein                                                                                                      0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO1560          folD_bifunctional_protein                                                                                                      13.207       17.600       40.400       22.409       23.563       26.927       25.909       20.612       23.421       18.923       17.391       10.886       18.416       17.321       17.823       17.260       
SPO1561          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.448       25.281       97.457       50.453       7.346        24.250       0.000        7.140        9.956        9.253        5.097        5.142        7.655        4.645        8.171        6.726        
SPO1562          glycine_cleavage_system_T_protein,_putative                                                                                    69.997       76.629       119.613      79.131       3.488        53.646       3.596        8.900        27.579       22.657       5.446        6.593        6.361        4.549        7.566        6.188        
SPO1563          protozoan/cyanobacterial_globin_family_protein                                                                                 53.360       49.376       75.837       65.433       4.587        45.428       0.000        5.016        26.941       6.500        6.077        5.779        3.585        1.088        4.082        6.300        
SPO1564          MOFRL_domain_protein                                                                                                           7.551        5.704        18.880       21.862       19.473       166.585      4.461        19.519       19.795       13.032       0.614        2.385        5.919        4.617        6.859        10.029       
SPO1565          citrate_lyase,_putative                                                                                                        34.255       19.068       45.372       52.011       44.457       291.520      78.564       70.991       54.520       40.003       4.407        10.670       23.716       10.040       17.897       27.623       
SPO1566          DNA-binding_response_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                    38.165       31.119       8.261        13.365       10.961       39.827       23.178       17.211       19.810       19.119       6.383        9.916        11.423       7.998        12.005       12.353       
SPO1567          aminotransferase,_putative                                                                                                     7.890        4.006        3.046        12.482       7.461        280.716      0.000        13.899       21.723       32.111       4.079        1.393        6.047        2.752        4.057        7.211        
SPO1568          malate--CoA_ligase,_beta_subunit                                                                                               12.401       11.365       12.671       15.716       12.933       354.045      18.961       18.856       82.584       58.651       3.590        3.621        10.332       3.271        11.892       8.289        
SPO1569          malate--CoA_ligase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                              9.341        5.617        12.810       14.737       8.717        325.393      0.000        5.931        74.564       36.236       4.399        3.905        9.083        6.614        7.240        6.385        
SPO1570          D-isomer_specific_2-hydroxyacid_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                   6.835        5.496        12.767       11.566       5.734        288.691      14.328       9.879        92.316       75.839       3.157        3.503        8.148        3.461        8.813        7.159        
SPO1571          phosphoenolpyruvate_carboxylase                                                                                                3.808        3.095        8.628        5.273        5.871        159.368      3.228        3.709        30.768       29.951       3.555        4.274        4.078        3.341        3.483        3.763        
SPO1572          serine_hydroxymethyltransferase                                                                                                0.000        0.701        0.978        1.898        1.197        11.250       10.971       1.746        4.328        11.312       0.000        0.670        1.248        0.757        0.000        0.731        
SPO1573          glutamine_synthetase_III                                                                                                       40.662       101.223      122.010      55.515       5.837        69.969       12.837       8.511        78.067       25.002       10.311       10.134       11.355       5.168        5.195        9.977        
SPO1574          glutamate_synthase_family_protein                                                                                              55.139       98.751       196.614      95.726       12.232       93.477       16.812       19.505       92.567       24.557       17.940       11.880       18.721       11.964       12.585       17.500       
SPO1575          FwdC/FmdC_family_protein                                                                                                       53.360       83.300       202.231      113.902      7.645        71.637       8.406        12.261       35.922       26.002       6.366        9.632        8.763        4.351        2.041        7.000        
SPO1576          glutamine_amidotransferase,_class_II                                                                                           52.277       81.200       170.435      122.643      3.897        77.608       3.060        10.551       37.223       12.622       4.635        5.144        6.961        2.640        1.981        3.568        
SPO1577          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           62.658       130.157      298.431      200.692      174.397      360.368      170.747      128.876      151.113      90.284       220.637      210.710      176.757      163.149      144.563      190.311      
SPO1578          ammonium_transporter_family_protein                                                                                            11.942       54.573       113.395      60.255       3.387        82.009       0.000        1.646        40.133       0.711        5.129        3.478        3.922        3.213        3.684        4.136        
SPO1579          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         181.051      323.723      592.716      387.847      18.059       277.219      7.446        17.114       123.202      56.303       21.873       27.684       20.230       9.849        8.838        11.988       
SPO1580          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           87.454       179.535      328.349      208.639      8.883        164.880      0.000        14.129       110.917      38.148       17.117       23.064       8.415        8.426        6.468        6.655        
SPO1581          oxidoreductase_NAD-binding_domain/2Fe-2S_iron-sulfur_cluster_binding_domain_protein                                            37.713       81.105       191.390      106.395      5.769        111.866      2.883        3.058        62.551       14.864       5.558        5.727        4.918        5.471        5.133        6.722        
SPO1582          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           57.391       104.741      256.349      147.455      11.144       174.231      15.983       10.597       112.960      38.453       12.838       13.431       10.603       11.489       14.229       9.317        
SPO1583          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  148.211      211.749      351.419      277.664      103.046      230.080      117.665      129.437      173.337      163.260      87.008       82.564       80.124       58.643       98.753       97.257       
SPO1584          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         27.425       39.051       60.188       58.837       7.319        33.856       0.000        6.098        18.897       1.976        10.686       10.101       5.993        7.438        5.583        6.702        
SPO1585          sarcosine_oxidase,_gamma_subunit_family                                                                                        3.912        8.939        31.712       29.316       4.624        10.568       5.084        5.393        5.014        15.727       3.500        1.554        2.891        2.631        4.938        0.847        
SPO1586          sarcosine_oxidase,_alpha_subunit_family                                                                                        3.849        1.076        19.287       15.254       2.800        5.732        1.924        3.827        7.906        5.621        1.987        2.058        2.188        1.328        2.803        2.083        
SPO1587          sarcosine_oxidase,_delta_subunit_family                                                                                        1.532        0.000        8.870        11.480       1.811        2.759        0.000        2.640        3.272        10.264       1.371        1.521        0.000        1.717        0.000        0.000        
SPO1588          sarcosine_oxidase,_beta_subunit_family                                                                                         16.967       15.260       28.358       21.628       5.375        12.600       13.640       4.220        14.198       10.938       7.825        5.557        3.878        3.530        4.047        5.679        
SPO1589          carboxymuconolactone_decarboxylase_family_protein                                                                              331.163      327.294      199.046      105.191      24.379       80.483       74.463       53.316       127.281      102.369      43.062       60.298       76.215       28.262       63.878       37.204       
SPO1590          Rieske_2Fe-2S_domain_protein                                                                                                   166.576      135.744      125.350      74.356       9.951        15.523       2.605        16.581       56.520       24.175       4.305        3.980        4.938        2.697        4.217        4.773        
SPO1591          SIS_domain_protein                                                                                                             120.862      113.234      145.675      99.813       17.492       15.992       12.823       17.852       35.828       5.509        7.062        2.449        5.469        3.871        2.075        10.678       
SPO1592          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         125.425      87.955       125.673      89.991       6.939        8.971        1.156        8.278        33.822       5.563        1.751        2.296        3.068        1.596        1.310        3.273        
SPO1593          alcohol_dehydrogenase,_zinc-containing                                                                                         56.937       63.193       91.642       50.061       4.373        7.774        0.000        4.251        25.466       9.181        1.103        0.816        1.519        1.383        1.730        0.890        
SPO1594          mandelate_racemase/muconate_lactonizing_enzyme,_putative                                                                       67.030       50.110       91.590       71.123       11.218       27.419       2.570        4.770        22.808       7.066        8.846        7.067        7.793        10.197       7.071        8.988        
SPO1595          mandelate_racemase/muconate_lactonizing_enzyme                                                                                 54.722       41.185       70.028       44.573       5.156        9.284        0.000        4.100        17.788       7.085        2.838        2.362        1.954        1.778        2.502        2.575        
SPO1596          DMSP_lyase                                                                                                                     56.112       55.647       54.498       27.128       13.692       36.509       9.410        11.229       41.757       14.553       15.548       15.096       24.970       28.409       27.415       36.828       
SPO1597          glutamate-1-semialdehyde_2,1-aminomutase                                                                                       59.893       67.732       56.639       25.721       11.765       17.926       6.691        13.012       32.992       16.864       8.292        9.542        14.796       13.468       19.133       16.344       
SPO1598          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           63.833       45.836       138.410      73.819       26.081       49.673       10.242       20.823       40.401       35.201       49.828       39.643       40.120       24.737       19.893       45.487       
SPO1599          MmgE/PrpD_family_protein                                                                                                       78.487       55.025       33.137       13.479       1.933        5.006        8.500        7.890        27.244       8.034        2.634        3.247        2.820        0.733        5.160        3.539        
SPO1600          fumarylacetoacetate_hydrolase_family_protein                                                                                   101.766      55.942       64.472       31.048       1.224        5.596        6.731        1.785        23.232       2.313        6.024        4.114        6.379        4.064        6.537        2.802        
SPO1601          2-dehydropantoate_2-reductase                                                                                                  303.457      190.031      237.074      121.854      6.084        18.118       0.000        5.645        76.965       13.586       9.211        9.756        8.069        4.197        8.859        5.571        
SPO1603          malate/L-lactate_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                  109.770      51.823       84.263       56.865       4.915        6.739        2.702        2.150        31.974       8.358        5.581        1.651        2.561        1.398        2.187        1.800        
SPO1604          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         9.184        7.827        23.179       15.882       17.256       18.236       6.121        12.174       18.108       24.193       16.013       14.028       20.883       8.976        5.944        13.762       
SPO1605          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.931       17.274       18.056       15.579       10.750       24.805       11.821       9.404        32.751       25.538       16.509       14.707       21.766       15.732       37.993       22.219       
SPO1606          spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                   146.816      181.023      75.812       70.773       40.592       106.303      69.740       45.866       163.224      337.487      112.543      127.864      100.462      65.452       186.479      111.503      
SPO1607          spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                        11.446       11.888       14.202       9.190        3.221        10.798       7.084        7.514        18.628       35.302       4.877        9.200        9.399        1.833        11.466       11.798       
SPO1608          spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                        6.964        10.476       8.343        5.399        2.271        12.542       9.363        2.483        14.363       2.145        8.595        3.338        4.733        1.615        3.536        4.158        
SPO1609          spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_component                                                                   15.706       14.867       8.058        15.643       3.760        12.889       0.000        2.056        13.590       16.873       12.096       13.422       7.346        0.892        4.182        3.873        
SPO1610          transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                         6.640        3.448        11.214       5.183        5.232        5.481        7.191        2.861        2.364        4.943        5.446        3.296        0.682        4.342        4.656        2.395        
SPO1611          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.601        2.217        3.090        0.667        0.421        1.922        0.000        0.000        0.760        2.384        0.955        2.120        1.315        1.596        1.123        3.466        
SPO1612          twin-arginine_translocation_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein                                                             0.339        1.057        1.964        0.000        2.005        2.444        4.409        0.585        1.449        1.515        2.732        1.347        1.671        2.662        1.784        1.101        
SPO1613          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.108        3.657        6.795        2.199        2.774        5.284        0.000        4.045        0.000        7.863        3.150        6.991        1.446        2.631        3.703        2.540        
SPO1614          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.590        8.397        0.000        1.893        2.389        4.550        0.000        1.742        6.476        2.257        0.000        1.003        2.490        3.399        1.063        6.562        
SPO1615          cyclic_nucleotide-binding_protein                                                                                              9.420        6.073        67.711       47.468       29.180       51.481       8.444        38.066       40.245       59.491       61.037       46.442       51.213       37.146       62.867       47.812       
SPO1616          transcriptional_regulator,_putative                                                                                            5.162        7.660        4.270        0.921        2.324        2.656        0.000        0.000        3.151        4.392        2.639        1.953        0.606        1.102        1.551        7.449        
SPO1617          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         1.959        2.110        1.680        1.631        0.514        3.920        2.829        2.250        3.099        2.592        3.116        1.585        2.681        1.952        1.526        1.727        
SPO1618          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.940        3.054        12.767       0.000        0.000        5.956        0.000        1.267        0.000        3.283        2.631        3.649        4.526        3.296        1.546        2.386        
SPO1619          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.573        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.413        0.000        3.854        0.000        2.480        
SPO1620          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      23.135       20.153       6.482        4.194        7.939        13.440       0.000        5.144        7.971        8.334        10.684       5.928        6.434        7.530        3.925        8.885        
SPO1621          TfoX_domain_protein                                                                                                            69.628       80.787       79.905       42.306       25.208       39.539       0.000        38.915       48.237       120.483      50.513       46.086       54.083       21.097       39.586       40.732       
SPO1622          cytochrome_P450_family_protein                                                                                                 35.198       31.285       125.415      85.596       28.401       68.569       10.996       48.407       76.631       107.333      83.881       91.060       95.876       39.080       66.922       50.912       
SPO1623          sensor_histidine_kinase                                                                                                        13.723       13.259       15.707       20.328       13.957       14.656       2.074        15.399       16.361       32.075       11.993       11.090       18.868       15.027       18.798       22.450       
SPO1624          DNA-binding_response_regulator                                                                                                 32.840       34.109       29.828       28.953       29.683       27.832       16.738       33.290       38.514       41.706       32.265       26.212       32.518       20.935       23.705       38.329       
SPO1625          periplasmic_serine_protease,_DO/DeqQ_family                                                                                    32.272       87.275       11.458       18.822       19.432       9.047        3.957        65.582       30.566       59.157       14.710       39.900       31.124       50.173       36.826       200.662      
SPO1626          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         36.582       37.342       185.630      154.445      43.171       43.509       54.315       43.212       44.024       50.122       23.256       19.553       28.206       18.869       25.652       18.092       
SPO1627          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           43.732       55.727       36.174       39.932       18.243       36.401       4.776        7.600        14.130       22.981       23.675       24.081       30.780       18.128       17.007       30.227       
SPO1628          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         14.607       10.743       25.216       26.176       23.807       16.666       5.896        30.332       19.768       18.237       12.015       12.251       17.656       10.782       12.597       13.747       
SPO1629          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.735       28.704       37.473       21.628       9.924        22.365       9.093        6.631        20.923       12.501       10.955       11.114       16.804       7.844        14.718       16.280       
SPO1630          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           21.307       23.104       24.053       14.059       15.522       20.513       6.966        13.394       16.030       13.169       15.827       17.562       16.505       27.342       21.987       23.204       
SPO1631          CBS_domain_protein                                                                                                             50.851       46.909       48.427       45.753       31.238       28.920       32.610       38.627       42.163       47.819       44.003       34.212       49.035       48.382       48.911       49.241       
SPO1632          tyrosine_recombinase_XerD                                                                                                      35.584       42.170       26.415       23.076       27.500       17.253       14.823       34.591       38.005       40.755       27.349       29.441       46.638       40.915       31.189       38.017       
SPO1633          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           55.815       53.419       40.609       39.418       49.392       36.313       22.787       54.891       75.530       71.140       57.785       63.830       82.064       99.265       68.235       51.867       
SPO1634          shikimate_kinase                                                                                                               96.272       75.187       69.139       75.500       68.803       65.857       82.444       93.884       73.331       93.340       68.111       53.349       49.637       40.160       51.022       75.922       
SPO1635          3-dehydroquinate_synthase                                                                                                      46.608       29.004       75.153       51.580       54.392       45.688       51.118       65.069       70.574       61.491       37.656       35.536       55.227       52.031       56.262       40.439       
SPO1636          SREBP_protease/CBS_domain_protein                                                                                              65.610       62.838       107.696      81.945       45.418       73.988       7.969        40.154       55.012       91.299       63.643       68.185       65.455       54.994       60.625       57.071       
SPO1637          single-strand_binding_protein                                                                                                  200.505      134.356      138.098      143.892      44.913       99.738       183.881      125.392      126.071      305.160      92.595       93.916       78.669       44.413       62.927       67.374       
SPO1638          transglycosylase_SLT_domain_protein                                                                                            64.427       69.277       171.159      137.739      120.943      96.917       132.986      212.906      244.478      392.736      92.912       122.663      104.560      90.922       149.080      132.069      
SPO1639          fadB_domain_protein                                                                                                            14.267       29.637       46.813       26.729       29.230       17.986       43.266       31.143       40.635       14.870       28.085       16.054       28.117       17.061       42.018       27.794       
SPO1640          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         44.271       42.068       31.360       22.058       14.473       21.204       3.060        15.420       23.138       13.674       9.692        7.949        13.342       5.280        9.907        10.194       
SPO1641          beta-lactamase                                                                                                                 236.026      209.635      50.812       47.266       38.464       21.731       23.761       45.368       67.171       44.915       10.142       9.439        7.656        2.460        3.461        5.144        
SPO1642          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           39.793       44.873       61.442       28.400       17.022       19.110       4.925        2.612        24.286       8.464        10.173       10.535       4.668        0.850        3.986        3.281        
SPO1643          selenium-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                             456.571      536.810      317.342      259.767      82.313       101.235      119.732      76.958       191.452      153.444      170.729      93.637       52.312       25.208       31.533       35.150       
SPO1644          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                    276.945      270.439      179.041      151.261      120.956      41.545       60.600       61.745       130.530      30.694       62.581       26.558       8.766        4.127        2.839        2.922        
SPO1645          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                       230.545      231.660      146.230      124.608      134.178      41.429       97.492       62.912       246.765      96.055       48.326       13.406       6.160        5.046        6.312        4.871        
SPO1646          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                       335.408      461.608      169.863      160.121      154.534      48.673       183.131      124.994      516.126      221.841      38.444       15.137       12.519       7.769        3.887        5.500        
SPO1647          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                  1906.762     1581.600     714.403      656.900      463.361      199.888      188.450      291.219      1210.777     488.712      179.042      73.029       35.070       25.418       18.301       48.505       
SPO1648          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         517.676      351.311      180.236      144.862      116.703      43.562       85.034       66.284       250.721      59.337       43.995       14.960       3.907        5.335        1.668        3.004        
SPO1649          invasion_protein_IbeA                                                                                                          240.138      193.192      116.257      80.046       61.513       24.299       58.452       38.199       74.799       26.547       37.943       14.034       3.165        3.962        2.365        4.172        
SPO1650          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           408.287      512.231      351.096      181.759      100.338      167.443      0.000        34.831       112.255      81.256       209.786      100.338      24.895       9.064        4.252        0.000        
SPO1651          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           65.981       89.665       35.705       30.036       20.408       12.216       8.014        10.626       34.247       5.509        14.345       11.020       7.595        4.148        7.783        6.674        
SPO1652          transposase,_truncation                                                                                                        5.745        11.933       13.305       8.610        3.621        6.207        0.000        0.000        4.908        6.843        7.539        3.802        4.717        3.435        4.028        8.289        
SPO1653          SSpo4,_transposase                                                                                                             0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO1654          ISSpo5,_transposase                                                                                                            2.225        1.849        2.577        5.003        0.000        6.011        2.892        4.602        1.901        0.994        6.769        3.535        5.482        1.497        3.745        3.853        
SPO1655          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.319        1.326        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        8.295        0.000        0.000        1.426        0.000        1.901        2.359        2.147        0.000        0.691        
SPO1656          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                    14.080       14.113       9.122        2.951        0.931        3.192        6.398        2.375        9.254        20.231       5.110        5.279        3.153        1.545        3.728        2.557        
SPO1657          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                       132.249      123.187      49.504       54.528       11.180       52.417       0.000        11.285       89.372       91.819       34.181       38.650       27.335       22.841       27.169       12.600       
SPO1658          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                       247.774      207.180      84.747       75.211       14.828       70.417       2.717        12.251       151.857      116.747      47.520       49.408       25.754       9.845        27.270       24.892       
SPO1659          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                  1200.009     978.995      356.177      334.968      68.181       284.070      62.216       75.895       403.402      455.460      311.181      255.228      195.166      87.478       133.178      118.383      
SPO1660          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         14.661       7.896        17.293       15.260       5.135        6.846        0.000        2.807        6.960        6.064        6.802        3.235        5.351        6.088        1.142        3.526        
SPO1661          tRNA_delta(2)-isopentenylpyrophosphate_transferase                                                                             10.752       7.791        14.478       9.369        13.004       8.106        3.250        8.618        4.273        11.169       6.265        8.441        8.008        7.288        4.734        7.577        
SPO1662          uridylate_kinase                                                                                                               115.089      115.621      149.391      126.000      121.296      80.923       109.261      179.846      188.250      183.877      128.656      129.520      136.398      100.749      129.283      129.889      
SPO1663          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           34.020       43.186       51.068       25.966       30.529       24.393       53.220       28.227       44.409       35.176       22.548       17.514       14.743       27.545       26.505       28.636       
SPO1664          ribosome_recycling_factor                                                                                                      351.758      257.844      191.507      227.441      138.894      142.255      166.884      148.862      214.444      194.666      163.636      112.808      134.195      70.669       125.236      118.756      
SPO1665          undecaprenyl_diphosphate_synthase                                                                                              170.681      131.246      110.964      135.758      89.897       81.430       81.725       89.787       125.367      159.168      51.978       57.081       64.175       52.369       68.030       85.555       
SPO1666          phosphatidate_cytidylyltransferase                                                                                             109.986      122.664      95.606       91.229       77.403       82.154       47.284       79.094       68.150       100.007      66.609       60.573       84.108       86.595       82.420       76.326       
SPO1667          1-deoxy-D-xylulose_5-phosphate_reductoisomerase                                                                                48.632       52.807       46.931       30.370       34.402       25.213       45.488       39.999       44.071       62.536       17.472       22.313       26.320       23.956       36.426       39.474       
SPO1668          membrane-associated_zinc_metalloprotease,_putative                                                                             141.858      125.295      83.154       48.429       96.566       39.945       163.834      134.742      93.394       270.852      74.529       85.551       131.290      134.526      126.884      80.131       
SPO1669          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           727.641      1035.931     359.659      285.938      134.250      255.693      322.914      152.918      227.459      253.676      362.053      271.353      244.824      159.170      93.333       103.718      
SPO1670          outer_membrane_protein,_OMP85_family                                                                                           287.728      249.676      420.780      341.924      300.522      261.253      271.566      296.990      345.619      398.948      132.363      148.526      176.285      144.906      279.877      244.353      
SPO1671          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           86.934       107.396      141.917      121.970      104.110      100.006      49.772       112.193      98.166       97.507       44.546       48.669       58.491       39.499       105.535      82.894       
SPO1672          beta-hydroxyacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)_dehydratase_FabZ                                                                       214.121      172.330      193.214      151.080      159.956      108.507      319.241      292.316      221.760      397.480      108.648      132.523      99.327       64.428       114.069      145.460      
SPO1673          acyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)--UDP-N-acetylglucosamine_O-acyltransferase                                                         170.340      137.251      192.094      143.109      110.718      80.333       152.178      175.838      159.599      180.568      59.369       66.431       72.110       55.008       94.420       124.309      
SPO1674          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           114.934      81.873       145.226      105.337      81.443       89.844       57.314       78.845       83.603       190.828      46.363       44.331       70.612       52.529       71.895       65.028       
SPO1675          lipid-A-disaccharide_synthase                                                                                                  69.135       58.425       114.522      80.908       82.358       66.665       42.449       71.921       66.668       81.864       48.383       44.319       70.179       66.317       59.547       62.450       
SPO1677          tRNA_(5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridylate)-methyltransferase                                                                   78.003       65.297       151.673      142.499      176.136      141.526      143.743      179.896      188.174      154.278      111.114      107.113      186.416      168.805      147.352      110.459      
SPO1678          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.347        4.876        4.530        5.863        7.398        15.500       0.000        0.000        0.000        3.495        4.200        6.214        9.637        8.771        6.584        6.774        
SPO1679          DNA-binding_response_regulator_CtrA                                                                                            380.636      1246.036     1736.596     1115.754     202.362      4364.053     222.512      350.888      660.904      1450.312     252.218      170.592      109.958      38.388       211.592      245.512      
SPO1680          DNA_ligase,_NAD-dependent                                                                                                      65.379       46.429       90.648       73.417       39.569       149.130      38.390       48.528       63.518       67.731       19.030       19.356       23.770       15.012       24.027       32.608       
SPO1681          ATP-dependent_DNA_helicase_RecG                                                                                                47.568       28.015       39.347       31.338       18.782       30.125       9.511        18.376       21.439       19.146       11.786       13.494       13.649       8.439        13.635       16.067       
SPO1682          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           260.132      468.565      63.197       47.712       12.901       55.693       0.000        18.809       69.944       89.381       55.340       32.510       44.812       20.394       22.960       15.750       
SPO1683          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           223.628      188.434      255.598      243.557      307.320      339.837      195.440      364.474      360.598      836.392      598.108      659.823      1155.540     822.272      705.127      537.595      
SPO1684          phosphoribosyl-AMP_cyclohydrolase                                                                                              34.242       44.456       53.107       66.441       73.718       59.465       63.575       54.793       31.347       51.894       59.088       70.422       82.845       80.889       59.169       60.882       
SPO1685          tRNA_synthetase,_class_I_family_protein                                                                                        7.824        10.835       25.672       16.612       22.811       11.742       27.116       34.157       21.170       31.454       16.335       9.322        19.916       22.806       37.855       19.193       
SPO1686          gid_protein                                                                                                                    30.629       32.990       41.287       47.970       93.091       49.032       82.141       106.681      83.773       100.620      57.711       47.948       91.020       87.207       95.454       64.894       
SPO1687          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   42.376       27.219       104.925      83.567       63.267       42.175       21.740       67.260       66.698       133.247      77.329       64.216       85.846       44.382       43.398       74.223       
SPO1688          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    72.764       68.892       80.250       81.606       44.465       52.595       32.166       20.472       69.785       64.120       69.092       57.991       92.671       77.690       78.095       43.928       
SPO1689          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           7.762        6.046        0.000        0.000        6.880        8.736        12.609       0.000        4.145        0.000        15.625       7.706        19.120       8.701        6.123        6.300        
SPO1690          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         11.374       14.888       15.337       12.260       22.099       14.030       10.125       15.036       12.647       9.048        20.912       24.442       21.494       16.769       15.733       17.875       
SPO1691          ribosomal_protein_L13                                                                                                          394.937      627.472      620.885      717.469      1397.562     373.299      3944.465     2544.146     1182.086     878.845      226.158      217.681      446.936      445.440      1024.136     536.738      
SPO1692          ribosomal_protein_S9                                                                                                           369.733      433.612      529.277      713.971      1065.372     303.855      780.183      873.045      565.377      325.023      145.675      167.063      280.072      373.204      609.396      380.949      
SPO1693          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           176.909      242.523      178.523      211.025      55.392       125.367      142.475      98.708       160.406      176.896      63.757       62.856       41.858       24.273       30.267       104.702      
SPO1694          carbohydrate_kinase,_pfkB_family                                                                                               42.067       132.256      131.661      115.871      34.402       73.712       186.180      94.828       99.087       217.359      61.444       50.119       39.210       15.805       32.048       71.859       
SPO1695          hydantoin_utilization_protein,_putative                                                                                        12.388       13.623       12.055       12.091       7.382        4.874        8.117        13.275       16.010       17.669       7.265        8.888        6.411        6.068        7.226        10.139       
SPO1696          hydantoinase/oxoprolinase_family_protein                                                                                       11.398       6.332        9.209        7.946        5.013        5.490        1.723        5.025        7.927        6.512        4.506        1.579        2.938        1.783        3.625        4.303        
SPO1697          aminotransferase,_classes_I_and_II                                                                                             12.329       11.756       8.192        4.544        3.822        3.640        2.627        4.876        6.908        9.931        2.170        1.605        2.987        0.000        4.252        3.500        
SPO1698          Asp/Glu/Hydantoin_racemase_family_protein                                                                                      20.833       9.408        13.986       4.525        5.710        9.244        0.000        2.081        14.189       9.440        2.701        4.197        9.669        4.062        4.446        4.575        
SPO1699          MmgE/PrpD_family_protein                                                                                                       26.962       10.122       10.345       9.129        5.759        6.143        2.111        8.397        11.102       5.804        3.197        2.258        2.401        2.185        2.392        5.625        
SPO1700          D-isomer_specific_2-hydroxyacid_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                   33.896       15.491       15.701       11.007       7.479        13.430       0.000        13.240       22.204       9.084        3.235        7.179        6.123        3.040        6.180        7.826        
SPO1701          dihydrodipicolinate_synthase_family_protein                                                                                    31.360       20.866       18.441       13.770       20.270       17.649       35.025       27.865       35.587       50.340       10.522       15.568       11.467       11.536       20.615       23.333       
SPO1702          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.633       16.027       20.796       9.968        7.232        22.519       13.831       7.336        20.459       16.043       15.949       11.622       16.057       14.317       18.469       20.443       
SPO1703          DMSP_lyase                                                                                                                     3.612        4.026        2.040        3.631        2.707        5.235        2.290        2.125        4.140        3.541        4.414        3.324        6.076        2.765        4.077        4.767        
SPO1704          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         6.636        8.370        2.745        6.217        2.801        15.367       12.322       4.084        9.113        3.176        5.090        5.648        8.174        4.783        3.989        8.721        
SPO1705          phage_head_morphogenesis_domain_protein,_SPP1_gp7_family                                                                       1.535        3.189        4.444        4.026        4.355        8.017        21.946       4.762        4.591        10.971       4.670        2.134        1.134        2.754        0.969        2.990        
SPO1706          IS91_family_transposase                                                                                                        0.242        0.000        1.400        0.000        0.000        3.483        0.000        0.833        2.066        0.000        0.000        0.480        0.596        0.000        0.509        0.000        
SPO1707          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 5.985        4.580        3.648        0.000        3.723        26.095       8.188        2.171        2.691        8.442        4.510        3.127        6.208        3.531        2.651        1.364        
SPO1707a         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein,_putative                                                       4.141        6.759        5.138        1.108        4.195        39.419       23.065       5.097        11.373       0.000        1.059        1.175        2.186        1.326        9.956        3.201        
SPO1708          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    1.779        4.804        0.000        2.000        2.944        32.040       4.624        1.839        1.520        0.795        1.910        1.060        2.630        1.197        8.982        2.310        
SPO1709          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    3.241        4.411        0.000        0.838        2.642        54.953       1.453        1.541        4.298        0.999        1.800        1.110        2.203        1.002        3.527        1.694        
SPO1710          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                               32.121       33.022       5.693        8.597        5.424        578.477      19.169       6.778        11.202       16.105       17.596       18.224       14.130       9.186        21.374       16.672       
SPO1711          urease_accessory_protein_UreD                                                                                                  148.076      120.567      0.000        10.608       5.354        619.011      0.000        4.879        4.838        5.059        49.146       59.032       27.898       2.539        9.529        43.511       
SPO1712          urease,_gamma_subunit                                                                                                          116.423      108.828      4.213        10.906       3.440        319.744      0.000        0.000        9.326        0.000        24.740       23.118       12.547       3.263        16.837       22.050       
SPO1713          urease,_beta_subunit                                                                                                           185.873      145.164      4.171        2.699        6.812        500.817      0.000        2.483        15.389       3.218        19.338       22.889       5.324        1.615        19.702       32.747       
SPO1714          urease,_alpha_subunit                                                                                                          92.202       94.568       0.740        6.229        3.023        338.086      3.324        3.526        15.297       5.141        7.781        15.998       5.355        3.154        32.281       12.456       
SPO1715          urease_accessory_protein_ureE                                                                                                  39.556       74.053       8.483        3.660        2.309        225.147      0.000        3.366        8.345        2.181        0.874        11.637       0.000        2.190        30.819       3.171        
SPO1716          urease_accessory_protein_UreF                                                                                                  28.502       43.882       3.883        3.769        2.378        220.418      13.074       3.467        12.893       0.000        1.800        7.324        1.652        2.256        39.501       2.177        
SPO1717          urease_accessory_protein_UreG                                                                                                  20.645       81.551       3.919        1.268        2.400        206.011      4.398        6.999        14.459       4.535        2.423        8.064        0.834        1.518        49.124       2.930        
SPO1718          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.025        17.396       10.775       5.578        3.079        12.736       16.930       4.490        6.360        5.819        6.327        3.326        4.126        2.921        3.523        7.251        
SPO1719          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   9.074        4.623        2.974        3.208        0.809        2.158        0.000        2.360        3.657        2.294        3.064        3.740        6.748        3.455        5.763        1.482        
SPO1720          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   19.725       13.658       10.152       11.497       14.507       3.947        0.000        9.065        3.745        7.832        13.335       8.704        12.958       3.931        7.377        4.744        
SPO1721          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit,_putative                                                                         99.516       68.907       16.109       16.839       7.083        13.104       5.563        5.901        20.114       16.251       30.638       20.823       24.251       14.396       24.761       13.897       
SPO1722          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         23.663       17.204       5.138        4.433        3.496        1.598        0.000        3.058        2.527        7.927        5.293        3.524        5.829        1.990        3.733        1.280        
SPO1723          mannonate_dehydratase                                                                                                          25.820       21.379       6.273        4.736        1.707        2.927        2.347        1.245        3.857        1.613        6.139        6.812        8.896        5.263        4.938        3.127        
SPO1724          D-mannonate_oxidoreductase                                                                                                     10.163       8.261        4.264        2.759        2.437        8.489        0.000        2.031        3.776        2.632        4.745        5.850        6.894        2.642        4.648        2.869        
SPO1725          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           155.839      122.389      133.047      126.937      68.942       108.230      65.087       101.532      105.718      128.956      119.142      101.784      112.482      108.326      79.942       130.717      
SPO1727          polyphosphate_kinase_2,_putative                                                                                               81.467       72.813       54.589       49.818       22.287       56.597       37.701       54.156       57.834       80.986       80.031       58.563       83.966       35.774       53.904       51.279       
SPO1728          esterase,_putative                                                                                                             26.796       24.952       29.425       32.890       28.941       14.560       3.002        22.292       25.658       7.223        9.921        7.798        16.502       16.574       17.007       20.500       
SPO1729          homoserine_O-succinyltransferase                                                                                               41.280       31.974       49.964       49.809       40.797       27.301       45.465       65.911       81.700       39.586       30.884       25.470       36.768       33.989       28.455       30.288       
SPO1732          single-stranded-DNA-specific_exonuclease_RecJ                                                                                  26.015       27.706       26.762       26.720       25.598       17.361       15.447       23.212       29.337       18.876       9.925        7.080        10.410       11.252       20.001       17.436       
SPO1733          fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase,_class_II                                                                                          176.975      137.322      283.092      204.694      205.649      141.377      104.412      156.642      145.133      123.037      80.099       72.471       91.602       70.509       108.161      99.865       
SPO1734          homoserine_dehydrogenase                                                                                                       85.515       75.928       107.297      90.455       123.379      47.151       81.752       122.463      96.599       102.519      31.945       31.733       47.324       44.980       71.526       53.358       
SPO1735          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           87.841       104.852      98.686       105.617      24.794       86.181       42.598       74.558       86.817       202.041      68.039       48.162       41.986       23.517       45.506       39.729       
SPO1736          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         24.380       18.699       39.091       23.891       17.733       30.397       9.749        18.098       17.626       48.586       38.258       33.515       31.414       17.660       16.569       18.672       
SPO1737          pirin_domain_protein                                                                                                           51.871       45.395       54.229       38.691       58.471       74.387       59.300       92.699       83.101       113.704      65.751       70.098       97.609       68.383       141.448      137.746      
SPO1738          dehalogenase,_putative                                                                                                         29.734       19.949       26.733       35.983       7.858        23.282       0.000        11.457       21.303       12.374       13.220       14.669       11.828       7.039        12.432       17.988       
SPO1739          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           67.540       57.360       75.621       30.759       30.873       30.241       53.346       54.015       44.636       83.339       34.055       37.789       40.445       32.630       40.033       44.423       
SPO1740          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           118.099      160.646      30.882       32.831       9.906        28.130       9.902        17.069       27.668       18.719       17.725       12.860       12.200       18.792       20.035       9.071        
SPO1741          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           68.653       84.542       4.761        16.944       9.718        8.144        5.343        11.335       14.050       16.527       2.207        4.898        2.025        2.765        6.918        6.229        
SPO1742          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           206.165      261.668      30.202       41.042       27.127       21.136       33.895       26.966       28.412       44.851       27.303       19.679       13.492       15.789       16.184       11.855       
SPO1743          glutamate_dehydrogenase                                                                                                        421.298      322.623      147.814      94.507       31.077       132.695      13.907       51.632       108.409      70.331       35.015       32.479       19.958       10.625       23.796       74.117       
SPO1744          sarcosine_oxidase,_beta_subunit_family                                                                                         46.764       43.496       46.476       39.229       25.574       32.996       11.339       61.343       43.983       63.913       24.981       27.719       23.212       9.390        18.720       31.349       
SPO1745          sarcosine_oxidase,_delta_subunit_family                                                                                        37.637       22.586       24.213       15.669       19.771       24.100       10.870       49.004       17.866       85.926       19.457       11.625       10.301       1.875        14.075       5.431        
SPO1746          sarcosine_oxidase,_alpha_subunit_family                                                                                        39.026       27.848       46.142       38.789       27.817       37.153       12.583       24.642       18.773       36.927       12.395       12.127       14.861       10.854       15.197       19.022       
SPO1747          sarcosine_oxidase,_gamma_subunit_family                                                                                        22.330       22.393       33.438       24.523       11.831       28.427       5.004        14.596       24.671       37.833       4.134        14.525       13.277       8.632        16.198       22.500       
SPO1748          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           351.198      319.266      365.426      283.766      129.883      275.457      28.949       99.802       123.710      49.748       175.388      112.051      181.075      109.876      103.086      139.820      
SPO1749          DNA_primase                                                                                                                    172.212      173.042      109.061      79.397       134.373      135.485      222.941      176.979      170.039      207.834      187.594      164.524      301.874      258.676      260.614      172.787      
SPO1750          RNA_polymerase_sigma-70_factor_RpoD                                                                                            244.642      237.260      396.419      395.325      418.552      378.634      512.958      580.985      710.739      644.136      204.394      218.700      292.769      214.813      383.362      539.313      
SPO1751          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           220.417      243.826      175.292      125.374      189.585      322.346      41.416       164.749      206.484      215.891      374.479      336.433      677.733      553.754      684.889      472.495      
SPO1752          putative_protein_TIGR00149                                                                                                     81.860       76.686       80.545       56.131       55.650       126.225      27.814       79.292       52.572       169.681      140.744      138.112      314.999      231.528      347.776      215.402      
SPO1753          riboflavin_biosynthesis_protein_RibX                                                                                           651.612      918.528      224.161      167.777      56.233       212.524      145.489      125.392      169.379      320.856      149.410      119.479      222.909      127.591      230.581      147.402      
SPO1754          riboflavin_biosynthesis_protein_RibD                                                                                           79.361       115.024      26.622       22.470       17.012       31.321       5.196        10.335       24.766       45.539       34.342       39.694       163.488      89.194       83.682       70.961       
SPO1755          capsular_polysaccharide_export_protein_KpsC                                                                                    20.836       19.942       6.948        4.905        5.931        6.876        5.671        6.016        12.117       4.873        9.371        6.932        5.643        8.072        5.278        2.361        
SPO1756          polysaccharide_biosynthesis/export_protein                                                                                     235.084      279.046      88.286       101.245      75.282       88.636       75.253       82.486       127.807      108.628      146.100      108.461      69.416       61.451       52.376       47.626       
SPO1757          capsular_polysaccharide_export_protein_KpsS                                                                                    128.945      152.908      42.131       23.460       18.001       22.552       4.398        16.913       20.242       24.944       33.916       26.209       29.596       12.900       17.087       22.343       
SPO1759          riboflavin_synthase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                             84.705       62.010       75.621       72.704       71.449       90.050       29.098       91.311       58.984       68.338       56.091       60.759       65.264       40.160       65.936       46.846       
SPO1760          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.872       31.026       35.479       28.699       38.023       47.589       19.909       26.398       26.178       37.634       22.616       28.897       20.755       27.478       23.363       29.013       
SPO1761          3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone_4-phosphate_synthase/GTP_cyclohydrolase_II,_putative                                                  80.177       99.281       98.269       89.905       169.702      81.155       187.614      231.287      170.848      242.242      121.485      124.731      251.329      201.640      340.604      143.142      
SPO1762          riboflavin_synthase,_beta_subunit                                                                                              90.657       99.941       119.718      104.288      172.948      95.239       248.046      197.339      98.524       143.863      109.577      116.853      225.282      163.149      255.111      153.195      
SPO1763          transcription_antitermination_factor_NusB                                                                                      91.410       104.860      218.557      192.551      392.392      144.147      325.076      326.020      231.202      178.763      174.159      192.348      229.659      283.472      321.440      242.154      
SPO1764          transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                         110.556      97.837       57.155       40.156       32.668       47.744       14.662       42.770       56.630       60.469       45.928       48.722       56.970       43.001       54.582       48.226       
SPO1765          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           89.334       121.219      400.458      340.123      131.134      839.452      56.179       171.328      289.315      485.925      554.369      522.155      812.819      738.209      1010.846     831.155      
SPO1766          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           101.385      165.257      47.749       41.805       21.788       87.362       50.436       70.220       53.882       106.174      110.246      78.023       276.039      139.221      285.724      260.397      
SPO1767          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 77.312       37.788       34.232       40.896       5.375        32.761       0.000        15.674       27.200       28.440       23.601       15.352       23.526       15.295       30.613       25.593       
SPO1769          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           86.996       78.698       51.068       55.579       25.588       44.764       41.683       49.052       61.658       83.270       31.567       26.270       27.652       26.967       32.469       41.219       
SPO1770          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           71.650       104.880      75.235       51.467       23.695       68.196       4.825        21.752       33.306       24.874       42.518       31.699       53.042       38.290       23.429       45.803       
SPO1771          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   16.671       14.430       15.083       21.473       4.926        9.070        2.257        5.985        14.096       14.739       6.215        6.897        7.700        5.451        6.210        12.404       
SPO1772          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   37.898       33.064       54.859       42.600       8.063        17.745       0.000        9.143        46.953       28.778       16.955       15.803       13.070       8.497        4.783        9.023        
SPO1773          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit,_putative                                                                         125.946      99.380       79.882       84.209       18.937       49.291       11.568       16.872       83.657       100.389      62.120       49.930       28.504       10.976       17.319       36.123       
SPO1774          3-hydroxyanthranilate_3,4-dioxygenase                                                                                          12.936       8.397        9.363        12.117       6.689        16.016       5.254        1.393        20.724       25.280       14.468       11.238       7.966        1.813        6.803        16.625       
SPO1775          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.492       33.519       89.904       52.474       23.750       71.827       15.827       40.923       44.223       47.597       23.427       39.900       45.749       44.371       61.483       130.480      
SPO1776          pyridine_nucleotide-disulfide_oxidoreductase_family_protein                                                                    74.731       132.086      42.701       28.246       34.092       15.938       72.417       16.945       557.308      52.706       29.327       23.105       28.663       15.066       21.029       18.446       
SPO1777          dihydroorotate_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                    71.590       144.881      17.474       10.679       32.895       14.493       130.739      37.560       291.521      45.683       14.401       9.655        12.390       6.015        12.344       5.081        
SPO1778          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.872        27.843       72.067       104.033      4.527        529.344      0.000        9.899        0.000        34.213       5.140        1.901        4.717        0.000        0.000        4.145        
SPO1779          membrane_protein,_major_facilitator_transporter_family                                                                         26.988       31.578       38.571       33.280       25.842       24.917       8.880        21.193       29.918       19.837       18.951       22.385       21.038       16.085       25.870       32.535       
SPO1780          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         12.778       18.433       24.662       5.320        21.816       19.177       475.145      44.040       89.467       44.393       10.163       7.048        21.859       16.713       26.880       16.134       
SPO1781          amidase,_hydantoinase/carbamoylase_family                                                                                      41.979       58.861       16.204       15.074       13.645       34.021       20.459       17.483       152.441      24.220       17.529       14.935       15.081       8.628        13.246       9.844        
SPO1782          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.106       35.988       16.050       5.193        19.658       31.201       9.006        23.884       88.817       24.764       4.960        9.632        6.828        4.661        17.493       10.500       
SPO1783          D-hydantoinase                                                                                                                 47.958       51.528       21.762       15.772       18.125       37.634       39.078       30.053       52.666       24.847       14.797       11.941       23.702       11.798       16.445       4.881        
SPO1784          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.212       17.653       9.226        17.911       2.511        15.304       0.000        7.322        18.152       9.490        7.604        5.273        11.775       4.763        3.352        10.347       
SPO1785          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           39.789       47.553       11.046       12.253       16.750       33.374       46.044       18.785       30.271       14.608       11.217       16.234       25.511       12.221       13.759       11.208       
SPO1786          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              30.870       43.513       24.258       18.176       20.328       34.151       14.328       27.358       15.072       17.729       21.307       20.578       33.133       18.787       19.481       14.795       
SPO1787          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              14.702       20.188       20.200       17.740       13.549       18.849       6.477        12.883       12.775       7.792        12.040       9.896        12.891       10.057       12.057       12.945       
SPO1788          ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                                         394.805      320.986      196.768      140.064      71.355       164.523      49.362       47.539       186.174      203.586      266.148      227.845      208.792      87.850       143.815      90.432       
SPO1789          sulfate/tungstate_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                              19.342       38.266       72.886       90.879       14.515       62.480       23.941       7.407        26.233       27.428       92.302       32.311       74.119       28.224       74.273       29.240       
SPO1790          sulfate/tungstate_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                           13.420       35.310       60.435       23.465       9.164        29.538       3.876        8.222        15.288       10.656       32.553       26.647       38.935       18.722       42.031       24.528       
SPO1791          sulfate/tungstate_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                         15.842       26.772       35.757       44.266       11.425       20.793       10.469       12.030       16.059       21.588       28.829       13.862       27.780       9.030        25.982       8.136        
SPO1792          DNA-binding_protein,_excisionase_family                                                                                        46.418       42.739       56.660       46.066       18.980       54.676       0.000        19.025       38.590       56.038       49.840       35.374       37.703       37.130       29.030       38.560       
SPO1793          WD_domain/cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                          12.154       13.465       16.890       9.715        10.343       20.138       6.319        7.261        27.694       35.470       25.520       24.135       35.131       18.168       30.000       17.188       
SPO1794          formate_dehydrogenase,_gamma_subunit                                                                                           19.256       25.384       37.522       29.137       11.817       41.347       9.625        8.296        69.607       60.373       50.031       39.706       64.310       26.569       40.117       22.843       
SPO1795          formate_dehydrogenase,_iron-sulfur_subunit,_putative                                                                           177.293      125.831      156.122      106.564      93.425       158.981      100.808      67.470       419.740      382.768      575.710      456.197      552.296      229.403      359.745      158.298      
SPO1796          formate_dehydrogenase,_alpha_subunit,_putative                                                                                 99.032       67.265       104.455      84.280       28.014       75.173       48.069       17.690       343.107      333.789      164.521      150.782      113.981      46.880       81.297       36.924       
SPO1797          twin-arginine_translocation_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein                                                             95.864       100.767      173.876      207.724      32.763       122.723      15.011       35.826       384.874      402.409      250.090      208.703      153.639      49.204       89.896       40.000       
SPO1798          chaperone,_TorD_family                                                                                                         15.055       26.060       78.867       52.379       27.962       50.351       4.659        16.060       113.318      129.689      88.519       59.788       69.756       37.773       45.995       28.707       
SPO1799          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.926       28.928       52.412       43.048       11.522       31.350       4.525        23.999       78.831       158.624      64.172       61.528       100.343      32.786       38.084       30.143       
SPO1800          iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_protein                                                                                            81.621       60.087       60.373       39.909       15.637       36.749       21.857       25.504       67.537       65.606       48.353       58.329       53.028       27.904       30.896       32.519       
SPO1801          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.977       37.475       31.337       38.305       12.794       42.778       3.908        15.545       14.130       13.431       34.974       32.838       26.665       20.225       22.770       22.128       
SPO1802          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           227.263      149.080      184.686      93.369       129.595      140.018      233.180      364.153      191.626      636.689      101.673      134.590      225.899      122.921      197.099      183.389      
SPO1803          Mrp/NBP35_family_protein                                                                                                       127.595      101.909      89.514       100.405      71.629       82.041       26.790       105.145      113.600      132.587      42.789       56.894       76.167       54.537       89.759       89.234       
SPO1804          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           65.333       43.737       48.406       44.086       27.082       35.131       24.145       33.082       59.526       42.875       21.056       32.586       48.816       36.795       52.759       41.553       
SPO1805          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           75.968       44.680       79.493       37.724       42.191       78.296       11.895       17.350       41.057       38.839       21.293       26.353       38.329       37.966       47.171       48.537       
SPO1806          flavin_reductase_domain_protein                                                                                                63.121       82.859       55.837       73.908       94.293       50.523       108.240      138.989      80.524       95.940       43.143       30.464       42.112       29.485       63.624       67.364       
SPO1807          exonuclease,_DNA_polymerase_III,_epsilon_subunit_family                                                                        27.248       11.256       8.964        14.502       5.124        4.182        8.048        29.347       43.653       74.686       15.792       10.145       21.738       12.497       23.449       14.745       
SPO1808          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           44.136       15.693       4.605        17.878       8.459        6.445        5.168        28.779       59.454       243.323      19.923       15.791       32.323       8.915        18.401       11.188       
SPO1809          nucleotidyltransferase/CBS/cyclic_nucleotide-binding_domain_protein                                                            27.811       14.443       5.553        21.110       5.951        4.102        26.485       19.005       57.870       154.212      30.676       10.950       18.604       9.407        13.617       8.563        
SPO1810          sodium/solute_symporter_family_protein                                                                                         321.313      159.547      95.753       164.317      30.116       21.840       208.558      234.319      575.667      1948.496     196.414      102.162      116.480      57.404       136.317      64.961       
SPO1811          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           350.661      162.406      85.159       194.327      27.448       13.941       70.423       136.064      439.834      1476.434     257.654      136.801      102.971      38.184       91.189       18.431       
SPO1812          adenylate_kinase                                                                                                               173.095      148.487      165.185      178.956      66.681       121.806      204.133      149.145      542.293      1988.796     302.299      294.702      252.682      120.745      217.800      72.158       
SPO1813          acetyl-coenzyme_A_synthetase                                                                                                   210.727      195.756      110.160      106.721      46.290       52.097       374.511      99.700       502.890      2151.413     225.383      224.242      259.825      90.056       120.300      41.422       
SPO1814          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit,_putative                                                                         13.993       12.968       23.683       16.132       1.018        10.856       0.000        4.452        11.956       11.539       10.016       2.137        4.773        0.483        1.811        5.592        
SPO1815          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   8.276        7.880        17.971       11.629       3.261        2.484        0.000        2.377        13.259       3.081        1.234        1.370        1.699        1.546        1.451        0.746        
SPO1816          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit,_putative                                                                         4.499        4.512        0.000        0.581        0.367        1.118        0.000        0.000        4.640        0.693        1.111        0.924        1.911        0.348        0.326        0.672        
SPO1817          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.949       29.137       23.688       17.519       13.125       16.841       3.798        14.100       21.223       10.443       8.890        4.642        12.958       9.173        11.680       6.958        
SPO1818          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.109       14.423       35.378       19.771       15.100       16.505       3.609        12.444       18.984       23.570       13.916       8.272        17.788       16.190       18.111       18.034       
SPO1819          phosphodiesterase                                                                                                              0.000        2.199        6.128        2.974        3.127        0.953        0.000        1.824        1.130        0.000        1.894        2.627        1.955        2.966        0.557        3.436        
SPO1820          sugar_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_sugar-binding_protein                                                                       7.189        4.735        7.107        1.971        2.487        2.526        2.279        1.813        4.494        3.916        3.765        2.785        3.455        1.966        2.582        2.657        
SPO1821          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        0.644        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.761        1.740        0.000        2.219        0.000        0.000        1.152        4.475        2.379        2.888        2.709        1.394        
SPO1822          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        1.860        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.675        3.021        0.000        2.979        2.077        0.832        0.462        1.718        0.000        1.467        1.006        
SPO1823          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     3.780        6.282        4.377        1.416        4.021        11.232       2.456        2.606        1.615        1.688        9.132        4.503        14.433       5.509        8.349        3.682        
SPO1824          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         1.756        1.564        0.000        0.940        0.593        2.259        0.000        1.730        0.000        3.362        4.939        1.495        4.327        5.063        3.167        2.172        
SPO1825          glutamine_synthetase_family_protein                                                                                            250.389      133.347      17.514       6.296        5.164        54.475       2.184        5.213        63.895       90.076       22.554       10.344       19.870       5.275        1.414        2.546        
SPO1826          transcriptional_regulator,_RpiR_family                                                                                         233.625      104.186      16.552       8.763        4.300        55.225       6.755        2.687        51.070       38.306       25.577       10.320       12.163       2.913        1.640        2.812        
SPO1827          N-formylglutamate_amidohydrolase                                                                                               170.044      87.223       39.262       17.590       6.165        88.771       3.390        3.595        34.540       136.300      51.805       22.786       80.307       12.865       0.549        1.129        
SPO1828          isochorismatase_family_protein                                                                                                 214.876      100.767      21.758       17.920       5.653        103.358      0.000        5.887        67.134       99.185       31.789       21.707       61.432       13.787       2.156        3.697        
SPO1829          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 201.384      98.467       22.727       12.444       9.278        96.787       19.620       5.203        92.871       283.215      48.087       26.979       57.269       15.570       1.270        6.535        
SPO1830          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_branched-chain_amino_acid_binding_protein                               743.937      475.493      51.567       23.430       28.668       209.873      9.851        22.205       146.525      262.388      162.087      77.511       112.029      28.466       13.154       8.203        
SPO1831          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 175.951      108.150      30.872       8.226        4.448        80.207       0.000        6.486        61.636       112.077      65.667       27.403       58.719       8.439        5.278        4.752        
SPO1832          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    92.054       55.794       15.552       6.404        4.618        39.137       9.520        5.891        29.208       69.804       38.889       22.303       45.112       9.855        2.568        0.000        
SPO1833          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    76.198       60.638       11.185       4.021        5.074        30.151       0.000        2.219        16.506       38.351       39.563       15.344       31.196       9.144        4.515        1.858        
SPO1834          acetamidase/formamidase_family_protein                                                                                         148.793      129.834      9.453        3.495        14.334       37.801       21.217       6.430        30.887       58.337       41.735       31.028       23.555       4.183        5.887        3.029        
SPO1835          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     11.144       43.575       10.122       16.375       9.298        13.380       0.000        12.803       13.069       19.521       22.680       11.715       6.459        23.517       10.113       7.567        
SPO1836          oxidoreductase,_Gfo/Idh/MocA_family                                                                                            16.808       50.383       11.087       3.986        2.012        4.598        0.000        4.400        7.272        4.752        7.995        7.182        4.717        5.247        3.581        5.526        
SPO1837          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        14.083       37.923       3.020        0.977        0.000        1.409        0.000        1.798        1.114        2.330        3.267        2.071        0.642        3.509        1.097        0.565        
SPO1838          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        55.052       120.821      6.930        8.072        1.132        2.155        0.000        1.650        23.519       5.346        5.568        8.555        3.538        2.147        1.511        1.554        
SPO1839          sugar_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_sugar-binding_protein                                                                       273.565      551.916      15.192       11.797       3.721        15.750       0.000        1.809        47.077       18.751       50.395       28.133       9.910        6.667        7.727        4.922        
SPO1840          glucokinase_regulator-related_protein                                                                                          92.762       161.661      15.346       4.514        2.848        3.471        0.000        0.830        5.147        7.534        20.696       14.831       4.748        4.322        1.014        2.608        
SPO1841          BadF/BadG/BcrA/BcrD_ATPase_family_protein                                                                                      171.094      301.279      1.423        5.526        1.162        6.198        0.000        1.694        12.602       3.294        45.750       24.895       29.067       9.921        12.928       5.321        
SPO1842          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         58.098       139.433      9.798        3.170        2.000        3.048        0.000        1.944        3.615        2.520        11.103       11.761       12.506       6.956        4.153        4.273        
SPO1843          SIS_domain_protein                                                                                                             68.946       122.947      4.913        4.769        1.003        5.731        2.757        0.731        5.438        2.843        10.630       8.004        6.794        4.757        7.586        4.133        
SPO1844          N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate_deacetylase                                                                                    42.971       78.550       5.529        5.009        2.709        6.535        0.000        1.316        3.264        3.412        6.152        3.034        7.527        5.995        8.437        3.307        
SPO1845          oxidoreductase,_molybdopterin-binding_protein                                                                                  67.255       83.133       15.649       12.074       19.904       13.479       13.510       9.315        30.198       43.646       57.665       56.763       36.105       10.721       19.243       4.950        
SPO1846          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                               1042.449     1110.522     208.474      170.929      172.899      149.375      139.646      80.563       334.215      804.979      919.581      730.295      370.566      131.872      192.325      86.502       
SPO1847          AMP-binding_enzyme                                                                                                             280.860      261.384      43.607       46.019       84.360       41.525       590.295      41.531       109.395      448.718      361.608      253.312      176.106      68.585       96.032       28.590       
SPO1848          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 205.551      183.497      42.623       32.886       54.213       20.396       62.554       16.589       89.508       199.820      251.811      162.477      142.978      42.533       61.346       18.998       
SPO1849          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 236.913      271.356      51.420       48.302       61.625       42.305       29.785       26.658       94.237       284.075      266.064      205.922      133.376      68.728       92.202       22.323       
SPO1850          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    190.383      226.932      60.023       54.528       40.057       41.646       33.682       7.558        89.425       212.823      165.173      138.549      94.779       55.426       67.936       25.459       
SPO1851          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    213.041      367.227      117.273      101.185      56.745       115.732      71.494       33.610       180.534      313.854      283.693      264.644      243.307      140.723      169.899      80.644       
SPO1852          oxidoreductase,_zinc-binding_dehydrogenase_family                                                                              272.972      540.074      115.800      122.767      165.972      124.529      127.196      115.126      149.976      601.577      360.558      384.453      365.306      271.915      256.454      157.959      
SPO1853          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         116.832      244.111      35.604       29.440       37.147       41.835       17.759       29.435       64.215       143.437      147.329      141.773      147.268      98.809       103.482      43.626       
SPO1854          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           114.743      157.932      86.424       106.609      65.054       175.564      96.992       149.506      117.569      306.272      164.435      157.454      236.697      110.858      319.870      176.681      
SPO1855          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1180.573     1034.080     629.188      880.369      1273.765     557.653      1295.618     2231.654     1001.052     1248.546     1278.030     1859.870     2188.066     1883.043     1556.964     1206.563     
SPO1856          ribonuclease_BN,_putative                                                                                                      55.085       65.463       54.890       38.400       23.015       28.147       13.319       26.491       37.216       40.056       37.596       41.209       49.230       31.596       35.033       39.375       
SPO1857          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           171.723      311.369      58.984       21.811       17.201       44.555       18.914       35.110       37.303       42.253       18.230       56.350       23.302       24.472       18.368       36.225       
SPO1858          ribosomal_RNA_large_subunit_methyltransferase_J                                                                                69.017       75.899       57.863       57.336       70.132       56.804       40.587       69.961       52.032       51.613       38.002       31.626       32.310       49.015       41.387       44.613       
SPO1859          phosphatase,_Ppx/GppA_family                                                                                                   223.602      222.640      251.650      207.058      54.392       237.294      17.891       52.868       84.016       104.534      128.804      96.845       115.783      102.740      61.227       106.418      
SPO1860          twin-arginine_translocation_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein                                                             74.041       87.267       51.068       40.874       26.336       64.999       27.149       28.398       46.108       67.389       44.442       41.940       40.309       27.061       42.478       41.196       
SPO1861          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.820       18.508       279.444      342.189      1100.497     220.633      492.138      716.528      412.365      275.274      89.023       104.679      217.656      352.935      538.857      332.675      
SPO1862          metFprotein-like_protein                                                                                                       15.542       14.675       154.073      182.641      518.806      112.383      379.495      608.701      260.559      209.319      70.795       76.218       138.060      136.750      373.998      185.532      
SPO1863          pterin-binding_enzyme_domain_protein                                                                                           46.586       37.680       297.188      338.288      744.554      181.529      340.229      606.004      240.410      237.552      94.063       104.374      201.588      176.090      516.871      291.796      
SPO1864          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.764       55.485       47.998       62.120       47.901       58.057       71.824       44.443       43.284       45.256       24.724       20.118       29.496       24.782       60.064       43.860       
SPO1865          transketolase                                                                                                                  65.953       83.773       102.042      95.606       162.295      78.080       119.439      159.116      148.732      125.566      53.401       59.469       77.771       77.575       151.020      82.845       
SPO1866          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           241.140      223.372      192.683      121.896      78.666       161.903      67.779       156.634      115.644      329.460      140.434      125.748      137.035      59.580       89.855       79.556       
SPO1867          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           333.271      339.222      289.453      228.933      69.591       250.082      21.657       84.233       113.903      136.460      163.014      189.708      136.829      82.197       111.002      151.487      
SPO1868          glutaredoxin-related_protein                                                                                                   952.603      778.423      821.564      811.098      755.400      625.729      1331.827     1362.598     901.494      1595.321     685.784      815.146      924.611      823.903      1098.253     955.491      
SPO1869          BolA_family_protein                                                                                                            505.617      352.684      583.359      538.286      410.172      451.929      666.823      614.101      414.480      458.366      500.816      414.936      631.957      646.322      682.913      450.284      
SPO1870          phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine_synthase_II                                                                                  56.572       75.890       137.704      111.482      237.318      94.591       184.137      266.830      147.432      157.765      102.504      103.693      124.650      129.793      222.468      151.584      
SPO1871          mechanosensitive_ion_channel_family_protein                                                                                    113.904      96.840       139.696      113.449      45.217       96.940       41.225       38.761       75.148       66.121       50.399       46.190       43.095       21.121       40.440       38.282       
SPO1872          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         60.364       83.108       109.732      78.022       38.716       150.425      27.367       52.415       94.957       111.825      93.786       74.334       126.798      75.017       99.912       55.707       
SPO1873          pyruvate_ferredoxin/flavodoxin_oxidoreductase_family_protein                                                                   56.026       61.840       49.936       43.086       36.848       78.234       36.532       65.393       62.772       109.292      116.837      101.483      175.627      112.729      143.256      139.384      
SPO1874          acyltransferase_domain_protein                                                                                                 11.712       14.494       21.643       9.337        37.700       13.463       55.056       38.648       48.971       40.071       53.066       38.596       104.969      111.187      109.558      36.678       
SPO1875          glutamate_racemase                                                                                                             36.517       43.828       147.225      98.312       152.825      84.277       56.248       118.400      95.916       86.995       85.195       76.272       111.279      139.496      137.703      77.285       
SPO1876          N-acetyl-gamma-glutamyl-phosphate_reductase                                                                                    29.361       34.031       49.277       40.657       80.974       39.466       138.257      93.128       61.808       79.830       48.354       41.825       63.942       53.429       69.820       47.434       
SPO1877          cytochrome_c-type_biogenesis_protein_CcmE                                                                                      204.927      216.957      384.056      317.150      582.720      586.572      1080.773     808.653      765.519      1558.783     2036.448     2010.038     4110.466     3985.501     2924.926     2422.476     
SPO1878          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.335       32.017       66.414       55.065       143.198      364.079      167.706      150.718      113.318      144.099      33.355       25.623       63.575       49.829       45.241       34.138       
SPO1879          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.164        3.943        1.832        1.185        4.487        15.383       0.000        5.452        6.758        5.653        5.095        3.141        5.455        3.547        3.328        2.054        
SPO1880          cytochrome_c-type_biogenesis_protein_CcmF                                                                                      91.233       91.984       342.721      233.452      256.433      350.449      121.463      278.394      304.681      373.727      301.638      307.752      474.701      478.222      661.884      497.541      
SPO1882          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   241.137      251.917      307.005      199.723      226.010      172.184      146.616      278.974      306.041      702.956      400.226      422.260      810.081      528.021      917.213      394.357      
SPO1883          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           74.594       75.137       56.230       56.953       34.601       60.325       27.437       37.351       48.102       81.099       114.093      105.640      252.747      177.034      220.570      124.902      
SPO1884          homocysteine_S-methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                47.436       32.994       78.297       70.773       94.376       42.521       92.057       62.141       72.442       60.402       18.821       20.032       20.621       13.475       40.637       26.017       
SPO1885          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.979        3.332        14.597       7.299        7.043        16.922       0.000        5.134        3.916        4.607        2.461        3.868        2.823        6.937        5.062        4.961        
SPO1886          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           855.151      696.730      906.830      1010.059     688.030      550.379      594.425      890.883      787.512      1043.169     1276.080     1279.740     1783.925     1429.497     1329.493     1034.990     
SPO1887          phosphoribosylaminoimidazole-succinocarboxamide_synthase                                                                       190.172      227.026      317.245      285.673      424.194      237.548      595.286      625.463      423.562      550.338      224.110      212.413      244.232      219.049      341.503      297.427      
SPO1888          phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine_synthase,_PurS_protein                                                                       105.316      141.206      205.114      143.494      212.746      144.837      995.449      491.670      237.235      372.066      80.526       106.464      127.359      94.455       221.544      134.703      
SPO1889          alcohol_dehydrogenase,_zinc-containing                                                                                         48.859       61.854       76.492       58.928       122.933      48.716       38.154       173.454      70.772       93.667       36.775       43.721       44.424       53.599       104.544      53.559       
SPO1890          phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine_synthase_I                                                                                   88.497       77.618       113.869      87.195       160.385      54.306       217.250      250.785      88.217       206.433      45.750       53.369       54.097       44.094       105.492      87.263       
SPO1891          C4-dicarboxylate_transport_sensor_protein_DctB,_putative                                                                       158.623      177.069      173.104      158.769      83.229       131.933      80.278       142.637      173.111      190.378      254.898      226.665      275.412      208.853      181.393      169.531      
SPO1892          C4-dicarboxylate_transport_transcriptional_regulatory_protein_DctD                                                             374.964      400.684      483.943      430.449      192.540      261.790      287.537      380.131      644.825      572.450      466.300      503.426      499.790      356.062      349.226      440.925      
SPO1893          ribonuclease,_Rne/Rng_family                                                                                                   301.901      290.732      440.408      280.600      173.740      234.636      326.654      322.762      266.407      380.994      141.752      114.222      121.483      104.987      167.710      198.102      
SPO1895          SirA_family_protein                                                                                                            27.405       47.112       32.830       35.408       64.782       35.739       24.563       29.313       44.409       16.884       55.805       33.776       39.574       42.376       49.697       32.727       
SPO1896          cytochrome_c-type_biogenesis_protein_CcdA                                                                                      59.958       46.554       148.303      100.331      160.311      137.333      83.220       143.449      101.962      117.008      156.255      173.962      268.152      485.532      303.072      331.377      
SPO1897          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           72.764       54.561       22.607       15.959       15.103       18.857       13.839       14.680       18.955       15.062       14.609       13.744       11.367       10.346       16.427       13.829       
SPO1898          cytochrome_P450_family_protein                                                                                                 50.126       48.704       22.470       16.358       5.351        18.346       8.406        7.245        17.961       8.667        8.970        10.275       9.560        9.064        6.803        11.900       
SPO1899          fructose-bisphosphate_aldolase,_class_I                                                                                        85.181       102.142      64.707       89.329       139.719      48.750       138.785      108.702      89.120       103.164      58.662       65.586       86.870       86.864       131.125      118.796      
SPO1900          DNA-3-methyladenine_glycosylase_I                                                                                              24.855       29.931       58.400       40.491       47.685       39.572       32.771       33.521       60.018       51.489       21.917       25.750       25.733       30.691       46.223       34.307       
SPO1902          transcription_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                           9.143        14.245       19.853       21.411       24.315       21.269       69.317       43.329       27.668       66.366       11.590       17.399       12.200       6.833        18.432       23.089       
SPO1903          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           45.851       51.764       34.629       29.878       9.425        26.927       12.954       17.177       55.359       40.071       53.512       37.606       61.386       46.933       35.646       60.410       
SPO1904          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           47.673       26.060       14.528       9.401        11.863       31.631       0.000        17.296       32.158       28.019       35.921       42.350       49.447       36.568       21.113       32.586       
SPO1905          fumarate_hydratase,_class_II                                                                                                   52.221       37.462       32.688       28.792       15.570       31.913       22.419       30.267       49.577       53.937       43.217       38.613       47.902       35.865       43.215       30.889       
SPO1906          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           236.583      198.230      115.113      93.859       30.078       106.696      15.503       39.742       50.961       65.715       89.654       71.059       64.646       32.986       38.476       79.180       
SPO1907          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           801.851      763.758      521.761      384.582      259.720      516.360      407.079      479.979      395.266      688.790      375.977      359.782      390.543      208.528      275.723      385.923      
SPO1908          chromate_transporter                                                                                                           44.680       48.395       120.112      75.932       24.519       412.095      8.295        25.848       31.359       24.234       41.120       41.825       55.425       42.576       46.994       42.829       
SPO1909          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           61.681       107.106      510.600      274.444      67.208       2074.120     200.408      66.433       104.992      137.758      118.140      128.220      199.426      165.310      193.614      159.585      
SPO1911          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           73.641       103.802      263.956      193.803      70.461       527.329      56.968       57.409       52.434       50.907       23.532       19.149       6.479        15.725       18.442       24.668       
SPO1912          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         170.681      111.963      272.208      207.564      130.952      117.022      31.133       73.275       61.404       21.401       18.755       9.514        34.669       14.771       11.968       22.685       
SPO1913          DmdA                                                                                                                           442.781      174.404      520.856      567.746      410.644      164.883      215.635      281.100      211.795      58.933       11.805       14.290       71.895       28.237       42.051       29.423       
SPO1914          NADPH-dependent_acrylyl-CoA_reductase                                                                                          1049.787     425.968      1557.588     1621.784     608.803      550.777      389.733      355.659      377.742      114.250      14.205       25.832       53.774       21.259       74.214       62.522       
SPO1915          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      6.302        8.331        9.952        15.027       9.481        10.318       0.000        3.949        7.343        5.118        10.253       2.275        5.646        0.000        7.231        4.961        
SPO1916          aminotransferase,_class_V                                                                                                      128.723      119.583      114.904      116.558      92.554       64.716       25.559       123.236      80.197       167.702      67.186       81.296       110.102      95.805       132.758      115.705      
SPO1917          deoxyribodipyrimidine_photolyase                                                                                               82.597       82.331       37.664       44.778       42.555       74.920       23.593       28.155       24.559       67.572       150.786      253.227      290.669      254.391      362.777      231.827      
SPO1918          cyclopropane-fatty-acyl-phospholipid_synthase                                                                                  99.240       104.383      95.943       91.779       37.893       112.878      25.749       49.040       96.182       133.549      109.585      118.737      89.623       83.594       119.346      113.446      
SPO1919          tellurite_resistance_protein                                                                                                   132.570      133.550      132.743      123.247      53.016       91.550       45.341       42.943       80.909       77.916       96.321       74.223       55.247       53.638       66.049       73.355       
SPO1920          tellurite_resistance_protein                                                                                                   51.386       44.001       57.917       50.706       27.818       25.785       33.137       35.150       44.409       57.821       16.145       17.525       22.708       20.229       23.104       29.717       
SPO1921          pyridoxal-phosphate_dependent_enzyme                                                                                           225.696      178.832      162.892      135.527      121.505      139.423      54.981       158.928      135.549      226.760      112.422      120.966      158.925      97.226       146.392      157.498      
SPO1922          mechanosensitive_ion_channel_family_protein                                                                                    92.348       75.762       117.032      79.435       66.679       87.685       59.543       85.762       85.966       98.309       57.390       49.233       63.289       50.758       99.588       103.249      
SPO1923          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           119.454      93.839       138.683      84.063       60.203       102.650      31.523       110.763      80.306       215.328      51.542       42.744       84.395       58.462       85.462       104.343      
SPO1925          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           71.264       64.408       76.734       43.097       10.049       29.721       19.498       21.545       57.685       42.443       19.241       18.868       19.711       11.774       25.248       36.804       
SPO1926          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           84.527       91.317       65.489       59.048       22.816       40.331       61.738       54.575       78.279       113.505      30.090       31.143       28.419       23.500       32.834       49.290       
SPO1927          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              58.426       66.640       18.679       20.146       22.031       14.202       125.780      59.299       45.174       90.462       27.903       38.079       53.862       45.810       51.274       15.905       
SPO1928          Tat_(twin-arginine_translocation)_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein                                                       102.449      124.830      415.027      439.476      263.574      213.841      545.763      435.442      1149.100     847.323      496.232      407.582      564.491      379.870      539.922      249.960      
SPO1929          peptidoglycan_binding_protein,_putative                                                                                        123.848      228.555      69.827       78.187       84.562       52.954       59.875       84.996       52.099       78.078       39.039       39.821       45.396       30.685       50.452       72.443       
SPO1930          UDP-3-O-3-hydroxymyristoyl_glucosamine_N-acyltransferase                                                                       73.165       124.085      70.799       67.596       73.447       58.121       54.709       63.560       71.935       89.538       121.244      114.634      262.203      217.532      220.956      147.085      
SPO1931          acyl_carrier_protein,_putative                                                                                                 52.219       90.690       208.179      153.960      289.377      178.835      689.787      472.066      252.345      412.970      200.680      154.686      276.250      276.394      277.321      207.527      
SPO1932          beta-ketoacyl_synthase_family_protein                                                                                          54.121       63.543       80.700       84.776       168.157      74.323       143.498      208.364      131.458      185.150      100.412      113.936      139.116      150.974      189.239      147.312      
SPO1933          invasion_associated_family_protein                                                                                             174.764      176.117      195.610      169.182      129.774      106.472      189.980      181.371      216.492      198.786      108.123      98.690       99.226       87.401       159.217      116.718      
SPO1934          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           53.764       42.100       37.486       16.875       9.316        22.559       0.000        10.187       10.823       18.860       15.867       17.886       12.135       3.787        9.474        14.623       
SPO1935          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    106.464      86.023       44.655       42.089       38.840       21.740       28.327       24.847       30.083       30.705       12.901       12.651       8.260        6.767        12.697       14.153       
SPO1936          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    73.630       46.335       38.871       29.211       23.549       12.090       0.000        11.196       28.681       21.281       9.301        7.740        4.268        3.399        4.100        6.562        
SPO1937          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 90.428       64.622       25.951       22.720       23.682       11.395       23.985       19.990       37.168       41.217       5.190        4.188        2.598        2.364        7.210        5.136        
SPO1938          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 112.834      120.512      93.942       103.160      48.232       47.813       31.949       33.043       114.472      80.158       20.236       57.111       19.378       22.598       31.544       110.142      
SPO1939          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                               2750.739     1421.649     990.143      832.336      238.731      368.372      69.080       246.363      739.957      672.969      460.827      430.185      257.807      117.944      177.357      283.656      
SPO1940          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.586       11.030       9.110        13.263       6.973        16.646       0.000        2.711        12.602       16.690       14.781       21.868       15.502       10.142       17.375       22.986       
SPO1941          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         273.145      237.189      208.713      229.016      92.090       144.349      145.489      182.108      164.517      193.014      139.027      132.483      126.300      95.881       77.711       172.037      
SPO1942          3-deoxy-7-phosphoheptulonate_synthase                                                                                          253.188      213.235      335.240      314.853      365.840      175.287      292.855      394.245      291.473      305.452      157.375      193.271      210.470      162.097      260.707      275.368      
SPO1943          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           51.884       70.975       232.639      164.768      53.846       101.416      41.116       85.049       187.868      308.065      100.773      62.820       49.098       17.024       27.286       54.097       
SPO1944          yicC_family_protein                                                                                                            56.540       31.660       85.402       71.844       63.341       37.188       44.728       70.321       47.259       73.569       31.233       46.861       47.839       24.803       36.715       40.971       
SPO1945          guanylate_kinase                                                                                                               127.081      105.734      152.306      106.239      88.023       84.901       159.833      187.206      145.944      216.682      85.585       80.044       79.945       43.660       122.166      100.562      
SPO1947          phosphate_regulon_sensor_histidine_kinase,_putative                                                                            45.164       50.383       76.273       52.491       47.450       51.965       21.740       48.283       50.917       43.897       35.172       31.970       41.721       27.192       48.383       52.047       
SPO1948          phosphate_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_phosphate-binding_protein                                                               168.661      246.383      71.843       122.924      555.793      66.279       721.556      410.968      199.454      121.179      243.489      128.201      103.610      132.500      142.892      49.161       
SPO1949          phosphate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    14.079       28.014       17.162       24.432       100.892      11.476       38.520       43.926       24.692       7.944        39.514       23.836       16.063       26.250       22.757       8.982        
SPO1950          phosphate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    12.612       24.520       13.108       19.993       81.417       10.775       98.771       63.532       36.612       20.224       49.770       25.687       25.094       23.566       19.388       9.800        
SPO1951          phosphate_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                 62.709       69.254       41.365       47.588       114.463      23.826       178.819      127.672      53.129       40.185       107.484      69.354       45.626       42.122       37.849       26.345       
SPO1952          phosphate_transport_system_regulatory_protein_PhoU                                                                             52.777       55.789       32.548       69.037       144.693      21.372       150.172      124.854      52.032       20.924       57.562       45.268       39.234       37.811       39.416       20.955       
SPO1953          phosphate_regulon_transcriptional_regulatory_protein_PhoB                                                                      64.820       66.664       80.951       107.150      102.153      63.519       140.406      82.135       77.376       28.386       97.233       68.142       61.836       64.120       70.183       55.021       
SPO1954          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         16.330       28.434       16.686       10.798       7.948        18.597       0.000        4.966        5.130        12.872       13.752       12.398       18.339       14.538       10.103       8.317        
SPO1955          glutaryl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                     26.038       23.710       68.154       64.150       122.260      54.280       95.031       152.438      60.191       203.139      254.999      266.309      551.357      287.910      343.274      240.880      
SPO1956          sulfate_permease                                                                                                               2.500        1.818        9.411        7.964        9.162        11.708       12.999       15.512       5.875        10.611       4.027        4.965        13.551       9.531        4.997        10.013       
SPO1957          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     373.200      476.477      116.849      115.019      41.658       103.913      51.717       39.185       86.215       121.884      109.867      110.623      133.034      73.290       95.069       87.362       
SPO1958          acyl-CoA_thioesterase_II                                                                                                       42.047       46.548       48.109       32.075       34.521       58.947       39.267       31.240       68.841       95.595       16.671       21.998       16.126       21.452       45.549       33.789       
SPO1959          acetoacetyl-CoA_synthase                                                                                                       71.984       86.801       80.650       48.849       22.390       64.217       8.689        20.739       98.066       128.416      35.893       44.917       33.763       18.738       45.943       43.656       
SPO1960          beta-lactamase                                                                                                                 114.369      127.613      153.765      74.959       34.318       80.666       9.204        31.729       158.077      154.208      90.927       84.020       66.727       35.726       52.512       81.240       
SPO1961          transcriptional_regulator,_IclR_family                                                                                         79.301       80.298       23.041       14.910       16.126       18.940       0.000        14.694       27.929       66.020       28.993       28.784       28.007       21.668       25.112       16.611       
SPO1962          phosphotransferase_family_protein                                                                                              159.358      143.637      28.334       11.958       30.680       32.186       8.295        18.332       42.721       150.157      63.583       56.189       45.598       33.870       31.329       19.342       
SPO1963          phosphoglycerate_mutase_family_protein                                                                                         122.621      123.159      23.406       16.409       23.890       29.121       30.647       11.610       40.297       82.760       48.830       48.162       53.940       55.138       42.519       20.416       
SPO1964          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           192.508      142.526      25.304       22.106       33.059       32.662       28.399       18.075       56.011       142.503      60.609       69.423       67.285       44.094       45.047       20.338       
SPO1965          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     156.360      135.497      23.179       22.058       17.256       28.414       21.423       12.174       76.457       127.274      68.688       64.060       67.870       38.015       36.657       17.840       
SPO1966          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     221.770      208.387      38.724       40.094       24.030       38.060       34.768       22.128       73.144       170.876      115.851      116.333      92.918       64.780       49.522       25.478       
SPO1967          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                               136.702      125.076      30.662       19.842       20.863       21.899       10.196       8.788        51.950       123.526      67.036       73.996       54.112       29.903       38.370       22.924       
SPO1968          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          157.246      183.736      41.584       33.991       24.126       43.567       29.476       20.193       58.135       160.401      73.731       85.942       96.374       71.192       61.227       30.272       
SPO1969          oxidoreductase,_zinc-binding_dehydrogenase_family                                                                              230.861      228.099      52.345       56.180       25.019       17.472       28.657       22.799       94.200       172.361      126.266      133.103      184.135      81.575       119.206      53.931       
SPO1970          phosphoglycerate_mutase_family_protein                                                                                         73.432       65.175       112.093      78.790       33.928       37.870       8.676        39.113       49.909       86.474       34.644       47.058       40.289       28.439       22.468       60.687       
SPO1971          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   126.939      132.946      30.753       24.876       13.183       22.956       6.903        6.407        70.341       91.339       79.363       73.825       63.456       32.749       46.367       19.544       
SPO1972          nodulation_protein_N                                                                                                           158.105      172.610      15.604       13.464       8.494        15.369       29.188       10.836       63.323       94.297       57.872       70.460       52.003       26.184       17.952       14.583       
SPO1973          3-dehydroquinate_dehydratase,_type_II                                                                                          599.205      579.240      426.970      360.468      249.353      313.095      44.428       282.764      114.747      137.426      324.220      222.064      365.710      191.618      129.439      427.043      
SPO1974          autoinducer-binding_transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                     404.148      319.904      225.040      239.790      120.889      165.777      49.373       123.882      72.409       61.350       114.524      105.609      177.806      83.868       79.300       315.629      
SPO1975          translation_elongation_factor_Ts                                                                                               414.830      466.955      563.201      604.301      1102.385     208.498      987.923      986.765      433.709      285.931      85.018       129.591      154.607      188.939      518.638      270.616      
SPO1976          ribosomal_protein_S2                                                                                                           510.481      547.552      924.598      989.772      1583.541     457.885      2965.817     2055.070     938.628      1489.794     298.931      306.402      384.995      481.195      955.922      501.299      
SPO1977          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.621       43.493       58.816       52.042       6.861        53.014       8.083        5.001        15.942       20.372       19.662       13.584       15.320       8.831        10.902       19.743       
SPO1978          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.031       45.733       83.183       46.139       2.646        31.249       2.425        7.716        5.580        18.335       15.358       11.114       11.031       9.203        19.231       9.692        
SPO1979          acyltransferase,_putative                                                                                                      13.134       12.005       36.504       15.748       42.226       18.450       17.070       19.918       20.200       12.907       11.282       6.781        14.236       15.903       15.472       13.646       
SPO1980          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.133       21.077       40.285       38.017       58.250       27.670       56.515       48.958       44.586       33.668       17.120       17.845       20.710       37.050       49.396       30.119       
SPO1981          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.597        7.751        0.000        27.963       8.821        6.720        48.496       6.430        0.000        0.000        6.678        11.114       9.192        4.183        7.850        0.000        
SPO1982          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.500       11.480       58.664       10.353       19.596       53.081       59.853       12.698       27.545       20.571       9.890        5.487        2.269        4.130        15.500       3.987        
SPO1983          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           110.616      138.173      376.630      364.894      81.660       587.707      33.433       72.196       158.570      134.605      40.116       40.135       22.632       22.248       40.972       46.136       
SPO1984          gamma-glutamyl_phosphate_reductase                                                                                             65.435       55.095       102.045      77.149       92.397       64.736       45.356       108.252      87.220       117.694      76.504       85.583       94.136       69.642       96.171       83.093       
SPO1985          glutamate_5-kinase                                                                                                             124.173      128.560      182.036      134.096      296.807      114.306      208.152      266.459      157.964      191.658      104.028      120.144      128.102      124.135      190.085      94.157       
SPO1987          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 60.092       90.011       59.173       79.647       125.624      50.061       58.441       112.712      78.588       96.776       95.099       90.101       108.756      112.738      128.989      53.089       
SPO1988          transporter,_LysE_family                                                                                                       22.216       32.103       35.420       45.842       67.737       18.555       12.553       79.896       19.257       57.526       11.523       11.508       22.207       16.604       53.506       20.907       
SPO1989          ribosomal_protein_L27                                                                                                          726.823      840.666      2404.809     2116.775     3573.506     1124.906     1168.813     1887.931     1407.602     1376.782     749.086      969.198      918.384      1226.368     1945.150     2035.092     
SPO1990          ribosomal_protein_L21                                                                                                          588.522      895.936      1248.664     1269.957     3119.308     646.387      7389.014     4506.331     1783.016     2030.972     530.969      617.625      628.754      607.794      1763.042     1047.813     
SPO1991          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           105.074      98.135       97.468       56.969       39.793       90.459       0.000        43.981       73.075       65.490       53.931       44.748       47.487       26.177       66.824       76.986       
SPO1992          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           165.088      173.362      134.398      68.404       59.802       116.952      50.843       77.303       116.990      124.650      102.676      94.253       100.224      52.629       92.169       91.451       
SPO1994          type_I_secretion_membrane_fusion_protein,_HlyD_family                                                                          33.135       47.040       84.841       46.168       14.957       30.287       28.132       23.529       25.609       20.082       18.772       18.515       29.122       19.414       29.072       19.822       
SPO1995          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding/permease_protein                                                                                  75.912       77.461       113.566      91.635       16.314       53.420       14.162       13.770       50.172       58.407       36.399       32.455       53.386       24.160       39.986       33.806       
SPO1996          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           228.132      304.990      383.831      308.537      52.643       230.374      50.481       85.677       151.558      175.813      218.719      175.338      146.714      64.447       99.139       169.269      
SPO1997          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           63.757       78.283       48.033       32.859       10.085       41.404       3.080        19.605       25.314       39.172       22.055       22.591       16.932       9.034        12.963       28.216       
SPO1998          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           24.156       28.761       18.763       15.453       4.178        12.733       3.829        4.061        12.585       13.159       9.489        5.850        5.806        1.321        6.197        12.753       
SPO1999          Collagen_domain_protein                                                                                                        24.451       36.717       66.523       68.435       4.527        42.576       9.572        6.346        51.600       35.858       9.226        5.703        4.173        3.137        2.944        3.666        
SPO2000          endoribonuclease_L-PSP_family_protein                                                                                          180.977      167.945      86.424       88.549       22.052       78.402       0.000        21.435       66.423       61.115       34.501       49.397       35.236       18.128       24.857       33.654       
SPO2001          oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding_protein                                                                                            4.771        6.195        4.605        5.959        5.170        10.383       0.000        6.167        5.096        6.216        9.962        7.106        9.795        11.144       10.037       7.746        
SPO2002          acetylpolyamine_aminohydrolase                                                                                                 2.561        4.433        1.236        3.998        2.522        3.074        2.773        2.206        1.823        2.859        1.146        2.119        2.103        3.828        0.898        1.386        
SPO2003          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 0.915        2.852        2.650        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.955        2.044        2.457        2.726        3.382        2.052        3.851        2.972        
SPO2004          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.851        2.944        2.736        3.541        2.792        3.829        0.000        0.814        3.028        3.166        2.114        3.284        2.328        3.178        1.988        2.045        
SPO2005          aminotransferase,_class_III                                                                                                    3.614        6.483        2.853        3.693        2.330        5.029        0.000        1.698        5.614        4.402        2.939        2.283        5.260        4.419        5.528        5.688        
SPO2006          spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                     5.894        5.066        8.238        1.523        0.961        5.857        7.925        0.701        2.605        2.724        4.728        6.054        4.506        1.367        3.848        2.640        
SPO2007          spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                   20.708       15.786       11.000       5.695        3.593        8.554        12.346       5.238        8.928        12.729       15.979       15.467       9.828        10.649       9.192        8.224        
SPO2008          spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                        2.230        2.896        4.843        1.045        1.977        3.515        0.000        0.961        3.573        6.226        3.991        2.214        1.374        0.625        3.519        0.603        
SPO2009          spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                        2.386        3.469        6.907        3.576        1.128        4.726        0.000        1.644        0.000        2.131        5.123        0.947        3.526        3.209        2.007        2.066        
SPO2010          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         10.395       9.388        9.159        6.774        0.000        5.291        2.937        3.115        0.965        6.056        7.279        2.692        6.680        3.040        2.377        3.913        
SPO2013          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.698        6.374        9.306        11.497       4.490        10.789       1.899        3.022        9.363        9.137        4.968        4.352        5.039        5.897        6.455        6.325        
SPO2014          cysteine_desulfurase_SufS                                                                                                      136.926      97.913       128.677      83.940       143.622      91.020       60.561       96.361       121.741      82.457       98.140       91.461       117.437      80.369       144.772      157.886      
SPO2016          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           72.764       70.412       54.954       38.948       56.624       43.952       23.495       31.153       77.232       32.300       66.319       64.615       92.406       52.694       74.156       93.912       
SPO2017          FeS_assembly_protein_SufD                                                                                                      239.814      190.889      117.691      89.599       157.068      102.127      182.032      125.392      135.728      144.200      166.280      162.463      173.776      157.404      190.435      179.681      
SPO2018          FeS_assembly_ATPase_SufC                                                                                                       187.273      177.044      95.677       64.086       132.946      71.525       169.544      120.896      162.242      157.979      123.468      109.372      148.539      124.149      142.700      117.967      
SPO2019          exoV_domain_protein                                                                                                            36.382       40.778       51.528       35.306       72.392       42.424       6.803        51.420       53.674       45.597       85.715       72.763       88.978       96.833       74.882       73.650       
SPO2020          methyltransferase,_FkbM_family                                                                                                 110.912      93.919       144.529      86.468       161.988      130.619      88.753       81.160       123.740      115.704      197.636      139.811      230.874      262.411      197.154      184.003      
SPO2021          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           87.457       111.909      93.175       57.673       115.774      81.902       81.837       113.335      161.408      128.134      165.269      166.716      246.463      211.780      244.318      152.955      
SPO2022          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           131.772      147.390      121.573      89.523       145.479      172.768      70.573       152.218      159.296      166.554      263.016      207.026      429.834      442.370      390.663      293.057      
SPO2023          FeS_assembly_protein_SufB                                                                                                      160.627      165.787      124.896      109.917      135.295      150.984      138.300      145.217      254.340      208.760      260.424      219.300      450.595      426.896      442.865      273.288      
SPO2024          Aminotransferase                                                                                                               79.494       113.581      77.931       54.370       120.306      107.561      101.127      122.493      106.914      154.057      186.286      160.355      277.158      274.430      285.783      206.660      
SPO2025          iron-sulfur_cluster_assembly_transcription_factor_IscR,_putative                                                               66.541       71.597       52.664       25.111       13.580       51.727       18.665       21.449       28.632       34.213       70.246       57.034       159.199      114.848      96.674       75.641       
SPO2026          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           74.441       65.475       104.843      103.025      108.595      88.167       217.898      214.958      207.718      226.168      93.009       79.235       127.207      100.746      129.084      86.370       
SPO2027          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           81.975       51.659       79.996       48.316       104.511      79.621       83.794       101.584      125.918      143.997      90.654       95.105       104.371      80.542       96.878       97.689       
SPO2028          HD_domain_protein                                                                                                              24.883       26.627       60.032       43.792       48.572       31.912       14.700       37.683       52.347       57.258       28.336       26.951       32.506       48.184       47.189       52.227       
SPO2029          glutamine_amidotransferases_class-II_domain_protein                                                                            98.121       61.262       51.068       46.472       55.381       83.391       17.911       38.948       27.083       38.166       29.100       22.987       25.801       11.742       23.772       17.301       
SPO2030          multidrug_resistance_efflux_protein,_SMR_family                                                                                14.422       17.702       7.591        12.281       13.947       4.722        0.000        9.037        11.202       20.497       7.038        6.508        8.074        8.819        12.411       14.189       
SPO2031          GTP-binding_protein_TypA                                                                                                       60.997       78.818       98.029       89.530       222.531      58.602       302.741      201.124      160.047      107.268      52.429       50.547       89.327       90.728       227.579      77.710       
SPO2032          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           165.443      108.192      199.570      146.364      157.523      93.799       119.454      147.831      124.344      112.903      74.015       88.213       58.491       56.673       107.952      96.157       
SPO2033          alanyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                         140.214      91.030       152.904      130.805      132.968      85.693       120.069      158.361      109.674      147.538      57.352       61.691       72.907       54.444       105.427      75.918       
SPO2034          RecA                                                                                                                           748.401      944.361      1209.307     787.272      182.417      2395.778     130.814      187.908      309.068      294.113      184.624      187.791      174.597      113.311      162.771      212.419      
SPO2035          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.242       42.199       23.525       15.223       15.716       20.621       43.203       47.102       37.871       85.793       17.846       21.270       18.198       12.423       21.756       15.190       
SPO2036          sensory_box_sensor_histidine_kianse/response_regulator                                                                         22.928       57.272       168.965      93.364       37.627       374.530      8.619        33.960       56.262       79.986       13.055       11.100       8.169        5.311        28.899       32.812       
SPO2037          NOL1/NOP2/sun_family_protein                                                                                                   17.307       17.009       67.884       53.691       74.346       40.888       24.186       54.518       27.031       39.069       17.983       19.955       22.005       23.367       33.275       35.044       
SPO2038          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          35.685       41.697       103.311      74.166       165.417      69.287       54.349       89.360       60.743       47.321       33.925       35.430       33.652       37.506       80.932       64.568       
SPO2039          inosine-5'-monophosphate_dehydrogenase                                                                                         60.234       61.150       118.877      105.209      242.666      82.649       145.187      190.430      142.531      111.263      44.575       51.859       72.145       59.912       110.195      97.375       
SPO2040          CaiB/BaiF_family_protein                                                                                                       4.158        3.533        8.755        8.498        5.808        2.723        2.456        3.257        6.459        3.377        7.441        6.380        13.036       7.204        8.349        6.954        
SPO2041          iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_protein                                                                                            23.255       20.035       109.207      89.541       226.472      52.494       61.281       155.125      85.155       63.664       31.450       28.302       57.285       41.568       117.674      80.953       
SPO2042          methyltransferase,_UbiE/COQ5_family                                                                                            54.126       58.339       70.958       70.790       72.424       74.028       26.545       82.715       52.355       38.775       46.145       47.148       57.233       34.347       61.227       59.684       
SPO2044          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          115.690      252.279      230.359      196.143      112.609      143.299      251.727      187.638      192.331      189.402      75.879       107.066      86.399       21.127       122.233      167.696      
SPO2045          3-methylmercaptopropionyl-CoA_ligase                                                                                           265.812      212.564      216.520      191.201      129.245      104.542      82.462       113.993      198.397      312.360      172.972      205.874      253.738      156.490      250.473      138.213      
SPO2046          glucose-6-phosphate_isomerase                                                                                                  50.489       40.101       89.109       58.170       43.401       57.377       35.090       38.618       47.869       72.361       32.855       39.405       37.911       21.794       38.906       26.006       
SPO2047          6-phosphogluconolactonase                                                                                                      34.261       40.668       58.568       47.681       21.597       49.361       38.166       24.741       50.184       52.470       22.773       20.734       30.544       19.022       35.693       16.951       
SPO2048          glucose-6-phosphate_1-dehydrogenase                                                                                            74.264       65.446       127.698      108.493      64.193       89.974       76.044       74.460       89.092       107.894      75.979       51.837       74.285       48.777       76.060       60.726       
SPO2049          radical_SAM_domain_protein                                                                                                     51.886       60.117       26.332       22.462       10.262       15.636       21.493       9.974        16.779       12.004       11.468       16.829       19.860       17.613       20.438       34.005       
SPO2050          Usg,_putative                                                                                                                  145.528      271.731      56.807       49.014       19.327       569.815      31.877       25.360       48.899       73.039       55.596       32.469       44.308       20.165       53.315       33.623       
SPO2051          DNA_gyrase,_A_subunit                                                                                                          149.358      152.310      134.895      112.104      65.257       81.614       86.065       108.068      153.044      131.506      58.253       55.608       77.241       66.727       111.779      102.754      
SPO2052          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           25.718       43.000       69.008       39.956       13.345       329.866      0.000        25.943       21.439       8.406        12.348       9.965        20.088       11.252       11.876       21.724       
SPO2053          thermostable_carboxypeptidase                                                                                                  76.038       63.366       98.221       77.498       64.019       79.590       40.612       88.723       75.013       129.610      52.990       55.254       69.279       55.384       93.593       92.438       
SPO2054          cytochrome_c_oxidase_assembly_protein                                                                                          82.721       60.460       123.068      80.357       79.667       91.730       39.818       110.213      81.805       164.222      80.183       84.411       110.378      83.292       135.746      102.788      
SPO2055          RNA_methyltransferase,_TrmH_family,_group_1                                                                                    26.406       30.474       52.664       26.384       61.729       33.289       22.879       49.550       50.139       20.969       25.727       20.974       31.802       26.314       46.908       28.578       
SPO2056          thiamine-phosphate_pyrophosphorylase,_putative                                                                                 36.029       28.616       85.899       42.352       84.334       43.893       27.544       43.826       51.307       36.289       41.086       23.146       41.766       37.223       81.735       61.929       
SPO2057          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           93.847       88.365       64.818       44.042       73.655       97.442       38.797       54.658       50.216       63.338       48.078       42.235       63.885       56.475       96.157       68.653       
SPO2058          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.394       24.303       29.740       38.490       16.189       23.639       0.000        8.851        20.724       12.746       27.064       23.231       18.276       11.516       16.207       18.529       
SPO2059          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       49.376       51.823       55.674       45.764       6.757        21.060       3.377        8.061        15.543       26.698       13.486       13.417       11.523       5.827        1.640        22.500       
SPO2060          kinase,_pfkB_family                                                                                                            23.520       23.919       25.534       23.867       24.903       14.119       12.736       42.220       29.307       37.208       10.522       10.216       9.656        12.085       21.130       16.439       
SPO2061          indigoidine_synthase_A_family_protein                                                                                          30.159       26.352       45.735       55.604       41.870       31.467       12.443       28.048       26.587       21.383       17.562       11.882       19.458       13.954       25.175       29.013       
SPO2062          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           63.344       75.575       126.018      90.068       97.522       69.616       97.101       145.545      124.899      132.041      173.810      147.712      288.874      220.688      181.767      132.889      
SPO2063          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 25.554       38.687       60.188       38.948       66.551       24.181       73.177       123.900      68.463       261.179      61.231       69.663       81.088       96.141       90.200       79.687       
SPO2064          phospholipase,_patatin-like_family                                                                                             94.827       102.676      79.841       76.307       63.688       73.353       27.571       63.610       58.003       72.964       45.555       60.238       56.962       57.078       46.411       69.795       
SPO2065          D-beta-hydroxybutyrate_dehydrogenase                                                                                           324.466      201.141      155.739      126.241      92.362       119.315      51.515       95.630       139.101      112.557      133.252      145.611      163.902      90.779       96.486       103.569      
SPO2066          ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                                         42.165       47.297       20.229       16.701       15.948       18.008       4.697        22.006       37.571       20.987       23.499       15.549       13.651       10.805       9.377        16.689       
SPO2067          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           121.929      53.107       204.964      239.479      79.031       267.398      25.559       162.671      147.028      329.415      1105.044     886.446      629.784      246.928      130.313      410.773      
SPO2068          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  22.849       24.096       61.060       39.513       75.617       41.149       18.274       58.153       55.564       69.087       42.775       31.410       52.821       36.255       44.367       31.956       
SPO2069          benzoate-coenzyme_A_ligase,_putative                                                                                           24.927       16.761       23.360       15.117       13.965       12.456       9.363        18.374       13.542       16.734       7.735        6.008        9.583        10.661       13.033       13.411       
SPO2070          DSBA-like_thioredoxin_family_protein                                                                                           65.421       69.335       44.451       35.018       45.763       34.263       69.407       42.564       71.298       59.637       50.771       55.674       69.067       71.097       75.129       57.075       
SPO2071          drug_resistance_transporter,_Bcr/CflA_subfamily                                                                                41.450       43.991       61.835       42.727       73.595       43.681       21.172       27.449       50.263       39.617       34.658       28.754       24.970       34.497       33.507       25.074       
SPO2072          TPR_domain_protein                                                                                                             61.007       44.775       40.089       41.116       20.999       34.819       6.791        19.811       38.509       35.011       29.689       17.121       17.378       6.444        12.641       14.421       
SPO2073          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           59.534       53.655       41.949       33.047       23.083       38.575       8.188        9.771        37.680       37.990       25.930       21.266       16.295       19.776       17.891       18.409       
SPO2074          transcription-repair_coupling_factor                                                                                           30.711       25.545       26.563       32.468       38.709       17.327       43.889       41.505       29.126       25.330       12.314       14.297       11.458       11.286       21.177       23.445       
SPO2075          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           51.855       55.595       106.539      81.478       63.267       52.718       32.610       86.478       89.328       46.699       41.159       50.653       37.085       31.880       44.864       39.827       
SPO2076          porphobilinogen_synthase                                                                                                       113.091      83.770       256.342      199.551      112.427      174.461      37.029       106.508      137.640      137.058      209.438      165.812      166.828      132.190      146.151      153.703      
SPO2077          twin-arginine_translocation_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein,_putative                                                   431.989      346.850      221.745      160.713      117.689      108.283      119.454      151.791      253.596      143.694      372.818      326.236      250.001      196.638      183.680      193.972      
SPO2078          penicillin_amidase_family_protein                                                                                              48.686       46.706       29.215       25.871       18.624       25.826       12.655       18.000       35.170       23.329       14.415       11.601       17.445       15.084       16.945       16.286       
SPO2079          Na(+)/H(+)_antiporter-like_protein                                                                                             25.486       22.251       14.971       11.072       13.097       10.976       4.800        9.548        10.257       13.199       5.618        8.068        6.824        4.969        8.547        9.594        
SPO2080          GTP-binding_protein_HflX                                                                                                       595.155      717.963      740.282      592.216      267.748      453.086      296.639      372.628      414.969      627.815      411.520      301.241      261.682      160.456      154.511      318.711      
SPO2082          Trk_system_potassium_uptake_protein_TrkH                                                                                       36.596       28.100       34.629       38.948       18.850       25.901       16.656       25.029       26.767       31.803       19.876       24.600       30.517       27.458       37.443       34.212       
SPO2083          Trk_system_potassium_uptake_protein_TrkA                                                                                       90.876       73.925       103.949      76.791       57.461       55.507       72.268       73.374       90.950       100.062      50.038       60.255       61.836       28.854       59.823       62.931       
SPO2084          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           67.232       76.017       36.957       38.265       13.077       42.148       0.000        23.465       23.633       22.809       28.936       28.728       29.350       20.036       17.903       23.947       
SPO2085          nitrogen_assimilation_regulatory_protein_NtrX                                                                                  99.547       91.976       124.602      106.155      81.246       91.730       76.459       80.038       177.256      209.536      73.695       98.989       100.302      67.342       108.775      106.898      
SPO2086          nitrogen_regulation_protein_ntrY                                                                                               88.063       130.891      197.647      151.904      151.439      286.710      130.481      144.671      236.515      271.635      237.838      223.091      407.485      254.693      410.524      249.390      
SPO2087          nitrogen_regulation_protein_NtrC                                                                                               480.211      452.458      11.063       11.932       8.280        788.550      2.069        4.939        27.889       7.823        45.589       66.711       23.141       9.996        223.404      44.113       
SPO2088          nitrogen_regulation_protein_NtrB                                                                                               844.185      812.590      7.041        28.099       9.583        1395.112     2.634        5.589        29.441       32.593       321.722      331.233      206.208      30.448       154.346      201.370      
SPO2090          2-C-methyl-D-erythritol_4-phosphate_cytidylyltransferase/_2C-methyl-D-erythritol_2,4-cyclodiphosphate_synthase                 56.858       43.587       51.930       58.966       52.002       38.703       13.195       44.325       34.701       43.840       36.641       30.577       34.599       17.453       37.733       41.755       
SPO2092          competence/damage-inducible_protein_CinA_domain_protein                                                                        40.272       30.420       68.894       53.156       32.454       30.494       11.895       26.813       37.147       42.928       17.198       30.897       20.292       20.522       26.955       31.698       
SPO2093          ammonium_transporter                                                                                                           426.117      351.748      22.483       18.977       39.909       151.718      21.941       34.912       46.881       36.197       202.418      279.922      125.597      31.419       185.385      157.864      
SPO2094          actC_domain_protein                                                                                                            17.121       16.004       14.870       27.264       9.106        24.667       0.000        14.752       16.457       24.855       19.915       16.998       15.816       15.355       23.410       22.235       
SPO2095          MmgE/PrpD_family_protein                                                                                                       41.194       38.577       69.405       66.420       39.909       43.782       13.165       58.187       54.094       91.248       38.973       42.575       48.658       29.526       45.103       61.026       
SPO2096          aromatic-rich_family_protein                                                                                                   10.325       11.234       28.467       7.369        33.704       17.708       70.287       37.279       29.406       59.295       43.991       54.671       61.767       70.551       41.369       42.567       
SPO2097          hypoxanthine_phosphoribosyltransferase                                                                                         34.361       31.909       58.516       62.101       88.871       73.530       89.314       90.561       91.531       93.896       53.532       41.741       48.795       37.162       47.621       42.000       
SPO2098          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         18.255       17.625       10.421       3.854        7.901        8.798        0.000        4.431        5.492        19.524       6.902        11.743       10.134       9.800        6.490        6.678        
SPO2099          cytochrome_c-554                                                                                                               239.477      235.335      127.994      115.612      45.724       148.460      0.000        36.507       123.951      156.340      164.001      217.645      156.557      113.585      146.285      185.410      
SPO2100          diheme_cytochrome_c-type                                                                                                       88.109       73.004       96.014       108.499      105.311      132.826      22.516       120.274      57.097       96.180       59.348       69.786       74.381       58.822       73.930       99.106       
SPO2102          lipoic_acid_synthetase                                                                                                         100.166      77.010       177.326      167.379      241.682      178.318      146.640      276.974      122.967      112.112      240.645      82.760       184.351      102.743      142.894      204.848      
SPO2103          antioxidant,_AhpC/Tsa_family                                                                                                   173.514      213.437      134.265      146.805      173.898      136.803      166.273      252.163      99.065       105.365      79.415       65.098       65.001       84.264       121.108      114.230      
SPO2104          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.767       50.056       38.301       21.245       6.702        23.826       6.141        9.771        20.186       25.326       27.903       22.517       19.787       8.475        8.945        15.341       
SPO2105          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         51.910       61.213       44.625       35.672       16.611       91.444       5.892        21.094       32.926       46.576       17.037       12.153       28.478       20.838       38.147       32.383       
SPO2106          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           21.981       28.734       149.216      97.269       100.786      510.179      261.046      163.924      147.335      265.774      38.657       15.051       7.469        2.124        18.735       10.664       
SPO2107          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.318       21.402       18.642       7.238        36.533       125.244      25.106       37.729       55.019       20.134       3.457        1.279        4.759        1.444        4.064        2.788        
SPO2108          trimethylamine_methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                14.581       13.233       310.658      393.575      786.416      206.252      375.327      643.063      416.698      294.038      137.305      145.330      227.022      221.870      522.035      326.028      
SPO2109          GMP_synthase                                                                                                                   59.024       63.489       57.637       57.259       115.003      52.266       194.966      189.417      116.198      104.583      41.899       35.356       54.568       40.866       121.510      65.852       
SPO2110          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.180       15.220       36.572       29.346       27.473       38.676       26.269       28.736       24.826       28.214       16.277       18.061       15.560       29.457       43.581       31.718       
SPO2111          outer_membrane_transporter,_OMPP1/FadL/TodX_family                                                                             5.952        8.375        10.005       7.913        8.623        8.990        4.990        7.940        4.921        8.576        3.779        4.956        7.094        5.596        16.963       19.531       
SPO2112          transmembrane_drug/metabolite_transporter_family_protein                                                                       8.031        7.077        5.636        8.206        2.301        9.204        6.326        4.194        2.079        5.435        3.484        1.450        5.995        5.456        9.215        12.115       
SPO2113          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.591       16.740       21.958       32.859       25.773       18.355       40.045       39.211       40.503       38.113       9.755        10.354       16.348       11.691       21.439       20.521       
SPO2116          DedA_family_protein                                                                                                            30.318       37.000       37.304       49.700       61.815       17.063       24.627       71.839       42.096       42.321       17.633       20.318       16.804       30.590       37.469       36.093       
SPO2117          disulfide_bond_formation_protein,_DsbB_family                                                                                  56.119       60.262       68.842       64.150       80.945       36.829       49.447       67.204       36.572       61.606       23.830       45.329       30.460       28.791       36.016       60.735       
SPO2118          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         43.349       49.311       95.618       61.875       47.577       29.740       80.483       58.694       81.573       85.290       38.787       27.668       31.781       23.142       47.765       22.340       
SPO2119          arginase                                                                                                                       35.626       44.403       17.503       13.753       137.810      4.277        199.237      286.505      202.013      42.436       41.730       20.151       28.190       70.198       141.712      114.034      
SPO2121          ornithine_cyclodeaminase                                                                                                       55.087       78.564       23.803       18.484       155.487      11.105       296.526      359.175      28.100       4.591        44.140       33.061       26.330       62.218       217.493      176.185      
SPO2122          alkylphosphonate_utilization_operon_protein_PhnA                                                                               21.633       23.149       45.548       22.106       79.031       29.514       59.637       117.485      36.407       43.922       25.808       27.335       19.378       30.866       60.675       34.054       
SPO2123          HNH_endonuclease_family_protein                                                                                                453.088      518.118      301.870      276.854      73.591       256.006      63.370       134.441      190.682      335.075      149.677      161.617      201.421      174.923      175.948      185.913      
SPO2124          RNA_pseudouridylate_synthase                                                                                                   12.370       6.802        6.320        12.269       18.061       7.207        9.457        40.126       17.097       24.377       9.115        6.502        8.962        11.420       17.603       10.237       
SPO2125          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 42.335       39.391       71.496       77.661       60.463       65.124       17.194       34.958       47.100       33.487       37.091       40.281       49.972       53.394       67.720       50.590       
SPO2126          phospholipase/carboxylesterase_family_protein                                                                                  65.521       47.876       133.448      88.823       74.718       62.853       12.837       60.143       59.077       70.593       52.438       58.187       71.374       54.629       69.954       46.323       
SPO2127          DNA-3-methyladenine_glycosylase_II,_putative                                                                                   14.206       15.115       28.088       10.386       13.105       24.961       4.503        15.525       17.763       30.955       17.362       11.009       20.485       4.661        14.578       10.500       
SPO2128          transporter,_putative                                                                                                          17.787       9.330        34.329       37.025       25.483       20.061       0.000        22.911       24.562       28.891       12.539       8.562        13.720       10.474       13.606       15.167       
SPO2129          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.191       29.649       25.927       30.410       44.325       22.680       14.549       22.185       9.565        27.502       12.520       14.449       26.198       25.727       34.146       20.596       
SPO2130          2-isopropylmalate_synthase/homocitrate_synthase_family_protein                                                                 38.923       43.067       35.626       36.586       48.693       26.979       22.599       44.717       28.000       31.068       23.218       26.294       43.494       24.892       45.864       29.820       
SPO2131          cysteinyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                      43.658       50.708       38.054       40.456       65.844       27.899       117.955      57.707       54.150       60.112       24.922       24.236       31.609       22.455       50.035       31.838       
SPO2132          aspartate_aminotransferase                                                                                                     14.553       11.862       17.066       22.087       17.418       8.294        7.182        25.396       13.379       20.571       13.186       10.242       9.076        10.326       12.400       12.759       
SPO2133          outer_membrane_protein,_putative                                                                                               4411.629     3430.598     165.686      189.928      82.138       209.079      132.820      253.603      436.601      410.844      1364.302     1819.073     2107.652     2072.361     814.349      1482.963     
SPO2134          trimethylamine_methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                20.810       17.938       139.345      141.623      140.551      83.623       84.633       111.731      98.580       110.027      13.173       8.152        12.554       11.109       28.886       11.337       
SPO2135          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17466.076    17412.118    582.559      545.276      174.131      307.384      350.250      1198.194     3131.627     1869.885     2268.264     2377.789     2341.264     1637.534     1519.328     1621.651     
SPO2136          ribonucleoside-diphosphate_reductase,_adenosylcobalamin-dependent                                                              354.590      341.520      149.577      153.387      28.762       61.204       24.148       27.888       113.180      52.743       11.477       9.997        21.704       27.550       26.604       47.613       
SPO2137          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          43.064       51.412       40.125       24.111       12.871       37.441       19.300       27.296       38.064       33.166       31.889       14.744       32.923       22.197       15.619       22.500       
SPO2139          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           115.953      117.995      35.336       80.912       104.314      42.272       140.326      132.673      164.455      159.366      42.004       51.270       62.447       65.260       117.516      135.144      
SPO2140          cold_shock_DNA-binding_domain_protein                                                                                          360.078      342.895      322.607      222.784      305.682      184.957      302.616      451.413      420.993      605.471      322.926      297.230      350.298      242.393      370.859      347.397      
SPO2141          pyridoxamine_5''-phosphate_oxidase,_putative                                                                                   240.375      240.637      232.666      132.928      82.153       185.807      56.458       113.539      184.042      132.596      161.955      135.142      173.895      132.305      172.105      156.715      
SPO2142          enoyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)_reductase                                                                                         326.081      247.593      455.900      399.801      354.284      223.946      314.049      449.167      367.696      477.832      201.149      224.278      249.473      138.799      252.446      280.911      
SPO2143          xanthine-guanine_phosphoribosyltransferase                                                                                     321.268      232.471      340.009      302.931      217.273      151.734      165.908      263.984      299.953      334.526      139.350      163.921      158.282      112.582      204.089      230.261      
SPO2144          aminotransferase,_classes_I_and_II                                                                                             45.408       42.136       72.195       57.177       57.189       36.866       16.930       59.650       48.497       60.682       14.653       16.629       23.838       17.942       35.624       42.295       
SPO2145          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           135.810      92.561       160.566      128.770      131.387      74.912       47.746       105.787      100.245      74.109       46.444       49.653       57.511       52.080       85.259       81.058       
SPO2146          anthranilate_synthase_component_I                                                                                              127.735      86.243       172.546      127.376      128.578      66.694       78.963       116.667      102.590      81.417       44.008       36.768       47.395       45.734       69.991       88.612       
SPO2148          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           85.169       98.043       91.971       74.820       43.270       77.100       25.559       38.061       69.798       56.761       65.241       63.082       92.045       48.843       61.418       58.284       
SPO2149          anthranilate_synthase_component_II                                                                                             125.169      101.028      165.906      172.341      82.884       95.057       29.399       71.467       109.526      139.777      81.636       78.607       93.802       53.256       66.620       86.502       
SPO2150          anthranilate_phosphoribosyltransferase                                                                                         100.024      75.352       141.681      142.351      71.036       81.177       30.686       71.019       92.616       94.918       53.007       50.293       47.587       41.870       56.440       73.406       
SPO2151          indole-3-glycerol_phosphate_synthase                                                                                           42.850       31.909       78.021       104.006      22.297       43.196       17.513       25.078       97.863       38.521       30.865       18.730       22.572       16.919       22.677       35.000       
SPO2152          molybdenum_cofactor_biosynthesis_protein_C                                                                                     74.618       52.951       128.810      118.085      31.772       60.096       24.094       38.337       95.040       76.598       37.322       27.609       21.692       28.057       23.399       60.190       
SPO2153          molybdenum_cofactor_biosynthesis_protein_A                                                                                     87.541       75.381       137.550      103.028      50.408       85.902       7.293        45.773       94.297       60.994       28.118       31.572       40.549       31.455       48.005       64.376       
SPO2154          LexA_repressor                                                                                                                 533.288      593.477      153.205      115.665      50.634       119.697      16.375       45.597       80.743       101.306      80.044       71.931       69.060       47.320       53.010       54.545       
SPO2155          competence_protein                                                                                                             8.073        17.440       135.868      74.209       23.409       302.988      2.798        12.984       38.628       37.503       9.824        7.053        8.485        3.379        24.228       10.717       
SPO2156          glutamyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                       141.952      224.141      264.672      238.267      144.075      215.044      117.199      133.966      185.985      155.567      235.384      176.595      199.545      145.021      181.521      189.469      
SPO2157          citrate_synthase_I                                                                                                             508.167      522.537      248.292      214.442      119.328      154.150      261.103      148.958      255.324      285.055      282.479      243.046      300.684      186.618      328.507      173.943      
SPO2158          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.071       18.461       84.692       81.861       15.756       20.673       21.657       24.887       11.865       27.292       8.283        6.250        6.385        4.567        5.063        8.015        
SPO2159          radical_SAM_domain_protein                                                                                                     33.612       47.186       12.832       4.152        5.239        10.976       0.000        3.819        3.156        4.125        9.254        11.735       9.099        6.211        6.993        5.996        
SPO2160          corrinoid_methyltransferase_protein,_putative                                                                                  55.514       31.924       886.214      1045.896     2173.820     447.918      1296.229     2107.890     1180.464     1028.305     355.839      332.569      481.338      403.653      878.813      883.892      
SPO2161          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           131.017      114.455      357.996      462.539      956.481      331.394      776.220      1487.314     584.884      1037.067     401.550      613.443      683.829      596.013      709.592      595.854      
SPO2162          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.059       40.536       86.178       116.491      100.077      63.139       85.971       112.853      81.954       72.391       49.717       51.884       52.959       58.585       50.095       64.431       
SPO2163          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.615        7.232        4.032        1.304        2.469        5.016        0.000        1.200        2.975        1.555        1.246        2.765        4.288        0.781        5.127        0.754        
SPO2164          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.250        12.809       12.497       4.621        4.373        5.553        0.000        1.063        7.903        8.263        5.517        3.673        4.557        1.383        1.946        3.337        
SPO2165          Fe-S_metabolism_associated_family_protein                                                                                      11.771       7.780        24.783       20.047       10.118       24.089       13.907       12.908       48.000       21.509       17.234       18.061       36.904       27.591       27.012       16.213       
SPO2166          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          156.819      115.534      159.809      120.650      84.027       82.843       54.349       80.712       108.980      113.945      86.060       70.583       67.990       59.071       71.255       66.077       
SPO2167          ribonuclease_D                                                                                                                 255.525      258.329      154.300      103.390      89.355       106.196      61.408       106.828      122.729      111.436      89.965       61.923       65.180       47.462       63.215       87.136       
SPO2168          phosphoribosylglycinamide_formyltransferase                                                                                    15.067       18.321       55.324       33.047       78.185       27.797       62.090       53.197       29.830       52.529       14.468       18.243       29.874       32.959       44.065       38.977       
SPO2169          phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine_cyclo-ligase                                                                                 42.655       68.626       76.273       68.943       216.987      65.521       163.048      260.153      131.312      157.842      62.861       60.203       80.867       76.418       146.909      78.297       
SPO2170          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          27.848       26.591       6.502        6.732        6.371        6.067        0.000        3.870        2.878        4.013        4.823        3.122        7.192        2.518        4.724        5.347        
SPO2171          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         15.406       23.633       24.703       16.873       15.128       14.940       3.080        18.788       21.264       17.998       22.055       17.414       16.932       9.566        25.428       16.417       
SPO2173          sensor_histidine_kinase                                                                                                        78.044       71.291       44.902       40.185       17.162       47.247       12.866       22.747       35.245       28.007       23.326       23.590       26.013       18.128       18.049       30.000       
SPO2174          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          16.939       19.823       24.864       22.347       16.355       12.889       9.302        18.089       16.307       18.116       8.965        11.843       18.218       10.698       14.554       16.008       
SPO2176          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           47.002       43.302       45.548       38.317       12.087       31.521       0.000        8.811        18.484       14.055       17.244       18.744       16.956       12.346       9.101        23.838       
SPO2177          acetoin_utilization_protein_AcuC                                                                                               16.807       16.019       14.883       6.668        5.609        9.971        0.000        2.044        10.137       7.949        4.600        7.067        7.306        5.763        8.735        9.844        
SPO2178          cardiolipin_synthase                                                                                                           32.047       26.371       31.375       18.563       10.613       22.863       2.012        3.735        8.598        9.682        14.406       13.526       12.967       7.637        13.027       12.734       
SPO2179          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           100.051      115.462      84.848       81.413       46.585       90.092       59.105       53.988       84.191       128.655      189.893      197.666      434.423      377.282      346.526      226.404      
SPO2180          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           267.282      360.665      58.400       72.883       144.759      180.346      187.263      206.091      233.914      524.542      984.971      785.379      1806.659     1221.196     1406.394     622.197      
SPO2181          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           18.608       16.730       102.917      50.990       70.247       87.028       25.266       52.646       42.714       73.192       117.787      126.288      251.765      220.438      323.076      231.439      
SPO2182          permease,_putative                                                                                                             8.688        10.340       58.167       43.744       41.932       68.618       19.996       40.550       50.263       96.618       58.142       73.142       148.257      114.651      203.137      157.107      
SPO2183          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.135       9.528        80.883       49.997       50.272       77.349       10.839       54.612       72.148       162.977      49.249       66.654       91.421       92.560       174.119      158.852      
SPO2184          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           42.827       42.322       56.577       38.948       9.829        31.450       13.510       10.031       19.540       27.859       7.441        9.495        5.633        2.797        6.997        11.250       
SPO2185          universal_stress_protein_family_protein                                                                                        652.870      460.747      563.690      368.532      117.440      515.134      39.131       57.075       240.113      159.149      35.921       52.812       44.502       38.256       100.285      67.344       
SPO2186          TRAP_transporter,_4TM/12TM_fusion_protein                                                                                      500.892      336.392      399.013      310.287      53.443       366.437      15.235       39.825       225.722      198.604      46.601       72.160       44.347       32.292       64.468       78.115       
SPO2187          TRAP_transporter_solute_receptor,_TAXI_family                                                                                  5712.309     4662.504     3652.661     3292.126     778.425      3746.327     724.166      1146.983     2471.011     3649.431     1229.782     1943.847     1323.622     700.121      1224.073     2163.830     
SPO2188          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 29.839       20.661       24.248       11.769       12.375       19.798       20.410       7.217        33.546       30.398       26.230       32.224       27.080       12.911       28.631       16.996       
SPO2189          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         28.822       46.130       49.245       35.408       32.391       35.739       36.845       21.170       40.371       40.100       46.504       24.394       34.918       29.663       33.794       30.682       
SPO2190          histidine_utilization_repressor                                                                                                39.349       56.438       48.822       18.722       16.241       25.309       4.059        20.450       17.344       19.529       35.208       22.324       26.156       19.606       23.650       14.871       
SPO2191          imidazolonepropionase                                                                                                          8.196        4.865        2.906        1.254        3.954        2.711        0.000        4.612        3.573        0.747        4.789        3.654        3.296        1.875        2.111        2.534        
SPO2192          histidine_ammonia-lyase                                                                                                        9.522        9.447        6.583        3.727        3.024        2.559        1.847        3.919        6.071        3.809        3.052        0.847        2.101        0.637        5.979        5.845        
SPO2192a         N-formylglutamate_amidohydrolase                                                                                               11.277       9.482        10.883       6.036        1.269        5.319        0.000        2.776        3.441        7.196        7.207        1.066        1.323        0.602        6.778        2.906        
SPO2193          urocanate_hydratase                                                                                                            27.157       16.195       13.542       7.790        7.065        13.806       1.689        2.687        11.657       6.965        7.208        6.708        7.682        5.244        9.293        9.562        
SPO2194          formiminoglutamate_deiminase                                                                                                   15.260       9.343        9.301        3.611        4.177        3.761        4.175        1.661        4.804        4.305        1.150        4.146        2.770        1.801        4.731        2.781        
SPO2195          amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                                  4.213        5.569        5.544        3.587        1.358        2.069        7.466        2.640        2.454        2.566        3.084        3.042        4.245        2.147        2.820        4.559        
SPO2196          diaminopropionate_ammonia-lyase                                                                                                4.949        4.949        4.245        2.747        2.600        2.311        0.000        2.527        0.783        0.000        1.640        3.276        2.258        1.233        2.699        2.380        
SPO2197          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           91.290       55.638       38.771       41.816       20.578       42.207       23.207       33.848       38.142       59.820       27.960       42.105       31.341       16.515       27.233       31.886       
SPO2198          glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate_dehydrogenase,_type_I                                                                               26.877       25.419       18.978       27.837       153.412      21.644       45.438       147.609      25.205       42.946       32.455       60.311       138.875      151.881      148.010      149.458      
SPO2199          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           94.485       133.102      238.955      187.184      143.768      140.822      197.604      131.007      162.390      77.617       223.499      150.956      205.999      189.935      150.782      178.655      
SPO2200          pantetheine-phosphate_adenylyltransferase                                                                                      333.833      289.475      610.268      535.362      190.772      313.708      45.851       215.827      357.960      417.605      325.925      376.541      222.700      200.723      132.658      316.906      
SPO2201          CBS_domain_protein                                                                                                             1109.652     998.220      892.368      778.155      217.398      657.034      242.986      308.256      369.146      537.191      576.008      485.636      446.870      231.128      243.418      368.590      
SPO2202          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         144.073      117.897      81.454       77.247       24.081       54.601       9.457        38.454       63.208       34.669       22.136       21.673       16.730       9.245        15.307       23.625       
SPO2203          methylmalonate-semialdehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                      346.614      309.570      1269.855     1732.536     943.801      336.404      407.456      837.792      522.046      395.369      63.932       39.379       235.642      181.458      189.569      172.017      
SPO2204          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           7.452        8.195        0.000        1.642        0.000        1.579        5.697        0.000        0.000        5.874        7.844        4.352        1.080        1.966        4.610        2.846        
SPO2205          ErfK/YbiS/YcfS/YnhG_family_protein                                                                                             325.754      111.263      103.378      118.648      117.061      91.002       109.453      428.424      320.934      720.768      121.773      193.987      302.063      187.319      243.773      511.141      
SPO2206          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           149.726      121.114      16.204       15.729       17.642       14.280       24.248       28.937       19.927       50.004       34.222       31.491       19.533       25.100       12.756       28.269       
SPO2207          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           351.374      370.914      30.490       48.429       15.843       38.796       12.443       14.849       26.587       51.319       79.669       65.589       53.066       26.834       15.105       17.615       
SPO2208          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.804        9.144        8.996        8.732        17.752       6.529        6.731        8.925        21.019       5.783        6.487        5.656        9.568        11.612       14.163       9.528        
SPO2209          glutamate--cysteine_ligase_family_protein                                                                                      110.283      71.245       54.859       42.600       7.167        44.705       2.463        14.368       25.905       26.239       20.685       16.556       20.539       9.772        6.378        13.535       
SPO2210          BNR/Asp-box_repeat_domain_protein                                                                                              151.524      327.422      358.941      258.930      60.299       261.902      96.417       73.554       185.387      424.890      52.558       52.467       22.281       16.178       67.555       77.649       
SPO2211          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         87.891       92.281       48.784       33.721       25.801       23.105       22.398       19.799       57.264       38.490       12.336       8.745        45.755       22.755       38.669       16.993       
SPO2212          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   51.855       58.201       41.163       27.421       19.277       25.606       16.305       20.899       51.810       50.435       19.457       17.023       27.299       25.316       39.146       21.724       
SPO2213          3-hydroxyisobutyrate_dehydrogenase                                                                                             79.288       83.393       88.621       54.528       23.132       34.794       9.783        17.296       65.388       57.159       23.348       23.417       32.141       21.941       28.502       19.552       
SPO2213a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           481.362      595.299      398.629      379.596      477.652      318.535      763.815      937.550      1181.268     1862.631     3944.428     3905.590     5173.318     2896.525     2579.761     1427.178     
SPO2214          choline_sulfatase                                                                                                              37.259       27.620       25.380       25.183       11.398       27.103       9.495        11.582       31.211       24.148       21.964       21.180       14.397       10.156       12.909       15.181       
SPO2215          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      27.899       36.025       39.294       39.554       11.586       46.170       4.900        27.287       40.267       40.417       26.312       24.705       30.648       22.824       65.827       30.194       
SPO2216          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  12.267       17.374       12.914       14.624       12.522       23.096       7.247        21.139       25.012       26.151       26.442       22.697       50.821       36.880       58.060       47.068       
SPO2217          Excinuclease                                                                                                                   25.771       45.135       55.590       68.160       15.528       74.622       6.567        22.640       15.111       40.628       49.734       46.156       73.441       58.915       91.415       69.999       
SPO2218          UvrABC_system_protein_A                                                                                                        159.392      152.862      107.607      89.288       76.881       132.932      94.470       119.323      120.694      180.420      103.392      111.304      162.817      133.241      214.073      176.476      
SPO2219          rhodanese-like_domain_protein                                                                                                  11.618       16.512       14.162       6.873        2.891        55.060       0.000        6.322        15.674       8.194        12.036       18.213       15.063       19.194       14.149       13.235       
SPO2220          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           86.913       53.882       46.813       40.391       13.538       31.547       0.000        17.416       23.027       34.609       21.702       21.405       22.406       9.064        10.630       19.687       
SPO2221          von_Willebrand_factor_type_A_domain_protein                                                                                    25.242       20.867       35.793       40.534       16.744       15.540       3.348        12.872       2.751        14.382       6.914        5.626        10.786       5.198        7.315        11.429       
SPO2222          pyruvate_dehydrogenase_complex,_E3_component,_lipoamide_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                108.676      83.067       104.421      82.849       68.951       70.887       156.933      65.939       101.833      105.072      45.181       57.919       49.061       38.678       60.699       33.604       
SPO2223          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           59.534       52.850       144.367      101.048      72.171       105.384      19.839       77.165       117.388      145.465      153.887      146.508      176.739      133.486      161.630      106.835      
SPO2224          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           408.308      544.297      329.630      358.809      145.271      621.944      166.596      293.665      198.113      377.229      700.987      538.270      419.789      202.880      114.998      252.161      
SPO2225          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.112       18.714       66.207       61.019       98.290       33.697       67.548       97.926       51.070       29.407       16.122       13.417       30.728       22.142       32.800       31.125       
SPO2226          S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA_ribosyltransferase-isomerase                                                                         12.301       20.789       14.486       22.655       65.550       10.138       56.903       81.200       38.301       40.046       10.820       8.280        10.786       19.167       28.508       14.892       
SPO2227          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.659       42.428       39.175       24.155       12.071       23.565       9.954        11.219       26.178       28.511       19.760       18.378       27.673       25.188       29.673       22.658       
SPO2228          AhpC/TSA_family_protein                                                                                                        30.437       23.710       49.566       57.022       15.739       23.125       55.628       40.978       99.556       46.735       44.255       31.164       29.289       15.995       18.008       29.853       
SPO2229          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           24.342       28.816       25.764       25.499       17.325       15.084       20.410       36.084       39.137       32.736       16.862       14.033       14.830       8.216        20.372       27.761       
SPO2230          peptidase,_M23/M37_family                                                                                                      66.615       91.237       201.756      187.610      210.078      100.194      140.805      224.546      392.797      260.934      178.682      197.979      190.426      132.948      216.819      193.625      
SPO2231          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           127.656      123.749      266.094      330.036      141.831      104.987      110.605      178.923      399.937      243.292      144.680      108.999      148.848      106.858      205.879      151.051      
SPO2232          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           122.013      145.159      44.957       35.742       11.537       49.541       5.766        17.586       21.798       22.791       68.282       93.388       117.494      48.746       98.000       102.758      
SPO2233          peptidyl-prolyl_cis-trans_isomerase,_cyclophilin-type                                                                          301.107      232.988      258.375      239.500      176.759      68.779       41.798       137.170      178.616      152.635      304.308      309.729      442.668      337.115      279.072      298.464      
SPO2234          peptidyl-prolyl_cis-trans_isomerase,_cyclophilin-type                                                                          478.164      298.701      418.807      366.763      318.419      131.043      354.629      416.482      338.615      510.750      475.120      430.880      622.027      512.754      512.044      420.933      
SPO2235          phosphoglycerate_kinase                                                                                                        33.274       32.661       45.519       52.062       72.174       40.827       64.154       73.093       53.112       48.182       2591.812     1053.519     650.330      820.665      442.662      398.495      
SPO2236          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.522       10.993       15.321       0.000        78.185       78.626       51.582       72.956       180.864      407.756      11352.136    6898.589     10588.555    6267.894     7411.207     2345.295     
SPO2237          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           31.305       21.091       39.192       15.851       64.003       99.044       109.962      93.315       260.255      725.632      10404.863    6424.623     10625.541    3824.519     8141.008     1432.137     
SPO2238          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         18.074       19.016       13.591       9.674        1.665        14.372       12.202       6.472        6.017        5.242        30.663       17.245       43.944       14.736       28.638       18.798       
SPO2239          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           257.247      212.221      42.557       38.555       19.112       25.150       19.105       10.133       56.520       19.698       56.557       23.351       28.969       31.311       23.192       6.364        
SPO2240          pyruvate_dehydrogenase_complex,_E1_component,_alpha_subunit                                                                    189.187      176.342      237.468      168.540      209.537      148.515      452.778      193.788      194.994      224.561      105.354      85.816       68.439       38.068       81.172       42.477       
SPO2241          pyruvate_dehydrogenase_complex,_E1_component,_beta_subunit                                                                     117.469      115.915      168.893      144.338      148.024      93.643       105.075      98.347       104.975      174.195      60.142       65.161       42.566       29.502       55.691       38.088       
SPO2242          pyruvate_dehydrogenase_complex,_E2_component,_dihydrolipoamide_acetyltransferase                                               66.936       67.793       112.801      113.547      91.711       81.264       73.577       61.979       93.187       107.845      41.120       50.587       34.455       28.374       34.326       17.300       
SPO2243          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           61.933       73.267       66.735       46.307       17.069       47.515       39.704       28.237       45.087       76.294       32.056       33.640       22.919       13.700       18.695       29.456       
SPO2244          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.597       19.859       14.146       9.154        6.780        18.174       13.805       8.054        12.253       21.826       10.265       8.859        9.159        3.573        2.681        8.967        
SPO2245          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.079        7.056        20.703       24.115       8.452        11.913       13.941       12.324       25.205       20.763       10.878       9.230        12.331       6.414        8.274        13.931       
SPO2246          cysteine_synthase_A                                                                                                            261.663      163.105      113.065      83.178       58.794       105.501      50.757       68.009       109.767      109.259      67.681       75.917       73.420       45.626       57.076       75.190       
SPO2247          serine_O-acetyltransferase                                                                                                     741.924      656.663      443.161      382.703      540.231      955.156      1082.274     924.189      808.236      1656.413     1204.704     988.932      1370.237     693.686      821.457      729.743      
SPO2248          dnaK_suppressor_protein,_putative                                                                                              21.401       25.403       21.243       6.873        8.673        24.226       0.000        4.215        5.225        10.925       17.508       6.071        24.100       12.339       11.576       18.529       
SPO2249          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.700       27.762       68.786       22.256       91.269       119.008      67.548       63.976       44.409       13.266       14.616       5.897        12.803       11.654       18.743       8.036        
SPO2250          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           48.064       38.365       75.695       47.941       158.726      237.941      121.463      126.735      88.410       101.632      16.525       12.041       10.415       7.359        11.585       7.345        
SPO2251          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           24.582       12.255       65.475       35.001       147.601      167.345      108.625      130.476      84.016       81.256       10.558       2.929        1.211        0.000        3.103        3.193        
SPO2252          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           43.658       27.156       89.976       64.694       199.995      268.749      160.284      200.628      94.839       125.602      18.539       5.388        1.215        2.212        4.151        2.669        
SPO2253          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           48.856       38.867       86.269       66.212       230.982      243.989      211.651      189.880      136.186      170.250      11.161       6.192        3.414        0.000        3.644        3.750        
SPO2254          tail_tape_measure_protein,_putative                                                                                            60.582       44.456       106.759      82.655       324.557      337.391      269.582      248.515      202.551      154.423      18.854       6.538        3.244        0.000        1.385        3.563        
SPO2255          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           39.018       39.430       116.014      75.074       296.651      334.254      232.993      261.689      180.209      155.446      3.774        6.282        2.598        0.000        4.437        2.283        
SPO2256          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           102.282      47.056       155.012      144.035      475.455      619.362      410.388      421.129      316.725      361.818      15.969       9.542        1.691        1.539        5.776        4.458        
SPO2257          major_tail_protein,_TP901-1_family                                                                                             86.573       61.784       172.216      137.314      377.914      572.953      455.581      411.873      290.439      306.043      17.108       7.383        5.233        2.382        4.469        2.299        
SPO2258          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           67.984       50.751       175.292      101.493      390.470      527.040      393.457      400.890      235.981      268.085      19.960       16.874       1.308        2.382        5.586        4.598        
SPO2259          head-tail_adaptor,_putative                                                                                                    63.669       37.788       173.040      119.279      357.837      453.969      202.645      279.894      272.003      211.845      17.439       16.771       0.000        0.000        12.300       2.812        
SPO2260          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           113.070      77.798       249.898      196.460      629.851      890.962      403.303      445.020      376.384      356.888      26.170       22.665       1.757        1.600        9.004        10.037       
SPO2261          major_capsid_protein,_HK97_family                                                                                              221.819      156.548      494.400      287.939      1157.102     1748.016     1449.876     1140.687     875.483      1087.832     29.563       12.163       3.658        3.330        10.543       9.241        
SPO2262          phage_prohead_protease,_HK97_family                                                                                            116.816      111.116      230.015      138.530      735.449      951.299      1661.323     1232.235     717.499      953.986      30.266       15.620       5.813        1.764        8.274        8.513        
SPO2263          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.339       41.765       144.134      64.572       298.750      436.234      298.635      287.083      192.242      183.895      10.280       5.703        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.072        
SPO2264          portal_protein,_HK97_family                                                                                                    72.018       56.197       229.022      133.523      525.726      660.926      550.432      539.509      337.164      366.692      41.067       20.006       3.217        2.928        7.850        7.673        
SPO2266          terminase,_large_subunit,_putative                                                                                             13.019       8.891        41.305       20.047       80.102       161.234      74.171       100.191      79.239       86.832       34.468       20.186       4.833        3.999        3.376        2.702        
SPO2267          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           41.968       43.275       206.287      151.591      688.744      1010.823     463.028      931.338      755.867      1023.620     128.051      62.351       23.800       20.986       34.932       33.983       
SPO2268          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           51.731       44.873       26.332       19.170       20.157       21.499       7.388        25.470       24.286       27.932       31.536       27.091       42.011       49.710       66.967       55.371       
SPO2269          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           45.164       71.232       36.320       32.905       37.565       63.262       76.089       59.093       64.316       112.077      229.742      222.543      606.758      660.098      526.936      515.038      
SPO2270          putative_protein_TIGR00247                                                                                                     69.543       70.064       128.369      124.959      159.913      70.299       211.792      170.455      106.049      168.436      67.819       67.728       72.819       71.803       113.604      99.257       
SPO2271          3-oxoacyl-(acyl_carrier_protein)_synthase_II                                                                                   107.850      100.886      196.147      178.737      258.624      109.877      181.947      201.343      177.951      163.669      76.086       91.634       100.480      101.532      180.699      148.146      
SPO2272          phosphoribosylformimino-5-aminoimidazole_carboxamide_ribotide_isomerase,_putative                                              81.013       55.075       197.864      206.410      258.360      82.233       49.772       171.590      117.044      107.902      39.538       35.683       55.153       44.255       107.209      80.343       
SPO2273          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 287.398      216.170      84.734       85.295       49.008       87.850       31.699       64.448       97.252       88.973       61.833       49.239       46.063       26.432       32.495       33.435       
SPO2274          acyl_carrier_protein                                                                                                           2160.243     2006.174     2549.776     2142.157     4581.657     1531.668     4888.041     3846.453     3536.538     2431.340     1844.955     2142.908     2863.282     2294.682     3627.877     2691.792     
SPO2275          3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)_reductase                                                                                     166.912      128.323      153.049      106.830      169.901      59.370       61.758       154.565      142.107      173.788      53.148       76.077       79.015       51.941       116.830      113.785      
SPO2276          malonyl_CoA-acyl_carrier_protein_transacylase                                                                                  94.220       91.078       87.774       73.403       87.106       44.941       21.217       79.576       68.748       86.464       40.483       47.699       47.684       40.264       70.646       67.139       
SPO2277          cytochrome,_putative                                                                                                           49.947       24.632       12.483       6.059        4.247        6.795        2.335        6.811        6.908        8.025        8.359        7.849        6.639        6.445        6.425        5.833        
SPO2278          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           54.202       103.954      128.114      117.401      19.658       49.208       82.988       49.133       66.613       116.080      27.105       26.244       15.364       7.991        20.305       39.857       
SPO2279          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           800.784      570.749      21.943       39.760       25.084       32.761       29.552       35.267       30.762       49.092       35.944       43.647       64.417       39.088       46.239       36.093       
SPO2280          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           681.748      781.465      40.208       40.726       9.992        34.256       11.772       21.853       30.957       45.854       67.537       55.756       33.469       21.663       5.081        15.031       
SPO2281          ribosomal_protein_S6                                                                                                           409.842      657.568      1065.891     1118.515     3397.517     697.775      9222.364     4439.106     1740.285     1575.111     466.315      543.369      620.467      688.852      1499.268     932.875      
SPO2282          ribosomal_protein_S18                                                                                                          215.382      433.297      365.140      439.856      905.907      197.438      1601.345     1999.591     526.390      541.705      85.072       78.986       200.756      213.182      553.081      354.896      
SPO2283          ribosomal_protein_L9                                                                                                           404.932      525.247      676.210      748.392      1523.127     246.360      931.491      1270.225     500.485      419.280      143.884      169.772      160.425      264.302      600.021      424.458      
SPO2284          transglycosylase_SLT_domain_protein                                                                                            29.198       38.510       16.101       48.623       73.405       17.528       42.164       76.673       120.780      89.019       45.616       52.457       58.226       66.507       109.194      55.175       
SPO2285          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  1797.925     2068.726     2534.178     2085.478     688.030      1568.601     677.499      1076.129     1500.944     2129.628     1055.302     1016.799     905.594      424.918      843.009      1202.395     
SPO2286          autoinducer-binding_transcriptional_regulator_LuxR                                                                             463.754      589.031      886.027      739.516      363.209      920.111      133.937      441.295      640.398      866.263      699.681      677.166      521.583      265.380      346.863      623.910      
SPO2287          autoinducer_synthesis_protein                                                                                                  5523.710     3967.426     3659.252     4069.553     1338.171     5274.699     770.429      2366.673     4674.857     4899.209     3038.133     3326.733     2411.675     1048.490     2244.620     4021.717     
SPO2288          trigger_factor                                                                                                                 303.704      345.291      367.105      341.567      787.818      209.136      1340.597     744.429      490.499      392.522      107.579      135.354      160.229      198.136      443.997      245.669      
SPO2289          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           189.706      223.846      20.063       26.615       75.765       22.464       83.310       63.293       17.763       15.477       31.933       41.626       60.602       55.937       62.320       71.999       
SPO2290          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           52.200       76.807       87.011       151.136      818.906      98.282       1117.851     1174.191     199.356      149.263      935.192      779.365      1920.563     1007.712     1333.510     777.221      
SPO2292          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           87.834       115.375      27.423       14.519       3.053        24.813       0.000        23.743       16.555       11.539       43.918       29.923       30.758       23.169       14.492       9.319        
SPO2293          YjeF_family_protein                                                                                                            13.741       11.962       24.248       22.066       12.684       19.562       17.009       18.042       17.891       19.291       12.178       11.954       11.283       8.803        11.838       9.631        
SPO2294          nitrogen_regulatory_protein_P-II                                                                                               2744.895     2230.813     60.188       90.068       52.217       2425.461     50.661       78.370       233.145      406.279      2470.544     3132.268     2499.843     249.094      740.733      1449.829     
SPO2295          glutamine_synthetase,_type_I                                                                                                   2576.129     2120.946     65.718       97.288       76.080       1832.918     76.786       54.658       263.035      190.291      1151.599     1590.899     1026.835     231.128      1170.567     854.463      
SPO2296          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           146.308      110.663      170.031      168.451      81.089       123.087      114.832      145.993      77.715       135.813      60.456       73.791       53.774       45.449       51.387       84.374       
SPO2297          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           880.020      974.133      196.978      190.316      81.536       177.844      141.237      94.451       90.836       160.401      123.025      126.191      111.156      61.446       48.703       88.465       
SPO2298          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.967       33.932       41.272       25.595       36.508       21.930       7.720        32.756       36.796       23.879       22.854       27.718       51.213       26.637       29.989       34.071       
SPO2299          DMSP_lyase                                                                                                                     2.222        5.769        27.873       19.425       23.197       6.669        2.406        24.249       16.611       18.195       5.301        3.677        7.298        3.321        5.842        12.824       
SPO2300          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.310        0.000        6.688        0.000        27.303       35.361       30.021       19.904       49.343       0.000        93.009       22.934       48.368       36.255       2.430        0.000        
SPO2301          osmC-like_family_protein                                                                                                       90.686       72.969       22.830       36.934       11.015       37.764       11.646       32.120       29.861       48.033       15.395       24.200       30.463       28.129       45.618       107.844      
SPO2302          bioY_family_protein                                                                                                            519.797      259.668      838.309      995.479      506.320      376.328      281.278      387.109      505.347      500.035      472.770      432.719      516.596      416.658      375.994      487.841      
SPO2303          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.152       16.195       18.056       15.579       19.658       14.976       20.264       25.078       11.102       16.251       16.742       17.545       8.962        6.992        10.933       12.375       
SPO2304          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.640       12.596       0.000        10.327       19.546       5.956        7.164        24.699       14.130       14.774       4.932        8.757        13.579       4.944        8.117        8.352        
SPO2305          adenylosuccinate_lyase                                                                                                         34.035       34.479       77.662       67.845       104.631      58.577       139.455      94.767       118.900      131.058      69.907       65.585       87.971       103.002      156.593      88.185       
SPO2306          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           473.465      830.290      444.401      545.276      141.376      1274.525     51.818       319.493      378.994      828.141      891.864      670.973      633.500      422.400      660.493      688.247      
SPO2307          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           236.088      264.513      137.385      145.209      82.264       230.037      25.698       169.007      202.735      392.147      123.135      158.621      136.383      131.229      274.522      284.182      
SPO2308          flagellar_motor_switch_protein_FliG                                                                                            14.178       30.750       95.369       40.622       14.293       281.235      5.419        17.246       24.049       43.771       13.059       11.592       30.816       26.646       38.596       32.041       
SPO2309          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.445        2.311        2.577        3.335        2.104        21.640       2.892        0.767        0.951        1.988        1.195        0.000        0.548        1.497        0.000        0.000        
SPO2310          lipid_A_biosynthesis_lauroyl_acyltransferase,_putative                                                                         32.838       26.991       46.509       41.604       53.054       36.164       27.633       35.012       48.446       30.603       37.626       28.147       34.336       20.129       31.806       34.772       
SPO2311          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           115.829      140.354      28.661       37.094       13.456       45.018       6.433        21.325       21.147       37.588       37.646       53.568       62.797       42.730       82.260       132.320      
SPO2312          aconitate_hydratase_1                                                                                                          317.287      461.210      236.049      183.787      125.742      63.474       319.799      106.919      151.961      101.570      122.655      91.272       69.818       54.444       108.479      74.355       
SPO2313          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.316        21.593       44.138       46.738       16.382       339.463      9.006        9.554        8.882        3.095        4.960        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.916        1.500        
SPO2314          periplasmic_protein_thiol:disulfide_oxidoreductases,_DsbE_subfamily                                                            68.699       47.287       115.332      76.156       89.367       69.548       31.699       107.880      118.092      112.578      117.118      115.428      202.278      174.087      186.416      153.979      
SPO2315          heme_exporter_protein_CcmC                                                                                                     85.788       85.867       154.100      128.363      144.567      129.003      110.390      176.623      201.999      245.348      250.291      233.877      428.935      373.910      379.391      277.001      
SPO2316          heme_exporter_protein_CcmB                                                                                                     26.369       12.480       57.979       37.519       24.460       22.241       8.676        16.105       22.815       26.837       12.543       11.930       19.734       15.716       22.468       20.952       
SPO2317          heme_exporter_protein_CcmA                                                                                                     78.471       75.575       117.720      88.206       61.552       69.376       37.085       68.843       41.143       92.408       52.978       47.454       61.506       44.786       69.780       56.360       
SPO2318          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.926       6.459        10.803       20.972       17.642       10.080       0.000        4.287        18.598       2.778        6.678        2.470        6.128        22.311       18.316       16.154       
SPO2319          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.133       25.292       25.178       17.379       31.523       13.052       7.535        41.964       11.146       15.539       9.857        10.362       10.712       10.400       24.393       20.079       
SPO2320          protein-export_membrane_protein_SecF                                                                                           72.538       73.697       133.460      123.619      131.944      45.987       117.475      109.816      64.682       59.554       46.100       42.179       56.223       59.788       86.516       74.347       
SPO2321          protein-export_membrane_protein_SecD                                                                                           67.764       75.985       97.520       78.883       119.130      35.308       82.084       125.619      124.794      58.187       35.555       42.588       55.103       63.430       94.663       64.366       
SPO2322          preprotein_translocase,_YajC_subunit                                                                                           129.893      137.409      188.025      178.003      207.546      73.644       640.871      404.157      218.373      316.964      116.222      106.275      145.175      155.059      212.522      124.957      
SPO2323          mechanosensitive_ion_channel_family_protein                                                                                    67.354       70.799       52.469       45.102       15.027       52.368       7.031        13.984       44.491       50.747       45.502       38.942       34.317       22.137       28.451       35.130       
SPO2324          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           61.691       51.479       97.696       106.684      51.104       57.925       75.380       98.133       69.831       63.591       44.348       36.645       80.531       47.290       56.568       73.043       
SPO2325          seryl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                          61.934       60.812       65.647       52.626       69.603       32.304       39.586       67.654       66.510       41.573       38.458       38.978       45.020       41.736       80.449       49.081       
SPO2326          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           58.282       104.191      182.024      152.201      102.704      125.318      495.791      203.306      140.340      364.467      292.029      285.467      304.544      258.187      238.516      243.893      
SPO2327          fatty_acid_desaturase                                                                                                          95.016       69.335       217.744      210.940      160.961      170.315      335.469      220.875      213.895      349.872      444.394      369.391      686.288      589.732      469.498      313.070      
SPO2328          GTP-binding_protein_EngA                                                                                                       43.629       61.143       112.466      89.573       180.838      75.343       56.313       151.398      97.662       90.099       42.780       46.877       66.987       68.342       95.863       59.830       
SPO2329          PQQ_enzyme_repeat_family_protein                                                                                               319.477      230.104      296.407      247.620      169.579      183.768      42.277       161.682      149.944      279.902      135.421      124.429      129.479      89.060       148.385      141.193      
SPO2330          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           90.814       73.232       130.640      100.390      146.006      82.283       62.312       167.190      77.113       302.347      76.209       89.044       112.550      90.428       104.418      75.086       
SPO2331          efflux_transporter,_RND_family,_MFP_subunit                                                                                    52.813       45.972       55.334       45.230       108.991      54.350       135.097      115.569      110.305      149.780      122.411      59.260       182.137      152.623      152.009      77.661       
SPO2332          transporter,_AcrB/AcrD/AcrF_family                                                                                             58.258       37.457       82.991       46.342       115.173      54.645       40.561       91.629       67.900       50.341       92.669       60.595       121.158      83.713       114.648      99.578       
SPO2333          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           171.210      170.203      601.878      474.253      202.362      258.782      7.947        139.091      99.266       106.520      66.747       64.351       60.251       60.324       73.318       89.999       
SPO2334          CAAX_amino_terminal_protease_family_protein                                                                                    25.776       31.513       24.875       11.570       14.598       14.748       3.490        10.642       10.324       11.993       6.727        9.597        12.567       8.729        13.556       11.042       
SPO2335          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding/permease_protein                                                                                  55.439       45.668       81.634       68.495       56.489       47.124       59.008       58.887       54.107       68.314       30.575       27.521       40.617       31.076       43.985       39.569       
SPO2336          lysM_domain_protein                                                                                                            22.673       27.382       44.269       42.476       41.444       26.351       39.403       54.518       43.363       52.993       15.333       19.631       29.874       24.531       32.998       21.399       
SPO2337          decarboxylase_family_protein                                                                                                   24.255       34.690       43.743       41.715       75.195       31.508       20.671       74.002       56.057       101.237      35.577       30.792       39.179       37.444       57.714       44.754       
SPO2338          RarD                                                                                                                           17.597       20.746       9.638        24.056       17.426       15.417       6.181        10.654       21.334       13.808       12.766       9.916        13.473       9.064        17.007       10.294       
SPO2339          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   139.201      135.617      79.933       72.201       25.835       64.226       26.165       28.746       41.776       71.942       37.056       45.688       48.177       21.925       21.175       33.616       
SPO2340          superoxide_dismutase,_Fe                                                                                                       1486.728     926.649      611.859      637.069      545.411      441.858      1582.463     846.871      654.524      1337.657     715.186      652.006      888.124      708.346      813.022      653.737      
SPO2341          methyltransferase,_FkbM_family                                                                                                 16.008       13.301       25.279       11.996       29.585       14.153       15.131       19.060       24.869       20.801       15.105       16.760       17.208       13.705       19.593       17.010       
SPO2341a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           107.109      151.150      84.263       63.252       22.017       49.272       37.827       60.188       54.711       72.805       8.334        8.091        7.170        11.747       19.593       49.140       
SPO2342          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           84.386       115.462      81.922       104.133      44.196       51.871       321.793      111.460      125.208      232.482      15.372       13.044       16.182       12.463       35.078       53.593       
SPO2343          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           69.346       83.183       113.105      100.638      66.956       60.684       38.081       80.790       110.574      117.794      18.352       19.394       14.436       6.570        21.573       43.338       
SPO2344          sarcosine_oxidase,_gamma_subunit_family                                                                                        74.699       57.083       307.022      379.953      281.800      195.170      155.936      202.762      142.202      124.477      37.401       58.410       66.741       85.046       165.279      190.171      
SPO2345          sarcosine_oxidase,_alpha_subunit_family                                                                                        91.712       57.916       344.560      327.166      350.487      191.115      279.021      342.905      197.596      203.381      65.235       84.260       109.322      89.651       285.371      212.701      
SPO2346          sarcosine_oxidase,_delta_subunit_family                                                                                        101.469      62.401       324.683      282.643      410.293      159.896      121.463      190.965      139.744      80.510       66.898       58.325       62.489       82.323       262.601      171.948      
SPO2347          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           77.312       59.380       252.037      245.861      377.802      150.933      126.653      273.176      133.226      110.276      88.358       70.953       113.629      90.315       258.300      181.404      
SPO2348          sarcosine_oxidase,_beta_subunit_family                                                                                         142.189      91.639       262.559      266.053      405.921      182.637      232.993      467.647      200.482      172.717      148.140      131.225      216.481      137.140      403.741      237.009      
SPO2349          cytochrome_c-type_biogenesis_protein_CycH                                                                                      67.807       62.887       188.618      132.671      180.378      218.723      98.939       267.260      245.814      413.594      521.166      455.257      984.763      849.487      925.848      628.078      
SPO2351          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           58.589       54.964       284.524      315.127      491.450      277.402      98.252       504.827      327.009      717.583      356.815      358.402      558.689      459.784      489.018      513.404      
SPO2352          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         4.861        4.235        4.540        2.938        2.224        3.389        8.152        3.783        1.340        2.101        2.806        2.180        4.636        1.758        2.309        3.055        
SPO2353          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           38.473       23.744       37.127       31.338       15.817       16.569       0.000        24.022       20.248       26.151       14.468       9.965        11.675       15.627       15.248       17.500       
SPO2354          membrane_protein                                                                                                               41.693       36.408       30.753       29.851       16.950       24.391       0.000        14.644       21.556       11.862       17.583       14.765       22.896       10.122       15.083       20.693       
SPO2355          Isethionate_dissimilation_regulator                                                                                            123.265      332.756      116.333      80.367       40.435       88.992       63.516       98.255       84.675       179.490      56.846       46.365       46.149       18.872       42.265       69.934       
SPO2356          Isethionate_TRAP_transporter                                                                                                   35.338       332.997      40.922       55.972       3.038        19.960       0.000        3.875        5.490        4.305        3.449        2.552        1.978        2.521        4.731        2.434        
SPO2357          Isethionate_TRAP_transporter                                                                                                   70.391       442.771      68.693       63.714       7.479        31.336       20.558       10.904       8.447        14.131       17.692       7.853        9.742        7.980        9.151        3.424        
SPO2358          Isethionate_TRAP_transporter                                                                                                   248.108      1649.379     122.284      170.898      6.712        56.892       6.920        12.845       6.824        15.062       13.021       8.105        10.492       4.377        7.467        4.994        
SPO2359          Isethionate_dehydrogenase                                                                                                      65.420       359.087      40.950       42.297       2.572        25.719       0.000        10.781       2.324        4.253        3.164        1.890        1.005        1.220        0.572        2.355        
SPO2360          sulphoacetaldehyde_acetyltransferase                                                                                           28.620       305.377      30.878       32.637       1.261        17.928       0.000        3.676        3.797        0.794        0.636        0.706        0.876        0.797        2.618        0.770        
SPO2361          sensor_histidine_kinase/response_regulator                                                                                     17.435       15.911       14.588       9.818        4.527        9.619        1.310        5.558        13.778       6.302        5.591        4.203        4.220        2.938        5.724        8.071        
SPO2362          amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_amino_acid-binding_protein                                                             41.736       38.582       25.304       25.381       8.781        26.759       8.520        18.075       22.404       23.425       17.987       16.054       15.610       7.349        10.113       19.865       
SPO2363          phosphoserine_phosphatase                                                                                                      7.350        6.107        5.674        3.672        1.158        3.089        0.000        0.844        3.140        4.377        2.631        2.919        1.811        2.197        2.062        1.061        
SPO2364          amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_amino_acid-binding_protein                                                             0.864        3.588        2.500        3.236        0.510        2.333        0.000        0.000        3.690        1.929        2.705        2.144        1.596        0.484        1.363        0.467        
SPO2365          amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                   0.187        0.775        0.000        0.699        0.441        1.344        0.000        1.286        0.000        1.667        2.003        0.370        0.460        0.000        0.392        0.404        
SPO2366          amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                   0.970        1.612        0.000        2.181        0.917        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.658        0.867        0.000        0.771        0.956        0.435        0.816        0.000        
SPO2367          amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                1.421        1.771        0.000        0.000        2.016        0.512        3.694        1.959        2.429        1.270        1.017        0.000        0.700        0.637        0.598        0.615        
SPO2368          Na/Pi-cotransporter_family_protein                                                                                             0.816        0.848        3.150        2.548        0.322        2.939        3.535        2.813        0.581        5.468        0.974        1.350        3.015        1.830        1.144        1.178        
SPO2369          DNA-binding_response_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                    67.803       62.521       26.811       49.571       26.583       42.887       12.896       28.498       36.738       35.457       37.880       37.435       41.553       28.922       43.137       29.352       
SPO2370          sodium:alanine_symporter_family_protein                                                                                        161.928      190.369      50.271       58.349       48.866       47.404       60.896       26.123       46.511       59.095       56.721       50.351       49.564       44.495       45.804       36.988       
SPO2371          universal_stress_protein_family_protein                                                                                        157.150      151.150      38.035       18.933       15.528       16.380       26.269       8.708        32.381       20.314       9.947        8.027        3.734        3.399        11.693       8.750        
SPO2372          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         61.199       37.037       2.790        19.861       9.113        13.017       0.000        8.304        10.293       6.457        8.623        11.482       10.684       4.322        4.055        6.258        
SPO2373          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           46.928       38.335       18.318       15.805       12.464       14.244       6.853        7.269        6.758        11.776       2.831        6.282        7.793        7.093        7.764        10.272       
SPO2374          tRNA-dihydrouridine_synthase_A                                                                                                 113.588      95.348       47.765       40.420       25.501       38.475       30.240       35.722       32.532       57.635       21.197       20.581       18.237       14.702       14.239       21.061       
SPO2375          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.915       23.806       9.480        10.224       10.320       25.553       28.370       13.166       18.652       24.377       17.579       22.757       38.986       25.696       24.108       16.537       
SPO2376          CoA-binding_domain_protein                                                                                                     5.670        2.944        21.886       26.556       18.988       12.764       49.126       29.313       26.241       16.884       8.455        15.950       12.803       6.356        16.897       24.545       
SPO2377          ferredoxin                                                                                                                     7.166        3.435        19.151       12.393       11.728       6.949        7.164        11.399       21.195       27.085       6.905        10.946       8.148        2.472        18.554       5.966        
SPO2378          selenium-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                             13.937       15.485       49.732       41.898       34.478       35.898       42.124       50.269       56.079       60.806       36.831       30.249       41.917       29.432       53.522       32.973       
SPO2379          enoyl_CoA_hydratase,_putative                                                                                                  5.403        9.540        14.079       27.331       22.991       35.031       70.223       80.077       36.934       132.744      53.181       52.037       53.907       37.557       48.875       39.764       
SPO2380          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         3.751        3.896        2.172        2.108        3.990        3.377        0.000        3.878        2.404        6.702        3.020        2.234        3.234        2.943        1.184        1.218        
SPO2381          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         28.076       26.245       18.966       16.656       6.637        12.219       3.041        0.806        9.995        10.451       13.817       12.544       6.916        5.246        2.953        9.622        
SPO2382          tricarboxylate_transporter_family_protein                                                                                      29.152       24.318       10.633       6.020        0.543        6.614        2.983        3.956        12.748       4.101        10.680       5.470        9.047        4.632        7.726        3.975        
SPO2383          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           21.111       16.794       23.406       16.830       6.371        29.930       5.838        3.096        9.594        10.032       18.487       8.027        9.958        11.078       13.228       9.722        
SPO2384          tricarboxylate_transporter_family_protein                                                                                      4.721        3.750        2.412        3.122        1.313        5.002        1.805        0.479        2.373        3.722        2.982        1.654        2.052        1.557        2.921        1.803        
SPO2385          benzaldehyde_lyase,_putative                                                                                                   13.517       10.234       5.852        3.787        2.389        3.640        4.925        1.742        4.857        4.514        3.391        4.766        7.157        6.231        2.392        3.008        
SPO2386          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.013       8.320        0.000        0.000        3.156        2.404        0.000        2.301        0.000        0.000        3.584        3.977        0.000        1.497        1.404        1.445        
SPO2387          oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding_protein                                                                                            2.954        7.428        5.401        4.078        1.838        3.640        8.083        1.072        6.642        6.250        3.617        2.161        4.596        1.743        2.944        4.375        
SPO2388          translocator_protein,_LysE_family                                                                                              0.683        1.419        0.000        1.280        1.615        1.230        0.000        0.000        1.459        1.526        1.223        0.000        1.683        0.766        0.719        0.739        
SPO2389          oxidoreductase,_molybdopterin-binding_protein                                                                                  49.403       34.804       43.795       34.439       16.522       43.623       23.642       19.799       29.859       44.477       32.896       27.757       34.906       19.750       24.773       28.806       
SPO2390          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2391          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2392          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2393          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase_G_protein,_putative                                                                              8.247        7.054        5.618        9.088        2.293        1.747        12.609       8.359        6.217        15.168       6.077        3.853        1.195        2.175        2.041        3.150        
SPO2394          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase_F_protein                                                                                        2.799        1.744        1.620        6.292        1.323        3.024        0.000        0.965        1.196        1.250        5.509        2.223        4.136        2.510        2.355        2.423        
SPO2395          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase_E_protein                                                                                        3.148        2.308        2.144        2.775        2.626        2.668        0.000        0.638        2.373        4.962        2.651        2.941        3.193        2.906        0.779        1.202        
SPO2396          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase_D_protein                                                                                        1.940        1.512        4.213        0.000        2.867        0.874        3.152        4.180        3.109        6.500        1.302        1.926        2.987        0.544        3.061        3.150        
SPO2397          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase,_large_subunit                                                                                   8.724        15.134       4.166        3.033        5.315        5.993        1.169        3.410        5.380        7.232        6.438        7.144        7.533        4.437        6.622        8.761        
SPO2398          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase,_small_subunit                                                                                   2.218        9.216        5.138        9.975        2.098        5.593        0.000        0.000        7.582        1.982        3.176        3.524        4.372        3.979        7.467        0.960        
SPO2399          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase,_medium_subunit                                                                                  4.356        15.967       7.418        12.480       3.028        8.306        3.330        0.883        9.851        9.156        6.419        4.579        8.836        6.894        22.637       13.864       
SPO2400          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase_operon_C_protein                                                                                 37.455       31.608       39.534       48.242       33.203       57.617       20.283       31.600       50.004       67.096       49.920       41.835       44.691       31.493       46.371       71.782       
SPO2401          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         22.183       35.254       50.295       42.310       14.847       45.366       38.209       26.714       43.675       76.704       19.610       17.912       19.422       6.742        16.305       17.500       
SPO2402          ISSpo4,_transposase                                                                                                            0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.583        0.000        
SPO2403          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2404          transposase,_degenerate                                                                                                        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2405          site-specific_recombinase,_phage_integrase_family                                                                              0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2406          ISSpo6,_transposase_orf_A                                                                                                      29.903       23.811       5.771        14.939       9.425        19.746       12.954       6.871        8.517        17.809       8.027        6.927        8.594        4.470        10.484       9.709        
SPO2407          ISSpo6,_transposase_orfB                                                                                                       3.810        3.165        0.000        2.855        0.000        1.372        0.000        0.000        1.628        0.000        1.363        0.756        0.000        0.000        0.801        0.825        
SPO2408          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.035        3.582        0.000        0.000        1.630        3.105        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.234        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.725        1.493        
SPO2409          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     28.820       24.303       64.436       23.522       4.722        34.945       0.000        6.884        24.381       14.021       7.660        10.199       12.653       9.597        14.406       10.500       
SPO2410          dihydroxy-acid_dehydratase,_putative                                                                                           59.757       49.704       118.650      61.148       11.022       48.395       7.974        15.225       28.832       26.309       18.445       18.030       20.857       8.254        14.713       13.545       
SPO2411          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.541       40.252       87.011       34.080       5.609        25.639       5.140        27.259       15.205       21.197       20.523       13.349       22.406       7.093        9.151        7.704        
SPO2412          aldolase,_putative                                                                                                             23.310       40.568       71.131       34.227       8.935        33.470       0.000        17.370       24.223       16.884       12.401       8.131        20.951       14.832       13.915       20.454       
SPO2413          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     17.754       15.115       43.817       26.173       7.568        33.023       11.348       10.031       12.434       26.002       15.105       12.715       32.981       23.493       22.654       18.270       
SPO2414          mandelate_racemase/muconate_lactonizing_enzyme_family_protein                                                                  15.525       16.320       28.160       10.513       3.537        23.244       2.431        1.934        7.192        15.040       5.021        5.943        15.206       7.969        8.263        3.644        
SPO2415          phytanoyl-CoA_dioxygenase_family_protein                                                                                       15.797       24.860       33.262       22.421       3.961        23.708       3.111        4.125        14.316       11.761       9.423        8.555        11.203       4.830        7.553        5.181        
SPO2416          3-hydroxyisobutyrate_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                              39.384       35.917       79.257       39.591       10.786       37.194       9.363        10.760       16.415       12.872       12.892       13.829       20.113       11.846       12.124       12.475       
SPO2417          gluconate_5-dehydrogenase                                                                                                      73.339       87.225       153.205      77.589       10.878       92.714       0.000        20.816       27.031       33.402       36.027       45.688       59.513       48.364       43.560       28.014       
SPO2418          transporter,_LysE_family                                                                                                       19.282       30.230       73.730       31.353       2.580        26.209       0.000        12.539       6.217        11.376       3.255        7.224        9.859        4.079        6.123        2.362        
SPO2419          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           20.138       31.572       58.302       24.203       3.144        17.792       0.000        7.857        16.233       14.427       5.780        5.659        6.084        4.260        6.794        9.458        
SPO2420          2-dehydro-3-deoxygluconokinase                                                                                                 36.143       56.681       77.611       34.977       5.092        61.211       6.222        5.775        31.700       23.521       13.707       13.308       24.764       13.417       20.644       16.061       
SPO2422          D-isomer_specific_2-hydroxyacid_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                   42.775       40.081       106.338      44.423       7.694        38.936       3.021        12.820       13.904       14.538       11.648       10.617       34.360       10.425       14.182       13.083       
SPO2423          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.855        15.636       33.899       40.739       9.885        22.594       0.000        11.530       28.585       7.472        8.980        19.929       28.844       5.626        12.316       7.241        
SPO2424          L-idonate_5-dehydrogenase                                                                                                      10.633       5.630        30.180       12.499       1.479        5.632        0.000        2.874        2.672        3.725        2.239        4.554        7.190        3.272        2.632        3.159        
SPO2425          shikimate_5-dehydrogenase/quinate_5-dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                               5.821        1.649        10.724       4.957        0.625        5.718        0.000        2.736        7.913        2.364        6.155        3.678        5.214        4.153        3.896        5.154        
SPO2426          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.973        6.148        9.997        0.924        2.332        2.221        3.206        1.700        2.108        0.000        2.648        2.939        4.861        1.659        4.670        1.068        
SPO2427          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     8.186        10.706       28.088       1.136        8.600        7.644        0.000        2.090        2.591        8.126        5.968        7.224        6.722        4.079        6.378        2.625        
SPO2428          6-phosphogluconate_dehydrogenase_domain_protein                                                                                12.047       10.010       11.161       10.833       3.987        10.848       0.000        3.322        9.264        9.686        4.312        5.263        5.935        7.023        9.123        6.258        
SPO2429          oxidoreductase,_Gfo/Idh/MocA_family                                                                                            3.905        5.124        19.042       10.012       7.774        9.254        2.671        2.125        5.269        2.754        12.138       4.898        10.127       14.748       20.322       12.902       
SPO2430          hydrolase,_UxaA_family                                                                                                         5.271        6.995        21.193       4.937        1.038        8.965        1.903        4.541        5.004        1.962        5.502        3.779        9.738        3.611        2.464        1.584        
SPO2431          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   11.546       13.386       43.531       15.594       3.174        12.572       3.490        4.164        14.339       8.995        4.805        6.931        10.252       6.622        6.778        3.196        
SPO2432          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   15.850       13.469       58.400       8.098        4.258        10.380       23.408       2.483        16.928       9.654        4.512        4.292        12.423       2.423        4.547        1.559        
SPO2433          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit,_putative                                                                         129.483      166.265      406.191      158.689      11.026       94.754       14.549       33.438       72.534       76.672       76.792       74.837       93.300       47.690       62.404       32.307       
SPO2434          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         47.374       62.390       102.191      60.328       20.495       41.822       24.145       36.284       41.007       53.940       36.570       28.897       35.849       17.356       22.146       22.117       
SPO2435          fumarylacetoacetate_hydrolase_family_protein                                                                                   155.886      139.854      161.929      101.875      35.503       69.019       37.019       66.935       84.076       108.727      35.681       38.050       45.290       23.224       35.952       49.323       
SPO2436          FAD_dependent_oxidoreductase/aminomethyl_transferase                                                                           14.159       9.307        7.783        4.365        1.695        4.841        1.165        0.309        4.211        2.402        1.924        1.957        0.883        1.808        2.451        1.552        
SPO2437          Asp/Glu/Hydantoin_racemase_family_protein                                                                                      24.068       24.998       9.723        10.486       1.323        5.544        0.000        2.894        9.565        1.250        1.002        0.556        2.758        0.627        0.000        3.635        
SPO2438          phytanoyl-CoA_dioxygenase_family_protein                                                                                       73.257       50.725       17.138       16.636       2.915        16.880       0.000        10.201       17.914       8.814        6.180        4.898        5.469        2.765        4.670        4.805        
SPO2439          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         38.808       39.121       16.522       14.968       6.071        15.417       7.417        3.934        14.629       5.098        8.170        6.233        7.029        3.199        3.602        3.706        
SPO2440          metallopeptidase,_family_M24                                                                                                   39.603       24.404       12.069       10.650       3.583        11.261       0.000        3.265        7.286        5.925        3.730        4.515        3.268        1.699        2.392        2.051        
SPO2441          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_glycine_betaine/proline-binding_protein                                   97.019       69.044       16.905       10.098       4.247        10.111       8.756        2.322        31.662       6.019        16.477       8.473        8.298        2.518        4.724        5.347        
SPO2442          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                      8.698        4.847        2.457        3.974        2.006        3.056        0.000        0.000        5.438        5.686        4.176        0.421        0.000        0.951        0.893        0.459        
SPO2443          glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                   15.460       10.705       3.581        3.089        5.847        4.826        2.679        0.000        6.164        10.128       3.689        3.274        4.062        2.773        3.469        3.123        
SPO2444          nucleoside_diphosphate_kinase                                                                                                  244.799      225.645      388.212      317.429      589.740      199.372      472.838      440.665      415.220      264.661      143.233      141.391      172.844      192.283      347.680      206.998      
SPO2445          drug_resistance_transporter,_Bcr/CflA_subfamily                                                                                4.839        7.899        13.010       12.304       7.354        9.960        2.246        3.574        10.337       8.492        5.258        4.805        8.941        4.650        9.453        7.482        
SPO2446          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           17.364       21.102       31.462       28.769       51.937       28.293       64.478       64.325       45.418       37.990       25.155       25.567       25.607       24.631       51.188       31.704       
SPO2447          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 12.127       24.323       24.213       40.739       50.416       29.372       59.784       50.445       12.506       26.151       15.715       19.929       17.513       15.940       36.067       15.388       
SPO2448          membrane_protein,_MarC_family                                                                                                  13.423       19.077       65.447       39.705       60.119       36.896       36.725       43.826       21.126       39.445       21.491       19.639       20.883       24.552       37.152       31.347       
SPO2449          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           136.103      187.176      82.953       79.107       91.797       97.773       58.799       89.659       127.243      159.985      369.722      342.127      545.168      405.760      377.511      288.883      
SPO2450          Asp/Glu/Hydantoin_racemase_family_protein                                                                                      10.187       20.556       26.964       20.720       38.530       22.015       15.131       36.113       44.764       32.502       16.146       28.897       62.378       46.334       56.329       40.320       
SPO2451          acyltransferase,_putative                                                                                                      12.032       14.877       19.905       22.541       28.442       9.802        3.723        13.823       24.477       15.355       12.816       13.652       9.174        9.635        15.668       8.681        
SPO2452          DNA_polymerase_III,_chi_subunit,_putative                                                                                      72.292       62.816       51.980       49.571       24.573       45.950       12.282       37.455       56.520       88.643       15.220       21.579       39.574       21.188       34.788       53.181       
SPO2453          cytosol_aminopeptidase                                                                                                         188.183      135.820      98.278       84.059       55.824       65.920       34.528       70.708       104.040      150.315      38.562       41.617       52.356       38.057       72.031       82.743       
SPO2454          permease,_YjgP/YjgQ_family                                                                                                     43.260       34.785       111.966      78.430       49.482       53.494       33.682       74.892       121.789      93.500       42.453       38.002       46.653       30.395       41.517       55.664       
SPO2455          organic_solvent_tolerance_protein,_putative                                                                                    48.442       45.471       111.490      99.486       57.496       55.848       61.904       61.474       101.744      104.569      34.095       42.461       37.197       36.811       52.870       60.323       
SPO2456          PPIC-type_PPIASE_domain_protein                                                                                                226.946      161.789      254.630      202.493      112.723      140.585      22.953       91.914       184.102      138.056      97.343       92.934       98.759       71.675       95.852       125.387      
SPO2457          4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate_dehydrogenase                                                                                   47.901       39.327       149.243      81.193       45.833       50.938       14.823       37.736       59.443       46.869       32.247       26.723       31.466       32.732       33.108       39.498       
SPO2458          dimethyladenosine_transferase                                                                                                  15.127       21.670       40.772       19.544       25.277       20.666       16.948       26.067       18.941       25.629       21.002       10.875       17.989       13.450       19.202       14.113       
SPO2459          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           204.109      380.437      387.395      284.191      580.890      342.044      1029.825     794.860      679.677      382.866      310.082      273.056      418.494      459.721      689.448      451.807      
SPO2460          modification_methylase,_HemK_family                                                                                            14.768       26.214       21.765       22.133       33.005       25.145       6.979        36.091       21.795       51.572       12.973       13.329       20.504       21.673       21.463       16.854       
SPO2461          peptide_chain_release_factor_1                                                                                                 23.633       34.020       48.013       24.856       54.886       32.481       72.744       59.302       43.396       47.226       20.033       19.759       29.108       27.424       47.534       33.205       
SPO2462          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.383       47.148       54.114       42.522       36.295       73.336       8.676        29.910       25.667       47.710       53.757       41.093       54.267       29.936       40.724       44.793       
SPO2463          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           51.043       45.119       81.748       63.073       29.524       48.897       0.000        11.229       30.158       9.702        16.519       21.565       30.766       20.698       22.846       38.787       
SPO2464          agmatinase                                                                                                                     63.986       43.186       66.875       59.721       33.855       36.193       12.009       38.215       35.527       42.305       25.216       25.687       28.452       23.307       23.810       39.000       
SPO2465          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           30.894       34.621       16.476       6.092        12.492       15.374       5.283        7.005        5.210        7.263        12.367       20.987       23.032       19.140       15.392       9.679        
SPO2466          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      181.619      154.778      20.223       21.811       8.256        13.628       22.696       8.025        22.382       13.001       14.584       16.183       12.906       11.747       11.021       12.600       
SPO2467          agmatinase                                                                                                                     104.584      84.126       101.786      79.207       36.821       80.950       69.407       69.023       57.039       100.389      53.757       48.162       48.786       42.908       50.554       96.329       
SPO2468          amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                                  131.427      81.238       108.867      85.243       37.779       48.421       48.872       69.986       81.129       94.063       67.630       51.896       68.549       27.402       55.768       68.371       
SPO2469          mazG_family_protein                                                                                                            26.654       17.164       21.606       21.971       11.971       16.800       24.248       12.861       21.635       25.002       13.355       15.878       22.980       10.757       5.607        17.308       
SPO2470          inosine-uridine_preferring_nucleoside_hydrolase                                                                                74.159       49.739       65.957       60.102       23.081       27.632       15.107       28.043       53.631       47.767       24.129       16.618       20.616       12.510       11.737       25.663       
SPO2472          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           31.484       46.508       24.307       26.215       14.885       42.841       18.186       33.760       26.901       46.878       37.561       38.900       24.129       20.394       8.831        42.403       
SPO2473          haloacid_dehalogenase,_type_II,_putative                                                                                       35.088       32.261       38.301       35.561       22.436       29.523       7.476        19.825       20.888       24.409       13.381       19.988       19.129       18.701       10.285       12.450       
SPO2474          enolase                                                                                                                        84.920       108.117      257.746      218.752      194.672      156.326      189.135      182.925      159.453      225.604      136.340      128.508      134.540      127.448      197.726      131.187      
SPO2475          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.763       10.206       10.838       15.780       51.989       19.383       9.122        24.191       35.984       7.316        13.398       11.615       12.680       15.738       12.304       7.090        
SPO2476          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          94.940       106.525      68.213       59.721       29.487       87.362       0.000        31.050       47.369       77.386       38.444       42.658       52.920       23.307       67.058       74.999       
SPO2477          Manganese_uptake_regulator                                                                                                     164.649      83.850       206.045      161.195      94.165       167.390      82.833       133.630      129.336      161.325      107.401      120.230      81.119       59.543       71.506       121.860      
SPO2478          RNA_helicase                                                                                                                   25.987       34.189       69.216       54.528       220.334      37.441       211.651      216.153      152.469      147.808      155.325      125.910      233.020      194.225      254.018      118.874      
SPO2479          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           56.990       47.565       20.624       26.692       9.623        25.659       0.000        14.030       8.695        31.820       19.122       13.135       13.788       9.127        19.267       19.825       
SPO2480          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           70.949       66.933       52.555       45.912       90.116       76.010       45.219       118.354      105.990      131.090      92.313       87.713       144.962      124.143      181.389      142.764      
SPO2481          drug/metabolite_exporter_family_protein                                                                                        19.581       22.597       22.395       16.304       2.286        8.707        0.000        4.166        4.131        8.638        4.759        2.880        1.191        1.626        2.034        3.663        
SPO2482          endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase_family_protein                                                                            27.169       22.705       28.931       12.871       14.026       16.310       0.000        7.534        6.671        15.344       8.383        8.682        9.232        7.702        10.511       12.843       
SPO2483          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           28.297       19.314       25.747       25.749       11.467       18.200       0.000        32.741       8.635        65.005       11.213       13.245       15.933       10.423       15.732       8.312        
SPO2484          tyrosyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                        56.633       75.029       109.643      96.573       134.705      57.154       123.052      178.873      167.040      151.155      64.949       67.195       89.407       61.721       109.913      78.939       
SPO2485          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.734       15.115       115.862      40.896       4.300        412.785      23.642       12.539       15.543       8.126        3.255        3.612        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.937        
SPO2486          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.064        6.046        42.131       17.267       3.440        145.021      3.152        0.836        3.109        4.334        1.736        2.408        0.000        3.807        3.061        1.575        
SPO2487          3-hydroxyacyl-CoA_dehydrogenase,_type_II                                                                                       62.908       97.555       21.821       7.603        10.965       40.200       22.606       4.996        12.385       14.244       57.584       46.627       99.264       71.500       151.847      20.079       
SPO2488          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           18.131       21.844       27.994       30.343       54.860       30.040       51.839       51.657       34.597       37.793       17.953       19.201       24.713       30.353       53.904       37.151       
SPO2489          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           146.358      148.851      94.516       83.968       54.938       90.684       122.255      83.913       99.286       165.601      171.801      171.956      261.713      191.685      148.411      125.160      
SPO2490          lipoprotein,_SmpA/OmlA_family                                                                                                  308.426      250.617      347.925      272.638      191.983      192.760      103.719      276.672      214.594      222.274      126.012      121.182      142.240      130.519      115.541      140.224      
SPO2491          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           104.103      79.316       95.943       66.135       57.904       37.626       42.134       85.664       87.718       72.406       29.652       27.896       36.382       21.807       35.615       46.782       
SPO2492          ribosomal_protein_L32                                                                                                          325.298      442.336      1232.966     1182.768     2739.474     792.038      3824.426     3153.251     1440.013     1806.745     528.508      422.836      550.918      666.992      943.160      713.375      
SPO2493          fatty_acid/phospholipid_synthesis_protein_PlsX                                                                                 142.194      188.225      339.550      291.745      726.512      151.882      280.389      524.553      332.645      207.629      91.956       104.763      122.718      163.149      285.092      185.517      
SPO2494          3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein)_synthase_III                                                                                  191.710      182.035      234.788      191.606      197.569      115.626      184.451      194.106      141.475      164.021      68.936       69.336       71.587       62.128       103.782      115.076      
SPO2495          integration_host_factor,_alpha_subunit                                                                                         389.288      246.375      396.036      419.863      132.446      204.427      160.765      165.518      239.362      201.514      161.463      150.266      112.925      73.417       56.635       83.474       
SPO2496          transcriptional_regulator,_MerR_family                                                                                         217.993      184.739      194.186      172.783      50.965       120.797      31.133       51.602       126.647      109.679      96.453       79.676       51.635       29.541       37.164       71.296       
SPO2498          2''-deoxycytidine_5''-triphosphate_deaminase-like_protein                                                                      49.658       43.366       42.249       64.552       89.597       40.152       160.686      95.005       99.579       80.577       29.379       24.148       37.447       49.081       73.762       40.362       
SPO2499          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           275.684      334.233      213.624      199.679      244.687      271.314      186.471      296.703      315.238      526.446      537.355      480.266      603.378      549.192      485.070      443.658      
SPO2500          segregation_and_condensation_protein_B                                                                                         112.484      110.936      56.046       45.023       22.882       19.837       17.352       41.414       42.779       31.310       28.671       29.162       27.956       23.200       18.958       40.458       
SPO2501          segregation_and_condensation_protein_A                                                                                         259.465      236.138      79.465       65.006       45.909       65.755       43.750       43.731       59.738       74.027       86.654       72.501       65.064       44.706       38.675       79.029       
SPO2503          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           612.788      710.554      192.070      149.684      145.448      223.543      159.931      209.602      221.716      199.953      439.785      278.704      264.476      139.956      162.446      150.936      
SPO2504          arginyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                        55.231       49.690       72.515       76.958       100.362      47.816       91.150       88.055       87.212       73.284       35.411       39.292       48.128       37.628       62.439       52.590       
SPO2505          deoxyguanosinetriphosphate_triphosphohydrolase,_putative                                                                       91.286       84.408       79.886       64.442       39.763       51.056       36.845       41.689       47.638       65.849       41.938       33.776       33.521       25.850       36.577       46.227       
SPO2506          Iron-sulfur_cluster_assembly_family_protein                                                                                    270.655      312.189      267.752      180.909      307.042      331.893      159.086      208.597      264.376      379.700      523.283      526.634      882.829      815.746      808.249      577.004      
SPO2507          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           63.699       152.677      319.178      121.173      36.486       233.847      6.368        32.931       85.827       116.001      51.296       43.784       39.832       19.226       28.861       46.666       
SPO2508          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           155.923      558.598      1834.421     1061.765     108.974      1255.080     88.106       84.114       272.244      551.126      50.953       35.000       5.567        0.000        52.290       74.347       
SPO2509          exodeoxyribonuclease_III                                                                                                       157.475      110.543      124.194      103.765      48.136       83.124       28.229       62.696       73.075       82.468       64.620       60.383       65.545       39.570       53.116       67.583       
SPO2510          salicylate_hydroxylase                                                                                                         17.441       19.089       70.581       40.755       101.520      48.972       21.936       56.879       54.481       67.015       47.655       50.272       96.553       92.507       128.608      62.918       
SPO2511          dnaK_suppressor_protein,_putative                                                                                              312.701      315.693      631.972      631.554      570.456      398.105      1071.367     622.200      973.897      685.017      366.737      277.085      349.416      365.537      484.388      274.127      
SPO2512          ATPase,_AAA_family                                                                                                             263.090      243.669      167.926      157.179      238.729      200.994      450.963      376.624      309.754      580.646      470.339      396.439      1280.876     1279.066     1579.691     655.776      
SPO2513          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           146.587      154.921      106.862      115.630      24.317       72.469       21.627       46.403       58.165       82.438       63.617       36.948       34.284       24.082       34.050       40.275       
SPO2514          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           104.516      137.409      191.507      208.196      212.664      159.634      206.329      323.740      220.428      248.199      139.682      110.335      169.469      130.519      147.501      194.725      
SPO2515          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           113.578      97.442       162.538      144.623      126.605      103.105      129.610      150.853      159.375      195.509      117.984      125.051      167.873      134.991      225.326      159.497      
SPO2516          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1605.430     1617.066     220.689      194.742      57.336       62.401       60.043       413.994      720.406      588.137      500.180      502.264      574.726      274.505      325.570      299.997      
SPO2517          peptidase,_M48_family                                                                                                          72.764       78.227       55.436       51.419       75.442       110.927      103.693      104.494      102.257      215.256      186.181      204.690      356.920      312.703      328.959      264.570      
SPO2518          bacterial_luciferase_family_protein                                                                                            30.936       34.393       26.490       11.428       40.169       36.880       16.988       68.328       37.229       72.984       39.765       43.692       70.840       87.925       96.239       69.318       
SPO2519          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.050       22.180       20.608       19.262       26.175       17.805       46.256       28.622       21.963       17.664       4.954        4.712        10.716       7.980        24.957       13.696       
SPO2520          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.181       35.256       32.409       23.002       46.523       23.087       7.040        39.827       23.912       40.325       12.278       8.246        14.678       17.813       32.285       23.058       
SPO2521          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          990.494      932.678      122.475      114.128      48.002       71.108       36.654       32.077       63.859       50.391       121.632      102.485      66.696       71.457       25.511       43.953       
SPO2522          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           42.379       23.254       185.193      161.785      117.192      102.242      20.784       115.747      102.481      214.301      81.561       63.511       72.880       57.371       80.738       100.384      
SPO2523          glutamate-ammonia_ligase_adenylyltransferase                                                                                   24.255       17.658       71.800       56.982       40.375       53.934       21.285       45.157       38.982       55.738       39.636       42.432       48.222       36.722       48.889       53.006       
SPO2524          YbaK/prolyl-tRNA_synthetases_domain_protein                                                                                    10.196       12.516       24.152       8.683        4.382        12.520       0.000        1.597        1.980        2.070        9.953        4.601        1.142        7.274        4.875        6.019        
SPO2525          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           641.234      595.154      1781.811     1669.909     1021.295     1520.642     118.210      700.108      744.769      1293.320     656.486      415.400      373.429      319.500      226.411      600.463      
SPO2526          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.039        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.457        3.744        0.000        0.000        4.441        0.000        1.860        4.128        0.000        2.331        0.000        0.000        
SPO2527          6-aminohexanoate-cyclic-dimer_hydrolase                                                                                        6.532        6.627        2.639        5.123        3.950        5.198        0.000        5.759        5.192        8.821        6.796        6.033        5.239        4.087        4.154        6.905        
SPO2528          AMP-binding_enzyme                                                                                                             4.460        5.824        3.689        7.162        2.410        4.360        3.312        0.878        3.811        6.261        4.789        4.302        3.453        2.286        3.485        2.482        
SPO2529          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.940        2.728        4.563        4.921        1.242        3.312        3.414        2.716        2.244        2.933        4.466        4.434        5.500        2.650        3.316        4.549        
SPO2530          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    1.284        1.778        1.239        0.802        2.530        1.927        0.000        1.475        2.743        1.912        0.383        1.275        1.054        0.960        1.801        1.853        
SPO2531          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    2.492        3.623        8.657        0.934        0.589        4.488        0.000        1.718        3.194        2.226        3.567        3.464        4.297        7.263        0.524        2.697        
SPO2532          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 2.752        1.270        3.540        1.146        0.723        3.304        0.000        3.161        2.612        0.000        3.283        3.643        3.013        0.686        1.929        1.985        
SPO2533          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 2.853        7.706        1.652        1.069        3.373        3.083        3.709        0.983        2.438        6.373        15.319       10.766       16.167       3.199        10.204       8.647        
SPO2534          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_branched-chain_amino_acid-binding_protein,_putative                     9.779        11.362       4.799        2.484        2.351        4.179        2.154        6.284        4.957        2.961        3.559        3.950        4.900        2.230        4.184        2.511        
SPO2535          histone_deacetylase/AcuC/AphA_family_protein                                                                                   3.138        2.852        2.271        1.470        0.464        0.353        0.000        0.676        0.000        3.504        2.457        3.895        2.416        0.880        2.475        4.245        
SPO2536          transcriptional_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                         83.456       81.436       8.598        15.579       2.808        9.628        0.000        6.142        10.151       18.573       10.630       21.820       10.974       7.991        5.623        11.571       
SPO2537          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.329        19.378       0.000        0.000        8.821        13.440       0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.339        0.000        4.596        0.000        7.850        8.077        
SPO2538          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_famiy_protein                                                                                           4.581        4.392        2.040        0.000        2.499        2.538        4.580        0.607        2.258        3.148        2.838        1.399        2.170        2.370        1.112        3.051        
SPO2539          AMP-binding_enzyme                                                                                                             5.793        2.641        0.818        1.059        0.668        2.290        0.000        2.922        1.811        1.893        1.011        0.561        2.436        0.634        0.892        0.917        
SPO2540          carbamoyl-phosphate_synthase,_putative                                                                                         9.893        7.624        6.468        8.968        3.018        4.885        0.000        2.200        3.409        4.277        4.854        3.802        1.965        3.578        3.021        4.490        
SPO2541          propionyl-CoA_carboxylase,_putative                                                                                            10.535       9.046        2.440        2.632        0.664        4.301        1.826        1.452        2.400        3.765        2.514        2.789        2.076        0.945        0.886        1.520        
SPO2542          biotin/lipoate_binding_domain_protein                                                                                          25.225       14.107       5.618        14.541       2.293        5.242        25.218       6.688        12.434       4.334        5.208        5.779        2.390        0.000        2.041        2.100        
SPO2543          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         162.769      139.010      98.138       88.690       44.902       118.938      22.787       46.330       76.154       108.341      90.992       81.238       66.947       35.382       41.187       59.457       
SPO2544          amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                                  12.329       9.541        8.398        3.623        8.572        5.660        9.425        6.665        10.328       9.718        4.759        3.840        3.573        4.878        5.594        3.663        
SPO2545          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit,_putative                                                                         22.857       20.473       6.071        3.929        0.991        4.154        5.451        0.000        2.688        2.810        3.002        2.498        3.099        2.821        2.206        0.908        
SPO2546          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   2.568        1.778        0.000        0.000        1.012        3.083        0.000        1.475        0.000        1.912        1.532        0.850        0.000        0.000        0.900        0.000        
SPO2547          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   4.496        5.880        0.000        2.496        0.787        0.300        0.000        0.574        1.423        5.206        1.788        0.992        2.461        0.373        1.401        1.081        
SPO2548          oxidoreductase,_zinc-binding_dehydrogenase_family                                                                              14.553       10.993       1.277        2.479        1.564        1.191        2.866        0.760        1.884        2.955        1.973        0.876        0.000        0.494        0.000        0.000        
SPO2549          phosphotransferase_family_protein                                                                                              4.667        6.610        2.457        0.795        1.003        0.764        0.000        0.000        0.906        0.948        0.380        1.264        0.523        0.476        0.446        1.378        
SPO2550          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         20.877       23.597       67.553       47.165       47.901       45.893       39.902       39.152       53.777       74.056       75.270       73.768       76.388       51.629       60.064       61.139       
SPO2551          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                        11.441       16.161       15.899       20.576       14.604       25.549       14.869       33.911       14.663       41.905       50.775       32.714       34.384       17.957       29.843       23.773       
SPO2552          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease/ATP-binding_protein                                               10.311       6.328        15.604       8.781        8.310        8.863        0.000        6.058        8.510        2.617        6.710        6.515        6.061        5.780        5.916        5.580        
SPO2553          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           7.623        5.758        6.688        2.597        1.638        9.568        3.002        2.388        2.961        4.127        3.307        3.670        4.552        1.036        0.486        4.500        
SPO2554          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                      21.441       22.547       6.207        5.523        4.118        6.516        5.225        4.157        5.152        7.183        6.714        5.056        5.942        2.704        6.765        3.771        
SPO2555          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           7.902        3.420        1.906        2.467        0.778        2.965        0.000        2.270        1.407        1.471        4.714        1.308        1.622        1.476        0.693        1.425        
SPO2556          N-carbamyl-L-amino_acid_amidohydrolase,_putative                                                                               1.601        2.956        3.090        2.000        0.421        3.845        0.000        2.453        1.520        3.973        1.592        0.707        0.877        1.197        1.497        1.155        
SPO2558          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        2.672        3.237        5.156        3.754        3.421        6.816        0.000        1.535        3.329        3.978        3.586        3.979        1.920        2.246        4.449        3.614        
SPO2559          gluconolactonase                                                                                                               46.908       59.414       29.148       24.863       14.604       44.505       0.000        14.984       29.326       23.508       20.474       19.083       20.856       10.261       15.884       35.660       
SPO2560          2-hydroxy-3-oxopropionate_reductase                                                                                            97.587       100.093      53.545       42.856       12.081       55.222       12.651       10.065       54.063       29.350       15.678       16.430       13.788       10.913       17.917       35.292       
SPO2562          L-fuculose_phosphate_aldolase                                                                                                  114.730      103.344      45.071       32.970       15.201       45.713       17.594       17.497       59.280       68.028       13.930       13.441       11.672       13.659       30.613       30.035       
SPO2564          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        5.059        3.854        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.830        8.499        5.272        14.396       4.502        4.632        
SPO2565          GTPase,_putative                                                                                                               13.744       17.634       10.533       15.147       36.791       15.288       183.881      87.775       80.306       77.644       61.851       73.849       128.460      181.277      190.483      99.312       
SPO2566          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      12.546       16.794       6.457        10.446       13.181       12.050       25.363       23.061       14.292       24.906       45.899       44.841       74.858       70.010       41.639       47.672       
SPO2567          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           710.060      770.967      98.967       128.085      161.618      246.255      203.098      212.073      166.905      248.675      253.433      271.519      401.800      281.405      519.810      358.335      
SPO2568          RDD_family_protein                                                                                                             138.503      146.980      29.056       24.443       37.960       61.455       45.653       63.993       57.884       94.145       90.700       89.681       128.563      123.768      238.573      119.482      
SPO2569          arginine-tRNA-protein_transferase                                                                                              186.854      173.270      155.608      121.595      60.532       123.737      32.950       83.886       88.817       130.236      94.370       94.646       84.314       73.900       75.733       116.889      
SPO2570          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      149.571      129.557      167.188      95.207       68.257       138.323      0.000        49.759       96.219       85.125       69.240       59.629       66.862       73.806       61.956       94.999       
SPO2571          TRAP_transporter,_DctM_subunit,_putative                                                                                       267.668      290.925      116.077      85.895       41.247       46.801       53.074       38.385       73.353       106.959      465.708      255.985      163.013      89.066       61.500       45.602       
SPO2572          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           342.086      387.363      160.501      127.467      44.677       29.499       94.158       56.454       125.151      212.461      663.462      260.201      130.361      53.677       64.937       27.954       
SPO2573          bacterial_extracellular_solute-binding_protein,_family_7                                                                       4114.900     4608.194     763.269      750.699      222.037      227.238      146.698      204.935      586.415      784.196      3235.827     1728.238     697.123      323.587      322.669      257.844      
SPO2574          sensor_histidine_kinase                                                                                                        27.934       20.946       49.706       29.612       24.158       14.724       19.480       32.405       45.989       53.562       31.212       27.869       32.560       18.942       22.931       35.688       
SPO2575          DNA-binding_response_regulator,_LuxR_family                                                                                    30.655       23.792       52.664       32.818       19.908       9.707        35.025       30.187       40.297       49.656       21.099       27.426       22.406       20.394       30.472       26.250       
SPO2576          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         36.205       47.188       8.221        13.299       3.356        11.506       0.000        3.670        4.549        9.513        8.893        12.687       8.744        9.550        20.160       13.061       
SPO2577          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.859       8.768        11.639       6.025        5.227        7.240        5.225        6.928        9.446        8.979        12.590       13.171       18.816       17.577       8.457        12.182       
SPO2578          acetolactate_synthase,_large_subunit,_biosynthetic_type                                                                        209.930      161.780      694.483      599.056      236.326      98.226       288.731      496.408      430.832      830.118      89.116       135.813      127.901      101.583      170.920      101.577      
SPO2579          acetolactate_synthase,_small_subunit                                                                                           449.494      180.405      516.451      319.544      284.830      121.179      289.804      461.121      531.470      620.339      130.912      172.452      200.447      158.763      165.411      109.233      
SPO2580          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1250.707     2159.464     2351.766     2802.362     365.164      2416.772     379.821      672.186      1235.796     2901.229     1508.113     1261.299     476.031      243.386      460.454      863.659      
SPO2581          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  51.621       69.016       25.438       29.836       11.034       54.395       3.569        17.981       45.749       40.475       33.904       32.714       21.645       25.858       15.018       22.585       
SPO2582          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           130.076      87.539       48.801       56.843       15.939       35.417       7.303        12.588       32.406       22.588       18.099       19.525       16.610       11.968       6.501        20.067       
SPO2583          amidase_family_protein                                                                                                         222.967      148.884      80.293       70.641       20.626       52.193       10.125       27.925       38.608       67.510       39.036       37.127       29.938       16.070       20.321       31.028       
SPO2584          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      31.548       32.767       26.516       11.439       1.203        9.164        0.000        7.015        8.695        13.637       6.374        4.042        1.253        3.423        5.352        6.608        
SPO2585          peptide_chain_release_factor_2                                                                                                 96.049       104.797      178.638      150.496      212.372      120.909      252.180      238.747      192.319      211.482      99.656       112.122      104.202      83.967       162.047      130.619      
SPO2586          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         6.695        8.435        3.813        2.879        1.557        12.847       1.426        1.891        0.469        2.941        4.714        2.615        2.433        2.953        1.847        3.563        
SPO2587          penicillin-binding_protein_1A                                                                                                  174.704      180.175      211.675      158.710      194.859      174.407      238.703      265.020      286.081      384.296      345.031      324.048      488.164      373.194      403.001      304.915      
SPO2588          N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine_amidase,_family_3                                                                                   68.272       58.967       49.934       41.064       28.031       32.356       9.340        30.342       36.075       66.610       26.685       24.260       27.440       16.516       30.235       32.666       
SPO2589          aminotransferase,_classes_I_and_II                                                                                             27.497       23.702       23.828       22.428       19.456       12.464       14.586       28.366       21.576       44.283       11.046       9.286        12.902       12.163       17.313       19.839       
SPO2590          peptidase,_M48_family                                                                                                          61.096       54.199       55.362       46.148       29.498       42.611       16.849       36.864       59.541       76.008       38.571       39.581       40.320       41.060       51.136       68.051       
SPO2591          27_kDa_outer_membrane_protein,_putative                                                                                        306.937      205.132      122.048      130.910      64.162       97.762       56.290       98.523       139.394      157.352      83.191       97.471       83.933       69.274       126.341      148.124      
SPO2592          beta-lactamase,_putative                                                                                                       5.277        4.038        11.257       3.122        18.382       6.502        18.047       10.529       8.305        6.203        12.425       13.235       22.577       18.681       22.200       7.214        
SPO2593          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.076       21.091       137.172      91.936       12.001       757.305      0.000        17.497       18.073       3.779        10.599       5.040        2.084        3.794        1.780        10.988       
SPO2594          1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)-butenyl_4-diphosphate_synthase                                                                        119.333      110.440      134.821      105.420      119.259      104.834      90.785       155.152      143.410      192.414      191.672      159.899      318.341      249.292      239.192      165.478      
SPO2595          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           329.344      410.480      344.617      314.112      319.565      345.417      556.558      522.833      585.285      800.805      438.046      376.891      431.353      290.495      431.335      297.715      
SPO2596          5-aminolevulinic_acid_synthase                                                                                                 114.420      73.904       444.089      439.436      420.087      335.495      339.235      471.993      384.947      501.510      276.421      265.898      392.844      253.342      410.309      380.782      
SPO2597          peptidase,_M20/M25/M40_family                                                                                                  95.601       64.451       97.577       100.912      39.837       41.412       32.751       47.769       87.471       68.944       45.659       56.919       49.661       29.310       46.053       59.318       
SPO2598          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           56.113       41.697       54.150       39.315       54.999       32.863       68.184       57.390       57.494       38.717       26.532       20.835       28.095       21.480       27.830       36.042       
SPO2601          pirin_domain_protein                                                                                                           114.977      103.189      20.256       20.098       7.718        21.420       3.031        4.019        7.971        4.167        25.041       20.839       35.619       18.825       17.662       24.231       
SPO2602          transcriptional_regulator,_RpiR_family                                                                                         282.024      244.446      5.811        13.162       3.559        25.757       0.000        4.324        10.719       13.449       128.865      83.204       75.407       19.128       10.556       27.155       
SPO2603          N-formylglutamate_amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                157.656      97.904       1.596        5.164        1.955        7.446        0.000        1.900        0.000        3.693        76.944       49.257       60.428       5.562        3.479        13.125       
SPO2604          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           228.103      174.077      4.734        0.000        0.966        19.141       0.000        4.227        5.239        3.652        81.931       79.549       59.413       5.499        6.879        54.859       
SPO2605          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   195.358      134.013      8.598        4.946        4.290        14.560       4.289        3.981        11.983       7.370        36.908       28.504       29.265       4.439        12.842       53.571       
SPO2606          bacterial_extracellular_solute-binding_protein,_family_7                                                                       661.223      979.400      20.821       20.606       9.500        49.903       5.498        14.581       72.293       67.083       80.247       147.427      52.627       35.570       120.139      123.160      
SPO2607          gamma-glutamylisopropylamide_synthetase,_putative                                                                              223.132      220.190      11.210       22.972       4.958        24.698       6.291        13.902       27.571       25.944       24.252       57.026       32.193       15.193       52.606       86.956       
SPO2608          aldehyde_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                               63.549       81.515       16.558       13.691       4.507        13.448       0.000        10.404       8.824        19.870       10.519       19.559       13.306       13.180       38.768       41.954       
SPO2609          alcohol_dehydrogenase,_iron-containing                                                                                         52.329       87.278       17.693       10.734       12.190       22.356       7.446        23.696       17.134       23.033       14.012       23.133       15.996       23.980       38.166       28.110       
SPO2610          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           117.478      103.844      17.689       19.771       10.504       18.506       10.828       17.229       33.222       19.849       33.796       37.500       13.683       9.963        13.437       12.023       
SPO2612          DNA-binding_protein_HU,_putative                                                                                               323.445      352.069      190.105      137.981      111.176      163.004      126.859      143.743      284.323      180.348      238.987      173.560      178.153      99.481       143.733      114.282      
SPO2613          ATP-dependent_protease_La                                                                                                      224.182      217.596      452.271      407.429      384.500      262.085      433.386      520.621      481.194      552.903      474.796      600.799      720.333      536.584      553.556      706.684      
SPO2614          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           66.674       34.625       14.848       19.217       21.975       19.050       62.490       27.619       10.955       18.614       13.193       18.459       31.585       23.718       20.229       30.528       
SPO2615          NADH-dependent_flavin_oxidoreductase,_Oye_family                                                                               177.642      165.083      36.483       45.694       66.305       43.193       44.906       86.864       40.811       35.408       56.741       69.822       115.158      108.007      73.968       126.703      
SPO2616          queuine_tRNA-ribosyltransferase                                                                                                27.287       36.984       45.941       34.080       69.992       31.715       45.272       56.026       42.991       37.170       23.203       20.751       30.033       24.733       39.895       25.133       
SPO2617          SPFH_domain/band_7_family_protein                                                                                              617.511      688.346      140.913      144.609      133.655      161.147      265.173      187.241      150.179      207.532      192.239      208.920      172.585      105.275      189.782      207.515      
SPO2618          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           477.009      401.387      74.900       96.938       76.448       113.570      63.045       100.314      69.080       86.673       130.212      162.146      119.497      74.323       100.344      145.249      
SPO2619          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           362.608      403.067      228.212      163.583      331.115      212.944      606.809      382.447      269.412      712.342      580.529      488.847      651.261      504.403      632.675      391.121      
SPO2620          iron-sulfur_cluster_assembly_accessory_protein                                                                                 360.886      347.401      322.782      222.068      407.824      515.717      549.102      507.637      386.068      880.707      720.367      581.443      1091.377     1122.308     1227.002     712.553      
SPO2621          triosephosphate_isomerase                                                                                                      58.849       63.230       70.499       40.190       106.220      66.827       86.656       94.919       66.878       89.349       76.260       74.258       123.544      151.449      187.217      119.222      
SPO2622          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 51.488       61.874       27.102       23.916       20.118       35.251       11.061       24.932       34.540       30.411       23.606       31.263       18.868       31.485       25.959       35.000       
SPO2623          transporter,_LysE_family                                                                                                       1.775        1.475        0.000        1.330        0.000        2.557        0.000        0.000        1.516        0.000        3.176        0.705        0.000        0.000        1.493        0.768        
SPO2624          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         30.840       21.021       13.951       3.611        2.278        12.150       6.263        6.643        10.293       4.305        13.797       9.569        3.561        9.724        14.192       8.344        
SPO2625          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           47.951       34.131       46.597       21.359       9.512        18.117       0.000        12.713       14.325       25.463       13.201       13.983       9.912        6.767        10.581       10.887       
SPO2626          TRAP_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                                 281.354      402.742      65.236       46.319       50.308       46.499       97.618       39.910       35.431       62.908       192.658      143.244      148.408      69.470       48.060       27.097       
SPO2627          TRAP_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                                 352.400      729.994      30.229       18.339       40.109       24.681       335.015      43.859       110.125      173.443      321.151      324.609      241.942      100.231      48.734       12.713       
SPO2628          TRAP_transporter_solute_receptor,_DctP_family                                                                                  1549.460     2063.902     132.847      117.898      107.440      105.857      428.820      118.991      405.145      920.410      1483.168     1162.403     1108.850     485.038      312.109      115.877      
SPO2629          C4-dicarboxylate_transport_transcriptional_regulatory_protein                                                                  22.061       16.630       22.662       18.665       7.149        12.816       2.312        8.584        10.641       14.304       7.322        9.538        9.642        3.590        8.608        12.323       
SPO2630          C4-dicarboxylate_transport_sensor_protein                                                                                      50.230       56.224       64.874       33.490       15.475       42.623       4.908        16.054       21.513       37.113       30.863       37.247       44.036       28.791       31.779       30.519       
SPO2631          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         88.458       82.984       71.596       71.278       7.870        36.829       18.543       11.474       18.286       44.611       47.659       33.053       38.661       15.995       17.007       24.706       
SPO2632          uroporphyrin-III_C-methyltransferase                                                                                           203.627      199.776      16.330       5.284        6.000        10.666       3.665        6.804        1.205        5.039        21.197       18.481       31.264       29.089       59.328       65.319       
SPO2634          sulfite_reductase,_putative                                                                                                    44.788       46.109       6.844        0.984        1.863        3.785        5.121        4.074        2.806        1.173        6.346        4.955        11.324       5.595        16.854       9.382        
SPO2635          phosophoadenylyl-sulfate_reductase                                                                                             61.835       53.769       6.661        16.164       10.878       21.236       3.738        6.939        7.372        8.993        10.293       11.993       21.963       18.701       38.720       19.921       
SPO2637          ferredoxin--NADP_reductase                                                                                                     78.281       98.220       36.504       41.339       46.572       39.266       58.038       50.700       143.647      56.322       36.196       33.905       63.416       48.297       74.599       36.958       
SPO2638          translation_initiation_factor_IF-3                                                                                             142.730      298.148      483.818      557.260      427.184      407.529      1834.196     821.252      1048.726     1276.876     424.263      483.475      487.510      414.148      731.692      724.320      
SPO2639          molybdopterin_biosynthesis_protein                                                                                             93.163       107.028      94.978       49.642       91.472       165.508      24.599       97.125       112.305      140.906      103.492      126.948      282.338      192.855      307.018      223.047      
SPO2640          XdhC/CoxI_family_protein                                                                                                       165.616      165.060      153.793      99.521       111.858      221.888      40.612       144.624      114.427      195.413      169.755      224.708      407.427      224.705      482.676      309.683      
SPO2641          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.225       30.690       44.912       29.063       68.105       147.007      24.002       85.292       29.981       103.941      65.437       71.143       148.310      116.772      182.592      146.306      
SPO2642          YeeE/YedE_family_protein                                                                                                       1.125        2.337        4.343        1.405        3.547        2.702        0.000        2.585        0.000        3.351        4.027        2.234        7.392        5.046        1.578        3.247        
SPO2643          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.286       17.954       20.949       8.285        4.752        14.480       10.449       9.006        4.294        6.285        3.957        5.189        2.476        3.155        8.034        7.396        
SPO2644          VWA_domain_containing_CoxE-like_family_protein                                                                                 42.619       32.389       20.063       24.667       3.276        9.984        2.252        5.374        21.464       10.834       8.371        7.568        5.975        2.331        4.738        6.375        
SPO2645          protease,_S2_family                                                                                                            35.603       61.939       86.324       37.519       9.994        63.718       23.136       7.669        14.260       14.909       36.236       27.837       32.889       18.460       40.256       33.715       
SPO2646          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           155.648      135.134      78.125       65.000       13.669       49.033       9.394        10.795       41.174       46.278       43.117       54.063       39.767       19.448       6.082        14.603       
SPO2647          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           121.273      97.781       31.209       28.274       14.440       33.003       14.010       11.146       41.448       28.088       32.151       27.114       16.818       11.279       13.228       15.167       
SPO2648          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           115.660      87.786       25.757       13.096       9.013        14.878       20.648       15.332       36.652       26.967       15.921       13.250       7.045        7.124        10.695       12.380       
SPO2649          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           88.088       70.715       23.377       16.503       6.724        18.343       3.578        8.539        19.992       19.264       10.345       12.936       7.007        4.526        4.826        10.924       
SPO2650          methyltransferase,_FkbM_family                                                                                                 89.073       43.000       27.240       15.277       8.156        22.594       20.381       4.324        34.838       8.406        14.593       14.947       13.907       12.658       4.618        10.183       
SPO2651          glycosyl_transferase,_group_2_family_protein                                                                                   75.602       53.471       76.283       56.958       30.664       48.913       26.342       35.627       51.954       75.145       50.054       47.089       35.450       19.996       26.435       35.975       
SPO2652          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           178.603      176.263      25.094       16.239       12.941       18.896       2.965        8.648        19.490       18.340       19.185       21.288       16.857       11.252       3.839        6.418        
SPO2652a         Polyketide_cyclase                                                                                                             13.305       19.002       91.486       79.455       16.709       77.877       0.000        24.362       65.725       102.150      120.539      75.959       93.208       36.359       33.237       43.200       
SPO2653          dihydroorotase,_homodimeric_type                                                                                               20.820       25.337       37.748       37.823       67.610       34.465       103.860      94.226       61.094       69.514       31.612       32.155       45.071       38.665       75.649       30.953       
SPO2654          orotate_phosphoribosyltransferase                                                                                              20.374       28.215       73.028       46.046       82.564       39.604       79.857       86.939       62.172       41.892       35.302       23.760       35.053       41.331       89.119       41.300       
SPO2655          replicative_DNA_helicase                                                                                                       180.297      229.163      170.734      155.558      169.580      117.569      112.490      150.168      195.541      180.860      109.998      106.035      144.192      128.283      189.790      153.053      
SPO2656          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         19.666       20.426       9.964        10.132       2.906        9.740        0.000        2.542        6.301        3.294        7.478        8.298        11.506       6.614        6.723        9.046        
SPO2657          ACC_deaminase/D-cysteine_desulfhydrase_family                                                                                  3.591        5.104        4.377        0.708        1.787        7.148        2.456        5.211        8.882        3.377        117.698      86.317       182.971      39.410       55.263       97.772       
SPO2658          glutamate/aspartate_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                     15.973       22.120       5.872        3.800        3.596        8.675        6.590        6.991        31.411       19.252       80.759       90.619       99.928       21.602       40.533       71.341       
SPO2659          glutamate/aspartate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                          4.280        5.081        3.540        3.437        5.059        6.057        0.000        3.161        7.837        5.463        16.960       25.498       32.385       16.452       15.435       31.764       
SPO2660          glutamate/aspartate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                          3.004        1.387        5.798        5.003        3.156        4.208        0.000        2.301        2.852        5.964        2.987        6.628        15.622       5.239        8.426        13.004       
SPO2661          glutamate/aspartate_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                       4.510        6.870        6.964        3.380        5.686        4.873        7.816        7.254        5.138        5.372        8.071        22.091       30.368       15.506       22.138       26.033       
SPO2662          aspartate_racemase,_putative                                                                                                   2.701        4.363        4.343        2.811        2.483        4.323        0.000        0.000        3.205        2.010        2.953        2.681        1.478        1.682        2.525        4.222        
SPO2663          aspartate_ammonia-lyase                                                                                                        1.277        1.657        0.924        1.196        2.263        2.299        0.000        1.100        2.045        3.564        0.857        0.317        1.179        1.431        0.336        1.382        
SPO2664          polar_amino_acid_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                            2.283        1.778        0.000        4.277        0.000        4.111        7.417        1.967        2.438        0.000        0.511        1.133        1.406        2.559        1.201        0.000        
SPO2665          polar_amino_acid_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                               1.929        0.573        1.596        2.065        0.652        1.985        3.582        0.950        5.888        2.462        0.986        1.095        0.000        1.236        0.000        0.000        
SPO2666          polar_amino_acid_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                               1.363        1.132        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.945        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.435        0.975        0.541        1.343        0.611        1.147        0.590        
SPO2667          polar_amino_acid_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                          4.728        3.274        1.521        0.984        0.621        3.785        6.828        1.811        0.000        4.693        1.410        1.043        3.235        1.178        1.658        1.137        
SPO2668          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         21.070       16.286       12.767       8.262        3.475        6.618        0.000        6.755        5.233        1.094        14.030       5.351        10.863       6.043        3.608        7.954        
SPO2669          oxidoreductase,_2OG-Fe(II)_oxygenase_family                                                                                    121.197      133.508      50.505       32.682       12.480       40.925       2.983        41.138       43.148       85.101       34.504       34.185       19.225       10.808       19.314       32.791       
SPO2670          alanine_racemase                                                                                                               192.236      155.560      162.044      167.054      153.301      127.219      52.677       182.268      175.632      241.396      82.894       98.496       107.453      104.727      142.104      140.370      
SPO2672          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           130.625      86.198       197.967      165.335      162.336      81.573       197.491      178.269      113.607      103.120      57.001       89.942       60.469       91.075       109.421      142.950      
SPO2673          paraquat-inducible_protein_A,_putative                                                                                         26.143       38.919       32.797       21.223       26.780       20.402       5.663        37.543       31.644       25.301       14.815       19.034       18.247       20.516       23.831       32.066       
SPO2674          DNA_repair_protein_RadA                                                                                                        62.323       66.733       67.894       51.759       52.020       47.442       10.438       70.308       54.212       61.704       41.105       42.421       36.403       29.893       43.926       45.198       
SPO2675          CvpA_family_protein                                                                                                            112.310      132.256      277.060      234.113      280.447      150.272      205.582      316.207      261.866      190.774      111.105      110.721      145.150      109.062      206.307      157.498      
SPO2676          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.128        7.955        4.435        0.000        2.716        1.379        0.000        2.640        1.636        1.711        2.741        0.760        0.000        0.000        0.806        0.829        
SPO2677          amidophosphoribosyltransferase                                                                                                 69.200       80.511       106.618      114.063      148.137      100.020      108.077      148.424      130.688      126.029      75.470       73.423       79.015       91.896       150.255      115.713      
SPO2678          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           63.890       108.754      205.519      159.593      312.550      131.043      80.728       287.485      185.758      146.657      77.810       86.340       107.110      240.744      242.667      167.102      
SPO2679          oxidoreductase,_short-chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     57.463       95.352       177.189      99.373       266.853      90.628       150.248      254.301      164.146      121.504      90.662       75.619       111.401      139.515      246.766      131.739      
SPO2680          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           30.405       21.053       28.589       46.738       32.559       15.444       13.510       25.974       47.739       22.055       10.696       9.804        14.724       15.150       18.587       15.750       
SPO2681          twin-arginine_translocation_protein_TatC                                                                                       124.772      102.220      110.730      122.338      109.710      113.402      178.830      91.633       266.024      171.887      38.396       43.994       102.262      71.639       154.048      122.667      
SPO2682          twin-arginine_translocation_protein_TatB                                                                                       281.003      271.474      230.060      165.018      236.510      206.910      404.401      384.427      507.193      848.908      82.239       109.316      163.916      101.968      304.119      232.103      
SPO2683          twin-arginine_translocation_protein,_TatA/E_family                                                                             379.193      366.166      267.031      349.438      324.634      291.616      439.540      293.171      647.990      434.890      115.540      146.522      234.787      137.873      355.718      228.484      
SPO2684          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.640       16.794       0.000        13.770       5.212        3.971        0.000        5.066        0.000        9.849        6.576        1.459        9.053        3.296        12.369       3.182        
SPO2685          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.499       7.523        17.158       14.804       7.005        11.859       4.279        12.483       14.066       8.824        7.660        6.538        9.733        5.906        5.541        14.966       
SPO2686          LysM_domain/M23/M37_peptidase                                                                                                  234.095      269.093      173.420      136.319      51.689       101.260      14.328       59.530       145.225      86.180       68.394       61.297       66.991       51.499       72.281       62.840       
SPO2687          protein-L-isoaspartate_O-methyltransferase                                                                                     80.210       114.593      119.536      65.940       48.802       139.576      35.188       47.824       91.089       65.005       119.311      79.972       87.539       48.565       51.971       72.523       
SPO2688          acid_phosphatase_SurE                                                                                                          107.187      154.638      50.234       50.333       91.958       41.833       61.833       114.782      77.715       71.255       58.095       38.345       61.357       43.297       71.235       63.605       
SPO2689          iron_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein,_putative                                                                            61.002       41.411       88.880       52.287       87.653       43.442       51.818       83.824       51.952       102.404      45.663       46.711       55.002       42.016       62.485       60.410       
SPO2690          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           67.581       44.785       36.010       56.703       43.614       33.974       37.719       50.014       39.854       60.189       15.952       29.227       24.002       25.565       40.120       39.038       
SPO2691          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           68.810       44.770       60.679       43.711       21.034       25.639       10.279       35.437       43.081       48.577       22.999       23.165       24.841       20.837       24.957       27.391       
SPO2692          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     78.664       44.353       55.308       56.843       20.588       36.429       7.303        19.366       46.809       41.412       27.148       34.588       31.143       23.937       28.368       29.189       
SPO2693          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.280       40.037       25.078       31.645       19.453       27.691       8.444        14.928       26.830       16.445       22.865       13.761       20.272       21.850       20.044       17.344       
SPO2694          cytochrome_c'                                                                                                                  65.834       28.790       20.063       22.256       7.021        24.961       0.000        8.530        14.803       15.477       31.003       26.538       26.826       7.769        17.702       25.714       
SPO2695          peptide_chain_release_factor_3                                                                                                 29.378       37.011       40.163       39.240       94.524       31.842       109.592      93.283       70.888       61.359       27.990       22.416       34.174       27.751       62.943       32.677       
SPO2696          beta-lactamase,_putative                                                                                                       1.358        6.852        2.247        2.181        2.752        5.242        0.000        4.681        9.119        9.534        3.472        1.926        1.912        2.175        1.225        0.840        
SPO2697          acyl-CoA_synthetase,_putative                                                                                                  2.610        6.289        13.903       5.476        4.195        8.648        4.070        2.519        19.178       6.528        5.418        8.085        4.115        2.809        2.855        1.808        
SPO2698          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          7.917        11.747       19.647       9.182        2.228        13.240       12.250       3.249        31.408       15.157       8.096        9.358        2.786        2.113        1.190        1.224        
SPO2699          opine/polyamine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                              1.922        6.274        15.899       6.173        1.947        6.429        0.000        0.946        22.288       11.039       4.914        5.998        0.676        1.231        2.310        1.189        
SPO2700          opine/polyamine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                              6.977        17.600       49.057       30.812       1.178        14.361       3.239        1.718        56.423       17.809       10.702       14.845       3.069        1.676        1.573        1.618        
SPO2701          opine/polyamine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                         31.354       52.841       127.879      69.453       9.789        41.550       7.688        7.476        161.748      48.445       47.639       54.036       23.802       22.107       12.030       12.378       
SPO2702          opine/polyamine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                           10.270       17.248       64.526       45.030       2.583        14.560       0.000        3.766        41.075       16.593       10.949       9.546        2.691        2.450        2.298        1.892        
SPO2703          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.766       24.511       88.248       52.501       1.162        21.250       0.000        4.236        47.259       20.863       16.277       18.061       6.661        3.307        1.551        3.193        
SPO2704          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         67.927       81.646       38.514       27.188       17.153       34.485       10.478       13.894       27.555       17.106       15.510       17.611       15.392       12.654       14.416       21.378       
SPO2705          3-hydroxyacyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                 11.247       10.967       58.479       55.044       3.798        15.295       0.000        10.285       46.090       13.329       7.805        6.381        4.524        6.691        5.794        2.981        
SPO2706          carnitinyl-CoA_dehydratase                                                                                                     46.910       44.293       188.280      114.848      27.093       36.001       6.928        35.826       135.503      61.909       29.095       23.817       12.475       8.367        14.578       19.038       
SPO2708          aldehyde_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          15.645       13.490       108.533      65.809       17.445       8.240        5.755        15.769       45.399       22.415       12.150       17.585       6.908        2.978        5.589        6.709        
SPO2709          endoribonuclease_L-PSP,_putative                                                                                               8.145        10.152       62.883       34.588       7.702        12.713       7.057        11.229       23.199       29.107       7.774        6.470        4.013        4.870        3.427        4.701        
SPO2710          3-oxoadipate_enol-lactonase_family_protein                                                                                     4.616        7.332        58.167       31.537       3.851        8.312        3.529        6.550        33.638       13.340       9.231        5.930        2.675        1.826        2.856        3.526        
SPO2711          CaiB/BaiF_family_protein                                                                                                       7.763        11.180       43.150       31.801       5.628        7.083        6.726        4.281        21.225       13.870       8.335        7.399        2.805        3.017        4.572        4.257        
SPO2712          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.885       39.269       55.762       64.150       5.059        15.417       0.000        8.605        56.381       36.645       10.213       19.123       7.908        7.998        9.004        8.493        
SPO2713          SecA_DEAD_domain_protein/helicase,_putative                                                                                    29.686       27.819       32.956       20.072       14.246       53.060       8.703        18.078       15.734       35.892       31.554       22.825       44.812       55.801       69.256       55.801       
SPO2714          peptidase,_M50_family                                                                                                          35.517       41.434       25.338       20.972       5.293        16.678       5.290        3.507        10.000       14.092       7.831        6.669        12.284       8.215        9.205        8.591        
SPO2715          GAF_domain_protein                                                                                                             101.186      100.685      64.870       46.839       13.660       53.522       6.131        8.942        23.680       17.384       35.455       26.462       27.889       17.188       20.095       17.103       
SPO2716          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         42.977       65.181       76.215       54.844       22.912       53.515       25.357       17.818       39.410       57.470       40.256       28.012       45.338       23.082       32.872       19.286       
SPO2717          SapC_protein,_putative                                                                                                         195.064      183.124      179.869      135.270      40.356       106.850      25.461       42.441       94.454       88.756       96.658       80.023       77.903       44.552       54.162       33.923       
SPO2718          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           66.589       81.431       66.851       44.266       16.503       58.510       0.000        19.434       44.736       26.386       33.634       28.258       27.118       17.459       24.287       14.529       
SPO2719          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           65.174       38.603       46.981       59.823       17.943       32.054       6.803        18.042       38.019       25.721       15.925       14.033       10.961       9.390        9.360        18.696       
SPO2720          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.162        1.207        0.841        0.000        0.000        1.569        1.888        0.000        0.000        1.297        2.339        2.019        1.789        0.326        0.000        0.629        
SPO2721          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           214.617      246.573      102.137      106.026      56.467       136.999      291.345      202.654      157.000      228.173      133.500      167.108      101.392      56.855       97.406       61.249       
SPO2722          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           39.134       50.807       42.486       16.038       20.236       37.441       23.841       10.537       28.735       27.313       24.073       42.496       16.569       17.823       27.012       21.176       
SPO2723          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           78.804       95.125       87.842       92.107       42.504       92.337       89.456       67.780       127.825      221.492      105.326      100.137      76.128       41.575       70.328       71.148       
SPO2723a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           74.081       72.497       99.133       94.992       28.798       103.767      42.791       43.121       97.056       116.185      56.563       48.380       44.609       35.435       36.016       45.610       
SPO2724          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           49.032       46.715       49.143       43.347       23.002       44.590       35.129       24.967       44.343       57.471       42.469       38.322       35.024       22.666       35.594       26.913       
SPO2725          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        4.095        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        4.515        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2726          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.454        0.236        0.000        0.425        1.073        0.409        1.475        0.391        0.485        0.507        0.203        1.352        0.559        0.509        0.478        0.000        
SPO2728          conserved_hypothetical_protein                                                                                                 0.495        0.229        0.956        0.000        0.260        0.694        0.716        0.190        0.706        0.246        1.872        0.765        1.221        0.617        0.232        0.715        
SPO2729          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.011        1.050        2.926        0.000        1.194        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.159        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.245        1.133        1.063        2.187        
SPO2730          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.140        2.223        6.196        4.009        2.530        5.781        0.000        0.000        0.000        4.780        3.830        2.125        0.000        2.399        4.502        0.000        
SPO2731          ISSpo7,_transposase                                                                                                            0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2732          site-specific_recombinase,_resolvase_family                                                                                    2.812        3.651        2.035        9.220        7.479        9.496        4.568        2.423        6.007        4.710        6.290        4.188        6.927        5.517        6.655        5.326        
SPO2733          type_I_restriction-modification_system,_M_subunit                                                                              92.895       69.865       73.964       60.586       39.944       49.068       53.588       55.730       48.011       60.671       20.545       18.141       18.522       14.321       32.484       36.050       
SPO2734          type_I_restriction-modification_system,_S_subunit                                                                              69.411       57.117       64.071       64.704       28.932       41.064       61.011       36.982       50.139       81.630       17.402       19.642       11.564       13.909       28.215       36.653       
SPO2735          type_I_restriction-modification_system,_R_subunit                                                                              80.899       63.035       68.038       55.882       35.714       49.650       60.416       30.931       47.167       44.125       10.745       11.795       9.861        11.871       22.546       26.413       
SPO2736          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           24.488       24.707       25.657       16.603       14.334       13.440       15.155       12.861       18.931       31.252       5.008        4.631        4.022        5.752        9.321        11.106       
SPO2738          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          124.916      111.944      99.217       97.703       50.487       59.931       16.138       78.745       122.010      158.629      78.216       76.928       75.247       43.989       52.241       74.718       
SPO2739          D-alanyl-D-alanine_carboxypeptidase                                                                                            78.578       67.005       61.894       66.754       29.702       36.814       29.248       40.720       117.774      121.465      87.256       59.582       50.355       39.526       33.533       35.721       
SPO2740          thymidylate_kinase                                                                                                             197.601      161.179      125.795      93.033       80.705       99.990       44.819       87.953       185.632      143.257      111.699      97.922       104.489      84.281       81.974       99.276       
SPO2742          hydrolase,_TatD_family                                                                                                         18.527       20.637       27.984       24.145       33.640       18.375       13.958       44.419       45.883       39.578       13.934       11.730       20.504       28.295       32.760       23.828       
SPO2743          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.382       31.253       42.765       38.948       42.032       29.066       53.328       67.882       60.770       73.313       13.217       16.839       14.825       22.080       42.582       34.934       
SPO2744          malonate_transporter,_putative                                                                                                 17.604       16.578       27.182       12.313       23.304       9.300        27.455       18.607       29.080       19.921       4.200        7.923        9.830        9.473        20.738       15.242       
SPO2745          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.520       46.234       72.697       58.804       100.506      88.904       22.251       99.330       68.267       115.989      57.191       56.661       82.242       81.894       141.061      172.322      
SPO2746          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           596.224      600.363      547.316      417.875      64.302       366.185      8.838        92.579       148.167      208.835      176.152      157.990      152.024      78.525       106.574      151.243      
SPO2747          diguanylate_cyclase,_putative                                                                                                  19.267       24.269       81.889       36.864       9.206        267.253      2.664        7.064        22.767       11.902       4.035        4.884        2.525        3.677        6.899        5.768        
SPO2748          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.300       34.106       168.526      89.481       15.878       555.756      33.947       20.577       44.636       23.335       9.349        5.187        14.707       11.713       10.204       13.731       
SPO2749          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           56.266       44.501       39.209       37.828       18.336       44.568       8.001        17.398       25.774       21.998       24.236       27.871       45.191       24.569       24.346       26.649       
SPO2750          trimethylamine_methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                22.432       16.892       34.095       34.145       31.816       20.957       12.755       33.825       38.932       35.070       15.555       21.993       24.521       10.688       18.285       33.685       
SPO2751          HAD-superfamily_hydrolase,_subfamily_IA,_variant_1_family_protein                                                              59.101       35.642       75.432       46.432       54.832       36.623       12.389       27.378       43.439       46.837       25.019       32.809       37.571       34.197       41.442       49.519       
SPO2752          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.644       32.505       31.712       35.179       42.540       16.909       61.011       59.325       50.139       62.908       63.006       38.841       52.039       54.383       59.252       40.645       
SPO2753          diguanylate_cyclase,_putative/response_regulator                                                                               38.587       99.131       455.057      280.900      29.413       1169.741     0.000        15.742       123.133      74.572       24.520       17.826       11.639       6.356        18.222       16.704       
SPO2754          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.725       18.409       16.204       26.215       6.616        41.161       6.062        9.646        13.949       14.584       20.033       32.417       63.196       54.383       42.191       51.490       
SPO2755          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           7.157        11.150       13.814       8.939        5.640        13.964       0.000        8.222        5.096        15.985       9.606        18.949       35.262       46.805       26.348       24.528       
SPO2756          RNA_polymerase_sigma-70_factor,_ECF_family                                                                                     23.285       24.940       10.533       17.721       12.041       17.691       14.185       20.063       9.326        29.252       44.923       56.350       139.812      155.807      93.371       114.186      
SPO2757          EF_hand_domain_protein                                                                                                         89.239       118.829      42.396       46.297       22.718       70.054       23.791       48.895       37.147       51.104       134.307      174.475      377.657      407.360      229.119      306.082      
SPO2758          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           122.020      91.853       641.695      541.082      281.828      285.270      334.624      339.524      483.029      525.037      537.877      386.780      645.286      440.503      393.263      437.361      
SPO2759          hydrolase,_NUDIX_family                                                                                                        138.716      97.765       478.685      372.412      264.233      260.970      128.773      255.054      394.197      409.391      298.657      282.825      391.290      305.471      418.165      408.826      
SPO2760          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          143.693      130.997      89.577       75.160       90.498       63.042       95.420       91.277       93.538       143.479      78.597       74.196       102.057      95.244       153.342      97.621       
SPO2761          transcriptional_activator,_Baf_family                                                                                          80.350       86.371       71.575       56.843       79.031       59.197       135.097      76.494       79.215       107.923      67.368       66.944       102.426      74.330       147.157      66.283       
SPO2762          biotin--acetyl-CoA-carboxylase_ligase                                                                                          63.997       61.917       54.145       37.228       45.592       42.102       22.787       30.215       42.447       74.403       10.982       12.186       10.078       24.898       31.966       35.421       
SPO2763          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_N_subunit                                                                                                291.056      233.338      244.012      197.095      122.197      180.457      76.836       109.196      149.601      125.946      65.377       63.213       52.280       65.939       103.001      130.921      
SPO2764          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_M_subunit                                                                                                248.362      164.114      161.791      119.578      71.754       97.069       94.015       76.262       126.041      100.105      32.743       41.121       42.628       36.891       62.062       84.122       
SPO2765          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_L_subunit                                                                                                366.980      218.469      249.603      174.886      132.499      139.852      129.799      133.822      177.199      179.354      56.899       63.137       64.268       60.781       104.188      137.425      
SPO2766          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_K_subunit                                                                                                536.005      314.272      634.058      426.503      454.713      365.882      524.335      225.955      387.806      260.662      105.717      130.181      94.060       142.150      210.656      314.997      
SPO2767          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_J_subunit                                                                                                622.861      439.847      528.750      374.877      256.291      369.541      430.283      373.669      411.890      630.544      174.484      208.061      163.114      157.439      236.488      304.759      
SPO2769          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           173.979      139.644      173.483      134.904      93.444       116.533      232.329      103.264      154.892      149.578      57.221       46.996       52.719       56.453       87.391       95.916       
SPO2770          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_I_subunit                                                                                                180.135      118.892      218.364      227.753      100.687      126.248      317.148      105.513      259.682      160.530      55.578       49.337       52.462       49.741       71.867       74.908       
SPO2772          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_H_subunit                                                                                                220.401      176.123      224.701      162.002      129.629      140.539      95.938       102.495      155.881      97.978       55.859       59.051       72.218       67.151       112.693      99.064       
SPO2773          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          137.570      96.831       151.410      132.059      90.035       96.235       22.164       92.085       72.858       71.099       27.467       36.122       42.011       38.238       47.833       75.058       
SPO2774          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_G_subunit                                                                                                215.485      133.658      200.656      182.837      99.019       140.375      84.185       92.277       137.904      120.075      43.855       53.593       82.709       85.205       68.131       96.041       
SPO2775          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           265.935      207.831      170.532      150.925      99.314       147.423      180.129      137.335      116.573      160.577      48.830       67.943       149.372      127.217      103.867      140.624      
SPO2776          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           277.879      174.953      262.078      240.437      134.085      172.316      141.479      165.873      149.311      266.160      43.062       53.471       36.696       51.386       85.573       99.212       
SPO2777          NADH-quinone_oxidoreductase,_F_subunit                                                                                         368.705      192.087      254.544      239.821      154.488      198.687      190.449      170.093      192.129      200.130      58.475       74.585       50.205       50.984       124.367      139.634      
SPO2778          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           152.715      149.284      312.085      420.738      191.120      346.212      186.800      207.439      199.564      228.720      318.296      201.568      163.756      134.951      196.530      215.831      
SPO2779          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           649.469      530.047      512.410      366.588      224.307      386.045      249.198      289.758      317.161      430.436      182.121      245.042      117.479      108.031      217.189      246.889      
SPO2780          NADH:ubiquinone_oxidoreductase_41_kD_complex_I_subunit                                                                         276.644      215.407      232.028      202.832      144.586      168.393      196.445      208.987      225.261      269.282      86.179       108.889      89.623       73.299       157.503      171.574      
SPO2781          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          298.827      223.056      220.884      185.288      188.707      152.671      73.451       314.090      259.553      366.045      109.985      131.862      93.974       77.615       175.358      211.017      
SPO2782          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_D_subunit                                                                                                277.222      194.816      242.386      208.013      149.073      164.046      133.095      152.948      185.748      148.467      95.167       107.027      110.203      86.610       155.712      168.776      
SPO2783          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           153.613      151.150      290.239      236.286      133.784      148.515      168.120      367.818      193.424      671.714      66.553       102.746      119.497      108.766      122.453      139.999      
SPO2784          NADH-quinone_oxidoreductase,_C_subunit                                                                                         340.172      297.766      330.732      298.539      242.531      195.909      382.999      302.196      256.460      372.151      177.740      150.266      147.878      119.099      251.795      264.597      
SPO2785          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_B_subunit                                                                                                221.992      240.815      290.398      200.243      199.218      176.204      128.227      188.443      203.727      209.337      146.397      156.731      161.018      125.358      212.737      231.354      
SPO2786          NADH_dehydrogenase_I,_A_subunit                                                                                                546.633      405.982      630.231      452.895      454.896      356.306      515.823      406.230      526.664      456.644      291.632      278.227      250.352      207.644      430.105      389.190      
SPO2787          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   104.980      77.883       96.484       48.908       28.230       45.015       14.438       20.101       56.951       42.179       27.335       28.677       25.998       28.022       26.290       36.068       
SPO2788          hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA_lyase                                                                                                143.991      72.914       60.824       55.680       21.804       41.989       6.660        32.673       39.405       45.778       33.012       39.174       37.869       18.383       23.715       27.729       
SPO2789          methylcrotonyl-CoA_carboxylase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                  22.337       21.325       21.556       17.330       16.534       13.815       8.797        10.887       14.941       23.180       18.977       19.713       30.847       14.418       24.443       14.163       
SPO2790          methylcrotonyl-CoA_carboxylase,_beta_subunit                                                                                   14.035       17.549       4.734        8.169        5.798        8.834        8.855        7.045        13.971       15.825       20.483       13.529       17.455       9.471        14.905       8.258        
SPO2791          acetyl-coenzyme_A_synthetase                                                                                                   6.706        8.298        7.435        4.277        2.361        6.681        1.854        1.475        6.095        9.559        13.787       9.632        13.004       10.557       10.805       4.015        
SPO2792          outer_membrane_protein_OmpW                                                                                                    5.068        6.768        20.961       46.118       4.279        3.260        28.229       9.981        1.547        6.468        7.126        9.345        23.186       21.916       4.569        1.567        
SPO2793          isovaleryl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                   56.970       52.336       14.153       16.203       12.445       19.301       14.662       12.960       20.885       16.797       32.637       21.654       51.875       41.314       52.209       19.942       
SPO2794          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO2795          aminotransferase,_DegT/DnrJ/EryC1/StrS_family                                                                                  78.460       123.668      79.794       55.078       23.890       75.118       2.388        23.432       40.035       50.887       18.743       23.351       102.750      45.319       70.349       114.942      
SPO2796          phosphoglycolate_phosphatase                                                                                                   32.082       25.421       45.962       26.025       27.365       18.465       34.388       47.877       28.260       51.708       29.002       31.524       38.293       20.764       40.354       20.761       
SPO2797          UDP-N-acetylglucosamine_pyrophosphorylase                                                                                      90.713       67.850       83.327       70.886       46.633       25.626       48.335       66.876       42.139       68.616       17.940       21.191       21.510       21.753       26.532       33.250       
SPO2798          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           54.892       29.832       53.588       44.244       36.967       11.495       20.739       20.899       23.178       24.234       7.995        8.238        14.937       9.302        11.413       17.960       
SPO2799          molybdenum_cofactor_biosynthesis_protein_A                                                                                     225.894      212.964      171.041      170.907      136.579      223.359      143.969      177.421      206.931      360.921      185.795      172.522      293.750      233.766      317.099      331.922      
SPO2800          3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic_acid_transferase                                                                                   22.233       28.691       27.307       19.564       24.686       24.874       0.000        20.318       47.493       36.114       10.851       10.034       17.012       21.904       27.991       25.521       
SPO2801          lipopolysaccharide_core_biosynthesis_mannosyltransferase                                                                       27.364       27.130       21.606       24.856       17.642       16.427       8.083        17.862       23.912       31.484       9.274        10.291       10.724       13.480       20.932       22.884       
SPO2802          bmp_family_protein                                                                                                             73.801       73.207       49.213       38.061       31.853       57.121       18.860       22.149       172.700      50.930       45.259       40.341       46.471       24.635       30.090       21.987       
SPO2803          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     16.858       22.149       10.011       10.258       8.175        10.120       14.981       4.469        44.321       15.447       14.955       11.731       16.682       9.692        13.033       5.614        
SPO2804          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        7.338        12.278       8.261        1.527        4.336        8.810        5.298        3.512        4.354        2.731        8.754        4.452        10.544       5.941        6.860        2.647        
SPO2805          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        8.806        10.590       1.342        0.868        2.739        6.677        15.059       2.396        7.920        2.070        5.391        5.522        13.129       1.559        6.337        4.013        
SPO2806          cytosine_deaminase,_putative                                                                                                   17.260       15.115       19.596       13.949       10.800       11.276       6.598        11.664       16.627       11.338       12.416       11.761       15.007       11.382       6.051        10.256       
SPO2807          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.848       17.111       19.873       19.290       8.114        8.654        4.461        9.464        14.663       13.798       14.741       8.860        7.610        6.157        6.498        10.401       
SPO2808          amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                                  326.592      197.628      138.261      94.402       96.893       114.789      95.301       100.444      155.028      194.846      77.387       92.964       113.939      75.040       186.686      139.592      
SPO2809          amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                                  107.743      55.564       77.981       39.950       48.197       49.520       21.879       50.931       60.734       110.291      41.842       41.972       56.216       41.941       77.124       53.039       
SPO2810          amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                                  122.966      88.269       67.497       40.860       47.113       72.463       46.429       69.986       87.555       106.661      66.957       82.511       130.150      83.472       158.604      101.743      
SPO2811          amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                                  106.708      63.109       94.470       50.593       23.053       43.568       29.248       35.549       72.107       81.256       27.519       38.356       46.659       14.297       46.946       43.840       
SPO2812          acetylornithine_deacetylase                                                                                                    186.786      111.025      174.824      125.076      42.559       74.640       4.875        33.610       126.587      94.659       40.943       40.963       36.958       34.480       52.074       82.403       
SPO2813          peptide/nickel/opine_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein,_putative                                              312.147      183.279      331.082      255.955      78.387       174.513      19.797       86.826       216.751      205.167      136.922      132.853      108.240      81.180       92.432       136.702      
SPO2814          peptide/opine/nickel_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                      4062.217     2761.589     1005.862     976.359      118.874      536.978      107.276      181.633      1264.056     1364.756     464.719      422.870      219.287      97.092       205.959      210.823      
SPO2815          peptide/nickel/opine_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           203.305      148.894      132.054      126.960      12.323       61.023       14.115       14.224       139.191      91.200       35.371       29.329       21.938       14.610       34.269       27.739       
SPO2816          peptide/nickel/opine_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           280.010      219.991      132.095      108.875      28.384       93.849       6.242        12.415       120.035      79.379       33.950       54.838       26.621       15.615       34.857       36.386       
SPO2817          YeeE/YedE_family_protein                                                                                                       27.720       23.710       5.901        3.055        1.927        5.506        0.000        2.810        2.612        2.731        3.647        6.071        7.029        10.054       20.580       17.647       
SPO2818          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.894       31.223       28.681       15.360       41.992       79.056       13.319       32.967       24.810       34.333       12.532       24.081       47.126       41.362       64.676       35.493       
SPO2819          NAD(P)+_transhydrogenase,_beta_subunit                                                                                         1190.311     412.256      485.793      392.096      315.167      235.987      531.323      362.771      567.629      1105.214     256.330      515.245      396.070      371.104      300.036      339.100      
SPO2820          NAD(P)_transhydrogenase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                         902.664      370.506      501.872      379.504      286.789      192.931      358.019      341.892      492.740      857.613      224.323      374.063      274.524      243.320      280.671      259.887      
SPO2821          isoprenylcysteine_carboxyl_methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                    56.160       59.851       164.002      124.425      185.861      142.476      145.977      146.431      125.179      141.789      109.238      101.820      137.141      113.876      180.804      100.418      
SPO2822          soxH_protein-like_protein                                                                                                      11.088       5.758        167.188      178.297      66.619       279.142      63.045       74.837       87.830       125.882      48.778       52.290       74.544       29.004       17.493       74.999       
SPO2823          D-beta-hydroxybutyrate_dehydrogenase                                                                                           385.359      354.900      256.159      202.843      89.444       148.865      90.785       99.311       246.201      325.023      422.929      409.187      592.946      273.438      498.997      208.528      
SPO2824          kynureninase                                                                                                                   26.674       27.139       28.368       14.278       19.303       15.686       18.866       15.635       16.279       47.011       20.457       16.935       23.691       14.647       19.849       17.282       
SPO2825          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         236.862      473.919      136.050      103.659      36.731       192.469      147.762      151.516      64.763       321.637      438.110      471.840      675.907      501.344      505.439      456.910      
SPO2826          isoquinoline_1-oxidoreductase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                   736.146      793.047      199.714      169.956      100.524      252.725      42.985       87.938       102.947      156.180      435.450      630.488      729.788      682.260      396.582      549.199      
SPO2827          isoquinoline_1-oxidoreductase,_beta_subunit,_putative                                                                          593.915      790.195      153.051      130.106      71.017       232.048      21.550       88.413       88.341       168.611      338.098      613.585      641.538      589.611      487.310      645.828      
SPO2828          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         162.878      174.522      14.612       10.638       5.468        10.037       4.100        5.436        15.723       11.272       16.747       14.616       20.722       16.268       15.262       12.973       
SPO2829          dipeptidase_domain_protein                                                                                                     17.766       19.576       15.207       8.683        5.113        15.302       2.008        8.519        13.200       11.041       11.335       8.589        6.850        8.313        6.825        6.353        
SPO2830          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.734        3.090        1.566        2.534        2.877        4.384        0.000        2.331        0.578        1.208        2.420        1.880        3.665        1.820        2.561        2.927        
SPO2831          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                              1.331        1.382        2.569        0.000        1.573        1.998        0.000        0.765        0.948        1.982        1.985        0.441        3.279        2.984        3.267        0.960        
SPO2832          dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                 0.898        0.933        2.601        0.841        1.062        0.000        5.838        0.774        0.000        0.000        0.402        0.446        1.106        0.504        0.000        2.431        
SPO2833          dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    1.744        2.071        0.000        0.934        1.178        1.346        0.000        0.000        2.129        2.226        1.338        0.990        0.000        1.676        2.621        1.079        
SPO2834          dipeptide_ABC_trasnporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    1.159        1.444        5.367        1.737        0.000        1.669        0.000        0.799        0.000        1.035        0.000        0.000        1.142        1.039        0.000        0.000        
SPO2835          dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_dipeptide-binding_protein                                                               5.715        3.185        2.421        1.567        0.989        5.774        7.247        4.324        3.573        3.736        3.742        3.598        4.464        3.751        2.346        2.112        
SPO2836          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  30.710       38.506       12.816       10.366       5.232        14.948       3.596        2.861        10.638       23.481       16.834       17.580       14.312       12.407       11.058       10.779       
SPO2837          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           337.693      317.474      185.444      133.687      71.061       170.001      14.605       50.351       98.419       58.981       94.014       75.870       67.131       45.984       42.551       60.202       
SPO2838          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.353       30.016       11.952       7.734        1.220        4.647        20.121       3.557        2.205        4.610        0.000        2.049        0.000        1.157        0.000        1.117        
SPO2839          malate_synthase_G                                                                                                              102.582      115.635      52.443       26.692       10.104       7.698        31.743       7.366        25.217       15.001       12.930       12.933       11.783       7.302        6.422        6.608        
SPO2840          GGDEF_domain_protein                                                                                                           3.799        2.428        3.384        2.190        2.072        12.631       7.596        7.050        2.497        9.137        2.615        0.580        0.000        0.655        1.844        1.898        
SPO2841          aminopeptidase_N                                                                                                               51.620       34.853       53.036       39.452       20.034       15.571       10.013       29.799       32.183       46.650       17.770       15.979       20.033       9.789        10.805       28.164       
SPO2842          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     27.804       27.035       53.093       48.765       18.879       13.850       0.000        17.331       22.746       30.388       21.173       11.160       7.286        5.969        11.200       21.128       
SPO2843          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.933       19.013       21.198       20.576       8.654        7.418        0.000        4.732        3.910        8.177        10.646       3.635        5.637        3.078        6.739        5.943        
SPO2844          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.215        5.069        2.569        0.831        2.622        5.993        0.000        1.529        1.895        2.973        5.955        3.084        7.104        2.984        3.267        5.762        
SPO2845          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           136.547      148.304      29.087       27.378       10.076       16.175       3.957        5.771        18.860       16.999       24.517       15.416       22.874       11.263       10.888       4.283        
SPO2846          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.599        1.080        1.505        0.974        1.843        2.340        0.000        0.896        3.331        2.322        3.720        2.580        4.481        2.331        1.640        0.000        
SPO2847          glutamyl-tRNA(Gln)_amidotransferase,_B_subunit                                                                                 81.733       72.720       110.564      105.695      162.091      90.662       210.568      218.377      182.932      175.758      61.352       69.227       87.307       71.033       128.113      100.198      
SPO2848          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.758       43.186       67.410       82.570       48.162       38.938       10.808       63.054       74.606       104.007      49.109       35.502       45.068       44.749       48.981       45.900       
SPO2849          BolA_protein,_truncation                                                                                                       102.216      125.958      45.141       45.440       38.906       87.362       11.258       29.855       59.211       54.170       85.258       68.803       59.749       56.325       40.089       41.250       
SPO2850          DnaJ_domain_protein                                                                                                            166.722      170.961      429.496      381.164      161.988      295.164      192.808      299.481      321.423      369.201      213.649      199.195      221.882      152.853      170.157      240.835      
SPO2851          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.792       38.666       47.901       38.043       21.779       56.210       7.331        15.553       44.179       33.594       68.303       52.642       72.254       52.697       58.142       44.360       
SPO2852          czcN_domain_protein                                                                                                            2.911        6.046        2.107        0.000        5.160        3.931        0.000        2.508        4.663        4.875        1.953        0.722        4.481        1.631        4.592        3.937        
SPO2853          cobalt_chelatase,_CobS_subunit                                                                                                 482.062      382.944      445.720      399.814      336.149      159.009      374.811      476.338      365.829      472.670      243.354      259.019      330.622      223.833      356.067      311.155      
SPO2854          thermonuclease                                                                                                                 232.152      223.126      252.216      298.604      207.111      144.414      45.032       191.074      139.570      256.481      190.446      173.974      203.633      189.786      199.924      232.498      
SPO2855          cobalt_chelatase,_pCobT_subunit                                                                                                324.586      290.208      219.084      164.892      77.885       170.041      68.089       120.778      168.113      212.175      135.004      122.987      123.895      101.805      114.861      125.495      
SPO2856          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.938       10.628       23.041       23.430       5.375        10.238       14.776       9.796        19.429       12.696       14.242       13.546       23.806       10.197       13.154       15.996       
SPO2857          metallopeptidase,_family_M24                                                                                                   79.723       53.258       112.398      103.840      59.452       39.137       25.387       62.696       65.197       66.532       48.720       42.182       42.706       31.754       36.726       54.966       
SPO2858          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           449.350      430.910      406.532      466.355      156.919      309.215      174.204      266.184      379.031      476.130      471.734      422.054      495.285      283.364      469.941      348.154      
SPO2859          3-hydroxyisobutyrate_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                              12.052       7.558        15.799       17.040       15.051       11.057       2.955        4.702        5.829        6.094        7.324        5.870        5.041        3.059        8.132        9.844        
SPO2860          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         9.157        7.712        12.897       6.491        1.755        8.914        0.000        0.000        5.287        4.422        5.758        4.423        9.145        5.549        5.206        4.821        
SPO2861          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.050       49.238       191.507      198.282      307.529      220.390      50.149       245.085      292.020      118.190      89.767       85.379       88.265       110.002      176.259      248.179      
SPO2862          CobW                                                                                                                           26.328       24.976       117.632      121.949      154.856      76.162       121.241      145.755      92.992       64.819       28.936       26.757       46.471       44.157       105.097      58.781       
SPO2863          CobN                                                                                                                           12.735       12.125       97.936       77.542       94.706       48.618       48.275       97.845       44.773       34.665       15.075       17.122       21.568       21.862       59.441       36.611       
SPO2864          CobG                                                                                                                           17.463       7.255        120.215      103.966      110.085      73.384       75.654       94.295       44.764       38.136       17.014       16.183       20.554       23.493       40.410       42.420       
SPO2865          precorrin-8X_methylmutase                                                                                                      8.008        7.955        60.476       62.615       52.672       33.858       49.772       47.997       35.697       23.327       9.345        6.222        16.295       10.929       27.098       15.072       
SPO2866          precorrin-2_C20-methyltransferase                                                                                              13.831       9.369        74.862       75.482       56.151       49.276       50.801       52.851       28.260       16.117       10.223       7.762        12.592       14.832       30.360       18.223       
SPO2867          precorrin-3B_C17-methyltransferase                                                                                             20.956       10.278       111.227      99.240       108.021      73.908       45.392       80.251       48.494       41.603       18.230       15.605       20.793       22.188       35.511       39.690       
SPO2868          precorrin-6x_reductase                                                                                                         48.315       32.648       53.928       34.898       29.585       25.684       15.131       32.100       33.573       31.202       11.980       12.715       21.510       13.052       26.327       19.530       
SPO2869          precorrin-6Y_C5,15-methyltransferase_(decarboxylating)                                                                         19.696       14.774       104.537      87.463       81.908       63.715       30.812       58.454       41.292       36.657       7.180        10.502       11.231       13.494       30.690       29.210       
SPO2871          precorrin-4_C11-methyltransferase                                                                                              24.530       10.306       87.774       61.963       67.761       48.645       28.657       59.846       31.793       36.934       9.865        4.926        9.505        7.416        28.410       28.039       
SPO2872          cobyrinic_acid_a,c-diamide_synthase                                                                                            26.248       15.874       143.324      91.502       69.510       68.513       12.954       47.523       39.035       38.587       11.594       13.525       9.822        15.272       31.802       27.688       
SPO2873          uroporphyrin-III_C-methyltransferase                                                                                           17.439       11.243       109.681      49.571       44.779       49.276       23.447       32.125       41.105       29.548       3.228        3.582        9.629        7.416        12.018       18.223       
SPO2874          precorrin-6A_synthase                                                                                                          22.978       11.015       83.581       61.813       40.390       37.138       42.115       34.521       32.722       32.897       5.799        9.944        3.628        7.266        15.493       27.419       
SPO2875          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2745.707     2796.277     2165.822     3101.259     1986.150     2420.196     650.152      1739.820     2001.162     1620.036     1481.164     1767.706     1534.795     1152.241     1920.508     2399.390     
SPO2876          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           108.205      106.196      156.177      171.574      230.579      87.550       73.371       145.931      115.233      75.652       47.146       43.595       68.763       53.445       109.522      118.124      
SPO2877          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.212        8.295        17.983       16.624       36.709       5.593        5.766        18.350       26.537       3.964        0.000        1.762        2.186        1.990        9.333        4.802        
SPO2878          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.389       24.417       38.891       25.167       26.463       19.152       7.274        54.015       23.912       75.005       27.044       16.672       33.092       35.140       38.855       30.288       
SPO2879          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         15.984       19.327       20.720       11.621       10.151       12.460       9.302        2.467        11.211       18.116       13.235       9.475        14.692       10.698       13.550       10.844       
SPO2880          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.557        6.596        4.596        4.957        2.502        3.336        0.000        1.824        4.522        3.546        5.682        3.678        8.473        6.526        5.566        2.291        
SPO2881          xanthine_dehydrogenase_family_protein,_large_subunit                                                                           3.285        2.895        11.527       4.476        1.647        3.585        0.000        0.686        2.552        3.557        2.494        1.581        0.736        0.446        1.675        0.862        
SPO2882          dihydrodipicolinate_synthase_family_protein                                                                                    7.951        6.506        12.556       3.611        1.139        4.773        6.263        1.661        2.059        3.229        2.156        0.957        3.561        1.621        2.027        0.522        
SPO2883          thiamine_pyrophosphate-binding_domain_protein                                                                                  45.266       32.808       33.477       35.929       10.334       21.840       3.665        18.955       21.085       20.786       23.216       22.681       21.537       13.912       14.832       18.009       
SPO2884          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.446       22.098       2.464        7.972        4.024        8.430        0.000        1.467        12.725       5.702        18.275       20.279       16.772       10.495       6.266        15.658       
SPO2885          acetolactate_synthase,_catabolic,_putative                                                                                     64.124       33.090       19.542       23.774       12.127       17.748       8.773        27.917       12.111       30.754       9.905        14.475       18.956       22.702       28.682       55.811       
SPO2886          CAIB/BAIF_family_protein                                                                                                       76.430       39.977       44.572       49.446       12.132       29.377       19.056       28.426       37.585       31.111       10.496       19.653       20.769       18.493       28.917       63.475       
SPO2887          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           199.303      166.729      35.110       66.366       50.546       37.359       60.142       74.795       95.439       37.777       43.690       45.944       71.934       69.410       125.206      145.755      
SPO2888          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           122.344      140.036      28.914       34.748       29.933       26.337       27.814       51.018       48.000       35.051       35.745       39.663       65.460       70.378       147.439      143.602      
SPO2889          periplasmic_glucan_biosynthesis_protein_MdoG                                                                                   168.859      219.607      58.258       74.306       43.088       40.179       45.483       93.479       61.674       56.016       40.447       50.961       72.561       74.545       179.447      181.802      
SPO2891          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.044       39.455       23.234       26.061       5.691        23.607       3.477        11.986       19.429       27.484       17.713       23.904       31.632       30.590       24.761       41.691       
SPO2892          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           55.028       62.349       26.332       25.560       17.201       27.847       5.910        20.376       15.543       67.036       27.670       36.122       47.052       31.610       42.093       55.124       
SPO2893          pH_adaption_potassium_efflux_system_protein_PhaA                                                                               135.841      94.839       77.828       67.245       59.466       68.970       90.761       80.230       121.585      145.908      112.206      107.955      143.175      149.006      161.913      86.145       
SPO2894          pH_adaption_potassium_efflux_system_protein                                                                                    175.490      101.614      70.809       57.277       89.617       63.870       15.894       59.008       99.266       71.013       79.878       78.921       118.995      82.260       138.918      86.029       
SPO2895          pH_adaption_potassium_efflux_system_protein_PhaD                                                                               119.390      79.831       62.993       58.233       72.477       70.229       36.725       60.383       70.623       74.471       65.485       75.750       93.278       92.187       103.134      79.820       
SPO2896          pH_adaption_potassium_efflux_system_protein_PhaE                                                                               133.621      76.949       40.855       46.266       53.166       71.478       22.925       60.796       65.940       70.914       69.447       63.049       65.180       65.260       102.972      68.727       
SPO2897          pH_adaptation_potassium_efflux_system_protein_PhaF                                                                             147.145      87.331       79.582       57.557       86.004       59.697       115.583      150.471      110.528      173.346      98.383       64.216       65.724       83.387       110.548      80.499       
SPO2898          pH_adaption_potassium_efflux_system_protein_PhaG                                                                               146.097      88.565       29.624       34.080       44.346       55.284       22.164       127.352      131.144      198.061      54.933       67.728       72.819       47.160       82.512       66.445       
SPO2899          selenide,water_dikinase,_putative                                                                                              39.874       39.312       19.923       16.684       27.272       28.250       7.892        31.392       31.562       36.616       16.661       18.890       25.678       26.776       34.488       43.153       
SPO2900          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.850       11.660       18.056       22.590       14.252       14.976       13.510       20.779       16.875       13.930       8.929        10.320       7.682        10.721       13.120       9.900        
SPO2901          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.230       34.881       30.502       29.608       10.118       30.241       8.558        12.483       12.659       27.943       32.995       19.614       21.088       15.503       11.774       12.828       
SPO2902          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       13.926       20.973       6.048        3.913        3.292        8.778        0.000        3.600        0.000        1.555        6.230        6.222        6.861        3.122        3.662        3.768        
SPO2903          TPR/sulfotransferase_domain_protein                                                                                            73.639       74.277       81.078       51.998       63.247       75.203       43.872       61.619       83.857       76.509       149.453      153.921      300.591      313.123      290.353      184.019      
SPO2904          Ser/Thr_protein_phosphatase/nucleotidase,_putative                                                                             823.734      457.777      229.954      188.349      59.415       179.058      45.118       68.918       204.076      325.023      185.130      178.678      135.803      47.014       91.431       82.356       
SPO2905          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           75.363       53.982       41.379       36.514       66.039       46.801       8.444        26.870       47.184       43.530       27.903       33.542       43.211       39.331       42.367       35.156       
SPO2906          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           76.835       68.705       58.925       34.318       33.680       30.241       13.226       28.060       36.955       20.456       15.480       15.156       22.562       20.536       32.112       27.535       
SPO2907          dihydroorotate_dehydrogenase                                                                                                   52.806       39.731       34.909       25.706       29.978       24.337       8.106        25.078       29.310       29.716       11.533       11.146       9.731        15.383       21.429       24.750       
SPO2908          arsenate_reductase                                                                                                             68.296       31.821       25.870       43.048       24.141       22.990       0.000        24.199       24.542       17.106       11.422       17.744       17.296       14.311       16.112       26.250       
SPO2909          DNA-damage-inducible_protein_F                                                                                                 60.719       39.758       42.991       31.530       15.992       21.692       8.578        11.942       14.803       25.795       13.877       11.140       15.445       10.729       15.619       20.000       
SPO2910          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    99.416       74.696       53.889       39.628       26.001       17.523       5.498        34.993       39.761       24.566       22.711       24.361       28.137       4.743        19.578       30.218       
SPO2911          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    127.337      93.984       67.518       50.683       35.284       37.801       6.062        28.937       31.883       39.586       32.553       21.303       22.980       11.504       18.643       33.317       
SPO2912          transcriptional_regulator,_merR_family                                                                                         454.477      340.707      352.247      290.516      184.697      201.935      395.324      425.512      264.995      586.107      480.291      383.719      528.923      330.310      331.226      277.559      
SPO2913          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           196.690      262.151      118.495      132.059      64.503       233.420      29.552       70.533       87.429       91.413       107.832      135.456      109.228      96.870       114.800      221.482      
SPO2914          transcriptional_regulator,_merR_family                                                                                         300.904      280.707      186.899      190.642      517.316      195.086      1443.401     1184.157     579.649      1874.380     2768.722     2027.161     6199.488     4206.304     5178.945     1283.672     
SPO2915          acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          438.425      266.106      242.984      278.155      474.834      182.532      698.493      564.160      301.424      906.556      2809.773     2529.616     4152.887     3003.265     3191.168     1023.076     
SPO2916          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           294.175      192.177      156.488      198.636      385.788      164.739      378.270      451.413      111.021      506.107      4094.243     3259.210     3922.928     2580.087     2505.919     821.242      
SPO2917          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       306.502      261.661      117.253      192.904      188.235      158.240      276.566      354.884      202.352      443.074      2053.913     1605.030     1669.018     1125.113     1297.456     428.663      
SPO2918          acetyl-CoA_acyltransferase/thiolase                                                                                            679.794      414.444      270.771      326.083      462.671      232.170      265.165      423.161      168.158      414.545      3157.080     2945.667     2661.115     2128.631     2221.555     896.920      
SPO2919          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           444.220      320.961      252.269      328.176      479.922      237.818      467.001      647.087      141.998      728.292      2898.427     3081.494     2351.222     2138.059     2155.216     1098.600     
SPO2920          fatty_oxidation_complex,_alpha_subunit                                                                                         792.563      547.481      442.582      493.575      765.234      369.530      330.277      522.782      189.145      597.279      2674.768     3699.887     2677.932     2354.422     2667.911     1599.909     
SPO2921          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           76.044       142.478      10.360       16.761       3.525        15.038       11.627       11.306       7.644        17.317       10.673       7.698        9.550        3.343        5.019        12.264       
SPO2922          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.536       23.903       11.758       10.145       4.000        20.114       0.000        12.831       13.013       7.559        7.873        12.097       15.840       4.553        7.831        16.116       
SPO2923          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.542        7.507        29.297       12.639       25.630       16.489       12.526       9.965        16.469       6.457        3.880        4.784        5.342        5.943        8.616        13.038       
SPO2924          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           124.793      123.632      65.587       43.881       21.331       39.762       4.990        31.762       44.291       42.021       53.597       48.798       50.605       35.729       31.502       43.219       
SPO2925          Sporulation_related_protein                                                                                                    308.588      427.214      149.534      161.746      36.986       181.966      31.849       53.276       100.667      117.042      69.491       66.254       88.694       54.524       78.913       62.836       
SPO2926          uracil_phosphoribosyltransferase                                                                                               107.067      88.531       72.225       66.212       43.411       34.321       40.529       38.215       56.251       30.955       44.024       44.722       44.385       23.307       31.342       33.750       
SPO2927          adenosine_deaminase                                                                                                            33.869       40.397       26.569       13.918       26.344       15.741       19.879       36.149       38.274       17.569       13.295       17.790       15.072       14.208       11.491       10.878       
SPO2928          phosphopentomutase                                                                                                             33.583       37.881       41.818       20.972       29.450       24.388       32.852       35.471       35.483       17.743       18.417       20.078       29.355       17.813       16.712       12.897       
SPO2929          thymidine_phosphorylase                                                                                                        38.552       38.828       38.653       27.514       35.901       20.137       32.535       18.406       49.909       18.637       17.023       21.872       24.256       22.826       22.820       17.339       
SPO2930          cytidine_deaminase                                                                                                             71.645       60.460       58.336       41.944       54.249       46.369       43.647       40.511       83.693       32.502       32.052       24.452       45.501       32.630       31.791       33.923       
SPO2931          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           69.625       70.204       66.298       59.510       25.321       36.253       24.002       22.914       56.018       49.496       29.744       33.005       31.391       18.634       26.806       15.590       
SPO2932          malate_dehydrogenase                                                                                                           33.931       38.936       66.787       40.337       50.898       33.410       96.192       49.693       33.673       34.349       26.490       25.767       50.672       25.647       27.499       12.899       
SPO2933          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           247.059      188.645      137.172      185.986      56.002       167.613      29.323       42.770       91.571       35.274       121.128      97.445       141.729      101.178      70.007       89.127       
SPO2934          propionate--CoA_ligase                                                                                                         59.229       27.154       287.351      689.181      395.426      95.626       416.458      208.124      142.333      94.562       38.298       42.496       245.644      105.308      82.739       47.575       
SPO2935          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           56.862       30.030       16.741       10.833       5.696        9.546        0.000        8.304        14.411       0.000        12.935       20.094       13.058       12.965       22.301       26.076       
SPO2936          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.732       20.316       9.061        14.658       4.624        14.091       10.169       5.393        6.685        10.485       7.701        6.214        11.564       4.386        20.573       27.097       
SPO2937          SCO1/SenC_family_protein                                                                                                       29.872       26.252       6.652        14.349       9.958        13.104       0.000        6.600        8.181        10.264       11.651       7.605        10.377       4.293        10.473       29.013       
SPO2938          amidase_family_protein                                                                                                         130.853      95.263       84.971       93.934       41.556       65.521       13.907       32.665       69.878       105.154      86.170       89.545       118.619      68.893       80.392       66.176       
SPO2939          ATP-NAD_kinase,_putative                                                                                                       125.971      115.304      94.921       79.744       37.393       59.565       7.476        56.501       52.834       80.935       57.643       64.534       62.346       25.794       36.905       77.815       
SPO2940          serine_hydroxymethyltransferase                                                                                                4.052        2.455        7.820        7.591        17.161       3.344        26.330       13.383       12.983       9.803        5.740        5.364        9.149        4.921        23.084       8.405        
SPO2941          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.254       17.419       17.228       9.122        27.496       10.230       10.547       27.036       11.556       7.250        1.452        4.297        3.998        4.246        14.795       13.466       
SPO2942          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           139.073      107.268      146.101      167.101      61.035       129.986      0.000        42.472       82.729       52.423       85.058       64.087       101.187      61.839       71.596       63.507       
SPO2943          hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                                              28.586       20.993       13.375       20.556       21.160       14.040       0.000        14.928       25.905       15.477       16.018       18.348       17.071       11.654       20.652       14.375       
SPO2944          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           102.263      81.703       119.562      58.949       25.569       74.376       12.779       20.334       105.020      52.706       52.789       62.481       58.134       19.842       31.027       78.749       
SPO2945          rhodanese-like_domain_protein                                                                                                  191.937      134.488      132.698      92.311       29.797       95.960       22.339       43.443       63.641       97.251       64.593       62.573       59.278       30.831       32.542       40.925       
SPO2946          monooxygenase_domain_protein                                                                                                   1.764        3.359        3.405        4.957        1.390        2.647        3.821        1.520        3.140        11.162       0.526        2.335        1.448        0.330        1.237        1.591        
SPO2947          cupin_family_protein                                                                                                           12.365       10.867       11.015       24.947       6.745        5.995        0.000        3.278        18.286       31.865       9.362        7.555        5.858        3.199        10.004       6.176        
SPO2948          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         24.673       27.363       25.424       21.936       6.920        37.656       5.435        10.810       20.545       27.085       16.464       19.099       22.663       15.940       14.515       13.577       
SPO2949          endoribonuclease_L-PSP_family_protein                                                                                          119.997      76.901       140.438      76.530       79.968       50.578       16.591       54.997       79.078       19.958       28.555       30.418       40.881       54.383       42.966       42.829       
SPO2950          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           64.432       60.768       46.098       39.543       13.568       40.680       2.406        17.868       35.595       31.427       19.880       24.633       17.788       12.039       17.916       24.046       
SPO2951          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           187.670      184.998      105.735      76.844       19.260       100.179      10.954       39.700       91.218       72.785       62.341       62.481       58.134       23.307       36.641       55.337       
SPO2952          trkA_domain_protein                                                                                                            65.512       68.937       69.033       58.949       28.765       57.331       11.182       24.147       47.784       35.687       36.072       45.884       53.592       46.850       51.195       50.282       
SPO2953          Ser/Thr_protein_phosphatase_family_protein                                                                                     136.635      113.642      107.669      64.625       67.529       62.609       84.060       115.175      80.593       83.061       46.780       51.373       55.102       49.549       70.864       74.083       
SPO2954          5-formyltetrahydrofolate_cyclo-ligase_family_protein                                                                           33.825       31.047       66.044       66.317       54.856       50.292       5.112        43.379       35.287       36.894       23.931       23.430       22.285       24.693       51.298       74.918       
SPO2955          magnesium_transporter                                                                                                          21.059       22.199       49.138       31.798       34.179       20.661       8.170        31.416       34.913       33.696       20.249       20.284       25.938       13.390       22.150       26.193       
SPO2956          guanine_deaminase,_putative                                                                                                    44.817       48.495       98.669       57.465       40.686       23.324       70.870       54.033       43.681       23.597       21.041       14.212       30.224       14.901       28.319       28.033       
SPO2957          hydroxydechloroatrazine_ethylaminohydrolase,_putative                                                                          34.743       45.277       47.445       31.931       17.433       51.059       38.338       42.927       40.608       27.085       65.399       48.488       69.841       29.764       46.885       42.922       
SPO2958          inositol_monophosphatase_family_protein                                                                                        291.886      425.864      459.762      325.507      253.106      444.449      158.212      301.323      704.459      546.236      245.076      274.690      253.534      143.919      398.090      245.530      
SPO2959          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  1649.319     2742.821     2836.168     2365.080     995.686      3346.384     845.727      1264.119     2944.325     4169.806     1532.905     1669.234     1292.612     703.000      1997.333     1651.813     
SPO2960          oxidoreductase,_zinc-binding_dehydrogenase_family                                                                              38.213       32.797       21.198       18.862       10.818       12.363       5.948        18.139       15.641       19.420       9.827        10.450       9.019        7.696        5.295        14.858       
SPO2961          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         68.777       79.199       64.929       41.082       22.385       86.614       9.716        18.895       47.907       46.750       64.660       47.008       84.098       22.908       33.549       31.284       
SPO2962          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           20.164       29.137       25.380       19.709       122.270      126.306      216.480      250.785      176.029      254.536      381.224      156.672      233.236      62.901       5.533        17.078       
SPO2963          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1427.961     1334.504     596.732      576.696      909.914      622.088      1399.179     1261.383     1658.305     1459.582     2204.410     1987.902     2866.605     1936.562     2623.755     1302.143     
SPO2964          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           597.946      689.272      329.640      242.345      82.022       219.618      4.378        77.790       152.552      150.474      176.630      184.622      180.076      87.617       102.753      162.603      
SPO2965          ribosomal_protein_L33                                                                                                          463.044      535.896      2305.741     1982.823     6023.393     2184.840     9852.227     6383.615     2458.620     3457.062     1465.479     1208.435     1332.939     996.693      2053.876     1546.348     
SPO2967          N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine_amidase,_putative                                                                                   61.395       81.648       33.856       29.211       37.627       28.666       8.444        27.989       43.021       36.275       18.602       16.771       12.803       22.579       24.600       28.125       
SPO2968          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           301.623      298.808      144.610      143.967      109.563      113.743      68.663       169.673      154.917      117.995      134.939      109.676      107.074      100.689      131.344      111.237      
SPO2969          glutamyl-tRNA(Gln)_amidotransferase,_A_subunit                                                                                 84.794       67.042       99.383       73.656       102.303      57.331       61.011       126.909      79.595       72.082       37.541       39.617       44.450       38.156       74.990       65.095       
SPO2970          glutamyl-tRNA(Gln)_amidotransferase,_C_subunit                                                                                 106.465      117.738      115.307      114.795      179.250      100.696      19.909       142.551      150.522      51.319       63.050       74.525       101.887      78.999       107.952      79.578       
SPO2971          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.209       7.104        14.301       7.118        3.593        7.869        2.469        3.929        9.740        6.789        5.780        5.282        6.552        4.260        4.396        3.290        
SPO2972          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.462       17.949       81.630       23.856       73.103       162.984      53.194       79.938       34.972       42.659       26.856       17.158       17.925       22.433       36.353       47.250       
SPO2973          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           30.840       37.037       36.272       27.083       20.504       31.242       25.051       28.234       39.115       32.287       19.834       21.051       15.432       20.529       33.452       28.162       
SPO2973a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           915.109      1034.958     374.502      386.237      117.061      138.323      394.032      334.380      330.289      774.186      169.095      206.696      126.966      69.112       140.311      222.029      
SPO2974          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.241       10.948       8.859        10.829       9.243        13.166       8.838        11.719       10.895       19.744       10.344       6.414        14.239       8.386        16.809       13.248       
SPO2975          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.522       18.279       5.879        7.609        6.400        21.942       0.000        6.999        15.904       36.282       19.986       9.408        25.845       19.730       32.037       21.977       
SPO2976          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          225.252      155.093      75.104       65.196       31.410       105.974      28.781       63.241       105.422      115.878      87.752       76.013       79.492       36.177       103.154      68.478       
SPO2977          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    66.350       50.996       29.454       19.060       9.411        35.449       17.246       10.672       41.574       40.504       21.768       16.688       25.062       9.918        35.359       31.117       
SPO2978          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    21.213       28.903       18.490       18.803       21.568       26.701       26.681       14.151       32.158       36.680       18.777       17.212       23.600       15.343       23.032       19.255       
SPO2979          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           23.929       11.159       19.793       12.809       5.772        13.192       6.347        5.049        16.690       32.720       7.865        2.909        7.218        2.190        8.218        6.342        
SPO2980          porphyromonas-type_peptidyl-arginine_deiminase_family_protein                                                                  37.674       22.359       33.655       15.326       6.616        21.324       13.989       11.130       15.635       18.271       10.402       11.969       5.303        5.310        4.529        9.319        
SPO2981          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.227       15.992       42.419       26.519       12.328       20.126       8.069        12.411       27.585       26.068       10.888       8.876        6.118        5.011        9.665        11.288       
SPO2982          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.881       25.994       80.506       60.779       21.912       40.899       6.023        35.142       43.560       41.404       34.004       21.167       35.393       21.822       14.624       28.089       
SPO2983          cytidine_and_deoxycytidylate_deaminase_family_protein                                                                          13.271       18.062       79.493       54.871       33.536       29.670       11.895       33.123       33.237       65.413       30.301       33.623       34.947       19.496       29.843       24.764       
SPO2984          RNA_pseudouridylate_synthase_family_protein                                                                                    63.927       68.350       82.739       68.336       132.895      71.108       68.421       180.798      103.620      143.615      51.816       49.656       67.159       48.059       104.813      64.302       
SPO2985          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           120.949      109.698      202.908      292.698      271.530      268.221      294.140      329.627      283.829      319.588      229.940      252.731      368.084      314.294      312.788      232.824      
SPO2986          tellurite_resistance_protein                                                                                                   299.141      190.846      347.904      363.518      393.533      299.810      374.927      618.729      297.515      435.826      241.682      410.109      400.135      344.838      163.889      383.803      
SPO2987          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          135.523      100.137      236.990      216.407      280.587      207.621      35.463       325.237      136.973      117.821      101.728      193.251      182.607      198.838      116.235      258.396      
SPO2988          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           298.705      147.891      252.108      339.512      331.961      306.944      89.215       594.854      208.637      232.159      105.644      177.980      233.358      208.004      158.843      421.977      
SPO2989          cytochrome_b562                                                                                                                176.071      80.240       161.244      181.759      174.131      180.386      35.025       222.920      113.214      114.360      62.695       74.919       120.604      127.901      123.776      225.553      
SPO2990          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           97.019       75.374       97.745       97.423       79.353       73.733       27.740       123.721      57.198       59.804       36.459       38.530       52.101       43.506       41.634       96.179       
SPO2991          nitroreductase_family_protein                                                                                                  32.121       27.234       36.058       24.562       12.397       10.625       8.520        11.297       11.202       21.961       9.385        11.715       9.689        4.409        6.895        4.966        
SPO2992          D-tyrosyl-tRNA(Tyr)_deacylase                                                                                                  111.404      72.969       174.337      131.618      33.215       45.187       13.044       34.591       70.747       69.488       36.819       30.890       28.432       15.752       41.170       28.241       
SPO2994          X-Pro_dipeptidyl-peptidase_family_protein                                                                                      18.792       13.390       121.460      92.517       50.104       49.780       22.719       59.872       81.216       111.269      80.747       64.650       67.285       40.175       50.333       74.020       
SPO2995          peptide/nickel/opine_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                      2699.835     1880.166     776.941      712.866      115.596      424.832      101.686      115.505      579.938      567.916      327.631      335.064      252.165      91.808       162.393      227.780      
SPO2996          peptide/nickel/opine_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           438.644      381.202      282.201      219.482      32.454       120.741      50.555       33.911       273.713      258.587      61.011       79.513       42.275       28.218       61.612       74.292       
SPO2997          peptide/nickel/opine_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                           260.447      214.734      206.771      147.889      23.484       87.523       10.469       22.210       119.297      113.938      26.427       41.587       29.764       23.479       38.408       51.143       
SPO2998          peptide/nickel/opine_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                        430.977      363.870      270.569      187.095      51.760       147.633      67.672       37.733       218.458      180.701      89.596       119.036      100.312      69.750       90.717       98.256       
SPO2999          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.122        11.264       5.064        5.243        8.270        5.985        11.366       4.220        8.220        3.125        6.573        4.863        6.463        3.530        5.519        4.922        
SPO3000          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           21.993       20.899       67.736       65.749       53.096       28.652       21.285       49.189       58.973       67.931       29.308       24.159       35.734       18.361       33.960       51.149       
SPO3001          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           71.191       50.656       72.876       48.633       24.174       39.667       0.000        21.690       21.844       19.326       20.412       23.430       27.129       19.402       12.411       27.243       
SPO3002          lipase,_putative                                                                                                               295.797      257.497      215.461      161.629      177.050      143.421      40.045       98.844       143.785      130.221      223.524      225.908      183.917      172.183      211.900      101.066      
SPO3003          AMP-binding_enzyme                                                                                                             455.094      402.026      263.238      248.799      245.022      158.543      201.464      188.188      296.528      434.570      240.344      255.206      264.737      188.828      378.895      124.697      
SPO3004          LysM/phospholipid-binding_domain_protein                                                                                       2657.427     1182.590     1655.589     2705.262     2277.283     1798.608     2737.133     4448.782     1593.705     3655.363     1441.504     2281.264     2768.216     1557.959     1171.714     2412.388     
SPO3005          ABC_transporter,_ATP_binding/permease_protein                                                                                  35.873       24.682       108.113      96.674       111.283      48.708       72.066       85.805       82.187       71.273       46.577       52.132       65.789       61.403       89.745       80.341       
SPO3008          TPR_domain_protein                                                                                                             61.395       65.341       30.721       29.820       24.189       68.251       9.851        36.573       40.477       62.635       55.611       66.223       82.154       54.383       109.219      148.475      
SPO3009          proline_dehydrogenase_transcriptional_activator                                                                                46.713       46.651       13.004       5.049        9.556        8.898        17.513       10.836       11.513       12.038       4.019        8.027        8.852        2.014        18.897       2.917        
SPO3010          bifunctional_PutA_protein                                                                                                      14.052       13.596       8.545        8.174        77.510       2.773        84.227       80.278       9.046        2.006        4.593        3.568        13.277       16.113       255.651      47.361       
SPO3011          rhomboid_family_protein                                                                                                        123.139      88.120       76.758       60.709       22.981       36.607       22.972       32.490       51.600       42.108       39.011       40.363       39.913       24.439       42.759       52.287       
SPO3012          inositol-1-monophosphatase,_putative                                                                                           43.491       73.548       179.180      177.580      446.824      94.893       355.081      419.896      183.419      138.228      89.802       48.716       98.894       186.278      187.081      209.394      
SPO3013          NADP-dependent_oxidoreductase,_L4bD_family                                                                                     268.975      278.273      34.095       40.975       16.405       32.193       13.666       16.671       46.719       57.302       45.160       78.925       85.479       45.738       80.072       40.513       
SPO3014          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           897.628      1162.205     123.916      169.540      27.463       74.882       23.841       14.752       28.735       60.088       66.747       120.203      36.150       16.452       113.192      71.470       
SPO3015          transcriptional_regulator_MetR                                                                                                 100.323      121.021      36.393       24.456       6.286        33.087       6.284        3.333        16.524       10.798       38.501       29.281       24.416       15.719       24.409       19.884       
SPO3016          5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate_reductase                                                                                       28.916       40.372       23.330       9.769        8.965        16.647       3.080        11.436       21.264       6.352        39.870       17.884       31.529       6.909        16.453       18.982       
SPO3017          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    197.503      128.618      172.713      135.472      45.940       61.859       5.874        59.191       150.603      145.352      182.782      138.205      210.419      182.403      163.525      133.042      
SPO3018          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           225.386      143.993      109.143      65.312       65.162       195.652      42.147       78.239       96.116       109.548      76.894       77.677       91.371       74.531       121.515      101.782      
SPO3019          xanthine_dehydrogenase_family_protein,_large_subunit                                                                           181.386      147.188      75.649       57.529       65.602       140.317      76.844       102.220      92.077       145.685      67.239       74.421       108.064      72.487       150.258      120.756      
SPO3020          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         11.482       13.312       5.411        2.001        2.525        2.164        3.470        1.841        1.711        4.771        4.540        4.772        5.262        3.293        3.089        2.312        
SPO3021          phytanoyl-CoA_dioxygenase_family_protein                                                                                       0.678        0.000        0.000        0.847        1.068        4.477        2.937        0.779        0.000        2.019        0.000        0.000        0.557        0.000        0.000        0.489        
SPO3022          valyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                          75.261       54.977       64.849       61.745       84.149       53.573       61.191       80.890       63.391       62.774       28.851       34.988       43.933       41.107       68.880       57.132       
SPO3023          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.540       51.958       16.458       23.430       8.063        34.808       0.000        5.878        24.286       27.932       31.536       21.447       19.605       15.295       33.483       23.379       
SPO3024          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase/hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                  19.404       21.454       21.745       10.554       6.288        14.372       2.034        3.236        10.696       13.281       14.281       13.050       19.274       17.894       15.142       9.822        
SPO3025          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   496.755      485.424      187.971      165.680      69.465       152.715      80.019       111.889      205.646      401.278      331.039      338.988      443.289      235.939      355.585      241.094      
SPO3026          strictosidine_synthase_family_protein                                                                                          26.798       24.741       40.946       27.194       22.876       13.071       19.349       23.732       25.441       30.757       18.316       16.629       25.214       21.280       19.182       29.405       
SPO3027          aminotransferase,_classes_I_and_II                                                                                             29.872       20.286       29.936       16.502       31.686       10.690       14.932       50.157       26.178       29.936       12.336       15.970       26.415       15.886       24.168       37.717       
SPO3028          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           25.681       8.891        12.392       24.056       2.530        28.906       0.000        14.752       4.571        4.780        22.979       6.374        18.452       21.593       24.761       30.110       
SPO3029          serine--glyoxylate_transaminase,_putative                                                                                      74.393       51.135       48.210       37.301       38.937       35.857       16.467       49.284       34.024       44.468       18.463       28.035       24.970       16.640       27.034       55.242       
SPO3030          efflux_ABC_transporter,_transmembrane_ATP-binding_protein                                                                      79.752       76.727       68.078       45.301       31.989       38.354       17.299       33.260       47.861       33.196       14.689       13.876       15.575       17.658       25.900       40.815       
SPO3031          2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphogluconate_aldolase/4-hydroxy-2-oxoglutarate_aldolase                                                   125.778      105.085      136.426      129.828      86.004       127.923      40.529       76.430       125.824      284.782      87.428       90.132       102.426      73.029       102.044      40.500       
SPO3032          phosphogluconate_dehydratase                                                                                                   133.421      115.689      218.719      162.857      85.574       168.764      36.191       60.923       113.792      139.527      77.347       71.642       83.509       56.193       109.770      37.213       
SPO3033          glucose-6-phosphate_1-dehydrogenase                                                                                            190.121      175.872      271.281      192.484      84.757       177.437      72.443       70.095       194.368      113.051      93.278       52.649       73.480       23.983       124.228      46.630       
SPO3034          phosphoenolpyruvate-protein_phosphotransferase                                                                                 162.185      153.578      196.839      180.664      130.099      175.250      125.331      156.783      145.651      193.621      94.478       88.007       95.262       79.937       110.241      129.035      
SPO3035          aspartate_kinase,_monofunctional_class                                                                                         63.050       67.504       207.590      200.508      423.757      149.809      523.335      430.352      257.290      297.412      118.202      117.133      157.493      205.916      267.124      193.815      
SPO3036          metallo-beta-lactamase_family_protein                                                                                          409.218      325.435      116.077      149.832      28.835       102.962      31.706       35.095       144.554      143.560      80.671       86.987       59.836       29.015       43.956       45.229       
SPO3037          DNA-binding_response_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                    65.731       108.446      46.987       47.636       21.101       60.406       10.547       19.578       53.158       50.747       33.884       33.839       31.318       17.589       34.141       35.130       
SPO3038          sensor_histidine_kinase/response_regulator                                                                                     18.718       18.683       12.668       13.359       4.980        11.090       5.265        4.748        13.154       12.668       5.945        6.436        7.186        3.815        3.068        12.628       
SPO3039          polar_amino_acid_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein,_putative                                38.886       18.358       35.820       30.906       11.142       29.710       15.315       7.107        18.878       11.843       30.576       34.513       24.674       15.192       10.535       21.042       
SPO3040          polar_amino_acid_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                          16.812       6.002        0.000        5.906        1.863        10.408       6.828        10.864       15.711       35.201       35.256       92.326       27.825       10.602       6.078        15.352       
SPO3041          polar_amino_acid_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                               8.709        4.085        0.000        5.263        2.656        6.577        3.651        3.873        8.402        5.020        14.077       39.608       13.841       8.189        5.319        8.513        
SPO3042          polar_amino_acid_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                               9.373        6.661        15.710       13.863       1.749        6.219        6.411        5.101        8.430        7.712        6.621        11.755       5.469        2.765        0.000        6.407        
SPO3043          glutamine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                 13.442       5.463        6.768        7.665        6.908        12.104       15.192       11.079       12.484       13.053       8.890        17.988       14.397       12.449       6.762        12.650       
SPO3044          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         7.189        6.336        3.784        4.081        1.545        10.201       8.494        4.505        3.723        5.839        7.017        8.219        4.293        5.373        4.583        6.602        
SPO3045          glutamine_amidotransferase,_class_I                                                                                            9.538        15.285       6.312        9.190        7.086        4.908        17.709       5.636        6.986        8.521        6.340        4.870        6.042        4.277        6.306        5.899        
SPO3046          oligopeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                              0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.189        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO3047          dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    5.081        3.015        5.253        2.040        0.429        1.634        0.000        0.000        1.550        0.811        0.325        0.360        1.341        0.407        0.000        1.964        
SPO3048          dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    6.720        7.577        3.335        1.439        1.815        2.420        0.000        3.309        1.640        2.573        1.031        1.525        0.473        1.291        0.404        1.662        
SPO3049          dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_dipeptide-binding_protein                                                               34.157       29.632       12.882       8.336        3.403        7.778        3.402        4.511        3.914        6.430        4.216        3.898        3.869        1.467        3.854        6.232        
SPO3050          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.382       40.307       42.131       36.352       11.467       17.472       31.523       8.359        10.362       0.000        4.340        14.449       17.925       16.315       10.204       21.000       
SPO3051          oxidoreductase,_short-chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     147.588      104.807      121.227      111.885      68.965       77.266       22.304       94.636       67.451       144.114      82.304       77.014       107.379      113.127      92.418       109.952      
SPO3052          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           329.245      261.565      265.936      239.767      131.750      213.758      26.828       145.847      147.714      140.613      190.239      223.391      268.233      231.417      214.945      205.530      
SPO3053          NUDIX_domain_protein                                                                                                           50.409       42.796       5.076        26.278       52.846       31.577       39.878       31.726       54.307       95.940       116.093      147.968      145.772      145.458      104.196      87.288       
SPO3054          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           76.215       60.341       21.649       21.552       42.152       33.667       67.281       65.422       54.063       154.161      153.372      133.065      257.888      161.859      140.966      86.531       
SPO3055          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 24.704       24.259       57.216       37.025       31.853       38.827       0.000        29.413       28.783       84.265       25.721       24.081       27.661       20.142       16.063       16.528       
SPO3056          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           53.216       21.808       46.114       37.979       25.673       28.686       28.229       27.449       55.676       46.894       20.730       22.284       22.294       12.175       20.561       25.074       
SPO3057          streptogramin_acetyltransferase,_putative                                                                                      49.081       44.204       67.569       39.867       23.529       41.414       26.764       29.574       45.456       15.331       16.584       23.854       28.747       22.318       19.494       35.660       
SPO3058          sulfate_transporter_family_protein                                                                                             35.044       41.955       54.988       57.134       198.884      24.571       140.808      142.449      77.715       53.772       22.979       23.107       33.609       39.588       63.027       32.426       
SPO3059          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.605       10.964       4.366        5.651        6.239        10.864       9.800        5.198        12.885       11.788       19.566       26.951       52.009       72.699       39.655       79.973       
SPO3060          methylthioadenosine_phosphorylase                                                                                              113.412      58.896       101.697      102.474      49.823       42.024       6.522        61.399       55.740       100.869      43.554       47.830       51.920       46.132       36.419       95.585       
SPO3062          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.390        0.963        0.000        1.737        0.000        2.504        0.000        0.000        1.980        0.000        0.000        2.761        4.567        2.078        1.950        2.006        
SPO3063          transmembrane_efflux_protein,_homoserine/threonine_(RhtB)_family                                                               75.754       58.666       128.895      88.390       49.482       37.697       17.273       28.628       51.100       19.294       41.026       27.710       34.376       23.839       30.753       33.082       
SPO3064          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           178.603      361.190      131.319      53.111       4.468        69.776       0.000        9.771        28.260       46.432       103.155      61.923       53.541       12.713       47.709       63.408       
SPO3065          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           261.951      464.443      7.660        29.742       3.127        21.443       34.388       0.000        16.956       0.000        71.025       28.897       127.102      74.159       97.406       60.136       
SPO3066          adenine_phosphoribosyltransferase                                                                                              280.894      318.344      56.489       89.864       74.953       74.672       63.397       68.651       48.626       85.341       88.021       86.369       183.252      113.020      145.371      133.742      
SPO3067          oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding_protein                                                                                            63.475       52.420       39.442       41.186       32.572       50.465       16.097       32.015       35.054       47.716       44.328       43.039       95.725       75.673       110.403      105.893      
SPO3068          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           97.019       130.782      61.255       53.174       39.037       181.229      30.181       74.702       93.699       141.765      119.592      100.936      231.367      157.942      340.329      242.391      
SPO3069          ribosomal-protein-alanine_acetyltransferase,_putative                                                                          45.759       49.864       41.263       30.918       43.445       22.966       63.370       33.610       24.036       21.780       10.739       13.406       9.239        10.933       29.193       29.227       
SPO3070          peptidase,_M16_family                                                                                                          101.350      106.165      106.332      72.054       115.081      47.737       76.555       111.659      101.400      88.994       35.963       44.722       51.640       41.176       76.533       63.749       
SPO3071          threonine_synthase                                                                                                             51.076       46.031       41.858       35.920       63.156       28.020       63.317       56.332       36.256       31.590       15.749       17.476       18.970       17.619       36.696       25.173       
SPO3072          SURF1_family_protein                                                                                                           45.029       61.002       39.675       30.565       53.222       37.609       29.685       67.476       33.456       46.640       15.766       23.325       19.291       19.753       35.693       24.719       
SPO3073          cytochrome_c_oxidase,_subunit_III                                                                                              720.660      411.061      1193.985     1026.166     948.898      619.431      1155.051     1018.871     1119.555     1169.363     662.112      745.360      599.912      511.722      995.215      771.219      
SPO3074          cytochrome_c_oxidase_assembly_protein_CtaG                                                                                     150.481      116.330      813.954      717.995      793.396      491.925      366.388      728.720      634.740      697.693      492.897      490.953      455.154      410.008      695.612      485.689      
SPO3075          protoheme_IX_farnesyltransferase                                                                                               126.536      133.088      551.154      424.390      493.846      294.640      276.566      473.968      472.155      493.667      309.152      290.791      281.833      255.498      535.733      301.624      
SPO3076          cytochrome_c_oxidase,_subunit_II                                                                                               274.305      270.222      1151.796     932.658      921.911      615.147      850.428      1002.237     1014.209     1277.878     629.515      649.671      735.683      551.655      1097.344     706.477      
SPO3077          TldD/PmbA_family_protein                                                                                                       78.918       63.592       57.007       54.758       34.547       45.713       11.996       46.127       47.319       80.397       38.265       47.653       63.665       48.979       49.836       51.612       
SPO3078          DNA_processing_protein_DprA,_putative                                                                                          85.907       266.689      1520.925     842.181      340.863      6836.177     153.487      259.319      339.342      364.162      57.607       30.259       51.615       22.209       90.558       60.608       
SPO3079          DNA_topoisomerase_I                                                                                                            75.493       83.133       168.047      144.684      191.163      74.903       276.180      256.769      175.919      218.282      98.251       121.993      157.655      116.429      158.807      167.879      
SPO3080          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         12.065       6.265        4.366        11.301       4.456        7.469        0.000        7.796        11.275       18.525       12.144       13.475       11.145       1.691        5.552        12.241       
SPO3081          glyoxalase_family_protein                                                                                                      34.060       27.872       23.904       21.270       4.880        7.435        13.414       7.114        13.228       13.831       8.311        7.173        1.271        1.157        2.171        2.234        
SPO3082          3-oxoadipate_CoA-succinyl_transferase,_alpha_subunit                                                                           170.716      134.356      136.837      142.145      119.082      58.241       161.654      146.827      160.744      181.957      79.574       96.942       242.825      168.030      147.834      94.230       
SPO3083          3-oxoadipate_CoA-succinyl_transferase,_beta_subunit                                                                            213.045      182.397      208.632      245.112      154.641      91.982       468.292      209.791      231.651      251.580      138.350      166.021      286.966      247.861      227.392      170.371      
SPO3084          transglycosylase,_Slt_family                                                                                                   74.163       110.940      28.358       27.963       24.809       38.221       18.186       20.899       25.905       30.210       61.350       45.847       27.002       20.394       22.077       17.163       
SPO3085          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           43646.717    55291.680    3431.678     4766.770     2169.515     2688.490     7382.376     2002.234     2592.172     5383.847     4261.299     3523.614     2483.426     2431.449     1244.283     1259.988     
SPO3086          CpaB_family_protein                                                                                                            506.724      548.105      66.305       53.634       25.378       47.261       24.805       34.534       56.057       59.676       55.500       55.900       37.612       28.885       21.580       22.721       
SPO3087          bacterial_type_II/III_secretion_system_protein                                                                                 583.338      593.463      109.098      87.818       85.098       85.247       45.791       92.394       136.124      77.321       183.394      135.361      64.151       56.673       42.214       45.426       
SPO3088          OmpA_family_protein                                                                                                            363.476      394.709      49.919       51.685       32.608       38.505       53.783       51.108       70.717       47.752       120.338      99.977       43.325       37.114       31.919       29.111       
SPO3089          ATPase,_putative                                                                                                               363.997      348.893      16.362       27.793       7.515        17.494       16.067       8.522        15.845       20.511       29.393       28.406       16.532       15.048       4.087        7.263        
SPO3090          type_II/IV_secretion_system_protein,_TadA_subfamily                                                                            235.914      237.612      19.351       12.522       9.696        9.575        17.768       9.948        17.522       12.214       12.233       10.256       8.607        5.109        3.515        4.603        
SPO3091          type_II/IV_secretion_system_protein,_TadC_subfamily                                                                            263.261      242.685      24.860       22.014       10.150       13.430       2.937        5.452        24.135       6.056        9.301        13.910       11.133       8.107        3.328        5.870        
SPO3092          type_II/IV_secretion_system_protein,_TadC_subfamily                                                                            136.154      138.168      15.509       19.235       2.638        13.667       2.901        6.154        7.628        8.973        12.782       11.080       8.797        4.004        2.348        3.865        
SPO3093          TPR_domain_protein                                                                                                             87.614       140.354      62.337       70.942       43.002       84.242       135.097      131.790      95.161       195.677      87.030       62.660       51.213       29.134       45.295       44.196       
SPO3094          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          488.964      575.121      155.379      125.684      66.485       192.847      167.673      92.488       152.123      180.952      214.712      145.512      186.874      113.973      113.443      99.972       
SPO3095          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           99.699       110.231      6.983        16.569       13.304       23.892       10.449       13.856       30.914       12.570       31.654       24.746       16.835       26.140       10.994       12.182       
SPO3096          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           121.431      141.008      9.119        10.622       3.723        10.211       10.235       8.142        10.766       16.181       12.683       12.197       8.924        6.003        4.970        6.818        
SPO3097          3-hydroxyisobutyrate_dehydrogenase                                                                                             51.124       69.675       4.699        1.014        2.558        6.820        14.062       9.323        10.401       24.165       3.388        4.297        2.665        7.278        3.414        4.684        
SPO3098          ATP-dependent_helicase,_DEAD/DEAH_box_family                                                                                   16.875       13.381       12.083       7.819        1.716        6.863        0.000        2.814        8.527        6.484        3.085        2.162        1.788        1.017        3.435        4.124        
SPO3099          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.207       21.298       13.405       6.196        7.037        5.956        4.299        5.700        2.826        2.955        5.919        2.627        9.777        2.225        5.566        7.875        
SPO3100          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           80.718       55.687       105.755      144.598      69.639       45.096       658.528      130.977      112.010      131.588      42.174       29.833       39.913       42.273       55.773       77.155       
SPO3101          folD_bifunctional_protein                                                                                                      1.721        1.532        4.270        5.526        2.906        1.771        6.390        9.320        4.201        5.490        0.000        0.976        0.606        0.551        4.137        5.853        
SPO3102          chorismate_mutase_family_protein                                                                                               0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO3103          formate--tetrahydrofolate_ligase                                                                                               26.732       15.169       106.461      153.909      148.272      31.234       67.790       130.336      78.551       82.712       10.034       13.465       14.455       12.865       54.863       78.467       
SPO3104          MOSC_domain_protein                                                                                                            68.595       55.894       70.219       48.280       33.147       21.158       9.851        32.654       42.096       28.778       24.415       28.596       31.741       21.243       27.903       41.015       
SPO3105          ATP-dependent_metalloprotease_FtsH                                                                                             880.571      717.431      604.610      469.330      511.716      561.289      460.259      594.584      758.421      858.589      966.097      944.930      1436.774     1154.044     1463.595     890.273      
SPO3106          PP-loop_family_protein                                                                                                         52.272       63.130       35.193       25.377       27.505       33.777       0.000        25.737       17.806       22.496       10.566       13.104       17.540       17.133       17.170       30.823       
SPO3107          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           898.677      657.587      324.926      289.741      314.818      251.447      108.177      271.144      195.004      166.709      161.444      194.604      206.364      234.790      146.289      233.051      
SPO3108          peptidoglycan-associated_lipoprotein                                                                                           1111.562     888.529      251.392      230.462      223.325      254.122      438.877      461.389      264.489      312.453      255.389      329.685      315.909      235.259      171.671      214.929      
SPO3109          TolB,_putative                                                                                                                 137.241      118.097      73.898       88.188       168.481      77.611       146.483      246.786      154.368      179.910      116.865      179.045      232.734      231.902      137.376      176.872      
SPO3110          tonB_domain_protein,_putative                                                                                                  28.723       30.628       15.522       17.219       19.917       3.448        9.954        21.779       28.632       23.094       22.273       17.491       14.151       15.886       17.321       16.579       
SPO3111          biopolymer_transport_protein,_ExbD/TolR_family                                                                                 114.867      96.964       90.092       70.303       48.681       24.725       23.791       82.018       97.755       87.899       110.558      109.047      69.895       60.540       51.022       52.499       
SPO3112          proton_transporter_TolQ                                                                                                        157.813      172.743      134.967      134.549      132.543      70.343       94.158       149.820      192.437      123.818      182.072      178.888      170.711      152.555      135.838      127.499      
SPO3113          putative_protein_TIGR00051                                                                                                     187.353      218.989      179.142      165.300      140.857      232.162      126.587      120.456      208.056      202.180      282.981      260.531      684.522      542.118      630.345      346.001      
SPO3114          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.590       19.620       46.588       11.797       43.002       22.050       4.547        22.908       23.912       20.314       18.781       22.229       37.917       34.512       51.513       24.231       
SPO3115          Holliday_junction_DNA_helicase_RuvB                                                                                            77.245       100.176      34.595       22.387       29.761       30.359       19.413       27.211       25.525       53.376       26.348       21.609       23.654       18.181       28.279       26.789       
SPO3116          Holliday_junction_DNA_helicase_RuvA                                                                                            72.439       84.347       63.950       26.777       10.750       30.421       12.665       38.066       22.204       52.236       20.346       26.446       58.415       37.874       23.917       16.875       
SPO3117          crossover_junction_endodeoxyribonuclease_RuvC                                                                                  64.826       51.299       7.660        16.524       11.467       24.620       11.463       10.639       11.304       23.638       18.940       12.259       34.763       17.798       16.698       14.318       
SPO3118          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.042        6.298        46.813       140.106      160.063      20.020       472.838      299.549      613.085      18.057       101.276      20.068       102.071      258.319      197.711      39.375       
SPO3119          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           201.026      274.120      585.556      489.824      142.854      486.413      128.227      140.269      158.064      195.565      227.320      126.120      223.298      120.288      123.232      140.147      
SPO3120          ribosomal_protein_L11_methyltransferase,_putative                                                                              38.625       32.611       27.414       22.409       41.824       26.927       32.386       46.378       47.907       40.071       21.405       16.329       20.871       17.321       33.025       29.666       
SPO3121          MATE_efflux_family_protein                                                                                                     15.525       13.682       16.344       9.989        11.492       11.297       4.076        7.567        8.039        5.604        6.454        3.425        7.726        6.681        8.907        6.110        
SPO3122          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.542       32.442       30.828       22.609       17.620       23.012       4.613        17.127       17.438       15.855       11.116       12.687       20.111       12.734       19.413       15.750       
SPO3123          YeeE/YedE_family_protein                                                                                                       2.055        3.416        10.711       26.186       2.429        4.812        0.000        2.834        3.513        2.754        7.724        5.306        13.165       8.296        6.053        6.674        
SPO3124          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.946        15.224       9.093        15.691       47.024       128.214      34.017       77.581       49.201       28.060       14.988       23.908       27.080       34.038       42.947       53.255       
SPO3125          RNA_polymerase_sigma-70_factor,_ECF_family                                                                                     5.077        8.788        26.945       15.851       41.002       81.521       21.992       39.367       25.303       35.904       21.954       21.841       35.432       55.964       57.845       82.412       
SPO3126          sigma_factor_regulator_PrtR,_putative                                                                                          19.658       12.799       28.880       10.993       19.420       32.232       7.626        22.247       17.549       10.485       19.427       18.061       25.297       34.209       30.243       22.228       
SPO3127          primosomal_protein_N'                                                                                                          44.489       38.814       36.636       28.523       15.191       24.214       8.994        17.718       24.919       32.237       18.576       21.006       29.225       16.625       23.709       19.473       
SPO3128          fructose-6-phosphate_aldolase_2                                                                                                117.026      114.233      135.908      87.948       171.215      67.031       78.443       196.467      153.281      113.833      67.206       69.247       80.124       67.666       118.503      89.999       
SPO3129          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           143.670      149.864      89.641       76.571       63.679       57.993       56.338       62.963       97.888       85.751       101.399      95.300       73.224       63.177       70.997       36.861       
SPO3130          tyrosine_recombinase_XerC                                                                                                      33.529       36.553       8.261        12.474       12.367       6.852        12.362       10.654       17.270       12.746       20.851       17.471       18.159       13.862       11.005       12.868       
SPO3131          phosphatidylcholine_synthase                                                                                                   180.827      165.300      132.669      105.575      61.484       99.816       44.266       94.978       117.730      95.432       59.288       67.632       57.206       59.011       74.905       80.425       
SPO3133          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           399.245      268.490      191.255      143.494      37.344       111.214      62.216       54.447       114.527      85.532       129.356      111.217      106.133      51.521       60.421       96.364       
SPO3134          methylated-DNA--protein-cysteine_methyltransferase                                                                             99.929       104.797      67.410       56.345       29.815       44.555       12.609       21.735       35.231       21.668       23.438       29.861       37.044       31.542       23.470       37.800       
SPO3135          peptidase,_T4_family                                                                                                           49.571       44.873       76.363       68.160       114.493      47.913       82.747       98.747       58.286       54.848       30.112       45.152       36.409       26.002       50.225       45.281       
SPO3136          isoleucyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                      68.863       65.135       82.960       62.679       113.312      41.069       89.693       110.397      72.107       63.664       32.889       28.450       40.469       30.611       71.326       39.618       
SPO3137          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.837       22.479       28.088       41.944       17.642       13.440       24.248       21.863       38.260       18.335       14.023       8.891        10.111       10.877       12.559       16.154       
SPO3138          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           24.666       26.259       14.282       13.863       6.560        9.440        20.036       9.564        9.220        11.018       20.415       13.469       26.583       13.135       14.918       8.676        
SPO3139          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.468        2.239        3.121        26.254       7.645        12.619       14.010       3.715        13.816       38.521       39.546       31.038       34.521       25.379       17.007       18.666       
SPO3140          putative_protein_TIGR01620                                                                                                     69.732       71.976       50.157       30.834       28.156       36.271       8.444        40.305       34.232       48.367       46.892       52.032       61.349       64.580       55.578       64.687       
SPO3141          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 53.327       46.587       25.971       14.939       24.741       15.258       19.432       24.048       25.550       31.167       41.918       40.575       76.118       37.994       37.742       37.756       
SPO3142          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           64.885       58.085       28.624       23.154       25.564       27.544       22.086       21.831       32.340       57.276       46.445       50.923       66.218       76.552       52.647       41.130       
SPO3143          tRNA_pseudouridine_synthase_A                                                                                                  61.100       69.229       57.891       57.233       28.887       48.516       28.876       33.502       30.849       65.749       28.826       29.780       28.050       28.645       37.975       39.675       
SPO3145          GumN_family_protein                                                                                                            51.021       81.389       42.381       25.812       46.819       74.826       13.989       76.423       65.299       70.197       38.910       43.603       72.653       52.613       129.518      89.933       
SPO3146          GumN_family_protein                                                                                                            34.733       44.751       19.093       18.121       26.503       32.464       14.285       34.852       35.688       30.440       14.555       20.953       24.369       24.152       60.579       46.155       
SPO3147          inorganic_pyrophosphatase,_manganese-dependent                                                                                 39.473       46.432       121.162      114.936      141.653      82.223       203.969      158.175      129.017      126.398      113.191      110.490      126.527      106.633      155.067      108.602      
SPO3148          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           35.280       27.482       14.591       17.704       4.468        10.778       4.094        10.856       8.074        7.035        10.146       6.255        3.104        4.238        3.313        9.545        
SPO3149          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.446       4.972        0.000        3.587        0.000        2.586        0.000        1.650        0.000        0.000        1.713        4.753        7.076        2.147        2.014        1.036        
SPO3150          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         13.121       20.814       6.907        3.576        2.256        6.445        0.000        0.822        3.058        11.722       7.258        4.737        5.289        5.884        6.022        5.164        
SPO3151          HAD-superfamily_subfamily_IIA_hydrolase,_TIGR01459                                                                             60.262       52.980       68.047       63.709       54.380       31.973       35.747       63.773       69.436       64.781       29.980       37.239       33.262       33.639       43.658       44.381       
SPO3152          MaoC_domain_protein                                                                                                            457.438      203.684      660.231      651.672      168.861      229.325      86.495       217.143      316.547      1143.526     417.632      605.259      241.545      235.770      114.800      218.001      
SPO3153          monooxygenase,_putative                                                                                                        7.367        6.443        3.742        7.748        0.917        3.491        1.680        6.236        6.626        14.433       3.007        5.133        2.547        2.028        2.719        3.916        
SPO3154          riboflavin_biosynthesis_protein_RibF                                                                                           101.400      80.451       66.595       63.322       71.022       52.417       30.506       76.044       70.194       65.005       32.763       29.830       45.101       35.788       45.920       55.887       
SPO3156          L-threonine_aldolase,_low-specificity,_putative                                                                                97.441       56.955       59.839       56.898       51.353       27.728       35.634       58.153       36.042       65.005       22.646       20.940       23.899       26.482       38.156       50.673       
SPO3157          hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                                              58.853       52.791       37.175       27.063       18.971       14.453       10.430       27.660       41.143       33.458       9.574        18.592       16.475       14.396       16.320       38.796       
SPO3158          2-hydroxychromene-2-carboxylate_isomerase                                                                                      92.774       68.773       44.238       62.707       35.262       22.277       9.457        60.188       43.520       47.128       18.881       18.783       24.198       13.052       19.133       54.337       
SPO3159          ribose-phosphate_pyrophosphokinase                                                                                             60.315       76.690       48.470       52.276       118.731      38.269       89.267       116.145      117.375      56.567       29.576       33.671       40.185       34.170       121.008      49.247       
SPO3160          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           85.885       85.487       65.615       37.991       31.018       30.075       54.260       34.945       28.028       45.290       28.817       27.239       27.915       32.095       53.950       54.221       
SPO3161          ATP_synthase_F1,_epsilon_subunit                                                                                               896.710      664.616      1638.791     1712.007     2162.742     687.974      2315.516     1976.775     1037.724     1194.937     709.465      823.362      626.043      708.979      1269.552     1356.108     
SPO3162          ATP_synthase_F1,_beta_subunit                                                                                                  442.111      437.187      762.633      758.095      996.483      352.212      1332.725     971.924      522.691      640.446      399.977      497.778      412.190      436.785      915.816      663.886      
SPO3163          ATP_synthase_F1,_gamma_subunit                                                                                                 409.329      442.543      839.734      712.045      1543.931     461.577      1595.626     1481.440     797.981      1047.668     498.028      686.188      590.711      522.526      1207.175     851.358      
SPO3164          ATP_synthase_F1,_alpha_subunit                                                                                                 398.071      498.618      691.220      585.213      1070.344     351.665      1261.517     1081.510     683.649      874.769      340.535      423.301      456.167      449.297      1101.960     527.558      
SPO3165          ATP_synthase_delta_chain                                                                                                       184.257      302.300      466.618      386.970      906.277      280.403      1326.997     1121.790     666.845      775.861      312.229      371.316      429.805      361.384      891.243      379.351      
SPO3166          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           531.293      510.072      418.640      395.542      129.415      315.335      174.125      249.989      372.045      678.937      227.768      183.934      196.317      119.643      163.271      244.498      
SPO3167          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           81.496       69.529       104.486      73.067       35.778       78.101       15.131       38.119       67.146       79.306       81.773       60.684       81.019       56.123       57.553       58.589       
SPO3168          hydroxyacylglutathione_hydrolase,_putative                                                                                     344.987      330.752      130.525      96.225       55.312       193.224      118.673      181.942      196.268      328.847      204.765      170.551      362.007      206.016      367.960      191.469      
SPO3169          ATP-dependent_Clp_protease,_ATP-binding_subunit_ClpA                                                                           1333.414     1265.175     399.026      313.094      278.985      815.509      372.169      455.296      607.280      763.280      635.099      715.536      1172.154     982.474      1118.670     961.249      
SPO3170          peptidase,_M23/M37_family                                                                                                      90.216       115.513      44.529       33.249       40.555       75.110       19.221       49.953       59.392       60.777       76.222       83.403       161.030      152.538      168.622      162.620      
SPO3171          OmpA_domain_protein                                                                                                            70.484       64.130       36.851       36.304       18.413       29.596       14.815       16.697       36.118       39.885       17.849       21.315       14.976       11.075       20.382       26.318       
SPO3172          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           135.530      133.458      78.260       67.292       42.017       61.353       16.844       37.650       58.533       38.043       44.067       41.545       42.873       31.550       45.180       46.087       
SPO3173          cation_transport_protein_ChaC,_putative                                                                                        53.854       32.450       61.888       44.670       42.759       28.133       32.057       77.927       38.638       33.053       31.633       21.224       32.406       29.496       34.591       30.254       
SPO3174          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           81.264       60.718       36.010       29.516       16.172       34.721       5.388        24.293       21.255       25.928       20.404       19.759       23.491       18.128       16.135       20.641       
SPO3175          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           76.326       60.777       116.377      90.562       82.997       75.602       33.066       61.381       65.215       30.684       40.521       44.963       52.019       51.911       69.576       64.982       
SPO3176          prephenate_dehydrogenase                                                                                                       76.556       53.666       76.852       71.046       69.475       53.783       73.929       83.323       90.119       51.877       43.687       44.240       58.386       43.046       75.287       60.024       
SPO3177          histidinol-phosphate_aminotransferase                                                                                          60.212       43.186       72.680       74.957       69.081       48.390       58.627       69.625       77.924       69.210       42.468       26.093       51.213       36.060       52.397       50.094       
SPO3178          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.699        2.888        8.945        10.998       40.902       2.226        18.070       9.584        60.060       25.533       4.147        3.988        4.186        4.157        4.225        0.334        
SPO3179          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         86.647       58.670       13.859       14.349       3.395        11.208       0.000        8.250        2.045        8.553        7.710        9.506        20.047       16.100       7.049        6.217        
SPO3180          ribose_5-phosphate_isomerase_B                                                                                                 38.091       61.880       45.242       36.596       114.287      29.902       196.751      169.995      73.021       98.161       25.343       29.091       31.278       41.609       62.665       45.453       
SPO3181          ribosomal_protein_S4                                                                                                           423.868      675.773      836.494      827.179      2663.613     488.548      10480.480    4511.693     1551.282     2032.182     477.866      532.357      664.777      635.173      1153.201     747.735      
SPO3182          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           257.346      225.871      26.183       26.186       16.521       33.686       10.686       13.460       27.222       16.527       84.233       44.081       46.077       25.809       21.187       19.576       
SPO3183          oxidoreductase,_molybdopterin-binding_protein                                                                                  8.168        7.144        4.979        2.819        2.795        2.710        1.397        1.852        4.592        3.841        3.077        4.482        5.031        1.687        2.487        2.792        
SPO3184          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 4.335        4.502        3.586        2.320        4.392        2.788        8.048        5.336        5.291        5.532        1.108        0.615        3.814        1.389        2.605        2.681        
SPO3185          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         17.295       17.154       9.924        7.589        4.788        10.382       2.025        0.537        2.663        7.656        6.134        5.260        4.990        2.096        4.261        5.396        
SPO3186          glycine_betaine_transporter                                                                                                    40.014       35.623       364.082      406.057      310.233      155.493      191.921      171.568      294.071      206.398      96.327       100.266      132.894      85.446       180.624      151.312      
SPO3187          (2R)-3-sulfolactate_dehydrogenase                                                                                              15.762       13.904       10.002       4.045        4.594        8.944        5.612        0.000        7.379        8.680        7.341        6.431        8.510        8.230        7.267        8.880        
SPO3188          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.048       7.917        2.006        0.000        3.276        10.608       0.000        4.777        10.362       3.095        5.581        6.192        5.121        3.108        5.831        0.750        
SPO3189          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.184       17.213       10.495       8.732        1.836        8.627        3.365        3.124        7.744        8.097        8.109        5.142        10.844       4.645        8.171        6.165        
SPO3190          renal_dipeptidase_family_protein                                                                                               15.624       17.155       7.754        8.363        1.583        9.647        0.000        3.077        6.675        13.958       11.184       5.319        4.949        3.003        5.165        3.865        
SPO3191          aldehyde_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          25.008       23.471       14.829       13.547       2.849        10.852       3.916        4.673        6.436        10.767       16.984       11.068       8.536        7.769        7.606        6.196        
SPO3192          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         43.408       62.024       24.698       18.803       2.966        13.104       0.000        3.459        4.288        10.087       15.266       8.968        14.216       4.501        7.917        5.431        
SPO3193          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           528.685      637.367      153.205      127.740      48.114       165.865      85.971       112.239      130.431      340.933      101.074      103.061      205.569      187.108      247.261      211.466      
SPO3194          ribonucleoside-diphosphate_reductase,_putative                                                                                 368.799      380.262      186.266      160.354      64.050       128.801      48.528       73.586       140.296      130.437      36.322       47.529       85.378       91.879       138.364      102.788      
SPO3195          histone_deacetylase_family_protein                                                                                             106.547      72.253       107.644      71.156       32.133       56.881       20.784       42.716       58.927       77.684       66.895       62.320       69.926       39.891       49.200       61.442       
SPO3196          DNA_repair_protein_RecO,_putative                                                                                              40.458       34.495       41.957       26.019       12.133       25.012       3.924        11.447       23.218       29.670       14.588       16.187       24.544       14.893       13.338       23.527       
SPO3197          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.439       16.153       48.242       33.299       28.887       12.004       7.219        28.716       30.849       14.887       8.946        6.618        19.156       16.190       28.043       27.652       
SPO3198          ribonuclease_III                                                                                                               89.904       61.132       108.606      98.150       98.618       42.516       105.075      103.658      75.988       66.449       32.987       38.530       51.782       50.758       97.282       87.499       
SPO3199          signal_peptidase_I                                                                                                             94.150       90.473       107.216      112.378      146.114      60.590       71.180       137.527      132.589      100.186      54.138       71.984       62.319       85.376       116.309      125.886      
SPO3200          holo-(acyl-carrier-protein)_synthase                                                                                           92.430       56.171       91.095       81.055       68.571       36.302       25.559       57.613       69.313       52.706       21.115       41.979       23.011       28.661       45.506       64.915       
SPO3201          pyridoxal_phosphate_biosynthetic_protein_PdxJ                                                                                  115.014      75.575       101.931      74.756       62.422       35.403       30.506       83.932       87.743       70.771       32.553       30.296       37.584       30.919       56.166       67.953       
SPO3202          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           55.074       42.294       92.767       68.785       89.160       62.516       104.111      81.678       95.540       108.838      40.617       35.128       59.201       73.342       82.150       73.692       
SPO3203          guanosine-3',5'-bis(Diphosphate)_3'-pyrophosphohydrolase,_putative                                                             141.634      126.029      224.899      181.247      270.851      152.822      291.694      350.746      223.294      276.498      90.415       100.327      126.482      112.136      197.477      198.315      
SPO3204          DNA-directed_RNA_polymerase,_omega_subunit                                                                                     680.375      443.115      857.034      857.528      1045.277     520.811      2481.390     1697.621     1033.543     1225.086     457.412      412.467      609.743      398.809      781.032      515.572      
SPO3205          2-amino-4-hydroxy-6-hydroxymethyldihydropteridine_pyrophosphokinase                                                            46.832       51.455       62.749       66.709       53.981       71.795       55.332       54.692       51.259       69.154       85.885       59.947       48.625       40.787       43.152       36.861       
SPO3206          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           700.450      723.929      1354.860     1162.299     1135.250     898.677      4250.566     2885.346     2009.138     3826.717     2585.055     1995.439     3354.732     2452.389     3796.857     2461.120     
SPO3207          4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl_diphosphate_reductase                                                                             58.718       48.311       57.331       50.041       59.332       37.322       38.904       46.030       56.073       59.656       63.046       78.187       91.892       89.319       85.252       52.832       
SPO3209          transporter,_LysE_family                                                                                                       169.070      141.518      80.545       72.169       26.138       45.608       13.907       40.568       30.476       33.458       49.149       36.830       50.083       23.993       24.010       42.463       
SPO3210          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           39.293       21.161       36.514       18.176       10.320       25.335       0.000        3.344        18.652       13.001       12.153       12.522       15.535       17.403       15.307       15.750       
SPO3211          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           75.604       59.723       65.766       46.548       26.850       40.272       27.678       31.807       37.910       34.881       20.326       18.325       17.487       11.938       11.947       26.122       
SPO3212          ribonuclease_HI                                                                                                                135.670      132.622      146.781      102.019      124.289      97.225       48.809       85.752       80.222       79.683       52.085       46.609       45.101       41.050       57.277       71.128       
SPO3214          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           96.712       82.272       74.663       75.925       41.369       61.374       23.941       60.315       59.024       28.799       28.020       47.553       61.261       28.913       36.813       57.816       
SPO3215          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           120.061      103.916      142.194      136.319      43.002       75.350       0.000        59.561       54.401       101.570      89.521       92.110       58.255       59.142       51.660       64.968       
SPO3216          methionyl-tRNA_formyltransferase                                                                                               59.227       42.181       71.386       47.100       65.717       44.842       18.851       50.824       44.409       43.192       38.934       44.642       60.741       50.408       70.685       78.488       
SPO3217          peptide_deformylase                                                                                                            33.075       27.482       22.981       18.176       35.444       19.061       17.194       56.237       20.724       29.548       22.097       20.141       39.108       32.630       34.324       42.954       
SPO3218          peptide_deformylase                                                                                                            33.075       22.902       35.748       21.481       42.741       23.032       17.194       44.077       52.752       31.517       22.097       24.519       41.281       45.484       48.239       25.772       
SPO3219          peptide_deformylase                                                                                                            35.959       25.485       26.945       45.968       55.002       35.808       60.479       46.658       57.834       22.676       45.423       28.561       54.191       44.581       47.166       26.555       
SPO3220          aminotransferase,_classes_I_and_II                                                                                             257.473      154.251      128.555      132.824      96.589       75.602       41.222       140.182      104.417      150.844      69.447       71.132       76.294       39.323       54.555       136.095      
SPO3221          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           84.682       125.090      79.905       58.758       20.760       216.898      0.000        12.972       37.518       33.623       65.106       54.805       38.631       33.755       13.195       38.017       
SPO3222          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           100.189      63.860       7.684        7.458        5.751        9.559        11.498       9.147        8.504        16.794       11.478       6.148        11.986       6.447        9.305        8.617        
SPO3223          response_regulator                                                                                                             231.632      280.887      333.541      263.550      78.837       475.030      47.284       66.876       191.697      227.516      234.382      122.814      137.422      73.417       112.249      153.561      
SPO3224          cobalamin_biosynthetic_protein_CobC                                                                                            55.955       33.078       53.785       43.092       52.282       35.449       14.372       35.064       33.070       24.698       20.185       19.323       18.524       21.323       22.332       21.542       
SPO3225          cobalamin_biosynthesis_protein_CobD                                                                                            28.297       23.710       17.899       16.929       20.798       25.695       6.181        18.850       16.254       10.622       14.894       12.277       7.615        14.929       18.508       20.073       
SPO3226          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           43.621       26.559       48.990       40.156       12.445       17.946       0.000        9.720        18.475       10.918       10.767       10.080       7.411        13.069       8.306        15.465       
SPO3227          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           72.764       119.660      42.131       54.528       14.334       74.258       15.761       29.258       31.086       62.296       47.744       46.958       56.761       77.496       77.809       174.561      
SPO3228          SMC_protein                                                                                                                    123.023      114.643      89.680       74.614       13.300       44.744       1.643        17.867       51.315       46.593       14.254       16.821       19.778       21.120       19.150       32.978       
SPO3229          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          18.455       31.763       180.127      69.147       28.668       637.172      6.853        21.807       9.010        32.973       10.379       11.517       5.196        2.364        14.419       30.815       
SPO3230          aminotransferase,_classes_I_and_II                                                                                             28.961       22.936       40.874       29.841       28.668       29.338       7.057        66.127       8.506        10.511       70.289       27.316       40.576       18.263       12.946       71.697       
SPO3231          pyruvate_dehydrogenase_complex_repressor                                                                                       43.488       66.719       95.454       67.095       24.860       31.737       36.940       36.246       58.286       44.437       24.415       27.656       31.508       19.756       24.515       39.375       
SPO3233          ATP_synthase_F0,_B_subunit                                                                                                     561.815      643.581      1257.292     1225.437     1578.849     506.239      1941.125     1381.957     801.692      627.807      620.907      666.160      753.777      695.531      1842.439     1302.263     
SPO3234          ATP_synthase_F0,_B'_subunit                                                                                                    416.082      461.801      1177.820     1177.917     1568.975     448.876      2398.151     1483.926     1009.866     689.551      569.049      694.495      720.946      648.090      1744.621     1093.788     
SPO3235          ATP_synthase_F0,_C_subunit                                                                                                     1396.284     1421.628     2271.684     2306.371     3368.094     1209.489     1035.132     3497.432     1529.095     1541.663     1328.516     1522.969     1545.392     1298.579     3299.206     1926.163     
SPO3236          ATP_synthase_F0,_A_subunit                                                                                                     179.352      237.353      408.149      437.712      700.125      265.669      1071.274     1005.099     561.005      689.404      293.486      290.667      401.203      506.655      817.950      421.431      
SPO3237          ATP_synthase_F0,_subunit_I                                                                                                     94.531       118.853      821.024      591.881      1639.218     667.534      1365.977     1487.561     834.274      830.614      828.016      627.344      934.531      831.085      994.279      695.955      
SPO3238          transcriptional_regulator,_ArsR_family                                                                                         25.113       24.077       33.556       26.540       18.266       31.311       16.738       22.193       19.257       34.516       24.199       23.016       20.621       18.769       29.801       8.363        
SPO3239          integral_membrane_protein                                                                                                      32.123       31.848       39.454       16.413       11.506       18.407       9.488        6.710        15.595       8.696        13.500       7.249        9.592        12.004       8.703        10.535       
SPO3240          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         63.793       61.599       85.129       46.685       16.494       43.531       19.432       22.330       29.808       37.845       22.743       22.267       22.713       15.644       7.339        25.351       
SPO3241          Asp/Glu/Hydantoin_racemase_family_protein                                                                                      90.368       79.841       52.664       28.583       13.178       30.119       7.626        9.101        13.788       14.416       22.052       14.565       21.683       7.236        14.813       17.782       
SPO3242          YbaK/prolyl-tRNA_synthetase_domain_protein                                                                                     24.125       18.591       29.289       24.785       35.873       22.424       15.171       32.186       36.572       13.905       7.660        15.453       10.544       19.194       23.738       16.003       
SPO3243          quinolinate_synthetase_complex,_A_subunit                                                                                      36.590       26.343       67.410       49.075       22.115       51.294       5.404        51.590       38.191       124.437      70.687       72.243       111.133      84.371       149.131      100.349      
SPO3244          L-aspartate_oxidase,_putative                                                                                                  17.768       14.060       33.477       41.213       10.000       29.205       1.833        8.748        33.134       37.793       23.973       25.761       48.980       68.611       64.371       77.223       
SPO3245          nicotinate-nucleotide_pyrophosphorylase                                                                                        18.062       7.504        17.928       25.137       4.880        18.123       3.353        5.336        30.866       32.272       5.541        13.834       13.984       21.985       36.367       47.473       
SPO3246          signal_recognition_particle_protein                                                                                            80.897       81.799       77.654       54.528       397.978      42.653       302.246      447.479      145.678      154.227      43.659       48.446       65.372       69.418       126.955      57.132       
SPO3247          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 95.806       81.453       95.966       92.394       516.023      52.417       278.449      377.571      145.068      63.199       50.638       42.543       76.677       77.043       214.293      79.624       
SPO3248          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 33.929       42.458       21.302       38.292       196.166      16.932       138.132      173.295      52.392       27.390       15.362       15.423       24.168       21.998       66.214       24.775       
SPO3249          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 34.875       28.620       29.916       62.916       260.556      31.791       67.149       143.942      49.664       28.848       20.803       19.664       25.455       25.100       57.060       26.094       
SPO3250          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 30.882       33.394       41.642       45.968       217.010      19.047       71.476       121.018      21.688       20.786       21.197       21.001       20.843       35.096       69.414       34.796       
SPO3251          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.744       30.986       33.705       36.806       169.427      27.519       170.222      243.261      45.075       42.253       23.438       14.449       33.161       24.472       59.696       38.587       
SPO3252          chorismate_mutase                                                                                                              77.219       109.507      73.085       100.153      458.102      58.836       1100.072     1376.758     107.849      262.008      51.819       57.500       74.991       48.279       209.295      110.892      
SPO3253          ribosomal_protein_S16                                                                                                          1231.577     668.308      734.690      881.004      1319.199     249.089      1906.983     2244.628     462.436      440.527      165.725      144.487      202.948      161.801      652.747      455.574      
SPO3254          cobalamin_biosynthesis_protein_BluB                                                                                            174.841      104.587      161.737      248.088      372.547      80.116       71.710       288.819      104.602      56.995       32.707       30.815       36.529       29.382       135.656      100.769      
SPO3255          16S_rRNA_processing_protein_RimM                                                                                               33.114       21.722       55.503       35.916       50.469       27.464       16.988       39.044       35.367       23.355       19.493       18.169       18.247       23.447       35.746       30.179       
SPO3256          ribosomal_protein_L31                                                                                                          897.092      1169.860     1558.288     1609.685     3751.179     737.789      9003.356     5520.702     2031.236     2252.898     929.323      1082.661     1357.850     893.968      3279.400     1272.933     
SPO3257          ribosomal_protein_L19                                                                                                          656.596      843.822      1167.739     1322.402     2332.260     644.895      4140.126     3451.748     1779.490     1522.745     589.543      761.116      858.123      694.990      2183.911     1088.847     
SPO3258          glycosyl_hydrolase,_family_25                                                                                                  54.370       63.494       31.325       19.257       24.938       21.434       14.062       17.713       19.645       28.998       15.006       13.965       14.660       23.654       41.539       29.275       
SPO3259          tRNA_(guanine-N1)-methyltransferase                                                                                            35.035       43.541       36.410       25.805       35.393       27.503       15.567       23.737       37.099       20.063       16.611       25.568       21.392       20.813       42.833       20.092       
SPO3260          methyltransferase-like_protein                                                                                                 59.051       52.903       59.956       42.993       23.816       36.793       14.549       15.433       38.260       36.253       36.560       21.673       23.440       20.080       25.904       27.259       
SPO3261          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       36.054       24.511       7.591        6.140        4.649        13.576       21.299       9.037        11.202       7.320        11.731       14.969       14.533       8.084        7.584        10.642       
SPO3262          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         54.573       71.597       13.859       19.730       6.790        25.002       0.000        6.600        4.090        32.075       24.843       16.160       12.972       4.293        8.056        7.253        
SPO3263          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.940        1.008        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        31.523       0.000        12.434       0.000        0.000        0.000        1.195        0.000        0.000        3.150        
SPO3270          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           105.471      156.494      36.174       39.932       19.112       97.289       4.776        12.666       31.400       87.001       24.333       50.351       65.180       99.702       162.343      267.270      
SPO3271          oxidoreductase,_molybdopterin-binding_protein                                                                                  391.077      407.954      80.318       59.269       33.366       159.530      37.954       81.358       96.689       161.968      90.582       150.769      191.236      216.077      365.005      570.998      
SPO3272          glutamate_synthase_family_protein                                                                                              135.330      103.057      63.836       57.316       9.447        60.309       7.164        10.449       30.615       25.854       21.209       19.429       16.974       10.197       10.726       25.951       
SPO3273          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.026       27.257       39.139       32.776       13.159       45.829       31.006       16.445       33.974       62.163       71.154       70.270       165.533      111.441      107.063      142.867      
SPO3274          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           274.610      289.877      69.257       76.563       69.510       162.457      38.863       70.426       40.454       135.797      365.664      740.248      579.480      607.898      794.688      499.464      
SPO3275          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           45.989       48.420       20.063       21.245       7.446        38.575       4.094        13.028       14.803       19.698       24.802       32.525       18.623       14.125       31.806       27.954       
SPO3276          ATP-dependent_Clp_protease,_ATP-binding_subunit_ClpB                                                                           104.223      111.283      58.945       60.656       157.213      132.996      298.235      232.091      138.675      223.267      271.027      272.404      500.943      381.679      407.066      341.909      
SPO3277          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1500.557     660.022      805.180      1039.054     930.752      1134.248     399.286      900.039      600.996      375.582      627.912      852.472      1204.932     958.954      731.318      801.492      
SPO3278          orotidine_5'-phosphate_decarboxylase                                                                                           95.806       100.767      112.351      121.551      126.856      70.981       70.926       151.516      117.868      97.507       49.372       61.407       75.433       74.777       87.376       90.562       
SPO3279          NUDIX_domain_protein                                                                                                           42.486       54.779       45.242       31.106       36.941       56.287       19.040       57.226       33.381       82.892       104.869      50.425       110.675      98.546       67.801       39.110       
SPO3280          DNA_polymerase_IV,_putative                                                                                                    37.422       39.227       23.072       21.422       11.058       24.961       2.252        14.928       15.543       21.668       25.112       22.705       31.581       19.034       32.071       31.875       
SPO3281          DinB_family_protein                                                                                                            9.261        0.916        0.000        1.652        1.042        4.765        0.000        4.560        3.768        3.940        0.789        3.503        4.345        0.000        6.494        5.727        
SPO3282          N-formylglutamate_amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                151.634      138.466      111.958      83.889       47.513       107.217      6.613        35.075       54.346       57.959       81.041       69.212       88.370       39.361       57.801       74.894       
SPO3284          ribosomal_protein_L36                                                                                                          1094.695     1904.491     4756.177     4283.448     17395.700    2341.297     32804.457    18675.113    9546.857     6464.344     1588.589     2144.827     2605.043     2940.310     5030.789     4206.958     
SPO3285          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           120.728      145.206      14.991       14.296       6.120        8.344        1.771        7.984        12.225       5.478        7.803        5.953        7.049        3.666        4.013        4.424        
SPO3286          arylsulfatase                                                                                                                  85.005       52.549       24.413       19.875       19.291       18.370       8.838        19.219       20.918       24.908       10.952       12.153       6.031        5.794        1.431        11.187       
SPO3287          ferric_iron_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_ferric_iron-binding_protein                                                           16.054       8.229        9.658        7.812        48.793       11.264       10.839       8.623        15.142       9.313        20.894       10.764       26.707       39.735       28.070       14.892       
SPO3288          ferric_iron_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                  23.954       22.472       46.233       29.435       32.575       35.718       10.043       17.755       42.915       28.188       46.093       40.661       79.630       51.977       61.227       38.469       
SPO3289          phenylacetate-CoA_ligase,_putative                                                                                             267.341      95.542       22.886       20.869       41.197       29.121       60.710       92.264       303.184      982.291      136.321      129.503      102.237      22.559       48.755       24.889       
SPO3290          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 231.903      90.799       21.217       21.576       47.642       19.798       85.043       45.105       461.817      730.717      89.462       101.868      57.385       21.714       28.081       16.996       
SPO3291          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_branched-chain_amino_acid_binding_protein,_putative                     784.046      402.831      73.015       89.390       130.516      109.560      338.849      212.022      1681.702     4012.929     485.475      366.462      233.817      72.596       136.935      55.696       
SPO3292          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    184.146      94.152       47.074       31.224       57.656       35.506       68.680       45.534       391.614      986.871      137.850      85.562       63.087       21.419       33.350       22.437       
SPO3293          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           95.877       88.912       24.783       51.320       78.921       21.584       178.010      47.207       522.976      1265.677     128.680      101.991      52.719       13.436       27.012       16.676       
SPO3294          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    111.365      57.142       39.819       28.261       57.161       21.574       69.196       42.052       349.718      998.851      108.775      70.041       41.533       16.414       22.867       11.044       
SPO3295          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 89.841       54.496       24.362       14.837       38.029       19.612       48.249       19.619       364.785      1282.403     110.725      117.948      43.897       11.099       22.387       10.178       
SPO3296          AMP-binding_enzyme                                                                                                             105.768      95.935       32.064       29.878       38.486       30.916       141.060      36.263       640.173      1955.579     137.347      143.387      74.208       21.853       41.004       17.500       
SPO3297          sensory_box_histidine_kinase/response_regulator                                                                                33.619       22.960       41.332       47.453       30.482       22.601       25.437       29.761       40.333       36.514       25.342       20.118       27.794       14.714       18.891       19.438       
SPO3298          DNA-binding_response_regulator                                                                                                 24.771       18.653       37.649       38.285       24.154       18.402       0.000        8.537        22.488       17.980       12.190       10.452       9.916        6.248        12.376       10.053       
SPO3299          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         13.878       16.362       13.030       5.621        1.773        7.430        0.000        2.585        0.000        3.351        2.685        4.469        5.544        1.682        2.367        3.247        
SPO3300          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           57.092       36.043       22.686       12.583       9.262        6.048        0.000        3.858        2.391        2.500        12.020       13.337       6.894        8.785        14.129       15.750       
SPO3301          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         30.318       30.440       7.314        1.893        8.361        14.105       52.538       24.382       11.873       32.728       63.298       57.193       95.847       111.599      79.722       86.952       
SPO3302          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.543        11.150       13.814       4.469        4.230        3.222        0.000        10.278       2.548        2.664        7.471        4.737        4.408        10.698       3.764        12.910       
SPO3303          GDSL-like_lipase/acylhydrolase,_putative                                                                                       210.102      198.916      29.182       31.867       12.659       22.691       12.282       9.771        25.569       28.141       26.493       30.023       16.295       18.363       15.903       12.954       
SPO3304          amidase,_hydantoinase/carbamoylase_family                                                                                      33.612       15.729       21.387       18.683       15.280       11.973       9.601        10.821       14.991       10.724       12.889       9.901        15.468       5.797        9.712        9.194        
SPO3305          phosphoglycerate_mutase_family_protein                                                                                         30.992       36.388       42.912       35.342       28.668       19.414       13.134       51.086       54.688       45.142       24.716       26.757       24.065       19.638       26.928       16.771       
SPO3306          glutathione_S-transferase,_putative                                                                                            35.669       30.378       39.240       54.795       15.177       32.118       13.907       30.733       44.191       31.865       22.340       15.582       25.481       11.197       21.009       20.073       
SPO3307          Lysine-ketoglutarate_reductase                                                                                                 80.040       58.301       110.746      91.918       60.448       41.934       16.212       52.307       65.725       51.075       18.602       25.182       18.949       27.968       38.923       45.450       
SPO3309          saccharopine_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                           116.806      60.460       79.828       70.312       38.023       33.106       37.329       40.258       71.171       41.911       17.476       17.871       15.094       12.451       36.253       35.644       
SPO3310          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.720       37.428       48.150       70.107       27.849       24.961       9.006        14.331       8.882        58.814       58.285       59.171       92.184       66.813       32.071       42.000       
SPO3311          ADA_regulatory_protein,_putative                                                                                               22.013       16.512       16.522       12.219       10.118       16.518       13.245       7.025        13.932       15.477       9.848        9.713        14.561       6.855        18.865       17.206       
SPO3312          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.101       26.081       23.131       17.107       10.118       20.556       0.000        16.719       19.505       28.041       14.298       10.766       23.899       9.597        26.411       21.617       
SPO3313          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  51.204       27.191       53.500       36.063       25.483       31.201       10.007       41.134       65.790       87.705       15.157       14.525       28.452       15.538       16.198       20.000       
SPO3314          dihydroxy-acid_dehydratase                                                                                                     281.036      105.805      120.178      84.473       78.390       72.611       54.260       66.602       232.381      273.872      39.064       71.059       78.163       34.769       62.230       80.815       
SPO3315          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         39.326       48.427       35.450       36.175       5.567        38.168       0.000        4.870        14.084       15.778       41.718       41.148       85.272       44.351       64.892       41.286       
SPO3316          membrane_protein                                                                                                               7.683        7.980        17.010       6.774        8.013        17.093       11.748       5.452        14.481       10.094       33.564       35.897       41.193       49.147       77.484       22.011       
SPO3316a         stress_protein                                                                                                                 24.604       16.311       27.279       9.807        3.712        13.199       0.000        3.608        4.473        4.677        9.368        7.276        9.027        9.390        4.405        10.198       
SPO3317          transcriptional_regulator,_putative                                                                                            76.304       53.924       40.993       33.896       8.368        45.334       25.559       2.711        10.082       1.757        19.708       12.496       11.627       5.291        12.411       17.027       
SPO3318          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           372.381      287.296      113.073      125.293      43.634       86.719       97.349       66.384       102.858      90.815       68.457       57.901       48.765       34.789       46.145       74.696       
SPO3319          epsK_domain_protein                                                                                                            76.922       76.295       34.508       33.755       20.969       50.919       46.833       42.036       46.777       78.625       65.726       53.116       73.064       37.913       56.853       51.599       
SPO3320          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           179.870      183.640      82.688       72.619       36.974       65.521       48.610       66.798       74.083       82.015       37.117       34.434       34.342       32.020       52.930       59.614       
SPO3321          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           81.860       118.515      62.240       61.963       11.728       38.717       10.746       28.498       31.793       66.482       26.634       18.061       12.221       11.124       27.830       34.005       
SPO3322          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           82.812       93.922       48.794       35.218       19.538       42.903       10.531       14.522       31.848       33.299       16.240       17.699       15.968       14.898       24.204       34.376       
SPO3323          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           157.261      137.793      59.441       47.765       13.601       50.792       7.331        15.553       36.147       51.903       20.794       23.745       25.289       23.524       28.715       31.988       
SPO3324          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           221.023      225.307      114.083      92.098       28.591       91.695       30.424       38.996       68.339       81.909       54.459       50.745       57.186       52.925       58.272       73.471       
SPO3325          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           378.819      533.867      180.731      172.392      40.726       118.267      86.928       74.746       103.043      170.207      112.077      114.302      111.342      61.806       88.258       102.659      
SPO3326          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           417.911      395.933      123.039      113.398      53.277       100.891      33.475       55.483       52.269       143.815      79.510       57.539       53.932       31.764       40.637       78.052       
SPO3327          creatinase                                                                                                                     13.295       11.196       13.524       17.503       10.193       9.383        11.675       9.288        36.075       20.866       10.610       6.778        7.524        7.654        10.582       10.111       
SPO3328          succinate-semialdehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                           287.295      185.707      193.487      166.401      109.428      152.927      45.122       131.625      153.267      160.250      74.555       73.823       96.928       80.439       187.453      199.456      
SPO3329          globin_domain_protein                                                                                                          43.768       61.369       196.402      127.094      40.092       784.286      28.441       37.712       30.385       53.763       15.665       17.382       12.129       24.534       14.961       33.158       
SPO3330          ribonuclease_R                                                                                                                 111.275      106.931      66.671       44.231       41.172       41.996       50.302       53.692       47.952       47.111       28.744       24.401       29.318       29.723       51.904       49.428       
SPO3331          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.395       9.680        20.754       10.744       14.405       22.594       4.659        17.296       10.719       4.803        9.622        12.812       19.426       25.718       14.326       23.276       
SPO3332          succinyl-diaminopimelate_desuccinylase                                                                                         42.893       52.107       41.023       34.439       45.718       48.969       59.727       52.797       39.267       75.268       41.462       46.768       81.604       46.369       100.702      62.999       
SPO3333          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           104.323      150.864      55.856       44.407       35.183       113.670      16.119       51.772       75.949       87.411       153.641      112.196      216.589      144.609      154.226      137.811      
SPO3334          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           89.973       67.221       14.080       5.607        3.980        7.411        7.293        5.802        9.590        5.849        31.465       14.114       11.980       10.066       3.935        3.239        
SPO3335          glutamine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_glutamine-binding_protein                                                               30.234       43.126       44.349       31.720       51.459       38.478       44.533       54.881       61.139       60.323       37.152       23.614       27.805       38.867       66.993       31.849       
SPO3336          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           44.431       53.504       67.112       91.684       77.632       70.740       41.844       99.870       99.035       74.784       43.788       65.211       50.760       43.314       65.019       79.446       
SPO3337          2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine-2,6-dicarboxylate_N-succinyltransferase                                                             147.380      119.821      261.981      159.617      188.896      120.083      182.258      186.037      168.430      157.193      106.537      117.166      143.397      119.840      165.312      155.780      
SPO3338          biotin_synthase                                                                                                                17.848       17.111       6.624        8.574        6.491        13.187       5.948        5.520        8.798        3.066        7.780        10.450       19.165       62.079       57.280       14.363       
SPO3340          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         68.011       55.447       29.640       36.991       22.473       23.706       0.000        20.164       15.621       21.233       24.210       18.878       33.327       33.614       54.612       29.284       
SPO3341          pyridoxal-phosphate_dependent_enzyme_family_protein                                                                            32.815       33.095       45.436       49.004       16.863       12.419       6.181        21.309       16.254       14.870       18.723       24.553       22.259       13.862       13.506       25.735       
SPO3342          decarboxylase_family_protein                                                                                                   161.781      134.529      75.287       75.889       36.648       46.833       42.247       61.188       59.822       67.015       37.140       31.281       35.726       15.698       33.664       36.804       
SPO3343          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           346.034      258.635      14.044       27.264       3.822        21.840       0.000        8.359        17.270       3.611        18.808       9.632        23.899       7.251        5.102        12.250       
SPO3344          Cys/Met_metabolism_PLP-dependent_enzyme_family_protein                                                                         30.436       20.098       30.344       23.412       50.983       37.026       28.816       39.598       30.139       27.911       12.624       16.410       22.344       32.088       39.009       34.903       
SPO3345          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           47.477       64.319       44.821       59.942       80.514       72.492       6.707        48.023       57.322       53.018       57.256       48.162       62.291       46.283       64.049       52.499       
SPO3346          radical_SAM_enzyme,_Cfr_family                                                                                                 43.695       63.075       54.674       46.480       143.121      41.680       228.599      178.038      154.244      129.017      93.435       83.089       112.656      116.239      137.877      95.781       
SPO3347          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           492.295      409.758      246.864      206.609      120.943      149.471      66.493       148.904      245.288      162.511      153.610      111.752      106.427      95.595       102.842      137.811      
SPO3348          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1374.794     1245.511     699.053      712.819      304.617      540.277      232.457      559.012      741.549      691.808      659.790      636.872      508.698      355.465      294.162      482.174      
SPO3349          L-asparaginase,_thermolabile_family                                                                                            103.886      87.867       77.410       73.908       63.726       52.101       59.817       69.495       84.269       74.403       40.397       43.955       49.131       35.873       55.786       48.388       
SPO3350          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           96.552       119.176      20.256       41.944       18.193       45.361       0.000        12.057       59.781       6.250        33.805       55.572       53.429       28.237       63.287       43.918       
SPO3351          Aha1_domain_protein                                                                                                            55.584       73.476       29.258       26.506       21.501       49.141       6.567        22.640       53.969       58.685       78.670       64.216       60.993       19.261       31.889       40.468       
SPO3352          transcriptional_regulator,_ArsR_family                                                                                         45.557       49.945       21.982       28.449       13.461       26.209       8.223        15.265       13.516       22.610       16.984       8.795        23.380       14.187       27.951       9.587        
SPO3353          phosphoserine_phosphatase                                                                                                      26.985       20.020       37.667       37.917       43.287       21.696       0.000        24.912       31.909       29.058       9.917        6.220        8.309        16.207       38.013       38.071       
SPO3354          phosphoserine_aminotransferase                                                                                                 178.115      128.458      154.375      318.425      138.306      101.366      14.438       56.155       230.179      418.477      24.518       18.015       51.083       125.787      1566.498     367.496      
SPO3355          D-3-phosphoglycerate_dehydrogenase                                                                                             181.568      173.353      259.454      524.739      107.869      77.244       62.333       50.535       381.696      730.842      20.108       25.850       55.360       137.033      1358.286     378.471      
SPO3356          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           12.605       9.521        9.952        8.587        1.354        7.223        0.000        0.000        2.448        2.559        3.076        6.826        2.823        3.854        1.205        2.480        
SPO3357          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         10.112       11.416       6.364        1.647        0.000        1.979        5.714        0.758        1.878        1.964        3.541        1.746        3.249        0.986        4.162        2.379        
SPO3358          serine/threonine_protein_phosphatase_family_protein                                                                            22.962       34.071       6.907        12.291       23.263       10.741       7.751        18.501       28.028       10.656       9.606        11.251       13.958       10.030       20.702       6.455        
SPO3359          L-threonine_3-dehydrogenase                                                                                                    16.985       11.761       6.071        6.286        0.991        4.532        2.725        3.614        1.792        3.747        4.878        4.164        10.848       5.642        6.176        4.085        
SPO3360          2-amino-3-ketobutyrate_coenzyme_A_ligase                                                                                       28.625       18.798       12.832       8.996        6.549        10.643       2.400        7.002        7.890        6.599        10.906       12.102       8.189        9.938        13.986       10.793       
SPO3361          RmuC_domain_protein                                                                                                            140.583      193.707      44.995       41.028       15.447       38.486       9.181        28.000       46.780       41.811       30.341       25.601       29.149       22.572       24.520       22.937       
SPO3362          DNA_mismatch_repair_protein_MutL                                                                                               156.894      203.237      90.912       68.489       22.159       54.654       7.614        37.557       74.586       72.227       57.453       54.677       78.799       62.527       72.220       55.797       
SPO3363          Manganese_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    174.022      128.649      94.080       68.821       23.936       130.195      27.544       47.073       35.211       19.985       52.675       95.857       60.329       49.103       50.031       65.242       
SPO3364          Manganese_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    153.149      104.033      74.597       81.587       18.016       117.318      4.717        34.397       24.032       11.347       63.970       76.387       68.391       67.538       44.279       66.377       
SPO3365          Manganese_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                 323.487      200.401      102.567      118.450      30.923       175.214      21.251       64.810       39.585       30.433       273.104      245.141      162.463      116.710      57.328       121.516      
SPO3366          Manganese_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_protein                                                                                 539.648      338.061      164.805      198.673      40.696       295.983      65.631       105.219      90.218       82.025       524.956      419.331      325.131      193.000      113.955      197.743      
SPO3367          deoxyribose-phosphate_aldolase                                                                                                 179.367      190.660      64.030       38.120       34.506       43.814       54.614       35.826       83.148       51.371       28.496       31.181       34.869       32.233       29.311       25.372       
SPO3368          aldehyde_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          162.947      155.235      38.499       28.773       25.901       40.645       64.506       50.351       64.412       38.902       30.668       26.220       45.677       29.396       34.671       27.973       
SPO3369          oxidoreductase,_short-chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     344.417      288.865      195.053      174.690      65.618       137.838      66.548       61.303       126.647      181.772      253.673      239.206      268.869      196.383      189.349      115.499      
SPO3370          peptidase,_M16_family                                                                                                          147.698      123.069      107.261      98.800       105.335      117.818      101.942      155.303      159.708      178.912      122.746      145.481      192.402      174.375      262.249      341.728      
SPO3371          peptidase,_M16_family                                                                                                          142.611      135.665      123.861      89.867       112.245      102.149      153.751      232.353      173.777      304.030      154.283      164.760      257.891      200.575      317.042      284.129      
SPO3372          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           165.060      154.332      212.875      259.724      219.083      188.288      174.204      204.588      233.963      309.627      158.996      133.080      152.831      164.008      174.818      162.472      
SPO3373          lipoprotein_signal_peptidase                                                                                                   29.198       30.808       40.253       41.677       87.647       41.733       90.351       83.063       51.480       45.545       45.616       40.493       45.668       64.428       118.943      75.238       
SPO3374          bifunctional_purine_biosynthesis_protein_PurH                                                                                  43.328       47.145       86.812       62.361       158.026      49.048       85.808       127.526      109.301      78.030       48.737       56.265       65.735       99.617       165.509      73.241       
SPO3375          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           52.192       47.745       37.499       25.218       23.114       25.614       54.463       58.210       54.794       51.618       65.447       44.884       47.549       34.167       32.323       28.311       
SPO3376          ribosomal_RNA_small_subunit_methyltransferase_B,_putative                                                                      28.555       31.088       74.701       40.606       87.427       37.795       42.477       79.445       56.587       75.301       24.319       27.668       41.104       28.541       46.318       31.276       
SPO3377          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           145.528      178.861      203.636      231.742      106.071      148.515      15.761       150.471      134.706      211.265      262.595      209.506      194.183      176.745      183.680      191.623      
SPO3378          benzoate_transporter                                                                                                           74.630       74.800       88.584       66.412       38.812       48.385       12.124       20.577       41.448       32.502       49.080       44.087       71.698       80.738       74.963       58.961       
SPO3379          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         17.931       17.814       6.019        3.895        1.843        5.616        3.377        5.374        2.220        6.965        9.301        6.192        8.322        5.244        5.467        3.375        
SPO3380          gamma-butyrobetaine_hydroxylase,_putative                                                                                      8.277        6.798        2.229        2.164        1.365        3.120        0.000        1.327        7.401        4.299        3.100        3.440        3.319        0.863        2.835        2.083        
SPO3381          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.455        6.169        8.598        1.391        0.878        2.006        0.000        0.000        1.586        0.000        1.329        3.686        2.744        3.330        3.124        4.018        
SPO3382          aldehyde_dehydrogenase_family_protein                                                                                          201.582      173.554      393.169      363.138      216.177      88.639       63.177       301.570      299.827      275.489      95.688       129.103      127.605      146.119      466.869      535.626      
SPO3383          thiol-specific_antioxidant_protein                                                                                             266.913      159.509      306.764      337.971      301.211      211.963      444.511      518.905      456.979      590.134      512.448      567.960      1054.826     942.055      1108.851     683.703      
SPO3384          methyltransferase,_FkbM_family                                                                                                 51.736       36.748       162.342      171.337      135.712      96.178       190.870      146.099      163.986      137.166      225.781      273.067      339.581      366.711      307.537      303.437      
SPO3385          glycosyl_transferase,_family_25                                                                                                95.953       80.281       61.731       56.924       25.203       51.841       6.928        26.640       19.358       19.049       36.250       25.934       30.203       24.502       29.156       27.115       
SPO3386          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.096        10.392       7.900        6.816        3.225        6.552        0.000        1.567        9.714        12.188       5.697        0.903        5.601        1.020        9.567        5.906        
SPO3387          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.817       28.075       10.010       11.188       12.260       15.850       36.765       20.041       17.457       32.292       53.716       50.867       82.461       72.237       46.614       47.624       
SPO3388          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         19.685       18.255       4.071        5.268        5.817        5.064        13.705       19.384       4.505        18.842       8.807        6.282        6.061        4.729        5.176        6.848        
SPO3389          polyribonucleotide_nucleotidyltransferase                                                                                      323.973      474.620      480.323      410.485      846.306      220.056      1390.700     964.854      548.141      451.117      183.282      214.504      258.325      284.026      634.776      412.717      
SPO3390          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           86.564       110.322      142.860      126.918      244.172      239.492      733.714      433.829      405.547      586.536      1141.228     935.012      1656.481     1034.216     925.437      710.553      
SPO3391          alpha-1,2-fucosyltransferase,_putative                                                                                         37.806       23.668       40.482       37.839       26.934       36.841       20.192       28.559       29.869       31.230       35.681       26.224       32.532       32.514       34.317       35.872       
SPO3392          ribosomal_large_subunit_pseudouridine_synthase_A                                                                               7.446        7.030        3.919        5.072        8.800        6.095        0.000        9.332        10.121       3.023        3.634        6.048        9.171        7.588        9.255        8.791        
SPO3393          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           417.323      286.741      176.581      162.380      63.238       103.100      48.675       81.136       109.715      138.613      207.765      183.796      229.330      206.336      191.333      148.234      
SPO3394          GDSL-like_lipase/acylhydrolase,_putative                                                                                       109.615      102.497      66.904       71.377       30.267       47.243       4.059        29.061       65.374       107.411      100.593      93.017       128.473      127.438      99.198       86.523       
SPO3395          RarD                                                                                                                           20.685       26.287       31.000       28.267       20.135       27.611       6.326        26.001       31.190       31.524       16.113       12.564       17.385       16.369       15.870       13.169       
SPO3396          FAD_dependent_oxidoreductase/aminomethyl_transferase                                                                           23.541       21.857       11.875       17.040       12.858       16.862       6.954        10.757       21.334       21.111       5.585        8.853        7.249        5.198        8.066        10.423       
SPO3397          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         14.688       16.899       17.010       11.854       5.342        14.244       11.748       6.231        7.723        14.131       4.853        4.936        2.227        0.507        2.377        4.891        
SPO3398          homocysteine_S-methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                13.674       14.709       28.276       10.979       2.309        10.554       3.173        0.842        10.432       6.544        3.933        0.485        1.804        1.642        0.514        2.114        
SPO3399          alcohol_dehydrogenase,_zinc-containing                                                                                         16.193       14.476       29.670       13.056       6.783        12.551       5.328        4.945        7.005        21.058       6.236        5.291        0.505        2.298        3.449        1.331        
SPO3400          aminomethyl_transferase_family_protein                                                                                         54.015       28.190       38.254       34.791       10.131       19.938       4.641        12.001       24.793       21.136       4.953        5.496        1.540        1.601        3.005        2.705        
SPO3401          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.973       12.289       13.701       4.433        1.398        4.262        0.000        2.039        5.055        2.642        7.410        1.175        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.280        
SPO3402          transporter,_LysE_family                                                                                                       11.600       9.493        14.247       15.805       6.648        9.496        0.000        10.904       9.010        0.000        3.145        1.396        0.866        0.000        2.218        1.522        
SPO3403          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  32.725       22.393       40.125       24.523       17.292       21.494       0.000        15.923       27.961       13.758       11.023       7.645        7.587        1.726        4.049        5.000        
SPO3404          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.893        6.718        23.406       21.205       13.378       11.648       10.508       2.786        3.454        3.611        4.340        9.632        11.950       14.502       13.606       14.000       
SPO3405          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.382       28.215       36.514       27.264       32.108       26.209       31.523       26.750       29.014       23.835       18.230       10.596       21.510       16.315       26.532       31.500       
SPO3406          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         21.682       13.741       21.279       17.900       17.375       25.150       0.000        10.133       20.410       11.491       12.495       14.595       25.348       21.424       17.007       14.318       
SPO3407          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.419        2.498        6.964        0.000        2.843        2.166        0.000        2.073        5.138        5.372        2.152        1.194        5.925        1.348        0.000        2.603        
SPO3408          acetyl-CoA_C-acetyltransferase                                                                                                 67.540       49.996       152.322      139.115      114.231      77.618       58.195       142.754      143.474      275.853      82.468       85.581       85.946       53.128       87.915       115.499      
SPO3409          anti-anti-sigma_factor                                                                                                         12.344       25.642       127.899      48.685       6.143        582.672      25.331       13.435       16.653       17.412       1.163        2.580        1.600        1.457        0.000        2.812        
SPO3410          anti-sigma_B_factor,_putative                                                                                                  6.349        10.144       42.414       21.957       4.618        185.571      0.000        3.366        8.345        15.270       1.748        0.970        3.609        1.095        0.000        1.057        
SPO3411          gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase,_putative                                                                                         29.521       29.078       47.348       31.159       58.646       36.942       21.615       51.112       40.856       49.527       31.251       34.677       35.849       22.064       44.025       44.700       
SPO3412          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           492.811      615.593      551.539      498.184      220.482      324.033      189.135      303.222      257.166      381.163      214.258      193.087      167.840      81.575       132.194      193.294      
SPO3413          auxin_efflux_carrier_family_protein                                                                                            6.954        15.476       7.190        13.027       18.199       14.312       6.455        8.559        11.671       4.437        4.000        5.918        6.118        4.455        6.791        6.988        
SPO3414          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          310.361      271.453      101.030      66.769       61.431       106.974      57.899       102.361      122.124      76.281       140.842      112.788      106.084      80.742       74.190       81.963       
SPO3415          outer_membrane_lipoprotein_carrier_protein_LolA,_putative                                                                      160.228      158.021      51.068       66.094       93.822       64.198       114.627      110.193      270.040      219.965      535.317      421.785      565.802      654.245      381.120      220.339      
SPO3416          FtsK/SpoIIIE_family_protein                                                                                                    249.789      237.024      31.240       21.582       18.097       25.473       7.581        21.359       38.001       27.031       54.146       44.012       25.684       15.530       17.178       13.572       
SPO3417          aminotransferase,_classes_I_and_II                                                                                             141.640      126.151      16.081       14.568       12.255       15.338       12.032       11.486       26.103       20.676       40.753       30.515       13.683       10.794       9.737        8.817        
SPO3418          amidase_family_protein                                                                                                         81.983       59.844       101.993      80.805       35.802       39.728       6.419        34.043       57.671       62.504       43.011       35.304       44.609       28.422       32.553       44.898       
SPO3419          ubiquinone_biosynthesis_hydroxylase,_UbiH/UbiF/VisC/COQ6_family                                                                52.321       36.348       98.307       82.441       57.336       52.417       20.264       43.589       44.409       41.015       36.893       38.186       49.933       53.218       65.236       55.874       
SPO3420          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           62.777       83.577       33.044       23.522       66.779       87.362       11.126       63.926       67.048       104.517      36.255       37.963       85.757       96.610       149.465      171.704      
SPO3421          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           116.188      119.457      135.908      79.153       49.938       274.767      0.000        133.482      75.208       125.815      100.809      76.904       196.592      136.835      269.101      172.740      
SPO3422          ATP-dependent_protease_La_domain_protein                                                                                       142.128      148.325      126.001      96.825       92.434       247.389      57.448       106.642      132.188      153.399      126.561      101.951      244.579      194.407      344.757      259.799      
SPO3423          thioredoxin                                                                                                                    138.348      99.441       120.574      98.652       108.636      75.005       90.213       89.920       109.415      174.272      113.936      105.038      198.704      177.103      159.109      118.642      
SPO3424          leucine_rich_repeat_protein                                                                                                    17.406       17.399       15.155       12.259       8.044        10.135       10.205       10.825       10.623       9.353        7.963        5.717        9.672        3.521        5.506        7.648        
SPO3425          exodeoxyribonuclease_III,_putative                                                                                             143.862      123.458      147.943      116.548      150.999      82.527       144.378      223.026      180.346      188.563      59.639       68.935       86.202       75.348       103.408      157.498      
SPO3426          DNA-binding_response_regulator                                                                                                 522.753      517.755      72.067       100.446      131.269      190.242      572.383      441.073      283.592      627.237      250.716      418.885      927.677      882.293      972.779      1258.606     
SPO3427          3,4-dihydroxy-2-butanone_4-phosphate_synthase/GTP_cyclohydrolase_II                                                            40.291       46.636       69.639       46.566       53.071       55.955       26.052       57.342       40.249       78.793       38.741       47.764       86.907       64.271       91.924       83.305       
SPO3429          alanine_racemase_domain_protein                                                                                                47.359       31.272       43.584       31.729       32.622       19.205       28.533       38.915       34.838       26.618       14.031       17.438       20.088       18.987       36.947       22.403       
SPO3430          outer_membrane_porin                                                                                                           33076.568    23577.621    9035.141     12625.492    12237.548    3895.897     16595.635    12503.523    6951.458     5883.204     6596.774     6928.936     7368.237     4967.577     12873.946    6291.993     
SPO3431          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           211.362      173.643      220.689      261.278      251.868      134.943      50.661       258.249      181.335      176.054      141.838      135.886      161.108      179.658      148.511      184.686      
SPO3432          leucyl-tRNA_synthetase                                                                                                         78.145       73.091       92.966       90.879       95.694       64.752       107.665      114.796      93.404       90.793       48.295       42.736       49.230       47.872       81.025       64.515       
SPO3434          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           47.446       41.102       48.045       50.223       46.271       32.186       8.295        39.598       39.085       49.419       29.317       21.969       16.772       18.128       25.959       37.763       
SPO3435          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       206.842      131.969      85.546       94.109       66.358       51.885       33.603       84.019       121.504      143.538      50.895       52.807       57.322       77.848       105.670      72.753       
SPO3436          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.179       17.426       39.069       44.415       64.665       40.725       2.370        62.225       21.815       58.651       13.707       24.262       26.954       24.534       19.181       35.526       
SPO3437          mechanosensitive_ion_channel_family_protein                                                                                    27.628       20.354       43.713       54.167       54.298       27.192       58.452       49.271       29.508       27.265       22.996       30.939       34.425       30.613       24.328       31.291       
SPO3438          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           28.444       32.978       30.641       29.742       4.691        8.339        8.597        6.840        28.260       11.819       13.021       19.703       4.889        2.966        6.958        14.318       
SPO3439          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   42.506       40.406       41.714       28.344       31.506       25.300       9.363        21.106       21.545       16.090       18.049       19.313       29.283       27.461       29.552       29.628       
SPO3440          20-beta-hydroxysteroid_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                 66.943       44.136       57.299       47.984       28.209       31.974       15.131       34.107       37.303       39.003       22.396       23.696       25.811       14.357       36.124       16.380       
SPO3441          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           541.290      433.515      332.573      315.037      80.248       165.093      74.463       140.203      181.743      225.213      79.460       98.695       74.451       36.291       53.634       141.687      
SPO3442          PmbA                                                                                                                           97.485       70.408       97.227       99.035       64.319       58.521       32.331       57.873       64.430       72.227       30.605       33.034       53.238       43.925       66.067       63.605       
SPO3443          inositol_monophosphatase_family_protein                                                                                        77.942       53.780       58.384       58.204       39.298       53.497       14.167       21.603       36.092       32.867       25.847       28.681       36.923       39.718       55.035       48.960       
SPO3444          3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic-acid_transferase,_putative                                                                         19.392       20.695       31.933       29.997       28.598       21.467       30.058       19.621       25.082       18.278       13.371       7.772        11.833       13.961       16.093       15.018       
SPO3445          tetraacyldisaccharide_4'-kinase                                                                                                44.576       47.660       54.404       41.755       32.025       26.759       0.000        27.865       23.338       17.569       17.596       17.356       24.222       14.698       36.313       26.486       
SPO3446          thiol:disulfide_interchange_protein,_DsbA_family                                                                               386.109      303.662      197.373      170.706      110.798      162.328      149.093      179.616      165.232      256.212      130.799      147.090      185.705      213.123      183.404      217.092      
SPO3447          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           128.637      151.150      95.297       90.879       77.813       87.362       33.774       82.102       68.463       87.060       84.483       57.623       100.292      96.141       84.733       126.561      
SPO3448          A/G-specific_adenine_glycosylase                                                                                               25.706       27.991       22.806       18.642       11.271       23.147       2.694        17.862       14.170       18.520       11.129       12.349       16.852       11.620       18.316       17.949       
SPO3449          fatty_acid_desaturase_family_protein                                                                                           119.665      133.108      136.341      103.414      50.188       165.107      35.118       57.873       120.386      115.525      111.561      109.611      139.783      91.312       152.661      91.491       
SPO3450          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    47.344       42.903       33.116       23.216       26.289       23.748       43.361       38.330       47.511       61.030       125.095      112.939      171.027      160.299      133.348      83.220       
SPO3451          modification_methylase                                                                                                         747.864      518.935      132.020      98.803       56.711       124.616      136.569      112.067      124.513      164.725      229.911      146.455      114.776      50.234       46.712       81.539       
SPO3452          ribonuclease_HII                                                                                                               93.909       83.972       48.613       30.293       9.556        18.480       16.165       19.291       21.255       27.780       16.694       26.551       67.409       84.363       32.052       66.634       
SPO3452a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           821.589      465.887      183.992      170.830      65.319       100.356      53.868       73.013       68.861       39.085       224.163      255.138      813.414      751.725      197.630      599.092      
SPO3453          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           230.501      237.377      36.759       40.255       17.316       22.867       6.347        25.247       20.863       19.632       55.930       56.243       152.780      145.630      38.010       119.445      
SPO3454          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           307.920      378.200      39.781       42.124       16.979       48.930       8.117        61.351       37.357       50.218       92.210       132.085      308.488      249.975      65.694       277.143      
SPO3455          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    134.718      135.603      48.150       43.103       36.695       49.921       59.443       46.813       53.290       87.911       111.114      117.241      205.194      183.970      148.985      141.299      
SPO3456          flagellar_protein,_putative                                                                                                    4.668        6.845        17.489       3.086        8.438        52.912       3.569        6.625        8.211        3.680        6.879        3.271        6.088        6.157        8.087        5.349        
SPO3457          flagellin_synthesis_repressor_protein_FlbT,_putative                                                                           4.344        3.384        15.721       4.069        6.418        54.764       0.000        3.743        2.320        16.979       0.972        0.000        1.338        0.000        3.427        1.175        
SPO3458          flagellar_protein_FlaF,_putative                                                                                               2.911        8.464        33.705       8.724        12.385       88.061       0.000        2.006        14.921       18.201       0.000        0.000        1.434        1.305        1.225        2.520        
SPO3459          flagellin_protein                                                                                                              18.726       26.674       95.002       50.786       22.766       293.883      11.589       17.211       25.143       35.848       4.149        2.125        2.197        3.199        4.877        5.404        
SPO3460          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.618       19.053       77.890       45.822       15.900       410.747      15.894       12.645       39.184       24.582       6.565        4.857        0.000        5.484        5.145        1.324        
SPO3461          flagellar_protein_FlgJ,_putative                                                                                               3.830        6.364        48.784       31.569       10.864       233.118      0.000        2.640        9.817        23.949       2.741        3.042        0.000        1.717        1.611        0.000        
SPO3462          flagellar_hook-length_control_protein                                                                                          3.616        7.145        29.109       12.227       5.421        99.275       5.731        9.423        7.536        14.183       5.524        2.627        3.911        2.373        3.154        4.200        
SPO3463          basal-body_rod_modification_protein_FlgD                                                                                       7.539        11.575       11.387       22.106       6.198        119.827      12.779       7.908        14.003       17.569       8.212        9.763        4.844        1.470        3.447        7.095        
SPO3464          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           69.995       49.163       80.181       45.282       27.974       97.489       6.544        16.488       17.210       16.870       29.737       22.998       29.151       25.404       23.834       30.519       
SPO3465          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           60.022       20.200       43.685       22.615       19.420       22.042       6.537        10.401       31.516       11.234       4.500        5.660        7.847        8.646        22.925       43.548       
SPO3466          putrescine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                   213.996      75.296       143.029      76.459       55.855       71.566       17.448       38.867       166.327      99.546       16.337       28.258       27.118       30.703       88.677       147.037      
SPO3467          putrescine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                   151.970      72.849       95.314       92.071       31.018       39.957       43.408       32.890       147.786      110.827      14.942       17.528       17.631       17.652       75.781       118.253      
SPO3468          putrescine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                247.010      104.394      183.132      127.958      38.530       60.454       17.653       48.151       224.648      99.674       15.625       22.733       16.252       26.539       95.514       156.238      
SPO3469          putrescine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_putrescine-binding_protein                                                             1623.385     726.442      739.927      555.094      124.360      247.566      104.784      212.577      557.137      517.696      104.963      115.670      116.187      82.704       292.565      489.947      
SPO3470          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         79.203       49.492       165.916      121.843      41.860       45.227       37.660       79.896       67.399       53.212       32.841       37.081       55.519       42.592       65.697       114.291      
SPO3471          aminotransferase,_class_III                                                                                                    394.871      159.620      434.027      334.334      143.834      82.749       110.057      448.062      398.624      232.559      14.031       26.468       65.672       100.562      799.311      1034.602     
SPO3472          polyamine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                 948.085      831.326      590.067      508.631      155.824      294.494      175.408      191.459      315.874      478.797      182.717      167.791      134.916      64.470       151.832      206.187      
SPO3473          polyamine_ABC_trasnporter,_periplasmic_polyamine-binding_protein                                                               4028.522     3287.620     736.416      539.167      125.753      305.766      116.554      68.843       682.673      600.883      183.829      153.391      85.857       33.361       145.349      126.616      
SPO3474          polyamine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    310.142      249.911      108.535      113.652      23.364       52.478       33.220       18.794       184.186      137.012      17.992       23.010       16.371       4.967        43.375       29.508       
SPO3475          polyamine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                    271.795      208.449      209.281      185.323      49.466       89.075       12.362       16.391       169.652      55.233       48.936       40.607       39.247       32.523       64.028       62.793       
SPO3476          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           63.906       77.547       29.309       33.191       11.966       36.464       0.000        15.265       35.141       56.526       48.688       47.743       51.436       24.118       59.896       79.434       
SPO3477          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           14.856       12.596       14.044       27.264       7.884        10.920       0.000        2.090        5.181        9.480        13.564       7.826        6.722        4.079        5.740        9.187        
SPO3478          glycolate_oxidase,_GlcD_subunit                                                                                                34.721       42.335       20.978       13.010       9.635        19.031       39.240       15.089       27.732       48.551       155.066      142.988      473.775      165.519      372.504      199.324      
SPO3479          glycolate_oxidase,_GlcE_subunit                                                                                                23.719       23.382       11.639       9.038        9.503        15.566       18.287       9.006        27.479       65.543       144.600      152.070      524.369      190.190      328.121      190.129      
SPO3480          glycolate_oxidase,_iron-sulfur_subunit                                                                                         30.429       38.475       21.066       14.871       18.764       21.146       30.090       20.519       31.086       80.517       307.478      223.955      281.905      101.227      195.160      93.425       
SPO3481          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.557       17.760       33.705       30.672       14.191       18.674       4.728        18.182       25.646       13.001       20.834       20.589       22.854       8.565        13.393       32.287       
SPO3482          trypsin_domain_protein                                                                                                         105.883      115.497      5.599        4.529        1.714        6.095        3.142        3.333        3.098        3.239        7.787        7.680        10.124       7.588        2.543        6.279        
SPO3483          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           53.235       42.789       7.745        3.007        3.794        4.818        0.000        0.922        6.857        2.390        7.181        4.781        11.862       4.199        3.376        4.053        
SPO3484          heat_shock_protein,_Hsp20_family                                                                                               306.915      534.839      99.927       104.861      175.315      239.405      345.536      493.532      370.641      929.232      1095.118     1052.160     2133.718     1289.506     1169.586     803.646      
SPO3485          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           58.771       65.111       51.854       44.042       21.170       48.385       7.274        17.362       21.521       32.502       21.034       28.897       23.440       18.825       21.194       54.519       
SPO3486          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.882        9.121        0.000        4.701        2.224        4.519        0.000        1.081        5.360        1.401        5.051        4.982        5.408        3.516        1.979        2.037        
SPO3487          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.158       15.181       7.359        5.953        3.004        6.295        4.130        1.095        4.072        2.839        6.823        3.786        5.479        7.124        6.016        4.127        
SPO3488          peptidoglycan_binding_domain_protein                                                                                           85.494       90.762       68.725       51.563       26.025       49.567       11.178       37.351       67.610       78.374       56.025       68.315       49.579       36.641       39.081       32.766       
SPO3489          phenylalanyl-tRNA_synthetase,_beta_subunit                                                                                     93.554       72.355       97.673       87.805       87.082       47.622       56.883       78.881       84.143       64.760       38.672       46.171       45.822       44.365       71.163       64.539       
SPO3490          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         10.890       12.853       11.464       4.637        2.340        5.794        0.000        4.265        5.287        6.633        7.086        6.880        12.194       4.439        6.768        7.500        
SPO3491          methyltransferase,_UbiE/COQ5_family                                                                                            11.434       15.835       6.019        9.088        7.372        7.488        9.006        5.971        10.362       13.930       6.201        6.192        7.682        8.546        2.187        2.250        
SPO3492          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           159.388      111.563      85.266       81.142       35.835       42.121       5.629        29.855       64.763       71.582       48.830       32.682       33.075       16.509       21.867       45.000       
SPO3493          transporter,_putative                                                                                                          21.735       19.630       21.886       26.202       8.042        15.317       7.369        3.257        11.304       4.221        15.558       9.007        16.295       10.594       7.952        6.954        
SPO3494          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       122.731      97.307       19.890       8.191        14.765       18.560       8.117        13.992       22.681       20.924       24.031       34.106       46.158       22.407       16.423       8.787        
SPO3495          large_conductance_mechanosensitive_channel_protein                                                                             347.029      219.855      244.539      367.966      210.499      186.942      244.685      329.703      482.594      415.938      225.823      229.360      255.708      192.813      264.388      146.485      
SPO3496          mechanosensitive_ion_channel_family_protein                                                                                    60.003       60.911       40.874       59.004       105.258      29.827       119.974      117.906      89.314       95.809       10.203       25.878       26.753       29.221       29.128       24.095       
SPO3498          translation_elongation_factor_Tu                                                                                               27.542       29.380       57.109       49.507       128.456      19.439       319.256      157.141      40.547       29.094       27.308       22.911       32.549       26.287       71.640       39.878       
SPO3498a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           351.765      561.670      982.237      1092.166     2346.021     334.198      4560.510     2810.571     803.822      844.290      459.210      506.131      562.133      492.344      1317.822     938.467      
SPO3499          translation_elongation_factor_G                                                                                                358.660      451.950      668.128      881.723      1779.608     284.205      3128.109     1729.882     769.434      631.144      305.860      332.012      392.816      374.664      878.885      463.336      
SPO3500          ribosomal_protein_S7                                                                                                           254.208      429.228      459.125      597.707      1135.691     233.525      3152.254     1475.772     1026.237     714.634      155.253      143.561      281.508      389.048      938.024      235.238      
SPO3501          ribosomal_protein_S12                                                                                                          375.060      745.920      777.549      800.182      2213.724     458.117      4497.728     3327.487     1956.144     2074.333     344.057      339.485      655.778      680.451      1785.777     551.885      
SPO3502          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           177.246      180.494      104.943      82.890       15.122       82.082       13.856       24.803       62.627       60.719       38.157       38.636       13.788       17.928       16.260       50.192       
SPO3503          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           156.537      137.764      52.859       48.290       16.503       61.895       10.469       18.508       42.442       43.176       21.141       15.462       11.244       7.224        14.685       26.153       
SPO3504          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.906       20.413       43.351       21.916       18.252       11.798       6.082        10.483       17.992       5.225        9.211        10.221       10.374       6.295        10.828       12.154       
SPO3505          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.468       51.887       14.673       10.851       5.990        10.757       4.705        6.238        6.186        5.660        9.717        6.110        10.701       8.523        7.234        9.011        
SPO3506          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  80.849       75.175       46.813       49.046       18.202       52.001       10.007       17.250       18.092       22.356       42.026       41.282       46.471       34.529       28.346       32.500       
SPO3507          DNA-directed_RNA_polymerase,_beta'_subunit                                                                                     806.688      438.688      647.328      706.196      705.681      358.258      911.544      818.734      478.720      506.741      159.978      183.548      158.949      145.599      358.239      402.050      
SPO3508          DNA-directed_RNA_polymerase,_beta_subunit                                                                                      467.211      458.825      506.923      519.358      1006.082     268.932      1253.124     1150.917     528.778      573.389      210.437      257.413      210.725      210.389      516.628      397.518      
SPO3509          ribosomal_protein_L7/L12                                                                                                       1440.729     1141.486     6107.381     7280.529     7348.164     1298.896     8632.132     6353.885     3441.842     1456.103     676.062      632.274      851.777      1080.700     1815.982     1629.164     
SPO3510          ribosomal_protein_L10                                                                                                          1801.911     1705.006     3768.685     5713.417     6321.751     1147.704     9430.782     9338.291     3503.154     2176.939     720.460      720.846      852.896      874.910      2517.189     1953.154     
SPO3511          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           85.994       68.214       120.376      99.141       40.210       87.220       33.774       52.925       71.659       78.090       69.757       51.133       72.164       42.906       53.176       59.829       
SPO3512          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           109.275      96.138       125.055      80.924       23.096       59.270       13.366       31.016       71.399       86.137       66.256       60.245       60.804       25.942       34.616       46.749       
SPO3513          ribosomal_protein_L1                                                                                                           371.975      451.496      733.669      745.054      1442.788     305.013      1308.457     1385.803     704.795      533.766      251.444      294.579      322.179      389.589      783.147      606.233      
SPO3514          ribosomal_protein_L11                                                                                                          482.514      783.622      893.427      901.059      1834.748     801.127      4379.621     3384.706     1287.534     1161.784     536.548      593.318      649.608      697.723      1426.450     970.682      
SPO3515          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.842        7.479        10.972       6.390        4.927        64.498       4.925        5.225        4.048        6.771        5.765        3.010        4.668        2.124        5.581        4.922        
SPO3516          transcription_termination/antitermination_factor_NusG                                                                          260.635      288.637      376.089      301.904      737.592      200.636      897.591      762.273      477.706      306.660      149.339      137.956      179.246      212.002      457.470      255.379      
SPO3517          preprotein_translocase,_SecE_subunit                                                                                           378.373      381.363      641.695      578.832      698.615      536.267      290.977      501.570      545.201      450.032      550.898      311.202      601.164      597.377      699.397      411.919      
SPO3518          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           132.535      125.239      102.319      157.741      33.173       80.498       0.000        32.244       57.731       20.894       79.987       80.500       83.221       68.756       62.320       60.749       
SPO3519          cytochrome_oxidase_maturation_protein,_cbb3-type                                                                               132.934      127.896      64.818       167.777      39.694       123.483      54.558       77.165       83.693       43.753       117.692      69.465       172.352      84.712       94.195       124.181      
SPO3520          copper-translocating_P-type_ATPase                                                                                             11.943       12.092       44.165       98.902       34.164       27.835       5.218        34.937       24.440       26.450       57.473       73.340       115.459      117.017      79.595       71.906       
SPO3521          fixH_protein,_putative                                                                                                         18.191       15.911       74.839       123.763      31.686       27.588       31.108       39.598       42.948       27.798       116.506      131.179      229.954      162.076      126.884      97.400       
SPO3522          iron-sulfur-binding_protein,_RdxA/RdxB/FixG_family                                                                             18.536       18.138       86.924       133.736      51.059       46.900       71.672       86.587       62.826       95.796       210.533      185.551      336.605      250.048      194.959      118.041      
SPO3523          cytochrome_c_oxidase,_cbb3-type,_subunit_III                                                                                   21.223       23.092       117.032      384.344      21.501       29.121       6.567        11.320       24.826       22.571       49.282       118.901      129.456      100.835      92.478       67.265       
SPO3524          cytochrome_c_oxidase,_cbb3-type,_subunit_IV                                                                                    6.530        5.813        97.227       370.508      19.847       25.201       12.124       12.861       15.942       4.167        43.404       103.734      140.180      83.666       64.759       42.403       
SPO3525          cytochrome_c_oxidase,_cbb3-type,_subunit_II                                                                                    15.034       13.741       130.573      342.488      29.142       34.114       58.616       29.016       35.967       18.803       61.340       106.872      125.917      109.216      92.978       67.034       
SPO3526          cytochrome_c_oxidase,_cbb3-type,_subunit_I                                                                                     3.400        4.238        128.363      301.176      17.683       21.555       22.979       14.531       19.175       13.973       81.535       74.269       105.872      86.301       57.221       39.448       
SPO3527          universal_stress_protein_family_protein                                                                                        16.431       12.460       137.418      262.866      11.097       24.893       13.558       13.483       50.139       30.289       174.550      225.275      218.436      141.513      68.578       50.806       
SPO3528          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           544.864      593.804      300.939      243.427      32.763       227.765      33.774       41.797       59.211       73.517       91.459       68.803       70.418       27.192       40.089       46.875       
SPO3529          serine_hydroxymethyltransferase                                                                                                11.311       9.469        11.730       8.223        7.583        12.162       4.388        2.909        5.770        8.295        12.085       11.398       18.299       12.113       7.813        10.232       
SPO3530          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         14.051       12.509       15.981       9.401        7.118        16.719       3.261        3.459        13.935       12.328       11.674       11.459       9.889        9.564        4.223        8.146        
SPO3531          transcriptional_activator_protein_FnrL                                                                                         334.950      305.360      673.763      653.448      375.353      586.244      248.862      352.317      424.129      428.978      526.648      427.611      483.311      359.324      325.964      419.571      
SPO3532          oxygen-independent_coproporphyrinogen_III_oxidase                                                                              3.872        4.692        46.709       99.141       4.195        10.460       8.387        12.233       11.028       7.207        61.786       43.891       91.809       72.350       37.333       21.652       
SPO3533          translation_elongation_factor_G,_putative                                                                                      113.394      151.376      95.237       82.444       11.587       139.674      11.325       28.157       82.369       94.879       86.353       77.218       57.960       36.147       49.495       53.285       
SPO3534          oligopeptide/dipeptide_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                      142.900      89.081       83.302       58.571       48.071       56.054       44.947       42.433       61.463       59.938       21.537       28.842       17.039       19.851       41.031       47.609       
SPO3535          oligopeptide/dipeptide_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                         118.835      89.129       85.866       66.678       63.568       53.770       33.407       57.244       81.939       75.956       24.061       25.913       26.789       31.920       56.152       56.066       
SPO3536          oligopeptide/dipeptide_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                         96.417       96.603       55.711       56.330       36.013       57.038       26.052       48.361       65.084       51.932       23.316       24.678       23.208       21.573       37.107       43.388       
SPO3537          oligopeptide/dipeptide_uptake_family_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                    240.932      185.311      136.308      100.024      76.951       100.412      52.700       89.677       127.039      162.008      70.145       84.992       70.755       56.824       92.883       112.882      
SPO3538          cytochrome_c552                                                                                                                354.725      424.660      1321.625     1205.775     2084.568     869.718      1108.918     2243.629     1221.236     1538.055     1006.044     1015.708     1364.617     1298.395     1785.777     1333.112     
SPO3539          prephenate_dehydratase                                                                                                         35.357       36.191       45.989       35.520       70.862       33.222       76.586       76.825       53.634       49.211       22.466       16.789       29.664       26.426       38.806       31.056       
SPO3540          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           88.934       72.117       104.640      81.970       34.851       45.394       24.724       22.948       52.826       44.611       48.510       35.886       35.146       41.587       19.008       49.411       
SPO3541          hydrolase,_NUDIX_family                                                                                                        29.595       24.036       18.038       21.678       13.150       9.618        8.676        12.271       23.766       15.903       8.760        4.860        7.674        5.987        5.617        8.670        
SPO3542          2`,3`-cyclic-nucleotide_2`-phosphodiesterase,_putative                                                                         54.310       107.964      88.591       65.643       30.647       68.361       16.697       32.204       36.425       63.648       17.766       12.756       8.919        5.238        14.004       14.410       
SPO3543          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           65.131       56.021       76.603       68.636       32.477       90.722       6.613        21.045       34.782       15.910       25.496       16.166       41.364       29.663       33.182       36.346       
SPO3544          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.643       14.269       1.473        5.720        2.406        17.869       6.613        5.261        4.348        6.819        10.472       9.599        11.908       8.557        14.450       7.710        
SPO3545          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         49.165       53.107       22.774       22.106       13.017       55.250       0.000        18.978       11.762       24.596       12.669       14.058       4.844        6.173        9.101        17.027       
SPO3546          zinc_metallopeptidase,_putative                                                                                                130.358      126.582      83.370       89.595       48.016       92.610       56.807       71.779       59.316       141.264      77.759       72.499       78.539       39.778       61.659       65.114       
SPO3547          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           33.660       24.678       63.054       46.367       43.294       44.572       12.866       42.650       63.441       42.010       35.432       34.402       26.826       21.087       15.619       31.071       
SPO3548          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           278.268      392.990      176.186      135.493      43.784       165.193      0.000        50.157       88.548       90.612       114.429      112.962      146.656      94.923       125.236      97.363       
SPO3549          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           21.297       28.755       16.442       15.959       4.195        19.177       18.452       9.787        21.229       22.197       14.609       17.620       18.362       10.346       2.987        10.756       
SPO3550          DNA_polymerase_III,_gamma_and_tau_subunits                                                                                     166.746      126.779      173.440      130.941      58.713       94.629       19.465       76.999       96.511       134.915      68.345       63.445       59.031       40.018       40.958       79.965       
SPO3551          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 19.929       19.255       32.202       27.785       15.338       9.181        18.070       9.584        1.980        4.140        13.270       7.362        5.708        15.587       11.699       8.025        
SPO3552          oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding_protein                                                                                            20.760       19.602       18.212       14.928       14.375       15.861       5.451        13.732       12.542       24.353       10.507       12.492       16.530       9.403        14.557       7.716        
SPO3553          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.779       13.679       38.128       19.739       36.581       14.231       17.116       38.582       12.659       16.178       5.892        7.192        5.677        8.121        11.082       10.690       
SPO3554          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.592       16.738       41.000       40.255       39.250       30.782       3.173        18.514       17.734       11.997       11.798       11.152       9.624        18.067       12.841       17.441       
SPO3555          transglycosylase,_Slt_family                                                                                                   114.810      118.793      93.976       82.444       47.637       102.205      36.808       65.324       120.063      90.500       198.437      191.856      381.300      370.993      302.009      231.296      
SPO3556          dihydrodipicolinate_synthase                                                                                                   75.273       84.957       135.111      107.175      172.601      112.516      97.829       157.389      148.998      103.111      88.005       84.699       106.311      100.140      170.485      123.826      
SPO3557          Sulfite_dehydrogenase_subunit_SoeC;_transmembrane_sulfate_transporter                                                          26.847       19.285       62.471       39.486       18.980       23.949       3.261        13.836       13.935       14.570       12.123       11.459       24.106       9.001        20.585       23.353       
SPO3558          Sulfite_dehydrogenase_iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_subunit_SoeB;_cytosolic_protein                                              31.223       24.252       55.022       60.021       10.269       24.937       14.115       11.229       30.158       19.404       9.717        17.252       25.415       14.002       15.421       23.507       
SPO3559          Sulfite_dehydrogenase_molybdopterin_cofacter-binding_subunit_SoeA;_cytosolic_protein                                           30.306       31.636       55.225       48.706       20.546       19.947       12.996       23.859       36.475       26.112       18.307       16.648       34.485       12.590       19.416       23.475       
SPO3560          phosphate_acetyltransferase                                                                                                    2.375        2.691        95.015       89.801       38.791       19.054       19.643       21.581       2.767        2.893        3.091        1.286        2.128        1.936        0.908        0.467        
SPO3561          sulfoacetaldehyde_acetyltransferase                                                                                            8.912        11.666       116.639      160.564      81.098       24.845       49.188       102.250      19.820       9.816        3.933        4.606        2.406        3.011        3.852        2.378        
SPO3562          Taurine_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                              35.189       52.964       101.012      100.005      25.026       35.715       3.876        23.126       7.644        9.990        9.339        5.922        4.775        5.349        7.214        7.423        
SPO3563          transcriptional_regulator,_ArsR_family                                                                                         8.316        12.956       8.025        2.597        0.000        1.248        18.013       2.388        0.000        3.095        0.000        1.376        1.707        0.000        1.458        0.000        
SPO3564          permease,_putative                                                                                                             10.000       9.723        11.087       4.783        2.515        4.215        2.765        4.400        1.818        5.702        2.665        2.112        5.765        4.293        4.476        4.145        
SPO3565          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.911       24.417       61.577       79.694       66.157       15.120       21.823       27.008       35.868       7.501        10.016       6.669        13.788       23.845       23.549       20.596       
SPO3566          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           99.557       85.535       205.758      251.503      294.013      77.711       403.195      314.939      319.294      195.266      61.069       66.643       107.687      111.296      144.761      133.691      
SPO3567          ribonuclease_T2_family_protein                                                                                                 83.905       61.473       56.444       54.789       15.637       57.057       0.000        28.798       28.260       45.099       42.366       28.344       40.309       17.954       31.492       35.418       
SPO3568          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           116.194      95.755       66.175       59.952       37.824       36.363       34.658       38.077       50.454       56.156       36.814       49.171       51.615       32.459       30.453       47.827       
SPO3569          recombination_protein_RecR                                                                                                     105.104      108.401      106.393      75.733       136.390      78.758       105.075      138.058      83.210       83.718       138.104      131.352      188.299      222.476      139.925      114.544      
SPO3570          putative_protein_TIGR00103                                                                                                     225.952      213.466      269.789      200.891      688.030      224.152      962.267      886.546      501.739      769.791      909.201      940.432      1391.516     1070.487     888.860      523.613      
SPO3571          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         18.191       15.587       11.849       4.260        10.213       9.419        2.955        16.458       3.886        5.078        5.290        5.870        8.402        8.157        5.740        8.367        
SPO3572          isochorismatase_family_protein                                                                                                 9.648        8.351        0.000        1.506        0.000        2.896        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.591        2.878        3.193        1.981        0.000        2.537        2.610        
SPO3573          NADPH-dependent_FMN_reductase_domain_protein                                                                                   184.740      178.861      23.406       22.720       15.290       23.296       26.269       16.719       25.905       21.668       48.468       46.557       51.782       58.009       31.464       28.000       
SPO3574          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.604       18.229       10.586       2.740        3.457        6.585        0.000        2.520        1.562        9.800        1.963        2.904        4.504        0.820        1.538        1.583        
SPO3575          transcriptional_regulator,_MerR_family                                                                                         25.899       30.742       10.711       2.310        4.373        6.663        0.000        2.125        2.634        0.000        3.310        4.898        6.076        1.383        2.594        2.669        
SPO3576          OmpA_domain_protein                                                                                                            1008.820     982.134      528.073      414.509      309.769      283.432      744.560      728.524      758.161      997.129      769.489      839.462      978.959      806.887      723.776      615.028      
SPO3577          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.586        11.727       10.896       7.051        14.087       39.539       8.152        14.053       40.197       79.855       23.573       14.324       17.770       10.548       19.133       8.825        
SPO3578          ADA_regulatory_protein                                                                                                         51.166       40.057       25.309       24.085       12.156       20.837       3.342        10.634       14.280       16.079       19.785       23.485       20.268       19.024       18.930       19.479       
SPO3579          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         21.487       20.289       16.966       3.660        2.309        6.156        0.000        5.049        20.863       4.363        9.613        5.818        3.609        7.665        4.109        6.342        
SPO3580          isochorismatase_family_protein                                                                                                 37.402       59.330       29.531       29.302       18.487       99.813       13.257       48.048       55.199       98.722       64.498       49.288       77.897       87.674       116.588      116.284      
SPO3581          endonuclease_III                                                                                                               517.849      374.344      250.033      217.856      164.774      132.880      362.362      260.160      283.260      435.895      152.117      151.239      191.810      122.743      214.579      207.545      
SPO3583          transcriptional_regulator_PecS                                                                                                 68.028       120.741      89.748       69.369       17.303       44.198       27.979       41.550       31.270       34.618       44.688       25.649       47.728       31.858       31.700       22.367       
SPO3584          membrane_protein,_drug/metabolite_transporter_(DMT)_family                                                                     5.231        11.855       13.768       9.801        1.686        2.998        6.181        9.015        4.064        2.124        3.404        3.305        5.858        1.600        3.502        3.603        
SPO3585          hydrolase,_NUDIX_family,_NudH_subfamily                                                                                        87.678       54.452       44.487       23.708       18.162       25.232       35.243       38.942       32.824       42.394       17.793       11.667       17.813       16.214       23.768       30.326       
SPO3586          2,4-dienoyl-CoA_reductase                                                                                                      529.507      437.104      213.466      198.319      150.093      143.079      235.368      177.593      309.939      604.783      531.844      547.766      1117.433     709.155      905.474      334.597      
SPO3587          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           182.084      183.694      209.650      182.628      66.663       133.551      40.723       43.197       92.217       105.749      204.975      204.632      259.006      309.905      189.685      140.920      
SPO3588          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.915        5.304        0.000        0.000        3.018        0.000        0.000        2.200        0.000        0.000        2.284        1.267        0.000        4.293        6.713        4.145        
SPO3589          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.881       19.777       3.938        10.192       0.000        13.472       0.000        7.031        11.621       9.113        6.085        6.752        5.026        1.525        15.736       13.248       
SPO3590          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           176.428      281.595      103.886      52.287       27.097       113.989      19.432       68.708       63.875       126.892      112.375      121.725      112.950      67.048       137.341      149.947      
SPO3591          auxin_efflux_carrier_family_protein                                                                                            10.771       9.447        13.859       8.072        2.829        7.328        0.000        2.475        5.113        2.138        3.427        4.278        10.024       2.683        5.035        6.217        
SPO3592          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         682.194      596.566      33.593       52.535       18.858       30.910       31.418       32.494       32.015       19.437       48.018       38.402       32.157       23.307       16.273       16.744       
SPO3593          sulfatase_family_protein                                                                                                       53.519       31.763       42.742       49.391       17.762       24.927       11.992       25.442       50.684       30.029       29.486       28.531       30.849       11.822       16.915       31.386       
SPO3594          phenylalanyl-tRNA_synthetase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                    69.707       74.517       94.412       93.170       134.426      55.794       82.118       162.975      127.130      108.341      45.593       48.162       50.711       46.614       88.753       69.264       
SPO3595          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         8.255        8.891        1.770        5.728        5.782        6.057        0.000        3.161        9.143        8.194        4.377        5.464        3.766        8.912        5.145        5.294        
SPO3596          pyridoxamine_5'-phosphate_oxidase_family_protein                                                                               11.642       12.848       10.533       10.906       13.761       13.759       14.185       12.539       7.772        9.751        14.323       10.114       17.925       9.789        20.664       9.450        
SPO3597          amine_oxidase,_flavin-containing                                                                                               136.939      200.636      137.936      95.939       26.816       199.337      10.531       18.990       45.694       55.015       98.892       74.979       87.028       53.777       74.999       69.804       
SPO3598          ribosomal_protein_L20                                                                                                          246.556      242.340      658.087      741.305      1073.270     381.215      750.289      880.856      901.751      580.206      220.607      255.539      327.383      349.220      542.691      417.826      
SPO3599          ribosomal_protein_L35                                                                                                          361.615      400.777      836.246      945.972      2374.226     754.488      2564.789     2990.419     1964.070     1147.429     793.111      676.461      1070.045     951.703      1391.515     644.312      
SPO3600          pyruvate_kinase                                                                                                                191.516      179.432      370.512      257.901      160.207      136.219      149.421      141.295      251.402      181.094      106.931      77.200       101.734      67.159       168.341      64.833       
SPO3601          N-formylglutamate_amidohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                34.452       32.081       36.113       34.497       40.018       29.953       34.739       31.732       29.183       26.532       26.042       21.820       30.728       31.298       32.488       27.000       
SPO3602          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           66.467       69.762       32.409       20.972       6.616        20.160       54.558       16.880       50.814       34.377       20.033       9.725        22.406       7.844        11.774       21.202       
SPO3603          thioesterase_family_protein                                                                                                    43.942       25.519       24.622       31.867       10.052       12.764       0.000        6.514        18.167       16.884       18.602       8.444        26.771       27.545       15.903       16.363       
SPO3604          D-amino_acid_aminotransferase,_putative                                                                                        103.549      72.933       58.925       72.449       77.584       49.026       122.343      81.549       108.692      78.415       40.976       46.478       50.765       35.938       74.393       77.648       
SPO3605          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.787       29.047       20.991       20.375       27.546       22.851       26.923       27.667       32.082       30.073       9.268        16.968       20.412       12.773       34.862       19.617       
SPO3606          mandelate_racemase/muconate_lactonizing_enzyme_family_protein                                                                  50.096       49.912       40.688       45.015       39.117       38.374       38.298       49.219       61.010       47.589       27.990       33.308       31.829       23.888       63.420       54.953       
SPO3607          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.070       13.617       36.691       27.837       25.827       38.565       22.719       21.087       42.008       20.497       14.859       10.413       11.842       11.269       41.369       60.067       
SPO3608          malyl-CoA_lyase                                                                                                                1227.212     382.126      355.484      246.226      106.967      161.756      62.060       225.706      334.175      669.344      206.305      301.616      136.115      114.204      79.882       153.561      
SPO3609          2,5-dichloro-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-diol_dehydrogenase                                                                         51.774       55.228       68.059       47.187       16.539       38.305       7.274        8.681        19.130       25.002       26.543       27.230       30.334       20.080       14.129       30.894       
SPO3610          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           20.097       15.115       46.144       28.562       15.563       21.216       9.006        7.165        14.803       7.739        16.122       14.449       19.632       16.315       14.578       21.750       
SPO3611          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           732.542      570.141      469.340      402.600      191.615      506.518      318.492      278.072      375.287      648.362      350.831      358.597      324.129      149.624      213.342      167.291      
SPO3612          transcriptional_regulator,_AsnC_family                                                                                         54.816       64.491       14.044       5.453        1.147        10.483       0.000        1.672        8.290        4.334        6.945        5.779        4.780        4.351        5.102        3.150        
SPO3613          transporter,_LysE_family                                                                                                       4.777        7.634        14.895       6.885        26.062       31.768       0.000        15.199       142.870      292.192      15.126       6.568        8.148        4.120        5.411        4.773        
SPO3614          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           16.792       3.876        0.000        6.991        13.231       6.720        0.000        0.000        15.942       16.668       10.016       0.000        0.000        8.367        7.850        4.038        
SPO3615          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         55.364       52.026       33.583       26.671       14.957       18.517       34.264       18.173       34.915       30.618       28.307       28.269       57.800       49.654       37.157       34.809       
SPO3616          acetyl-CoA_carboxylase,_carboxyl_transferase,_alpha_subunit                                                                    84.361       81.716       93.479       93.719       139.756      92.139       85.702       163.010      95.201       98.523       73.244       89.401       103.627      104.008      95.188       93.023       
SPO3617          peptidoglycan-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                        280.283      274.426      74.414       62.317       41.997       46.971       24.563       53.414       96.084       94.552       76.098       82.564       59.594       46.614       45.721       50.318       
SPO3618          sulfonate_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein,_putative                                                                          29.439       30.576       35.378       28.096       10.504       10.003       0.000        3.829        14.238       7.443        3.976        6.066        6.157        4.982        9.348        4.208        
SPO3619          sulfonate_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                 94.451       68.758       123.916      80.188       39.123       56.014       0.000        31.471       78.020       30.590       26.553       25.498       21.791       19.194       19.208       21.617       
SPO3620          sulfonate_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_sulfonate-binding_protein                                                               286.966      254.898      223.122      225.047      50.890       126.390      19.585       58.615       118.642      121.162      74.737       83.785       40.834       23.169       33.964       62.906       
SPO3621          transcriptional_regulator,_GntR_family                                                                                         102.208      79.442       72.505       45.651       30.401       42.056       8.797        20.996       34.701       19.653       36.944       24.865       30.013       21.247       29.901       29.302       
SPO3622          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           23.072       23.963       42.817       33.249       47.547       35.691       84.573       74.420       22.746       33.031       25.937       21.144       28.417       25.202       24.889       25.610       
SPO3623          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           268.823      373.677      873.838      714.413      2115.056     414.969      6243.214     1920.362     1099.523     1086.419     249.573      222.082      320.319      465.277      819.190      475.412      
SPO3625          cold_shock_protein_CspA                                                                                                        2420.476     3909.897     3358.127     2385.584     2848.243     1256.469     7774.015     2718.065     2185.163     2361.196     2843.605     2430.778     3421.491     3409.337     4450.186     2781.700     
SPO3626          glutamate--cysteine_ligase                                                                                                     197.389      184.629      178.320      127.949      293.846      175.586      186.647      392.126      278.138      307.916      119.076      138.150      164.702      122.720      197.375      240.392      
SPO3627          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           50.311       26.775       36.113       29.601       13.761       13.479       5.404        20.063       23.092       39.003       27.531       25.595       46.092       29.833       36.736       30.600       
SPO3628          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 52.566       44.646       35.984       15.524       27.546       26.582       3.365        21.419       18.806       17.350       28.730       35.993       43.376       34.836       38.130       36.432       
SPO3629          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           38.846       23.485       18.464       11.948       8.909        17.229       7.535        17.985       12.385       36.258       34.239       29.358       47.132       46.150       33.540       23.217       
SPO3630          4-hydroxybenzoate_polyprenyl_transferase                                                                                       32.062       23.617       64.514       51.972       32.251       53.646       17.731       23.511       30.115       41.644       44.354       43.346       46.492       60.161       55.008       57.585       
SPO3631          OmpA_domain_protein                                                                                                            96.295       106.066      111.777      97.585       83.709       57.190       53.445       92.912       108.825      95.415       58.463       50.128       47.836       54.810       99.962       81.840       
SPO3632          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           116.564      114.463      98.170       87.350       51.769       50.890       27.544       70.609       75.451       100.978      25.284       23.847       38.286       31.679       53.499       87.159       
SPO3633          molybdopterin_converting_factor,_subunit_2                                                                                     84.149       118.247      106.045      72.333       79.568       103.408      25.733       78.477       103.620      97.286       56.691       45.214       87.794       58.822       149.943      116.785      
SPO3634          molybdopterin_converting_factor,_subunit_1                                                                                     94.324       85.838       88.424       43.757       80.695       119.718      35.025       111.460      88.269       108.341      93.238       73.135       134.988      88.624       162.515      106.943      
SPO3635          CDP-diacylglycerol--glycerol-3-phosphate_3-phosphatidyltransferase                                                             106.046      132.849      73.683       74.578       74.048       66.403       80.573       87.718       78.064       110.770      52.552       49.242       63.500       43.165       69.326       65.683       
SPO3636          beta-lactamase,_putative                                                                                                       169.657      120.215      93.868       57.918       20.498       55.676       24.499       18.192       48.320       42.943       25.300       21.710       11.145       10.567       12.293       20.809       
SPO3637          UvrABC_system_protein_C                                                                                                        60.968       61.867       28.403       26.695       27.333       30.920       30.359       27.373       32.433       38.606       34.486       34.092       63.009       55.256       42.751       40.702       
SPO3638          oxidoreductase,_short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family                                                                     73.888       83.454       52.054       41.054       103.603      61.727       58.420       110.384      70.814       72.785       80.440       84.795       107.271      154.330      130.609      121.620      
SPO3639          K+-dependent_Na+/Ca+_exchanger_related-protein                                                                                 93.521       100.925      58.112       39.315       136.959      70.245       71.148       99.056       88.678       94.756       123.273      120.028      207.341      256.743      239.916      143.180      
SPO3640          peptidase,_family_S49                                                                                                          133.617      145.771      91.460       65.006       185.474      112.389      80.769       134.763      164.833      124.920      129.285      128.547      244.948      315.267      387.841      173.753      
SPO3641          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              62.986       47.197       56.619       54.959       16.317       32.113       3.738        24.781       38.090       51.387       25.734       25.128       14.170       13.542       19.360       32.994       
SPO3642          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           103.377      89.027       94.080       81.174       34.513       64.461       24.484       62.493       75.451       82.045       51.832       39.278       36.545       25.344       31.208       52.499       
SPO3643          integral_membrane_protein                                                                                                      12.946       12.055       7.754        6.691        4.749        6.432        0.000        9.231        5.721        6.979        3.994        5.762        6.048        2.502        4.226        6.281        
SPO3644          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.096        16.408       2.772        1.794        0.000        2.155        6.222        0.000        0.000        1.069        0.428        0.951        4.127        2.147        3.021        1.554        
SPO3645          transcriptional_regulator,_putative                                                                                            56.317       79.716       14.429       11.204       11.781       30.517       0.000        12.024       4.258        13.357       31.215       34.637       40.515       25.702       36.694       22.654       
SPO3646          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   65.700       80.711       95.444       57.351       52.326       92.451       12.242       18.667       68.409       103.082      115.885      111.755      181.566      89.758       138.206      70.849       
SPO3647          CAIB/BAIF_family_protein                                                                                                       43.179       27.822       21.992       32.207       9.451        18.720       7.794        6.201        24.766       15.180       33.269       25.007       43.827       25.100       34.062       16.009       
SPO3648          uroporphyrinogen_decarboxylase                                                                                                 57.323       54.924       86.957       96.691       130.006      70.474       82.472       151.637      109.343      126.608      70.027       70.563       94.834       84.894       146.392      83.328       
SPO3649          porphobilinogen_deaminase                                                                                                      25.775       35.063       55.471       58.972       39.901       26.701       8.894        30.660       56.520       34.642       26.940       21.288       37.085       42.449       47.024       26.661       
SPO3650          adenylate/guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                    22.323       21.520       16.424       18.022       4.956        20.878       4.809        8.076        18.968       22.035       19.421       15.673       16.709       5.807        16.863       13.614       
SPO3651          fatty_acid_desaturase_family_protein                                                                                           469.259      499.662      330.075      326.471      86.004       252.487      69.269       115.010      347.490      907.787      495.138      433.921      615.373      248.880      428.976      263.333      
SPO3652          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           226.103      247.647      195.185      129.388      58.308       156.215      21.371       43.923       112.401      148.739      203.043      150.201      157.980      81.114       159.120      105.889      
SPO3653          coproporphyrinogen_III_oxidase,_aerobic                                                                                        59.647       42.672       55.889       42.658       53.826       38.332       25.733       70.800       41.237       57.487       19.930       20.150       26.826       22.752       26.032       41.785       
SPO3654          7-alpha-hydroxysteroid_dehydrogenase,_putative                                                                                 73.038       80.121       99.785       69.697       98.937       40.889       71.103       87.680       71.287       68.426       38.672       29.875       41.105       41.707       55.242       58.026       
SPO3655          methyltransferase,_putative                                                                                                    44.429       46.146       72.188       39.919       71.804       37.966       32.406       65.626       57.136       99.228       17.037       21.155       26.245       34.053       41.962       51.518       
SPO3656          ATP-dependent_Clp_protease,_adaptor_protein_ClpS                                                                               92.082       143.124      111.854      159.240      82.198       171.631      267.802      168.669      288.852      261.744      141.735      103.570      149.107      86.628       112.429      91.990       
SPO3657          hydrolase,_haloacid_delahogenase-like_family                                                                                   49.011       43.097       29.597       21.405       15.637       42.778       23.447       21.762       23.122       45.664       32.822       27.464       25.924       15.506       3.795        23.430       
SPO3658          D-alanyl-D-alanine_carboxypeptidase_family_protein                                                                             587.147      594.143      163.403      144.607      70.678       193.680      71.372       63.091       142.722      98.120       343.684      209.006      142.796      87.560       64.179       63.726       
SPO3659          LamB/YcsF_family_protein                                                                                                       37.101       25.690       18.318       26.941       19.036       18.646       3.738        21.807       30.717       25.694       12.867       15.420       30.465       23.215       49.006       31.749       
SPO3660          urea_amidolyase-like_protein                                                                                                   12.493       10.016       2.538        9.854        6.735        5.131        0.000        6.798        5.618        3.916        4.314        3.482        15.657       17.691       44.260       8.065        
SPO3661          allophanate_hydrolase_family_protein                                                                                           6.137        5.463        3.384        2.190        2.072        2.631        3.798        5.036        4.994        6.527        2.615        2.901        10.078       11.794       29.507       5.693        
SPO3662          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           10.701       13.831       11.015       6.237        2.811        5.995        0.000        0.000        5.079        12.746       3.404        2.833        33.975       33.590       69.030       10.809       
SPO3663          TRAP_dicarboxylate_family_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                            29.472       23.174       10.605       14.349       3.149        6.897        6.492        4.591        13.516       9.669        14.302       4.298        59.065       36.587       130.650      15.858       
SPO3664          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           53.443       31.596       9.521        18.484       1.944        24.432       0.000        5.667        21.075       20.199       17.656       8.979        85.066       47.931       202.359      19.576       
SPO3665          bacterial_extracellular_solute-binding_protein,_family_7                                                                       436.585      526.226      78.021       63.952       12.210       66.735       23.350       20.125       103.620      162.511      130.614      97.216       382.834      245.731      1074.773     138.540      
SPO3666          oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding_protein                                                                                            60.320       46.314       25.019       15.542       5.720        18.053       4.493        5.361        11.076       9.264        22.269       13.728       124.323      106.570      723.521      64.720       
SPO3667          muconate_cycloisomerase_I                                                                                                      40.833       27.738       6.723        7.976        1.830        4.531        5.030        3.335        5.787        2.593        4.502        3.458        4.290        4.773        4.071        1.676        
SPO3668          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         19.563       28.743       2.763        2.682        0.564        3.008        0.000        0.000        2.038        6.394        1.708        1.421        1.763        2.140        1.506        2.066        
SPO3671          muticopper_oxidase_domain_protein                                                                                              132.633      133.384      171.421      163.188      29.549       94.787       39.332       45.803       101.746      152.226      38.852       35.273       23.662       7.966        21.036       36.455       
SPO3672          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           100.396      95.665       111.995      98.357       20.684       77.133       23.941       41.268       84.601       100.798      22.251       25.605       17.017       17.554       48.439       34.889       
SPO3673          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         44.788       48.754       125.577      95.625       25.753       34.214       147.270      59.683       54.587       87.414       13.599       13.754       12.507       11.987       24.120       39.302       
SPO3673a         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           31.637       85.433       170.096      127.005      94.017       63.487       710.726      291.284      268.382      323.004      59.849       52.949       56.780       34.454       103.629      91.956       
SPO3674          ISSpo7,_transposase                                                                                                            0.000        0.800        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPO3675          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.003        1.387        3.865        0.000        1.578        1.202        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.326        0.822        0.748        1.404        1.445        
SPO3676          acetylornithine_deacetylase                                                                                                    29.984       30.944       23.222       20.752       7.223        20.981       4.964        8.557        30.189       17.062       7.519        9.481        6.116        7.280        7.231        21.909       
SPO3678          Rieske_2Fe-2S_domain_protein                                                                                                   65.665       63.901       52.522       36.943       17.714       58.951       35.879       27.185       27.800       59.896       46.933       39.939       33.032       26.528       34.015       40.122       
SPO3679          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.159       26.991       5.643        17.040       11.518       21.645       21.109       15.674       15.265       31.922       8.720        12.256       8.002        8.012        12.983       12.656       
SPO3680          endoribonuclease_L-PSP_family_protein                                                                                          40.073       21.906       27.477       13.829       3.739        19.941       0.000        7.269        42.800       51.815       12.266       13.611       7.793        9.458        16.638       13.696       
SPO3681          Rieske_2Fe-2S_domain_protein                                                                                                   94.019       90.292       51.001       37.308       12.222       46.210       29.863       23.099       32.722       47.043       39.064       24.715       27.359       14.168       22.154       36.059       
SPO3682          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           27.630       33.153       26.829       18.647       8.114        42.651       13.382       8.872        14.663       18.398       34.089       16.357       21.138       13.852       11.913       15.601       
SPO3684          transcriptional_regulator,_LacI_family                                                                                         347.390      306.289      180.387      127.924      33.292       130.658      27.732       47.068       96.631       78.158       75.989       67.371       57.821       29.663       41.745       59.120       
SPO3685          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           86.993       76.323       36.500       28.344       10.644       30.815       7.022        13.657       25.392       17.699       14.182       6.795        9.317        7.269        9.472        15.204       
SPO3686          HpcH/HpaI_aldolase_family_protein                                                                                              93.797       66.128       78.997       73.484       20.157       38.391       3.694        23.511       46.143       41.897       39.674       40.637       51.113       31.228       27.504       35.068       
SPO3687          decarboxylase,_pyridoxal-dependent                                                                                             21.100       15.470       14.373       7.557        5.868        12.853       4.033        4.278        9.942        15.246       6.108        5.237        11.083       6.262        6.201        9.067        
SPO3688          extradiol_ring-cleavage_dioxygenase_family_protein                                                                             22.767       19.010       16.801       16.726       5.804        10.049       8.703        7.693        5.721        7.976        12.382       7.091        11.547       7.507        9.860        12.078       
SPO3689          transcriptional_regulator,_MarR_family                                                                                         226.377      223.926      93.626       138.002      40.347       126.189      64.213       99.076       122.809      108.341      125.390      72.243       52.003       33.234       48.188       74.860       
SPO3690          gentisate_1,2-dioxygenase                                                                                                      237.752      260.998      176.364      144.245      45.002       156.185      52.232       73.632       125.609      156.842      116.585      117.186      107.339      50.747       72.084       78.749       
SPO3692          monooxygenase,_putative                                                                                                        101.133      98.726       60.797       37.272       18.289       46.114       4.788        26.031       59.024       78.170       33.954       34.384       37.211       16.934       31.001       29.107       
SPO3693          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit                                                                                   731.219      708.671      300.446      228.688      39.477       136.055      51.676       50.705       211.487      524.832      348.656      311.870      133.700      32.541       90.334       112.314      
SPO3694          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           225.044      217.376      125.960      133.508      16.846       52.012       19.498       24.561       134.599      172.564      113.432      122.143      47.121       18.501       59.175       50.335       
SPO3695          TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit,_putative                                                                         72.764       63.913       48.126       27.865       12.409       21.797       9.476        9.046        33.640       91.189       30.270       28.087       12.213       7.193        19.939       14.519       
SPO3696          feruloyl-CoA_synthetase                                                                                                        52.780       45.771       20.769       11.520       8.479        14.765       1.665        5.298        21.344       60.083       24.300       16.026       10.098       7.468        14.822       8.873        
SPO3697          benzoate-coenzyme_A_ligase                                                                                                     40.599       57.906       82.773       50.885       5.407        35.786       5.574        5.912        21.986       131.542      109.235      71.250       52.823       15.385       30.974       27.539       
SPO3698          hydrolase,_putative                                                                                                            40.812       46.851       52.859       19.115       8.251        21.276       17.448       2.776        32.118       129.529      97.059       46.918       39.685       11.439       34.454       22.085       
SPO3699          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.630       61.694       54.456       57.495       22.232       97.168       19.300       20.472       35.950       185.727      82.379       64.872       63.407       41.065       63.517       59.999       
SPO3700          enoyl-CoA_hydratase/isomerase_family_protein                                                                                   83.817       97.305       56.378       19.721       8.398        42.891       59.853       30.838       34.290       302.101      404.764      362.132      272.597      64.021       153.897      238.384      
SPO3701          benzoyl-CoA_oxygenase,_B_subunit                                                                                               152.307      107.964      41.870       33.304       15.313       39.611       111.602      24.923       37.973       509.404      372.844      271.922      136.197      30.738       254.160      235.759      
SPO3702          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           447.499      498.795      252.789      204.479      75.253       350.539      295.524      200.628      229.259      1763.249     1124.708     724.240      510.851      193.740      397.973      505.964      
SPO3703          benzoyl-CoA_oxygenase,_A_subunit                                                                                               146.506      156.026      65.689       53.502       24.044       100.396      66.096       30.337       71.030       275.221      229.622      180.220      97.814       40.349       167.057      211.691      
SPO3704          DNA-binding/shikimate_kinase_domain_protein                                                                                    98.768       88.212       136.755      95.647       21.994       99.249       24.805       45.223       45.865       182.226      96.058       63.953       61.708       36.909       62.230       97.597       
SPO3705          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_branched-chain_amino_acid-binding_protein                               353.399      396.624      641.131      433.711      87.104       520.484      752.187      92.361       1582.127     1779.729     260.091      218.763      128.819      26.705       167.943      191.334      
SPO3706          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 71.618       80.336       160.896      80.503       16.930       99.056       7.446        9.873        527.483      180.426      30.246       31.287       14.820       4.496        34.350       51.466       
SPO3707          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 42.446       40.936       66.708       40.896       9.317        50.233       3.940        2.090        243.507      148.969      14.649       13.847       7.469        2.039        25.511       21.656       
SPO3708          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    23.123       22.474       50.361       27.025       10.030       45.082       0.000        3.656        177.634      117.501      13.287       18.956       6.794        2.378        24.098       12.398       
SPO3709          branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    28.690       34.549       44.539       24.148       11.795       62.901       16.212       10.031       142.107      70.576       13.765       20.641       8.194        5.128        26.240       9.000        
SPO3710          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.188       27.374       36.492       24.330       16.253       35.426       14.893       21.063       34.268       23.886       19.481       21.995       32.462       23.552       32.943       39.685       
SPO3711          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.860       39.919       44.292       31.458       15.437       38.977       7.274        10.932       17.536       10.001       21.034       20.006       21.601       19.243       19.231       20.596       
SPO3712          aspartate-semialdehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                           56.499       69.796       193.309      237.356      413.324      116.011      467.275      404.206      347.432      233.252      68.936       79.043       126.527      185.222      267.416      131.558      
SPO3713          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           68.561       55.931       52.474       31.004       6.210        15.139       1.707        7.696        19.078       18.187       8.696        10.171       5.500        6.479        5.526        14.499       
SPO3714          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           44.391       72.248       389.518      224.626      75.727       665.104      47.581       77.286       89.934       98.120       40.947       42.710       27.056       51.305       69.313       39.622       
SPO3715          carbonic_anhydrase,_putative                                                                                                   120.937      109.164      142.389      151.466      212.620      102.529      288.957      274.006      218.753      215.177      109.113      135.122      172.607      110.277      216.136      137.811      
SPO3716          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.157        14.282       19.905       8.587        4.063        34.050       0.000        1.975        2.448        2.559        2.051        4.551        2.823        5.139        2.410        3.720        
SPO3717          cytosol_aminopeptidase_family_protein                                                                                          176.600      151.479      72.514       56.428       21.360       63.380       0.000        34.421       45.376       67.271       35.745       34.626       36.318       18.839       24.344       38.088       
SPO3718          NLP/P60_family_protein                                                                                                         165.399      114.728      72.757       52.557       15.197       54.733       3.798        11.079       48.689       36.549       17.780       24.371       19.436       12.449       17.827       22.771       
SPO3719          thiosulfate_sulfurtransferase,_putative                                                                                        192.927      128.797      166.152      120.959      107.202      93.206       59.937       120.977      133.538      148.778      85.280       94.629       94.672       82.724       123.962      114.796      
SPO3720          aromatic_amino_acid_aminotransferase                                                                                           268.710      192.198      223.489      167.458      141.884      118.404      146.412      220.869      186.989      239.230      117.984      134.585      131.023      90.684       171.714      150.703      
SPO3721          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           9.565        7.096        5.934        11.520       6.460        4.307        4.440        5.887        7.297        4.578        4.279        3.392        4.208        3.064        7.186        8.134        
SPO3722          Rrf2_family_protein                                                                                                            9.730        7.909        4.899        1.585        9.000        17.523       0.000        13.122       5.422        13.228       3.028        3.360        4.169        3.794        4.450        11.904       
SPO3723          ammonium_transporter                                                                                                           1720.163     1923.915     11.438       40.094       22.571       2628.563     57.768       20.993       72.440       50.004       214.467      337.027      91.651       15.872       242.759      116.877      
SPO3724          nitrogen_regulatory_protein_P-II                                                                                               1900.962     1767.916     0.000        34.080       6.143        2851.350     0.000        0.000        27.755       52.236       374.360      374.118      217.656      4.370        27.333       137.811      
SPO3725          penicillin-binding_protein,_1A_family                                                                                          180.987      166.112      85.546       90.303       91.024       106.930      85.207       125.392      74.165       109.716      64.115       75.911       58.687       53.003       49.727       86.344       
SPO3726          toluene_tolerance_family_protein                                                                                               124.275      109.995      191.886      183.558      172.008      80.442       187.263      178.777      141.580      196.301      77.998       92.987       127.779      111.458      113.663      109.937      
SPO3727          VacJ_lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                     85.253       112.235      121.049      120.042      79.586       52.319       102.331      96.384       134.551      83.681       42.270       38.278       50.831       48.092       83.958       57.005       
SPO3728          type_I_secretion_system_ATPase                                                                                                 172.767      172.893      121.940      101.117      40.841       56.778       73.753       74.757       105.595      147.021      35.430       40.316       45.355       28.275       40.323       69.878       
SPO3729          type_I_secretion_membrane_fusion_protein,_HlyD_family                                                                          131.580      104.025      79.787       83.114       16.287       46.909       19.656       23.167       60.305       42.035       19.848       22.357       33.531       25.998       36.411       45.103       
SPO3730          endoribonuclease_L-PSP_family_protein                                                                                          190.048      140.212      207.886      209.860      101.847      93.109       43.551       156.741      145.204      158.235      71.959       97.909       79.010       70.841       66.463       99.473       
SPO3731          glycerophosphoryl_diester_phosphodiesterase,_putative                                                                          52.552       46.785       95.297       82.224       30.033       32.761       18.763       38.812       46.876       20.636       24.286       20.641       18.494       16.185       26.726       37.500       
SPO3732          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           56.001       55.485       50.131       35.201       47.030       69.337       50.276       66.029       64.533       135.769      95.269       84.863       137.044      101.607      130.591      122.410      
SPO3733          4a-hydroxytetrahydrobiopterin_dehydratase                                                                                      98.269       123.102      104.243      56.214       53.198       112.129      29.248       80.148       76.914       144.082      84.571       81.926       149.680      80.734       107.304      123.401      
SPO3735          major_facilitator_family_protein                                                                                               3.405        2.606        2.075        0.672        3.389        2.905        2.329        3.706        5.360        6.404        3.528        3.559        3.532        3.215        3.016        4.655        
SPO3736          antioxidant,_AhpC/Tsa_family                                                                                                   216.484      209.357      81.123       89.750       132.478      127.787      88.106       257.016      164.119      341.173      63.084       88.846       110.220      81.068       231.026      178.042      
SPO3737          pyridine_nucleotide-disulfide_oxidoreductase_family_protein                                                                    78.903       63.010       50.181       62.240       30.304       44.223       14.080       24.892       33.169       29.034       22.294       19.719       28.466       17.003       26.967       30.093       
SPO3738          methyltransferase,_putative                                                                                                    45.771       41.444       40.772       32.248       16.646       27.477       5.084        14.831       25.069       41.938       14.001       10.875       16.383       22.806       30.449       17.782       
SPO3739          hydantoinase/oxoprolinase_family_protein                                                                                       16.036       14.503       27.161       23.299       27.078       15.521       21.267       23.687       25.633       13.644       8.785        7.798        11.556       7.583        17.211       10.862       
SPO3740          methionine-S-sulfoxide_reductase                                                                                               508.065      340.532      136.308      161.979      63.744       131.043      50.065       97.364       117.030      147.216      97.276       128.338      195.062      243.764      249.409      425.246      
SPO3741          methionine-R-sulfoxide_reductase                                                                                               274.452      171.439      67.863       84.170       40.404       87.069       76.162       100.987      179.423      133.063      103.995      100.850      263.456      199.283      182.858      305.484      
SPO3742          glutathione_peroxidase_famly_protein                                                                                           230.490      178.235      21.918       28.367       27.839       68.173       49.197       44.938       32.344       73.271       184.405      469.373      272.495      247.081      410.537      260.373      
SPO3743          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.913       30.541       51.943       35.480       24.152       13.912       9.716        27.483       24.486       22.262       15.162       18.308       17.188       6.705        15.202       29.666       
SPO3744          DNA-binding_protein_HU                                                                                                         5183.042     4848.430     1703.779     1375.175     793.881      688.334      1288.614     1614.944     1089.718     1621.543     734.053      606.527      787.895      672.318      925.128      1102.489     
SPO3745          AMP_nucleosidase                                                                                                               129.541      117.009      80.456       50.385       24.371       60.274       13.593       50.981       68.938       54.727       45.454       38.273       44.167       21.776       40.860       41.396       
SPO3746          adenine_deaminase                                                                                                              136.599      127.337      70.568       56.517       24.532       49.766       7.841        27.033       37.633       33.958       30.880       27.076       24.672       15.963       18.784       32.910       
SPO3747          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           47.655       57.480       44.505       36.480       16.958       20.302       6.660        8.830        21.892       20.600       36.679       30.525       21.459       24.128       12.935       25.510       
SPO3748          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         30.109       32.836       2.906        2.820        1.186        11.297       3.261        5.189        5.360        7.845        4.041        4.982        1.854        2.250        4.750        5.974        
SPO3749          class_II_aldolase/adducin_N-terminal_domain_protein                                                                            85.809       44.562       30.214       39.103       24.670       21.405       0.000        21.981       37.155       55.681       22.307       18.996       28.565       10.400       19.514       49.571       
SPO3750          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.459       12.930       9.943        8.042        6.596        4.252        11.158       10.357       12.838       12.464       4.225        3.410        6.345        5.775        6.321        9.757        
SPO3751          ExsB                                                                                                                           23.095       34.173       29.309       28.449       92.735       23.360       53.451       128.664      74.336       40.981       15.286       18.218       20.263       42.561       98.495       51.358       
SPO3752          radical_SAM_domain_protein                                                                                                     16.136       21.503       17.628       12.548       43.902       9.869        27.698       53.515       29.915       19.039       5.993        4.232        13.500       21.844       42.269       27.019       
SPO3753          GTP_cyclohydrolase_family_protein                                                                                              15.492       24.379       13.591       17.590       46.609       10.145       36.607       88.988       34.094       27.260       12.601       13.983       15.034       9.473        28.638       35.564       
SPO3754          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           44.090       30.102       60.698       58.918       14.577       79.403       0.000        10.626       27.661       38.562       49.657       34.285       26.583       19.357       16.215       37.373       
SPO3755          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           70.964       48.603       119.100      89.595       96.033       75.940       53.466       112.543      116.435      141.264      106.286      154.698      167.212      127.983      135.218      140.246      
SPO3756          OmpA_domain_protein                                                                                                            83.535       62.151       151.064      112.104      53.187       67.677       18.665       56.922       68.512       101.570      33.838       53.707       38.326       34.884       44.309       54.399       
SPO3757          alkylhydroperoxidase_AhpD_family_core_domain_protein                                                                           121.018      75.575       124.177      133.449      34.402       71.039       24.886       44.877       122.708      111.192      86.351       89.734       61.321       41.217       63.643       64.657       
SPO3758          acetyltransferase,_GNAT_family                                                                                                 70.659       56.837       67.898       47.317       39.093       36.280       0.000        33.162       44.959       33.577       30.670       34.032       26.665       24.944       35.420       36.446       
SPO3759          molybdenum_cofactor_biosynthesis_domain_protein                                                                                100.657      77.464       84.263       68.160       59.486       37.675       51.224       55.382       55.696       51.462       35.808       33.112       54.521       29.911       42.731       40.031       
SPO3760          sugar_fermentation_stimulation_protein_A                                                                                       19.298       9.858        9.159        8.298        12.714       8.546        0.000        16.356       10.813       12.718       6.794        2.513        4.676        4.256        9.317        10.956       
SPO3761          methionine_aminopeptidase,_type_I                                                                                              683.820      575.382      659.381      565.547      402.843      668.854      527.329      528.606      501.536      763.623      649.609      635.957      649.017      510.675      615.681      563.833      
SPO3762          HAD-superfamily_hydrolase,_subfamily_IA,_variant_1                                                                             110.519      179.669      31.797       23.149       36.511       50.686       53.529       57.964       73.316       62.858       183.034      201.055      191.929      143.140      182.669      69.834       
SPO3763          iron-sulfur_cluster-binding_protein                                                                                            56.571       55.043       46.272       40.975       21.874       39.767       13.666       26.093       35.938       22.545       34.999       27.561       38.336       45.738       39.373       40.968       
SPO3764          glutathione_S-transferase_family_protein                                                                                       128.736      135.420      106.759      82.655       61.487       54.552       68.465       90.782       90.023       73.535       74.828       68.648       78.674       39.864       78.957       68.416       
SPO3765          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.635        0.963        5.367        1.737        2.191        4.173        0.000        3.195        1.980        0.000        1.659        0.920        0.000        5.196        1.950        7.022        
SPO3766          monofunctional_biosynthetic_peptidoglycan_transglycosylase                                                                     79.680       77.449       71.380       49.571       42.647       58.482       46.893       33.162       30.829       45.664       51.654       51.347       65.921       25.618       42.378       46.208       
SPO3767          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           24.403       41.474       17.983       5.818        6.293        19.177       28.832       11.469       13.268       10.900       31.362       23.787       28.964       22.881       11.667       11.524       
SPO3768          glutamate_synthase,_large_subunit                                                                                              212.462      231.530      114.397      123.861      335.244      197.692      326.916      254.605      143.490      289.938      287.588      286.103      277.535      218.469      238.318      87.198       
SPO3770          glutamate_synthase,_small_subunit                                                                                              210.360      242.094      56.529       63.444       222.492      216.482      275.574      193.478      142.070      245.982      197.093      188.408      299.119      136.471      278.857      96.744       
SPO3771          undecaprenol_kinase,_putative                                                                                                  37.063       30.570       42.605       51.056       35.432       18.159       14.167       31.935       31.435       27.998       33.163       24.352       25.511       20.776       30.384       34.213       
SPO3772          NADH_ubiquinone_oxidoreductase,_putative                                                                                       151.981      114.634      194.552      168.419      131.504      136.653      89.651       123.475      181.573      132.196      145.344      140.952      202.817      163.648      211.110      155.090      
SPO3774          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                  959.252      727.501      111.214      89.303       157.756      51.256       163.990      127.567      461.199      286.195      183.401      152.560      310.141      174.151      273.691      164.782      
SPO3775          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                       75.889       106.640      32.309       20.908       33.768       14.873       40.612       26.925       48.631       22.931       16.776       16.399       30.241       15.514       20.659       19.325       
SPO3776          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                       41.712       61.134       17.443       18.234       22.460       13.772       42.164       15.175       15.840       8.281        6.635        11.504       18.267       8.313        10.724       11.035       
SPO3777          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                    41.276       55.687       19.711       18.335       28.668       10.345       8.295        24.932       18.179       9.504        8.376        8.450        12.055       13.834       17.007       11.974       
SPO3778          oligopeptide/dipeptide_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                    55.956       80.437       32.030       22.321       38.727       14.177       82.954       46.931       19.997       25.660       16.752       14.787       20.964       8.587        23.273       23.947       
SPO3779          transcriptional_regulator,_LysR_family                                                                                         38.791       41.541       19.531       11.736       15.378       17.357       15.657       24.912       11.323       8.610        12.935       11.004       12.464       15.126       18.753       16.167       
SPO3780          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           44.241       48.771       66.287       68.341       43.117       43.681       30.262       46.813       54.711       61.538       39.932       39.686       31.547       26.539       27.348       45.780       
SPO3781          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           13.389       12.092       10.112       21.811       6.880        14.677       0.000        14.044       2.487        0.000        17.709       21.962       11.472       5.221        6.123        6.300        
SPO3782          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.383        3.978        11.087       7.175        1.509        13.794       41.477       4.400        5.454        5.702        34.266       29.151       6.289        4.293        5.371        2.763        
SPO3783          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     6.802        3.854        14.322       8.496        4.873        13.735       0.000        4.263        0.881        0.921        20.288       40.522       7.109        5.546        6.071        5.354        
SPO3784          sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                     4.750        4.341        24.201       16.373       4.940        16.765       4.938        1.310        3.247        8.486        25.158       47.534       10.764       3.408        6.394        3.701        
SPO3785          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        3.032        2.422        24.307       26.215       2.205        17.640       0.000        0.000        0.996        1.042        25.876       27.323       6.894        6.275        4.415        2.019        
SPO3786          sugar_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                        4.851        6.364        41.392       43.048       3.621        28.048       0.000        5.280        3.272        4.562        26.956       29.404       6.918        4.007        3.760        2.211        
SPO3787          sugar_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_sugar-binding_protein                                                                       7.290        7.158        188.786      157.922      4.700        108.128      12.058       7.766        5.662        14.801       241.687      222.389      53.545       8.024        16.729       8.893        
SPO3788          acetoin_catabolism_regulatory_protein                                                                                          19.925       21.481       41.620       35.438       20.271       30.206       14.751       16.082       60.340       49.007       26.178       24.791       19.260       13.007       28.120       11.737       
SPO3789          4-carboxymuconolactone_decarboxylase_domain/alkylhydroperoxidase_AhpD_family_core_domain_protein                               3.307        5.496        72.773       24.785       1.564        41.695       8.597        0.000        0.000        0.000        44.982       127.411      27.702       5.933        18.090       5.727        
SPO3790          acetoin_dehydrogenase_complex,_E2_component,_dihydrolipoamide_acetyltransferase                                                7.356        4.130        74.824       52.889       7.049        63.731       0.000        1.370        2.548        5.328        92.145       126.327      27.915       13.819       20.911       4.734        
SPO3791          acetoin_dehydrogenase_complex,_E1_component,_beta_subunit                                                                      9.557        7.219        138.342      98.475       3.081        97.011       5.646        0.000        6.496        6.792        136.431      173.815      39.060       7.792        35.639       7.522        
SPO3792          acetoin_dehydrogenase_complex,_E1_component,_alpha_subunit                                                                     7.589        5.564        186.102      130.465      3.166        113.356      0.000        6.154        2.861        10.967       155.376      151.135      40.138       6.506        20.659       9.179        
SPO3793          acetoin_catabolism_protein_X                                                                                                   5.375        4.294        134.055      96.043       3.421        96.793       0.000        2.850        0.000        2.770        258.205      150.233      55.505       11.124       9.132        8.501        
SPO3794          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           20.374       21.161       92.689       87.244       17.201       104.834      75.654       15.047       6.217        19.501       153.650      138.707      43.019       9.789        24.491       25.200       
SPO3795          RNA_polymerase_sigma-54_factor                                                                                                 52.997       67.256       32.561       27.455       11.682       45.113       6.644        19.969       26.208       41.104       44.827       37.560       31.903       17.194       20.433       33.196       
SPO3802          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           42.276       36.310       35.306       41.124       8.648        40.265       0.000        7.005        15.630       18.158       44.374       30.673       32.044       10.026       17.102       19.357       
SPO3803          transcriptional_regulator,_AraC_family                                                                                         19.093       13.661       15.968       15.897       3.009        10.697       2.757        3.656        5.438        6.633        5.694        4.634        2.613        4.757        2.678        4.592        
SPO3804          3-methylmercaptopropionyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                    79.694       91.256       535.242      427.968      426.509      344.099      307.184      429.064      353.683      522.358      137.741      81.827       406.657      341.004      619.555      301.872      
SPO3805          Methylthioacryloyl-CoA_hydratase                                                                                               126.724      103.597      676.944      576.931      397.486      312.147      524.195      416.096      348.117      545.357      249.208      211.048      441.066      296.357      492.450      366.906      
SPO3806          SsrA-binding_protein                                                                                                           72.764       82.272       186.658      148.398      203.579      149.289      161.603      155.550      182.975      178.968      161.529      151.803      181.515      151.791      188.911      267.149      
SPO3807          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           308.620      501.662      116.225      70.510       28.174       114.098      0.000        45.401       56.276       112.077      111.129      82.208       57.173       26.723       34.308       54.310       
SPO3808          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           25.707       20.817       10.091       9.795        3.090        12.555       0.000        6.007        18.614       11.677       4.678        7.787        8.587        1.954        1.833        6.602        
SPO3809          transcriptional_regulator,_ArsR_family                                                                                         21.735       20.284       7.295        12.983       2.978        9.644        4.094        5.428        12.111       1.407        9.583        4.378        5.432        2.119        5.964        6.818        
SPO3810          2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-independent_phosphoglycerate_mutase                                                                    32.996       44.597       65.909       56.687       73.912       44.373       104.867      89.389       70.174       66.292       49.764       53.217       77.023       56.537       83.353       67.054       
SPO3812          carboxyl-terminal_protease_family_protein                                                                                      541.542      539.091      276.755      200.632      134.345      258.240      175.046      227.575      265.249      391.055      264.539      268.752      435.774      308.621      527.613      460.407      
SPO3813          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           198.702      175.567      64.818       48.236       30.432       86.690       7.274        28.937       45.433       12.501       30.049       33.343       26.198       16.315       21.194       30.288       
SPO3814          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           97.211       55.561       36.636       17.242       9.518        62.673       3.738        8.921        19.659       20.555       14.926       15.991       19.838       7.738        10.285       13.696       
SPO3815          ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              58.267       47.280       55.148       46.708       30.958       40.990       29.126       37.413       45.776       50.990       53.639       51.593       83.844       90.132       62.759       52.297       
SPO3816          CAAX_amino_terminal_protease_family_protein                                                                                    36.995       22.393       28.371       33.047       22.587       22.061       0.000        13.510       25.120       27.359       24.113       23.838       26.555       31.861       34.530       37.121       
SPO3817          acetyl-CoA_carboxylase,_carboxyl_transferase,_beta_subunit                                                                     93.852       109.271      140.886      105.061      214.188      117.688      319.241      348.224      234.630      308.461      160.484      175.777      208.930      229.136      253.486      180.571      
SPO3818          folC_bifunctional_protein                                                                                                      48.223       54.542       48.690       47.583       88.844       45.432       80.293       112.380      82.847       75.123       38.695       47.708       64.681       77.342       85.919       60.176       
SPO3819          ATPase,_AFG1_family                                                                                                            35.454       35.540       31.032       18.536       33.622       23.387       16.074       30.549       29.061       25.781       14.386       15.963       17.772       14.790       21.247       15.170       
SPO3820          transmembrane_transporter,_major_facilitator_family                                                                            31.513       30.524       42.029       37.148       89.561       55.159       34.514       78.713       96.813       84.617       80.472       67.497       80.683       52.795       28.304       39.087       
SPO3821          ornithine_cyclodeaminase/mu-crystallin_family_protein                                                                          149.624      105.104      68.359       74.930       33.035       30.808       3.131        25.743       28.821       35.516       23.714       22.008       26.115       13.506       15.712       45.372       
SPO3822          HAD-superfamily_hydrolase,_subfamily_IA,_variant_1_family_protein                                                              167.781      75.575       77.718       74.115       32.565       22.901       50.497       57.218       30.181       48.911       17.699       12.625       25.234       10.296       8.917        33.640       
SPO3823          ribosomal_protein_L23                                                                                                          856.834      960.883      2454.804     2498.256     5167.248     764.862      7160.120     4537.159     1719.246     1336.574     736.098      838.908      669.429      874.013      2236.647     1844.982     
SPO3824          ribosomal_protein_L4                                                                                                           649.198      856.763      943.334      948.249      2055.700     315.142      2297.301     2352.484     946.228      832.376      316.320      370.027      473.909      414.638      1341.013     722.188      
SPO3825          ribosomal_protein_L3                                                                                                           663.331      935.124      812.910      841.671      1989.864     338.210      2483.872     2520.336     985.465      1084.309     262.045      348.927      487.906      381.810      1354.100     650.906      
SPO3826          ribosomal_protein_S10                                                                                                          638.085      1066.771     1474.602     1402.513     4032.255     651.434      10738.881    5227.900     1892.062     2028.268     589.711      647.412      842.801      820.452      2110.553     1181.238     
SPO3827          YaiI/YqxD_family_protein                                                                                                       29.767       42.204       35.566       26.556       34.625       25.528       6.141        16.285       26.241       18.995       29.594       21.579       32.590       42.376       34.788       22.500       
SPO3828          soluble_pyridine_nucleotide_transhydrogenase                                                                                   119.946      67.779       78.941       65.433       45.989       31.726       17.918       65.996       56.282       52.688       29.880       20.989       23.019       17.174       27.713       43.436       
SPO3829          S-formylglutathione_hydrolase,_putative                                                                                        166.467      103.848      101.540      103.956      71.154       49.966       17.009       79.385       61.501       83.009       33.724       32.224       32.883       32.865       37.441       47.023       
SPO3830          peptidase_T                                                                                                                    121.332      87.682       50.108       46.322       22.127       20.674       11.477       28.000       48.289       52.067       37.926       34.719       52.208       28.116       33.808       29.818       
SPO3831          hydrolase,_alpha/beta_fold_family                                                                                              54.126       37.655       47.306       24.872       14.485       7.817        3.318        7.040        20.724       22.809       17.362       11.153       19.497       16.601       21.483       18.789       
SPO3832          ornithine_cyclodeaminase/mu-crystallin_family_protein                                                                          70.685       34.069       21.400       30.293       9.283        14.976       12.009       12.738       21.711       23.732       18.188       24.769       30.159       17.092       18.951       20.500       
SPO3833          ATP-dependent_RNA_helicase,_DEAD/DEAH_box_family                                                                               32.114       42.996       92.665       69.559       232.286      24.018       69.331       165.842      63.357       30.501       12.983       16.101       21.026       41.385       71.147       58.658       
SPO3834          dihydrodipicolinate_reductase                                                                                                  55.182       46.637       75.179       47.636       74.174       51.638       63.279       57.802       57.781       45.914       41.145       44.044       52.641       42.455       59.747       40.985       
SPO3835          ribosome-binding_factor_A                                                                                                      356.044      301.146      250.859      151.928      178.573      179.058      202.129      273.758      275.265      357.277      311.118      283.459      492.585      379.851      475.558      341.447      
SPO3837          tRNA_pseudouridine_synthase_B                                                                                                  38.663       40.406       47.276       36.892       115.239      28.111       84.268       100.148      58.479       26.817       25.355       21.458       31.353       36.614       42.939       36.386       
SPO3838          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           32.917       23.392       37.617       19.474       46.073       21.060       39.403       50.754       25.905       15.477       13.176       10.320       16.004       15.538       24.600       22.500       
SPO3839          type_I_secretion_target_repeat_protein                                                                                         25.610       23.644       54.135       44.170       12.492       21.962       29.057       21.716       13.893       19.973       6.547        2.825        8.011        7.747        7.269        5.279        
SPO3840          ribosomal_protein_S15                                                                                                          295.144      444.959      1595.316     1556.182     2531.797     759.753      15247.701    5536.992     2944.438     3100.499     981.712      759.773      920.398      724.089      1618.378     966.226      
SPO3841          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         270.469      256.587      252.789      190.182      101.526      236.516      78.422       151.694      133.442      282.215      238.828      193.824      204.603      99.481       127.680      176.706      
SPO3842          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           186.626      209.464      41.611       45.440       22.828       31.952       64.213       52.634       34.540       64.202       29.740       37.014       49.791       38.773       68.974       74.860       
SPO3843          malonate_transporter,_putative                                                                                                 45.448       63.101       38.177       24.705       15.586       24.597       24.484       22.725       25.150       30.504       16.013       19.171       21.463       26.400       25.263       29.053       
SPO3844          DNA_polymerase_I                                                                                                               78.457       55.730       53.737       44.709       34.660       34.271       26.353       42.738       47.978       37.972       23.726       23.694       23.823       14.339       21.820       29.542       
SPO3845          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           91.312       68.166       95.002       61.477       33.727       71.945       9.271        49.174       36.572       50.984       58.723       48.162       68.535       62.381       58.525       66.396       
SPO3846          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           587.046      453.450      264.214      332.711      137.023      228.770      32.057       170.024      184.409      209.337      220.699      193.465      161.018      116.140      90.802       200.210      
SPO3847          ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                           58.871       61.634       44.995       34.411       50.656       31.806       30.604       54.377       46.277       50.489       34.976       30.394       44.086       33.791       50.031       42.305       
SPO3848          sterol_desaturase_family_protein                                                                                               50.095       52.321       38.891       28.312       10.585       47.377       3.637        11.575       25.108       25.002       25.542       11.114       19.993       10.040       12.952       11.510       
SPO3849          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.517       12.129       20.806       18.512       6.371        6.471        0.000        6.192        13.432       20.063       10.449       5.351        9.958        8.057        5.669        17.500       
SPO3850          glutathione-dependent_formaldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                               168.341      121.737      128.672      128.214      95.301       71.896       53.674       124.037      92.418       113.319      57.716       56.623       65.885       33.953       79.843       83.432       
SPO3851          HemY_domain_protein                                                                                                            287.662      225.039      491.392      351.167      140.258      298.501      103.583      124.121      223.214      238.658      154.247      165.588      134.525      115.164      168.280      219.476      
SPO3852          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           221.834      219.034      465.124      339.591      166.680      313.401      92.057       171.444      202.197      237.295      218.365      213.214      214.144      171.451      181.851      242.520      
SPO3853          uroporphyrinogen-III_synthase,_putative                                                                                        37.764       38.904       42.665       28.759       14.515       32.070       3.990        17.989       24.921       49.371       37.910       26.215       27.227       13.079       16.792       20.601       
SPO3854          O-sialoglycoprotein_endopeptidase,_putative                                                                                    32.893       24.018       58.869       44.817       54.665       32.671       18.136       42.599       36.622       67.676       17.837       23.751       25.045       22.796       29.775       31.068       
SPO3855          glycerol-3-phosphate_dehydrogenase_(NAD(P)+)                                                                                   27.059       19.366       35.548       19.596       28.489       18.837       29.552       34.483       34.000       27.424       16.277       18.061       16.244       15.295       28.222       12.305       
SPO3856          YCII-related_domain_protein                                                                                                    85.028       81.519       127.815      94.964       54.115       27.975       21.251       47.903       73.349       54.779       49.744       43.833       38.266       20.165       36.117       44.241       
SPO3857          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           85.758       65.858       126.394      68.160       51.602       58.033       33.774       71.653       115.462      130.009      56.735       68.115       47.372       32.630       55.760       76.499       
SPO3858          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           228.290      266.532      199.401      137.360      63.026       158.052      21.657       51.688       151.871      99.244       170.966      167.649      131.356      78.461       94.644       78.148       
SPO3859          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5783.779     3087.207     2803.795     4210.208     2598.380     2277.592     1347.379     3222.474     1702.853     3175.445     1408.135     1795.217     1946.327     1514.544     1178.477     2231.460     
SPO3860          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           64.520       79.670       41.509       51.036       17.794       52.934       27.951       30.885       41.346       68.847       38.486       35.588       26.490       14.466       21.113       36.465       
SPO3861          adenosylhomocysteinase                                                                                                         196.873      206.768      316.442      339.912      508.949      202.237      779.876      685.044      396.986      453.062      180.944      263.329      302.623      263.793      386.642      308.179      
SPO3862          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          17.199       48.093       7.660        4.957        1.564        17.869       0.000        2.280        11.304       0.000        43.799       14.449       11.407       8.899        4.175        2.864        
SPO3863          HD_domain_protein                                                                                                              35.089       27.621       34.218       34.599       6.985        25.942       19.202       22.914       22.092       16.499       9.254        19.803       19.107       11.594       17.094       14.391       
SPO3864          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           293.725      269.409      142.155      121.321      63.504       107.333      73.989       91.975       98.806       132.711      79.910       80.192       61.356       37.097       75.598       91.649       
SPO3865          photosynthetic_apparatus_regulatory_protein_RegA                                                                               393.084      400.876      295.378      192.625      91.613       184.457      56.535       104.948      145.293      197.840      155.688      127.996      132.486      92.215       153.067      141.235      
SPO3866          regulatory_protein_SenC                                                                                                        38.148       54.297       137.030      104.555      116.898      68.066       22.953       142.436      138.831      143.578      91.654       105.209      139.220      128.302      197.649      184.258      
SPO3867          sensor_histidine_kinase_RegB                                                                                                   39.277       37.056       32.618       35.179       15.906       23.672       2.034        27.505       30.752       38.444       24.922       21.129       17.732       8.771        15.800       22.693       
SPO3868          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           78.585       193.774      409.518      239.922      41.970       697.409      26.479       42.633       149.835      217.115      38.022       31.209       33.698       17.946       67.349       66.464       
SPO3869          putative_protein_TIGR00150                                                                                                     32.443       30.808       37.569       36.468       8.765        28.379       6.023        17.571       29.700       37.264       11.611       11.964       11.417       4.157        16.574       12.038       
SPO3870          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           45.478       36.909       42.866       34.080       9.000        27.428       5.498        13.122       12.651       19.842       12.491       9.240        12.506       14.228       10.234       13.735       
SPO3871          nucleotidyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                          12.446       12.596       11.087       15.545       3.772        8.621        0.000        5.500        10.907       7.128        4.569        2.535        3.145        2.862        6.713        6.217        
SPO3872          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           28.135       17.673       23.766       17.896       6.880        10.887       4.850        5.402        14.029       16.001       7.880        6.224        8.824        3.849        8.164        8.400        
SPO3873          ATP-dependent_DNA_helicase,_UvrD/Rep_family                                                                                    46.014       27.445       32.032       19.021       10.154       17.699       3.383        10.991       13.624       11.919       8.269        6.850        7.375        3.502        8.488        6.762        
SPO3874          thioredoxin                                                                                                                    1041.350     884.085      1049.313     974.810      582.554      778.839      428.231      511.033      791.813      889.214      571.214      595.667      652.726      778.806      1175.436     1004.424     
SPO3875          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           28.855       20.848       25.424       14.102       19.277       24.853       40.762       15.134       21.439       8.406        19.083       11.210       12.362       15.471       17.154       13.577       
SPO3876          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           38.419       35.067       40.446       21.811       16.513       24.112       22.696       28.088       49.738       52.004       33.334       26.586       25.811       20.883       13.470       16.380       
SPO3877          transcriptional_regulator/arsenate_reductase                                                                                   5.145        6.616        4.256        7.344        8.108        2.647        6.368        4.222        6.280        4.377        0.877        2.919        2.414        3.845        5.669        4.242        
SPO3878          glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate_dehydrogenase,_type_I                                                                               14.246       7.284        6.345        13.960       7.771        6.710        17.091       10.575       10.300       11.748       5.099        5.222        5.939        6.388        6.455        5.218        
SPO3880          ATP-dependent_protease_hslV                                                                                                    50.738       60.460       43.270       47.159       116.221      69.417       71.565       143.693      36.967       79.060       93.612       108.560      134.677      126.110      102.596      114.080      
SPO3881          twin-arginine_translocation_pathway_signal_sequence_domain_protein,_putative                                                   122.966      166.382      6.532        10.567       8.000        36.570       7.331        29.161       19.278       50.391       28.263       77.284       118.108      122.678      179.171      473.716      
SPO3882          ATP-dependent_hsl_protease,_ATP-binding_subunit_HslU                                                                           96.684       112.581      72.640       73.957       88.969       50.308       234.789      133.175      96.474       174.093      108.360      100.975      191.608      153.773      126.676      120.206      
SPO3883          lipoprotein,_putative                                                                                                          32.516       39.538       37.884       26.001       39.370       20.353       51.535       63.550       27.952       46.052       43.286       33.464       55.679       56.458       37.120       48.494       
SPO3884          smr_domain_protein                                                                                                             31.927       30.076       15.047       9.737        34.226       24.069       9.650        29.429       44.409       38.140       22.588       28.750       38.410       40.787       47.638       45.803       
SPO3885          MltA/3D_domain_protein                                                                                                         85.172       113.144      74.278       50.430       69.598       95.820       24.599       111.621      98.828       147.481      133.599      172.883      195.306      165.035      209.692      176.162      
SPO3886          transporter,_Tim44_family                                                                                                      384.849      359.848      330.481      305.155      229.606      321.596      442.472      422.193      442.049      636.627      584.760      543.483      874.030      609.190      687.395      594.593      
SPO3887          FxsA                                                                                                                           259.808      285.609      121.483      100.358      164.621      228.320      145.042      176.934      247.925      313.059      646.268      583.266      987.503      834.763      659.219      465.732      
SPO3888          protein-export_protein_SecB                                                                                                    485.976      476.352      423.868      416.393      226.216      227.935      395.465      419.495      359.844      608.679      416.679      363.406      405.205      403.423      461.055      342.678      
SPO3889          DNA_polymerase_III,_epsilon_subunit                                                                                            162.134      127.317      96.151       87.108       29.976       61.443       19.620       54.111       76.103       97.102       45.925       55.157       35.700       19.632       23.500       50.321       
SPO3890          dephospho-CoA_kinase                                                                                                           34.720       35.294       66.298       37.367       27.940       34.590       4.800        26.733       33.137       34.647       21.151       17.602       26.386       16.563       21.756       27.182       
SPO3891          shikimate_5-dehydrogenase                                                                                                      105.863      69.300       88.218       90.551       47.193       44.942       23.898       52.511       61.723       55.148       39.957       40.164       40.767       21.792       29.840       57.427       
SPO3892          Maf                                                                                                                            29.618       29.622       21.172       39.731       18.152       33.584       23.761       54.190       37.491       26.132       28.136       23.960       25.221       22.136       25.383       19.786       
SPO3893          hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           73.734       69.529       115.159      56.345       63.069       96.098       37.827       55.173       58.027       73.672       55.557       51.052       50.189       60.909       33.675       73.499       
SPO3894          transcription_termination_factor_Rho                                                                                           145.184      186.883      118.526      90.235       103.286      38.414       308.518      149.404      115.378      95.279       73.571       65.241       140.261      151.578      161.751      102.765      
SPO3895          tRNA_modification_GTPase_TrmE                                                                                                  40.122       52.267       32.485       33.761       27.328       14.390       48.610       45.118       15.252       22.023       23.426       14.854       36.854       39.263       34.333       24.655       
SPO3896          transcriptional_regulator,_TetR_family                                                                                         65.237       60.311       37.358       45.664       28.809       33.568       32.610       39.533       44.409       57.640       42.335       37.011       45.915       31.344       27.899       30.258       
SPO3897          site-specific_recombinase,_resolvase_family                                                                                    1.155        0.000        0.000        4.328        0.000        2.080        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.067        0.000        0.000        2.590        0.000        0.000        
SPO3898          DNA-binding_protein,_putative                                                                                                  21.945       28.790       20.063       21.638       35.494       27.041       30.021       19.904       19.737       72.227       37.203       25.228       11.381       7.769        9.719        35.000       
SPO3900          thermonuclease_family_protein                                                                                                  20.513       25.728       56.026       33.355       31.108       40.428       35.211       22.677       34.724       32.848       40.172       46.881       51.486       26.902       40.709       35.186       
SPO3901          carbon_monoxide_dehydrogenase_G_protein,_putative                                                                              11.557       7.113        7.435        12.830       10.118       8.479        0.000        4.426        9.143        3.824        5.362        6.799        2.109        5.758        9.904        9.265        
SPO3902          transglycosylase_domain_protein                                                                                                116.697      163.984      111.291      59.157       23.529       70.466       40.147       29.574       71.850       78.189       63.263       53.842       39.739       13.852       33.213       59.433       
SPO3904          Heat_shock_protein                                                                                                             25.651       28.273       24.248       64.727       8.662        16.970       0.000        1.804        22.364       9.353        40.281       51.974       46.423       30.517       15.417       22.662       
SPOA_tRNA-Phe-1  Phe_tRNA                                                                                                                       64.032       96.736       455.020      272.638      1279.736     356.436      264.789      621.946      833.105      234.016      260.424      236.958      272.454      293.668      459.200      365.396      
SPOA_tRNA-Thr-1  Thr_tRNA                                                                                                                       1461.103     1940.767     1297.650     1330.474     3804.808     3145.026     1210.466     2066.467     2462.012     923.065      2104.229     1202.130     1304.911     1866.426     1242.901     894.591      
SPOA0001         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           51.974       38.164       78.384       51.629       22.287       41.359       28.276       39.992       51.638       69.108       36.771       27.361       27.393       16.261       13.730       31.395       
SPOA0002         (dimethylallyl)adenosine_tRNA_methylthiotransferase                                                                            34.807       36.970       82.986       79.077       89.355       49.637       77.783       106.394      112.367      103.416      43.968       44.409       50.437       40.258       69.907       49.090       
SPOA0003         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           303.376      447.052      568.441      460.167      138.334      517.931      50.036       123.402      192.437      154.773      296.250      211.761      198.214      82.869       147.397      180.832      
SPOA0004         OmpA_family_protein                                                                                                            1000.910     955.604      367.480      325.651      104.160      262.085      63.045       218.740      240.053      321.412      151.191      133.249      134.435      67.072       107.997      96.249       
SPOA0005         lipoprotein                                                                                                                    1264.745     1157.779     521.214      519.980      225.206      379.619      136.489      139.612      310.860      247.956      214.783      221.944      203.269      139.602      241.435      193.220      
SPOA0006         PhoH_family_protein                                                                                                            547.247      700.869      181.817      133.885      51.705       287.046      30.960       90.312       172.083      167.348      79.832       68.803       56.014       29.619       54.667       146.249      
SPOA0007         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           302.699      396.618      111.227      115.599      52.290       269.424      15.131       40.126       64.659       98.807       38.543       31.209       31.547       28.714       44.083       65.519       
SPOA0008         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           41.453       60.460       30.641       26.438       39.614       38.916       28.657       48.637       62.172       37.427       17.362       14.011       23.899       8.899        22.264       21.000       
SPOA0009         hemolysin                                                                                                                      139.115      240.303      154.244      131.236      143.437      217.664      461.618      245.684      230.774      444.014      496.572      401.624      694.503      409.809      454.530      341.692      
SPOA0010         apolipoprotein_N-acyltransferase                                                                                               26.800       36.515       38.377       23.215       26.908       30.879       16.854       27.313       15.389       33.468       23.722       31.472       61.405       74.306       58.802       68.925       
SPOA0011         S-adenosylmethionine_synthetase                                                                                                200.333      201.149      149.015      128.341      143.996      42.347       156.410      191.439      125.768      124.055      36.115       35.294       60.661       62.686       110.224      123.434      
SPOA0012         DNA_topology_modulation_kinase_FlaR                                                                                            24.397       33.786       29.740       17.641       25.295       11.563       11.126       17.702       12.800       3.824        5.362        3.400        3.163        6.718        17.107       12.044       
SPOA0013         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           124.127      106.694      95.320       71.552       28.798       77.677       4.279        28.369       46.418       60.298       60.687       56.226       43.798       13.288       25.627       47.036       
SPOA0014         tRNA_(guanine-N(7)-)-methyltransferase                                                                                         55.571       52.934       47.998       50.616       84.189       59.163       35.912       85.711       78.699       71.313       77.468       67.061       90.758       87.426       95.586       73.765       
SPOA0015         3-phosphoshikimate_1-carboxyvinyltransferase                                                                                   58.958       69.165       64.890       53.554       81.012       35.393       37.996       61.017       47.878       42.804       28.193       26.769       48.012       37.874       62.525       47.460       
SPOA0017         cytidylate_kinase                                                                                                              37.979       54.561       51.380       29.259       60.412       35.797       32.291       42.817       42.459       25.368       24.772       19.030       27.106       31.038       61.973       39.183       
SPOA0018         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           25.170       15.210       23.848       12.003       9.736        23.901       11.895       17.350       11.731       20.442       12.284       19.083       12.401       10.261       18.291       10.896       
SPOA0019         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           53.093       13.092       23.222       20.752       10.384       45.057       7.446        7.241        16.318       14.502       19.139       27.305       17.878       12.418       14.865       9.094        
SPOA0020         alanine_racemase                                                                                                               42.166       15.503       25.927       20.972       6.175        61.825       2.425        9.003        17.536       14.168       14.357       17.413       17.925       11.295       19.231       6.865        
SPOA0021         oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding                                                                                                    73.069       21.548       24.731       20.576       7.573        72.252       5.948        6.835        20.854       23.167       18.836       23.324       24.426       10.261       17.328       8.255        
SPOA0022         cytochrome_c5                                                                                                                  90.227       14.510       16.853       6.543        9.632        69.191       7.565        6.019        17.408       20.801       12.500       26.586       20.076       7.831        7.347        11.340       
SPOA0023         TetR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          53.071       17.334       11.596       13.757       3.945        40.275       0.000        5.752        9.982        28.328       11.349       9.942        11.511       5.987        9.830        6.502        
SPOA0024         2-oxo-hepta-3-ene-1,7-dioic_acid_hydratase                                                                                     39.118       36.367       66.523       38.948       27.159       48.279       17.776       26.398       50.252       52.541       29.371       34.221       50.539       28.214       44.884       42.631       
SPOA0025         fumarylacetoacetate_hydrolase_family_protein                                                                                   53.223       54.478       69.971       48.169       36.468       60.659       26.733       45.194       57.119       106.810      42.791       39.313       49.404       34.013       36.238       36.731       
SPOA0026         3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate_2,3-dioxygenase                                                                                     41.653       41.660       40.196       24.085       13.372       39.822       10.025       15.951       30.756       21.821       37.269       29.102       33.569       17.871       20.012       18.922       
SPOA0027         5-carboxy-2-hydroxymuconate_semialdehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                         14.785       11.141       4.196        4.888        3.426        5.482        3.768        2.498        1.858        1.942        4.150        2.878        2.499        4.875        4.269        1.569        
SPOA0028         Na(+)-translocating_NADH-quinone_reductase_subunit_A                                                                           99.949       104.824      192.278      143.333      268.209      119.903      152.324      207.024      157.864      135.244      127.882      103.436      156.790      164.244      262.302      118.740      
SPOA0029         Na(+)-translocating_NADH-quinone_reductase_subunit_B                                                                           68.420       102.647      186.552      134.284      226.348      116.700      176.432      197.758      150.017      134.213      134.423      130.829      122.619      149.350      268.438      165.334      
SPOA0030         Na(+)-translocating_NADH-quinone_reductase_subunit_C                                                                           97.291       99.068       132.549      134.787      210.661      98.650       240.846      218.850      107.113      124.166      111.680      111.477      112.113      101.434      169.119      128.004      
SPOA0031         Na(+)-translocating_NADH-quinone_reductase_subunit_D                                                                           97.913       103.785      180.564      150.768      203.714      126.212      183.034      204.557      130.361      97.357       139.213      131.170      119.773      132.324      218.667      177.095      
SPOA0032         Na(+)-translocating_NADH-quinone_reductase_subunit_E                                                                           73.124       89.792       98.029       120.123      157.532      94.714       323.028      244.577      149.274      212.391      112.163      113.730      129.554      100.959      180.346      131.768      
SPOA0033         Na(+)-translocating_NADH-quinone_reductase_subunit_F                                                                           115.240      105.731      157.734      157.808      205.477      125.556      491.472      247.079      137.054      205.741      151.700      145.910      120.969      127.787      214.896      214.524      
SPOA0034         CBS_domain-containing_protein                                                                                                  448.294      356.158      309.933      231.899      39.542       171.711      21.740       59.093       160.790      190.531      208.789      200.123      149.372      55.321       76.533       133.964      
SPOA0035         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.895       35.151       39.192       29.589       9.334        26.412       21.992       33.049       36.147       12.598       26.244       34.722       25.011       20.236       40.343       34.186       
SPOA0036         thiamin_biosynthesis_lipoprotein_ApbE                                                                                          51.398       53.593       79.361       76.278       114.354      82.764       149.317      132.687      117.111      89.134       57.351       52.031       80.934       70.502       131.866      76.350       
SPOA0037         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           136.199      137.585      183.650      108.356      213.907      122.643      460.714      218.633      239.123      279.186      340.555      281.564      549.228      426.698      486.673      317.016      
SPOA0038         LuxR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          26.240       51.801       94.823       56.480       54.550       76.079       104.000      66.705       193.194      309.229      126.882      92.383       139.821      100.560      259.156      61.227       
SPOA0039         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           207.474      159.666      167.471      183.465      51.145       133.914      13.319       44.348       78.810       70.701       71.525       60.146       58.907       29.362       48.627       74.189       
SPOA0040         crcB_family_protein                                                                                                            7.501        3.116        4.343        2.811        7.093        5.404        0.000        7.756        3.205        6.702        1.342        1.490        1.848        6.728        7.890        8.118        
SPOA0041         crcB_family_protein                                                                                                            20.790       27.591       10.031       12.983       9.556        10.400       7.505        7.961        29.606       12.898       8.267        5.734        4.268        6.474        6.074        3.750        
SPOA0042         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           90.505       67.297       11.910       17.341       13.979       20.374       6.683        21.268       20.870       45.940       25.306       26.038       18.368       8.647        22.717       16.696       
SPOA0043         protocatechuate_3,4-dioxygenase_alpha_subunit                                                                                  109.853      44.024       34.769       26.470       10.020       24.173       4.591        2.435        15.090       12.622       23.388       27.354       12.182       7.920        11.146       14.527       
SPOA0044         protocatechuate_3,4-dioxygenase_subunit_beta                                                                                   95.616       50.592       10.446       23.659       6.397        10.830       31.262       9.327        21.837       16.117       21.523       20.300       15.554       8.764        7.590        10.413       
SPOA0045         4-carboxymuconolactone_decarboxylase                                                                                           141.453      88.272       57.299       23.992       12.385       46.127       15.131       20.063       32.329       41.603       47.918       49.703       28.679       15.662       22.042       25.200       
SPOA0046         4-hydroxybenzoate_3-monooxygenase                                                                                              68.462       34.582       12.997       16.821       4.422        7.074        4.862        1.934        4.795        6.684        14.394       6.686        7.373        5.033        5.902        3.239        
SPOA0047         pca_operon_transcriptional_activator_PcaQ                                                                                      14.553       18.336       12.432       12.515       7.895        12.030       3.101        7.400        5.096        4.263        8.965        8.527        12.929       4.279        9.535        7.229        
SPOA0048         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.205        4.580        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.985        0.000        5.700        0.000        2.462        0.000        3.284        1.358        2.472        1.160        2.386        
SPOA0049         nitrous-oxide_reductase_transcriptional_activator_NosR                                                                         0.906        0.836        0.583        0.377        0.000        0.362        0.000        0.000        0.860        0.450        0.180        0.200        0.248        0.677        0.635        0.000        
SPOA0050         nitrous-oxide_reductase                                                                                                        4.469        6.665        5.971        6.870        2.709        6.604        4.468        2.765        4.895        5.630        8.612        3.413        2.823        2.312        2.169        3.720        
SPOA0051         nitrous_oxide_maturation_protein_NosD                                                                                          2.959        4.701        4.032        2.609        5.761        7.837        6.787        6.000        4.462        6.221        5.919        7.259        6.861        5.464        2.930        4.521        
SPOA0052         ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein_NosF                                                                                      1.470        2.036        0.000        0.918        0.579        2.647        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.877        0.973        0.604        0.549        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0053         nitrous_oxide_maturation_protein_NosY                                                                                          12.527       9.966        21.606       8.988        3.150        19.200       0.000        0.000        2.277        5.953        5.247        3.176        6.566        5.379        6.728        4.038        
SPOA0054         nitrous_oxide_reductase_accessory_protein                                                                                      2.524        0.874        4.871        3.152        0.000        0.757        0.000        0.000        1.797        3.757        0.000        0.835        3.108        0.943        1.770        0.910        
SPOA0055         cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    25.613       38.694       13.482       8.724        4.128        23.064       7.565        6.019        17.408       7.801        10.417       6.935        12.906       9.136        7.347        3.780        
SPOA0056         DNA-binding_protein                                                                                                            23.185       25.933       6.196        6.682        1.686        9.635        13.907       13.523       19.810       7.966        19.149       9.916        10.544       7.998        9.004        3.860        
SPOA0057         glycine_cleavage_system_T_protein                                                                                              39.671       49.693       26.549       16.433       10.839       10.412       12.954       66.647       69.837       31.167       63.501       44.336       25.045       10.728       10.065       9.493        
SPOA0058         glycine_cleavage_system_protein_H                                                                                              126.590      161.503      34.629       13.072       16.494       21.541       97.159       158.029      142.655      89.047       102.564      82.140       40.515       10.057       18.871       18.339       
SPOA0059         glycine_dehydrogenase                                                                                                          59.771       58.904       25.226       14.892       10.299       7.846        36.754       64.540       52.898       31.410       57.994       38.550       22.782       10.797       11.094       6.783        
SPOA0060         AraC_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          25.771       21.518       10.240       10.413       5.375        5.915        19.702       23.511       22.667       6.771        31.649       23.579       11.825       3.399        7.441        7.109        
SPOA0061         catalase/peroxidase_HPI                                                                                                        905.221      965.624      2099.658     1441.514     214.127      664.894      182.408      378.407      519.234      661.606      83.186       156.346      210.387      152.436      309.065      186.154      
SPOA0062         aspartate_racemase                                                                                                             40.773       33.227       45.400       39.956       9.638        22.594       4.076        12.972       22.779       32.222       20.205       15.570       21.633       4.923        11.216       15.614       
SPOA0063         FAD-dependent_oxidoreductase                                                                                                   7.178        10.623       18.183       9.413        3.606        9.533        2.332        6.803        8.433        7.214        4.496        3.029        11.714       5.230        7.738        6.214        
SPOA0064         NG,NG-dimethylarginine_dimethylaminohydrolase                                                                                  4.478        1.744        9.723        7.340        3.969        2.520        7.274        1.929        3.587        10.001       5.008        1.667        2.758        3.765        4.121        1.817        
SPOA0065         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.734        6.239        15.809       5.115        4.841        2.950        0.000        4.235        1.750        3.659        3.909        2.982        2.354        4.285        3.733        2.364        
SPOA0066         aspartate_aminotransferase                                                                                                     7.921        7.653        17.066       4.141        5.226        4.976        2.394        8.254        8.657        0.823        2.967        1.829        3.177        1.652        4.650        3.589        
SPOA0067         TetR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          4.738        3.515        17.636       7.609        10.400       4.876        4.398        9.332        0.000        3.023        2.423        0.672        4.169        3.035        2.848        2.930        
SPOA0068         polar_amino_acid_ABC_transporter_ATP-binding_protein                                                                           9.301        9.092        23.758       13.324       9.700        5.912        3.555        9.428        7.012        6.109        5.385        0.543        6.739        2.453        5.179        1.776        
SPOA0069         polar_amino_acid_ABC_transporter_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                         46.330       37.197       59.247       30.885       8.063        14.333       3.694        10.776       24.286       10.157       19.328       10.724       7.002        5.098        5.381        9.228        
SPOA0070         polar_amino_acid_ABC_transporter_permease                                                                                      9.314        12.697       26.964       8.724        6.192        6.814        3.783        2.006        11.191       7.801        6.250        2.312        2.151        4.568        5.510        2.520        
SPOA0071         polar_amino_acid_ABC_transporter_permease                                                                                      6.110        6.346        20.905       3.122        4.596        7.002        0.000        0.000        1.186        3.722        4.970        4.412        2.737        4.359        4.674        6.011        
SPOA0072         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           150.048      95.760       204.115      171.034      112.179      106.625      58.738       152.652      158.326      195.821      73.598       67.308       80.160       82.081       90.319       113.477      
SPOA0073         arsenate_reductase                                                                                                             113.189      74.093       140.438      140.774      96.684       71.945       123.618      147.521      91.429       144.455      57.021       46.274       48.033       60.781       68.030       78.235       
SPOA0075         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           41.738       27.621       72.714       58.126       36.672       37.916       14.401       52.194       34.715       41.247       12.559       16.136       11.828       9.110        24.864       36.776       
SPOA0076         carbon-nitrogen_family_hydrolase                                                                                               60.555       41.592       65.035       50.319       40.982       32.541       28.561       34.504       52.158       31.630       13.109       18.909       22.255       13.140       32.873       43.867       
SPOA0077         translation_initiation_factor_IF-1                                                                                             429.510      621.395      684.637      685.382      1517.011     797.177      1576.127     2549.646     1584.523     2148.762     1361.803     1169.942     1782.503     1291.597     2221.592     1209.676     
SPOA0078         maf_protein                                                                                                                    199.343      280.257      217.240      178.919      402.247      195.882      315.225      493.733      291.431      289.474      117.327      121.158      184.848      266.817      437.675      316.637      
SPOA0081         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.605       34.274       32.482       34.002       14.041       24.961       17.155       9.667        22.557       25.795       10.334       10.812       8.129        3.700        9.024        11.071       
SPOA0082         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           29.319       37.726       42.613       34.247       8.418        24.156       23.141       18.410       22.820       40.827       9.134        8.721        6.141        3.194        8.740        21.839       
SPOA0083         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.370       37.890       43.624       62.402       17.341       48.561       18.037       31.434       45.740       73.507       29.803       30.315       23.932       5.779        15.432       25.320       
SPOA0084         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.742       4.580        19.151       12.393       18.243       9.927        0.000        7.600        9.420        9.849        17.756       2.189        8.148        4.944        18.554       9.545        
SPOA0085         DNA-binding_protein                                                                                                            10.106       6.298        11.703       0.000        26.279       5.460        78.806       45.281       21.588       27.085       7.234        0.000        9.958        6.798        12.756       4.375        
SPOA0086         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           7.482        9.024        7.686        8.591        5.420        14.343       3.137        4.991        6.186        8.624        9.501        5.511        7.431        5.411        9.138        6.791        
SPOA0087         phage_integrase_family_site_specific_recombinase                                                                               8.732        12.092       9.480        8.179        5.160        12.777       7.093        7.524        8.549        11.376       9.766        5.057        4.929        1.224        2.296        3.544        
SPOA0088         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           72.195       163.762      131.283      142.184      30.948       116.179      213.301      123.267      218.453      430.539      48.723       58.774       38.093       24.036       57.874       133.679      
SPOA0089         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.307        2.576        7.182        6.196        1.955        2.978        0.000        1.425        3.533        1.847        0.740        2.463        2.037        0.927        2.609        1.790        
SPOA0090         ISSpo7,_transposase                                                                                                            0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.693        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.863        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0091         IS3_family_transposase_orfA                                                                                                    7.847        5.927        8.261        10.692       3.373        7.708        37.085       4.917        6.095        0.000        8.936        9.916        1.757        1.600        7.503        4.632        
SPOA0092         transposase                                                                                                                    6.327        3.286        0.000        0.000        3.739        0.000        0.000        0.000        6.758        0.000        2.831        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.328        0.000        
SPOA0093         FAD_binding_domain-containing_protein                                                                                          59.093       50.689       64.687       69.950       52.471       46.328       57.314       55.223       42.076       55.155       34.460       31.233       42.729       36.585       33.087       31.500       
SPOA0094         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           39.057       33.342       43.371       36.084       39.208       29.870       69.535       38.724       25.143       47.797       42.127       38.247       38.222       28.791       21.384       23.162       
SPOA0095         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.930       20.789       16.901       16.405       14.293       15.019       8.129        26.588       20.486       14.901       17.909       13.662       11.813       14.492       14.473       14.441       
SPOA0096         histone_deacetylase/AcuC/AphA_family_protein                                                                                   10.788       7.909        7.349        11.888       7.000        6.095        8.247        11.664       4.518        9.448        5.299        5.460        7.295        8.537        5.340        9.615        
SPOA0097         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    1.166        1.938        1.350        4.369        1.103        2.100        0.000        1.608        0.000        1.042        0.835        0.463        0.575        0.000        0.491        2.019        
SPOA0098         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    0.252        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.814        0.000        1.736        3.227        0.000        0.451        0.500        0.000        0.000        0.530        0.545        
SPOA0099         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 2.799        1.292        1.800        0.000        0.735        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.778        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.697        1.308        1.346        
SPOA0100         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 1.842        1.276        5.333        2.301        2.903        1.659        0.000        1.058        0.000        0.000        1.648        1.219        2.269        1.377        0.646        0.000        
SPOA0101         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_branched-chain_amino_acid-binding_protein                               4.270        4.613        1.978        3.200        0.808        2.769        0.000        0.589        2.189        0.000        2.140        1.018        2.104        1.149        1.797        2.218        
SPOA0102         LuxR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          49.715       51.635       56.263       19.474       6.944        48.429       5.874        11.683       20.273       24.225       43.674       34.102       15.587       8.613        10.458       13.206       
SPOA0103         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.993        0.922        5.138        4.987        1.049        6.392        0.000        7.646        7.582        3.964        4.764        4.405        2.186        3.979        4.667        2.881        
SPOA0104         aldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         3.622        4.253        6.384        2.361        2.234        6.807        2.047        4.343        1.346        2.111        2.818        2.502        6.208        5.297        5.964        5.454        
SPOA0105         transcriptional_regulator                                                                                                      19.951       10.971       3.398        10.993       6.936        8.454        7.626        6.067        5.014        2.621        1.050        5.826        1.446        3.947        1.234        3.810        
SPOA0106         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           54.901       73.120       42.588       27.559       17.387       73.327       23.898       24.445       20.200       63.362       73.803       48.510       34.296       20.026       27.077       28.429       
SPOA0107         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          24.500       29.009       12.767       7.344        4.054        12.354       9.552        5.066        9.420        7.660        4.823        10.703       4.828        3.845        6.185        5.833        
SPOA0108         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.341        3.367        3.129        3.374        0.852        2.271        2.341        1.242        2.308        1.609        2.256        2.503        2.662        2.019        1.137        0.390        
SPOA0109         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.358        33.702       111.022      64.475       30.218       121.303      108.625      79.641       81.916       171.296      210.275      158.154      102.945      42.992       71.362       76.621       
SPOA0110         indolepyruvate_oxidoreductase_subunit_B                                                                                        2.922        4.046        2.417        4.170        2.631        5.011        1.808        2.877        2.378        5.593        5.228        4.144        3.085        2.808        2.927        2.710        
SPOA0111         indolepyruvate_oxidoreductase,_IorA_subunit                                                                                    1.307        1.253        2.328        3.013        1.188        2.172        0.000        1.732        1.717        4.489        2.158        1.197        0.743        0.676        2.114        0.870        
SPOA0112         phenylacetaldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                               3.032        1.799        5.016        1.623        1.365        4.160        0.000        1.493        1.234        3.224        1.550        0.573        1.423        1.295        1.519        1.875        
SPOA0113         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.732        1.309        4.560        2.361        0.745        1.135        0.000        1.086        1.346        2.111        1.127        0.625        0.388        1.766        0.663        1.705        
SPOA0114         nitrilase_family_protein                                                                                                       1.904        1.318        3.674        1.585        4.500        1.143        5.498        2.187        0.904        1.890        0.379        0.840        0.521        2.371        2.225        0.916        
SPOA0115         gentisate_1,2-dioxygenase                                                                                                      2.529        2.829        2.253        1.458        2.300        1.051        0.000        1.341        1.662        0.869        1.741        1.159        1.917        0.436        1.228        0.000        
SPOA0116         fumarylacetoacetate_hydrolase_family_protein                                                                                   3.579        2.973        2.763        1.788        2.820        3.437        3.101        0.822        1.019        0.000        0.427        1.421        1.763        0.000        0.502        2.066        
SPOA0117         Asp/Glu/hydantoin_racemase_family_protein                                                                                      3.102        0.586        1.633        3.170        2.000        0.000        3.665        2.916        2.410        5.039        1.514        2.240        0.695        0.000        2.373        0.610        
SPOA0118         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           6.098        5.911        0.000        0.000        1.922        3.660        0.000        0.000        3.473        3.632        0.000        0.807        2.003        0.911        1.710        2.640        
SPOA0119         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           3.546        2.357        1.643        1.063        2.012        2.554        0.000        2.444        3.636        4.435        2.284        0.845        1.747        0.954        1.790        2.149        
SPOA0120         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           25.654       28.583       27.007       7.865        7.718        11.340       12.124       6.430        13.949       12.501       20.033       8.799        8.618        2.615        10.303       6.058        
SPOA0121         sulfatase_family_protein                                                                                                       27.287       24.918       15.265       20.744       10.283       14.481       8.566        10.449       16.895       22.964       9.200        9.947        8.118        5.911        9.428        10.557       
SPOA0122         ISSpo9,_transposase                                                                                                            15.726       12.677       1.359        0.879        3.329        5.495        15.253       11.326       7.019        14.678       3.360        1.864        7.517        5.789        10.369       5.589        
SPOA0123         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           86.859       84.160       85.887       65.256       21.806       60.737       29.732       26.706       38.779       60.653       33.676       23.593       23.451       15.885       25.149       27.794       
SPOA0124         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           89.368       95.657       91.014       72.445       18.492       71.236       17.264       32.048       63.370       81.091       27.469       30.773       23.451       14.726       29.185       33.864       
SPOA0125         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           59.534       70.231       59.580       46.817       21.429       51.182       54.130       20.265       60.707       105.058      22.360       26.757       16.899       13.184       22.677       30.227       
SPOA0126         short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family_oxidoreductase                                                                      8.454        8.153        3.496        2.263        2.855        4.350        3.924        6.244        7.739        1.349        1.081        2.998        0.000        0.000        1.905        2.614        
SPOA0127         cyclase                                                                                                                        8.023        1.724        1.602        3.110        0.654        1.993        3.596        0.954        3.546        4.943        1.485        0.549        0.682        1.861        0.582        2.994        
SPOA0128         short_chain_dehydrogenase/reductase_family_oxidoreductase                                                                      6.711        5.503        6.136        1.985        4.175        6.997        0.000        1.217        3.018        0.789        2.528        1.403        3.045        3.564        3.715        3.440        
SPOA0129         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           7.072        5.799        3.233        3.486        0.880        4.357        2.419        0.641        1.590        4.988        1.998        1.478        1.375        0.835        1.957        3.625        
SPOA0130         AMP-binding_protein                                                                                                            7.965        4.767        10.943       3.541        2.872        7.780        1.755        2.792        5.767        4.824        6.281        4.289        4.988        3.330        2.272        1.169        
SPOA0131         aromatic_1,2-dioxygenase,_beta_subunit                                                                                         8.806        3.851        8.051        1.737        1.096        2.504        6.023        1.597        0.000        2.070        2.488        2.761        0.000        0.000        0.975        3.010        
SPOA0132         aromatic_1,2-dioxygenase,_alpha_subunit                                                                                        10.441       5.084        5.668        4.279        2.314        3.232        2.120        4.498        1.394        1.458        3.503        1.620        3.617        1.829        1.373        2.119        
SPOA0133         oxidoreductase                                                                                                                 4.635        6.739        2.684        2.605        1.096        6.260        0.000        0.000        0.000        7.246        2.903        1.380        1.142        2.598        1.462        3.010        
SPOA0134         ISSpo7,_transposase                                                                                                            0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0136         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           87.032       53.347       90.872       80.188       91.063       77.084       111.256      68.843       91.429       133.833      104.680      82.159       98.410       73.577       81.035       74.117       
SPOA0137         UDP-N-acetylglucosamine_1-carboxyvinyltransferase                                                                              116.837      89.398       137.102      108.149      55.974       79.373       40.433       73.865       87.129       114.260      60.931       62.462       70.251       51.154       78.169       84.174       
SPOA0139         acetyltransferase                                                                                                              38.441       38.025       42.396       24.006       29.209       29.670       5.948        17.350       39.102       20.442       25.387       22.718       16.910       12.313       34.657       33.679       
SPOA0140         glucosamine--fructose-6-phosphate_aminotransferase_(isomerizing)                                                               25.773       33.866       6.941        11.229       9.635        14.248       31.159       11.981       18.949       17.135       73.794       54.510       78.845       62.894       43.625       48.780       
SPOA0141         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           204.492      252.786      134.385      98.714       29.656       206.731      48.914       38.915       58.956       100.869      308.693      252.852      398.668      278.479      225.641      190.084      
SPOA0142         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           59.923       95.136       49.566       38.490       17.201       74.001       0.000        17.702       21.943       19.119       105.702      101.141      134.962      113.245      102.645      96.352       
SPOA0143         IclR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          76.389       123.179      5.997        11.643       3.061        14.923       6.731        11.602       11.063       1.157        12.048       12.341       21.050       5.806        4.358        7.847        
SPOA0144         serine--glyoxylate_transaminase                                                                                                48.142       20.230       18.087       13.081       13.465       17.539       7.164        23.432       3.140        7.387        9.536        82.825       120.403      23.484       45.997       5.966        
SPOA0145         pyridoxal-phosphate_dependent_enzyme                                                                                           39.251       19.549       15.949       11.181       9.224        14.055       20.882       18.196       3.923        5.127        4.518        79.308       87.644       12.867       57.460       6.956        
SPOA0146         threonine_aldolase                                                                                                             105.104      49.212       35.926       31.702       28.890       31.830       61.090       34.345       20.885       6.719        9.421        134.406      127.371      8.431        128.544      6.919        
SPOA0147         ornithine_cyclodeaminase/mu-crystallin_family_protein                                                                          48.592       20.705       34.629       19.608       19.439       20.195       29.148       21.471       10.646       10.018       16.499       89.562       72.435       14.527       84.396       13.484       
SPOA0148         major_facilitator_transporter                                                                                                  3.213        4.319        2.189        4.249        4.021        4.084        2.456        3.257        4.037        1.688        4.735        3.753        5.121        3.814        3.976        3.682        
SPOA0149         GntR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          7.808        5.867        5.771        5.602        3.534        1.795        6.477        1.718        4.258        7.421        3.567        4.948        4.092        2.607        4.543        2.517        
SPOA0150         AraC_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          15.396       10.077       9.770        20.547       6.481        11.015       0.000        10.177       15.318       16.016       23.400       17.590       31.693       24.591       23.071       17.804       
SPOA0151         cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    3.195        5.161        2.055        5.320        3.356        12.785       0.000        0.000        0.000        1.585        3.811        3.524        4.372        3.979        0.747        0.768        
SPOA0152         di-haem_cytochrome_c_peroxidase_family_protein                                                                                 1.220        1.689        5.884        0.000        0.961        3.660        2.642        1.401        0.868        0.908        3.273        0.807        0.501        0.456        0.000        1.320        
SPOA0153         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.610        2.533        1.177        1.523        0.961        3.294        0.000        0.701        2.605        5.447        2.910        2.018        1.502        1.367        0.855        0.880        
SPOA0154         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           7.467        5.940        10.119       7.739        5.633        11.731       2.065        3.285        8.145        7.097        7.392        5.048        7.827        2.850        4.345        6.878        
SPOA0155         type_I_secretion_target_repeat-containing_protein                                                                              15.360       18.613       37.913       36.708       8.263        18.619       5.119        6.787        11.147       13.194       8.017        10.167       9.702        7.506        7.871        7.033        
SPOA0156         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           17.075       25.101       42.588       85.630       8.694        51.566       3.414        12.675       22.445       55.148       51.239       33.905       45.297       32.394       19.341       20.469       
SPOA0157         sulfite_exporter,_CuyZ                                                                                                         5.324        5.530        8.991        6.650        9.964        4.395        0.000        9.940        4.739        4.955        3.970        3.084        21.859       13.430       9.800        34.093       
SPOA0158         L-cysteate_sulfo-lyase                                                                                                         44.431       38.345       18.642       16.085       35.518       10.437       47.423       43.647       18.340       14.382       20.742       31.540       144.877      46.202       26.640       136.127      
SPOA0159         transcriptional_regulator_CuyR                                                                                                 15.523       16.627       9.831        6.362        0.573        4.368        3.152        2.508        4.145        1.083        6.511        3.371        4.780        3.263        4.592        6.825        
SPOA0160         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   3.804        4.466        3.830        2.479        0.782        4.170        8.597        2.850        3.533        2.955        0.592        1.642        1.630        1.483        2.435        1.790        
SPOA0161         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   2.232        3.709        2.585        3.345        2.111        3.216        5.802        6.154        5.721        7.976        1.598        2.659        5.498        1.001        7.512        3.865        
SPOA0162         TRAP_dicarboxylate_family_transporter_DctP_subunit                                                                             3.807        7.030        15.922       3.170        33.001       9.143        35.738       29.161       11.748       17.007       17.791       12.181       13.548       7.588        26.253       11.446       
SPOA0163         hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA_reductase,_degradative                                                                               1.680        0.698        0.973        1.889        0.794        3.026        0.000        2.317        0.718        0.000        4.511        3.337        4.140        2.638        9.898        1.455        
SPOA0164         GntR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          10.417       11.148       7.311        5.323        7.835        13.929       6.154        15.232       13.486       26.791       8.474        7.209        9.332        7.786        11.289       8.883        
SPOA0165         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          44.220       76.790       5.419        4.383        3.318        8.427        0.000        2.419        3.998        11.496       16.748       11.615       15.562       7.869        10.336       9.622        
SPOA0166         TRAP_transporter_solute_receptor_TAXI_family_protein                                                                           42.013       34.639       11.285       9.737        2.048        7.020        2.815        0.746        7.401        1.935        3.100        3.010        4.268        1.457        1.367        3.750        
SPOA0167         TRAP_transporter,_4TM/12TM_fusion_protein                                                                                      6.516        3.692        5.717        5.549        2.100        6.401        1.283        4.424        4.218        1.764        1.413        1.764        1.946        1.771        2.492        1.496        
SPOA0168         oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding                                                                                                    20.049       42.006       24.018       16.838       12.666       47.312       13.478       16.679       8.861        21.617       30.620       19.906       17.882       12.401       14.543       12.720       
SPOA0169         MOSC_domain-containing_protein                                                                                                 92.106       95.027       26.665       27.609       10.887       26.540       3.990        10.582       19.675       39.771       13.186       12.803       6.051        2.754        9.042        13.956       
SPOA0170         MarR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          50.935       68.018       39.791       27.264       0.956        24.025       15.761       13.932       6.908        10.834       17.362       9.632        9.958        1.813        3.401        12.250       
SPOA0171         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           34.225       19.118       9.992        11.854       5.439        16.057       7.476        8.921        11.058       16.701       21.102       10.851       15.587       7.093        3.630        9.338        
SPOA0172         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.382       27.843       16.631       35.873       11.316       22.415       62.216       16.499       12.271       38.490       8.567        24.715       18.868       0.000        4.028        18.651       
SPOA0173         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           20.374       24.184       7.223        7.790        5.897        11.981       10.808       7.165        7.105        16.715       9.673        12.385       16.388       4.661        6.123        6.300        
SPOA0174         MOSC_domain-containing_protein                                                                                                 9.858        12.677       24.463       8.795        2.219        5.073        0.000        8.090        8.022        8.388        8.401        4.661        6.939        3.158        0.988        6.097        
SPOA0175         oxidoreductase                                                                                                                 6.572        3.413        9.514        2.638        4.994        4.227        0.000        4.045        6.017        5.242        1.680        1.864        4.626        1.053        2.963        2.032        
SPOA0176         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.580        4.228        5.893        1.907        0.000        4.582        0.000        7.015        6.522        2.273        3.642        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.141        2.203        
SPOA0177         hydrogen_peroxide-inducible_genes_activator                                                                                    2.215        2.629        7.327        2.371        2.991        3.419        0.000        1.090        0.000        0.000        1.132        0.628        0.000        0.709        0.666        0.000        
SPOA0179         catalase                                                                                                                       5.507        7.800        10.146       15.008       2.367        5.861        13.014       6.040        7.486        11.182       3.136        4.474        1.850        5.052        2.633        5.419        
SPOA0180         cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    28.264       23.734       27.856       4.506        12.794       12.996       7.816        6.218        10.276       13.431       9.685        16.717       13.332       5.393        11.385       10.413       
SPOA0181         FNT_family_protein                                                                                                             2.408        1.111        6.196        4.009        2.530        5.781        3.477        3.688        3.429        5.975        4.308        1.594        0.000        0.600        0.563        1.737        
SPOA0182         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.310        6.398        6.688        2.885        0.910        3.467        0.000        0.000        1.645        0.000        1.378        0.764        0.000        3.453        0.000        0.833        
SPOA0183         SCO1/SenC_family_protein                                                                                                       4.022        1.519        10.586       9.590        6.051        7.244        0.000        5.041        3.124        1.633        2.617        2.904        5.404        9.838        3.846        3.957        
SPOA0184         heme-copper_respiratory_oxidase_family                                                                                         9.631        8.574        12.392       8.592        10.118       12.388       13.907       9.483        6.531        4.097        13.404       11.838       9.791        11.996       9.969        11.912       
SPOA0185         cytochrome_c_oxidase,ba3-type,_subunit_I                                                                                       3.875        1.789        4.986        1.613        8.142        3.877        5.596        4.452        1.839        1.923        1.541        0.000        3.182        0.965        3.623        0.000        
SPOA0186         Rrf2_family_protein                                                                                                            47.751       47.234       39.498       35.784       27.951       65.521       5.910        37.618       31.086       50.785       75.686       68.631       45.932       28.551       28.700       30.515       
SPOA0187         cytochrome_c_oxidase,_cbb3-type,_subunit_III                                                                                   8.029        6.254        5.811        4.701        5.338        8.134        0.000        3.459        3.216        2.242        2.245        0.996        1.236        2.813        1.583        3.259        
SPOA0188         cytochrome_c_oxidase,_cbb3-type,_subunit_IV                                                                                    3.969        0.000        7.660        4.957        3.127        4.765        0.000        13.679       0.000        5.910        0.000        5.254        3.259        0.000        5.566        0.000        
SPOA0189         cytochrome_c_oxidase,_cbb3-type,_subunit_II                                                                                    5.989        9.330        6.935        8.976        9.202        14.560       15.567       7.224        3.838        4.013        4.823        7.135        10.327       8.057        7.559        13.611       
SPOA0190         cytochrome_c_oxidase,_cbb3-type,_subunit_I                                                                                     4.177        3.079        3.121        5.554        7.326        8.979        0.000        7.895        6.332        3.009        3.376        3.211        4.979        5.740        3.685        4.375        
SPOA0191         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.213        2.874        4.806        5.183        5.232        6.477        3.596        3.814        3.546        7.415        1.485        1.099        2.726        0.620        3.492        0.599        
SPOA0192         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           8.376        9.787        15.155       9.807        14.850       16.027       13.607       36.084       15.655       23.383       0.000        0.000        2.579        3.521        2.202        1.133        
SPOA0193         cytochrome_c-type_biogenesis_protein_CcmE                                                                                      6.282        9.787        18.186       7.846        2.475        11.313       20.410       9.021        4.473        4.677        2.810        1.039        5.158        3.521        5.506        2.266        
SPOA0194         5-aminolevulinate_synthase                                                                                                     4.581        3.294        5.101        0.660        2.499        2.856        9.159        7.287        3.763        3.935        3.468        2.099        1.736        2.370        2.965        3.051        
SPOA0195         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.145        3.348        4.000        2.588        2.177        4.147        0.000        0.000        2.951        4.114        2.060        2.286        1.134        0.000        0.000        1.495        
SPOA0196         cytochrome_c-type_biogenesis_protein_CycL                                                                                      5.336        4.031        0.000        0.000        1.147        4.368        0.000        1.672        2.072        4.334        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.041        2.100        
SPOA0197         thiol:disulfide_interchange_protein_DsbE                                                                                       2.709        4.824        4.482        1.450        0.915        3.485        0.000        0.000        4.961        1.729        0.693        0.769        1.907        1.736        0.814        0.000        
SPOA0198         cytochrome_c-type_biogenesis_protein_CycK                                                                                      5.354        5.901        13.285       5.322        2.841        8.264        1.420        3.389        0.467        4.392        4.497        3.254        5.383        3.919        3.677        2.838        
SPOA0199         GntR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          8.430        11.367       6.851        5.541        5.244        12.252       3.844        3.568        3.791        7.267        6.616        3.818        4.372        2.984        1.867        7.043        
SPOA0200         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.430        4.963        15.092       7.325        1.540        7.823        5.646        3.743        6.496        7.762        3.887        8.195        2.675        5.844        3.655        6.582        
SPOA0201         hydroxylamine_oxidoreductase                                                                                                   4.686        4.008        8.777        9.811        2.606        14.643       1.791        6.650        10.009       6.156        6.412        3.831        6.111        5.562        4.059        5.071        
SPOA0202         histidinol_dehydrogenase                                                                                                       104.021      111.704      132.330      85.003       106.462      66.278       34.944       74.714       75.382       75.814       37.590       33.702       39.740       32.404       58.681       40.739       
SPOA0204         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           37.063       43.024       48.128       25.528       16.750       32.147       5.313        10.802       14.553       13.999       13.168       11.635       15.776       15.276       14.619       21.236       
SPOA0205         serine_protease                                                                                                                66.918       86.160       86.459       67.790       15.688       40.693       6.161        13.615       13.839       25.409       15.835       15.531       15.180       7.263        17.284       10.945       
SPOA0206         Crp/Fnr_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                       124.605      169.963      195.288      114.672      56.844       123.169      24.352       49.511       70.711       71.142       68.180       62.632       79.238       51.816       70.292       74.355       
SPOA0207         guanylate_cyclase                                                                                                              113.983      110.813      123.301      83.036       23.378       73.842       12.196       20.899       52.118       92.864       24.544       24.654       26.496       19.584       28.700       43.281       
SPOA0208         oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding                                                                                                    356.792      327.492      280.079      265.409      50.495       146.182      51.941       64.121       155.430      180.363      72.998       64.855       61.446       31.826       56.820       88.593       
SPOA0209         oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding                                                                                                    37.306       20.945       126.492      73.039       65.943       26.330       13.104       90.352       51.690       44.287       9.623        8.009        23.182       41.823       180.993      157.862      
SPOA0210         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.127       10.835       15.101       5.863        2.466        15.500       0.000        2.697        5.571        9.320        3.734        2.589        3.212        5.263        3.292        4.516        
SPOA0211         Na/Pi-cotransporter_family_protein                                                                                             37.941       36.708       27.837       27.751       10.136       24.805       0.000        11.644       16.653       11.028       7.208        5.934        6.082        4.953        9.293        8.437        
SPOA0212         nitric_oxide_reductase_F_protein                                                                                               5.136        3.556        4.957        0.000        0.000        3.083        11.126       2.950        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.109        0.000        0.000        3.706        
SPOA0213         nitric_oxide_reductase_E_protein                                                                                               6.100        5.431        5.046        3.265        3.090        7.062        0.000        1.502        3.723        1.946        6.238        6.056        2.147        6.839        0.917        4.716        
SPOA0214         nitric_oxide_reductase_D_protein                                                                                               14.780       14.879       11.849       9.798        16.663       12.900       4.433        9.796        15.543       8.126        16.277       11.965       16.244       14.021       14.111       10.336       
SPOA0215         nitric_oxide_reductase_Q_protein                                                                                               4.296        5.020        7.773        5.030        3.808        5.319        3.490        2.776        2.294        2.399        2.402        3.732        3.969        6.020        3.954        4.649        
SPOA0216         nitric_oxide_reductase,_large_subunit                                                                                          1.919        0.997        0.926        2.397        0.378        2.016        6.235        2.756        0.000        2.857        0.859        1.270        1.576        0.359        0.336        2.077        
SPOA0217         nitric_oxide_reductase,_small_subunit                                                                                          3.396        0.000        0.000        1.818        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.344        2.072        2.167        1.736        1.926        2.390        0.000        0.000        2.100        
SPOA0218         magnesium_transporter_CorA_family_protein                                                                                      28.473       29.573       13.084       11.007       3.739        19.534       2.937        2.337        7.723        2.019        8.492        4.487        3.897        7.600        4.278        8.315        
SPOA0219         NnrS                                                                                                                           2.799        5.038        2.161        3.495        2.646        3.360        9.699        2.572        0.797        5.000        3.339        2.593        3.217        4.183        4.710        4.038        
SPOA0220         cytochrome_cd1_nitrite_reductase                                                                                               1.419        2.680        5.976        6.768        3.660        5.344        8.384        7.114        2.205        4.610        3.232        3.330        7.627        3.471        5.428        4.468        
SPOA0221         nitrite_reductase_heme_biosynthesis_E_protein                                                                                  0.283        1.176        0.000        1.061        2.008        0.000        0.000        0.976        1.210        0.000        0.507        1.124        1.395        0.635        0.596        0.613        
SPOA0222         cytochrome_c55X                                                                                                                0.000        0.000        3.830        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.280        0.000        2.955        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.483        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0223         cytochrome_cd1_nitrite_reductase                                                                                               0.764        0.793        2.212        0.716        0.903        0.688        0.000        0.658        0.000        0.853        0.342        0.758        0.470        0.856        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0224         nitrite_reductase_heme_biosynthesis_D/L_protein                                                                                1.102        2.748        3.830        0.826        1.564        1.985        0.000        0.760        1.884        1.970        0.395        0.876        0.543        0.989        0.000        0.477        
SPOA0225         nitrite_reductase_heme_biosynthesis_G_protein                                                                                  1.953        1.014        0.000        1.830        3.463        0.000        0.000        1.683        0.000        2.181        0.874        0.970        0.000        0.000        2.055        0.000        
SPOA0226         nitrite_reductase_heme_biosynthesis_H_protein                                                                                  0.455        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.075        0.819        0.000        1.567        0.000        2.031        0.814        0.000        1.120        0.000        0.000        0.984        
SPOA0227         nitrite_reductase_heme_biosynthesis_J_protein                                                                                  2.167        3.000        3.136        0.677        2.561        3.252        0.000        1.867        1.543        2.420        1.939        1.076        3.558        2.429        1.899        1.954        
SPOA0228         nitrite_reductase_protein_N                                                                                                    2.459        3.005        2.513        1.626        1.368        1.824        1.880        0.000        2.472        3.877        0.777        0.862        1.069        0.973        2.434        1.879        
SPOA0229         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.620        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        8.320        0.000        0.000        0.000        10.318       4.134        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.430        7.500        
SPOA0230         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          25.289       30.230       4.144        7.151        3.948        8.593        3.101        5.756        2.038        5.328        6.404        4.264        3.526        4.279        2.509        6.713        
SPOA0231         glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                 4.649        6.761        12.114       5.226        1.649        7.536        6.043        3.205        4.966        10.384       6.240        4.155        5.154        4.170        2.445        1.510        
SPOA0232         glycine_betaine/proline_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                   3.534        6.046        10.834       5.453        1.966        4.867        5.404        3.583        3.553        3.715        5.208        4.541        6.146        3.263        3.061        3.600        
SPOA0234         agmatinase                                                                                                                     3.507        4.097        1.269        3.285        1.554        2.368        0.000        2.266        5.618        2.937        5.099        0.870        2.699        0.983        0.922        3.795        
SPOA0235         agmatinase                                                                                                                     8.208        5.069        14.129       5.818        3.146        9.189        5.766        6.117        6.634        6.936        9.131        10.572       5.465        0.995        7.000        3.841        
SPOA0236         C4-dicarboxylate_transport_sensor_protein_dctB                                                                                 11.429       11.343       19.853       15.702       9.906        11.892       13.203       9.629        17.360       9.076        5.227        6.304        5.005        5.125        6.144        7.971        
SPOA0237         C4-dicarboxylate_transport_transcriptional_regulatory_protein_DctD                                                             12.726       10.167       14.170       12.837       8.485        12.634       8.481        12.371       11.849       12.389       5.547        7.127        10.047       4.755        7.207        11.300       
SPOA0238         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit                                                                                   9.284        5.382        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.778        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.386        0.000        1.064        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0239         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   16.553       14.327       0.000        1.292        0.815        0.621        0.000        1.189        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.773        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0240         TRAP_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                                 11.711       6.487        0.000        0.000        0.369        1.125        0.000        0.000        1.334        0.697        0.000        0.000        0.385        0.000        0.328        0.338        
SPOA0241         gluconolactonase                                                                                                               22.517       13.293       72.735       55.060       2.801        23.904       3.080        11.436       9.113        5.294        3.817        3.294        4.671        2.657        3.490        4.104        
SPOA0242         LacI_family_transcription_regulator                                                                                            49.841       47.180       59.666       44.914       21.377       49.993       13.666       16.671       37.734       46.029       43.655       49.276       33.155       33.950       23.447       50.527       
SPOA0243         aldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         22.702       21.463       37.918       16.358       15.137       26.471       22.696       19.060       21.138       24.052       29.428       23.118       21.151       15.336       12.245       14.805       
SPOA0244         dihydrodipicolinate_synthase_family_protein                                                                                    10.771       5.469        30.490       6.278        3.395        8.190        0.000        5.775        8.181        5.346        3.427        3.802        2.948        3.220        3.021        3.627        
SPOA0245         galactonate_dehydratase                                                                                                        7.072        6.572        25.861       18.129       3.519        10.390       0.000        4.490        4.770        4.156        4.662        5.913        5.043        2.504        5.089        5.639        
SPOA0246         4-hydroxythreonine-4-phosphate_dehydrogenase                                                                                   6.402        11.081       35.830       27.983       5.044        11.529       0.000        6.619        5.470        12.391       6.873        5.508        6.833        2.392        4.938        9.237        
SPOA0248         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.128        4.288        14.940       11.602       2.440        1.859        0.000        3.557        4.409        0.000        2.770        0.000        0.000        1.157        2.171        5.585        
SPOA0249         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit                                                                                   10.075       10.232       60.929       22.650       4.763        6.451        0.000        5.402        4.782        5.000        2.805        1.334        4.964        1.506        2.826        1.454        
SPOA0250         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   4.270        5.322        21.758       9.600        2.019        2.769        0.000        11.185       1.459        3.052        1.223        0.000        0.842        0.383        1.078        1.109        
SPOA0251         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   7.596        9.966        53.243       11.984       6.616        1.440        5.196        11.024       11.956       1.786        1.431        0.794        0.985        0.000        0.841        1.731        
SPOA0252         LacI_family_transcription_regulator                                                                                            52.279       47.428       24.711       19.988       8.575        18.830       8.320        11.032       17.321       25.735       10.692       11.017       6.308        5.741        9.426        9.699        
SPOA0253         ribose_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_ribose-binding_protein                                                                     3.096        1.608        19.049       4.351        2.287        8.364        0.000        2.668        8.268        4.322        3.117        1.537        1.907        1.736        2.443        2.932        
SPOA0254         ribose_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                       1.746        3.628        11.235       7.997        2.293        5.941        0.000        2.006        2.487        0.000        2.083        0.385        2.390        1.305        0.816        1.260        
SPOA0255         sugar_ABC_transporter,_ATP_binding_protein                                                                                     2.588        0.597        19.983       8.621        0.000        5.698        3.738        0.991        1.229        2.569        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.645        0.000        0.623        
SPOA0256         ribose_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_ribose-binding_protein                                                                     23.209       13.899       107.750      47.790       8.403        30.501       5.435        13.692       27.692       20.547       6.361        5.397        4.121        5.157        7.917        2.715        
SPOA0257         ribose_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                       4.508        4.459        47.227       36.191       5.581        10.437       8.369        11.836       13.755       8.629        3.841        2.984        1.586        0.481        0.903        3.252        
SPOA0258         ribose_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                                    5.229        3.620        63.071       26.121       7.553        8.370        0.000        14.516       17.994       18.165       1.559        0.577        1.073        0.977        0.917        1.572        
SPOA0259         LacI_family_transcription_regulator                                                                                            46.552       47.915       71.636       50.285       16.854       57.780       16.352       25.295       36.730       39.340       20.639       21.236       14.980       9.874        12.351       17.702       
SPOA0260         aldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         14.205       10.538       5.875        4.345        1.713        2.610        1.884        0.999        1.858        3.885        1.297        0.863        1.785        1.625        2.744        2.196        
SPOA0261         GntR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          64.071       113.697      85.754       73.588       35.010       82.337       87.873       58.812       46.767       125.119      61.649       63.293       72.967       44.758       86.693       100.353      
SPOA0262         oxidoreductase,_FAD-binding                                                                                                    4.052        4.392        6.121        1.980        1.666        7.932        0.000        0.607        0.000        3.935        3.783        3.498        1.302        0.000        2.594        1.525        
SPOA0263         TRAP_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                                 2.670        6.240        6.764        3.127        3.156        2.404        6.507        4.026        2.852        3.727        1.195        3.314        2.878        1.497        1.755        3.974        
SPOA0264         TRAP_transporter_DctQ_family_protein                                                                                           2.055        1.708        2.380        3.081        1.944        1.481        0.000        0.000        0.000        3.673        2.207        0.000        1.013        0.922        2.594        0.000        
SPOA0265         TRAP_transporter_DctP_family_protein                                                                                           8.427        5.124        7.141        4.621        2.915        5.553        5.343        4.251        5.269        9.181        4.782        4.898        0.506        1.843        2.594        2.669        
SPOA0266         proline_racemase                                                                                                               2.325        1.932        2.692        2.613        1.099        1.675        0.000        0.801        0.993        0.000        2.496        0.923        1.145        1.564        0.489        1.510        
SPOA0267         dihydroxydipicolinate_synthase_family_protein                                                                                  2.517        3.327        2.650        2.572        1.082        1.648        0.000        0.789        0.978        0.000        1.228        1.363        2.255        1.026        0.000        0.991        
SPOA0268         IclR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          54.438       77.254       377.623      414.006      17.201       320.812      10.508       34.367       67.929       68.616       17.362       11.773       3.983        4.230        5.102        6.417        
SPOA0269         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           165.722      212.511      943.127      789.150      26.432       660.624      13.014       29.335       142.596      129.711      24.191       25.186       9.867        10.477       14.745       9.753        
SPOA0270         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           40.082       42.911       324.912      218.342      10.933       217.664      8.014        9.564        40.833       37.185       6.069        8.571        3.038        2.765        5.189        3.337        
SPOA0271         methylamine_utilization_protein_MauG                                                                                           21.973       19.081       191.886      143.742      6.386        138.179      4.682        4.966        32.317       27.353       3.545        4.292        1.775        2.019        3.031        3.898        
SPOA0272         glutathione-dependent_formaldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                               24.386       20.017       135.504      90.634       4.184        63.042       5.112        4.067        22.684       35.138       4.223        3.515        4.844        2.205        4.137        3.405        
SPOA0273         DNA-binding_protein                                                                                                            77.796       106.127      22.410       23.203       6.405        15.335       15.091       8.004        4.961        8.644        9.697        6.148        16.208       6.075        8.142        8.378        
SPOA0274         4-aminobutyrate_aminotransferase                                                                                               13.697       9.602        7.931        7.057        2.024        4.008        2.225        9.441        2.926        4.589        0.919        0.340        1.265        1.919        2.161        3.706        
SPOA0275         succinate-semialdehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                           11.079       16.172       5.201        3.366        3.539        4.045        3.892        6.192        2.559        2.006        0.268        0.892        1.844        0.336        2.520        2.593        
SPOA0276         fructokinase                                                                                                                   26.502       25.594       14.807       13.937       6.045        13.397       3.021        6.410        5.959        11.423       5.824        4.616        4.581        4.170        6.357        2.516        
SPOA0277         alpha/beta_hydrolase                                                                                                           19.924       23.992       28.422       20.556       40.272       28.601       26.269       18.908       24.671       12.898       20.152       10.894       24.895       10.359       21.259       11.250       
SPOA0278         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   17.645       22.690       10.703       11.334       15.095       7.263        19.656       8.688        34.460       10.509       2.105        1.335        3.726        0.754        2.828        2.546        
SPOA0279         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   23.250       42.036       12.465       12.906       18.320       9.305        11.191       2.968        106.686      9.616        1.541        3.420        4.243        2.896        3.623        0.932        
SPOA0280         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit                                                                                   122.886      206.861      29.276       30.476       43.132       30.484       105.710      20.457       436.707      89.357       13.769       14.405       10.831       4.929        6.474        9.041        
SPOA0281         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          36.630       46.270       12.897       6.491        2.340        8.914        6.433        4.265        3.172        6.633        8.858        6.880        10.365       5.549        4.686        5.893        
SPOA0282         malonyl-CoA_synthase                                                                                                           37.607       24.244       47.554       57.227       39.851       29.841       24.344       41.218       57.247       54.707       33.520       35.764       39.399       34.568       35.463       38.049       
SPOA0283         GMC_family_oxidoreductase                                                                                                      39.107       30.004       27.614       23.996       30.923       16.932       1.771        34.283       18.046       25.564       2.926        2.976        3.021        3.055        0.573        1.475        
SPOA0284         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          22.124       16.341       17.080       14.737       10.460       12.839       0.000        12.709       5.251        10.981       10.118       5.369        5.450        11.575       6.205        14.366       
SPOA0285         carnitinyl-CoA_dehydratase                                                                                                     401.178      299.984      92.011       102.370      25.702       67.279       7.247        49.004       60.743       73.473       37.417       43.180       33.652       20.628       78.586       146.636      
SPOA0287         acyl-CoA_synthetase                                                                                                            96.983       76.252       8.175        16.277       7.445        7.628        1.411        13.475       6.496        11.158       2.915        4.960        5.886        3.409        27.186       44.899       
SPOA0288         acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         305.006      166.813      25.104       26.840       15.151       12.222       4.900        44.180       17.717       21.051       3.036        2.246        7.894        5.917        94.774       141.993      
SPOA0289         AraC_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          15.575       8.088        4.227        0.000        3.452        11.395       3.163        2.516        3.119        4.348        6.097        2.899        9.592        6.002        8.191        7.901        
SPOA0290         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           46.118       45.132       33.230       19.968       13.082       25.839       0.000        20.487       24.519       75.991       28.243       16.280       35.849       19.302       30.613       33.274       
SPOA0291         branched-chain_amino_acid_aminotransferase                                                                                     86.678       56.859       66.037       58.972       22.108       32.863       14.823       39.308       42.877       76.416       37.145       27.629       33.714       16.366       14.875       37.523       
SPOA0292         phosphatidylserine_decarboxylase                                                                                               33.890       35.890       50.019       43.572       48.696       35.304       56.136       53.821       38.325       37.103       24.972       18.473       24.554       32.779       38.441       37.397       
SPOA0293         CDP-diacylglycerol--serine_O-phosphatidyltransferase                                                                           15.075       10.839       28.535       19.552       14.391       8.875        30.141       17.985       14.862       16.834       3.631        3.454        10.712       7.150        12.197       10.040       
SPOA0294         phosphatidylethanolamine_N-methyltransferase                                                                                   32.850       29.350       26.588       44.999       14.195       27.354       32.135       40.174       31.690       52.067       15.802       21.042       23.493       19.008       17.833       28.289       
SPOA0295         hydantoin_racemase                                                                                                             5.770        9.322        9.280        3.603        4.546        9.236        8.332        3.314        2.739        10.023       1.721        2.546        3.159        0.719        0.000        3.469        
SPOA0296         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 4.245        1.889        8.777        3.408        2.867        7.644        3.940        5.225        7.772        4.063        1.628        1.806        5.975        3.399        1.913        4.594        
SPOA0297         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                 10.915       12.208       16.204       8.389        7.277        19.656       10.912       5.787        9.565        8.751        2.504        3.890        5.515        3.765        4.121        2.423        
SPOA0299         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                    6.294        2.615        8.747        3.774        2.976        11.336       0.000        2.603        2.151        0.000        2.253        1.500        0.000        1.694        2.648        2.180        
SPOA0300         branched-chain_amino_acid_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_branched-chain_amino_acid-binding_protein                               23.395       30.613       37.332       29.680       7.403        60.379       7.182        12.063       6.296        13.165       10.219       9.145        12.252       3.304        8.138        6.380        
SPOA0301         GntR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          36.839       51.859       68.750       63.882       20.871       31.801       79.136       53.515       57.229       72.076       38.137       24.786       25.499       10.922       19.854       30.314       
SPOA0302         phage_integrase_family_site_specific_recombinase                                                                               6.900        14.333       6.053        2.350        0.989        1.883        2.717        1.441        1.787        0.934        2.619        2.906        3.606        2.344        2.639        3.168        
SPOA0303         replication_protein                                                                                                            84.526       53.420       31.166       21.662       6.598        17.233       5.182        11.680       28.957       27.605       7.848        5.146        2.455        1.788        9.645        19.418       
SPOA0304         replication_protein                                                                                                            69.251       63.240       25.182       17.549       5.536        13.255       6.522        6.342        20.009       13.449       8.681        7.307        5.769        2.250        3.871        14.121       
SPOA0305         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           164.275      234.316      128.786      59.528       15.774       97.853       0.000        13.142       38.009       34.064       39.234       22.083       50.095       37.759       22.058       35.764       
SPOA0306         S1_RNA-binding_domain-containing_protein                                                                                       54.787       41.097       53.972       33.144       29.005       29.977       13.598       33.110       32.915       37.813       15.149       15.865       22.728       16.635       19.609       24.088       
SPOA0308         fumarate_reductase                                                                                                             23.79        19.955       14.548       18.828       13.975       15.172       15.366       14.263       15.154       19.145       12.695       11.152       12.379       10.604       12.747       15.355       
SPOA0310         glycine_cleavage_system_protein_T                                                                                              5.709        2.823        5.247        3.395        2.570        6.038        3.533        5.309        4.258        4.857        3.243        1.979        1.563        2.032        3.050        3.727        
SPOA0311         FAD-dependent_oxidoreductase                                                                                                   4.371        4.540        5.273        6.142        2.153        2.460        2.367        4.708        4.669        6.102        3.585        2.351        5.160        1.429        3.257        2.365        
SPOA0312         glutamate-1-semialdehyde_2,1-aminomutase                                                                                       10.007       9.513        10.803       12.710       6.816        16.800       6.613        8.769        5.797        9.092        11.230       7.746        11.699       9.508        6.066        9.545        
SPOA0313         trimethylamine_methyltransferase_family_protein                                                                                4.813        7.352        9.016        7.426        4.350        9.433        3.680        5.367        7.862        7.588        6.587        4.217        8.021        5.713        7.147        8.273        
SPOA0314         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          13.391       16.270       7.314        6.627        3.583        10.465       6.567        5.225        10.794       6.771        4.069        4.014        3.112        1.133        2.657        8.203        
SPOA0315         isocitrate_dehydrogenase,_NADP-dependent                                                                                       98.533       114.029      234.953      160.180      112.260      40.717       138.579      109.570      130.755      108.047      155.124      117.824      100.203      89.655       121.083      83.985       
SPOA0316         amidohydrolase                                                                                                                 215.255      187.086      110.872      93.518       18.418       124.146      10.298       32.770       88.011       76.094       63.806       67.917       59.207       26.945       50.837       50.880       
SPOA0317         AsnC_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          34.946       48.726       5.544        12.556       2.263        13.794       0.000        1.650        8.181        4.277        8.567        3.802        5.896        0.000        0.000        3.109        
SPOA0318         methionine_gamma-lyase                                                                                                         4.730        6.424        41.078       12.269       1.720        6.552        0.000        1.254        4.663        4.063        6.511        2.890        3.137        2.039        7.271        3.937        
SPOA0319         transketolase                                                                                                                  7.404        6.646        19.584       9.933        3.674        4.610        3.564        3.781        5.858        7.350        8.833        8.531        8.557        6.354        7.307        6.332        
SPOA0320         5-carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate_delta-isomerase                                                                              26.195       12.092       13.482       10.906       8.256        11.532       0.000        2.006        4.974        2.600        12.500       3.468        2.868        6.526        6.123        3.780        
SPOA0322         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           26.798       25.598       37.375       36.645       47.626       21.840       10.169       25.618       24.234       19.222       12.251       16.313       17.346       17.543       29.626       20.322       
SPOA0323         cyclic_nucleotide-binding_protein                                                                                              134.334      106.580      127.835      76.898       101.440      67.201       56.579       80.380       59.781       51.393       69.558       46.310       58.217       34.861       60.180       45.769       
SPOA0324         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           81.714       75.979       87.868       51.029       50.590       66.573       20.228       67.055       49.871       88.643       40.387       40.178       49.844       24.429       35.197       37.901       
SPOA0325         2-nitropropane_dioxygenase                                                                                                     12.805       10.555       11.769       9.139        9.129        10.249       0.000        7.005        2.605        10.895       6.547        8.072        8.011        6.380        6.841        8.799        
SPOA0326         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          38.115       49.355       80.250       51.931       93.610       125.694      19.300       51.181       30.663       37.588       63.777       56.026       108.523      119.310      147.340      110.892      
SPOA0327         rzcC_protein                                                                                                                   45.284       53.867       26.892       27.554       8.234        29.276       10.060       8.004        21.496       13.831       11.775       11.528       15.255       12.149       6.513        10.891       
SPOA0328         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.277       14.327       11.981       11.629       0.815        3.105        4.482        2.377        5.893        10.783       1.851        1.370        1.699        2.320        0.725        2.986        
SPOA0329         methylglyoxal_synthase                                                                                                         3.948        0.000        3.266        2.113        1.333        0.000        7.331        0.000        0.000        2.520        1.009        1.120        0.000        1.265        1.187        0.000        
SPOA0330         2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphogluconate_aldolase                                                                                     7.642        7.592        17.314       14.939       2.356        14.361       0.000        8.016        2.839        7.421        8.919        7.257        6.548        9.685        9.785        7.192        
SPOA0332         dihydroxy-acid_dehydratase                                                                                                     3.772        3.539        2.114        0.912        1.726        3.287        1.581        1.258        2.079        2.174        1.306        2.416        3.297        1.910        1.792        1.580        
SPOA0333         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   1.383        0.359        3.002        2.590        0.817        2.179        4.493        0.596        2.954        0.000        1.546        0.343        1.703        0.388        1.454        1.122        
SPOA0334         TRAP_dicarboxylate_family_transporter_DctQ_subunit                                                                             2.347        5.688        6.795        0.000        6.473        6.341        0.000        4.045        6.685        5.242        13.301       6.214        6.746        7.017        4.938        8.468        
SPOA0335         TRAP_dicarboxylate_family_transporter_DctP_subunit                                                                             6.439        4.905        19.885       4.021        3.044        1.933        0.000        0.740        3.668        4.794        0.384        0.426        1.057        0.000        1.355        1.858        
SPOA0336         LacI_family_transcription_regulator                                                                                            34.478       51.409       33.068       21.399       2.500        14.476       5.498        6.561        15.362       19.842       14.384       12.601       4.169        7.114        2.670        9.157        
SPOA0337         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           5.150        7.726        38.653       42.879       10.145       31.430       32.225       20.707       40.334       160.595      13.653       11.551       6.578        2.352        5.818        15.894       
SPOA0338         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          18.865       21.460       23.406       17.671       5.840        18.200       2.919        8.514        22.067       21.066       16.076       12.041       13.277       6.043        8.031        8.750        
SPOA0339         HAD_family_hydrolase                                                                                                           157.927      483.274      9.447        9.781        0.771        7.052        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        5.255        1.296        4.019        1.463        0.000        1.413        
SPOA0340         tautomerase                                                                                                                    199.393      427.931      10.943       10.622       0.000        3.404        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        1.691        0.000        0.000        2.119        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0341         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           196.098      491.967      14.640       6.316        1.328        1.518        0.000        0.968        3.601        5.020        1.508        1.674        0.692        0.000        0.591        1.216        
SPOA0342         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           570.961      1484.861     24.213       18.803       3.295        4.519        18.116       1.922        1.191        3.736        1.497        1.107        2.060        2.500        2.932        1.810        
SPOA0343         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           513.292      1340.992     18.679       12.087       3.389        2.582        0.000        3.706        0.000        4.803        3.207        1.424        0.883        0.804        3.770        1.552        
SPOA0344         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          253.284      180.032      139.544      124.163      39.441       114.349      6.023        31.947       24.750       37.264       23.637       17.486       13.129       7.794        10.237       14.546       
SPOA0345         aldo/keto_reductase                                                                                                            950.161      3897.546     23.192       20.010       5.786        24.045       8.676        1.534        5.704        5.964        11.150       8.837        7.674        2.994        2.340        5.298        
SPOA0346         carboxymuconolactone_decarboxylase_family_protein                                                                              571.960      2070.405     16.330       2.113        2.667        0.000        0.000        1.944        0.000        0.000        1.009        2.240        0.000        0.000        0.000        2.442        
SPOA0347         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           216.082      872.079      10.666       3.451        4.355        6.635        0.000        1.905        0.787        4.114        1.978        3.292        2.269        1.239        2.713        3.589        
SPOA0348         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           78.392       138.624      13.966       25.607       6.652        30.408       0.000        5.542        12.022       12.570       7.194        14.369       10.893       8.112        16.913       13.052       
SPOA0349         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           15.055       21.796       30.377       9.401        8.088        7.394        2.965        7.862        13.643       14.264       6.123        5.888        7.305        5.114        7.677        4.444        
SPOA0350         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.011        4.199        0.000        0.000        2.389        3.640        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0351         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.340       11.778       21.886       17.704       20.105       6.807        0.000        22.799       0.000        4.221        1.691        1.876        6.984        6.356        5.964        10.227       
SPOA0352         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           23.233       18.768       15.881       16.927       11.442       4.649        6.291        11.121       10.339       11.531       4.908        5.446        1.987        5.426        5.430        4.889        
SPOA0353         aldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         13.458       8.295        15.414       13.854       7.691        8.789        1.922        5.607        0.632        4.624        3.176        1.468        1.822        2.653        2.178        3.521        
SPOA0354         aminotransferase,_class_III                                                                                                    15.833       15.045       10.728       6.942        10.750       9.404        6.567        5.225        5.757        7.524        8.138        6.689        6.639        10.574       8.858        9.114        
SPOA0355         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           18.770       20.218       13.418       13.892       8.217        19.615       0.000        2.396        3.960        5.176        5.806        3.221        2.854        2.078        1.950        1.505        
SPOA0356         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           22.661       13.975       24.602       11.940       6.696        13.072       0.000        3.051        4.538        3.954        6.653        5.625        6.542        3.970        4.842        5.748        
SPOA0357         DNA-binding_response_regulator                                                                                                 86.896       67.455       45.265       36.051       30.563       34.114       54.709       189.643      129.739      240.409      59.725       77.617       161.470      99.777       172.674      184.833      
SPOA0358         sensor_histidine_kinase                                                                                                        28.563       14.253       26.794       15.545       12.448       9.196        10.369       53.347       30.677       64.862       8.281        18.695       40.095       35.063       53.372       72.532       
SPOA0359         cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    274.152      179.395      21.279       15.147       78.185       19.855       167.165      1077.868     320.280      1808.966     111.798      251.757      687.110      575.142      583.663      612.494      
SPOA0360         multicopper_oxidase                                                                                                            160.509      75.893       11.506       17.183       71.188       14.866       248.339      800.299      205.716      710.134      18.055       91.367       204.476      226.558      253.074      336.173      
SPOA0361         cytochrome_c_family_protein                                                                                                    160.432      67.380       10.152       19.709       62.171       18.946       51.272       811.274      138.576      516.904      7.060        60.058       145.772      145.458      164.132      296.970      
SPOA0362         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           247.219      131.327      17.267       18.995       87.414       15.575       306.182      1820.246     224.227      813.889      9.606        129.091      261.523      181.203      264.103      528.007      
SPOA0363         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           73.919       43.786       5.016        3.246        21.842       4.160        26.269       345.327      59.211       295.358      12.918       39.562       212.677      163.797      315.244      339.372      
SPOA0364         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           111.517      51.811       15.516       11.585       26.800       8.538        24.111       519.331      103.914      555.209      5.533        44.615       193.972      134.956      361.202      469.818      
SPOA0365         copper-translocating_P-type_ATPase                                                                                             63.495       31.770       8.587        4.515        21.254       5.342        14.456       440.231      68.904       435.572      2.156        25.952       81.974       119.920      262.846      386.824      
SPOA0366         amino_acid_permease                                                                                                            31.672       18.894       7.523        9.129        12.286       8.190        4.222        156.181      36.776       112.452      2.616        10.643       31.608       56.447       129.833      171.561      
SPOA0367         ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                                              8.685        8.420        0.000        2.893        1.825        3.824        10.034       61.199       11.544       42.244       1.382        2.683        3.328        7.790        38.977       33.839       
SPOA0368         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           486.099      409.626      7.479        4.840        36.641       12.406       475.636      4193.598     912.347      5383.071     11.557       77.801       249.248      359.121      1277.970     1319.632     
SPOA0369         copper_resistance_protein_B                                                                                                    223.915      95.499       7.660        6.196        20.328       5.956        51.582       1249.365     206.298      1316.343     2.959        52.541       113.251      162.408      720.805      701.584      
SPOA0370         copper_resistance_protein_A                                                                                                    242.022      128.489      5.209        3.371        19.407       4.253        175.396      2014.419     290.681      4355.910     10.063       116.349      292.556      179.792      1084.241     1043.336     
SPOA0371         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1278.569     392.720      26.332       21.908       118.255      33.931       211.088      3000.462     835.436      5722.724     503.410      1041.079     2536.652     1455.232     2339.732     3140.125     
SPOA0372         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctQ_subunit                                                                                   5.448        12.933       11.265       8.748        2.759        7.008        0.000        4.023        8.312        1.738        9.749        3.091        5.751        0.872        2.456        4.211        
SPOA0373         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctM_subunit                                                                                   3.392        3.171        6.875        3.813        2.005        6.415        0.000        0.585        2.898        1.515        3.339        1.684        2.925        0.000        2.498        2.937        
SPOA0374         TRAP_dicarboxylate_transporter,_DctP_subunit                                                                                   5.258        2.184        7.306        3.940        0.497        7.196        2.733        2.899        2.695        2.818        8.279        4.594        8.289        5.658        7.963        3.186        
SPOA0375         GntR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          25.400       27.002       25.089       19.034       10.243       23.141       1.942        7.724        13.405       10.678       24.599       18.691       13.986       8.710        7.229        15.523       
SPOA0376         epoxide_hydrolase                                                                                                              2.503        3.813        9.663        2.501        1.578        3.306        0.000        1.150        4.991        0.000        1.195        1.657        0.411        0.374        1.053        2.167        
SPOA0377         aldehyde_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         5.271        3.649        3.391        3.291        5.537        2.900        1.903        3.028        5.004        1.962        2.358        3.779        2.525        2.954        0.308        1.584        
SPOA0378         mandelate_racemase                                                                                                             4.362        2.883        5.740        9.657        8.436        7.141        2.577        4.100        0.847        0.886        7.806        4.724        5.372        1.334        2.085        3.433        
SPOA0379         GntR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          6.237        8.020        6.879        7.233        5.266        12.837       1.930        2.559        8.882        9.950        7.972        10.026       9.511        8.324        7.810        5.786        
SPOA0380         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.404       19.458       17.434       8.148        3.954        19.581       2.174        5.765        6.432        14.196       13.171       12.290       13.598       10.502       12.668       7.965        
SPOA0381         spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_periplasmic_substrate-binding_protein                                                   56.781       92.175       876.725      969.993      216.749      576.058      109.327      356.607      1563.285     722.377      52.687       36.748       17.614       10.374       15.484       12.290       
SPOA0382         spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_ATP-binding_protein                                                                     20.223       15.650       397.207      384.813      91.862       223.165      43.805       69.017       471.796      150.556      18.095       12.598       8.303        3.556        5.839        6.437        
SPOA0383         spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                        8.910        11.825       209.224      228.126      47.975       142.632      86.848       70.800       311.917      172.461      8.415        8.846        4.877        1.665        4.165        0.536        
SPOA0384         spermidine/putrescine_ABC_transporter,_permease_protein                                                                        11.113       8.245        205.295      213.153      31.900       147.721      58.460       57.453       224.950      118.190      7.576        7.356        5.214        1.780        2.226        2.864        
SPOA0385         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           11.168       11.248       115.617      71.647       44.802       124.338      39.586       35.576       124.344      79.366       10.901       7.728        9.588        4.932        5.340        3.663        
SPOA0386         GMC_family_oxidoreductase                                                                                                      7.532        6.147        66.195       49.387       50.553       55.954       20.976       30.595       74.124       41.454       6.739        3.205        5.633        3.619        2.829        4.367        
SPOA0387         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          26.090       35.302       36.034       27.802       18.106       28.450       9.332        10.724       41.925       22.452       12.850       8.080        12.382       9.123        12.084       5.181        
SPOA0388         acetyl-CoA_synthetase                                                                                                          6.538        3.943        159.367      147.778      40.384       120.787      2.741        68.693       187.417      80.549       3.019        4.397        6.235        1.419        2.440        2.739        
SPOA0389         MerR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          56.706       41.697       90.074       67.689       23.725       67.781       6.522        15.566       42.877       17.932       23.348       11.958       23.487       22.503       8.445        14.121       
SPOA0390         phosphonate_monoester_hydrolase                                                                                                53.894       39.495       39.731       29.996       23.317       18.022       20.437       20.201       26.261       30.650       15.861       18.167       20.777       14.424       23.155       19.803       
SPOA0391         cyclic_nucleotide-binding_protein                                                                                              1.677        6.965        1.942        2.513        2.378        9.662        0.000        0.000        1.433        0.000        3.600        1.998        4.130        6.767        6.348        5.806        
SPOA0392         RNA_polymerase_sigma-70_factor                                                                                                 3.089        0.713        13.911       1.286        0.811        4.945        0.000        0.000        1.466        0.000        0.000        0.682        0.846        0.770        1.444        2.229        
SPOA0393         R_body_protein_RebB-like_protein                                                                                               0.735        1.527        17.023       11.016       1.737        15.884       0.000        2.533        0.000        3.283        0.000        0.000        1.811        0.000        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0394         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.516        1.799        2.508        0.000        1.024        1.170        2.815        0.746        0.925        0.967        0.388        0.000        0.000        0.486        0.000        0.000        
SPOA0395         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.861        2.812        10.778       6.974        2.800        5.790        2.199        1.750        0.723        0.756        3.634        3.360        0.834        0.379        2.848        2.564        
SPOA0396         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.728        1.512        4.213        5.453        6.880        6.552        0.000        2.508        0.000        0.000        3.906        0.000        1.792        3.263        0.000        1.575        
SPOA0397         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.055        3.651        6.106        9.220        2.493        6.964        4.568        2.423        0.000        1.570        1.887        3.490        0.866        0.788        0.739        3.043        
SPOA0398         R_body_protein_RebB-like_protein                                                                                               17.681       16.951       74.813       94.277       22.506       30.617       35.352       4.688        5.810        9.113        12.169       5.401        5.026        1.525        2.861        1.472        
SPOA0399         R_body_protein_RebB-like_protein                                                                                               40.850       42.428       218.049      277.421      72.424       108.053      8.295        21.999       35.449       31.362       17.133       12.674       7.862        10.018       12.084       13.816       
SPOA0400         endoribonuclease_L-PSP                                                                                                         56.101       35.768       9.648        16.650       2.626        21.007       0.000        7.658        7.119        7.443        6.958        6.618        8.210        4.982        5.842        16.832       
SPOA0401         benzoate-coenzyme_A_ligase                                                                                                     21.155       15.115       13.264       9.593        8.919        16.016       7.005        4.644        10.938       9.630        8.199        5.351        8.962        5.438        9.638        7.583        
SPOA0402         cupin                                                                                                                          24.255       19.146       16.853       14.541       2.293        14.852       0.000        1.672        8.290        13.001       7.813        4.816        3.585        3.263        7.143        8.400        
SPOA0403         acyl-CoA_dehydrogenase                                                                                                         31.020       13.126       19.957       14.349       3.169        13.449       4.977        5.940        11.453       1.711        4.797        4.563        8.491        4.723        3.625        9.533        
SPOA0404         enoyl-CoA_hydratase                                                                                                            22.620       13.587       22.091       11.232       3.865        10.307       3.542        3.757        15.136       14.608       8.778        4.329        4.699        3.666        6.306        8.258        
SPOA0405         MarR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          16.900       10.727       19.027       12.313       3.329        5.918        6.101        3.236        4.011        6.291        4.200        3.729        4.626        2.105        2.963        2.032        
SPOA0406         D-beta-hydroxybutyrate_dehydrogenase                                                                                           15.304       16.195       15.047       6.491        4.778        10.400       3.753        7.961        6.168        15.477       9.301        5.160        4.268        1.295        2.430        13.750       
SPOA0407         salicylyl-CoA_5-hydroxylase                                                                                                    17.143       8.705        10.478       5.353        3.602        6.689        3.713        2.954        6.103        5.530        3.409        2.080        3.988        0.641        3.206        7.009        
SPOA0408         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           19.460       11.717       8.165        8.454        3.333        8.127        3.665        4.860        4.820        3.779        4.038        4.480        6.253        0.632        1.780        7.936        
SPOA0409         tryptophan_2,3-dioxygenase                                                                                                     21.725       15.767       10.609       6.865        2.475        6.128        3.402        5.413        6.709        2.338        2.342        4.678        1.934        3.521        3.304        9.631        
SPOA0410         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.874        7.534        19.688       12.740       5.894        4.899        27.987       6.641        17.431       23.795       5.476        6.077        5.305        1.271        3.815        2.944        
SPOA0411         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           1.137        1.350        5.643        4.260        0.768        1.170        2.111        1.679        3.469        3.627        2.035        1.290        0.800        0.364        1.025        0.703        
SPOA0412         xanthine_dehydrogenase_family_protein,_medium_subunit                                                                          210.594      125.357      196.997      187.032      93.342       67.981       25.821       84.736       118.827      199.673      70.661       79.394       93.599       49.000       48.584       89.231       
SPOA0413         xanthine_dehydrogenase_family_protein,_small_subunit                                                                           108.917      38.025       95.392       101.168      30.291       41.208       17.843       23.659       68.428       40.883       23.749       21.809       38.329       14.365       22.142       34.669       
SPOA0414         xanthine_dehydrogenase_family_protein,_large_subunit                                                                           286.128      148.139      234.437      189.724      70.585       91.713       42.700       74.270       123.849      122.153      71.245       89.992       75.698       44.850       87.002       101.025      
SPOA0415         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           402.448      205.266      390.106      292.834      125.289      192.520      23.350       49.538       95.944       52.164       136.642      133.784      106.220      104.738      128.500      141.943      
SPOA0416         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           36.086       22.734       10.276       4.433        2.797        3.196        0.000        3.058        1.264        0.000        4.235        2.937        2.186        1.990        3.733        3.841        
SPOA0417         GntR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          69.269       61.384       14.718       11.906       2.253        10.300       0.000        1.095        4.072        4.258        11.941       8.833        5.479        4.987        4.010        3.439        
SPOA0418         acetolactate_synthase,_large_subunit                                                                                           24.169       14.229       8.232        10.169       3.361        6.983        1.680        1.336        1.104        3.464        8.095        4.619        5.731        4.057        4.622        3.077        
SPOA0419         PhzF_family_phenazine_biosynthesis_protein                                                                                     6.805        4.893        12.124       8.826        4.331        13.199       3.402        3.608        2.236        7.015        8.431        7.276        9.672        11.150       10.461       8.498        
SPOA0420         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           4.410        0.000        0.000        8.262        2.606        9.927        14.328       7.600        4.710        0.000        1.973        6.568        13.579       4.944        13.915       7.159        
SPOA0421         pyridoxamine_5'-phosphate_oxidase_family_protein                                                                               5.298        4.402        12.271       10.588       3.340        5.725        0.000        3.652        1.509        3.156        1.896        0.701        0.870        0.000        1.486        1.529        
SPOA0422         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           0.945        1.963        8.207        7.082        2.234        6.807        0.000        1.628        8.074        0.000        1.691        0.000        1.164        0.000        0.000        1.023        
SPOA0423         TetR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          114.178      88.439       172.560      201.578      116.197      135.922      150.906      206.764      109.132      679.436      87.962       105.291      151.596      100.666      229.600      359.398      
SPOA0424         fatty_oxidation_complex,_alpha_subunit                                                                                         23.949       18.841       33.634       30.930       12.527       32.485       14.569       5.269        18.286       29.589       15.684       21.450       24.351       15.538       16.722       19.853       
SPOA0425         acetyl-CoA_acetyltransferase                                                                                                   17.739       12.408       30.393       27.806       7.702        27.056       2.352        6.862        9.279        20.213       17.167       12.220       27.199       12.987       13.707       12.929       
SPOA0426         AraC_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          7.254        5.936        5.091        9.060        5.716        6.730        0.000        1.515        4.696        9.819        4.721        4.365        6.498        5.422        7.861        8.089        
SPOA0427         ArsR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          268.566      234.970      256.619      151.190      84.440       146.530      42.985       79.795       93.258       85.688       99.435       107.708      76.587       62.293       59.835       105.953      
SPOA0428         mandelate_racemase                                                                                                             52.968       35.565       36.142       36.753       21.079       35.973       2.318        31.963       35.810       31.865       18.191       18.415       20.648       6.798        11.255       31.268       
SPOA0429         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           328.573      258.306      138.394      128.100      42.197       126.411      27.525       61.002       129.902      160.822      131.295      134.574      156.514      81.405       91.013       85.134       
SPOA0430         zinc-binding_dehydrogenase_family_oxidoreductase                                                                               417.794      386.180      262.743      199.236      94.510       224.285      28.578       93.700       141.766      233.945      168.489      201.646      264.437      201.695      270.390      230.190      
SPOA0431         tetracycline_resistance_protein                                                                                                15.866       9.849        43.293       24.599       17.244       16.093       2.370        15.085       22.594       8.961        10.117       9.777        8.086        11.449       12.276       16.974       
SPOA0432         3-carboxy-cis,cis-muconate_cycloisomerase                                                                                      65.733       66.234       154.324      103.541      62.232       107.779      34.002       71.572       88.019       137.313      68.471       67.860       74.921       48.761       69.826       57.337       
SPOA0434         3-oxoadipate_enol-lactone_hydrolase                                                                                            49.991       70.960       147.943      122.791      41.361       115.038      18.047       50.731       85.427       90.560       139.158      109.192      205.928      104.615      103.992      90.772       
SPOA0435         pyridoxal-phosphate_dependent_enzyme                                                                                           83.319       65.312       94.926       64.794       23.359       64.308       2.919        23.221       50.851       40.126       16.879       22.743       21.023       17.121       20.787       39.861       
SPOA0436         alpha/beta_hydrolase                                                                                                           68.531       62.659       64.346       60.476       18.139       43.363       3.439        20.975       38.434       48.458       24.148       24.694       31.938       14.832       23.377       46.963       
SPOA0437         haloacid_dehalogenase                                                                                                          104.997      57.676       101.633      63.376       30.931       77.016       0.000        23.099       50.447       38.490       36.551       31.052       36.164       15.027       25.511       40.065       
SPOA0438         peptidyl-prolyl_cis-trans_isomerase,_FKBP-type                                                                                 90.186       91.542       145.383      178.559      16.958       82.132       6.660        38.854       151.052      73.245       51.351       47.823       30.295       16.085       19.403       34.383       
SPOA0439         enoyl-ACP_reductase                                                                                                            323.703      246.553      262.721      202.146      128.188      124.565      75.510       167.826      178.479      198.968      78.226       90.098       92.008       70.098       123.966      164.685      
SPOA0440         3-oxoacyl-ACP_synthase                                                                                                         421.640      340.365      346.117      213.978      177.475      184.229      110.984      283.896      215.094      328.202      151.543      174.515      164.345      86.960       171.030      202.553      
SPOA0441         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           71.037       89.665       125.680      74.860       29.737       119.937      12.823       22.103       50.581       34.155       100.639      85.223       69.876       59.729       55.000       51.254       
SPOA0442         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           2.347        9.752        0.000        8.795        5.549        25.363       0.000        16.180       20.055       10.485       16.802       13.983       11.564       0.000        4.938        5.081        
SPOA0443         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           71.928       135.514      324.461      269.504      67.221       363.003      228.267      112.421      160.790      201.738      246.954      152.791      191.608      108.766      156.585      182.843      
SPOA0444         3-hydroxydecanoyl-ACP_dehydratase                                                                                              136.486      136.840      122.156      120.993      208.648      96.150       145.489      149.877      171.065      148.087      130.212      123.968      136.821      136.119      212.844      123.017      
SPOA0445         FUR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                           238.708      253.367      363.725      262.831      220.269      352.590      102.051      250.785      216.931      381.142      308.200      261.947      406.205      300.476      296.222      277.605      
SPOA0446         LysR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          13.918       14.202       12.724       8.234        1.732        7.036        0.000        3.366        1.043        1.091        4.370        4.849        2.406        2.190        5.136        1.057        
SPOA0449         phytanoyl-CoA_dioxygenase                                                                                                      11.258       10.267       22.258       18.519       5.842        9.396        3.569        4.732        8.211        4.906        1.474        3.271        3.382        0.616        4.621        5.349        
SPOA0450         hypothetical_protein                                                                                                           53.360       90.690       35.110       40.896       111.805      26.209       236.419      200.628      67.353       86.673       39.064       24.081       44.812       46.226       89.289       73.499       
SPOA0451         MarR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          66.777       132.017      98.662       124.240      35.926       81.280       53.868       60.315       110.178      96.684       46.975       39.322       26.093       22.717       35.845       80.743       
SPOA0452         MarR_family_transcriptional_regulator                                                                                          84.351       119.380      150.278      133.714      49.302       111.845      132.515      87.855       99.000       165.617      80.450       72.704       34.251       31.175       56.547       79.251